path: root/media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediapipeline_unittest.cpp
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediapipeline_unittest.cpp
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediapipeline_unittest.cpp')
1 files changed, 720 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediapipeline_unittest.cpp b/media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediapipeline_unittest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33518218b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediapipeline_unittest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+// Original author:
+#include <iostream>
+#include "sigslot.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "nsXPCOM.h"
+#include "nss.h"
+#include "ssl.h"
+#include "sslproto.h"
+#include "dtlsidentity.h"
+#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
+#include "FakeMediaStreams.h"
+#include "FakeMediaStreamsImpl.h"
+#include "FakeLogging.h"
+#include "MediaConduitErrors.h"
+#include "MediaConduitInterface.h"
+#include "MediaPipeline.h"
+#include "MediaPipelineFilter.h"
+#include "runnable_utils.h"
+#include "transportflow.h"
+#include "transportlayerloopback.h"
+#include "transportlayerdtls.h"
+#include "mozilla/SyncRunnable.h"
+#include "mtransport_test_utils.h"
+#include "runnable_utils.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/interface/module_common_types.h"
+#include "FakeIPC.h"
+#include "FakeIPC.cpp"
+#define GTEST_HAS_RTTI 0
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "gtest_utils.h"
+#include "TestHarness.h"
+using namespace mozilla;
+MtransportTestUtils *test_utils;
+namespace {
+class TransportInfo {
+ public:
+ TransportInfo() :
+ flow_(nullptr),
+ loopback_(nullptr),
+ dtls_(nullptr) {}
+ static void InitAndConnect(TransportInfo &client, TransportInfo &server) {
+ client.Init(true);
+ server.Init(false);
+ client.PushLayers();
+ server.PushLayers();
+ client.Connect(&server);
+ server.Connect(&client);
+ }
+ void Init(bool client) {
+ nsresult res;
+ flow_ = new TransportFlow();
+ loopback_ = new TransportLayerLoopback();
+ dtls_ = new TransportLayerDtls();
+ res = loopback_->Init();
+ if (res != NS_OK) {
+ FreeLayers();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ((nsresult)NS_OK, res);
+ std::vector<uint16_t> ciphers;
+ ciphers.push_back(SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80);
+ dtls_->SetSrtpCiphers(ciphers);
+ dtls_->SetIdentity(DtlsIdentity::Generate());
+ dtls_->SetRole(client ? TransportLayerDtls::CLIENT :
+ TransportLayerDtls::SERVER);
+ dtls_->SetVerificationAllowAll();
+ }
+ void PushLayers() {
+ nsresult res;
+ nsAutoPtr<std::queue<TransportLayer *> > layers(
+ new std::queue<TransportLayer *>);
+ layers->push(loopback_);
+ layers->push(dtls_);
+ res = flow_->PushLayers(layers);
+ if (res != NS_OK) {
+ FreeLayers();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ((nsresult)NS_OK, res);
+ }
+ void Connect(TransportInfo* peer) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(loopback_);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(peer->loopback_);
+ loopback_->Connect(peer->loopback_);
+ }
+ // Free the memory allocated at the beginning of Init
+ // if failure occurs before layers setup.
+ void FreeLayers() {
+ delete loopback_;
+ loopback_ = nullptr;
+ delete dtls_;
+ dtls_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ void Shutdown() {
+ if (loopback_) {
+ loopback_->Disconnect();
+ }
+ loopback_ = nullptr;
+ dtls_ = nullptr;
+ flow_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> flow_;
+ TransportLayerLoopback *loopback_;
+ TransportLayerDtls *dtls_;
+class TestAgent {
+ public:
+ TestAgent() :
+ audio_config_(109, "opus", 48000, 960, 2, 64000, false),
+ audio_conduit_(mozilla::AudioSessionConduit::Create()),
+ audio_(),
+ audio_pipeline_() {
+ }
+ static void ConnectRtp(TestAgent *client, TestAgent *server) {
+ TransportInfo::InitAndConnect(client->audio_rtp_transport_,
+ server->audio_rtp_transport_);
+ }
+ static void ConnectRtcp(TestAgent *client, TestAgent *server) {
+ TransportInfo::InitAndConnect(client->audio_rtcp_transport_,
+ server->audio_rtcp_transport_);
+ }
+ static void ConnectBundle(TestAgent *client, TestAgent *server) {
+ TransportInfo::InitAndConnect(client->bundle_transport_,
+ server->bundle_transport_);
+ }
+ virtual void CreatePipelines_s(bool aIsRtcpMux) = 0;
+ void Start() {
+ nsresult ret;
+ MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Starting");
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ WrapRunnableRet(&ret, audio_->GetStream(), &Fake_MediaStream::Start));
+ }
+ void StopInt() {
+ audio_->GetStream()->Stop();
+ }
+ void Stop() {
+ MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Stopping");
+ if (audio_pipeline_)
+ audio_pipeline_->ShutdownMedia_m();
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ WrapRunnable(this, &TestAgent::StopInt));
+ }
+ void Shutdown_s() {
+ audio_rtp_transport_.Shutdown();
+ audio_rtcp_transport_.Shutdown();
+ bundle_transport_.Shutdown();
+ if (audio_pipeline_)
+ audio_pipeline_->DetachTransport_s();
+ }
+ void Shutdown() {
+ if (audio_pipeline_)
+ audio_pipeline_->ShutdownMedia_m();
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ WrapRunnable(this, &TestAgent::Shutdown_s));
+ }
+ uint32_t GetRemoteSSRC() {
+ uint32_t res = 0;
+ audio_conduit_->GetRemoteSSRC(&res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetLocalSSRC() {
+ uint32_t res = 0;
+ audio_conduit_->GetLocalSSRC(&res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ int GetAudioRtpCountSent() {
+ return audio_pipeline_->rtp_packets_sent();
+ }
+ int GetAudioRtpCountReceived() {
+ return audio_pipeline_->rtp_packets_received();
+ }
+ int GetAudioRtcpCountSent() {
+ return audio_pipeline_->rtcp_packets_sent();
+ }
+ int GetAudioRtcpCountReceived() {
+ return audio_pipeline_->rtcp_packets_received();
+ }
+ protected:
+ mozilla::AudioCodecConfig audio_config_;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::MediaSessionConduit> audio_conduit_;
+ RefPtr<DOMMediaStream> audio_;
+ // TODO( Right now this does not let us test RTCP in
+ // both directions; only the sender's RTCP is sent, but the receiver should
+ // be sending it too.
+ RefPtr<mozilla::MediaPipeline> audio_pipeline_;
+ TransportInfo audio_rtp_transport_;
+ TransportInfo audio_rtcp_transport_;
+ TransportInfo bundle_transport_;
+class TestAgentSend : public TestAgent {
+ public:
+ TestAgentSend() : use_bundle_(false) {}
+ virtual void CreatePipelines_s(bool aIsRtcpMux) {
+ audio_ = new Fake_DOMMediaStream(new Fake_AudioStreamSource());
+ audio_->SetHintContents(Fake_DOMMediaStream::HINT_CONTENTS_AUDIO);
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<Fake_MediaStreamTrack>> tracks;
+ audio_->GetAudioTracks(tracks);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, tracks.Length());
+ mozilla::MediaConduitErrorCode err =
+ static_cast<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit *>(audio_conduit_.get())->
+ ConfigureSendMediaCodec(&audio_config_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ std::string test_pc("PC");
+ if (aIsRtcpMux) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(audio_rtcp_transport_.flow_);
+ }
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp(audio_rtp_transport_.flow_);
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp(audio_rtcp_transport_.flow_);
+ if (use_bundle_) {
+ rtp = bundle_transport_.flow_;
+ rtcp = nullptr;
+ }
+ audio_pipeline_ = new mozilla::MediaPipelineTransmit(
+ test_pc,
+ nullptr,
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ tracks[0],
+ "audio_track_fake_uuid",
+ 1,
+ audio_conduit_,
+ rtp,
+ rtcp,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter>());
+ audio_pipeline_->Init();
+ }
+ void SetUsingBundle(bool use_bundle) {
+ use_bundle_ = use_bundle;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool use_bundle_;
+class TestAgentReceive : public TestAgent {
+ public:
+ virtual void CreatePipelines_s(bool aIsRtcpMux) {
+ mozilla::SourceMediaStream *audio = new Fake_SourceMediaStream();
+ audio->SetPullEnabled(true);
+ mozilla::AudioSegment* segment= new mozilla::AudioSegment();
+ audio->AddAudioTrack(0, 100, 0, segment);
+ audio->AdvanceKnownTracksTime(mozilla::STREAM_TIME_MAX);
+ audio_ = new Fake_DOMMediaStream(audio);
+ std::vector<mozilla::AudioCodecConfig *> codecs;
+ codecs.push_back(&audio_config_);
+ mozilla::MediaConduitErrorCode err =
+ static_cast<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit *>(audio_conduit_.get())->
+ ConfigureRecvMediaCodecs(codecs);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ std::string test_pc("PC");
+ if (aIsRtcpMux) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(audio_rtcp_transport_.flow_);
+ }
+ audio_pipeline_ = new mozilla::MediaPipelineReceiveAudio(
+ test_pc,
+ nullptr,
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ audio_->GetStream()->AsSourceStream(), "audio_track_fake_uuid", 1, 1,
+ static_cast<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit *>(audio_conduit_.get()),
+ audio_rtp_transport_.flow_,
+ audio_rtcp_transport_.flow_,
+ bundle_filter_);
+ audio_pipeline_->Init();
+ }
+ void SetBundleFilter(nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter) {
+ bundle_filter_ = filter;
+ }
+ void UpdateFilter_s(
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter) {
+ audio_pipeline_->UpdateTransport_s(1,
+ audio_rtp_transport_.flow_,
+ audio_rtcp_transport_.flow_,
+ filter);
+ }
+ private:
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> bundle_filter_;
+class MediaPipelineTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+ ~MediaPipelineTest() {
+ p1_.Stop();
+ p2_.Stop();
+ p1_.Shutdown();
+ p2_.Shutdown();
+ }
+ // Setup transport.
+ void InitTransports(bool aIsRtcpMux) {
+ // RTP, p1_ is server, p2_ is client
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ WrapRunnableNM(&TestAgent::ConnectRtp, &p2_, &p1_));
+ // Create RTCP flows separately if we are not muxing them.
+ if(!aIsRtcpMux) {
+ // RTCP, p1_ is server, p2_ is client
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ WrapRunnableNM(&TestAgent::ConnectRtcp, &p2_, &p1_));
+ }
+ // BUNDLE, p1_ is server, p2_ is client
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ WrapRunnableNM(&TestAgent::ConnectBundle, &p2_, &p1_));
+ }
+ // Verify RTP and RTCP
+ void TestAudioSend(bool aIsRtcpMux,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> initialFilter =
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter>(nullptr),
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> refinedFilter =
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter>(nullptr),
+ unsigned int ms_until_filter_update = 500,
+ unsigned int ms_of_traffic_after_answer = 10000) {
+ bool bundle = !!(initialFilter);
+ // We do not support testing bundle without rtcp mux, since that doesn't
+ // make any sense.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(!aIsRtcpMux && bundle);
+ p2_.SetBundleFilter(initialFilter);
+ // Setup transport flows
+ InitTransports(aIsRtcpMux);
+ NS_DispatchToMainThread(
+ WrapRunnable(&p1_, &TestAgent::CreatePipelines_s, aIsRtcpMux),
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ WrapRunnable(&p2_, &TestAgent::CreatePipelines_s, aIsRtcpMux));
+ p2_.Start();
+ p1_.Start();
+ if (bundle) {
+ PR_Sleep(ms_until_filter_update);
+ // Leaving refinedFilter not set implies we want to just update with
+ // the other side's SSRC
+ if (!refinedFilter) {
+ refinedFilter = new MediaPipelineFilter;
+ // Might not be safe, strictly speaking.
+ refinedFilter->AddRemoteSSRC(p1_.GetLocalSSRC());
+ }
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(
+ test_utils->sts_target(),
+ WrapRunnable(&p2_,
+ &TestAgentReceive::UpdateFilter_s,
+ refinedFilter));
+ }
+ // wait for some RTP/RTCP tx and rx to happen
+ PR_Sleep(ms_of_traffic_after_answer);
+ p1_.Stop();
+ p2_.Stop();
+ // wait for any packets in flight to arrive
+ PR_Sleep(100);
+ p1_.Shutdown();
+ p2_.Shutdown();
+ if (!bundle) {
+ // If we are filtering, allow the test-case to do this checking.
+ ASSERT_GE(p1_.GetAudioRtpCountSent(), 40);
+ ASSERT_EQ(p1_.GetAudioRtpCountReceived(), p2_.GetAudioRtpCountSent());
+ ASSERT_EQ(p1_.GetAudioRtpCountSent(), p2_.GetAudioRtpCountReceived());
+ // Calling ShutdownMedia_m on both pipelines does not stop the flow of
+ // RTCP. So, we might be off by one here.
+ ASSERT_LE(p2_.GetAudioRtcpCountReceived(), p1_.GetAudioRtcpCountSent());
+ ASSERT_GE(p2_.GetAudioRtcpCountReceived() + 1, p1_.GetAudioRtcpCountSent());
+ }
+ }
+ void TestAudioReceiverBundle(bool bundle_accepted,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> initialFilter,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> refinedFilter =
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter>(nullptr),
+ unsigned int ms_until_answer = 500,
+ unsigned int ms_of_traffic_after_answer = 10000) {
+ TestAudioSend(true,
+ initialFilter,
+ refinedFilter,
+ ms_until_answer,
+ ms_of_traffic_after_answer);
+ }
+ TestAgentSend p1_;
+ TestAgentReceive p2_;
+class MediaPipelineFilterTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+ bool Filter(MediaPipelineFilter& filter,
+ int32_t correlator,
+ uint32_t ssrc,
+ uint8_t payload_type) {
+ webrtc::RTPHeader header;
+ header.ssrc = ssrc;
+ header.payloadType = payload_type;
+ return filter.Filter(header, correlator);
+ }
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestConstruct) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestDefault) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Filter(filter, 0, 233, 110));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestSSRCFilter) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddRemoteSSRC(555);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 0, 555, 110));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Filter(filter, 0, 556, 110));
+#define SSRC(ssrc) \
+ ((ssrc >> 24) & 0xFF), \
+ ((ssrc >> 16) & 0xFF), \
+ ((ssrc >> 8 ) & 0xFF), \
+ (ssrc & 0xFF)
+#define REPORT_FRAGMENT(ssrc) \
+ SSRC(ssrc), \
+ 0,0,0,0, \
+ 0,0,0,0, \
+ 0,0,0,0, \
+ 0,0,0,0, \
+ 0,0,0,0
+#define RTCP_TYPEINFO(num_rrs, type, size) \
+ 0x80 + num_rrs, type, 0, size
+const unsigned char rtcp_sr_s16[] = {
+ // zero rrs, size 6 words
+ RTCP_TYPEINFO(0, MediaPipelineFilter::SENDER_REPORT_T, 6),
+const unsigned char rtcp_sr_s16_r17[] = {
+ // one rr, size 12 words
+ RTCP_TYPEINFO(1, MediaPipelineFilter::SENDER_REPORT_T, 12),
+const unsigned char unknown_type[] = {
+ RTCP_TYPEINFO(1, 222, 0)
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestEmptyFilterReport0) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(filter.FilterSenderReport(rtcp_sr_s16, sizeof(rtcp_sr_s16)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestFilterReport0) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddRemoteSSRC(16);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(filter.FilterSenderReport(rtcp_sr_s16, sizeof(rtcp_sr_s16)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestFilterReport0PTTruncated) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddRemoteSSRC(16);
+ const unsigned char data[] = {0x80};
+ ASSERT_FALSE(filter.FilterSenderReport(data, sizeof(data)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestFilterReport0CountTruncated) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddRemoteSSRC(16);
+ const unsigned char data[] = {};
+ ASSERT_FALSE(filter.FilterSenderReport(data, sizeof(data)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestFilterReport1SSRCTruncated) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddRemoteSSRC(16);
+ const unsigned char sr[] = {
+ RTCP_TYPEINFO(1, MediaPipelineFilter::SENDER_REPORT_T, 12),
+ 0,0,0
+ };
+ ASSERT_TRUE(filter.FilterSenderReport(sr, sizeof(sr)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestFilterReport1BigSSRC) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddRemoteSSRC(0x01020304);
+ const unsigned char sr[] = {
+ RTCP_TYPEINFO(1, MediaPipelineFilter::SENDER_REPORT_T, 12),
+ SSRC(0x01020304),
+ REPORT_FRAGMENT(0x11121314)
+ };
+ ASSERT_TRUE(filter.FilterSenderReport(sr, sizeof(sr)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestFilterReportMatch) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddRemoteSSRC(16);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(filter.FilterSenderReport(rtcp_sr_s16_r17,
+ sizeof(rtcp_sr_s16_r17)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestFilterReportNoMatch) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddRemoteSSRC(17);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(filter.FilterSenderReport(rtcp_sr_s16_r17,
+ sizeof(rtcp_sr_s16_r17)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestFilterUnknownRTCPType) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(filter.FilterSenderReport(unknown_type, sizeof(unknown_type)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestCorrelatorFilter) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.SetCorrelator(7777);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 7777, 16, 110));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Filter(filter, 7778, 17, 110));
+ // This should also have resulted in the SSRC 16 being added to the filter
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 0, 16, 110));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Filter(filter, 0, 17, 110));
+ // rtcp_sr_s16 has 16 as an SSRC
+ ASSERT_TRUE(filter.FilterSenderReport(rtcp_sr_s16, sizeof(rtcp_sr_s16)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestPayloadTypeFilter) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddUniquePT(110);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 0, 555, 110));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Filter(filter, 0, 556, 111));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestPayloadTypeFilterSSRCUpdate) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.AddUniquePT(110);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 0, 16, 110));
+ // rtcp_sr_s16 has 16 as an SSRC
+ ASSERT_TRUE(filter.FilterSenderReport(rtcp_sr_s16, sizeof(rtcp_sr_s16)));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestSSRCMovedWithCorrelator) {
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.SetCorrelator(7777);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 7777, 555, 110));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 0, 555, 110));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Filter(filter, 7778, 555, 110));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Filter(filter, 0, 555, 110));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineFilterTest, TestRemoteSDPNoSSRCs) {
+ // If the remote SDP doesn't have SSRCs, right now this is a no-op and
+ // there is no point of even incorporating a filter, but we make the
+ // behavior consistent to avoid confusion.
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter;
+ filter.SetCorrelator(7777);
+ filter.AddUniquePT(111);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 7777, 555, 110));
+ MediaPipelineFilter filter2;
+ filter.Update(filter2);
+ // Ensure that the old SSRC still works.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Filter(filter, 0, 555, 110));
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineTest, DISABLED_TestAudioSendNoMux) {
+ TestAudioSend(false);
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineTest, DISABLED_TestAudioSendMux) {
+ TestAudioSend(true);
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineTest, TestAudioSendBundle) {
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter(new MediaPipelineFilter);
+ // These durations have to be _extremely_ long to have any assurance that
+ // some RTCP will be sent at all. This is because the first RTCP packet
+ // is sometimes sent before the transports are ready, which causes it to
+ // be dropped.
+ TestAudioReceiverBundle(true,
+ filter,
+ // We do not specify the filter for the remote description, so it will be
+ // set to something sane after a short time.
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter>(),
+ 10000,
+ 10000);
+ // Some packets should have been dropped, but not all
+ ASSERT_GT(p1_.GetAudioRtpCountSent(), p2_.GetAudioRtpCountReceived());
+ ASSERT_GT(p2_.GetAudioRtpCountReceived(), 40);
+ ASSERT_GT(p1_.GetAudioRtcpCountSent(), 1);
+ ASSERT_GT(p1_.GetAudioRtcpCountSent(), p2_.GetAudioRtcpCountReceived());
+ ASSERT_GT(p2_.GetAudioRtcpCountReceived(), 0);
+TEST_F(MediaPipelineTest, TestAudioSendEmptyBundleFilter) {
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter(new MediaPipelineFilter);
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> bad_answer_filter(new MediaPipelineFilter);
+ TestAudioReceiverBundle(true, filter, bad_answer_filter);
+ // Filter is empty, so should drop everything.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, p2_.GetAudioRtpCountReceived());
+} // end namespace
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ ScopedXPCOM xpcom("mediapipeline_unittest");
+ test_utils = new MtransportTestUtils();
+ // Start the tests
+ NSS_NoDB_Init(nullptr);
+ NSS_SetDomesticPolicy();
+ ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
+ int rv = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+ delete test_utils;
+ return rv;