path: root/js/src/doc/JITOptimizations/
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /js/src/doc/JITOptimizations/
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
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1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..d4feef310
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+# JIT Optimization Strategies
+SpiderMonkey's optimizing JIT, IonMonkey, uses a number of different
+optimization strategies to speed up various operations. The most commonplace
+operations that are relevant for fast program execution are property accesses
+and function calls.
+Optimization information is currently collected for the following operations:
+- [BinaryArith](#binaryarith) (`+-/*%`)
+- [GetProperty](#getprop) (`obj.prop`)
+- [SetProperty](#setprop) (`obj.prop = val`)
+- [GetElement](#getelem) (`obj[elemName]`)
+- [SetElement](#setelem) (`obj[elemName] = val`)
+- [Call](#call) (`func(...)`)
+At each operation site, IonMonkey tries a battery of <i>strategies</i>, from
+the most optimized but most restrictive to the least optimized but least
+restrictive. For each strategy attempted, its <i>outcome</i> is tracked. An
+outcome is either success or a reason why the strategy failed to apply.
+This page documents the various optimization strategies and their outcomes. It
+provides information on what they attempt to do, what general level of
+speed-up they provide, what kind of program characteristics can prevent them
+from being used, and common ways to enable the engine to utilize that
+## <a name="binaryarith"></a>BinaryArith
+### BinaryArith_Concat
+Attempts to optimize an addition to string concatenation. The types of the operands are checked to contain a hint of being a concatenation. Both have to be string or one has to be a string and the other a type that easily can get converted to string (like numbers).
+### BinaryArith_SpecializedTypes
+Attempts to do a numeric arithmetic based on operand types. One of the inputs need to be a numeric type and the other a simple arithmetic type.
+### BinaryArith_SpecializedOnBaselineTypes
+Just like BinrayArith_SpecializedTypes tries to do a numeric arithmetic, but based on the observed types in the Baseline Compiler. If it succeeds it will roughly give same optimization as BinaryArith_SpecializedTypes, but the deduction is more fragile. In the best case one should try to get this optimization based on the input types.
+### BinaryArith_SharedCache
+Attempts to optimize a binary arithmetic using inline cache.
+### BinaryArith_Call
+Last resort which cannot get specialized at all and takes the slow path to do the arithmetic.
+## <a name="getprop"></a>GetProperty
+### GetProp_ArgumentsLength
+Attempts to optimize an `arguments.length` property access. This optimization
+only works if the arguments object is used in well-understood ways within the
+function. The function containing the arguments.length is allowed to use the
+arguments object in the following ways without disabling this optimization:
+- Access `arguments.length`
+- Access `arguments.callee`
+- Access individual args using `arguments[i]`
+- Save arguments into variables, as long as those variables cannot be accessed
+ by any nested function, and as long as there exists no eval nywhere within
+ the function or nested function definitions.
+- Call a function using `f.apply(obj, arguments)`
+If the function contains any use of the arguments object that falls out of the
+cases defined above, this optimization will be suppressed. In particular,
+`arguments` cannot be returned from the function, or passed as an argument into
+calls (except for the `apply` case above).
+### GetProp_ArgumentsCallee
+Attempts to optimize an `arguments.callee` property access. This optimization
+only works if the arguments object is used in well-understood ways within the
+function. The function containing the `arguments.callee` is allowed to use the
+arguments object in the following ways without disabling this optimization:
+- Access arguments.length
+- Access arguments.callee
+- Access individual args using arguments[i]
+- Save arguments into variables, as long as those variables cannot be accessed
+ by any nested function, and as long as there exists no eval nywhere within
+ the function or nested function definitions.
+- Call a function using `f.apply(obj, arguments)`
+If the function contains any use of the `arguments` object that falls out of
+the cases defined above, this optimization will be suppressed. In particular,
+arguments cannot be returned from the function, or passed as an argument into
+calls (except for the `apply` example listed above).
+### GetProp_InferredConstant
+Attempts to optimize an access to a property that seems to be a constant. It
+applies to property accesses on objects which are global-like in that there is
+only one instance of them per program. This includes global objects, object
+literals defined at the top-level of a script, and top-level function objects.
+This optimization makes the assumption that a property that has not changed
+after it was first assigned, is likely a constant property. It then directly
+inlines the value of the property into hot code that accesses it. For
+example, in the following code:
+ var Constants = {};
+ Constants.N = 100;
+ function testArray(array) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array[i] > Constants.N)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+Will have the loop compiled into the following when `testArray` gets hot.
+ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array[i] > 100)
+ return true;
+ }
+When this optimization is successful, property access is eliminated entirely
+and replaced with an inline constant.
+### GetProp_Constant
+Attempts to optimize reading a property that contains a uniquely-typed (or
+"singleton") object. With uniquely-typed objects, it is guaranteed that
+no other object has that same type. Unique (or "singleton") types are
+assigned to certain kinds of objects, like global objects, top-level
+functions, and object literals declared at the top-level of a script. If
+a property has always contained the same uniquely-typed object, then the
+engine can use the unique type to map back to a specific object, and
+eliminate the property access, replacing it with a constant reference to
+the object.
+When this optimization is successful, property access is eliminated entirely
+and replaced with an inline constant. The different success and failure
+conditions are documented below:
+### GetProp_StaticName
+Attempts to optimize a property access on `window` which refers to
+a property on the global object.
+### GetProp_TypedObject
+Optimizes accesses to properties on TypedObjects.
+### GetProp_DefiniteSlot
+Optimizes access to a well-known regular property on an object. For this
+optimization to succeed, the property needs to be well-defined on the object.
+For objects constructed by constructor functions, this means that the property
+needs to be defined in the constructor, before any complex logic occurs within
+the constructor.
+This is the best case for a regular "field" type property that is not
+turned into a constant. It compiles down to a single CPU-level load
+ function SomeConstructor() {
+ this.x = 10; // x is a definite slot property
+ this.y = 10; // y is a definite slot property
+ someComplicatedFunctionCall();
+ this.z = 20; // z is not a definite slot property.
+ }
+In the above example, the properties `x` and `y` can be determined to always
+exist on any instance of `SomeConstructor` at definite locations, allowing
+the engine to deterministically infer the position of `x` without a shape
+This optimization can fail for a number of reasons. If the types observed
+at the property access are polymorphic (more than one type), this optimization
+cannot succeed. Furthermore, even if the object type is monomorphic, the
+optimization will fail if the property being accessed is not a definite
+slot as described above.
+### GetProp_Unboxed
+Similar to `GetProp_DefiniteSlot`. Unboxed property reads are possible on
+properties which satisfy all the characteristics of a definite slot, and
+additionally have been observed to only store values of one kind of value.
+Consider the following constructor:
+ function Point(x, y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+If only integers are ever stored in the `x` and `y` properties,
+then the instances of `Point` will be represented in an "unboxed" mode -
+with the property values stored as raw 4-byte values within the object.
+Objects which have the unboxed optimization are more compact.
+### GetProp_CommonGetter
+Optimizes access to properties which are implemented by a getter function,
+where the getter is shared between multiple types.
+This optimization applies most often when the property access site is
+polymorphic, but all the object types are derived variants of a single
+base class, where the property access refers to a getter on the base
+Consider the following example:
+ function Base() {}
+ Base.prototype = {
+ get x() { return 3; }
+ };
+ function Derived1() {}
+ Derived1.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);
+ function Derived2() {}
+ Derived1.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);
+If a property access for `d.x` sees only instances of both `Derived1` and
+`Derived2` for `d`, it can optimize the access to `x` to a call to the
+getter function defined on `Base`.
+This optimization applies to shared getters on both pure JS objects as well
+as DOM objects.
+### GetProp_InlineAccess
+Optimizes a polymorphic property access where there are only a few different
+types of objects seen, and the property on all of the different types is
+determinable through a shape-check.
+If a property access is monomorphic and the property's location is determinable
+from the object's shape, but the property is not definite (see:
+GetProp_DefiniteProperty), then this optimization may be used.
+Alternatively, if the property access is polymorphic, but only has a few
+different shapes observed at the access site, this optimization may be used.
+This optimization compiles down to one-or more shape-guarded direct loads
+from the object. The following pseudocode describes the kind of machine
+code generated by this optimization:
+ if obj.shape == Shape1 then
+ obj.slots[0]
+ elif obj.shape == Shape2 then
+ obj.slots[5]
+ elif obj.shape == Shape3 then
+ obj.slots[2]
+ ...
+ end
+### GetProp_Innerize
+Attempts to optimize a situation where a property access of the form
+`window.PROP` can be directly translated into a property access on
+the inner global object.
+This optimization will always fail on property accesses which are
+not on the window object.
+It is useful because accessing global names via the 'window' object
+is a common idiom in web programming.
+### GetProp_InlineCache
+This is the worst-case scenario for a property access optimization. This
+strategy is used when all the others fail. The engine simply inserts
+an inline cache at the property access site.
+Inline caches start off as a jump to a separate piece of code called
+a "fallback". The fallback calls into the interpreter VM (which is
+very slow) to perform the operation, and then decides if the operation
+can be optimized in that particular case. If so, it generates a new
+"stub" (or freestanding piece of jitcode) and changes the inline cache
+to jump to the stub. The stub attempts to optimize further occurrences
+of that same kind of operation.
+Inline caches are an order of magnitude slower than the other optimization
+strategies, and are an indication that the type inference engine has
+failed to collect enough information to guide the optimization process.
+## <a name="setprop"></a>SetProperty
+### SetProp_CommonSetter
+Optimizes access to properties which are implemented by a setter function,
+where the setter is shared between multiple types.
+This optimization applies most often when the property access site is
+polymorphic, but all the object types are derived variants of a single
+base class, where the property access refers to a setter on the base
+Consider the following example:
+ function Base() {}
+ Base.prototype = {
+ set x(val) { ... }
+ };
+ function Derived1() {}
+ Derived1.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);
+ function Derived2() {}
+ Derived1.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);
+If a property write for `d.x = val` sees only instances of both `Derived1` and
+`Derived2` for `d`, it can optimize the write to `x` to a call to the
+setter function defined on `Base`.
+This optimization applies to shared setters on both pure JS objects as well
+as DOM objects.
+### SetProp_TypedObject
+Optimizes accesses to properties on TypedObjects.
+### SetProp_DefiniteSlot
+Optimizes a write to a well-known regular property on an object. For this
+optimization to succeed, the property needs to be well-defined on the object.
+For objects constructed by constructor functions, this means that the property
+needs to be defined in the constructor, before any complex logic occurs within
+the constructor.
+This is the best case for a regular "field" type property that is not
+turned into a constant. It compiles down to a single CPU-level load
+ function SomeConstructor() {
+ this.x = 10; // x is a definite slot property
+ this.y = 10; // y is a definite slot property
+ someComplicatedFunctionCall();
+ this.z = 20; // z is not a definite slot property.
+ }
+In the above example, the properties `x` and `y` can be determined to always
+exist on any instance of `SomeConstructor` at definite locations, allowing
+the engine to deterministically infer the position of `x` without a shape
+This optimization can fail for a number of reasons. If the types observed
+at the property access are polymorphic (more than one type), this optimization
+cannot succeed. Furthermore, even if the object type is monomorphic, the
+optimization will fail if the property being written is not a definite
+slot as described above.
+### SetProp_Unboxed
+Similar to `SetProp_DefiniteSlot`. Unboxed property writes are possible on
+properties which satisfy all the characteristics of a definite slot, and
+additionally have been observed to only store values of one kind of value.
+Consider the following constructor:
+ function Point(x, y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+If only integers are ever stored in the `x` and `y` properties,
+then the instances of `Point` will be represented in an "unboxed" mode -
+with the property values stored as raw 4-byte values within the object.
+Objects which have the unboxed optimization are more compact.
+### SetProp_InlineAccess
+Optimizes a polymorphic property write where there are only a few different
+types of objects seen, and the property on all of the different types is
+determinable through a shape-check.
+If a property write is monomorphic and the property's location is determinable
+from the object's shape, but the property is not definite (see:
+GetProp_DefiniteProperty), then this optimization may be used.
+Alternatively, if the property write is polymorphic, but only has a few
+different shapes observed at the access site, this optimization may be used.
+This optimization compiles down to one-or more shape-guarded direct stores
+to the object. The following pseudocode describes the kind of machine
+code generated by this optimization:
+ if obj.shape == Shape1 then
+ obj.slots[0] = val
+ elif obj.shape == Shape2 then
+ obj.slots[5] = val
+ elif obj.shape == Shape3 then
+ obj.slots[2] = val
+ ...
+ end
+### SetProp_InlineCache
+This is the worst-case scenario for a property access optimization. This
+strategy is used when all the others fail. The engine simply inserts
+an inline cache at the property write site.
+Inline caches start off as a jump to a separate piece of code called
+a "fallback". The fallback calls into the interpreter VM (which is
+very slow) to perform the operation, and then decides if the operation
+can be optimized in that particular case. If so, it generates a new
+"stub" (or freestanding piece of jitcode) and changes the inline cache
+to jump to the stub. The stub attempts to optimize further occurrences
+of that same kind of operation.
+Inline caches are an order of magnitude slower than the other optimization
+strategies, and are an indication that the type inference engine has
+failed to collect enough information to guide the optimization process.
+## <a name="getelem"></a>GetElement
+### GetElem_TypedObject
+Attempts to optimized element accesses on array Typed Objects.
+### GetElem_Dense
+Attempts to optimize element accesses on densely packed array objects. Dense
+arrays are arrays which do not have any 'holes'. This means that the array
+has valid values for all indexes from `0` to `length-1`.
+### GetElem_TypedStatic
+Attempts to optimize element accesses on a typed array that can be determined
+to always refer to the same array object. If this optimization succeeds, the
+'array' object is treated as a constant, and is not looked up or retrieved from
+a variable.
+### GetElem_TypedArray
+Attempts to optimize element accesses on a typed array.
+### GetElem_String
+Attempts to optimize element accesses on a string.
+### GetElem_Arguments
+Attempts to optimize element accesses on the `arguments` special object
+available in functions. This optimization only works if the arguments
+object is used in well-understood ways within the function. The function
+containing the arguments.length is allowed to use the arguments object in
+the following ways without disabling this optimization:
+- Access `arguments.length`
+- Access `arguments.callee`
+- Access individual args using `arguments[i]`
+- Save `arguments` into variables, as long as those variables cannot be
+ accessed by any nested function, and as long as there exists no `eval`
+ anywhere within the function or nested function definitions.
+- Call a function using `f.apply(obj, arguments)`
+If the function contains any use of the arguments object that falls out of the
+cases defined above, this optimization will be suppressed. In particular,
+`arguments` cannot be returned from the function, or passed as an argument into
+calls (except for the `apply` case above).
+### GetElem_ArgumentsInlined
+Similar to GetEelem_Arguments, but optimizes cases where the access on
+`arguments` is happening within an inlined function. In these cases, an
+access of the form `arguments[i]` can be directly translated into a
+direct reference to the corresponding argument value in the inlined call.
+Consider the following:
+ function foo(arg) {
+ return bar(arg, 3);
+ }
+ function bar() {
+ return arguments[0] + arguments[1];
+ }
+In the above case, if `foo` is compiled with Ion, and the call to `bar`
+is inlined, then this optimization can transform the entire procedure to
+the following pseudo-code:
+ compiled foo(arg):
+ // inlined call to bar(arg, 3) {
+ return arg + 3;
+ // }
+### GetElem_InlineCache
+This is the worst-case scenario for a element access optimization. This
+strategy is used when all the others fail. The engine simply inserts
+an inline cache at the property write site.
+Inline caches start off as a jump to a separate piece of code called
+a "fallback". The fallback calls into the interpreter VM (which is
+very slow) to perform the operation, and then decides if the operation
+can be optimized in that particular case. If so, it generates a new
+"stub" (or freestanding piece of jitcode) and changes the inline cache
+to jump to the stub. The stub attempts to optimize further occurrences
+of that same kind of operation.
+Inline caches are an order of magnitude slower than the other optimization
+strategies, and are an indication that the type inference engine has
+failed to collect enough information to guide the optimization process.
+## <a name="setelem"></a>SetElement
+### SetElem_TypedObject
+Attempts to optimized element writes on array Typed Objects.
+### SetElem_TypedStatic
+Attempts to optimize element writes on a typed array that can be determined
+to always refer to the same array object. If this optimization succeeds, the
+'array' object is treated as a constant, and is not looked up or retrieved from
+a variable.
+### SetElem_TypedArray
+Attempts to optimize element writes on a typed array.
+### SetElem_Dense
+Attempts to optimize element writes on densely packed array objects. Dense
+arrays are arrays which do not have any 'holes'. This means that the array
+has valid values for all indexes from `0` to `length-1`.
+### SetElem_Arguments
+Attempts to optimize element writes to the `arguments` special object
+available in functions. This optimization only works if the arguments
+object is used in well-understood ways within the function. The function
+containing the arguments.length is allowed to use the arguments object in
+the following ways without disabling this optimization:
+- Access `arguments.length`
+- Access `arguments.callee`
+- Access individual args using `arguments[i]`
+- Save `arguments` into variables, as long as those variables cannot be
+ accessed by any nested function, and as long as there exists no `eval`
+ anywhere within the function or nested function definitions.
+- Call a function using `f.apply(obj, arguments)`
+If the function contains any use of the arguments object that falls out of the
+cases defined above, this optimization will be suppressed. In particular,
+`arguments` cannot be returned from the function, or passed as an argument into
+calls (except for the `apply` case above).
+### SetElem_InlineCache
+This is the worst-case scenario for a element write optimization. This
+strategy is used when all the others fail. The engine simply inserts
+an inline cache at the property write site.
+Inline caches start off as a jump to a separate piece of code called
+a "fallback". The fallback calls into the interpreter VM (which is
+very slow) to perform the operation, and then decides if the operation
+can be optimized in that particular case. If so, it generates a new
+"stub" (or freestanding piece of jitcode) and changes the inline cache
+to jump to the stub. The stub attempts to optimize further occurrences
+of that same kind of operation.
+Inline caches are an order of magnitude slower than the other optimization
+strategies, and are an indication that the type inference engine has
+failed to collect enough information to guide the optimization process.
+## <a name="call"></a>Call
+### Call_Inline
+A function call `f(x)` usually pushes a frame onto the call stack. Inlining a
+call site conceptually copies the body of the callee function and pastes it
+in place of the call site and avoids pushing a new execution frame. Usually,
+hot functions do well to be inlined. This is one of the most important
+optimizations the JIT performs.
+Ion inlines both interpreted (i.e., written in JavaScript) functions and
+native (i.e., built-ins such as `Math.sin` implemented in C++).
+A successfully inlined call site has the outcome Inlined.
+Failure to inline comes in two flavors: unable (e.g., unable to determine
+exact callee) and unwilling (e.g., heuristics concluded that the time-space
+tradeoff will not pay off).