path: root/layout/xul/grid/nsGridRowLeafLayout.cpp
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /layout/xul/grid/nsGridRowLeafLayout.cpp
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'layout/xul/grid/nsGridRowLeafLayout.cpp')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/layout/xul/grid/nsGridRowLeafLayout.cpp b/layout/xul/grid/nsGridRowLeafLayout.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a089af0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layout/xul/grid/nsGridRowLeafLayout.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Eric Vaughan
+// Netscape Communications
+// See documentation in associated header file
+#include "nsGridRowLeafLayout.h"
+#include "nsGridRowGroupLayout.h"
+#include "nsGridRow.h"
+#include "nsBoxLayoutState.h"
+#include "nsBox.h"
+#include "nsIScrollableFrame.h"
+#include "nsBoxFrame.h"
+#include "nsGridLayout2.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+already_AddRefed<nsBoxLayout> NS_NewGridRowLeafLayout()
+ RefPtr<nsBoxLayout> layout = new nsGridRowLeafLayout();
+ return layout.forget();
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::GetXULPrefSize(nsIFrame* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState)
+ int32_t index = 0;
+ nsGrid* grid = GetGrid(aBox, &index);
+ bool isHorizontal = IsXULHorizontal(aBox);
+ // If we are not in a grid. Then we just work like a box. But if we are in a grid
+ // ask the grid for our size.
+ if (!grid) {
+ return nsGridRowLayout::GetXULPrefSize(aBox, aState);
+ }
+ else {
+ return grid->GetPrefRowSize(aState, index, isHorizontal);
+ //AddBorderAndPadding(aBox, pref);
+ }
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::GetXULMinSize(nsIFrame* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState)
+ int32_t index = 0;
+ nsGrid* grid = GetGrid(aBox, &index);
+ bool isHorizontal = IsXULHorizontal(aBox);
+ if (!grid)
+ return nsGridRowLayout::GetXULMinSize(aBox, aState);
+ else {
+ nsSize minSize = grid->GetMinRowSize(aState, index, isHorizontal);
+ AddBorderAndPadding(aBox, minSize);
+ return minSize;
+ }
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::GetXULMaxSize(nsIFrame* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState)
+ int32_t index = 0;
+ nsGrid* grid = GetGrid(aBox, &index);
+ bool isHorizontal = IsXULHorizontal(aBox);
+ if (!grid)
+ return nsGridRowLayout::GetXULMaxSize(aBox, aState);
+ else {
+ nsSize maxSize;
+ maxSize = grid->GetMaxRowSize(aState, index, isHorizontal);
+ AddBorderAndPadding(aBox, maxSize);
+ return maxSize;
+ }
+/** If a child is added or removed or changes size
+ */
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::ChildAddedOrRemoved(nsIFrame* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState)
+ int32_t index = 0;
+ nsGrid* grid = GetGrid(aBox, &index);
+ bool isHorizontal = IsXULHorizontal(aBox);
+ if (grid)
+ grid->CellAddedOrRemoved(aState, index, isHorizontal);
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::PopulateBoxSizes(nsIFrame* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState, nsBoxSize*& aBoxSizes, nscoord& aMinSize, nscoord& aMaxSize, int32_t& aFlexes)
+ int32_t index = 0;
+ nsGrid* grid = GetGrid(aBox, &index);
+ bool isHorizontal = IsXULHorizontal(aBox);
+ // Our base class SprocketLayout is giving us a chance to change the box sizes before layout
+ // If we are a row lets change the sizes to match our columns. If we are a column then do the opposite
+ // and make them match or rows.
+ if (grid) {
+ nsGridRow* column;
+ int32_t count = grid->GetColumnCount(isHorizontal);
+ nsBoxSize* start = nullptr;
+ nsBoxSize* last = nullptr;
+ nsBoxSize* current = nullptr;
+ nsIFrame* child = nsBox::GetChildXULBox(aBox);
+ for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ column = grid->GetColumnAt(i,isHorizontal);
+ // make sure the value was computed before we use it.
+ // !isHorizontal is passed in to invert the behavior of these methods.
+ nscoord pref =
+ grid->GetPrefRowHeight(aState, i, !isHorizontal); // GetPrefColumnWidth
+ nscoord min =
+ grid->GetMinRowHeight(aState, i, !isHorizontal); // GetMinColumnWidth
+ nscoord max =
+ grid->GetMaxRowHeight(aState, i, !isHorizontal); // GetMaxColumnWidth
+ nscoord flex = grid->GetRowFlex(i, !isHorizontal); // GetColumnFlex
+ nscoord left = 0;
+ nscoord right = 0;
+ grid->GetRowOffsets(i, left, right, !isHorizontal); // GetColumnOffsets
+ nsIFrame* box = column->GetBox();
+ bool collapsed = false;
+ nscoord topMargin = column->mTopMargin;
+ nscoord bottomMargin = column->mBottomMargin;
+ if (box)
+ collapsed = box->IsXULCollapsed();
+ pref = pref - (left + right);
+ if (pref < 0)
+ pref = 0;
+ // if this is the first or last column. Take into account that
+ // our row could have a border that could affect our left or right
+ // padding from our columns. If the row has padding subtract it.
+ // would should always be able to garentee that our margin is smaller
+ // or equal to our left or right
+ int32_t firstIndex = 0;
+ int32_t lastIndex = 0;
+ nsGridRow* firstRow = nullptr;
+ nsGridRow* lastRow = nullptr;
+ grid->GetFirstAndLastRow(firstIndex, lastIndex, firstRow, lastRow, !isHorizontal);
+ if (i == firstIndex || i == lastIndex) {
+ nsMargin offset = GetTotalMargin(aBox, isHorizontal);
+ nsMargin border(0,0,0,0);
+ // can't call GetBorderPadding we will get into recursion
+ aBox->GetXULBorder(border);
+ offset += border;
+ aBox->GetXULPadding(border);
+ offset += border;
+ // subtract from out left and right
+ if (i == firstIndex)
+ {
+ if (isHorizontal)
+ left -= offset.left;
+ else
+ left -=;
+ }
+ if (i == lastIndex)
+ {
+ if (isHorizontal)
+ right -= offset.right;
+ else
+ right -= offset.bottom;
+ }
+ }
+ // initialize the box size here
+ max = std::max(min, max);
+ pref = nsBox::BoundsCheck(min, pref, max);
+ current = new (aState) nsBoxSize();
+ current->pref = pref;
+ current->min = min;
+ current->max = max;
+ current->flex = flex;
+ current->bogus = column->mIsBogus;
+ current->left = left + topMargin;
+ current->right = right + bottomMargin;
+ current->collapsed = collapsed;
+ if (!start) {
+ start = current;
+ last = start;
+ } else {
+ last->next = current;
+ last = current;
+ }
+ if (child && !column->mIsBogus)
+ child = nsBox::GetNextXULBox(child);
+ }
+ aBoxSizes = start;
+ }
+ nsSprocketLayout::PopulateBoxSizes(aBox, aState, aBoxSizes, aMinSize, aMaxSize, aFlexes);
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::ComputeChildSizes(nsIFrame* aBox,
+ nsBoxLayoutState& aState,
+ nscoord& aGivenSize,
+ nsBoxSize* aBoxSizes,
+ nsComputedBoxSize*& aComputedBoxSizes)
+ // see if we are in a scrollable frame. If we are then there could be scrollbars present
+ // if so we need to subtract them out to make sure our columns line up.
+ if (aBox) {
+ bool isHorizontal = aBox->IsXULHorizontal();
+ // go up the parent chain looking for scrollframes
+ nscoord diff = 0;
+ nsIFrame* parentBox;
+ (void)GetParentGridPart(aBox, &parentBox);
+ while (parentBox) {
+ nsIFrame* scrollbox = nsGrid::GetScrollBox(parentBox);
+ nsIScrollableFrame *scrollable = do_QueryFrame(scrollbox);
+ if (scrollable) {
+ // Don't call GetActualScrollbarSizes here because it's not safe
+ // to call that while we're reflowing the contents of the scrollframe,
+ // which we are here.
+ nsMargin scrollbarSizes = scrollable->GetDesiredScrollbarSizes(&aState);
+ uint32_t visible = scrollable->GetScrollbarVisibility();
+ if (isHorizontal && (visible & nsIScrollableFrame::VERTICAL)) {
+ diff += scrollbarSizes.left + scrollbarSizes.right;
+ } else if (!isHorizontal && (visible & nsIScrollableFrame::HORIZONTAL)) {
+ diff += + scrollbarSizes.bottom;
+ }
+ }
+ (void)GetParentGridPart(parentBox, &parentBox);
+ }
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ aGivenSize += diff;
+ nsSprocketLayout::ComputeChildSizes(aBox, aState, aGivenSize, aBoxSizes, aComputedBoxSizes);
+ aGivenSize -= diff;
+ nsComputedBoxSize* s = aComputedBoxSizes;
+ nsComputedBoxSize* last = aComputedBoxSizes;
+ while(s)
+ {
+ last = s;
+ s = s->next;
+ }
+ if (last)
+ last->size -= diff;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ nsSprocketLayout::ComputeChildSizes(aBox, aState, aGivenSize, aBoxSizes, aComputedBoxSizes);
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::XULLayout(nsIFrame* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState)
+ return nsGridRowLayout::XULLayout(aBox, aBoxLayoutState);
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::DirtyRows(nsIFrame* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState)
+ if (aBox) {
+ // mark us dirty
+ // XXXldb We probably don't want to walk up the ancestor chain
+ // calling MarkIntrinsicISizesDirty for every row.
+ aState.PresShell()->FrameNeedsReflow(aBox, nsIPresShell::eTreeChange,
+ }
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::CountRowsColumns(nsIFrame* aBox, int32_t& aRowCount, int32_t& aComputedColumnCount)
+ if (aBox) {
+ nsIFrame* child = nsBox::GetChildXULBox(aBox);
+ // count the children
+ int32_t columnCount = 0;
+ while(child) {
+ child = nsBox::GetNextXULBox(child);
+ columnCount++;
+ }
+ // if our count is greater than the current column count
+ if (columnCount > aComputedColumnCount)
+ aComputedColumnCount = columnCount;
+ aRowCount++;
+ }
+nsGridRowLeafLayout::BuildRows(nsIFrame* aBox, nsGridRow* aRows)
+ if (aBox) {
+ aRows[0].Init(aBox, false);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;