path: root/js/src/vm/Keywords.h
diff options
authorGaming4JC <>2019-06-09 16:14:01 -0400
committerGaming4JC <>2019-07-18 22:38:35 -0400
commit05c9c752a34ce4c9d246b63e2fbb46eaa946f8b6 (patch)
tree036823d2032034267a87f28139fb3c47d79d6a65 /js/src/vm/Keywords.h
parent7fb92548e6aafa512701ad0a8bb5156251d40457 (diff)
1336783 - Part 1: Rework on reserved word and remove TokenStream::KeywordIsName.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/vm/Keywords.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/vm/Keywords.h b/js/src/vm/Keywords.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef37c4419..000000000
--- a/js/src/vm/Keywords.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* A higher-order macro for enumerating keyword tokens. */
-#ifndef vm_Keywords_h
-#define vm_Keywords_h
- macro(false, false_, TOK_FALSE) \
- macro(true, true_, TOK_TRUE) \
- macro(null, null, TOK_NULL) \
- /* Keywords. */ \
- macro(break, break_, TOK_BREAK) \
- macro(case, case_, TOK_CASE) \
- macro(catch, catch_, TOK_CATCH) \
- macro(const, const_, TOK_CONST) \
- macro(continue, continue_, TOK_CONTINUE) \
- macro(debugger, debugger, TOK_DEBUGGER) \
- macro(default, default_, TOK_DEFAULT) \
- macro(delete, delete_, TOK_DELETE) \
- macro(do, do_, TOK_DO) \
- macro(else, else_, TOK_ELSE) \
- macro(finally, finally_, TOK_FINALLY) \
- macro(for, for_, TOK_FOR) \
- macro(function, function, TOK_FUNCTION) \
- macro(if, if_, TOK_IF) \
- macro(in, in, TOK_IN) \
- macro(instanceof, instanceof, TOK_INSTANCEOF) \
- macro(new, new_, TOK_NEW) \
- macro(return, return_, TOK_RETURN) \
- macro(switch, switch_, TOK_SWITCH) \
- macro(this, this_, TOK_THIS) \
- macro(throw, throw_, TOK_THROW) \
- macro(try, try_, TOK_TRY) \
- macro(typeof, typeof, TOK_TYPEOF) \
- macro(var, var, TOK_VAR) \
- macro(void, void_, TOK_VOID) \
- macro(while, while_, TOK_WHILE) \
- macro(with, with, TOK_WITH) \
- macro(import, import, TOK_IMPORT) \
- macro(export, export, TOK_EXPORT) \
- macro(class, class_, TOK_CLASS) \
- macro(extends, extends, TOK_EXTENDS) \
- macro(super, super, TOK_SUPER) \
- /* Reserved keywords. */ \
- macro(enum, enum_, TOK_RESERVED) \
- /* Future reserved keywords, but only in strict mode. */ \
- macro(implements, implements, TOK_STRICT_RESERVED) \
- macro(interface, interface, TOK_STRICT_RESERVED) \
- macro(package, package, TOK_STRICT_RESERVED) \
- macro(private, private_, TOK_STRICT_RESERVED) \
- macro(protected, protected_, TOK_STRICT_RESERVED) \
- macro(public, public_, TOK_STRICT_RESERVED) \
- macro(await, await, TOK_AWAIT) \
- /* \
- * Yield is a token inside function*. Outside of a function*, it is a \
- * future reserved keyword in strict mode, but a keyword in JS1.7 even \
- * when strict. Punt logic to parser. \
- */ \
- macro(yield, yield, TOK_YIELD)
-#endif /* vm_Keywords_h */