path: root/taskcluster/docs/transforms.rst
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /taskcluster/docs/transforms.rst
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'taskcluster/docs/transforms.rst')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/taskcluster/docs/transforms.rst b/taskcluster/docs/transforms.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1679c5589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/docs/transforms.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+Many task kinds generate tasks by a process of transforming job descriptions
+into task definitions. The basic operation is simple, although the sequence of
+transforms applied for a particular kind may not be!
+To begin, a kind implementation generates a collection of items; see
+:doc:`loading`. The items are simply Python dictionaries, and describe
+"semantically" what the resulting task or tasks should do.
+The kind also defines a sequence of transformations. These are applied, in
+order, to each item. Early transforms might apply default values or break
+items up into smaller items (for example, chunking a test suite). Later
+transforms rewrite the items entirely, with the final result being a task
+Transform Functions
+Each transformation looks like this:
+.. code-block::
+ @transforms.add
+ def transform_an_item(config, items):
+ """This transform ...""" # always a docstring!
+ for item in items:
+ # ..
+ yield item
+The ``config`` argument is a Python object containing useful configuration for
+the kind, and is a subclass of
+:class:`taskgraph.transforms.base.TransformConfig`, which specifies a few of
+its attributes. Kinds may subclass and add additional attributes if necessary.
+While most transforms yield one item for each item consumed, this is not always
+true: items that are not yielded are effectively filtered out. Yielding
+multiple items for each consumed item implements item duplication; this is how
+test chunking is accomplished, for example.
+The ``transforms`` object is an instance of
+:class:`taskgraph.transforms.base.TransformSequence`, which serves as a simple
+mechanism to combine a sequence of transforms into one.
+The items used in transforms are validated against some simple schemas at
+various points in the transformation process. These schemas accomplish two
+things: they provide a place to add comments about the meaning of each field,
+and they enforce that the fields are actually used in the documented fashion.
+Keyed By
+Several fields in the input items can be "keyed by" another value in the item.
+For example, a test description's chunks may be keyed by ``test-platform``.
+In the item, this looks like:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ chunks:
+ by-test-platform:
+ linux64/debug: 12
+ linux64/opt: 8
+ default: 10
+This is a simple but powerful way to encode business rules in the items
+provided as input to the transforms, rather than expressing those rules in the
+transforms themselves. If you are implementing a new business rule, prefer
+this mode where possible. The structure is easily resolved to a single value
+using :func:`taskgraph.transform.base.get_keyed_by`.
+Task creation operates broadly in a few phases, with the interfaces of those
+stages defined by schemas. The process begins with the raw data structures
+parsed from the YAML files in the kind configuration. This data can processed
+by kind-specific transforms resulting, for test jobs, in a "test description".
+For non-test jobs, the next step is a "job description". These transformations
+may also "duplicate" tasks, for example to implement chunking or several
+variations of the same task.
+In any case, shared transforms then convert this into a "task description",
+which the task-generation transforms then convert into a task definition
+suitable for ``queue.createTask``.
+Test Descriptions
+The transforms configured for test kinds proceed as follows, based on
+configuration in ``kind.yml``:
+ * The test description is validated to conform to the schema in
+ ``taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/tests/``. This schema
+ is extensively documented and is a the primary reference for anyone
+ modifying tests.
+ * Kind-specific transformations are applied. These may apply default
+ settings, split tests (e.g., one to run with feature X enabled, one with it
+ disabled), or apply across-the-board business rules such as "all desktop
+ debug test platforms should have a max-run-time of 5400s".
+ * Transformations generic to all tests are applied. These apply policies
+ which apply to multiple kinds, e.g., for treeherder tiers. This is also the
+ place where most values which differ based on platform are resolved, and
+ where chunked tests are split out into a test per chunk.
+ * The test is again validated against the same schema. At this point it is
+ still a test description, just with defaults and policies applied, and
+ per-platform options resolved. So transforms up to this point do not modify
+ the "shape" of the test description, and are still governed by the schema in
+ ````.
+ * The ``taskgraph.transforms.tests.make_task_description:transforms`` then
+ take the test description and create a *task* description. This transform
+ embodies the specifics of how test runs work: invoking mozharness, various
+ worker options, and so on.
+ * Finally, the ``taskgraph.transforms.task:transforms``, described above
+ under "Task-Generation Transforms", are applied.
+Test dependencies are produced in the form of a dictionary mapping dependency
+name to task label.
+Job Descriptions
+A job description says what to run in the task. It is a combination of a
+``run`` section and all of the fields from a task description. The run section
+has a ``using`` property that defines how this task should be run; for example,
+``mozharness`` to run a mozharness script, or ``mach`` to run a mach command.
+The remainder of the run section is specific to the run-using implementation.
+The effect of a job description is to say "run this thing on this worker". The
+job description must contain enough information about the worker to identify
+the workerType and the implementation (docker-worker, generic-worker, etc.).
+Any other task-description information is passed along verbatim, although it is
+augmented by the run-using implementation.
+The run-using implementations are all located in
+``taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job``, along with the schemas for their
+implementations. Those well-commented source files are the canonical
+documentation for what constitutes a job description, and should be considered
+part of the documentation.
+Task Descriptions
+Every kind needs to create tasks, and all of those tasks have some things in
+common. They all run on one of a small set of worker implementations, each
+with their own idiosyncracies. And they all report to TreeHerder in a similar
+The transforms in ``taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/`` implement
+this common functionality. They expect a "task description", and produce a
+task definition. The schema for a task description is defined at the top of
+````, with copious comments. Go forth and read it now!
+In general, the task-description transforms handle functionality that is common
+to all Gecko tasks. While the schema is the definitive reference, the
+functionality includes:
+* TreeHerder metadata
+* Build index routes
+* Information about the projects on which this task should run
+* Optimizations
+* Defaults for ``expires-after`` and and ``deadline-after``, based on project
+* Worker configuration
+The parts of the task description that are specific to a worker implementation
+are isolated in a ``task_description['worker']`` object which has an
+``implementation`` property naming the worker implementation. Each worker
+implementation has its own section of the schema describing the fields it
+expects. Thus the transforms that produce a task description must be aware of
+the worker implementation to be used, but need not be aware of the details of
+its payload format.
+The ```` file also contains a dictionary mapping treeherder groups to
+group names using an internal list of group names. Feel free to add additional
+groups to this list as necessary.
+More Detail
+The source files provide lots of additional detail, both in the code itself and
+in the comments and docstrings. For the next level of detail beyond this file,
+consult the transform source under ``taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms``.