path: root/media/webrtc/signaling/src/peerconnection/PeerConnectionImpl.h
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /media/webrtc/signaling/src/peerconnection/PeerConnectionImpl.h
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'media/webrtc/signaling/src/peerconnection/PeerConnectionImpl.h')
1 files changed, 894 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/webrtc/signaling/src/peerconnection/PeerConnectionImpl.h b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/peerconnection/PeerConnectionImpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c29d08180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/peerconnection/PeerConnectionImpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#include <deque>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "prlock.h"
+#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
+#include "nsWeakPtr.h"
+#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
+#include "nsIWeakReferenceUtils.h" // for the definition of nsWeakPtr
+#include "IPeerConnection.h"
+#include "sigslot.h"
+#include "nricectx.h"
+#include "nricemediastream.h"
+#include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
+#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
+#include "nsIUUIDGenerator.h"
+#include "nsIThread.h"
+#include "signaling/src/jsep/JsepSession.h"
+#include "signaling/src/jsep/JsepSessionImpl.h"
+#include "signaling/src/sdp/SdpMediaSection.h"
+#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/PeerConnectionImplEnumsBinding.h"
+#include "PrincipalChangeObserver.h"
+#include "StreamTracks.h"
+#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
+#include "mozilla/net/DataChannel.h"
+#include "VideoUtils.h"
+#include "VideoSegment.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/RTCStatsReportBinding.h"
+#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
+#include "mozilla/PeerIdentity.h"
+namespace test {
+class AFakePCObserver;
+class Fake_DOMMediaStream;
+class Fake_MediaStreamTrack;
+class nsGlobalWindow;
+class nsDOMDataChannel;
+namespace mozilla {
+class DataChannel;
+class DtlsIdentity;
+class NrIceCtx;
+class NrIceMediaStream;
+class NrIceStunServer;
+class NrIceTurnServer;
+class MediaPipeline;
+typedef Fake_DOMMediaStream DOMMediaStream;
+class DOMMediaStream;
+namespace dom {
+class RTCCertificate;
+struct RTCConfiguration;
+class RTCDTMFSender;
+struct RTCIceServer;
+struct RTCOfferOptions;
+struct RTCRtpParameters;
+class RTCRtpSender;
+typedef Fake_MediaStreamTrack MediaStreamTrack;
+class MediaStreamTrack;
+typedef test::AFakePCObserver PeerConnectionObserver;
+typedef const char *PCObserverString;
+class PeerConnectionObserver;
+typedef NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 PCObserverString;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
+typedef struct Timecard Timecard;
+#include "timecard.h"
+// To preserve blame, convert nsresult to ErrorResult with wrappers. These macros
+// help declare wrappers w/function being wrapped when there are no differences.
+#define NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(func, rv, ...) \
+void func (__VA_ARGS__, rv)
+#define NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT_RETREF(resulttype, func, rv, ...) \
+NS_IMETHODIMP func(__VA_ARGS__, resulttype **result); \
+already_AddRefed<resulttype> func (__VA_ARGS__, rv)
+struct MediaStreamTable;
+namespace mozilla {
+using mozilla::dom::PeerConnectionObserver;
+using mozilla::dom::RTCConfiguration;
+using mozilla::dom::RTCIceServer;
+using mozilla::dom::RTCOfferOptions;
+using mozilla::DOMMediaStream;
+using mozilla::NrIceCtx;
+using mozilla::NrIceMediaStream;
+using mozilla::DtlsIdentity;
+using mozilla::ErrorResult;
+using mozilla::NrIceStunServer;
+using mozilla::NrIceTurnServer;
+using mozilla::PeerIdentity;
+class PeerConnectionWrapper;
+class PeerConnectionMedia;
+class RemoteSourceStreamInfo;
+// Uuid Generator
+class PCUuidGenerator : public mozilla::JsepUuidGenerator {
+ public:
+ virtual bool Generate(std::string* idp) override;
+ private:
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIUUIDGenerator> mGenerator;
+class PeerConnectionConfiguration
+ PeerConnectionConfiguration()
+ : mBundlePolicy(kBundleBalanced),
+ mIceTransportPolicy(NrIceCtx::ICE_POLICY_ALL) {}
+ bool addStunServer(const std::string& addr, uint16_t port,
+ const char* transport)
+ {
+ UniquePtr<NrIceStunServer> server(NrIceStunServer::Create(addr, port, transport));
+ if (!server) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ addStunServer(*server);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool addTurnServer(const std::string& addr, uint16_t port,
+ const std::string& username,
+ const std::string& pwd,
+ const char* transport)
+ {
+ // TODO( Need support for SASLprep for
+ // username and password. Bug # ???
+ std::vector<unsigned char> password(pwd.begin(), pwd.end());
+ UniquePtr<NrIceTurnServer> server(NrIceTurnServer::Create(addr, port, username, password,
+ transport));
+ if (!server) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ addTurnServer(*server);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void addStunServer(const NrIceStunServer& server) { mStunServers.push_back (server); }
+ void addTurnServer(const NrIceTurnServer& server) { mTurnServers.push_back (server); }
+ const std::vector<NrIceStunServer>& getStunServers() const { return mStunServers; }
+ const std::vector<NrIceTurnServer>& getTurnServers() const { return mTurnServers; }
+ void setBundlePolicy(JsepBundlePolicy policy) { mBundlePolicy = policy;}
+ JsepBundlePolicy getBundlePolicy() const { return mBundlePolicy; }
+ void setIceTransportPolicy(NrIceCtx::Policy policy) { mIceTransportPolicy = policy;}
+ NrIceCtx::Policy getIceTransportPolicy() const { return mIceTransportPolicy; }
+ nsresult Init(const RTCConfiguration& aSrc);
+ nsresult AddIceServer(const RTCIceServer& aServer);
+ std::vector<NrIceStunServer> mStunServers;
+ std::vector<NrIceTurnServer> mTurnServers;
+ JsepBundlePolicy mBundlePolicy;
+ NrIceCtx::Policy mIceTransportPolicy;
+// Not an inner class so we can forward declare.
+class RTCStatsQuery {
+ public:
+ explicit RTCStatsQuery(bool internalStats);
+ ~RTCStatsQuery();
+ nsAutoPtr<mozilla::dom::RTCStatsReportInternal> report;
+ std::string error;
+ // A timestamp to help with telemetry.
+ mozilla::TimeStamp iceStartTime;
+ // Just for convenience, maybe integrate into the report later
+ bool failed;
+ private:
+ friend class PeerConnectionImpl;
+ std::string pcName;
+ bool internalStats;
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::MediaPipeline>> pipelines;
+ RefPtr<NrIceCtx> iceCtx;
+ bool grabAllLevels;
+ DOMHighResTimeStamp now;
+// Enter an API call and check that the state is OK,
+// the PC isn't closed, etc.
+#define PC_AUTO_ENTER_API_CALL(assert_ice_ready) \
+ do { \
+ /* do/while prevents res from conflicting with locals */ \
+ nsresult res = CheckApiState(assert_ice_ready); \
+ if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; \
+ } while(0)
+#define PC_AUTO_ENTER_API_CALL_VOID_RETURN(assert_ice_ready) \
+ do { \
+ /* do/while prevents res from conflicting with locals */ \
+ nsresult res = CheckApiState(assert_ice_ready); \
+ if (NS_FAILED(res)) return; \
+ } while(0)
+#define PC_AUTO_ENTER_API_CALL_NO_CHECK() CheckThread()
+class PeerConnectionImpl final : public nsISupports,
+ public mozilla::DataChannelConnection::DataConnectionListener,
+ public dom::PrincipalChangeObserver<dom::MediaStreamTrack>,
+ public sigslot::has_slots<>
+ struct Internal; // Avoid exposing c includes to bindings
+ explicit PeerConnectionImpl(const mozilla::dom::GlobalObject* aGlobal = nullptr);
+ enum Error {
+ kNoError = 0,
+ kInvalidCandidate = 2,
+ kInvalidMediastreamTrack = 3,
+ kInvalidState = 4,
+ kInvalidSessionDescription = 5,
+ kIncompatibleSessionDescription = 6,
+ kIncompatibleMediaStreamTrack = 8,
+ kInternalError = 9
+ };
+ bool WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector);
+ static already_AddRefed<PeerConnectionImpl>
+ Constructor(const mozilla::dom::GlobalObject& aGlobal, ErrorResult& rv);
+ static PeerConnectionImpl* CreatePeerConnection();
+ already_AddRefed<DOMMediaStream> MakeMediaStream();
+ nsresult CreateRemoteSourceStreamInfo(RefPtr<RemoteSourceStreamInfo>* aInfo,
+ const std::string& aId);
+ // DataConnection observers
+ void NotifyDataChannel(already_AddRefed<mozilla::DataChannel> aChannel)
+ // PeerConnectionImpl only inherits from mozilla::DataChannelConnection
+ // inside libxul.
+ override
+ ;
+ // Get the media object
+ const RefPtr<PeerConnectionMedia>& media() const {
+ return mMedia;
+ }
+ // Configure the ability to use localhost.
+ void SetAllowIceLoopback(bool val) { mAllowIceLoopback = val; }
+ bool GetAllowIceLoopback() const { return mAllowIceLoopback; }
+ // Configure the ability to use IPV6 link-local addresses.
+ void SetAllowIceLinkLocal(bool val) { mAllowIceLinkLocal = val; }
+ bool GetAllowIceLinkLocal() const { return mAllowIceLinkLocal; }
+ // Handle system to allow weak references to be passed through C code
+ virtual const std::string& GetHandle();
+ // Name suitable for exposing to content
+ virtual const std::string& GetName();
+ // ICE events
+ void IceConnectionStateChange(NrIceCtx* ctx,
+ NrIceCtx::ConnectionState state);
+ void IceGatheringStateChange(NrIceCtx* ctx,
+ NrIceCtx::GatheringState state);
+ void UpdateDefaultCandidate(const std::string& defaultAddr,
+ uint16_t defaultPort,
+ const std::string& defaultRtcpAddr,
+ uint16_t defaultRtcpPort,
+ uint16_t level);
+ void EndOfLocalCandidates(uint16_t level);
+ void IceStreamReady(NrIceMediaStream *aStream);
+ static void ListenThread(void *aData);
+ static void ConnectThread(void *aData);
+ // Get the main thread
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> GetMainThread() {
+ return mThread;
+ }
+ // Get the STS thread
+ nsIEventTarget* GetSTSThread() {
+ return mSTSThread;
+ }
+ nsPIDOMWindowInner* GetWindow() const {
+ return mWindow;
+ }
+ // Initialize PeerConnection from a PeerConnectionConfiguration object
+ // (used directly by unit-tests, and indirectly by the JS entry point)
+ // This is necessary because RTCConfiguration can't be used by unit-tests
+ nsresult Initialize(PeerConnectionObserver& aObserver,
+ nsGlobalWindow* aWindow,
+ const PeerConnectionConfiguration& aConfiguration,
+ nsISupports* aThread);
+ // Initialize PeerConnection from an RTCConfiguration object (JS entrypoint)
+ void Initialize(PeerConnectionObserver& aObserver,
+ nsGlobalWindow& aWindow,
+ const RTCConfiguration& aConfiguration,
+ nsISupports* aThread,
+ ErrorResult &rv);
+ void SetCertificate(mozilla::dom::RTCCertificate& aCertificate);
+ const RefPtr<mozilla::dom::RTCCertificate>& Certificate() const;
+ // This is a hack to support external linkage.
+ RefPtr<DtlsIdentity> Identity() const;
+ NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(CreateOffer, ErrorResult &rv,
+ const RTCOfferOptions& aOptions)
+ {
+ rv = CreateOffer(aOptions);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP CreateAnswer();
+ void CreateAnswer(ErrorResult &rv)
+ {
+ rv = CreateAnswer();
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP CreateOffer(
+ const mozilla::JsepOfferOptions& aConstraints);
+ NS_IMETHODIMP SetLocalDescription (int32_t aAction, const char* aSDP);
+ void SetLocalDescription (int32_t aAction, const nsAString& aSDP, ErrorResult &rv)
+ {
+ rv = SetLocalDescription(aAction, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aSDP).get());
+ }
+ nsresult CreateNewRemoteTracks(RefPtr<PeerConnectionObserver>& aPco);
+ void RemoveOldRemoteTracks(RefPtr<PeerConnectionObserver>& aPco);
+ NS_IMETHODIMP SetRemoteDescription (int32_t aAction, const char* aSDP);
+ void SetRemoteDescription (int32_t aAction, const nsAString& aSDP, ErrorResult &rv)
+ {
+ rv = SetRemoteDescription(aAction, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aSDP).get());
+ }
+ mozilla::dom::MediaStreamTrack *aSelector)
+ {
+ rv = GetStats(aSelector);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP AddIceCandidate(const char* aCandidate, const char* aMid,
+ unsigned short aLevel);
+ void AddIceCandidate(const nsAString& aCandidate, const nsAString& aMid,
+ unsigned short aLevel, ErrorResult &rv)
+ {
+ rv = AddIceCandidate(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate).get(),
+ NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aMid).get(), aLevel);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP CloseStreams();
+ void CloseStreams(ErrorResult &rv)
+ {
+ rv = CloseStreams();
+ }
+ mozilla::dom::MediaStreamTrack& aTrack,
+ const mozilla::dom::Sequence<mozilla::OwningNonNull<DOMMediaStream>>& aStreams)
+ {
+ rv = AddTrack(aTrack, aStreams);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(RemoveTrack, ErrorResult &rv,
+ mozilla::dom::MediaStreamTrack& aTrack)
+ {
+ rv = RemoveTrack(aTrack);
+ }
+ nsresult
+ AddTrack(mozilla::dom::MediaStreamTrack& aTrack, DOMMediaStream& aStream);
+ dom::RTCRtpSender& sender,
+ const nsAString& tones,
+ uint32_t duration, uint32_t interToneGap) {
+ rv = InsertDTMF(sender, tones, duration, interToneGap);
+ }
+ dom::RTCRtpSender& sender,
+ nsAString& outToneBuffer) {
+ rv = GetDTMFToneBuffer(sender, outToneBuffer);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(ReplaceTrack, ErrorResult &rv,
+ mozilla::dom::MediaStreamTrack& aThisTrack,
+ mozilla::dom::MediaStreamTrack& aWithTrack)
+ {
+ rv = ReplaceTrack(aThisTrack, aWithTrack);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(SetParameters, ErrorResult &rv,
+ dom::MediaStreamTrack& aTrack,
+ const dom::RTCRtpParameters& aParameters)
+ {
+ rv = SetParameters(aTrack, aParameters);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(GetParameters, ErrorResult &rv,
+ dom::MediaStreamTrack& aTrack,
+ dom::RTCRtpParameters& aOutParameters)
+ {
+ rv = GetParameters(aTrack, aOutParameters);
+ }
+ nsresult
+ SetParameters(dom::MediaStreamTrack& aTrack,
+ const std::vector<JsepTrack::JsConstraints>& aConstraints);
+ nsresult
+ GetParameters(dom::MediaStreamTrack& aTrack,
+ std::vector<JsepTrack::JsConstraints>* aOutConstraints);
+ NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(SelectSsrc, ErrorResult &rv,
+ dom::MediaStreamTrack& aRecvTrack,
+ unsigned short aSsrcIndex)
+ {
+ rv = SelectSsrc(aRecvTrack, aSsrcIndex);
+ }
+ nsresult GetPeerIdentity(nsAString& peerIdentity)
+ {
+ if (mPeerIdentity) {
+ peerIdentity = mPeerIdentity->ToString();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ peerIdentity.SetIsVoid(true);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ const PeerIdentity* GetPeerIdentity() const { return mPeerIdentity; }
+ nsresult SetPeerIdentity(const nsAString& peerIdentity);
+ const std::string& GetIdAsAscii() const
+ {
+ return mName;
+ }
+ nsresult GetId(nsAString& id)
+ {
+ id = NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(mName.c_str());
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsresult SetId(const nsAString& id)
+ {
+ mName = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(id).get();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // this method checks to see if we've made a promise to protect media.
+ bool PrivacyRequested() const { return mPrivacyRequested; }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP GetFingerprint(char** fingerprint);
+ void GetFingerprint(nsAString& fingerprint)
+ {
+ char *tmp;
+ GetFingerprint(&tmp);
+ fingerprint.AssignASCII(tmp);
+ delete[] tmp;
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP GetLocalDescription(char** aSDP);
+ void GetLocalDescription(nsAString& aSDP)
+ {
+ char *tmp;
+ GetLocalDescription(&tmp);
+ aSDP.AssignASCII(tmp);
+ delete[] tmp;
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP GetRemoteDescription(char** aSDP);
+ void GetRemoteDescription(nsAString& aSDP)
+ {
+ char *tmp;
+ GetRemoteDescription(&tmp);
+ aSDP.AssignASCII(tmp);
+ delete[] tmp;
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP SignalingState(mozilla::dom::PCImplSignalingState* aState);
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplSignalingState SignalingState()
+ {
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplSignalingState state;
+ SignalingState(&state);
+ return state;
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP IceConnectionState(
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplIceConnectionState* aState);
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplIceConnectionState IceConnectionState()
+ {
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplIceConnectionState state;
+ IceConnectionState(&state);
+ return state;
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP IceGatheringState(
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplIceGatheringState* aState);
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplIceGatheringState IceGatheringState()
+ {
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplIceGatheringState state;
+ IceGatheringState(&state);
+ return state;
+ }
+ void Close(ErrorResult &rv)
+ {
+ rv = Close();
+ }
+ bool PluginCrash(uint32_t aPluginID,
+ const nsAString& aPluginName);
+ void RecordEndOfCallTelemetry() const;
+ nsresult InitializeDataChannel();
+ CreateDataChannel, ErrorResult &rv,
+ const nsAString& aLabel,
+ const nsAString& aProtocol,
+ uint16_t aType,
+ bool outOfOrderAllowed,
+ uint16_t aMaxTime,
+ uint16_t aMaxNum,
+ bool aExternalNegotiated,
+ uint16_t aStream);
+ NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(GetLocalStreams, ErrorResult &rv,
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<DOMMediaStream > >& result)
+ {
+ rv = GetLocalStreams(result);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHODIMP_TO_ERRORRESULT(GetRemoteStreams, ErrorResult &rv,
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<DOMMediaStream > >& result)
+ {
+ rv = GetRemoteStreams(result);
+ }
+ // Called whenever something is unrecognized by the parser
+ // May be called more than once and does not necessarily mean
+ // that parsing was stopped, only that something was unrecognized.
+ void OnSdpParseError(const char* errorMessage);
+ // Called when OnLocal/RemoteDescriptionSuccess/Error
+ // is called to start the list over.
+ void ClearSdpParseErrorMessages();
+ // Called to retreive the list of parsing errors.
+ const std::vector<std::string> &GetSdpParseErrors();
+ // Sets the RTC Signaling State
+ void SetSignalingState_m(mozilla::dom::PCImplSignalingState aSignalingState,
+ bool rollback = false);
+ // Updates the RTC signaling state based on the JsepSession state
+ void UpdateSignalingState(bool rollback = false);
+ bool IsClosed() const;
+ // called when DTLS connects; we only need this once
+ nsresult SetDtlsConnected(bool aPrivacyRequested);
+ bool HasMedia() const;
+ // initialize telemetry for when calls start
+ void startCallTelem();
+ nsresult BuildStatsQuery_m(
+ mozilla::dom::MediaStreamTrack *aSelector,
+ RTCStatsQuery *query);
+ static nsresult ExecuteStatsQuery_s(RTCStatsQuery *query);
+ // for monitoring changes in track ownership
+ // PeerConnectionMedia can't do it because it doesn't know about principals
+ virtual void PrincipalChanged(dom::MediaStreamTrack* aTrack) override;
+ static std::string GetStreamId(const DOMMediaStream& aStream);
+ static std::string GetTrackId(const dom::MediaStreamTrack& track);
+ void OnMediaError(const std::string& aError);
+ virtual ~PeerConnectionImpl();
+ PeerConnectionImpl(const PeerConnectionImpl&rhs);
+ PeerConnectionImpl& operator=(PeerConnectionImpl);
+ nsresult CalculateFingerprint(const std::string& algorithm,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* fingerprint) const;
+ nsresult ConfigureJsepSessionCodecs();
+ NS_IMETHODIMP EnsureDataConnection(uint16_t aNumstreams);
+ nsresult CloseInt();
+ nsresult CheckApiState(bool assert_ice_ready) const;
+ void CheckThread() const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(CheckThreadInt(), "Wrong thread");
+ }
+ bool CheckThreadInt() const {
+ // Thread assertions are disabled in the C++ unit tests because those
+ // make API calls off the main thread.
+ // This affects the standalone version of WebRTC since it is also used
+ // for an alternate build of the unit tests.
+ // TODO( Fix the unit tests so they don't do that.
+ bool on;
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(mThread->IsOnCurrentThread(&on), false);
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(on, false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ nsresult GetTimeSinceEpoch(DOMHighResTimeStamp *result);
+ // Shut down media - called on main thread only
+ void ShutdownMedia();
+ void CandidateReady(const std::string& candidate, uint16_t level);
+ void SendLocalIceCandidateToContent(uint16_t level,
+ const std::string& mid,
+ const std::string& candidate);
+ nsresult GetDatachannelParameters(
+ const mozilla::JsepApplicationCodecDescription** codec,
+ uint16_t* level) const;
+ static void DeferredAddTrackToJsepSession(const std::string& pcHandle,
+ SdpMediaSection::MediaType type,
+ const std::string& streamId,
+ const std::string& trackId);
+ nsresult AddTrackToJsepSession(SdpMediaSection::MediaType type,
+ const std::string& streamId,
+ const std::string& trackId);
+ nsresult SetupIceRestart();
+ nsresult RollbackIceRestart();
+ void FinalizeIceRestart();
+ static void GetStatsForPCObserver_s(
+ const std::string& pcHandle,
+ nsAutoPtr<RTCStatsQuery> query);
+ // Sends an RTCStatsReport to JS. Must run on main thread.
+ static void DeliverStatsReportToPCObserver_m(
+ const std::string& pcHandle,
+ nsresult result,
+ nsAutoPtr<RTCStatsQuery> query);
+ // When ICE completes, we record a bunch of statistics that outlive the
+ // PeerConnection. This is just telemetry right now, but this can also
+ // include things like dumping the RLogConnector somewhere, saving away
+ // an RTCStatsReport somewhere so it can be inspected after the call is over,
+ // or other things.
+ void RecordLongtermICEStatistics();
+ void OnNegotiationNeeded();
+ static void MaybeFireNegotiationNeeded_static(const std::string& pcHandle);
+ void MaybeFireNegotiationNeeded();
+ // Timecard used to measure processing time. This should be the first class
+ // attribute so that we accurately measure the time required to instantiate
+ // any other attributes of this class.
+ Timecard *mTimeCard;
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplSignalingState mSignalingState;
+ // ICE State
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplIceConnectionState mIceConnectionState;
+ mozilla::dom::PCImplIceGatheringState mIceGatheringState;
+ // DTLS
+ // this is true if we have been connected ever, see SetDtlsConnected
+ bool mDtlsConnected;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mThread;
+ // TODO: Remove if we ever properly wire PeerConnection for cycle-collection.
+ nsWeakPtr mPCObserver;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> mWindow;
+ // The SDP sent in from JS - here for debugging.
+ std::string mLocalRequestedSDP;
+ std::string mRemoteRequestedSDP;
+ // DTLS fingerprint
+ std::string mFingerprint;
+ std::string mRemoteFingerprint;
+ // identity-related fields
+ // The entity on the other end of the peer-to-peer connection;
+ // void if they are not yet identified, and no identity setting has been set
+ RefPtr<PeerIdentity> mPeerIdentity;
+ // The certificate we are using.
+ RefPtr<mozilla::dom::RTCCertificate> mCertificate;
+ RefPtr<DtlsIdentity> mIdentity;
+ // Whether an app should be prevented from accessing media produced by the PC
+ // If this is true, then media will not be sent until mPeerIdentity matches
+ // local streams PeerIdentity; and remote streams are protected from content
+ //
+ // This can be false if mPeerIdentity is set, in the case where identity is
+ // provided, but the media is not protected from the app on either side
+ bool mPrivacyRequested;
+ // A handle to refer to this PC with
+ std::string mHandle;
+ // A name for this PC that we are willing to expose to content.
+ std::string mName;
+ // The target to run stuff on
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> mSTSThread;
+ // DataConnection that's used to get all the DataChannels
+ RefPtr<mozilla::DataChannelConnection> mDataConnection;
+ bool mAllowIceLoopback;
+ bool mAllowIceLinkLocal;
+ RefPtr<PeerConnectionMedia> mMedia;
+ // The JSEP negotiation session.
+ mozilla::UniquePtr<PCUuidGenerator> mUuidGen;
+ mozilla::UniquePtr<mozilla::JsepSession> mJsepSession;
+ std::string mPreviousIceUfrag; // used during rollback of ice restart
+ std::string mPreviousIcePwd; // used during rollback of ice restart
+ // Start time of ICE, used for telemetry
+ mozilla::TimeStamp mIceStartTime;
+ // Start time of call used for Telemetry
+ mozilla::TimeStamp mStartTime;
+ // Temporary: used to prevent multiple audio streams or multiple video streams
+ // in a single PC. This is tied up in the IETF discussion around proper
+ // representation of multiple streams in SDP, and strongly related to
+ // Bug 840728.
+ int mNumAudioStreams;
+ int mNumVideoStreams;
+ bool mHaveConfiguredCodecs;
+ bool mHaveDataStream;
+ unsigned int mAddCandidateErrorCount;
+ bool mTrickle;
+ bool mNegotiationNeeded;
+ bool mPrivateWindow;
+ // storage for Telemetry data
+ uint16_t mMaxReceiving[SdpMediaSection::kMediaTypes];
+ uint16_t mMaxSending[SdpMediaSection::kMediaTypes];
+ // DTMF
+ class DTMFState : public nsITimerCallback {
+ virtual ~DTMFState();
+ public:
+ DTMFState();
+ PeerConnectionImpl* mPeerConnectionImpl;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mSendTimer;
+ nsString mTrackId;
+ nsString mTones;
+ size_t mLevel;
+ uint32_t mDuration;
+ uint32_t mInterToneGap;
+ };
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<DTMFState>> mDTMFStates;
+ //these are temporary until the DataChannel Listen/Connect API is removed
+ unsigned short listenPort;
+ unsigned short connectPort;
+ char *connectStr; // XXX ownership/free
+// This is what is returned when you acquire on a handle
+class PeerConnectionWrapper
+ public:
+ explicit PeerConnectionWrapper(const std::string& handle);
+ PeerConnectionImpl *impl() { return impl_; }
+ private:
+ RefPtr<PeerConnectionImpl> impl_;
+} // end mozilla namespace