path: root/intl/icu/source/data/curr/gl.txt
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /intl/icu/source/data/curr/gl.txt
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'intl/icu/source/data/curr/gl.txt')
1 files changed, 1657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/intl/icu/source/data/curr/gl.txt b/intl/icu/source/data/curr/gl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfb023f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intl/icu/source/data/curr/gl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1657 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ Currencies{
+ ADP{
+ "ADP",
+ "peseta andorrana",
+ }
+ AED{
+ "AED",
+ "Dirham dos Emiratos Árabes Unidos",
+ }
+ AFN{
+ "AFN",
+ "Afgani afgano",
+ }
+ ALL{
+ "ALL",
+ "Lek albanés",
+ }
+ AMD{
+ "AMD",
+ "Dram armenio",
+ }
+ ANG{
+ "ANG",
+ "Florín das Antillas Neerlandesas",
+ }
+ AOA{
+ "AOA",
+ "Kwanza angolano",
+ }
+ ARP{
+ "ARP",
+ "Peso arxentino (1983–1985)",
+ }
+ ARS{
+ "ARS",
+ "Peso arxentino",
+ }
+ AUD{
+ "$A",
+ "Dólar australiano",
+ }
+ AWG{
+ "AWG",
+ "Florín de Aruba",
+ }
+ AZN{
+ "AZN",
+ "Manat acerbaixano",
+ }
+ BAM{
+ "BAM",
+ "Marco convertible de Bosnia e Hercegovina",
+ }
+ BBD{
+ "BBD",
+ "Dólar de Barbados",
+ }
+ BDT{
+ "BDT",
+ "Taka de Bangladés",
+ }
+ BEC{
+ "BEC",
+ "Franco belga (convertible)",
+ }
+ BEF{
+ "BEF",
+ "Franco belga",
+ }
+ BEL{
+ "BEL",
+ "Franco belga (financeiro)",
+ }
+ BGN{
+ "BGN",
+ "Lev búlgaro",
+ }
+ BHD{
+ "BHD",
+ "Dinar de Bahrain",
+ }
+ BIF{
+ "BIF",
+ "Franco burundiano",
+ }
+ BMD{
+ "BMD",
+ "Dólar das Bemudas",
+ }
+ BND{
+ "BND",
+ "Dólar de Brunei",
+ }
+ BOB{
+ "BOB",
+ "Boliviano",
+ }
+ BOP{
+ "BOP",
+ "Peso boliviano",
+ }
+ BOV{
+ "BOV",
+ "MVDOL boliviano",
+ }
+ BRB{
+ "BRB",
+ "Cruzeiro novo brasileiro (1967–1986)",
+ }
+ BRC{
+ "BRC",
+ "Cruzado brasileiro",
+ }
+ BRE{
+ "BRE",
+ "Cruzeiro brasileiro (1990–1993)",
+ }
+ BRL{
+ "$R",
+ "Real brasileiro",
+ }
+ BRN{
+ "BRN",
+ "Cruzado novo brasileiro",
+ }
+ BRR{
+ "BRR",
+ "Cruzeiro brasileiro",
+ }
+ BSD{
+ "BSD",
+ "Dólar das Bahamas",
+ }
+ BTN{
+ "BTN",
+ "Ngultrum butanés",
+ }
+ BWP{
+ "BWP",
+ "Pula botsuaniano",
+ }
+ BYN{
+ "BYN",
+ "Rublo bielorruso",
+ }
+ BYR{
+ "BYR",
+ "Rublo bielorruso (2000–2016)",
+ }
+ BZD{
+ "BZD",
+ "Dólar belizense",
+ }
+ CAD{
+ "$CA",
+ "Dólar canadense",
+ }
+ CDF{
+ "CDF",
+ "Franco congolés",
+ }
+ CHF{
+ "CHF",
+ "Franco suízo",
+ }
+ CLF{
+ "CLF",
+ "Unidades de fomento chilenas",
+ }
+ CLP{
+ "CLP",
+ "Peso chileno",
+ }
+ CNY{
+ "CN¥",
+ "Iuán chinés",
+ }
+ COP{
+ "COP",
+ "Peso colombiano",
+ }
+ CRC{
+ "CRC",
+ "Colón costarriqueño",
+ }
+ CUC{
+ "CUC",
+ "Peso cubano convertible",
+ }
+ CUP{
+ "CUP",
+ "Peso cubano",
+ }
+ CVE{
+ "CVE",
+ "Escudo caboverdiano",
+ }
+ CZK{
+ "CZK",
+ "Coroa checa",
+ }
+ DEM{
+ "DEM",
+ "Marco alemán",
+ }
+ DJF{
+ "DJF",
+ "Franco xibutiano",
+ }
+ DKK{
+ "DKK",
+ "Coroa dinamarquesa",
+ }
+ DOP{
+ "DOP",
+ "Peso dominicano",
+ }
+ DZD{
+ "DZD",
+ "Dinar alxeriano",
+ }
+ ECS{
+ "ECS",
+ "Sucre ecuatoriano",
+ }
+ ECV{
+ "ECV",
+ "Unidade de valor constante ecuatoriana",
+ }
+ EGP{
+ "EGP",
+ "Libra exipcia",
+ }
+ ERN{
+ "ERN",
+ "Nakfa eritreo",
+ }
+ ESA{
+ "ESA",
+ "Peseta española (conta A)",
+ }
+ ESB{
+ "ESB",
+ "Peseta española (conta convertible)",
+ }
+ ESP{
+ "₧",
+ "Peseta española",
+ {
+ "#,##0.00 ¤",
+ ",",
+ ".",
+ }
+ }
+ ETB{
+ "ETB",
+ "Birr etíope",
+ }
+ EUR{
+ "€",
+ "Euro",
+ }
+ FJD{
+ "FJD",
+ "Dólar fidxiano",
+ }
+ FKP{
+ "FKP",
+ "Libra das Malvinas",
+ }
+ FRF{
+ "FRF",
+ "Franco francés",
+ }
+ GBP{
+ "£",
+ "Libra esterlina",
+ }
+ GEL{
+ "GEL",
+ "Lari xeorxiano",
+ }
+ GHS{
+ "GHS",
+ "Cedi de Ghana",
+ }
+ GIP{
+ "GIP",
+ "libra xibraltareña",
+ }
+ GMD{
+ "GMD",
+ "Dalasi gambiano",
+ }
+ GNF{
+ "GNF",
+ "Franco guineano",
+ }
+ GNS{
+ "GNS",
+ "Syli guineano",
+ }
+ GQE{
+ "GQE",
+ "Ekwele guineana",
+ }
+ GRD{
+ "GRD",
+ "Dracma grego",
+ }
+ GTQ{
+ "GTQ",
+ "Quetzal guatemalteco",
+ }
+ GYD{
+ "GYD",
+ "Dólar güianés",
+ }
+ HKD{
+ "HK$",
+ "Dólar de Hong Kong",
+ }
+ HNL{
+ "HNL",
+ "Lempira hondureño",
+ }
+ HRK{
+ "HRK",
+ "Kuna croata",
+ }
+ HTG{
+ "HTG",
+ "Gourde haitiano",
+ }
+ HUF{
+ "HUF",
+ "Florín húngaro",
+ }
+ IDR{
+ "IDR",
+ "Rupia indonesia",
+ }
+ IEP{
+ "IEP",
+ "Libra irlandesa",
+ }
+ ILS{
+ "₪",
+ "Novo shequel israelí",
+ }
+ INR{
+ "₹",
+ "Rupia india",
+ }
+ IQD{
+ "IQD",
+ "Dinar iraquí",
+ }
+ IRR{
+ "IRR",
+ "Rial iraniano",
+ }
+ ISK{
+ "ISK",
+ "Coroa islandesa",
+ }
+ ITL{
+ "ITL",
+ "Lira italiana",
+ }
+ JMD{
+ "JMD",
+ "Dólar xamaicano",
+ }
+ JOD{
+ "JOD",
+ "Dinar xordano",
+ }
+ JPY{
+ "JP¥",
+ "Ien xaponés",
+ }
+ KES{
+ "KES",
+ "Xilin kenyano",
+ }
+ KGS{
+ "KGS",
+ "Som quirguicistano",
+ }
+ KHR{
+ "KHR",
+ "Riel camboxano",
+ }
+ KMF{
+ "KMF",
+ "Franco comoriano",
+ }
+ KPW{
+ "KPW",
+ "Won norcoreano",
+ }
+ KRW{
+ "₩",
+ "Won surcoreano",
+ }
+ KWD{
+ "KWD",
+ "Dinar kuwaití",
+ }
+ KYD{
+ "KYD",
+ "Dólar das Illas Caimán",
+ }
+ KZT{
+ "KZT",
+ "Tenge casaco",
+ }
+ LAK{
+ "LAK",
+ "Kip laosiano",
+ }
+ LBP{
+ "LBP",
+ "Libra libanesa",
+ }
+ LKR{
+ "LKR",
+ "Rupia de Sri Lanka",
+ }
+ LRD{
+ "LRD",
+ "Dólar liberiano",
+ }
+ LSL{
+ "LSL",
+ "Loti de Lesoto",
+ }
+ LTL{
+ "LTL",
+ "Litas lituana",
+ }
+ LUC{
+ "LUC",
+ "Franco convertible luxemburgués",
+ }
+ LUF{
+ "LUF",
+ "Franco luxemburgués",
+ }
+ LUL{
+ "LUL",
+ "Franco financeiro luxemburgués",
+ }
+ LVL{
+ "LVL",
+ "Lats letón",
+ }
+ LYD{
+ "LYD",
+ "Dinar libio",
+ }
+ MAD{
+ "MAD",
+ "Dirham marroquí",
+ }
+ MAF{
+ "MAF",
+ "Franco marroquí",
+ }
+ MDL{
+ "MDL",
+ "Leu moldavo",
+ }
+ MGA{
+ "MGA",
+ "Ariary malgaxe",
+ }
+ MKD{
+ "MKD",
+ "Dinar macedonio",
+ }
+ MMK{
+ "MMK",
+ "Kyat birmano",
+ }
+ MNT{
+ "MNT",
+ "Tugrik mongol",
+ }
+ MOP{
+ "MOP",
+ "Pataca de Macau",
+ }
+ MRO{
+ "MRO",
+ "Ouguiya mauritano",
+ }
+ MUR{
+ "MUR",
+ "Rupia mauriciana",
+ }
+ MVR{
+ "MVR",
+ "Rupia maldivana",
+ }
+ MWK{
+ "MWK",
+ "Kwacha de Malaui",
+ }
+ MXN{
+ "$MX",
+ "Peso mexicano",
+ }
+ MXP{
+ "MXP",
+ "Peso de prata mexicano (1861–1992)",
+ }
+ MXV{
+ "MXV",
+ "Unidade de inversión mexicana",
+ }
+ MYR{
+ "MYR",
+ "Ringgit malaio",
+ }
+ MZN{
+ "MZN",
+ "Metical de Mozambique",
+ }
+ NAD{
+ "NAD",
+ "Dólar namibio",
+ }
+ NGN{
+ "NGN",
+ "Naira nixeriano",
+ }
+ NIC{
+ "NIC",
+ "Córdoba nicaragüense",
+ }
+ NIO{
+ "NIO",
+ "Córdoba de ouro nicaraguano",
+ }
+ NLG{
+ "NLG",
+ "Florín holandés",
+ }
+ NOK{
+ "NOK",
+ "Coroa norueguesa",
+ }
+ NPR{
+ "NPR",
+ "Rupia nepalesa",
+ }
+ NZD{
+ "NZ$",
+ "Dólar neozelandés",
+ }
+ OMR{
+ "OMR",
+ "Rial omaní",
+ }
+ PAB{
+ "PAB",
+ "Balboa panameño",
+ }
+ PEI{
+ "PEI",
+ "Inti peruano",
+ }
+ PEN{
+ "PEN",
+ "Sol peruano",
+ }
+ PES{
+ "PES",
+ "Sol peruano (1863–1965)",
+ }
+ PGK{
+ "PGK",
+ "Kina de Papúa-Nova Guinea",
+ }
+ PHP{
+ "PHP",
+ "Peso filipino",
+ }
+ PKR{
+ "PKR",
+ "Rupia paquistaní",
+ }
+ PLN{
+ "PLN",
+ "Zloty polaco",
+ }
+ PTE{
+ "PTE",
+ "Escudo portugués",
+ }
+ PYG{
+ "PYG",
+ "Guaraní paraguaio",
+ }
+ QAR{
+ "QAR",
+ "Rial qatarí",
+ }
+ RON{
+ "RON",
+ "Leu romanés",
+ }
+ RSD{
+ "RSD",
+ "Dinar serbio",
+ }
+ RUB{
+ "RUB",
+ "Rublo ruso",
+ }
+ RUR{
+ "RUR",
+ "Rublo ruso (1991–1998)",
+ }
+ RWF{
+ "RWF",
+ "Franco ruandés",
+ }
+ SAR{
+ "SAR",
+ "Rial saudita",
+ }
+ SBD{
+ "SBD",
+ "Dólar das Illas Salomón",
+ }
+ SCR{
+ "SCR",
+ "Rupia de Seixeles",
+ }
+ SDG{
+ "SDG",
+ "Libra sudanesa",
+ }
+ SEK{
+ "SEK",
+ "Coroa sueca",
+ }
+ SGD{
+ "SGD",
+ "Dólar de Singapur",
+ }
+ SHP{
+ "SHP",
+ "Libra de Santa Helena",
+ }
+ SLL{
+ "SLL",
+ "Leone de Serra Leoa",
+ }
+ SOS{
+ "SOS",
+ "Xilin somalí",
+ }
+ SRD{
+ "SRD",
+ "Dólar surinamés",
+ }
+ SSP{
+ "SSP",
+ "Libra sursudanesa",
+ }
+ STD{
+ "STD",
+ "Dobra de São Tomé e Príncipe",
+ }
+ SUR{
+ "SUR",
+ "Rublo soviético",
+ }
+ SVC{
+ "SVC",
+ "Colón salvadoreño",
+ }
+ SYP{
+ "SYP",
+ "Libra siria",
+ }
+ SZL{
+ "SZL",
+ "Lilangeni de Suacilandia",
+ }
+ THB{
+ "฿",
+ "Baht tailandés",
+ }
+ TJS{
+ "TJS",
+ "Somoni taxiquistano",
+ }
+ TMT{
+ "TMT",
+ "Manat turcomán",
+ }
+ TND{
+ "TND",
+ "Dinar tunisiano",
+ }
+ TOP{
+ "TOP",
+ "Paʻanga de Tonga",
+ }
+ TRY{
+ "TRY",
+ "Lira turca",
+ }
+ TTD{
+ "TTD",
+ "Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago",
+ }
+ TWD{
+ "NT$",
+ "Novo dólar taiwanés",
+ }
+ TZS{
+ "TZS",
+ "Xilin tanzano",
+ }
+ UAH{
+ "UAH",
+ "Hrivna ucraína",
+ }
+ UGX{
+ "UGX",
+ "Xilin ugandés",
+ }
+ USD{
+ "$",
+ "Dólar estadounidense",
+ }
+ UYI{
+ "UYI",
+ "Peso en unidades indexadas uruguaio",
+ }
+ UYP{
+ "UYP",
+ "Peso uruguaio (1975–1993)",
+ }
+ UYU{
+ "UYU",
+ "Peso uruguaio",
+ }
+ UZS{
+ "UZS",
+ "Som usbeco",
+ }
+ VEB{
+ "VEB",
+ "Bolívar venezolano (1871–2008)",
+ }
+ VEF{
+ "VEF",
+ "Bolívar venezolano",
+ }
+ VND{
+ "₫",
+ "Dong vietnamita",
+ }
+ VUV{
+ "VUV",
+ "Vatu vanuatiano",
+ }
+ WST{
+ "WST",
+ "Tala samoano",
+ }
+ XAF{
+ "FCFA",
+ "Franco CFA (BEAC)",
+ }
+ XAG{
+ "XAG",
+ "Prata",
+ }
+ XAU{
+ "XAU",
+ "Ouro",
+ }
+ XCD{
+ "EC$",
+ "Dólar do Caribe Oriental",
+ }
+ XOF{
+ "CFA",
+ "Franco CFA (BCEAO)",
+ }
+ XPD{
+ "XPD",
+ "Paladio",
+ }
+ XPF{
+ "CFPF",
+ "Franco CFP",
+ }
+ XPT{
+ "XPT",
+ "Platino",
+ }
+ XXX{
+ "XXX",
+ "Moeda descoñecida",
+ }
+ YER{
+ "YER",
+ "Rial iemení",
+ }
+ ZAR{
+ "ZAR",
+ "Rand surafricano",
+ }
+ ZMK{
+ "ZMK",
+ "Kwacha zambiano (1968–2012)",
+ }
+ ZMW{
+ "ZMW",
+ "Kwacha zambiano",
+ }
+ }
+ Currencies%narrow{
+ AOA{"Kz"}
+ ARS{"$"}
+ AUD{"$"}
+ BAM{"KM"}
+ BBD{"$"}
+ BDT{"৳"}
+ BMD{"$"}
+ BND{"$"}
+ BOB{"Bs"}
+ BRL{"$R"}
+ BSD{"$"}
+ BWP{"P"}
+ BYN{"р."}
+ BZD{"$"}
+ CAD{"$"}
+ CLP{"$"}
+ CNY{"¥"}
+ COP{"$"}
+ CRC{"₡"}
+ CUC{"$"}
+ CUP{"$"}
+ CZK{"Kč"}
+ DKK{"kr"}
+ DOP{"$"}
+ EGP{"E£"}
+ EUR{"€"}
+ FJD{"$"}
+ FKP{"£"}
+ GBP{"£"}
+ GEL{"₾"}
+ GIP{"£"}
+ GNF{"FG"}
+ GTQ{"Q"}
+ GYD{"$"}
+ HKD{"$"}
+ HNL{"L"}
+ HRK{"kn"}
+ HUF{"Ft"}
+ IDR{"Rp"}
+ ILS{"₪"}
+ INR{"₹"}
+ ISK{"kr"}
+ JMD{"$"}
+ JPY{"¥"}
+ KHR{"៛"}
+ KMF{"FC"}
+ KPW{"₩"}
+ KRW{"₩"}
+ KYD{"$"}
+ KZT{"₸"}
+ LAK{"₭"}
+ LBP{"L£"}
+ LKR{"Rs"}
+ LRD{"$"}
+ MGA{"Ar"}
+ MMK{"K"}
+ MNT{"₮"}
+ MUR{"Rs"}
+ MXN{"$"}
+ MYR{"RM"}
+ NAD{"$"}
+ NGN{"₦"}
+ NIO{"C$"}
+ NOK{"kr"}
+ NPR{"Rs"}
+ NZD{"$"}
+ PHP{"₱"}
+ PKR{"Rs"}
+ PLN{"zł"}
+ PYG{"₲"}
+ RUB{"руб"}
+ RWF{"RF"}
+ SBD{"$"}
+ SEK{"kr"}
+ SGD{"$"}
+ SHP{"£"}
+ SRD{"$"}
+ SSP{"£"}
+ STD{"Db"}
+ SYP{"£"}
+ THB{"฿"}
+ TOP{"T$"}
+ TRY{"₺"}
+ TTD{"$"}
+ TWD{"NT$"}
+ UAH{"₴"}
+ USD{"$"}
+ UYU{"$"}
+ VEF{"Bs"}
+ VND{"₫"}
+ XCD{"$"}
+ ZAR{"R"}
+ ZMW{"ZK"}
+ }
+ Currencies%variant{
+ GEL{"₾"}
+ TRY{"TL"}
+ }
+ CurrencyPlurals{
+ ADP{
+ one{"peseta andorrana"}
+ other{"pesetas andorranas"}
+ }
+ AED{
+ one{"dirham dos Emiratos Árabes Unidos"}
+ other{"dirhams dos Emiratos Árabes Unidos"}
+ }
+ AFN{
+ one{"afgani afgano"}
+ other{"afganis afganos"}
+ }
+ ALL{
+ one{"lek albanés"}
+ other{"leks albaneses"}
+ }
+ AMD{
+ one{"dram armenio"}
+ other{"drams armenios"}
+ }
+ ANG{
+ one{"florín das Antillas Neerlandesas"}
+ other{"floríns das Antillas Neerlandesas"}
+ }
+ AOA{
+ one{"kwanza angolano"}
+ other{"kwanzas angolanos"}
+ }
+ ARP{
+ one{"peso arxentino (ARP)"}
+ other{"pesos arxentinos (ARP)"}
+ }
+ ARS{
+ one{"peso arxentino"}
+ other{"pesos arxentinos"}
+ }
+ AUD{
+ one{"dólar australiano"}
+ other{"dólares australianos"}
+ }
+ AWG{
+ one{"florín de Aruba"}
+ other{"floríns de Aruba"}
+ }
+ AZN{
+ one{"manat acerbaixano"}
+ other{"manats acerbaixanos"}
+ }
+ BAM{
+ one{"marco convertible de Bosnia e Hercegovina"}
+ other{"marcos convertibles de Bosnia e Hercegovina"}
+ }
+ BBD{
+ one{"dólar de Barbados"}
+ other{"dólares de Barbados"}
+ }
+ BDT{
+ one{"taka de Bangladés"}
+ other{"takas de Bangladés"}
+ }
+ BEC{
+ one{"franco belga (convertible)"}
+ other{"francos belgas (convertibles)"}
+ }
+ BEF{
+ one{"franco belga"}
+ other{"francos belgas"}
+ }
+ BEL{
+ one{"franco belga (financeiro)"}
+ other{"francos belgas (financeiros)"}
+ }
+ BGN{
+ one{"lev búlgaro"}
+ other{"levs búlgaros"}
+ }
+ BHD{
+ one{"dinar de Bahrain"}
+ other{"dinares de Bahrain"}
+ }
+ BIF{
+ one{"franco burundiano"}
+ other{"francos burundianos"}
+ }
+ BMD{
+ one{"dólar das Bermudas"}
+ other{"dólares das Bermudas"}
+ }
+ BND{
+ one{"dólar de Brunei"}
+ other{"dólares de Brunei"}
+ }
+ BOB{
+ one{"boliviano"}
+ other{"bolivianos"}
+ }
+ BOP{
+ one{"peso boliviano"}
+ other{"pesos bolivianos"}
+ }
+ BRB{
+ one{"cruzeiro novo brasileiro"}
+ other{"cruzeiros novos brasileiros"}
+ }
+ BRC{
+ one{"cruzado brasileiro"}
+ other{"cruzados brasileiros"}
+ }
+ BRE{
+ one{"cruzeiro brasileiro (BRE)"}
+ other{"cruzeiros brasileiros (BRE)"}
+ }
+ BRL{
+ one{"real brasileiro"}
+ other{"reais brasileiros"}
+ }
+ BRN{
+ one{"cruzado novo brasileiro"}
+ other{"cruzados novos brasileiros"}
+ }
+ BRR{
+ one{"cruzeiro brasileiro"}
+ other{"cruzeiros brasileiros"}
+ }
+ BSD{
+ one{"dólar das Bahamas"}
+ other{"dólares das Bahamas"}
+ }
+ BTN{
+ one{"ngultrum butanés"}
+ other{"ngultrums butaneses"}
+ }
+ BWP{
+ one{"pula botsuaniano"}
+ other{"pulas botsuanianos"}
+ }
+ BYN{
+ one{"rublo bielorruso"}
+ other{"rublos bielorrusos"}
+ }
+ BYR{
+ one{"rublo bielorruso (2000–2016)"}
+ other{"rublos bielorrusos (2000–2016)"}
+ }
+ BZD{
+ one{"dólar belizense"}
+ other{"dólares belizenses"}
+ }
+ CAD{
+ one{"dólar canadense"}
+ other{"dólares canadenses"}
+ }
+ CDF{
+ one{"franco congolés"}
+ other{"francos congoleses"}
+ }
+ CHF{
+ one{"franco suízo"}
+ other{"francos suizos"}
+ }
+ CLF{
+ one{"unidade de fomento chilena"}
+ other{"unidades de fomento chilenas"}
+ }
+ CLP{
+ one{"peso chileno"}
+ other{"pesos chilenos"}
+ }
+ CNY{
+ one{"iuán chinés"}
+ other{"iuáns chineses"}
+ }
+ COP{
+ one{"peso colombiano"}
+ other{"pesos colombianos"}
+ }
+ CRC{
+ one{"colón costarriqueño"}
+ other{"colóns costarriqueños"}
+ }
+ CUC{
+ one{"peso cubano convertible"}
+ other{"pesos cubanos convertibles"}
+ }
+ CUP{
+ one{"peso cubano"}
+ other{"pesos cubanos"}
+ }
+ CVE{
+ one{"escudo caboverdiano"}
+ other{"escudos caboverdianos"}
+ }
+ CZK{
+ one{"coroa checa"}
+ other{"coroas checas"}
+ }
+ DEM{
+ one{"marco alemán"}
+ other{"marcos alemáns"}
+ }
+ DJF{
+ one{"franco xibutiano"}
+ other{"francos xibutianos"}
+ }
+ DKK{
+ one{"coroa dinamarquesa"}
+ other{"coroas dinamarquesas"}
+ }
+ DOP{
+ one{"peso dominicano"}
+ other{"pesos dominicanos"}
+ }
+ DZD{
+ one{"dinar alxeriano"}
+ other{"dinares alxerianos"}
+ }
+ ECS{
+ one{"sucre ecuatoriano"}
+ other{"sucres ecuatorianos"}
+ }
+ EGP{
+ one{"libra exipcia"}
+ other{"libras exipcias"}
+ }
+ ERN{
+ one{"nakfa eritreo"}
+ other{"nakfas eritreos"}
+ }
+ ESP{
+ one{"peseta"}
+ other{"pesetas"}
+ }
+ ETB{
+ one{"birr etíope"}
+ other{"birres etíopes"}
+ }
+ EUR{
+ one{"euro"}
+ other{"euros"}
+ }
+ FJD{
+ one{"dólar fidxiano"}
+ other{"dólares fidxianos"}
+ }
+ FKP{
+ one{"libra das Malvinas"}
+ other{"libras das Malvinas"}
+ }
+ FRF{
+ one{"franco francés"}
+ other{"francos franceses"}
+ }
+ GBP{
+ one{"libra esterlina"}
+ other{"libras esterlinas"}
+ }
+ GEL{
+ one{"lari xeorxiano"}
+ other{"laris xeorxianos"}
+ }
+ GHS{
+ one{"cedi de Ghana"}
+ other{"cedis de Ghana"}
+ }
+ GIP{
+ one{"libra xibraltareña"}
+ other{"libras xibraltareñas"}
+ }
+ GMD{
+ one{"dalasi gambiano"}
+ other{"dalasis gambianos"}
+ }
+ GNF{
+ one{"franco guineano"}
+ other{"francos guineanos"}
+ }
+ GTQ{
+ one{"quetzal guatemalteco"}
+ other{"quetzal guatemaltecos"}
+ }
+ GYD{
+ one{"dólar güianés"}
+ other{"dólares güianeses"}
+ }
+ HKD{
+ one{"dólar de Hong Kong"}
+ other{"dólares de Hong Kong"}
+ }
+ HNL{
+ one{"lempira hondureño"}
+ other{"lempiras hondureños"}
+ }
+ HRK{
+ one{"kuna croata"}
+ other{"kunas croatas"}
+ }
+ HTG{
+ one{"gourde haitiano"}
+ other{"gourdes haitianos"}
+ }
+ HUF{
+ one{"florín húngaro"}
+ other{"floríns húngaros"}
+ }
+ IDR{
+ one{"rupia indonesia"}
+ other{"rupias indonesias"}
+ }
+ IEP{
+ one{"libra irlandesa"}
+ other{"libras irlandesas"}
+ }
+ ILS{
+ one{"novo shequel israelí"}
+ other{"novos shequeis israelís"}
+ }
+ INR{
+ one{"rupia india"}
+ other{"rupias indias"}
+ }
+ IQD{
+ one{"dinar iraquí"}
+ other{"dinares iraquíes"}
+ }
+ IRR{
+ one{"rial iraniano"}
+ other{"riais iranianos"}
+ }
+ ISK{
+ one{"coroa islandesa"}
+ other{"coroas islandesas"}
+ }
+ JMD{
+ one{"dólar xamaicano"}
+ other{"dólares xamaicanos"}
+ }
+ JOD{
+ one{"dinar xordano"}
+ other{"dinares xordanos"}
+ }
+ JPY{
+ one{"ien xaponés"}
+ other{"iens xaponeses"}
+ }
+ KES{
+ one{"xilin kenyano"}
+ other{"xilins kenyanos"}
+ }
+ KGS{
+ one{"som quirguicistano"}
+ other{"soms quirguicistanos"}
+ }
+ KHR{
+ one{"riel camboxano"}
+ other{"rieis camboxanos"}
+ }
+ KMF{
+ one{"franco comoriano"}
+ other{"francos comorianos"}
+ }
+ KPW{
+ one{"won norcoreano"}
+ other{"wons norcoreanos"}
+ }
+ KRW{
+ one{"won surcoreano"}
+ other{"wons surcoreanos"}
+ }
+ KWD{
+ one{"dinar kuwaití"}
+ other{"dinares kuwaitís"}
+ }
+ KYD{
+ one{"dólar das Illas Caimán"}
+ other{"dólares das Illas Caimán"}
+ }
+ KZT{
+ one{"tenge casaco"}
+ other{"tenges casacos"}
+ }
+ LAK{
+ one{"kip laosiano"}
+ other{"kips laosianos"}
+ }
+ LBP{
+ one{"libra libanesa"}
+ other{"libras libanesas"}
+ }
+ LKR{
+ one{"rupia de Sri Lanka"}
+ other{"rupias de Sri Lanka"}
+ }
+ LRD{
+ one{"dólar liberiano"}
+ other{"dólares liberianos"}
+ }
+ LTL{
+ one{"litas lituana"}
+ other{"litas lituanas"}
+ }
+ LVL{
+ one{"lats letón"}
+ other{"lats letóns"}
+ }
+ LYD{
+ one{"dinar libio"}
+ other{"dinares libios"}
+ }
+ MAD{
+ one{"dirham marroquí"}
+ other{"dirhams marroquís"}
+ }
+ MDL{
+ one{"leu moldavo"}
+ other{"leus moldavos"}
+ }
+ MGA{
+ one{"ariary malgaxe"}
+ other{"ariarys malgaxes"}
+ }
+ MKD{
+ one{"dinar macedonio"}
+ other{"dinares macedonios"}
+ }
+ MMK{
+ one{"kyat birmano"}
+ other{"kyats birmanos"}
+ }
+ MNT{
+ one{"tugrik mongol"}
+ other{"tugriks mongoles"}
+ }
+ MOP{
+ one{"pataca de Macau"}
+ other{"patacas de Macau"}
+ }
+ MRO{
+ one{"ouguiya mauritano"}
+ other{"ouguiyas mauritanos"}
+ }
+ MUR{
+ one{"rupia mauriciana"}
+ other{"rupias mauricianas"}
+ }
+ MVR{
+ one{"rupia maldivana"}
+ other{"rupias maldivanas"}
+ }
+ MWK{
+ one{"kwacha de Malaui"}
+ other{"kwachas de Malaui"}
+ }
+ MXN{
+ one{"peso mexicano"}
+ other{"pesos mexicanos"}
+ }
+ MYR{
+ one{"ringgit malaio"}
+ other{"ringgits malaios"}
+ }
+ MZN{
+ one{"metical de Mozambique"}
+ other{"meticais de Mozambique"}
+ }
+ NAD{
+ one{"dólar namibio"}
+ other{"dólares namibios"}
+ }
+ NGN{
+ one{"naira nixeriano"}
+ other{"nairas nixerianos"}
+ }
+ NIO{
+ one{"córdoba de ouro nicaraguano"}
+ other{"córdobas de ouro nicaraguanos"}
+ }
+ NOK{
+ one{"coroa norueguesa"}
+ other{"coroas norueguesas"}
+ }
+ NPR{
+ one{"rupia nepalesa"}
+ other{"rupias nepalesas"}
+ }
+ NZD{
+ one{"dólar neozelandés"}
+ other{"dólares neozelandeses"}
+ }
+ OMR{
+ one{"rial omaní"}
+ other{"riais omanís"}
+ }
+ PAB{
+ one{"balboa panameño"}
+ other{"balboas panameños"}
+ }
+ PEN{
+ one{"sol peruano"}
+ other{"soles peruanos"}
+ }
+ PGK{
+ one{"kina de Papúa-Nova Guinea"}
+ other{"kinas de Papúa-Nova Guinea"}
+ }
+ PHP{
+ one{"peso filipino"}
+ other{"pesos filipinos"}
+ }
+ PKR{
+ one{"rupia paquistaní"}
+ other{"rupias paquistanís"}
+ }
+ PLN{
+ one{"zloty polaco"}
+ other{"zlotys polacos"}
+ }
+ PTE{
+ one{"escudo portugués"}
+ other{"escudos portugueses"}
+ }
+ PYG{
+ one{"guaraní paraguaio"}
+ other{"guaranís paraguaios"}
+ }
+ QAR{
+ one{"rial qatarí"}
+ other{"riais qatarís"}
+ }
+ RON{
+ one{"leu romanés"}
+ other{"leus romaneses"}
+ }
+ RSD{
+ one{"dinar serbio"}
+ other{"dinares serbios"}
+ }
+ RUB{
+ one{"rublo ruso"}
+ other{"rublos rusos"}
+ }
+ RWF{
+ one{"franco ruandés"}
+ other{"francos ruandeses"}
+ }
+ SAR{
+ one{"rial saudita"}
+ other{"riais sauditas"}
+ }
+ SBD{
+ one{"dólar das Illas Salomón"}
+ other{"dólares das Illas Salomón"}
+ }
+ SCR{
+ one{"rupia de Seixeles"}
+ other{"rupias de Seixeles"}
+ }
+ SDG{
+ one{"libra sudanesa"}
+ other{"libras sudanesas"}
+ }
+ SEK{
+ one{"coroa sueca"}
+ other{"coroas suecas"}
+ }
+ SGD{
+ one{"dólar de Singapur"}
+ other{"dólares de Singapur"}
+ }
+ SHP{
+ one{"libra de Santa Helena"}
+ other{"libras de Santa Helena"}
+ }
+ SLL{
+ one{"leone de Serra Leoa"}
+ other{"leones de Serra Leoa"}
+ }
+ SOS{
+ one{"xilin somalí"}
+ other{"xilins somalíes"}
+ }
+ SRD{
+ one{"dólar surinamés"}
+ other{"dólares surinamés"}
+ }
+ SSP{
+ one{"libra sursudanesa"}
+ other{"libras sursudanesa"}
+ }
+ STD{
+ one{"dobra de São Tomé e Príncipe"}
+ other{"dobras de São Tomé e Príncipe"}
+ }
+ SUR{
+ one{"rublo soviético"}
+ other{"rublos soviéticos"}
+ }
+ SVC{
+ one{"colón salvadoreño"}
+ other{"colóns salvadoreños"}
+ }
+ SYP{
+ one{"libra siria"}
+ other{"libras sirias"}
+ }
+ SZL{
+ one{"lilangeni de Suacilandia"}
+ other{"lilangenis de Suacilandia"}
+ }
+ THB{
+ one{"baht tailandés"}
+ other{"bahts tailandeses"}
+ }
+ TJS{
+ one{"somoni taxiquistano"}
+ other{"somonis taxiquistanos"}
+ }
+ TMT{
+ one{"manat turcomán"}
+ other{"manats turcománs"}
+ }
+ TND{
+ one{"dinar tunisiano"}
+ other{"dinares tunisianos"}
+ }
+ TOP{
+ one{"paʻanga de Tonga"}
+ other{"pa’angas de Tonga"}
+ }
+ TRY{
+ one{"lira turca"}
+ other{"liras turcas"}
+ }
+ TTD{
+ one{"dólar de Trinidad e Tobago"}
+ other{"dólares de Trinidad e Tobago"}
+ }
+ TWD{
+ one{"novo dólar taiwanés"}
+ other{"novos dólares taiwaneses"}
+ }
+ TZS{
+ one{"xilin tanzano"}
+ other{"xilins tanzanos"}
+ }
+ UAH{
+ one{"hrivna ucraína"}
+ other{"hrivnas ucraínas"}
+ }
+ UGX{
+ one{"xilin ugandés"}
+ other{"xilins ugandeses"}
+ }
+ USD{
+ one{"dólar estadounidense"}
+ other{"dólares estadounidenses"}
+ }
+ UYU{
+ one{"peso uruguaio"}
+ other{"pesos uruguaios"}
+ }
+ UZS{
+ one{"som usbeco"}
+ other{"soms usbecos"}
+ }
+ VEB{
+ one{"bolívar venezolano (1871–2008)"}
+ other{"bolívares venezolanos (1871–2008)"}
+ }
+ VEF{
+ one{"bolívar venezolano"}
+ other{"bolívares venezolanos"}
+ }
+ VND{
+ one{"dong vietnamita"}
+ other{"dongs vietnamitas"}
+ }
+ VUV{
+ one{"vatu vanuatiano"}
+ other{"vatus vanuatianos"}
+ }
+ WST{
+ one{"tala samoano"}
+ other{"talas samoanos"}
+ }
+ XAF{
+ one{"franco CFA (BEAC)"}
+ other{"francos CFA (BEAC)"}
+ }
+ XCD{
+ one{"dólar do Caribe Oriental"}
+ other{"dólares do Caribe Oriental"}
+ }
+ XOF{
+ one{"franco CFA (BCEAO)"}
+ other{"francos CFA (BCEAO)"}
+ }
+ XPF{
+ one{"franco CFP"}
+ other{"francos CFP"}
+ }
+ XXX{
+ one{"(moeda descoñecida)"}
+ other{"(moedas descoñecidas)"}
+ }
+ YER{
+ one{"rial iemení"}
+ other{"riais iemenís"}
+ }
+ ZAR{
+ one{"rand surafricano"}
+ other{"rands surafricanos"}
+ }
+ ZMW{
+ one{"kwacha zambiano"}
+ other{"kwachas zambianos"}
+ }
+ }
+ CurrencyUnitPatterns{
+ one{"{0} {1}"}
+ other{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ Version{""}