path: root/netwerk/test/unit/test_unix_domain.js
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /netwerk/test/unit/test_unix_domain.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'netwerk/test/unit/test_unix_domain.js')
1 files changed, 545 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netwerk/test/unit/test_unix_domain.js b/netwerk/test/unit/test_unix_domain.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dda0c864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netwerk/test/unit/test_unix_domain.js
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+// Exercise Unix domain sockets.
+var CC = Components.Constructor;
+const UnixServerSocket = CC(";1",
+ "nsIServerSocket",
+ "initWithFilename");
+const ScriptableInputStream = CC(";1",
+ "nsIScriptableInputStream",
+ "init");
+const IOService = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
+const socketTransportService = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsISocketTransportService);
+const threadManager = Cc[";1"].getService();
+const allPermissions = parseInt("777", 8);
+function run_test()
+ // If we're on Windows, simply check for graceful failure.
+ if (mozinfo.os == "win") {
+ test_not_supported();
+ return;
+ }
+ add_test(test_echo);
+ add_test(test_name_too_long);
+ add_test(test_no_directory);
+ add_test(test_no_such_socket);
+ add_test(test_address_in_use);
+ add_test(test_file_in_way);
+ add_test(test_create_permission);
+ add_test(test_connect_permission);
+ add_test(test_long_socket_name);
+ add_test(test_keep_when_offline);
+ run_next_test();
+// Check that creating a Unix domain socket fails gracefully on Windows.
+function test_not_supported()
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ socketName.append('socket');
+ do_print("creating socket: " + socketName.path);
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1),
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName),
+// Actually exchange data with Unix domain sockets.
+function test_echo()
+ let log = '';
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ socketName.append('socket');
+ // Create a server socket, listening for connections.
+ do_print("creating socket: " + socketName.path);
+ let server = new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1);
+ server.asyncListen({
+ onSocketAccepted: function(aServ, aTransport) {
+ do_print("called test_echo's onSocketAccepted");
+ log += 'a';
+ do_check_eq(aServ, server);
+ let connection = aTransport;
+ // Check the server socket's self address.
+ let connectionSelfAddr = connection.getScriptableSelfAddr();
+ do_check_eq(, Ci.nsINetAddr.FAMILY_LOCAL);
+ do_check_eq(connectionSelfAddr.address, socketName.path);
+ // The client socket is anonymous, so the server transport should
+ // have an empty peer address.
+ do_check_eq(, '');
+ do_check_eq(connection.port, 0);
+ let connectionPeerAddr = connection.getScriptablePeerAddr();
+ do_check_eq(, Ci.nsINetAddr.FAMILY_LOCAL);
+ do_check_eq(connectionPeerAddr.address, '');
+ let serverAsyncInput = connection.openInputStream(0, 0, 0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ let serverOutput = connection.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
+ serverAsyncInput.asyncWait(function (aStream) {
+ do_print("called test_echo's server's onInputStreamReady");
+ let serverScriptableInput = new ScriptableInputStream(aStream);
+ // Receive data from the client, and send back a response.
+ do_check_eq(serverScriptableInput.readBytes(17), "Mervyn Murgatroyd");
+ do_print("server has read message from client");
+ serverOutput.write("Ruthven Murgatroyd", 18);
+ do_print("server has written to client");
+ }, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ },
+ onStopListening: function(aServ, aStatus) {
+ do_print("called test_echo's onStopListening");
+ log += 's';
+ do_check_eq(aServ, server);
+ do_check_eq(log, 'acs');
+ run_next_test();
+ }
+ });
+ // Create a client socket, and connect to the server.
+ let client = socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName);
+ do_check_eq(, socketName.path);
+ do_check_eq(client.port, 0);
+ let clientAsyncInput = client.openInputStream(0, 0, 0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ let clientInput = new ScriptableInputStream(clientAsyncInput);
+ let clientOutput = client.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
+ clientOutput.write("Mervyn Murgatroyd", 17);
+ do_print("client has written to server");
+ clientAsyncInput.asyncWait(function (aStream) {
+ do_print("called test_echo's client's onInputStreamReady");
+ log += 'c';
+ do_check_eq(aStream, clientAsyncInput);
+ // Now that the connection has been established, we can check the
+ // transport's self and peer addresses.
+ let clientSelfAddr = client.getScriptableSelfAddr();
+ do_check_eq(, Ci.nsINetAddr.FAMILY_LOCAL);
+ do_check_eq(clientSelfAddr.address, '');
+ do_check_eq(, socketName.path); // re-check, but hey
+ let clientPeerAddr = client.getScriptablePeerAddr();
+ do_check_eq(, Ci.nsINetAddr.FAMILY_LOCAL);
+ do_check_eq(clientPeerAddr.address, socketName.path);
+ do_check_eq(clientInput.readBytes(18), "Ruthven Murgatroyd");
+ do_print("client has read message from server");
+ server.close();
+ }, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+// Create client and server sockets using a path that's too long.
+function test_name_too_long()
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ // The length limits on all the systems NSPR supports are a bit past 100.
+ socketName.append(new Array(1000).join('x'));
+ // The length must be checked before we ever make any system calls --- we
+ // have to create the sockaddr first --- so it's unambiguous which error
+ // we should get here.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, 0, -1),
+ // Unlike most other client socket errors, this one gets reported
+ // immediately, as we can't even initialize the sockaddr with the given
+ // name.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName),
+ run_next_test();
+// Try creating a socket in a directory that doesn't exist.
+function test_no_directory()
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ socketName.append('directory-that-does-not-exist');
+ socketName.append('socket');
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, 0, -1),
+ run_next_test();
+// Try connecting to a server socket that isn't there.
+function test_no_such_socket()
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ socketName.append('nonexistent-socket');
+ let client = socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName);
+ let clientAsyncInput = client.openInputStream(0, 0, 0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ clientAsyncInput.asyncWait(function (aStream) {
+ do_print("called test_no_such_socket's onInputStreamReady");
+ do_check_eq(aStream, clientAsyncInput);
+ // nsISocketTransport puts off actually creating sockets as long as
+ // possible, so the error in connecting doesn't actually show up until
+ // this point.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => clientAsyncInput.available(),
+ clientAsyncInput.close();
+ client.close(Cr.NS_OK);
+ run_next_test();
+ }, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+// Creating a socket with a name that another socket is already using is an
+// error.
+function test_address_in_use()
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ socketName.append('socket-in-use');
+ // Create one server socket.
+ let server = new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1);
+ // Now try to create another with the same name.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1),
+ run_next_test();
+// Creating a socket with a name that is already a file is an error.
+function test_file_in_way()
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ socketName.append('file_in_way');
+ // Create a file with the given name.
+ socketName.create(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, allPermissions);
+ // Try to create a socket with the same name.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1),
+ // Try to create a socket under a name that uses that as a parent directory.
+ socketName.append('socket');
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, 0, -1),
+ run_next_test();
+// It is not permitted to create a socket in a directory which we are not
+// permitted to execute, or create files in.
+function test_create_permission()
+ let dirName = do_get_tempdir();
+ dirName.append('unfriendly');
+ let socketName = dirName.clone();
+ socketName.append('socket');
+ // The test harness has difficulty cleaning things up if we don't make
+ // everything writable before we're done.
+ try {
+ // Create a directory which we are not permitted to search.
+ dirName.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0);
+ // Try to create a socket in that directory. Because Linux returns EACCES
+ // when a 'connect' fails because of a local firewall rule,
+ // nsIServerSocket returns NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in this case.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1),
+ // Grant read and execute permission, but not write permission on the directory.
+ dirName.permissions = parseInt("0555", 8);
+ // This should also fail; we need write permission.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1),
+ } finally {
+ // Make the directory writable, so the test harness can clean it up.
+ dirName.permissions = allPermissions;
+ }
+ // This should succeed, since we now have all the permissions on the
+ // directory we could want.
+ do_check_instanceof(new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1),
+ Ci.nsIServerSocket);
+ run_next_test();
+// To connect to a Unix domain socket, we need search permission on the
+// directories containing it, and some kind of permission or other on the
+// socket itself.
+function test_connect_permission()
+ // This test involves a lot of callbacks, but they're written out so that
+ // the actual control flow proceeds from top to bottom.
+ let log = '';
+ // Create a directory which we are permitted to search - at first.
+ let dirName = do_get_tempdir();
+ dirName.append('inhospitable');
+ dirName.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, allPermissions);
+ let socketName = dirName.clone();
+ socketName.append('socket');
+ // Create a server socket in that directory, listening for connections,
+ // and accessible.
+ let server = new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1);
+ server.asyncListen({ onSocketAccepted: socketAccepted, onStopListening: stopListening });
+ // Make the directory unsearchable.
+ dirName.permissions = 0;
+ let client3;
+ let client1 = socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName);
+ let client1AsyncInput = client1.openInputStream(0, 0, 0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ client1AsyncInput.asyncWait(function (aStream) {
+ do_print("called test_connect_permission's client1's onInputStreamReady");
+ log += '1';
+ // nsISocketTransport puts off actually creating sockets as long as
+ // possible, so the error doesn't actually show up until this point.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => client1AsyncInput.available(),
+ client1AsyncInput.close();
+ client1.close(Cr.NS_OK);
+ // Make the directory searchable, but make the socket inaccessible.
+ dirName.permissions = allPermissions;
+ socketName.permissions = 0;
+ let client2 = socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName);
+ let client2AsyncInput = client2.openInputStream(0, 0, 0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ client2AsyncInput.asyncWait(function (aStream) {
+ do_print("called test_connect_permission's client2's onInputStreamReady");
+ log += '2';
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => client2AsyncInput.available(),
+ client2AsyncInput.close();
+ client2.close(Cr.NS_OK);
+ // Now make everything accessible, and try one last time.
+ socketName.permissions = allPermissions;
+ client3 = socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName);
+ let client3Output = client3.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
+ client3Output.write("Hanratty", 8);
+ let client3AsyncInput = client3.openInputStream(0, 0, 0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ client3AsyncInput.asyncWait(client3InputStreamReady, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ }, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ }, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ function socketAccepted(aServ, aTransport) {
+ do_print("called test_connect_permission's onSocketAccepted");
+ log += 'a';
+ let serverInput = aTransport.openInputStream(0, 0, 0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ let serverOutput = aTransport.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
+ serverInput.asyncWait(function (aStream) {
+ do_print("called test_connect_permission's socketAccepted's onInputStreamReady");
+ log += 'i';
+ // Receive data from the client, and send back a response.
+ let serverScriptableInput = new ScriptableInputStream(serverInput);
+ do_check_eq(serverScriptableInput.readBytes(8), "Hanratty");
+ serverOutput.write("Ferlingatti", 11);
+ }, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ }
+ function client3InputStreamReady(aStream) {
+ do_print("called client3's onInputStreamReady");
+ log += '3';
+ let client3Input = new ScriptableInputStream(aStream);
+ do_check_eq(client3Input.readBytes(11), "Ferlingatti");
+ client3.close(Cr.NS_OK);
+ server.close();
+ }
+ function stopListening(aServ, aStatus) {
+ do_print("called test_connect_permission's server's stopListening");
+ log += 's';
+ do_check_eq(log, '12ai3s');
+ run_next_test();
+ }
+// Creating a socket with a long filename doesn't crash.
+function test_long_socket_name()
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ socketName.append(new Array(10000).join('long'));
+ // Try to create a server socket with the long name.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1),
+ // Try to connect to a socket with the long name.
+ do_check_throws_nsIException(() => socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName),
+ run_next_test();
+// Going offline should not shut down Unix domain sockets.
+function test_keep_when_offline()
+ let log = '';
+ let socketName = do_get_tempdir();
+ socketName.append('keep-when-offline');
+ // Create a listening socket.
+ let listener = new UnixServerSocket(socketName, allPermissions, -1);
+ listener.asyncListen({ onSocketAccepted: onAccepted, onStopListening: onStopListening });
+ // Connect a client socket to the listening socket.
+ let client = socketTransportService.createUnixDomainTransport(socketName);
+ let clientOutput = client.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
+ let clientInput = client.openInputStream(0, 0, 0);
+ clientInput.asyncWait(clientReady, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ let clientScriptableInput = new ScriptableInputStream(clientInput);
+ let server, serverInput, serverScriptableInput, serverOutput;
+ // How many times has the server invited the client to go first?
+ let count = 0;
+ // The server accepted connection callback.
+ function onAccepted(aListener, aServer) {
+ do_print("test_keep_when_offline: onAccepted called");
+ log += 'a';
+ do_check_eq(aListener, listener);
+ server = aServer;
+ // Prepare to receive messages from the client.
+ serverInput = server.openInputStream(0, 0, 0);
+ serverInput.asyncWait(serverReady, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ serverScriptableInput = new ScriptableInputStream(serverInput);
+ // Start a conversation with the client.
+ serverOutput = server.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
+ serverOutput.write("After you, Alphonse!", 20);
+ count++;
+ }
+ // The client has seen its end of the socket close.
+ function clientReady(aStream) {
+ log += 'c';
+ do_print("test_keep_when_offline: clientReady called: " + log);
+ do_check_eq(aStream, clientInput);
+ // If the connection has been closed, end the conversation and stop listening.
+ let available;
+ try {
+ available = clientInput.available();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ do_check_instanceof(ex, Ci.nsIException);
+ do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED);
+ do_print("client received end-of-stream; closing client output stream");
+ log += ')';
+ client.close(Cr.NS_OK);
+ // Now both output streams have been closed, and both input streams
+ // have received the close notification. Stop listening for
+ // connections.
+ listener.close();
+ }
+ if (available) {
+ // Check the message from the server.
+ do_check_eq(clientScriptableInput.readBytes(20), "After you, Alphonse!");
+ // Write our response to the server.
+ clientOutput.write("No, after you, Gaston!", 22);
+ // Ask to be called again, when more input arrives.
+ clientInput.asyncWait(clientReady, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ }
+ }
+ function serverReady(aStream) {
+ log += 's';
+ do_print("test_keep_when_offline: serverReady called: " + log);
+ do_check_eq(aStream, serverInput);
+ // Check the message from the client.
+ do_check_eq(serverScriptableInput.readBytes(22), "No, after you, Gaston!");
+ // This should not shut things down: Unix domain sockets should
+ // remain open in offline mode.
+ if (count == 5) {
+ IOService.offline = true;
+ log += 'o';
+ }
+ if (count < 10) {
+ // Insist.
+ serverOutput.write("After you, Alphonse!", 20);
+ count++;
+ // As long as the input stream is open, always ask to be called again
+ // when more input arrives.
+ serverInput.asyncWait(serverReady, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread);
+ } else if (count == 10) {
+ // After sending ten times and receiving ten replies, we're not
+ // going to send any more. Close the server's output stream; the
+ // client's input stream should see this.
+ do_print("closing server transport");
+ server.close(Cr.NS_OK);
+ log += '(';
+ }
+ }
+ // We have stopped listening.
+ function onStopListening(aServ, aStatus) {
+ do_print("test_keep_when_offline: onStopListening called");
+ log += 'L';
+ do_check_eq(log, 'acscscscscsocscscscscs(c)L');
+ do_check_eq(aServ, listener);
+ do_check_eq(aStatus, Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED);
+ run_next_test();
+ }