path: root/media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.cpp
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.cpp
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.cpp')
1 files changed, 1134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.cpp b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2c57431e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#include "CSFLog.h"
+#include "nspr.h"
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#elif defined XP_WIN
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include "AudioConduit.h"
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "mozilla/Services.h"
+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
+#include "nsIPrefService.h"
+#include "nsIPrefBranch.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "Latency.h"
+#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
+#include "webrtc/common.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_dtmf.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_errors.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/voice_engine_impl.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
+#include "AndroidJNIWrapper.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+static const char* logTag ="WebrtcAudioSessionConduit";
+// 32 bytes is what WebRTC CodecInst expects
+const unsigned int WebrtcAudioConduit::CODEC_PLNAME_SIZE = 32;
+ * Factory Method for AudioConduit
+ */
+RefPtr<AudioSessionConduit> AudioSessionConduit::Create()
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s ", __FUNCTION__);
+ NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Only call on main thread");
+ WebrtcAudioConduit* obj = new WebrtcAudioConduit();
+ if(obj->Init() != kMediaConduitNoError)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s AudioConduit Init Failed ", __FUNCTION__);
+ delete obj;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Successfully created AudioConduit ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return obj;
+ * Destruction defines for our super-classes
+ */
+ NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Only call on main thread");
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s ", __FUNCTION__);
+ for(std::vector<AudioCodecConfig*>::size_type i=0;i < mRecvCodecList.size();i++)
+ {
+ delete mRecvCodecList[i];
+ }
+ // The first one of a pair to be deleted shuts down media for both
+ if(mPtrVoEXmedia)
+ {
+ mPtrVoEXmedia->SetExternalRecordingStatus(false);
+ mPtrVoEXmedia->SetExternalPlayoutStatus(false);
+ }
+ //Deal with the transport
+ if(mPtrVoENetwork)
+ {
+ mPtrVoENetwork->DeRegisterExternalTransport(mChannel);
+ }
+ if(mPtrVoEBase)
+ {
+ mPtrVoEBase->StopPlayout(mChannel);
+ mPtrVoEBase->StopSend(mChannel);
+ mPtrVoEBase->StopReceive(mChannel);
+ mPtrVoEBase->DeleteChannel(mChannel);
+ mPtrVoEBase->Terminate();
+ }
+ // We shouldn't delete the VoiceEngine until all these are released!
+ // And we can't use a Scoped ptr, since the order is arbitrary
+ mPtrVoENetwork = nullptr;
+ mPtrVoEBase = nullptr;
+ mPtrVoECodec = nullptr;
+ mPtrVoEXmedia = nullptr;
+ mPtrVoEProcessing = nullptr;
+ mPtrVoEVideoSync = nullptr;
+ mPtrVoERTP_RTCP = nullptr;
+ mPtrRTP = nullptr;
+ if(mVoiceEngine)
+ {
+ webrtc::VoiceEngine::Delete(mVoiceEngine);
+ }
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::SetLocalSSRC(unsigned int ssrc)
+ unsigned int oldSsrc;
+ if (!GetLocalSSRC(&oldSsrc)) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(false, "GetLocalSSRC failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (oldSsrc == ssrc) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool wasTransmitting = mEngineTransmitting;
+ if (StopTransmitting() != kMediaConduitNoError) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (mPtrRTP->SetLocalSSRC(mChannel, ssrc)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (wasTransmitting) {
+ if (StartTransmitting() != kMediaConduitNoError) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::GetLocalSSRC(unsigned int* ssrc) {
+ return !mPtrRTP->GetLocalSSRC(mChannel, *ssrc);
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::GetRemoteSSRC(unsigned int* ssrc) {
+ return !mPtrRTP->GetRemoteSSRC(mChannel, *ssrc);
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::SetLocalCNAME(const char* cname)
+ char temp[256];
+ strncpy(temp, cname, sizeof(temp) - 1);
+ temp[sizeof(temp) - 1] = 0;
+ return !mPtrRTP->SetRTCP_CNAME(mChannel, temp);
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::GetAVStats(int32_t* jitterBufferDelayMs,
+ int32_t* playoutBufferDelayMs,
+ int32_t* avSyncOffsetMs) {
+ return !mPtrVoEVideoSync->GetDelayEstimate(mChannel,
+ jitterBufferDelayMs,
+ playoutBufferDelayMs,
+ avSyncOffsetMs);
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::GetRTPStats(unsigned int* jitterMs,
+ unsigned int* cumulativeLost) {
+ unsigned int maxJitterMs = 0;
+ unsigned int discardedPackets;
+ *jitterMs = 0;
+ *cumulativeLost = 0;
+ return !mPtrRTP->GetRTPStatistics(mChannel, *jitterMs, maxJitterMs,
+ discardedPackets, *cumulativeLost);
+NTPtoDOMHighResTimeStamp(uint32_t ntpHigh, uint32_t ntpLow) {
+ return (uint32_t(ntpHigh - webrtc::kNtpJan1970) +
+ double(ntpLow) / webrtc::kMagicNtpFractionalUnit) * 1000;
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::GetRTCPReceiverReport(DOMHighResTimeStamp* timestamp,
+ uint32_t* jitterMs,
+ uint32_t* packetsReceived,
+ uint64_t* bytesReceived,
+ uint32_t* cumulativeLost,
+ int32_t* rttMs) {
+ uint32_t ntpHigh, ntpLow;
+ uint16_t fractionLost;
+ bool result = !mPtrRTP->GetRemoteRTCPReceiverInfo(mChannel, ntpHigh, ntpLow,
+ *packetsReceived,
+ *bytesReceived,
+ *jitterMs,
+ fractionLost,
+ *cumulativeLost,
+ *rttMs);
+ if (result) {
+ *timestamp = NTPtoDOMHighResTimeStamp(ntpHigh, ntpLow);
+ }
+ return result;
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::GetRTCPSenderReport(DOMHighResTimeStamp* timestamp,
+ unsigned int* packetsSent,
+ uint64_t* bytesSent) {
+ webrtc::RTCPSenderInfo senderInfo;
+ webrtc::RtpRtcp * rtpRtcpModule;
+ webrtc::RtpReceiver * rtp_receiver;
+ bool result =
+ !mPtrVoEVideoSync->GetRtpRtcp(mChannel,&rtpRtcpModule,&rtp_receiver) &&
+ !rtpRtcpModule->RemoteRTCPStat(&senderInfo);
+ if (result){
+ *timestamp = NTPtoDOMHighResTimeStamp(senderInfo.NTPseconds,
+ senderInfo.NTPfraction);
+ *packetsSent = senderInfo.sendPacketCount;
+ *bytesSent = senderInfo.sendOctetCount;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::SetDtmfPayloadType(unsigned char type) {
+ CSFLogInfo(logTag, "%s : setting dtmf payload %d", __FUNCTION__, (int)type);
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoEDtmf> mPtrVoEDtmf;
+ mPtrVoEDtmf = webrtc::VoEDtmf::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine);
+ if (!mPtrVoEDtmf) {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEDtmf", __FUNCTION__);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int result = mPtrVoEDtmf->SetSendTelephoneEventPayloadType(mChannel, type);
+ if (result == -1) {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Failed call to SetSendTelephoneEventPayloadType",
+ __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return result != -1;
+bool WebrtcAudioConduit::InsertDTMFTone(int channel, int eventCode,
+ bool outOfBand, int lengthMs,
+ int attenuationDb) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(!NS_IsMainThread(), "Do not call on main thread");
+ if (!mVoiceEngine || !mDtmfEnabled) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ webrtc::VoiceEngineImpl* s = static_cast<webrtc::VoiceEngineImpl*>(mVoiceEngine);
+ int result = s->SendTelephoneEvent(channel, eventCode, outOfBand, lengthMs, attenuationDb);
+ return result != -1;
+ * WebRTCAudioConduit Implementation
+ */
+MediaConduitErrorCode WebrtcAudioConduit::Init()
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s this=%p", __FUNCTION__, this);
+ jobject context = jsjni_GetGlobalContextRef();
+ // get the JVM
+ JavaVM *jvm = jsjni_GetVM();
+ if (webrtc::VoiceEngine::SetAndroidObjects(jvm, (void*)context) != 0) {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to set Android objects", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ // Per WebRTC APIs below function calls return nullptr on failure
+ if(!(mVoiceEngine = webrtc::VoiceEngine::Create()))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to create voice engine", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if(!(mPtrVoEBase = VoEBase::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEBase", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if(!(mPtrVoENetwork = VoENetwork::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoENetwork", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if(!(mPtrVoECodec = VoECodec::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEBCodec", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if(!(mPtrVoEProcessing = VoEAudioProcessing::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEProcessing", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if(!(mPtrVoEXmedia = VoEExternalMedia::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEExternalMedia", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if(!(mPtrVoERTP_RTCP = VoERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoERTP_RTCP", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if(!(mPtrVoEVideoSync = VoEVideoSync::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEVideoSync", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if (!(mPtrRTP = webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get audio RTP/RTCP interface ",
+ __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ // init the engine with our audio device layer
+ if(mPtrVoEBase->Init() == -1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine Base Not Initialized", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if( (mChannel = mPtrVoEBase->CreateChannel()) == -1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine Channel creation failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitChannelError;
+ }
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Channel Created %d ",__FUNCTION__, mChannel);
+ if(mPtrVoENetwork->RegisterExternalTransport(mChannel, *this) == -1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine, External Transport Failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitTransportRegistrationFail;
+ }
+ if(mPtrVoEXmedia->SetExternalRecordingStatus(true) == -1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetExternalRecordingStatus Failed %d",__FUNCTION__,
+ mPtrVoEBase->LastError());
+ return kMediaConduitExternalPlayoutError;
+ }
+ if(mPtrVoEXmedia->SetExternalPlayoutStatus(true) == -1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetExternalPlayoutStatus Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
+ mPtrVoEBase->LastError());
+ return kMediaConduitExternalRecordingError;
+ }
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag , "%s AudioSessionConduit Initialization Done (%p)",__FUNCTION__, this);
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+// AudioSessionConduit Implementation
+WebrtcAudioConduit::SetTransmitterTransport(RefPtr<TransportInterface> aTransport)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s ", __FUNCTION__);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter enter(mTransportMonitor);
+ // set the transport
+ mTransmitterTransport = aTransport;
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+WebrtcAudioConduit::SetReceiverTransport(RefPtr<TransportInterface> aTransport)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s ", __FUNCTION__);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter enter(mTransportMonitor);
+ // set the transport
+ mReceiverTransport = aTransport;
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+WebrtcAudioConduit::ConfigureSendMediaCodec(const AudioCodecConfig* codecConfig)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s ", __FUNCTION__);
+ MediaConduitErrorCode condError = kMediaConduitNoError;
+ int error = 0;//webrtc engine errors
+ webrtc::CodecInst cinst;
+ {
+ //validate codec param
+ if((condError = ValidateCodecConfig(codecConfig, true)) != kMediaConduitNoError)
+ {
+ return condError;
+ }
+ }
+ condError = StopTransmitting();
+ if (condError != kMediaConduitNoError) {
+ return condError;
+ }
+ if(!CodecConfigToWebRTCCodec(codecConfig,cinst))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag,"%s CodecConfig to WebRTC Codec Failed ",__FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ if(mPtrVoECodec->SetSendCodec(mChannel, cinst) == -1)
+ {
+ error = mPtrVoEBase->LastError();
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetSendCodec - Invalid Codec %d ",__FUNCTION__,
+ error);
+ if(error == VE_CANNOT_SET_SEND_CODEC || error == VE_CODEC_ERROR)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Invalid Send Codec", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitInvalidSendCodec;
+ }
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetSendCodec Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
+ mPtrVoEBase->LastError());
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ // This must be called after SetSendCodec
+ if (mPtrVoECodec->SetFECStatus(mChannel, codecConfig->mFECEnabled) == -1) {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetFECStatus Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
+ mPtrVoEBase->LastError());
+ return kMediaConduitFECStatusError;
+ }
+ mDtmfEnabled = codecConfig->mDtmfEnabled;
+ if (codecConfig->mName == "opus" && codecConfig->mMaxPlaybackRate) {
+ if (mPtrVoECodec->SetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(
+ mChannel,
+ codecConfig->mMaxPlaybackRate) == -1) {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetOpusMaxPlaybackRate Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
+ mPtrVoEBase->LastError());
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ }
+ // TEMPORARY - see bug 694814 comment 2
+ nsresult rv;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefService> prefs = do_GetService(";1", &rv);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> branch = do_QueryInterface(prefs);
+ if (branch) {
+ branch->GetIntPref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", &mCaptureDelay);
+ }
+ }
+ condError = StartTransmitting();
+ if (condError != kMediaConduitNoError) {
+ return condError;
+ }
+ {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(mCodecMutex);
+ //Copy the applied config for future reference.
+ mCurSendCodecConfig = new AudioCodecConfig(codecConfig->mType,
+ codecConfig->mName,
+ codecConfig->mFreq,
+ codecConfig->mPacSize,
+ codecConfig->mChannels,
+ codecConfig->mRate,
+ codecConfig->mFECEnabled);
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+ const std::vector<AudioCodecConfig*>& codecConfigList)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s ", __FUNCTION__);
+ MediaConduitErrorCode condError = kMediaConduitNoError;
+ int error = 0; //webrtc engine errors
+ bool success = false;
+ // Are we receiving already? If so, stop receiving and playout
+ // since we can't apply new recv codec when the engine is playing.
+ condError = StopReceiving();
+ if (condError != kMediaConduitNoError) {
+ return condError;
+ }
+ if(codecConfigList.empty())
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Zero number of codecs to configure", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ // Try Applying the codecs in the list.
+ // We succeed if at least one codec was applied and reception was
+ // started successfully.
+ for(std::vector<AudioCodecConfig*>::size_type i=0 ;i<codecConfigList.size();i++)
+ {
+ //if the codec param is invalid or diplicate, return error
+ if((condError = ValidateCodecConfig(codecConfigList[i],false)) != kMediaConduitNoError)
+ {
+ return condError;
+ }
+ webrtc::CodecInst cinst;
+ if(!CodecConfigToWebRTCCodec(codecConfigList[i],cinst))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag,"%s CodecConfig to WebRTC Codec Failed ",__FUNCTION__);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(mPtrVoECodec->SetRecPayloadType(mChannel,cinst) == -1)
+ {
+ error = mPtrVoEBase->LastError();
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetRecvCodec Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__, error);
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Successfully Set RecvCodec %s", __FUNCTION__,
+ codecConfigList[i]->mName.c_str());
+ //copy this to local database
+ if(CopyCodecToDB(codecConfigList[i]))
+ {
+ success = true;
+ } else {
+ CSFLogError(logTag,"%s Unable to updated Codec Database", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ }
+ } //end for
+ if(!success)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Setting Receive Codec Failed ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitInvalidReceiveCodec;
+ }
+ //If we are here, atleast one codec should have been set
+ condError = StartReceiving();
+ if (condError != kMediaConduitNoError) {
+ return condError;
+ }
+ DumpCodecDB();
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+WebrtcAudioConduit::EnableAudioLevelExtension(bool enabled, uint8_t id)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s %d %d ", __FUNCTION__, enabled, id);
+ if (mPtrVoERTP_RTCP->SetSendAudioLevelIndicationStatus(mChannel, enabled, id) == -1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetSendAudioLevelIndicationStatus Failed", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+WebrtcAudioConduit::SendAudioFrame(const int16_t audio_data[],
+ int32_t lengthSamples,
+ int32_t samplingFreqHz,
+ int32_t capture_delay)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s ", __FUNCTION__);
+ // Following checks need to be performed
+ // 1. Non null audio buffer pointer,
+ // 2. invalid sampling frequency - less than 0 or unsupported ones
+ // 3. Appropriate Sample Length for 10 ms audio-frame. This represents
+ // block size the VoiceEngine feeds into encoder for passed in audio-frame
+ // Ex: for 16000 sampling rate , valid block-length is 160
+ // Similarly for 32000 sampling rate, valid block length is 320
+ // We do the check by the verify modular operator below to be zero
+ if(!audio_data || (lengthSamples <= 0) ||
+ (IsSamplingFreqSupported(samplingFreqHz) == false) ||
+ ((lengthSamples % (samplingFreqHz / 100) != 0)) )
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Invalid Parameters ",__FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ //validate capture time
+ if(capture_delay < 0 )
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag,"%s Invalid Capture Delay ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ // if transmission is not started .. conduit cannot insert frames
+ if(!mEngineTransmitting)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Engine not transmitting ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(GetLatencyLog(), LogLevel::Debug)) {
+ struct Processing insert = { TimeStamp::Now(), 0 };
+ mProcessing.AppendElement(insert);
+ }
+ capture_delay = mCaptureDelay;
+ //Insert the samples
+ if(mPtrVoEXmedia->ExternalRecordingInsertData(audio_data,
+ lengthSamples,
+ samplingFreqHz,
+ capture_delay) == -1)
+ {
+ int error = mPtrVoEBase->LastError();
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Inserting audio data Failed %d", __FUNCTION__, error);
+ if(error == VE_RUNTIME_REC_ERROR)
+ {
+ return kMediaConduitRecordingError;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ // we should be good here
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+WebrtcAudioConduit::GetAudioFrame(int16_t speechData[],
+ int32_t samplingFreqHz,
+ int32_t capture_delay,
+ int& lengthSamples)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s ", __FUNCTION__);
+ unsigned int numSamples = 0;
+ //validate params
+ if(!speechData )
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag,"%s Null Audio Buffer Pointer", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ // Validate sample length
+ if((numSamples = GetNum10msSamplesForFrequency(samplingFreqHz)) == 0 )
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag,"%s Invalid Sampling Frequency ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ //validate capture time
+ if(capture_delay < 0 )
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag,"%s Invalid Capture Delay ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ //Conduit should have reception enabled before we ask for decoded
+ // samples
+ if(!mEngineReceiving)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Engine not Receiving ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ lengthSamples = 0; //output paramter
+ if(mPtrVoEXmedia->ExternalPlayoutGetData( speechData,
+ samplingFreqHz,
+ capture_delay,
+ lengthSamples) == -1)
+ {
+ int error = mPtrVoEBase->LastError();
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Getting audio data Failed %d", __FUNCTION__, error);
+ if(error == VE_RUNTIME_PLAY_ERROR)
+ {
+ return kMediaConduitPlayoutError;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ // Not #ifdef DEBUG or on a log module so we can use it for about:webrtc/etc
+ mSamples += lengthSamples;
+ if (mSamples >= mLastSyncLog + samplingFreqHz) {
+ int jitter_buffer_delay_ms;
+ int playout_buffer_delay_ms;
+ int avsync_offset_ms;
+ if (GetAVStats(&jitter_buffer_delay_ms,
+ &playout_buffer_delay_ms,
+ &avsync_offset_ms)) {
+ if (avsync_offset_ms < 0) {
+ Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::WEBRTC_AVSYNC_WHEN_VIDEO_LAGS_AUDIO_MS,
+ -avsync_offset_ms);
+ } else {
+ Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::WEBRTC_AVSYNC_WHEN_AUDIO_LAGS_VIDEO_MS,
+ avsync_offset_ms);
+ }
+ CSFLogError(logTag,
+ "A/V sync: sync delta: %dms, audio jitter delay %dms, playout delay %dms",
+ avsync_offset_ms, jitter_buffer_delay_ms, playout_buffer_delay_ms);
+ } else {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "A/V sync: GetAVStats failed");
+ }
+ mLastSyncLog = mSamples;
+ }
+ if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(GetLatencyLog(), LogLevel::Debug)) {
+ if (mProcessing.Length() > 0) {
+ unsigned int now;
+ mPtrVoEVideoSync->GetPlayoutTimestamp(mChannel, now);
+ if (static_cast<uint32_t>(now) != mLastTimestamp) {
+ mLastTimestamp = static_cast<uint32_t>(now);
+ // Find the block that includes this timestamp in the network input
+ while (mProcessing.Length() > 0) {
+ // FIX! assumes 20ms @ 48000Hz
+ // FIX handle wrap-around
+ if (mProcessing[0].mRTPTimeStamp + 20*(48000/1000) >= now) {
+ TimeDuration t = TimeStamp::Now() - mProcessing[0].mTimeStamp;
+ // Wrap-around?
+ int64_t delta = t.ToMilliseconds() + (now - mProcessing[0].mRTPTimeStamp)/(48000/1000);
+ LogTime(AsyncLatencyLogger::AudioRecvRTP, ((uint64_t) this), delta);
+ break;
+ }
+ mProcessing.RemoveElementAt(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag,"%s GetAudioFrame:Got samples: length %d ",__FUNCTION__,
+ lengthSamples);
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+// Transport Layer Callbacks
+WebrtcAudioConduit::ReceivedRTPPacket(const void *data, int len)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s : channel %d", __FUNCTION__, mChannel);
+ if(mEngineReceiving)
+ {
+ if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(GetLatencyLog(), LogLevel::Debug)) {
+ // timestamp is at 32 bits in ([1])
+ struct Processing insert = { TimeStamp::Now(),
+ ntohl(static_cast<const uint32_t *>(data)[1]) };
+ mProcessing.AppendElement(insert);
+ }
+ // XXX we need to get passed the time the packet was received
+ if(mPtrVoENetwork->ReceivedRTPPacket(mChannel, data, len) == -1)
+ {
+ int error = mPtrVoEBase->LastError();
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s RTP Processing Error %d", __FUNCTION__, error);
+ {
+ return kMediaConduitRTPRTCPModuleError;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "Error: %s when not receiving", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+WebrtcAudioConduit::ReceivedRTCPPacket(const void *data, int len)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s : channel %d",__FUNCTION__, mChannel);
+ if(mPtrVoENetwork->ReceivedRTCPPacket(mChannel, data, len) == -1)
+ {
+ int error = mPtrVoEBase->LastError();
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s RTCP Processing Error %d", __FUNCTION__, error);
+ {
+ return kMediaConduitRTPRTCPModuleError;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+ if(mEngineTransmitting)
+ {
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Engine Already Sending. Attemping to Stop ", __FUNCTION__);
+ if(mPtrVoEBase->StopSend(mChannel) == -1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s StopSend() Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
+ mPtrVoEBase->LastError());
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ mEngineTransmitting = false;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+ if (!mEngineTransmitting) {
+ //Let's Send Transport State-machine on the Engine
+ if(mPtrVoEBase->StartSend(mChannel) == -1)
+ {
+ int error = mPtrVoEBase->LastError();
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s StartSend failed %d", __FUNCTION__, error);
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ mEngineTransmitting = true;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+ if(mEngineReceiving)
+ {
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Engine Already Receiving. Attemping to Stop ", __FUNCTION__);
+ // AudioEngine doesn't fail fatally on stopping reception. Ref:voe_errors.h.
+ // hence we need not be strict in failing here on errors
+ mPtrVoEBase->StopReceive(mChannel);
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Attemping to Stop playout ", __FUNCTION__);
+ if(mPtrVoEBase->StopPlayout(mChannel) == -1)
+ {
+ if( mPtrVoEBase->LastError() == VE_CANNOT_STOP_PLAYOUT)
+ {
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Stop-Playout Failed %d", __FUNCTION__, mPtrVoEBase->LastError());
+ return kMediaConduitPlayoutError;
+ }
+ }
+ mEngineReceiving = false;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+ if (!mEngineReceiving) {
+ if(mPtrVoEBase->StartReceive(mChannel) == -1)
+ {
+ int error = mPtrVoEBase->LastError();
+ CSFLogError(logTag , "%s StartReceive Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__, error);
+ if(error == VE_RECV_SOCKET_ERROR)
+ {
+ return kMediaConduitSocketError;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitUnknownError;
+ }
+ if(mPtrVoEBase->StartPlayout(mChannel) == -1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Starting playout Failed", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitPlayoutError;
+ }
+ mEngineReceiving = true;
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+//WebRTC::RTP Callback Implementation
+// Called on AudioGUM or MSG thread
+int WebrtcAudioConduit::SendPacket(int channel, const void* data, size_t len)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s : channel %d", __FUNCTION__, channel);
+ if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(GetLatencyLog(), LogLevel::Debug)) {
+ if (mProcessing.Length() > 0) {
+ TimeStamp started = mProcessing[0].mTimeStamp;
+ mProcessing.RemoveElementAt(0);
+ mProcessing.RemoveElementAt(0); // 20ms packetization! Could automate this by watching sizes
+ TimeDuration t = TimeStamp::Now() - started;
+ int64_t delta = t.ToMilliseconds();
+ LogTime(AsyncLatencyLogger::AudioSendRTP, ((uint64_t) this), delta);
+ }
+ }
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter enter(mTransportMonitor);
+ if(mTransmitterTransport &&
+ (mTransmitterTransport->SendRtpPacket(data, len) == NS_OK))
+ {
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Sent RTP Packet ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return len;
+ } else {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s RTP Packet Send Failed ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return -1;
+ }
+// Called on WebRTC Process thread and perhaps others
+int WebrtcAudioConduit::SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void* data, size_t len)
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s : channel %d , len %lu, first rtcp = %u ",
+ channel,
+ (unsigned long) len,
+ static_cast<unsigned>(((uint8_t *) data)[1]));
+ // We come here if we have only one pipeline/conduit setup,
+ // such as for unidirectional streams.
+ // We also end up here if we are receiving
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter enter(mTransportMonitor);
+ if(mReceiverTransport &&
+ mReceiverTransport->SendRtcpPacket(data, len) == NS_OK)
+ {
+ // Might be a sender report, might be a receiver report, we don't know.
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Sent RTCP Packet ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return len;
+ } else if(mTransmitterTransport &&
+ (mTransmitterTransport->SendRtcpPacket(data, len) == NS_OK)) {
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Sent RTCP Packet (sender report) ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return len;
+ } else {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s RTCP Packet Send Failed ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ * Converts between CodecConfig to WebRTC Codec Structure.
+ */
+WebrtcAudioConduit::CodecConfigToWebRTCCodec(const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo,
+ webrtc::CodecInst& cinst)
+ {
+ const unsigned int plNameLength = codecInfo->mName.length();
+ memset(&cinst, 0, sizeof(webrtc::CodecInst));
+ if(sizeof(cinst.plname) < plNameLength+1)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Payload name buffer capacity mismatch ",
+ __FUNCTION__);
+ return false;
+ }
+ memcpy(cinst.plname, codecInfo->mName.c_str(), plNameLength);
+ cinst.plname[plNameLength]='\0';
+ cinst.pltype = codecInfo->mType;
+ cinst.rate = codecInfo->mRate;
+ cinst.pacsize = codecInfo->mPacSize;
+ cinst.plfreq = codecInfo->mFreq;
+ if (codecInfo->mName == "G722") {
+ // Compensate for G.722 spec error in RFC 1890
+ cinst.plfreq = 16000;
+ }
+ cinst.channels = codecInfo->mChannels;
+ return true;
+ }
+ * Supported Sampling Frequncies.
+ */
+WebrtcAudioConduit::IsSamplingFreqSupported(int freq) const
+ if(GetNum10msSamplesForFrequency(freq))
+ {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+/* Return block-length of 10 ms audio frame in number of samples */
+unsigned int
+WebrtcAudioConduit::GetNum10msSamplesForFrequency(int samplingFreqHz) const
+ switch(samplingFreqHz)
+ {
+ case 16000: return 160; //160 samples
+ case 32000: return 320; //320 samples
+ case 44100: return 441; //441 samples
+ case 48000: return 480; //480 samples
+ default: return 0; // invalid or unsupported
+ }
+//Copy the codec passed into Conduit's database
+WebrtcAudioConduit::CopyCodecToDB(const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo)
+ AudioCodecConfig* cdcConfig = new AudioCodecConfig(codecInfo->mType,
+ codecInfo->mName,
+ codecInfo->mFreq,
+ codecInfo->mPacSize,
+ codecInfo->mChannels,
+ codecInfo->mRate,
+ codecInfo->mFECEnabled);
+ mRecvCodecList.push_back(cdcConfig);
+ return true;
+ * Checks if 2 codec structs are same
+ */
+WebrtcAudioConduit::CheckCodecsForMatch(const AudioCodecConfig* curCodecConfig,
+ const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo) const
+ if(!curCodecConfig)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(curCodecConfig->mType == codecInfo->mType &&
+ (curCodecConfig->>mName) == 0) &&
+ curCodecConfig->mFreq == codecInfo->mFreq &&
+ curCodecConfig->mPacSize == codecInfo->mPacSize &&
+ curCodecConfig->mChannels == codecInfo->mChannels &&
+ curCodecConfig->mRate == codecInfo->mRate)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Checks if the codec is already in Conduit's database
+ */
+WebrtcAudioConduit::CheckCodecForMatch(const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo) const
+ //the db should have atleast one codec
+ for(std::vector<AudioCodecConfig*>::size_type i=0;i < mRecvCodecList.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(CheckCodecsForMatch(mRecvCodecList[i],codecInfo))
+ {
+ //match
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //no match or empty local db
+ return false;
+ * Perform validation on the codecConfig to be applied.
+ * Verifies if the codec is already applied.
+ */
+WebrtcAudioConduit::ValidateCodecConfig(const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo,
+ bool send)
+ bool codecAppliedAlready = false;
+ if(!codecInfo)
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Null CodecConfig ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ if((codecInfo->mName.empty()) ||
+ (codecInfo->mName.length() >= CODEC_PLNAME_SIZE))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Invalid Payload Name Length ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ //Only mono or stereo channels supported
+ if( (codecInfo->mChannels != 1) && (codecInfo->mChannels != 2))
+ {
+ CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Channel Unsupported ", __FUNCTION__);
+ return kMediaConduitMalformedArgument;
+ }
+ //check if we have the same codec already applied
+ if(send)
+ {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(mCodecMutex);
+ codecAppliedAlready = CheckCodecsForMatch(mCurSendCodecConfig,codecInfo);
+ } else {
+ codecAppliedAlready = CheckCodecForMatch(codecInfo);
+ }
+ if(codecAppliedAlready)
+ {
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Codec %s Already Applied ", __FUNCTION__, codecInfo->mName.c_str());
+ }
+ return kMediaConduitNoError;
+WebrtcAudioConduit::DumpCodecDB() const
+ {
+ for(std::vector<AudioCodecConfig*>::size_type i=0;i < mRecvCodecList.size();i++)
+ {
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag,"Payload Name: %s", mRecvCodecList[i]->mName.c_str());
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag,"Payload Type: %d", mRecvCodecList[i]->mType);
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag,"Payload Frequency: %d", mRecvCodecList[i]->mFreq);
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag,"Payload PacketSize: %d", mRecvCodecList[i]->mPacSize);
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag,"Payload Channels: %d", mRecvCodecList[i]->mChannels);
+ CSFLogDebug(logTag,"Payload Sampling Rate: %d", mRecvCodecList[i]->mRate);
+ }
+ }
+}// end namespace