path: root/js/src/tests/ecma_5
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2019-12-22 01:23:56 +0100
committerwolfbeast <>2019-12-22 01:26:49 +0100
commit54091ecab46c93c2e1b2c689e9179a980beaabe6 (patch)
tree5cead66d889007e1b06c5dbb8e3d37b2538d0557 /js/src/tests/ecma_5
parentc1013e9122456b342d65e4eb4c38a7281d8d83d2 (diff)
parent492624a7106ecbc18994b465ca1dd23fa472bf7e (diff)
Forward to new tree structure.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/tests/ecma_5')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/Array/frozen-dense-array.js b/js/src/tests/ecma_5/Array/frozen-dense-array.js
index 9db63036f..cdb86daa3 100644
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/Array/frozen-dense-array.js
+++ b/js/src/tests/ecma_5/Array/frozen-dense-array.js
@@ -38,24 +38,5 @@ assertEq(delete a[0], false);
-var watchpointCalled = false;
-// NOTE: Be careful with the position of this test, since this sparsifies the
-// elements and you might not test what you think you're testing otherwise., function(prop, oldValue, newValue) {
- watchpointCalled = true;
- assertEq(prop, 2);
- assertEq(oldValue, 1);
- assertEq(newValue, "foo");
-a.length = 5;
-a[2] = "foo";
-assertEq(watchpointCalled, true);
-assertEq(delete a[0], false);
if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-array-length.js b/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-array-length.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e9b356efa..000000000
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-array-length.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-var hitCount;
-function watcher(p,o,n) { hitCount++; return n; }
-var a = [1];'length', watcher);
-hitCount = 0;
-a.length = 0;
-reportCompare(1, hitCount, "lenient; configurable: watchpoint hit");
-var b = Object.defineProperty([1],'0',{configurable:false});'length', watcher);
-hitCount = 0;
-var result;
-try {
- b.length = 0;
- result = "no error";
-} catch (x) {
- result = x.toString();
-reportCompare(1, hitCount, "lenient; non-configurable: watchpoint hit");
-reportCompare(1, b.length, "lenient; non-configurable: length unchanged");
-reportCompare("no error", result, "lenient; non-configurable: no error thrown");
-var c = Object.defineProperty([1],'0',{configurable:false});'length', watcher);
-hitCount = 0;
-var threwTypeError;
-try {
- (function(){'use strict'; c.length = 0;})();
- threwTypeError = false;
-} catch (x) {
- threwTypeError = x instanceof TypeError;
-reportCompare(1, hitCount, "strict; non-configurable: watchpoint hit");
-reportCompare(1, c.length, "strict; non-configurable: length unchanged");
-reportCompare(true, threwTypeError, "strict; non-configurable: TypeError thrown");
diff --git a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-inherited-property.js b/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-inherited-property.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a0ad566b..000000000
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-inherited-property.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-/* Create a prototype object with a setter property. */
-var protoSetterCount;
-var proto = ({ set x(v) { protoSetterCount++; } });
-/* Put a watchpoint on that setter. */
-var protoWatchCount;'x', function() { protoWatchCount++; });
-/* Make an object with the above as its prototype. */
-function C() { }
-C.prototype = proto;
-var o = new C();
- * Set a watchpoint on the property in the inheriting object. We have
- * defined this to mean "duplicate the property, setter and all, in the
- * inheriting object." I don't think debugging observation mechanisms
- * should mutate the program being run, but that's what we've got.
- */
-var oWatchCount;'x', function() { oWatchCount++; });
- * Assign to the property. This should trip the watchpoint on the inheriting object and
- * the setter.
- */
-protoSetterCount = protoWatchCount = oWatchCount = 0;
-o.x = 1;
-assertEq(protoWatchCount, 0);
-assertEq(oWatchCount, 1);
-assertEq(protoSetterCount, 1);
-reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-replaced-setter.js b/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-replaced-setter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 05cf60aff..000000000
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-replaced-setter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-/* A stock watcher function. */
-var watcherCount;
-function watcher(id, oldval, newval) { watcherCount++; return newval; }
-/* Create an object with a JavaScript setter. */
-var setterCount;
-var o = { w:2, set x(v) { setterCount++; } };
- * Put the object in dictionary mode, so that JSObject::putProperty will
- * mutate its shapes instead of creating new ones.
- */
-delete o.w;
- * Place a watchpoint on the property. The watchpoint structure holds the
- * original JavaScript setter, and a pointer to the shape.
- */'x', watcher);
- * Replace the accessor property with a value property. The shape's setter
- * should become a non-JS setter, js_watch_set, and the watchpoint
- * structure's saved setter should be updated (in this case, cleared).
- */
-Object.defineProperty(o, 'x', { value:3,
- writable:true,
- enumerable:true,
- configurable:true });
- * Assign to the property. This should trigger js_watch_set, which should
- * call the handler, and then see that there is no JS-level setter to pass
- * control on to, and return.
- */
-watcherCount = setterCount = 0;
-o.x = 3;
-assertEq(watcherCount, 1);
-assertEq(setterCount, 0);
-reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-setter-become-setter.js b/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-setter-become-setter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f5eff98b8..000000000
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-setter-become-setter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-/* Create an object with a JavaScript setter. */
-var firstSetterCount;
-var o = { w:2, set x(v) { firstSetterCount++; } };
- * Put the object in dictionary mode, so that JSObject::putProperty will
- * mutate its shapes instead of creating new ones.
- */
-delete o.w;
-/* A stock watcher function. */
-var watcherCount;
-function watcher(id, oldval, newval) { watcherCount++; return newval; }
- * Place a watchpoint on the property. The property's shape now has the
- * watchpoint setter, with the original setter saved in the watchpoint
- * structure.
- */'x', watcher);
- * Replace the setter with a new setter. The shape should get updated to
- * refer to the new setter, and then the watchpoint setter should be
- * re-established.
- */
-var secondSetterCount;
-Object.defineProperty(o, 'x', { set: function () { secondSetterCount++ } });
- * Assign to the property. This should trigger the watchpoint and the new setter.
- */
-watcherCount = firstSetterCount = secondSetterCount = 0;
-o.x = 3;
-assertEq(watcherCount, 1);
-assertEq(firstSetterCount, 0);
-assertEq(secondSetterCount, 1);
-reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-value-prop-becoming-setter.js b/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-value-prop-becoming-setter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 03cdd788e..000000000
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watch-value-prop-becoming-setter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-/* A stock watcher function. */
-var watcherCount;
-function watcher(id, old, newval) {
- watcherCount++;
- return newval;
-/* Create an object with a value property. */
-var o = { w:2, x:3 };
- * Place a watchpoint on the value property. The watchpoint structure holds
- * the original JavaScript setter, and a pointer to the shape.
- */'x', watcher);
- * Put the object in dictionary mode, so that JSObject::putProperty will
- * mutate its shapes instead of creating new ones.
- */
-delete o.w;
- * Replace the value property with a setter.
- */
-var setterCount;
-o.__defineSetter__('x', function() { setterCount++; });
- * Trigger the watchpoint. The watchpoint handler should run, and then the
- * setter should run.
- */
-watcherCount = setterCount = 0;
-o.x = 4;
-assertEq(watcherCount, 1);
-assertEq(setterCount, 1);
-reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watchpoint-deletes-JSPropertyOp-setter.js b/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watchpoint-deletes-JSPropertyOp-setter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 85410bbd4..000000000
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_5/extensions/watchpoint-deletes-JSPropertyOp-setter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-function make_watcher(name) {
- return function (id, oldv, newv) {
- print("watched " + name + "[0]");
- };
-var o, p;
-function f(flag) {
- if (flag) {
- o = arguments;
- } else {
- p = arguments;
-, make_watcher('o'));
-, make_watcher('p'));
- /*
- * Previously, the watchpoint implementation actually substituted its magic setter
- * functions for the setters of shared shapes, and then 1) carefully ignored calls
- * to its magic setter from unrelated objects, and 2) avoided restoring the
- * original setter until all watchpoints on that shape had been removed.
- *
- * However, when the watchpoint code began using JSObject::changeProperty and
- * js_ChangeNativePropertyAttrs to change shapes' setters, the shape tree code
- * became conscious of the presence of watchpoints, and shared shapes between
- * objects only when their watchpoint nature coincided. Clearing the magic setter
- * from one object's shape would not affect other objects, because the
- * watchpointed and non-watchpointed shapes were distinct if they were shared.
- *
- * Thus, the first unwatch call must go ahead and fix p's shape, even though a
- * watchpoint exists on the same shape in o. o's watchpoint's presence shouldn't
- * cause 'unwatch' to leave p's magic setter in place.
- */
- /* DropWatchPointAndUnlock would see o's watchpoint, and not change p's property. */
- p.unwatch(0);
- /* DropWatchPointAndUnlock would fix o's property, but not p's; p's setter would be gone. */
- o.unwatch(0);
- /* This would fail to invoke the arguments object's setter. */
- p[0] = 4;
- /* And the formal parameter would not get updated. */
- assertEq(flag, 4);
- }
-reportCompare(true, true);