path: root/testing/mochitest/tests/MochiKit-1.4.2/tests/test_MochiKit-DOM.html
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /testing/mochitest/tests/MochiKit-1.4.2/tests/test_MochiKit-DOM.html
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/mochitest/tests/MochiKit-1.4.2/tests/test_MochiKit-DOM.html')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mochitest/tests/MochiKit-1.4.2/tests/test_MochiKit-DOM.html b/testing/mochitest/tests/MochiKit-1.4.2/tests/test_MochiKit-DOM.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fb07cdbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mochitest/tests/MochiKit-1.4.2/tests/test_MochiKit-DOM.html
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/MockDOM.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/Base.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/Iter.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/DOM.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/Style.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="SimpleTest/test.css">
+<div style="display: none;">
+ <form id="form_test">
+ <select name="select">
+ <option value="foo" selected="selected">foo</option>
+ <option value="bar">bar</option>
+ <option value="baz">baz</option>
+ </select>
+ <select name="selmultiple" multiple="multiple">
+ <option value="bar" selected="selected">bar</option>
+ <option value="baz" selected="selected">baz</option>
+ <option value="foo">foo</option>
+ </select>
+ <input type="hidden" name="hidden" value="test" />
+ <input type="radio" name="radio_off" value="1" />
+ <input type="radio" name="radio_off" value="2" />
+ <input type="radio" name="radio_off" value="3" />
+ <input type="radio" name="radio_on" value="1" />
+ <input type="radio" name="radio_on" value="2" checked="checked" />
+ <input type="radio" name="radio_on" value="3" />
+ </form>
+ <form id="form_test2">
+ <select name="selempty">
+ <option value="" selected="selected">foo</option>
+ </select>
+ <select name="selempty2">
+ <option selected="selected">foo</option>
+ </select>
+ </form>
+ <div id="parentTwo" class="two">
+ <div id="parentOne" class="one">
+ <div id="parentZero" class="zero">
+ <span id="child">child</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<pre id="test">
+<script type="text/javascript">
+try {
+ lst = [];
+ o = {"blah": function () { lst.push("original"); }};
+ addToCallStack(o, "blah", function () { lst.push("new"); }, true);
+ addToCallStack(o, "blah", function () { lst.push("stuff"); }, true);
+ is( typeof(o.blah), 'function', 'addToCallStack has a function' );
+ is( o.blah.callStack.length, 3, 'callStack length 3' );
+ o.blah();
+ is( lst.join(" "), "original new stuff", "callStack in correct order" );
+ is( o.blah, null, "set to null" );
+ lst = [];
+ o = {"blah": function () { lst.push("original"); }};
+ addToCallStack(o, "blah",
+ function () { lst.push("new"); return false;}, false);
+ addToCallStack(o, "blah", function () { lst.push("stuff"); }, false);
+ o.blah();
+ is( lst.join(" "), "original new", "callStack in correct order (abort)" );
+ o.blah();
+ is( lst.join(" "), "original new original new", "callStack in correct order (again)" );
+ is( escapeHTML("<>\"&bar"), "&lt;&gt;&quot;&amp;bar", "escapeHTML" ); // for emacs highlighting: "
+ var isDOM = function (value, expected, message) {
+ is( escapeHTML(toHTML(value)), escapeHTML(expected), message );
+ };
+ var d = document.createElement('span');
+ updateNodeAttributes(d, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "wibble"});
+ isDOM( d, '<span baz="wibble" foo="bar"/>', "updateNodeAttributes" );
+ var d = document.createElement('input');
+ d.value = "foo";
+ updateNodeAttributes(d, { value: "bar" });
+ is( d.value, 'bar', "updateNodeAttributes updates value property" );
+ is( d.getAttribute("value"), 'bar', "updateNodeAttributes updates value attribute" );
+ var d = document.createElement('span');
+ var o = { elem: SPAN(null, "foo"), __dom__: function() { return this.elem; } };
+ appendChildNodes(d, 'word up', [document.createElement('span')], o);
+ isDOM( d, '<span>word up<span/><span>foo</span></span>', 'appendChildNodes' );
+ removeElement(o);
+ isDOM( d, '<span>word up<span/></span>', 'removeElement using DOM Coercion Rules' );
+ replaceChildNodes(d, 'Think Different');
+ isDOM( d, '<span>Think Different</span>', 'replaceChildNodes' );
+ insertSiblingNodesBefore(d.childNodes[0], 'word up', document.createElement('span'));
+ isDOM( d, '<span>word up<span/>Think Different</span>', 'insertSiblingNodesBefore' );
+ insertSiblingNodesAfter(d.childNodes[0], 'purple monkey', document.createElement('span'));
+ isDOM( d, '<span>word uppurple monkey<span/><span/>Think Different</span>', 'insertSiblingNodesAfter' );
+ d = createDOM("span");
+ isDOM( d, "<span/>", "createDOM empty" );
+ d = createDOM("span", {"foo": "bar", "baz": "wibble"});
+ isDOM( d, '<span baz="wibble" foo="bar"/>', "createDOM attributes" );
+ d = createDOM("span", {"foo": "bar", "baz": "wibble", "spam": "egg"}, "one", "two", "three");
+ is( getNodeAttribute(d, 'foo'), "bar", "createDOM attribute" );
+ is( getNodeAttribute(d, 'baz'), "wibble", "createDOM attribute" );
+ is( getNodeAttribute(d, 'lang'), null, "getNodeAttribute on IE added attribute" );
+ is( getNodeAttribute("donotexist", 'foo'), null, "getNodeAttribute invalid node id" );
+ removeNodeAttribute(d, "spam");
+ is( scrapeText(d), "onetwothree", "createDOM contents" );
+ isDOM( d, '<span baz="wibble" foo="bar">onetwothree</span>', "createDOM contents" );
+ d = createDOM("span", null, function (f) {
+ return this.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "hi" + f.nodeName.toLowerCase();});
+ isDOM( d, '<span>spanhispan</span>', 'createDOM function call' );
+ d = createDOM("span", null, {msg: "hi", dom: function (f) {
+ return f.nodeName.toLowerCase() + this.msg; }});
+ isDOM( d, '<span>spanhi</span>', 'createDOM this.dom() call' );
+ d = createDOM("span", null, {msg: "hi", __dom__: function (f) {
+ return f.nodeName.toLowerCase() + this.msg; }});
+ isDOM( d, '<span>spanhi</span>', 'createDOM this.__dom__() call' );
+ d = createDOM("span", null, range(4));
+ isDOM( d, '<span>0123</span>', 'createDOM iterable' );
+ var d = {"taco": "pork"};
+ registerDOMConverter("taco",
+ function (o) { return !isUndefinedOrNull(o.taco); },
+ function (o) { return "Goddamn, I like " + o.taco + " tacos"; }
+ );
+ d = createDOM("span", null, d);
+ // not yet public API
+ domConverters.unregister("taco");
+ isDOM( d, "<span>Goddamn, I like pork tacos</span>", "createDOM with custom converter" );
+ is(
+ escapeHTML(toHTML(SPAN(null))),
+ escapeHTML(toHTML(createDOM("span", null))),
+ "createDOMFunc vs createDOM"
+ );
+ is( scrapeText(d), "Goddamn, I like pork tacos", "scrape OK" );
+ is( scrapeText(d, true).join(""), "Goddamn, I like pork tacos", "scrape Array OK" );
+ var st = DIV(null, STRONG(null, "d"), "oor ", STRONG(null, "f", SPAN(null, "r"), "a"), "me");
+ is( scrapeText(st), "door frame", "scrape in-order" );
+ ok( !isUndefinedOrNull(getElement("test")), "getElement might work" );
+ ok( !isUndefinedOrNull($("test")), "$ alias might work" );
+ ok( getElement("donotexist") === null, "getElement invalid id" );
+ d = createDOM("span", null, "one", "two");
+ swapDOM(d.childNodes[0], document.createTextNode("uno"));
+ isDOM( d, "<span>unotwo</span>", "swapDOM" );
+ var o = { elem: SPAN(null, "foo"), __dom__: function() { return this.elem; } };
+ swapDOM(d.childNodes[0], o);
+ isDOM( d, "<span><span>foo</span>two</span>", "swapDOM using DOM Coercion Rules" );
+ is( scrapeText(d, true).join(" "), "foo two", "multi-node scrapeText" );
+ /*
+ addLoadEvent (async test?)
+ */
+ d = createDOM("span", {"class": "foo"});
+ setElementClass(d, "bar baz");
+ ok( d.className == "bar baz", "setElementClass");
+ toggleElementClass("bar", d);
+ ok( d.className == "baz", "toggleElementClass: " + d.className);
+ toggleElementClass("bar", d);
+ ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz", "bar"),
+ "toggleElementClass 2: " + d.className);
+ addElementClass(d, "bar");
+ ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz", "bar"),
+ "toggleElementClass 3: " + d.className);
+ ok( addElementClass(d, "blah"), "addElementClass return");
+ ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz", "bar", "blah"), "addElementClass action");
+ ok( !hasElementClass(d, "not"), "hasElementClass single");
+ ok( !hasElementClass(d, "baz", "not"), "hasElementClass multiple");
+ ok( removeElementClass(d, "blah"), "removeElementClass" );
+ ok( !removeElementClass(d, "blah"), "removeElementClass again" );
+ ok( !hasElementClass(d, "blah"), "removeElementClass again (hasElement)" );
+ removeElementClass(d, "baz");
+ ok( !swapElementClass(d, "blah", "baz"), "false swapElementClass" );
+ ok( !hasElementClass(d, "baz"), "false swapElementClass from" );
+ ok( !hasElementClass(d, "blah"), "false swapElementClass to" );
+ addElementClass(d, "blah");
+ ok( swapElementClass(d, "blah", "baz"), "swapElementClass" );
+ ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz"), "swapElementClass has toClass" );
+ ok( !hasElementClass(d, "blah"), "swapElementClass !has fromClass" );
+ ok( !swapElementClass(d, "blah", "baz"), "swapElementClass twice" );
+ ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz"), "swapElementClass has toClass" );
+ ok( !hasElementClass(d, "blah"), "swapElementClass !has fromClass" );
+ ok( !hasElementClass("donotexist", "foo"), "hasElementClass invalid node id" );
+ TR;
+ var t = TABLE(null,
+ TBODY({"class": "foo bar", "id":"tbody0"},
+ TR({"class": "foo", "id":"tr0"}),
+ TR({"class": "bar", "id":"tr1"})
+ )
+ );
+ var matchElements = getElementsByTagAndClassName;
+ is(
+ map(itemgetter("id"), matchElements(null, "foo", t)).join(" "),
+ "tbody0 tr0",
+ "getElementsByTagAndClassName found all tags with foo class"
+ );
+ is(
+ map(itemgetter("id"), matchElements("tr", "foo", t)).join(" "),
+ "tr0",
+ "getElementsByTagAndClassName found all tr tags with foo class"
+ );
+ is(
+ map(itemgetter("id"), matchElements("tr", null, t)).join(" "),
+ "tr0 tr1",
+ "getElementsByTagAndClassName found all tr tags"
+ );
+ is( getElementsByTagAndClassName("td", null, t).length, 0, "getElementsByTagAndClassName no match found");
+ is( getElementsByTagAndClassName("p", [], "donotexist").length, 0, "getElementsByTagAndClassName invalid parent id");
+ is( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName(null, "foo", t).id, "tbody0", "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName class name" );
+ is( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName("tr", "foo", t).id, "tr0", "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName tag and class name" );
+ is( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName("tr", null, t).id, "tr0", "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName tag name" );
+ ok( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName("td", null, t) === null, "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName no matching tag" );
+ ok( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName("tr", "donotexist", t) === null, "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName no matching class" );
+ ok( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName('*', null, 'donotexist') === null, "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName invalid parent id" );
+ var oldDoc = document;
+ var doc = MochiKit.MockDOM.createDocument();
+ is( currentDocument(), document, "currentDocument() correct" );
+ withDocument(doc, function () {
+ ok( document != doc, "global doc unchanged" );
+ is( currentDocument(), doc, "currentDocument() correct" );
+ var h1 = H1();
+ var span = SPAN(null, "foo", h1);
+ appendChildNodes(currentDocument().body, span);
+ });
+ is( document, oldDoc, "doc restored" );
+ is( doc.childNodes.length, 1, "doc has one child" );
+ is( doc.body.childNodes.length, 1, "body has one child" );
+ var sp = doc.body.childNodes[0];
+ is( sp.nodeName, "SPAN", "only child is SPAN" );
+ is( sp.childNodes.length, 2, "SPAN has two childNodes" );
+ is( sp.childNodes[0].nodeValue, "foo", "first node is text" );
+ is( sp.childNodes[1].nodeName, "H1", "second child is H1" );
+ is( currentDocument(), document, "currentDocument() correct" );
+ try {
+ withDocument(doc, function () {
+ ok( document != doc, "global doc unchanged" );
+ is( currentDocument(), doc, "currentDocument() correct" );
+ throw new Error("foo");
+ });
+ ok( false, "didn't throw" );
+ } catch (e) {
+ ok( true, "threw" );
+ }
+ var mockWindow = {"foo": "bar"};
+ is (currentWindow(), window, "currentWindow ok");
+ withWindow(mockWindow, function () {
+ is(currentWindow(), mockWindow, "withWindow ok");
+ });
+ is (currentWindow(), window, "currentWindow ok");
+ doc = MochiKit.MockDOM.createDocument();
+ var frm;
+ withDocument(doc, function () {
+ frm = FORM({name: "ignore"},
+ INPUT({name:"foo", value:"bar"}),
+ INPUT({name:"foo", value:"bar"}),
+ INPUT({name:"baz", value:"bar"})
+ );
+ });
+ var kv = formContents(frm);
+ is( kv[0].join(","), "foo,foo,baz", "mock formContents names" );
+ is( kv[1].join(","), "bar,bar,bar", "mock formContents values" );
+ is( queryString(frm), "foo=bar&foo=bar&baz=bar", "mock queryString hook" );
+ var kv = formContents("form_test");
+ is( kv[0].join(","), "select,selmultiple,selmultiple,hidden,radio_on", "formContents names" );
+ is( kv[1].join(","), "foo,bar,baz,test,2", "formContents values" );
+ is( queryString("form_test"), "select=foo&selmultiple=bar&selmultiple=baz&hidden=test&radio_on=2", "queryString hook" );
+ kv = formContents("form_test2");
+ is( kv[0].join(","), "selempty,selempty2", "formContents names empty option values" );
+ is( kv[1].join(","), ",foo", "formContents empty option values" );
+ is( queryString("form_test2"), "selempty=&selempty2=foo", "queryString empty option values" );
+ var d = DIV(null, SPAN(), " \n\t", SPAN(), "foo", SPAN(), " ");
+ is( d.childNodes.length, 6, "removeEmptyNodes test conditions correct" );
+ removeEmptyTextNodes(d);
+ is( d.childNodes.length, 4, "removeEmptyNodes" );
+ is( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', 'div', 'two'), getElement("parentTwo"), "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found parent" );
+ is( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', 'div'), getElement("parentZero"), "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found parent (any class)" );
+ is( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', '*', 'two'), getElement("parentTwo"), "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found parent (any tag)" );
+ is( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', '*'), getElement("parentZero"), "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found parent (any tag + any class)" );
+ ok( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', 'form') === null, "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found null parent (no match)" );
+ ok( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('donotexist', '*') === null, "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName invalid elem id" );
+ ok( isChildNode('child', 'child'), "isChildNode of itself");
+ ok( isChildNode('child', 'parentZero'), "isChildNode direct child");
+ ok( isChildNode('child', 'parentTwo'), "isChildNode sub child");
+ ok( !isChildNode('child', 'form_test'), "isChildNode wrong child");
+ ok( !isChildNode('child', 'donotexist'), "isChildNode no parent");
+ ok( !isChildNode('donotexist', 'child'), "isChildNode no parent");
+ ok( isChildNode('child', document.body), "isChildNode of body");
+ ok( isChildNode($('child').firstChild, 'parentTwo'), "isChildNode text node");
+ ok( !isChildNode( SPAN(), document.body), "isChildNode child not in DOM");
+ ok( !isChildNode( SPAN(), 'child'), "isChildNode child not in DOM");
+ ok( !isChildNode( 'child', SPAN()), "isChildNode parent not in DOM");
+ // Test optional dependency on Iter
+ var Iter = MochiKit.Iter;
+ delete MochiKit["Iter"];
+ d = DIV({"foo": "bar"}, SPAN({}, "one"));
+ is( getNodeAttribute(d, 'foo'), "bar", "createDOM attribute without Iter" );
+ is( scrapeText(d), "one", "node contents without Iter" );
+ MochiKit.Iter = Iter;
+ ok( true, "test suite finished!");
+} catch (err) {
+ var s = "test suite failure!\n";
+ var o = {};
+ var k = null;
+ for (k in err) {
+ // ensure unique keys?!
+ if (!o[k]) {
+ s += k + ": " + err[k] + "\n";
+ o[k] = err[k];
+ }
+ }
+ ok ( false, s );