path: root/layout/tables/nsTablePainter.h
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2019-12-06 23:39:47 +0100
committerwolfbeast <>2019-12-06 23:39:47 +0100
commit642032029f65e9dc0d38fbb6d35ef656c73a292c (patch)
tree78a22bd12d679ab532db490d631ee69fa085aec1 /layout/tables/nsTablePainter.h
parent50ef259a2df60d020ccb02d76dc5aa4835ee319e (diff)
parent2529b2edece0a0ed86553d1e73eef13c3848bf64 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into release
Diffstat (limited to 'layout/tables/nsTablePainter.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/layout/tables/nsTablePainter.h b/layout/tables/nsTablePainter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dfba42156..000000000
--- a/layout/tables/nsTablePainter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nsTablePainter_h__
-#define nsTablePainter_h__
-#include "imgIContainer.h"
-#include "celldata.h"
-// flags for Paint, PaintChild, PaintChildren are currently only used by tables.
-//Table-based paint call; not a direct call as with views
-#define NS_PAINT_FLAG_TABLE_BG_PAINT 0x00000001
-//Cells should paint their backgrounds only, no children
-#define NS_PAINT_FLAG_TABLE_CELL_BG_PASS 0x00000002
-class nsIFrame;
-class nsTableFrame;
-class nsTableRowGroupFrame;
-class nsTableRowFrame;
-class nsTableCellFrame;
-class TableBackgroundPainter
- /*
- * Helper class for painting table backgrounds
- *
- */
- typedef mozilla::image::DrawResult DrawResult;
- public:
- enum Origin { eOrigin_Table, eOrigin_TableRowGroup, eOrigin_TableRow };
- /** Public constructor
- * @param aTableFrame - the table's table frame
- * @param aOrigin - what type of table frame is creating this instance
- * @param aPresContext - the presentation context
- * @param aRenderingContext - the rendering context
- * @param aDirtyRect - the area that needs to be painted,
- * relative to aRenderingContext
- * @param aPt - offset of the table frame relative to
- * aRenderingContext
- * @param aBGPaintFlags - Flags of the nsCSSRendering::PAINTBG_* variety
- */
- TableBackgroundPainter(nsTableFrame* aTableFrame,
- Origin aOrigin,
- nsPresContext* aPresContext,
- nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
- const nsRect& aDirtyRect,
- const nsPoint& aPt,
- uint32_t aBGPaintFlags);
- /** Destructor */
- ~TableBackgroundPainter();
- /* ~*~ The Border Collapse Painting Issue ~*~
- In border-collapse, the *table* paints the cells' borders,
- so we need to make sure the backgrounds get painted first
- (underneath) by doing a cell-background-only painting pass.
- */
- /* ~*~ Using nsTablePainter Background Painting ~*~
- A call to PaintTable will normally paint all of the table's
- elements (except for the table background, if aPaintTableBackground
- is false).
- Elements with views however, will be skipped and must create their
- own painter to call the appropriate paint function in their ::Paint
- method (e.g. painter.PaintRow in nsTableRow::Paint)
- */
- /** Paint background for the table frame (if requested) and its children
- * down through cells.
- * (Cells themselves will only be painted in border collapse)
- * Table must do a flagged TABLE_BG_PAINT ::Paint call on its
- * children afterwards
- * @param aTableFrame - the table frame
- * @param aDeflate - deflation needed to bring table's mRect
- * to the outer grid lines in border-collapse
- * @param aPaintTableBackground - if true, the table background
- * is included, otherwise it isn't
- * @returns DrawResult::SUCCESS if all painting was successful. If some
- * painting failed or an improved result could be achieved by sync
- * decoding images, returns another value.
- */
- DrawResult PaintTable(nsTableFrame* aTableFrame, const nsMargin& aDeflate,
- bool aPaintTableBackground);
- /** Paint background for the row group and its children down through cells
- * (Cells themselves will only be painted in border collapse)
- * Standards mode only
- * Table Row Group must do a flagged TABLE_BG_PAINT ::Paint call on its
- * children afterwards
- * @param aFrame - the table row group frame
- * @returns DrawResult::SUCCESS if all painting was successful. If some
- * painting failed or an improved result could be achieved by sync
- * decoding images, returns another value.
- */
- DrawResult PaintRowGroup(nsTableRowGroupFrame* aFrame);
- /** Paint background for the row and its children down through cells
- * (Cells themselves will only be painted in border collapse)
- * Standards mode only
- * Table Row must do a flagged TABLE_BG_PAINT ::Paint call on its
- * children afterwards
- * @param aFrame - the table row frame
- * @returns DrawResult::SUCCESS if all painting was successful. If some
- * painting failed or an improved result could be achieved by sync
- * decoding images, returns another value.
- */
- DrawResult PaintRow(nsTableRowFrame* aFrame);
- private:
- struct TableBackgroundData;
- /** Paint table frame's background
- * @param aTableFrame - the table frame
- * @param aFirstRowGroup - the first (in layout order) row group
- * may be null
- * @param aLastRowGroup - the last (in layout order) row group
- * may be null
- * @param aDeflate - adjustment to frame's rect (used for quirks BC)
- * may be null
- */
- DrawResult PaintTableFrame(nsTableFrame* aTableFrame,
- nsTableRowGroupFrame* aFirstRowGroup,
- nsTableRowGroupFrame* aLastRowGroup,
- const nsMargin& aDeflate);
- /* aPassThrough params indicate whether to paint the element or to just
- * pass through and paint underlying layers only.
- * aRowGroupBGData is not a const reference because the function modifies
- * its copy. Same for aRowBGData in PaintRow.
- * See Public versions for function descriptions
- */
- DrawResult PaintRowGroup(nsTableRowGroupFrame* aFrame,
- TableBackgroundData aRowGroupBGData,
- bool aPassThrough);
- DrawResult PaintRow(nsTableRowFrame* aFrame,
- const TableBackgroundData& aRowGroupBGData,
- TableBackgroundData aRowBGData,
- bool aPassThrough);
- /** Paint table background layers for this cell space
- * Also paints cell's own background in border-collapse mode
- * @param aCell - the cell
- * @param aRowGroupBGData - background drawing info for the row group
- * @param aRowBGData - background drawing info for the row
- * @param aCellBGRect - background rect for the cell
- * @param aRowBGRect - background rect for the row
- * @param aRowGroupBGRect - background rect for the row group
- * @param aColBGRect - background rect for the column and column group
- * @param aPassSelf - pass this cell; i.e. paint only underlying layers
- */
- DrawResult PaintCell(nsTableCellFrame* aCell,
- const TableBackgroundData& aRowGroupBGData,
- const TableBackgroundData& aRowBGData,
- nsRect& aCellBGRect,
- nsRect& aRowBGRect,
- nsRect& aRowGroupBGRect,
- nsRect& aColBGRect,
- bool aPassSelf);
- /** Compute table background layer positions for this cell space
- * @param aCell - the cell
- * @param aRowGroupBGData - background drawing info for the row group
- * @param aRowBGData - background drawing info for the row
- * @param aCellBGRectOut - outparam: background rect for the cell
- * @param aRowBGRectOut - outparam: background rect for the row
- * @param aRowGroupBGRectOut - outparam: background rect for the row group
- * @param aColBGRectOut - outparam: background rect for the column
- and column group
- */
- void ComputeCellBackgrounds(nsTableCellFrame* aCell,
- const TableBackgroundData& aRowGroupBGData,
- const TableBackgroundData& aRowBGData,
- nsRect& aCellBGRect,
- nsRect& aRowBGRect,
- nsRect& aRowGroupBGRect,
- nsRect& aColBGRect);
- /** Translate mRenderingContext, mDirtyRect, and mCols' column and
- * colgroup coords
- * @param aDX - origin's x-coord change
- * @param aDY - origin's y-coord change
- */
- void TranslateContext(nscoord aDX,
- nscoord aDY);
- struct TableBackgroundData {
- public:
- /**
- * Construct an empty TableBackgroundData instance, which is invisible.
- */
- TableBackgroundData();
- /**
- * Construct a TableBackgroundData instance for a frame. Visibility will
- * be derived from the frame and can be overridden using MakeInvisible().
- */
- explicit TableBackgroundData(nsIFrame* aFrame);
- /** Destructor */
- ~TableBackgroundData() {}
- /** Data is valid & frame is visible */
- bool IsVisible() const { return mVisible; }
- /** Override visibility of the frame, force it to be invisible */
- void MakeInvisible() { mVisible = false; }
- /** True if need to set border-collapse border; must call SetFull beforehand */
- bool ShouldSetBCBorder() const;
- /** Set border-collapse border with aBorderWidth as widths */
- void SetBCBorder(const nsMargin& aBorderWidth);
- /**
- * @param aZeroBorder An nsStyleBorder instance that has been initialized
- * for the right nsPresContext, with all border widths
- * set to zero and border styles set to solid.
- * @return The nsStyleBorder that should be used for rendering
- * this background.
- */
- nsStyleBorder StyleBorder(const nsStyleBorder& aZeroBorder) const;
- nsIFrame* const mFrame;
- /** mRect is the rect of mFrame in the current coordinate system */
- nsRect mRect;
- private:
- nsMargin mSynthBorderWidths;
- bool mVisible;
- bool mUsesSynthBorder;
- };
- struct ColData {
- ColData(nsIFrame* aFrame, TableBackgroundData& aColGroupBGData);
- TableBackgroundData mCol;
- TableBackgroundData& mColGroup; // reference to col's parent colgroup's data, owned by TablePainter in mColGroups
- };
- nsPresContext* mPresContext;
- nsRenderingContext& mRenderingContext;
- nsPoint mRenderPt;
- nsRect mDirtyRect;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- nsCompatibility mCompatMode;
- bool mIsBorderCollapse;
- Origin mOrigin; //user's table frame type
- nsTArray<TableBackgroundData> mColGroups;
- nsTArray<ColData> mCols;
- size_t mNumCols;
- nsStyleBorder mZeroBorder; //cached zero-width border
- uint32_t mBGPaintFlags;