path: root/other-licenses/7zstub/src/CPP/7zip/UI/Console/ExtractCallbackConsole.cpp
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2019-06-04 18:21:04 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2019-06-04 18:21:04 +0200
commitdee00a8a79394559e0e868cc72464c2de24583ac (patch)
tree18dc2e3db8127ceabcf9b03416b135bced2976ad /other-licenses/7zstub/src/CPP/7zip/UI/Console/ExtractCallbackConsole.cpp
parent851cfd198bc01020cd411d4f1cd6586222700269 (diff)
parent363bfeb2c06e5f57136ebdab8da1ebeba0591520 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into Basilisk-release
Diffstat (limited to 'other-licenses/7zstub/src/CPP/7zip/UI/Console/ExtractCallbackConsole.cpp')
1 files changed, 825 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/other-licenses/7zstub/src/CPP/7zip/UI/Console/ExtractCallbackConsole.cpp b/other-licenses/7zstub/src/CPP/7zip/UI/Console/ExtractCallbackConsole.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdf954998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other-licenses/7zstub/src/CPP/7zip/UI/Console/ExtractCallbackConsole.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
+// ExtractCallbackConsole.cpp
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "../../../Common/IntToString.h"
+#include "../../../Common/Wildcard.h"
+#include "../../../Windows/FileDir.h"
+#include "../../../Windows/FileFind.h"
+#include "../../../Windows/TimeUtils.h"
+#include "../../../Windows/ErrorMsg.h"
+#include "../../../Windows/PropVariantConv.h"
+#ifndef _7ZIP_ST
+#include "../../../Windows/Synchronization.h"
+#include "../../Common/FilePathAutoRename.h"
+#include "../Common/ExtractingFilePath.h"
+#include "ConsoleClose.h"
+#include "ExtractCallbackConsole.h"
+#include "UserInputUtils.h"
+using namespace NWindows;
+using namespace NFile;
+using namespace NDir;
+static HRESULT CheckBreak2()
+ return NConsoleClose::TestBreakSignal() ? E_ABORT : S_OK;
+static const char * const kError = "ERROR: ";
+void CExtractScanConsole::StartScanning()
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ _percent.Command = "Scan";
+HRESULT CExtractScanConsole::ScanProgress(const CDirItemsStat &st, const FString &path, bool /* isDir */)
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ {
+ _percent.Files = st.NumDirs + st.NumFiles;
+ _percent.Completed = st.GetTotalBytes();
+ _percent.FileName = fs2us(path);
+ _percent.Print();
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+HRESULT CExtractScanConsole::ScanError(const FString &path, DWORD systemError)
+ ClosePercentsAndFlush();
+ if (_se)
+ {
+ *_se << endl << kError << NError::MyFormatMessage(systemError) << endl;
+ _se->NormalizePrint_UString(fs2us(path));
+ *_se << endl << endl;
+ _se->Flush();
+ }
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(systemError);
+void Print_UInt64_and_String(AString &s, UInt64 val, const char *name)
+ char temp[32];
+ ConvertUInt64ToString(val, temp);
+ s += temp;
+ s.Add_Space();
+ s += name;
+void PrintSize_bytes_Smart(AString &s, UInt64 val)
+ Print_UInt64_and_String(s, val, "bytes");
+ if (val == 0)
+ return;
+ unsigned numBits = 10;
+ char c = 'K';
+ char temp[4] = { 'K', 'i', 'B', 0 };
+ if (val >= ((UInt64)10 << 30)) { numBits = 30; c = 'G'; }
+ else if (val >= ((UInt64)10 << 20)) { numBits = 20; c = 'M'; }
+ temp[0] = c;
+ s += " (";
+ Print_UInt64_and_String(s, ((val + ((UInt64)1 << numBits) - 1) >> numBits), temp);
+ s += ')';
+void PrintSize_bytes_Smart_comma(AString &s, UInt64 val)
+ if (val == (UInt64)(Int64)-1)
+ return;
+ s += ", ";
+ PrintSize_bytes_Smart(s, val);
+void Print_DirItemsStat(AString &s, const CDirItemsStat &st)
+ if (st.NumDirs != 0)
+ {
+ Print_UInt64_and_String(s, st.NumDirs, st.NumDirs == 1 ? "folder" : "folders");
+ s += ", ";
+ }
+ Print_UInt64_and_String(s, st.NumFiles, st.NumFiles == 1 ? "file" : "files");
+ PrintSize_bytes_Smart_comma(s, st.FilesSize);
+ if (st.NumAltStreams != 0)
+ {
+ s.Add_LF();
+ Print_UInt64_and_String(s, st.NumAltStreams, "alternate streams");
+ PrintSize_bytes_Smart_comma(s, st.AltStreamsSize);
+ }
+void Print_DirItemsStat2(AString &s, const CDirItemsStat2 &st)
+ Print_DirItemsStat(s, (CDirItemsStat &)st);
+ bool needLF = true;
+ if (st.Anti_NumDirs != 0)
+ {
+ if (needLF)
+ s.Add_LF();
+ needLF = false;
+ Print_UInt64_and_String(s, st.Anti_NumDirs, st.Anti_NumDirs == 1 ? "anti-folder" : "anti-folders");
+ }
+ if (st.Anti_NumFiles != 0)
+ {
+ if (needLF)
+ s.Add_LF();
+ else
+ s += ", ";
+ needLF = false;
+ Print_UInt64_and_String(s, st.Anti_NumFiles, st.Anti_NumFiles == 1 ? "anti-file" : "anti-files");
+ }
+ if (st.Anti_NumAltStreams != 0)
+ {
+ if (needLF)
+ s.Add_LF();
+ else
+ s += ", ";
+ needLF = false;
+ Print_UInt64_and_String(s, st.Anti_NumAltStreams, "anti-alternate-streams");
+ }
+void CExtractScanConsole::PrintStat(const CDirItemsStat &st)
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ AString s;
+ Print_DirItemsStat(s, st);
+ *_so << s << endl;
+ }
+#ifndef _7ZIP_ST
+static NSynchronization::CCriticalSection g_CriticalSection;
+#define MT_LOCK NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(g_CriticalSection);
+#define MT_LOCK
+static const char * const kTestString = "T";
+static const char * const kExtractString = "-";
+static const char * const kSkipString = ".";
+// static const char * const kCantAutoRename = "can not create file with auto name\n";
+// static const char * const kCantRenameFile = "can not rename existing file\n";
+// static const char * const kCantDeleteOutputFile = "can not delete output file ";
+static const char * const kMemoryExceptionMessage = "Can't allocate required memory!";
+static const char * const kExtracting = "Extracting archive: ";
+static const char * const kTesting = "Testing archive: ";
+static const char * const kEverythingIsOk = "Everything is Ok";
+static const char * const kNoFiles = "No files to process";
+static const char * const kUnsupportedMethod = "Unsupported Method";
+static const char * const kCrcFailed = "CRC Failed";
+static const char * const kCrcFailedEncrypted = "CRC Failed in encrypted file. Wrong password?";
+static const char * const kDataError = "Data Error";
+static const char * const kDataErrorEncrypted = "Data Error in encrypted file. Wrong password?";
+static const char * const kUnavailableData = "Unavailable data";
+static const char * const kUnexpectedEnd = "Unexpected end of data";
+static const char * const kDataAfterEnd = "There are some data after the end of the payload data";
+static const char * const kIsNotArc = "Is not archive";
+static const char * const kHeadersError = "Headers Error";
+static const char * const kWrongPassword = "Wrong password";
+static const char * const k_ErrorFlagsMessages[] =
+ "Is not archive"
+ , "Headers Error"
+ , "Headers Error in encrypted archive. Wrong password?"
+ , "Unavailable start of archive"
+ , "Unconfirmed start of archive"
+ , "Unexpected end of archive"
+ , "There are data after the end of archive"
+ , "Unsupported method"
+ , "Unsupported feature"
+ , "Data Error"
+ , "CRC Error"
+STDMETHODIMP CExtractCallbackConsole::SetTotal(UInt64 size)
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ {
+ _percent.Total = size;
+ _percent.Print();
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+STDMETHODIMP CExtractCallbackConsole::SetCompleted(const UInt64 *completeValue)
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ {
+ if (completeValue)
+ _percent.Completed = *completeValue;
+ _percent.Print();
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+static const char * const kTab = " ";
+static void PrintFileInfo(CStdOutStream *_so, const wchar_t *path, const FILETIME *ft, const UInt64 *size)
+ *_so << kTab << "Path: ";
+ _so->NormalizePrint_wstr(path);
+ *_so << endl;
+ if (size && *size != (UInt64)(Int64)-1)
+ {
+ AString s;
+ PrintSize_bytes_Smart(s, *size);
+ *_so << kTab << "Size: " << s << endl;
+ }
+ if (ft)
+ {
+ char temp[64];
+ if (ConvertUtcFileTimeToString(*ft, temp, kTimestampPrintLevel_SEC))
+ *_so << kTab << "Modified: " << temp << endl;
+ }
+STDMETHODIMP CExtractCallbackConsole::AskOverwrite(
+ const wchar_t *existName, const FILETIME *existTime, const UInt64 *existSize,
+ const wchar_t *newName, const FILETIME *newTime, const UInt64 *newSize,
+ Int32 *answer)
+ RINOK(CheckBreak2());
+ ClosePercentsAndFlush();
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ *_so << endl << "Would you like to replace the existing file:\n";
+ PrintFileInfo(_so, existName, existTime, existSize);
+ *_so << "with the file from archive:\n";
+ PrintFileInfo(_so, newName, newTime, newSize);
+ }
+ NUserAnswerMode::EEnum overwriteAnswer = ScanUserYesNoAllQuit(_so);
+ switch (overwriteAnswer)
+ {
+ case NUserAnswerMode::kQuit: return E_ABORT;
+ case NUserAnswerMode::kNo: *answer = NOverwriteAnswer::kNo; break;
+ case NUserAnswerMode::kNoAll: *answer = NOverwriteAnswer::kNoToAll; break;
+ case NUserAnswerMode::kYesAll: *answer = NOverwriteAnswer::kYesToAll; break;
+ case NUserAnswerMode::kYes: *answer = NOverwriteAnswer::kYes; break;
+ case NUserAnswerMode::kAutoRenameAll: *answer = NOverwriteAnswer::kAutoRename; break;
+ case NUserAnswerMode::kEof: return E_ABORT;
+ case NUserAnswerMode::kError: return E_FAIL;
+ default: return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ *_so << endl;
+ if (NeedFlush)
+ _so->Flush();
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+STDMETHODIMP CExtractCallbackConsole::PrepareOperation(const wchar_t *name, Int32 /* isFolder */, Int32 askExtractMode, const UInt64 *position)
+ _currentName = name;
+ const char *s;
+ unsigned requiredLevel = 1;
+ switch (askExtractMode)
+ {
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NAskMode::kExtract: s = kExtractString; break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NAskMode::kTest: s = kTestString; break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NAskMode::kSkip: s = kSkipString; requiredLevel = 2; break;
+ default: s = "???"; requiredLevel = 2;
+ };
+ bool show2 = (LogLevel >= requiredLevel && _so);
+ if (show2)
+ {
+ ClosePercents_for_so();
+ _tempA = s;
+ if (name)
+ _tempA.Add_Space();
+ *_so << _tempA;
+ _tempU.Empty();
+ if (name)
+ {
+ _tempU = name;
+ _so->Normalize_UString(_tempU);
+ }
+ _so->PrintUString(_tempU, _tempA);
+ if (position)
+ *_so << " <" << *position << ">";
+ *_so << endl;
+ if (NeedFlush)
+ _so->Flush();
+ }
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ {
+ if (PercentsNameLevel >= 1)
+ {
+ _percent.FileName.Empty();
+ _percent.Command.Empty();
+ if (PercentsNameLevel > 1 || !show2)
+ {
+ _percent.Command = s;
+ if (name)
+ _percent.FileName = name;
+ }
+ }
+ _percent.Print();
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+STDMETHODIMP CExtractCallbackConsole::MessageError(const wchar_t *message)
+ RINOK(CheckBreak2());
+ NumFileErrors_in_Current++;
+ NumFileErrors++;
+ ClosePercentsAndFlush();
+ if (_se)
+ {
+ *_se << kError << message << endl;
+ _se->Flush();
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+void SetExtractErrorMessage(Int32 opRes, Int32 encrypted, AString &dest)
+ dest.Empty();
+ const char *s = NULL;
+ switch (opRes)
+ {
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kUnsupportedMethod:
+ s = kUnsupportedMethod;
+ break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kCRCError:
+ s = (encrypted ? kCrcFailedEncrypted : kCrcFailed);
+ break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError:
+ s = (encrypted ? kDataErrorEncrypted : kDataError);
+ break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kUnavailable:
+ s = kUnavailableData;
+ break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kUnexpectedEnd:
+ s = kUnexpectedEnd;
+ break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataAfterEnd:
+ s = kDataAfterEnd;
+ break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kIsNotArc:
+ s = kIsNotArc;
+ break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kHeadersError:
+ s = kHeadersError;
+ break;
+ case NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kWrongPassword:
+ s = kWrongPassword;
+ break;
+ }
+ dest += kError;
+ if (s)
+ dest += s;
+ else
+ {
+ dest += "Error #";
+ dest.Add_UInt32(opRes);
+ }
+STDMETHODIMP CExtractCallbackConsole::SetOperationResult(Int32 opRes, Int32 encrypted)
+ if (opRes == NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kOK)
+ {
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ {
+ _percent.Command.Empty();
+ _percent.FileName.Empty();
+ _percent.Files++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NumFileErrors_in_Current++;
+ NumFileErrors++;
+ if (_se)
+ {
+ ClosePercentsAndFlush();
+ AString s;
+ SetExtractErrorMessage(opRes, encrypted, s);
+ *_se << s;
+ if (!_currentName.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ *_se << " : ";
+ _se->NormalizePrint_UString(_currentName);
+ }
+ *_se << endl;
+ _se->Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+STDMETHODIMP CExtractCallbackConsole::ReportExtractResult(Int32 opRes, Int32 encrypted, const wchar_t *name)
+ if (opRes != NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kOK)
+ {
+ _currentName = name;
+ return SetOperationResult(opRes, encrypted);
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+#ifndef _NO_CRYPTO
+HRESULT CExtractCallbackConsole::SetPassword(const UString &password)
+ PasswordIsDefined = true;
+ Password = password;
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CExtractCallbackConsole::CryptoGetTextPassword(BSTR *password)
+ return Open_CryptoGetTextPassword(password);
+HRESULT CExtractCallbackConsole::BeforeOpen(const wchar_t *name, bool testMode)
+ RINOK(CheckBreak2());
+ NumTryArcs++;
+ ThereIsError_in_Current = false;
+ ThereIsWarning_in_Current = false;
+ NumFileErrors_in_Current = 0;
+ ClosePercents_for_so();
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ *_so << endl << (testMode ? kTesting : kExtracting);
+ _so->NormalizePrint_wstr(name);
+ *_so << endl;
+ }
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ _percent.Command = "Open";
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT Print_OpenArchive_Props(CStdOutStream &so, const CCodecs *codecs, const CArchiveLink &arcLink);
+HRESULT Print_OpenArchive_Error(CStdOutStream &so, const CCodecs *codecs, const CArchiveLink &arcLink);
+static AString GetOpenArcErrorMessage(UInt32 errorFlags)
+ AString s;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(k_ErrorFlagsMessages); i++)
+ {
+ UInt32 f = (1 << i);
+ if ((errorFlags & f) == 0)
+ continue;
+ const char *m = k_ErrorFlagsMessages[i];
+ if (!s.IsEmpty())
+ s.Add_LF();
+ s += m;
+ errorFlags &= ~f;
+ }
+ if (errorFlags != 0)
+ {
+ char sz[16];
+ sz[0] = '0';
+ sz[1] = 'x';
+ ConvertUInt32ToHex(errorFlags, sz + 2);
+ if (!s.IsEmpty())
+ s.Add_LF();
+ s += sz;
+ }
+ return s;
+void PrintErrorFlags(CStdOutStream &so, const char *s, UInt32 errorFlags)
+ if (errorFlags == 0)
+ return;
+ so << s << endl << GetOpenArcErrorMessage(errorFlags) << endl;
+void Add_Messsage_Pre_ArcType(UString &s, const char *pre, const wchar_t *arcType)
+ s.Add_LF();
+ s += pre;
+ s += " as [";
+ s += arcType;
+ s += "] archive";
+void Print_ErrorFormatIndex_Warning(CStdOutStream *_so, const CCodecs *codecs, const CArc &arc)
+ const CArcErrorInfo &er = arc.ErrorInfo;
+ *_so << "WARNING:\n";
+ _so->NormalizePrint_UString(arc.Path);
+ UString s;
+ if (arc.FormatIndex == er.ErrorFormatIndex)
+ {
+ s.Add_LF();
+ s += "The archive is open with offset";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Add_Messsage_Pre_ArcType(s, "Can not open the file", codecs->GetFormatNamePtr(er.ErrorFormatIndex));
+ Add_Messsage_Pre_ArcType(s, "The file is open", codecs->GetFormatNamePtr(arc.FormatIndex));
+ }
+ *_so << s << endl << endl;
+HRESULT CExtractCallbackConsole::OpenResult(
+ const CCodecs *codecs, const CArchiveLink &arcLink,
+ const wchar_t *name, HRESULT result)
+ ClosePercents();
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ {
+ _percent.Files = 0;
+ _percent.Command.Empty();
+ _percent.FileName.Empty();
+ }
+ ClosePercentsAndFlush();
+ FOR_VECTOR (level, arcLink.Arcs)
+ {
+ const CArc &arc = arcLink.Arcs[level];
+ const CArcErrorInfo &er = arc.ErrorInfo;
+ UInt32 errorFlags = er.GetErrorFlags();
+ if (errorFlags != 0 || !er.ErrorMessage.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (_se)
+ {
+ *_se << endl;
+ if (level != 0)
+ {
+ _se->NormalizePrint_UString(arc.Path);
+ *_se << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (errorFlags != 0)
+ {
+ if (_se)
+ PrintErrorFlags(*_se, "ERRORS:", errorFlags);
+ NumOpenArcErrors++;
+ ThereIsError_in_Current = true;
+ }
+ if (!er.ErrorMessage.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (_se)
+ *_se << "ERRORS:" << endl << er.ErrorMessage << endl;
+ NumOpenArcErrors++;
+ ThereIsError_in_Current = true;
+ }
+ if (_se)
+ {
+ *_se << endl;
+ _se->Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ UInt32 warningFlags = er.GetWarningFlags();
+ if (warningFlags != 0 || !er.WarningMessage.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ *_so << endl;
+ if (level != 0)
+ {
+ _so->NormalizePrint_UString(arc.Path);
+ *_so << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (warningFlags != 0)
+ {
+ if (_so)
+ PrintErrorFlags(*_so, "WARNINGS:", warningFlags);
+ NumOpenArcWarnings++;
+ ThereIsWarning_in_Current = true;
+ }
+ if (!er.WarningMessage.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (_so)
+ *_so << "WARNINGS:" << endl << er.WarningMessage << endl;
+ NumOpenArcWarnings++;
+ ThereIsWarning_in_Current = true;
+ }
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ *_so << endl;
+ if (NeedFlush)
+ _so->Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ if (er.ErrorFormatIndex >= 0)
+ {
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ Print_ErrorFormatIndex_Warning(_so, codecs, arc);
+ if (NeedFlush)
+ _so->Flush();
+ }
+ ThereIsWarning_in_Current = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == S_OK)
+ {
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ RINOK(Print_OpenArchive_Props(*_so, codecs, arcLink));
+ *_so << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NumCantOpenArcs++;
+ if (_so)
+ _so->Flush();
+ if (_se)
+ {
+ *_se << kError;
+ _se->NormalizePrint_wstr(name);
+ *_se << endl;
+ HRESULT res = Print_OpenArchive_Error(*_se, codecs, arcLink);
+ RINOK(res);
+ if (result == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (result == E_OUTOFMEMORY)
+ *_se << "Can't allocate required memory";
+ else
+ *_se << NError::MyFormatMessage(result);
+ *_se << endl;
+ }
+ _se->Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+HRESULT CExtractCallbackConsole::ThereAreNoFiles()
+ ClosePercents_for_so();
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ *_so << endl << kNoFiles << endl;
+ if (NeedFlush)
+ _so->Flush();
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();
+HRESULT CExtractCallbackConsole::ExtractResult(HRESULT result)
+ if (NeedPercents())
+ {
+ _percent.ClosePrint(true);
+ _percent.Command.Empty();
+ _percent.FileName.Empty();
+ }
+ if (_so)
+ _so->Flush();
+ if (result == S_OK)
+ {
+ if (NumFileErrors_in_Current == 0 && !ThereIsError_in_Current)
+ {
+ if (ThereIsWarning_in_Current)
+ NumArcsWithWarnings++;
+ else
+ NumOkArcs++;
+ if (_so)
+ *_so << kEverythingIsOk << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NumArcsWithError++;
+ if (_so)
+ {
+ *_so << endl;
+ if (NumFileErrors_in_Current != 0)
+ *_so << "Sub items Errors: " << NumFileErrors_in_Current << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_so && NeedFlush)
+ _so->Flush();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NumArcsWithError++;
+ if (result == E_ABORT || result == ERROR_DISK_FULL)
+ return result;
+ if (_se)
+ {
+ *_se << endl << kError;
+ if (result == E_OUTOFMEMORY)
+ *_se << kMemoryExceptionMessage;
+ else
+ *_se << NError::MyFormatMessage(result);
+ *_se << endl;
+ _se->Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ return CheckBreak2();