path: root/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs
diff options
authorjanekptacijarabaci <>2018-03-27 15:57:18 +0200
committerjanekptacijarabaci <>2018-03-27 15:57:18 +0200
commitd990d8ab2cade6c928e8bbe56ae038d020cef599 (patch)
treec7561ae0f303cb0d4a7a7507178531b4852e4dea /security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs
parent0c36b27511c1fbca594f0426c493ef601fda3e4c (diff)
parent8d5ec757ece850fb7ad5c712868f305636e41177 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of into js_array_values_1
Diffstat (limited to 'security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs')
4 files changed, 542 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.CTR.fst b/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.CTR.fst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e411cd353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.CTR.fst
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/* Copyright 2016-2017 INRIA and Microsoft Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+module Spec.CTR
+module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
+open FStar.Mul
+open FStar.Seq
+open Spec.Lib
+#reset-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 0 --initial_ifuel 0 --max_ifuel 0"
+type block_cipher_ctx = {
+ keylen: nat ;
+ blocklen: (x:nat{x>0});
+ noncelen: nat;
+ counterbits: nat;
+ incr: pos}
+type key (c:block_cipher_ctx) = lbytes c.keylen
+type nonce (c:block_cipher_ctx) = lbytes c.noncelen
+type block (c:block_cipher_ctx) = lbytes (c.blocklen*c.incr)
+type counter (c:block_cipher_ctx) = UInt.uint_t c.counterbits
+type block_cipher (c:block_cipher_ctx) = key c -> nonce c -> counter c -> block c
+val xor: #len:nat -> x:lbytes len -> y:lbytes len -> Tot (lbytes len)
+let xor #len x y = map2 FStar.UInt8.(fun x y -> x ^^ y) x y
+val counter_mode_blocks:
+ ctx: block_cipher_ctx ->
+ bc: block_cipher ctx ->
+ k:key ctx -> n:nonce ctx -> c:counter ctx ->
+ plain:seq UInt8.t{c + ctx.incr * (length plain / ctx.blocklen) < pow2 ctx.counterbits /\
+ length plain % (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) = 0} ->
+ Tot (lbytes (length plain))
+ (decreases (length plain))
+#reset-options "--z3rlimit 200 --max_fuel 0"
+let rec counter_mode_blocks ctx block_enc key nonce counter plain =
+ let len = length plain in
+ let len' = len / (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) in
+ Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_mod len (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) ;
+ if len = 0 then Seq.createEmpty #UInt8.t
+ else (
+ let prefix, block = split plain (len - ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) in
+ (* TODO: move to a single lemma for clarify *)
+ Math.Lemmas.lemma_mod_plus (length prefix) 1 (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr);
+ Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_le (length prefix) len ctx.blocklen;
+ Spec.CTR.Lemmas.lemma_div len (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr);
+ (* End TODO *)
+ let cipher = counter_mode_blocks ctx block_enc key nonce counter prefix in
+ let mask = block_enc key nonce (counter + (len / ctx.blocklen - 1) * ctx.incr) in
+ let eb = xor block mask in
+ cipher @| eb
+ )
+val counter_mode:
+ ctx: block_cipher_ctx ->
+ bc: block_cipher ctx ->
+ k:key ctx -> n:nonce ctx -> c:counter ctx ->
+ plain:seq UInt8.t{c + ctx.incr * (length plain / ctx.blocklen) < pow2 ctx.counterbits} ->
+ Tot (lbytes (length plain))
+ (decreases (length plain))
+#reset-options "--z3rlimit 200 --max_fuel 0"
+let counter_mode ctx block_enc key nonce counter plain =
+ let len = length plain in
+ let blocks_len = (ctx.incr * ctx.blocklen) * (len / (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr)) in
+ let part_len = len % (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) in
+ (* TODO: move to a single lemma for clarify *)
+ Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_mod len (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr);
+ Math.Lemmas.multiple_modulo_lemma (len / (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr)) (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr);
+ Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_le (blocks_len) len ctx.blocklen;
+ (* End TODO *)
+ let blocks, last_block = split plain blocks_len in
+ let cipher_blocks = counter_mode_blocks ctx block_enc key nonce counter blocks in
+ let cipher_last_block =
+ if part_len > 0
+ then (* encrypt final partial block(s) *)
+ let mask = block_enc key nonce (counter+ctx.incr*(length plain / ctx.blocklen)) in
+ let mask = slice mask 0 part_len in
+ assert(length last_block = part_len);
+ xor #part_len last_block mask
+ else createEmpty in
+ cipher_blocks @| cipher_last_block
diff --git a/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Chacha20.fst b/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Chacha20.fst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bdc69725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Chacha20.fst
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* Copyright 2016-2017 INRIA and Microsoft Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+module Spec.Chacha20
+module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
+open FStar.Mul
+open FStar.Seq
+open FStar.UInt32
+open FStar.Endianness
+open Spec.Lib
+open Spec.Chacha20.Lemmas
+open Seq.Create
+#set-options "--max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 100"
+(* Constants *)
+let keylen = 32 (* in bytes *)
+let blocklen = 64 (* in bytes *)
+let noncelen = 12 (* in bytes *)
+type key = lbytes keylen
+type block = lbytes blocklen
+type nonce = lbytes noncelen
+type counter = UInt.uint_t 32
+// using @ as a functional substitute for ;
+// internally, blocks are represented as 16 x 4-byte integers
+type state = m:seq UInt32.t {length m = 16}
+type idx = n:nat{n < 16}
+type shuffle = state -> Tot state
+let line (a:idx) (b:idx) (d:idx) (s:t{0 < v s /\ v s < 32}) (m:state) : Tot state =
+ let m = m.[a] <- (m.[a] +%^ m.[b]) in
+ let m = m.[d] <- ((m.[d] ^^ m.[a]) <<< s) in m
+let quarter_round a b c d : shuffle =
+ line a b d 16ul @
+ line c d b 12ul @
+ line a b d 8ul @
+ line c d b 7ul
+let column_round : shuffle =
+ quarter_round 0 4 8 12 @
+ quarter_round 1 5 9 13 @
+ quarter_round 2 6 10 14 @
+ quarter_round 3 7 11 15
+let diagonal_round : shuffle =
+ quarter_round 0 5 10 15 @
+ quarter_round 1 6 11 12 @
+ quarter_round 2 7 8 13 @
+ quarter_round 3 4 9 14
+let double_round: shuffle =
+ column_round @ diagonal_round (* 2 rounds *)
+let rounds : shuffle =
+ iter 10 double_round (* 20 rounds *)
+let chacha20_core (s:state) : Tot state =
+ let s' = rounds s in
+ Spec.Loops.seq_map2 (fun x y -> x +%^ y) s' s
+(* state initialization *)
+let c0 = 0x61707865ul
+let c1 = 0x3320646eul
+let c2 = 0x79622d32ul
+let c3 = 0x6b206574ul
+let setup (k:key) (n:nonce) (c:counter): Tot state =
+ create_4 c0 c1 c2 c3 @|
+ uint32s_from_le 8 k @|
+ create_1 (UInt32.uint_to_t c) @|
+ uint32s_from_le 3 n
+let chacha20_block (k:key) (n:nonce) (c:counter): Tot block =
+ let st = setup k n c in
+ let st' = chacha20_core st in
+ uint32s_to_le 16 st'
+let chacha20_ctx: Spec.CTR.block_cipher_ctx =
+ let open Spec.CTR in
+ {
+ keylen = keylen;
+ blocklen = blocklen;
+ noncelen = noncelen;
+ counterbits = 32;
+ incr = 1
+ }
+let chacha20_cipher: Spec.CTR.block_cipher chacha20_ctx = chacha20_block
+let chacha20_encrypt_bytes key nonce counter m =
+ Spec.CTR.counter_mode chacha20_ctx chacha20_cipher key nonce counter m
+unfold let test_plaintext = [
+ 0x4cuy; 0x61uy; 0x64uy; 0x69uy; 0x65uy; 0x73uy; 0x20uy; 0x61uy;
+ 0x6euy; 0x64uy; 0x20uy; 0x47uy; 0x65uy; 0x6euy; 0x74uy; 0x6cuy;
+ 0x65uy; 0x6duy; 0x65uy; 0x6euy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy; 0x66uy; 0x20uy;
+ 0x74uy; 0x68uy; 0x65uy; 0x20uy; 0x63uy; 0x6cuy; 0x61uy; 0x73uy;
+ 0x73uy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy; 0x66uy; 0x20uy; 0x27uy; 0x39uy; 0x39uy;
+ 0x3auy; 0x20uy; 0x49uy; 0x66uy; 0x20uy; 0x49uy; 0x20uy; 0x63uy;
+ 0x6fuy; 0x75uy; 0x6cuy; 0x64uy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy; 0x66uy; 0x66uy;
+ 0x65uy; 0x72uy; 0x20uy; 0x79uy; 0x6fuy; 0x75uy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy;
+ 0x6euy; 0x6cuy; 0x79uy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy; 0x6euy; 0x65uy; 0x20uy;
+ 0x74uy; 0x69uy; 0x70uy; 0x20uy; 0x66uy; 0x6fuy; 0x72uy; 0x20uy;
+ 0x74uy; 0x68uy; 0x65uy; 0x20uy; 0x66uy; 0x75uy; 0x74uy; 0x75uy;
+ 0x72uy; 0x65uy; 0x2cuy; 0x20uy; 0x73uy; 0x75uy; 0x6euy; 0x73uy;
+ 0x63uy; 0x72uy; 0x65uy; 0x65uy; 0x6euy; 0x20uy; 0x77uy; 0x6fuy;
+ 0x75uy; 0x6cuy; 0x64uy; 0x20uy; 0x62uy; 0x65uy; 0x20uy; 0x69uy;
+ 0x74uy; 0x2euy
+unfold let test_ciphertext = [
+ 0x6euy; 0x2euy; 0x35uy; 0x9auy; 0x25uy; 0x68uy; 0xf9uy; 0x80uy;
+ 0x41uy; 0xbauy; 0x07uy; 0x28uy; 0xdduy; 0x0duy; 0x69uy; 0x81uy;
+ 0xe9uy; 0x7euy; 0x7auy; 0xecuy; 0x1duy; 0x43uy; 0x60uy; 0xc2uy;
+ 0x0auy; 0x27uy; 0xafuy; 0xccuy; 0xfduy; 0x9fuy; 0xaeuy; 0x0buy;
+ 0xf9uy; 0x1buy; 0x65uy; 0xc5uy; 0x52uy; 0x47uy; 0x33uy; 0xabuy;
+ 0x8fuy; 0x59uy; 0x3duy; 0xabuy; 0xcduy; 0x62uy; 0xb3uy; 0x57uy;
+ 0x16uy; 0x39uy; 0xd6uy; 0x24uy; 0xe6uy; 0x51uy; 0x52uy; 0xabuy;
+ 0x8fuy; 0x53uy; 0x0cuy; 0x35uy; 0x9fuy; 0x08uy; 0x61uy; 0xd8uy;
+ 0x07uy; 0xcauy; 0x0duy; 0xbfuy; 0x50uy; 0x0duy; 0x6auy; 0x61uy;
+ 0x56uy; 0xa3uy; 0x8euy; 0x08uy; 0x8auy; 0x22uy; 0xb6uy; 0x5euy;
+ 0x52uy; 0xbcuy; 0x51uy; 0x4duy; 0x16uy; 0xccuy; 0xf8uy; 0x06uy;
+ 0x81uy; 0x8cuy; 0xe9uy; 0x1auy; 0xb7uy; 0x79uy; 0x37uy; 0x36uy;
+ 0x5auy; 0xf9uy; 0x0buy; 0xbfuy; 0x74uy; 0xa3uy; 0x5buy; 0xe6uy;
+ 0xb4uy; 0x0buy; 0x8euy; 0xeduy; 0xf2uy; 0x78uy; 0x5euy; 0x42uy;
+ 0x87uy; 0x4duy
+unfold let test_key = [
+ 0uy; 1uy; 2uy; 3uy; 4uy; 5uy; 6uy; 7uy;
+ 8uy; 9uy; 10uy; 11uy; 12uy; 13uy; 14uy; 15uy;
+ 16uy; 17uy; 18uy; 19uy; 20uy; 21uy; 22uy; 23uy;
+ 24uy; 25uy; 26uy; 27uy; 28uy; 29uy; 30uy; 31uy
+ ]
+unfold let test_nonce = [
+ 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0x4auy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy
+ ]
+unfold let test_counter = 1
+let test() =
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length test_plaintext = 114);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length test_ciphertext = 114);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length test_key = 32);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length test_nonce = 12);
+ let test_plaintext = createL test_plaintext in
+ let test_ciphertext = createL test_ciphertext in
+ let test_key = createL test_key in
+ let test_nonce = createL test_nonce in
+ chacha20_encrypt_bytes test_key test_nonce test_counter test_plaintext
+ = test_ciphertext
diff --git a/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Curve25519.fst b/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Curve25519.fst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af4035b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Curve25519.fst
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+/* Copyright 2016-2017 INRIA and Microsoft Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+module Spec.Curve25519
+module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
+open FStar.Mul
+open FStar.Seq
+open FStar.UInt8
+open FStar.Endianness
+open Spec.Lib
+open Spec.Curve25519.Lemmas
+#reset-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 20"
+(* Field types and parameters *)
+let prime = pow2 255 - 19
+type elem : Type0 = e:int{e >= 0 /\ e < prime}
+let fadd e1 e2 = (e1 + e2) % prime
+let fsub e1 e2 = (e1 - e2) % prime
+let fmul e1 e2 = (e1 * e2) % prime
+let zero : elem = 0
+let one : elem = 1
+let ( +@ ) = fadd
+let ( *@ ) = fmul
+(** Exponentiation *)
+let rec ( ** ) (e:elem) (n:pos) : Tot elem (decreases n) =
+ if n = 1 then e
+ else
+ if n % 2 = 0 then op_Star_Star (e `fmul` e) (n / 2)
+ else e `fmul` (op_Star_Star (e `fmul` e) ((n-1)/2))
+(* Type aliases *)
+type scalar = lbytes 32
+type serialized_point = lbytes 32
+type proj_point = | Proj: x:elem -> z:elem -> proj_point
+let decodeScalar25519 (k:scalar) =
+ let k = k.[0] <- (k.[0] &^ 248uy) in
+ let k = k.[31] <- ((k.[31] &^ 127uy) |^ 64uy) in k
+let decodePoint (u:serialized_point) =
+ (little_endian u % pow2 255) % prime
+let add_and_double qx nq nqp1 =
+ let x_1 = qx in
+ let x_2, z_2 = nq.x, nq.z in
+ let x_3, z_3 = nqp1.x, nqp1.z in
+ let a = x_2 `fadd` z_2 in
+ let aa = a**2 in
+ let b = x_2 `fsub` z_2 in
+ let bb = b**2 in
+ let e = aa `fsub` bb in
+ let c = x_3 `fadd` z_3 in
+ let d = x_3 `fsub` z_3 in
+ let da = d `fmul` a in
+ let cb = c `fmul` b in
+ let x_3 = (da `fadd` cb)**2 in
+ let z_3 = x_1 `fmul` ((da `fsub` cb)**2) in
+ let x_2 = aa `fmul` bb in
+ let z_2 = e `fmul` (aa `fadd` (121665 `fmul` e)) in
+ Proj x_2 z_2, Proj x_3 z_3
+let ith_bit (k:scalar) (i:nat{i < 256}) =
+ let q = i / 8 in let r = i % 8 in
+ (v (k.[q]) / pow2 r) % 2
+let rec montgomery_ladder_ (init:elem) x xp1 (k:scalar) (ctr:nat{ctr<=256})
+ : Tot proj_point (decreases ctr) =
+ if ctr = 0 then x
+ else (
+ let ctr' = ctr - 1 in
+ let (x', xp1') =
+ if ith_bit k ctr' = 1 then (
+ let nqp2, nqp1 = add_and_double init xp1 x in
+ nqp1, nqp2
+ ) else add_and_double init x xp1 in
+ montgomery_ladder_ init x' xp1' k ctr'
+ )
+let montgomery_ladder (init:elem) (k:scalar) : Tot proj_point =
+ montgomery_ladder_ init (Proj one zero) (Proj init one) k 256
+let encodePoint (p:proj_point) : Tot serialized_point =
+ let p = p.x `fmul` (p.z ** (prime - 2)) in
+ little_bytes 32ul p
+let scalarmult (k:scalar) (u:serialized_point) : Tot serialized_point =
+ let k = decodeScalar25519 k in
+ let u = decodePoint u in
+ let res = montgomery_ladder u k in
+ encodePoint res
+(* ********************* *)
+(* RFC 7748 Test Vectors *)
+(* ********************* *)
+let scalar1 = [
+ 0xa5uy; 0x46uy; 0xe3uy; 0x6buy; 0xf0uy; 0x52uy; 0x7cuy; 0x9duy;
+ 0x3buy; 0x16uy; 0x15uy; 0x4buy; 0x82uy; 0x46uy; 0x5euy; 0xdduy;
+ 0x62uy; 0x14uy; 0x4cuy; 0x0auy; 0xc1uy; 0xfcuy; 0x5auy; 0x18uy;
+ 0x50uy; 0x6auy; 0x22uy; 0x44uy; 0xbauy; 0x44uy; 0x9auy; 0xc4uy
+let scalar2 = [
+ 0x4buy; 0x66uy; 0xe9uy; 0xd4uy; 0xd1uy; 0xb4uy; 0x67uy; 0x3cuy;
+ 0x5auy; 0xd2uy; 0x26uy; 0x91uy; 0x95uy; 0x7duy; 0x6auy; 0xf5uy;
+ 0xc1uy; 0x1buy; 0x64uy; 0x21uy; 0xe0uy; 0xeauy; 0x01uy; 0xd4uy;
+ 0x2cuy; 0xa4uy; 0x16uy; 0x9euy; 0x79uy; 0x18uy; 0xbauy; 0x0duy
+let input1 = [
+ 0xe6uy; 0xdbuy; 0x68uy; 0x67uy; 0x58uy; 0x30uy; 0x30uy; 0xdbuy;
+ 0x35uy; 0x94uy; 0xc1uy; 0xa4uy; 0x24uy; 0xb1uy; 0x5fuy; 0x7cuy;
+ 0x72uy; 0x66uy; 0x24uy; 0xecuy; 0x26uy; 0xb3uy; 0x35uy; 0x3buy;
+ 0x10uy; 0xa9uy; 0x03uy; 0xa6uy; 0xd0uy; 0xabuy; 0x1cuy; 0x4cuy
+let input2 = [
+ 0xe5uy; 0x21uy; 0x0fuy; 0x12uy; 0x78uy; 0x68uy; 0x11uy; 0xd3uy;
+ 0xf4uy; 0xb7uy; 0x95uy; 0x9duy; 0x05uy; 0x38uy; 0xaeuy; 0x2cuy;
+ 0x31uy; 0xdbuy; 0xe7uy; 0x10uy; 0x6fuy; 0xc0uy; 0x3cuy; 0x3euy;
+ 0xfcuy; 0x4cuy; 0xd5uy; 0x49uy; 0xc7uy; 0x15uy; 0xa4uy; 0x93uy
+let expected1 = [
+ 0xc3uy; 0xdauy; 0x55uy; 0x37uy; 0x9duy; 0xe9uy; 0xc6uy; 0x90uy;
+ 0x8euy; 0x94uy; 0xeauy; 0x4duy; 0xf2uy; 0x8duy; 0x08uy; 0x4fuy;
+ 0x32uy; 0xecuy; 0xcfuy; 0x03uy; 0x49uy; 0x1cuy; 0x71uy; 0xf7uy;
+ 0x54uy; 0xb4uy; 0x07uy; 0x55uy; 0x77uy; 0xa2uy; 0x85uy; 0x52uy
+let expected2 = [
+ 0x95uy; 0xcbuy; 0xdeuy; 0x94uy; 0x76uy; 0xe8uy; 0x90uy; 0x7duy;
+ 0x7auy; 0xaduy; 0xe4uy; 0x5cuy; 0xb4uy; 0xb8uy; 0x73uy; 0xf8uy;
+ 0x8buy; 0x59uy; 0x5auy; 0x68uy; 0x79uy; 0x9fuy; 0xa1uy; 0x52uy;
+ 0xe6uy; 0xf8uy; 0xf7uy; 0x64uy; 0x7auy; 0xacuy; 0x79uy; 0x57uy
+let test () =
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length scalar1 = 32);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length scalar2 = 32);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length input1 = 32);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length input2 = 32);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length expected1 = 32);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length expected2 = 32);
+ let scalar1 = createL scalar1 in
+ let scalar2 = createL scalar2 in
+ let input1 = createL input1 in
+ let input2 = createL input2 in
+ let expected1 = createL expected1 in
+ let expected2 = createL expected2 in
+ scalarmult scalar1 input1 = expected1
+ && scalarmult scalar2 input2 = expected2
diff --git a/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Poly1305.fst b/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Poly1305.fst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9d8a4cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/lib/freebl/verified/specs/Spec.Poly1305.fst
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* Copyright 2016-2017 INRIA and Microsoft Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+module Spec.Poly1305
+module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
+open FStar.Math.Lib
+open FStar.Mul
+open FStar.Seq
+open FStar.UInt8
+open FStar.Endianness
+open Spec.Poly1305.Lemmas
+#set-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 0 --initial_ifuel 0 --max_ifuel 0"
+(* Field types and parameters *)
+let prime = pow2 130 - 5
+type elem = e:int{e >= 0 /\ e < prime}
+let fadd (e1:elem) (e2:elem) = (e1 + e2) % prime
+let fmul (e1:elem) (e2:elem) = (e1 * e2) % prime
+let zero : elem = 0
+let one : elem = 1
+let op_Plus_At = fadd
+let op_Star_At = fmul
+(* Type aliases *)
+let op_Amp_Bar = UInt.logand #128
+type word = w:bytes{length w <= 16}
+type word_16 = w:bytes{length w = 16}
+type tag = word_16
+type key = lbytes 32
+type text = seq word
+(* Specification code *)
+let encode (w:word) =
+ (pow2 (8 * length w)) `fadd` (little_endian w)
+let rec poly (txt:text) (r:e:elem) : Tot elem (decreases (length txt)) =
+ if length txt = 0 then zero
+ else
+ let a = poly (Seq.tail txt) r in
+ let n = encode (Seq.head txt) in
+ (n `fadd` a) `fmul` r
+let encode_r (rb:word_16) =
+ (little_endian rb) &| 0x0ffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff
+let finish (a:elem) (s:word_16) : Tot tag =
+ let n = (a + little_endian s) % pow2 128 in
+ little_bytes 16ul n
+let rec encode_bytes (txt:bytes) : Tot text (decreases (length txt)) =
+ if length txt = 0 then createEmpty
+ else
+ let w, txt = split txt (min (length txt) 16) in
+ append_last (encode_bytes txt) w
+let poly1305 (msg:bytes) (k:key) : Tot tag =
+ let text = encode_bytes msg in
+ let r = encode_r (slice k 0 16) in
+ let s = slice k 16 32 in
+ finish (poly text r) s
+(* ********************* *)
+(* RFC 7539 Test Vectors *)
+(* ********************* *)
+#reset-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 20"
+unfold let msg = [
+ 0x43uy; 0x72uy; 0x79uy; 0x70uy; 0x74uy; 0x6fuy; 0x67uy; 0x72uy;
+ 0x61uy; 0x70uy; 0x68uy; 0x69uy; 0x63uy; 0x20uy; 0x46uy; 0x6fuy;
+ 0x72uy; 0x75uy; 0x6duy; 0x20uy; 0x52uy; 0x65uy; 0x73uy; 0x65uy;
+ 0x61uy; 0x72uy; 0x63uy; 0x68uy; 0x20uy; 0x47uy; 0x72uy; 0x6fuy;
+ 0x75uy; 0x70uy ]
+unfold let k = [
+ 0x85uy; 0xd6uy; 0xbeuy; 0x78uy; 0x57uy; 0x55uy; 0x6duy; 0x33uy;
+ 0x7fuy; 0x44uy; 0x52uy; 0xfeuy; 0x42uy; 0xd5uy; 0x06uy; 0xa8uy;
+ 0x01uy; 0x03uy; 0x80uy; 0x8auy; 0xfbuy; 0x0duy; 0xb2uy; 0xfduy;
+ 0x4auy; 0xbfuy; 0xf6uy; 0xafuy; 0x41uy; 0x49uy; 0xf5uy; 0x1buy ]
+unfold let expected = [
+ 0xa8uy; 0x06uy; 0x1duy; 0xc1uy; 0x30uy; 0x51uy; 0x36uy; 0xc6uy;
+ 0xc2uy; 0x2buy; 0x8buy; 0xafuy; 0x0cuy; 0x01uy; 0x27uy; 0xa9uy ]
+let test () : Tot bool =
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length msg = 34);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length k = 32);
+ assert_norm(List.Tot.length expected = 16);
+ let msg = createL msg in
+ let k = createL k in
+ let expected = createL expected in
+ poly1305 msg k = expected