path: root/gfx/thebes/gfxFontEntry.cpp
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /gfx/thebes/gfxFontEntry.cpp
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/thebes/gfxFontEntry.cpp')
1 files changed, 1831 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/thebes/gfxFontEntry.cpp b/gfx/thebes/gfxFontEntry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f33d6a9d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/thebes/gfxFontEntry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1831 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
+#include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h"
+#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
+#include "nsILanguageAtomService.h"
+#include "gfxFontEntry.h"
+#include "gfxTextRun.h"
+#include "gfxPlatform.h"
+#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
+#include "gfxTypes.h"
+#include "gfxContext.h"
+#include "gfxFontConstants.h"
+#include "gfxHarfBuzzShaper.h"
+#include "gfxUserFontSet.h"
+#include "gfxPlatformFontList.h"
+#include "nsUnicodeProperties.h"
+#include "nsMathUtils.h"
+#include "nsBidiUtils.h"
+#include "nsUnicodeRange.h"
+#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
+#include "mozilla/AppUnits.h"
+#include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h"
+#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
+#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/Services.h"
+#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
+#include "gfxSVGGlyphs.h"
+#include "gfx2DGlue.h"
+#include "cairo.h"
+#include "harfbuzz/hb.h"
+#include "harfbuzz/hb-ot.h"
+#include "graphite2/Font.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace mozilla::gfx;
+using namespace mozilla::unicode;
+using mozilla::services::GetObserverService;
+ gfxPlatformFontList *fontlist = gfxPlatformFontList::PlatformFontList();
+ if (mShared) {
+ fontlist->RemoveCmap(this);
+ }
+ delete this;
+gfxFontEntry::gfxFontEntry() :
+ mStyle(NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL), mFixedPitch(false),
+ mIsValid(true),
+ mIsBadUnderlineFont(false),
+ mIsUserFontContainer(false),
+ mIsDataUserFont(false),
+ mIsLocalUserFont(false),
+ mStandardFace(false),
+ mSymbolFont(false),
+ mIgnoreGDEF(false),
+ mIgnoreGSUB(false),
+ mSVGInitialized(false),
+ mHasSpaceFeaturesInitialized(false),
+ mHasSpaceFeatures(false),
+ mHasSpaceFeaturesKerning(false),
+ mHasSpaceFeaturesNonKerning(false),
+ mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck(false),
+ mGraphiteSpaceContextualsInitialized(false),
+ mHasGraphiteSpaceContextuals(false),
+ mSpaceGlyphIsInvisible(false),
+ mSpaceGlyphIsInvisibleInitialized(false),
+ mCheckedForGraphiteTables(false),
+ mHasCmapTable(false),
+ mGrFaceInitialized(false),
+ mCheckedForColorGlyph(false),
+ mWeight(500), mStretch(NS_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL),
+ mUVSOffset(0), mUVSData(nullptr),
+ mCOLR(nullptr),
+ mCPAL(nullptr),
+ mUnitsPerEm(0),
+ mHBFace(nullptr),
+ mGrFace(nullptr),
+ mGrFaceRefCnt(0),
+ mComputedSizeOfUserFont(0)
+ memset(&mDefaultSubSpaceFeatures, 0, sizeof(mDefaultSubSpaceFeatures));
+ memset(&mNonDefaultSubSpaceFeatures, 0, sizeof(mNonDefaultSubSpaceFeatures));
+gfxFontEntry::gfxFontEntry(const nsAString& aName, bool aIsStandardFace) :
+ mName(aName), mStyle(NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL), mFixedPitch(false),
+ mIsValid(true),
+ mIsBadUnderlineFont(false),
+ mIsUserFontContainer(false),
+ mIsDataUserFont(false),
+ mIsLocalUserFont(false), mStandardFace(aIsStandardFace),
+ mSymbolFont(false),
+ mIgnoreGDEF(false),
+ mIgnoreGSUB(false),
+ mSVGInitialized(false),
+ mHasSpaceFeaturesInitialized(false),
+ mHasSpaceFeatures(false),
+ mHasSpaceFeaturesKerning(false),
+ mHasSpaceFeaturesNonKerning(false),
+ mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck(false),
+ mGraphiteSpaceContextualsInitialized(false),
+ mHasGraphiteSpaceContextuals(false),
+ mSpaceGlyphIsInvisible(false),
+ mSpaceGlyphIsInvisibleInitialized(false),
+ mCheckedForGraphiteTables(false),
+ mHasCmapTable(false),
+ mGrFaceInitialized(false),
+ mCheckedForColorGlyph(false),
+ mWeight(500), mStretch(NS_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL),
+ mUVSOffset(0), mUVSData(nullptr),
+ mCOLR(nullptr),
+ mCPAL(nullptr),
+ mUnitsPerEm(0),
+ mHBFace(nullptr),
+ mGrFace(nullptr),
+ mGrFaceRefCnt(0),
+ mComputedSizeOfUserFont(0)
+ memset(&mDefaultSubSpaceFeatures, 0, sizeof(mDefaultSubSpaceFeatures));
+ memset(&mNonDefaultSubSpaceFeatures, 0, sizeof(mNonDefaultSubSpaceFeatures));
+ if (mCOLR) {
+ hb_blob_destroy(mCOLR);
+ }
+ if (mCPAL) {
+ hb_blob_destroy(mCPAL);
+ }
+ // For downloaded fonts, we need to tell the user font cache that this
+ // entry is being deleted.
+ if (mIsDataUserFont) {
+ gfxUserFontSet::UserFontCache::ForgetFont(this);
+ }
+ if (mFeatureInputs) {
+ for (auto iter = mFeatureInputs->Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ hb_set_t*& set = iter.Data();
+ hb_set_destroy(set);
+ }
+ }
+ // By the time the entry is destroyed, all font instances that were
+ // using it should already have been deleted, and so the HB and/or Gr
+ // face objects should have been released.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mGrFaceInitialized);
+bool gfxFontEntry::IsSymbolFont()
+ return mSymbolFont;
+bool gfxFontEntry::TestCharacterMap(uint32_t aCh)
+ if (!mCharacterMap) {
+ ReadCMAP();
+ NS_ASSERTION(mCharacterMap, "failed to initialize character map");
+ }
+ return mCharacterMap->test(aCh);
+nsresult gfxFontEntry::InitializeUVSMap()
+ // mUVSOffset will not be initialized
+ // until cmap is initialized.
+ if (!mCharacterMap) {
+ ReadCMAP();
+ NS_ASSERTION(mCharacterMap, "failed to initialize character map");
+ }
+ if (!mUVSOffset) {
+ }
+ if (!mUVSData) {
+ const uint32_t kCmapTag = TRUETYPE_TAG('c','m','a','p');
+ AutoTable cmapTable(this, kCmapTag);
+ if (!cmapTable) {
+ mUVSOffset = 0; // don't bother to read the table again
+ }
+ UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> uvsData;
+ unsigned int cmapLen;
+ const char* cmapData = hb_blob_get_data(cmapTable, &cmapLen);
+ nsresult rv = gfxFontUtils::ReadCMAPTableFormat14(
+ (const uint8_t*)cmapData + mUVSOffset,
+ cmapLen - mUVSOffset, uvsData);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mUVSOffset = 0; // don't bother to read the table again
+ return rv;
+ }
+ mUVSData = Move(uvsData);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+uint16_t gfxFontEntry::GetUVSGlyph(uint32_t aCh, uint32_t aVS)
+ InitializeUVSMap();
+ if (mUVSData) {
+ return gfxFontUtils::MapUVSToGlyphFormat14(mUVSData.get(), aCh, aVS);
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool gfxFontEntry::SupportsScriptInGSUB(const hb_tag_t* aScriptTags)
+ hb_face_t *face = GetHBFace();
+ if (!face) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ unsigned int index;
+ hb_tag_t chosenScript;
+ bool found =
+ hb_ot_layout_table_choose_script(face, TRUETYPE_TAG('G','S','U','B'),
+ aScriptTags, &index, &chosenScript);
+ hb_face_destroy(face);
+ return found && chosenScript != TRUETYPE_TAG('D','F','L','T');
+nsresult gfxFontEntry::ReadCMAP(FontInfoData *aFontInfoData)
+ NS_ASSERTION(false, "using default no-op implementation of ReadCMAP");
+ mCharacterMap = new gfxCharacterMap();
+ return NS_OK;
+ AutoTable nameTable(this, TRUETYPE_TAG('n','a','m','e'));
+ if (nameTable) {
+ nsAutoString name;
+ nsresult rv = gfxFontUtils::GetFullNameFromTable(nameTable, name);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ return name;
+ }
+ }
+ return Name();
+gfxFontEntry::FindOrMakeFont(const gfxFontStyle *aStyle,
+ bool aNeedsBold,
+ gfxCharacterMap* aUnicodeRangeMap)
+ // the font entry name is the psname, not the family name
+ RefPtr<gfxFont> font =
+ gfxFontCache::GetCache()->Lookup(this, aStyle, aUnicodeRangeMap);
+ if (!font) {
+ gfxFont *newFont = CreateFontInstance(aStyle, aNeedsBold);
+ if (!newFont)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (!newFont->Valid()) {
+ delete newFont;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ font = newFont;
+ font->SetUnicodeRangeMap(aUnicodeRangeMap);
+ gfxFontCache::GetCache()->AddNew(font);
+ }
+ return font.forget();
+ if (!mUnitsPerEm) {
+ AutoTable headTable(this, TRUETYPE_TAG('h','e','a','d'));
+ if (headTable) {
+ uint32_t len;
+ const HeadTable* head =
+ reinterpret_cast<const HeadTable*>(hb_blob_get_data(headTable,
+ &len));
+ if (len >= sizeof(HeadTable)) {
+ mUnitsPerEm = head->unitsPerEm;
+ }
+ }
+ // if we didn't find a usable 'head' table, or if the value was
+ // outside the valid range, record it as invalid
+ if (mUnitsPerEm < kMinUPEM || mUnitsPerEm > kMaxUPEM) {
+ mUnitsPerEm = kInvalidUPEM;
+ }
+ }
+ return mUnitsPerEm;
+gfxFontEntry::HasSVGGlyph(uint32_t aGlyphId)
+ NS_ASSERTION(mSVGInitialized, "SVG data has not yet been loaded. TryGetSVGData() first.");
+ return mSVGGlyphs->HasSVGGlyph(aGlyphId);
+gfxFontEntry::GetSVGGlyphExtents(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget, uint32_t aGlyphId,
+ gfxRect *aResult)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mSVGInitialized,
+ "SVG data has not yet been loaded. TryGetSVGData() first.");
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mUnitsPerEm >= kMinUPEM && mUnitsPerEm <= kMaxUPEM,
+ "font has invalid unitsPerEm");
+ cairo_matrix_t fontMatrix;
+ cairo_get_font_matrix(gfxFont::RefCairo(aDrawTarget), &fontMatrix);
+ gfxMatrix svgToAppSpace(fontMatrix.xx, fontMatrix.yx,
+ fontMatrix.xy, fontMatrix.yy,
+ fontMatrix.x0, fontMatrix.y0);
+ svgToAppSpace.Scale(1.0f / mUnitsPerEm, 1.0f / mUnitsPerEm);
+ return mSVGGlyphs->GetGlyphExtents(aGlyphId, svgToAppSpace, aResult);
+gfxFontEntry::RenderSVGGlyph(gfxContext *aContext, uint32_t aGlyphId,
+ SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint)
+ NS_ASSERTION(mSVGInitialized, "SVG data has not yet been loaded. TryGetSVGData() first.");
+ return mSVGGlyphs->RenderGlyph(aContext, aGlyphId, aContextPaint);
+gfxFontEntry::TryGetSVGData(gfxFont* aFont)
+ if (!gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->OpenTypeSVGEnabled()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!mSVGInitialized) {
+ mSVGInitialized = true;
+ // If UnitsPerEm is not known/valid, we can't use SVG glyphs
+ if (UnitsPerEm() == kInvalidUPEM) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // We don't use AutoTable here because we'll pass ownership of this
+ // blob to the gfxSVGGlyphs, once we've confirmed the table exists
+ hb_blob_t *svgTable = GetFontTable(TRUETYPE_TAG('S','V','G',' '));
+ if (!svgTable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // gfxSVGGlyphs will hb_blob_destroy() the table when it is finished
+ // with it.
+ mSVGGlyphs = MakeUnique<gfxSVGGlyphs>(svgTable, this);
+ }
+ if (mSVGGlyphs && !mFontsUsingSVGGlyphs.Contains(aFont)) {
+ mFontsUsingSVGGlyphs.AppendElement(aFont);
+ }
+ return !!mSVGGlyphs;
+gfxFontEntry::NotifyFontDestroyed(gfxFont* aFont)
+ mFontsUsingSVGGlyphs.RemoveElement(aFont);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0, count = mFontsUsingSVGGlyphs.Length(); i < count; ++i) {
+ gfxFont* font = mFontsUsingSVGGlyphs[i];
+ font->NotifyGlyphsChanged();
+ }
+ if (mCheckedForColorGlyph) {
+ return (mCOLR && mCPAL);
+ }
+ mCheckedForColorGlyph = true;
+ mCOLR = GetFontTable(TRUETYPE_TAG('C', 'O', 'L', 'R'));
+ if (!mCOLR) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ mCPAL = GetFontTable(TRUETYPE_TAG('C', 'P', 'A', 'L'));
+ if (!mCPAL) {
+ hb_blob_destroy(mCOLR);
+ mCOLR = nullptr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // validation COLR and CPAL table
+ if (gfxFontUtils::ValidateColorGlyphs(mCOLR, mCPAL)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ hb_blob_destroy(mCOLR);
+ hb_blob_destroy(mCPAL);
+ mCOLR = nullptr;
+ mCPAL = nullptr;
+ return false;
+ * FontTableBlobData
+ *
+ * See FontTableHashEntry for the general strategy.
+ */
+class gfxFontEntry::FontTableBlobData {
+ explicit FontTableBlobData(nsTArray<uint8_t>&& aBuffer)
+ : mTableData(Move(aBuffer))
+ , mHashtable(nullptr)
+ , mHashKey(0)
+ {
+ MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(FontTableBlobData);
+ }
+ ~FontTableBlobData() {
+ MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(FontTableBlobData);
+ if (mHashtable && mHashKey) {
+ mHashtable->RemoveEntry(mHashKey);
+ }
+ }
+ // Useful for creating blobs
+ const char *GetTable() const
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(mTableData.Elements());
+ }
+ uint32_t GetTableLength() const { return mTableData.Length(); }
+ // Tell this FontTableBlobData to remove the HashEntry when this is
+ // destroyed.
+ void ManageHashEntry(nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry> *aHashtable,
+ uint32_t aHashKey)
+ {
+ mHashtable = aHashtable;
+ mHashKey = aHashKey;
+ }
+ // Disconnect from the HashEntry (because the blob has already been
+ // removed from the hashtable).
+ void ForgetHashEntry()
+ {
+ mHashtable = nullptr;
+ mHashKey = 0;
+ }
+ size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const {
+ return mTableData.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const {
+ return aMallocSizeOf(this) + SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ // The font table data block
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> mTableData;
+ // The blob destroy function needs to know the owning hashtable
+ // and the hashtable key, so that it can remove the entry.
+ nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry> *mHashtable;
+ uint32_t mHashKey;
+ // not implemented
+ FontTableBlobData(const FontTableBlobData&);
+hb_blob_t *
+ShareTableAndGetBlob(nsTArray<uint8_t>&& aTable,
+ nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry> *aHashtable)
+ Clear();
+ // adopts elements of aTable
+ mSharedBlobData = new FontTableBlobData(Move(aTable));
+ mBlob = hb_blob_create(mSharedBlobData->GetTable(),
+ mSharedBlobData->GetTableLength(),
+ mSharedBlobData, DeleteFontTableBlobData);
+ if (mBlob == hb_blob_get_empty() ) {
+ // The FontTableBlobData was destroyed during hb_blob_create().
+ // The (empty) blob is still be held in the hashtable with a strong
+ // reference.
+ return hb_blob_reference(mBlob);
+ }
+ // Tell the FontTableBlobData to remove this hash entry when destroyed.
+ // The hashtable does not keep a strong reference.
+ mSharedBlobData->ManageHashEntry(aHashtable, GetKey());
+ return mBlob;
+ // If the FontTableBlobData is managing the hash entry, then the blob is
+ // not owned by this HashEntry; otherwise there is strong reference to the
+ // blob that must be removed.
+ if (mSharedBlobData) {
+ mSharedBlobData->ForgetHashEntry();
+ mSharedBlobData = nullptr;
+ } else if (mBlob) {
+ hb_blob_destroy(mBlob);
+ }
+ mBlob = nullptr;
+// a hb_destroy_func for hb_blob_create
+/* static */ void
+gfxFontEntry::FontTableHashEntry::DeleteFontTableBlobData(void *aBlobData)
+ delete static_cast<FontTableBlobData*>(aBlobData);
+hb_blob_t *
+gfxFontEntry::FontTableHashEntry::GetBlob() const
+ return hb_blob_reference(mBlob);
+gfxFontEntry::GetExistingFontTable(uint32_t aTag, hb_blob_t **aBlob)
+ if (!mFontTableCache) {
+ // we do this here rather than on fontEntry construction
+ // because not all shapers will access the table cache at all
+ mFontTableCache = MakeUnique<nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry>>(8);
+ }
+ FontTableHashEntry *entry = mFontTableCache->GetEntry(aTag);
+ if (!entry) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *aBlob = entry->GetBlob();
+ return true;
+hb_blob_t *
+gfxFontEntry::ShareFontTableAndGetBlob(uint32_t aTag,
+ nsTArray<uint8_t>* aBuffer)
+ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!mFontTableCache)) {
+ // we do this here rather than on fontEntry construction
+ // because not all shapers will access the table cache at all
+ mFontTableCache = MakeUnique<nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry>>(8);
+ }
+ FontTableHashEntry *entry = mFontTableCache->PutEntry(aTag);
+ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!entry)) { // OOM
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (!aBuffer) {
+ // ensure the entry is null
+ entry->Clear();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return entry->ShareTableAndGetBlob(Move(*aBuffer), mFontTableCache.get());
+gfxFontEntry::GetCMAPFromFontInfo(FontInfoData *aFontInfoData,
+ uint32_t& aUVSOffset,
+ bool& aSymbolFont)
+ if (!aFontInfoData || !aFontInfoData->mLoadCmaps) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return aFontInfoData->GetCMAP(mName, aUVSOffset, aSymbolFont);
+hb_blob_t *
+gfxFontEntry::GetFontTable(uint32_t aTag)
+ hb_blob_t *blob;
+ if (GetExistingFontTable(aTag, &blob)) {
+ return blob;
+ }
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> buffer;
+ bool haveTable = NS_SUCCEEDED(CopyFontTable(aTag, buffer));
+ return ShareFontTableAndGetBlob(aTag, haveTable ? &buffer : nullptr);
+// callback for HarfBuzz to get a font table (in hb_blob_t form)
+// from the font entry (passed as aUserData)
+/*static*/ hb_blob_t *
+gfxFontEntry::HBGetTable(hb_face_t *face, uint32_t aTag, void *aUserData)
+ gfxFontEntry *fontEntry = static_cast<gfxFontEntry*>(aUserData);
+ // bug 589682 - ignore the GDEF table in buggy fonts (applies to
+ // Italic and BoldItalic faces of Times New Roman)
+ if (aTag == TRUETYPE_TAG('G','D','E','F') &&
+ fontEntry->IgnoreGDEF()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // bug 721719 - ignore the GSUB table in buggy fonts (applies to Roboto,
+ // at least on some Android ICS devices; set in gfxFT2FontList.cpp)
+ if (aTag == TRUETYPE_TAG('G','S','U','B') &&
+ fontEntry->IgnoreGSUB()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return fontEntry->GetFontTable(aTag);
+/*static*/ void
+gfxFontEntry::HBFaceDeletedCallback(void *aUserData)
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = static_cast<gfxFontEntry*>(aUserData);
+ fe->ForgetHBFace();
+ mHBFace = nullptr;
+ if (!mHBFace) {
+ mHBFace = hb_face_create_for_tables(HBGetTable, this,
+ HBFaceDeletedCallback);
+ return mHBFace;
+ }
+ return hb_face_reference(mHBFace);
+/*static*/ const void*
+gfxFontEntry::GrGetTable(const void *aAppFaceHandle, unsigned int aName,
+ size_t *aLen)
+ gfxFontEntry *fontEntry =
+ static_cast<gfxFontEntry*>(const_cast<void*>(aAppFaceHandle));
+ hb_blob_t *blob = fontEntry->GetFontTable(aName);
+ if (blob) {
+ unsigned int blobLength;
+ const void *tableData = hb_blob_get_data(blob, &blobLength);
+ fontEntry->mGrTableMap->Put(tableData, blob);
+ *aLen = blobLength;
+ return tableData;
+ }
+ *aLen = 0;
+ return nullptr;
+/*static*/ void
+gfxFontEntry::GrReleaseTable(const void *aAppFaceHandle,
+ const void *aTableBuffer)
+ gfxFontEntry *fontEntry =
+ static_cast<gfxFontEntry*>(const_cast<void*>(aAppFaceHandle));
+ void *data;
+ if (fontEntry->mGrTableMap->Get(aTableBuffer, &data)) {
+ fontEntry->mGrTableMap->Remove(aTableBuffer);
+ hb_blob_destroy(static_cast<hb_blob_t*>(data));
+ }
+ if (!mGrFaceInitialized) {
+ gr_face_ops faceOps = {
+ sizeof(gr_face_ops),
+ GrGetTable,
+ GrReleaseTable
+ };
+ mGrTableMap = new nsDataHashtable<nsPtrHashKey<const void>,void*>;
+ mGrFace = gr_make_face_with_ops(this, &faceOps, gr_face_default);
+ mGrFaceInitialized = true;
+ }
+ ++mGrFaceRefCnt;
+ return mGrFace;
+gfxFontEntry::ReleaseGrFace(gr_face *aFace)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aFace == mGrFace); // sanity-check
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mGrFaceRefCnt > 0);
+ if (--mGrFaceRefCnt == 0) {
+ gr_face_destroy(mGrFace);
+ mGrFace = nullptr;
+ mGrFaceInitialized = false;
+ delete mGrTableMap;
+ mGrTableMap = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (mSVGInitialized && mSVGGlyphs) {
+ mSVGGlyphs = nullptr;
+ mSVGInitialized = false;
+ }
+gfxFontEntry::HasFontTable(uint32_t aTableTag)
+ AutoTable table(this, aTableTag);
+ return table && hb_blob_get_length(table) > 0;
+ mHasGraphiteTables = HasFontTable(TRUETYPE_TAG('S','i','l','f'));
+ if (!mGraphiteSpaceContextualsInitialized) {
+ gr_face* face = GetGrFace();
+ if (face) {
+ const gr_faceinfo* faceInfo = gr_face_info(face, 0);
+ mHasGraphiteSpaceContextuals =
+ faceInfo->space_contextuals != gr_faceinfo::gr_space_none;
+ }
+ ReleaseGrFace(face); // always balance GetGrFace, even if face is null
+ mGraphiteSpaceContextualsInitialized = true;
+ }
+ return mHasGraphiteSpaceContextuals;
+#define FEATURE_SCRIPT_MASK 0x000000ff // script index replaces low byte of tag
+static_assert(int(Script::NUM_SCRIPT_CODES) <= FEATURE_SCRIPT_MASK, "Too many script codes");
+// high-order three bytes of tag with script in low-order byte
+#define SCRIPT_FEATURE(s,tag) (((~FEATURE_SCRIPT_MASK) & (tag)) | \
+ ((FEATURE_SCRIPT_MASK) & static_cast<uint32_t>(s)))
+gfxFontEntry::SupportsOpenTypeFeature(Script aScript, uint32_t aFeatureTag)
+ if (!mSupportedFeatures) {
+ mSupportedFeatures = MakeUnique<nsDataHashtable<nsUint32HashKey,bool>>();
+ }
+ // note: high-order three bytes *must* be unique for each feature
+ // listed below (see SCRIPT_FEATURE macro def'n)
+ NS_ASSERTION(aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('s','m','c','p') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('c','2','s','c') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('p','c','a','p') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('c','2','p','c') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('s','u','p','s') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('s','u','b','s') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('v','e','r','t'),
+ "use of unknown feature tag");
+ // note: graphite feature support uses the last script index
+ "need to bump the size of the feature shift");
+ uint32_t scriptFeature = SCRIPT_FEATURE(aScript, aFeatureTag);
+ bool result;
+ if (mSupportedFeatures->Get(scriptFeature, &result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result = false;
+ hb_face_t *face = GetHBFace();
+ if (hb_ot_layout_has_substitution(face)) {
+ hb_script_t hbScript =
+ gfxHarfBuzzShaper::GetHBScriptUsedForShaping(aScript);
+ // Get the OpenType tag(s) that match this script code
+ hb_tag_t scriptTags[4] = {
+ };
+ hb_ot_tags_from_script(hbScript, &scriptTags[0], &scriptTags[1]);
+ // Replace the first remaining NONE with DEFAULT
+ hb_tag_t* scriptTag = &scriptTags[0];
+ while (*scriptTag != HB_TAG_NONE) {
+ ++scriptTag;
+ }
+ // Now check for 'smcp' under the first of those scripts that is present
+ const hb_tag_t kGSUB = HB_TAG('G','S','U','B');
+ scriptTag = &scriptTags[0];
+ while (*scriptTag != HB_TAG_NONE) {
+ unsigned int scriptIndex;
+ if (hb_ot_layout_table_find_script(face, kGSUB, *scriptTag,
+ &scriptIndex)) {
+ if (hb_ot_layout_language_find_feature(face, kGSUB,
+ scriptIndex,
+ aFeatureTag, nullptr)) {
+ result = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++scriptTag;
+ }
+ }
+ hb_face_destroy(face);
+ mSupportedFeatures->Put(scriptFeature, result);
+ return result;
+const hb_set_t*
+gfxFontEntry::InputsForOpenTypeFeature(Script aScript, uint32_t aFeatureTag)
+ if (!mFeatureInputs) {
+ mFeatureInputs = MakeUnique<nsDataHashtable<nsUint32HashKey,hb_set_t*>>();
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('s','u','p','s') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('s','u','b','s'),
+ "use of unknown feature tag");
+ uint32_t scriptFeature = SCRIPT_FEATURE(aScript, aFeatureTag);
+ hb_set_t *inputGlyphs;
+ if (mFeatureInputs->Get(scriptFeature, &inputGlyphs)) {
+ return inputGlyphs;
+ }
+ inputGlyphs = hb_set_create();
+ hb_face_t *face = GetHBFace();
+ if (hb_ot_layout_has_substitution(face)) {
+ hb_script_t hbScript =
+ gfxHarfBuzzShaper::GetHBScriptUsedForShaping(aScript);
+ // Get the OpenType tag(s) that match this script code
+ hb_tag_t scriptTags[4] = {
+ };
+ hb_ot_tags_from_script(hbScript, &scriptTags[0], &scriptTags[1]);
+ // Replace the first remaining NONE with DEFAULT
+ hb_tag_t* scriptTag = &scriptTags[0];
+ while (*scriptTag != HB_TAG_NONE) {
+ ++scriptTag;
+ }
+ const hb_tag_t kGSUB = HB_TAG('G','S','U','B');
+ hb_tag_t features[2] = { aFeatureTag, HB_TAG_NONE };
+ hb_set_t *featurelookups = hb_set_create();
+ hb_ot_layout_collect_lookups(face, kGSUB, scriptTags, nullptr,
+ features, featurelookups);
+ hb_codepoint_t index = -1;
+ while (hb_set_next(featurelookups, &index)) {
+ hb_ot_layout_lookup_collect_glyphs(face, kGSUB, index,
+ nullptr, inputGlyphs,
+ nullptr, nullptr);
+ }
+ hb_set_destroy(featurelookups);
+ }
+ hb_face_destroy(face);
+ mFeatureInputs->Put(scriptFeature, inputGlyphs);
+ return inputGlyphs;
+gfxFontEntry::SupportsGraphiteFeature(uint32_t aFeatureTag)
+ if (!mSupportedFeatures) {
+ mSupportedFeatures = MakeUnique<nsDataHashtable<nsUint32HashKey,bool>>();
+ }
+ // note: high-order three bytes *must* be unique for each feature
+ // listed below (see SCRIPT_FEATURE macro def'n)
+ NS_ASSERTION(aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('s','m','c','p') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('c','2','s','c') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('p','c','a','p') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('c','2','p','c') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('s','u','p','s') ||
+ aFeatureTag == HB_TAG('s','u','b','s'),
+ "use of unknown feature tag");
+ // graphite feature check uses the last script slot
+ uint32_t scriptFeature = SCRIPT_FEATURE(FEATURE_SCRIPT_MASK, aFeatureTag);
+ bool result;
+ if (mSupportedFeatures->Get(scriptFeature, &result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ gr_face* face = GetGrFace();
+ result = face ? gr_face_find_fref(face, aFeatureTag) != nullptr : false;
+ ReleaseGrFace(face);
+ mSupportedFeatures->Put(scriptFeature, result);
+ return result;
+gfxFontEntry::GetColorLayersInfo(uint32_t aGlyphId,
+ const mozilla::gfx::Color& aDefaultColor,
+ nsTArray<uint16_t>& aLayerGlyphs,
+ nsTArray<mozilla::gfx::Color>& aLayerColors)
+ return gfxFontUtils::GetColorGlyphLayers(mCOLR,
+ mCPAL,
+ aGlyphId,
+ aDefaultColor,
+ aLayerGlyphs,
+ aLayerColors);
+gfxFontEntry::FontTableHashEntry::SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const
+ size_t n = 0;
+ if (mBlob) {
+ n += aMallocSizeOf(mBlob);
+ }
+ if (mSharedBlobData) {
+ n += mSharedBlobData->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ return n;
+gfxFontEntry::AddSizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
+ FontListSizes* aSizes) const
+ aSizes->mFontListSize += mName.SizeOfExcludingThisIfUnshared(aMallocSizeOf);
+ // cmaps are shared so only non-shared cmaps are included here
+ if (mCharacterMap && mCharacterMap->mBuildOnTheFly) {
+ aSizes->mCharMapsSize +=
+ mCharacterMap->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ if (mFontTableCache) {
+ aSizes->mFontTableCacheSize +=
+ mFontTableCache->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ // If the font has UVS data, we count that as part of the character map.
+ if (mUVSData) {
+ aSizes->mCharMapsSize += aMallocSizeOf(mUVSData.get());
+ }
+ // The following, if present, are essentially cached forms of font table
+ // data, so we'll accumulate them together with the basic table cache.
+ if (mUserFontData) {
+ aSizes->mFontTableCacheSize +=
+ mUserFontData->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ if (mSVGGlyphs) {
+ aSizes->mFontTableCacheSize +=
+ mSVGGlyphs->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ if (mSupportedFeatures) {
+ aSizes->mFontTableCacheSize +=
+ mSupportedFeatures->ShallowSizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ }
+ if (mFeatureInputs) {
+ aSizes->mFontTableCacheSize +=
+ mFeatureInputs->ShallowSizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ for (auto iter = mFeatureInputs->ConstIter(); !iter.Done();
+ iter.Next()) {
+ // There's no API to get the real size of an hb_set, so we'll use
+ // an approximation based on knowledge of the implementation.
+ aSizes->mFontTableCacheSize += 8192; // vector of 64K bits
+ }
+ }
+ // We don't include the size of mCOLR/mCPAL here, because (depending on the
+ // font backend implementation) they will either wrap blocks of data owned
+ // by the system (and potentially shared), or tables that are in our font
+ // table cache and therefore already counted.
+gfxFontEntry::AddSizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
+ FontListSizes* aSizes) const
+ aSizes->mFontListSize += aMallocSizeOf(this);
+ AddSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf, aSizes);
+// This is used to report the size of an individual downloaded font in the
+// user font cache. (Fonts that are part of the platform font list accumulate
+// their sizes to the font list's reporter using the AddSizeOf... methods
+// above.)
+gfxFontEntry::ComputedSizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const
+ FontListSizes s = { 0 };
+ AddSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf, &s);
+ // When reporting memory used for the main platform font list,
+ // where we're typically summing the totals for a few hundred font faces,
+ // we report the fields of FontListSizes separately.
+ // But for downloaded user fonts, the actual resource data (added below)
+ // will dominate, and the minor overhead of these pieces isn't worth
+ // splitting out for an individual font.
+ size_t result = s.mFontListSize + s.mFontTableCacheSize + s.mCharMapsSize;
+ if (mIsDataUserFont) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mComputedSizeOfUserFont > 0, "user font with no data?");
+ result += mComputedSizeOfUserFont;
+ }
+ return result;
+// class gfxFontFamily
+// we consider faces with mStandardFace == true to be "less than" those with false,
+// because during style matching, earlier entries are tried first
+class FontEntryStandardFaceComparator {
+ public:
+ bool Equals(const RefPtr<gfxFontEntry>& a, const RefPtr<gfxFontEntry>& b) const {
+ return a->mStandardFace == b->mStandardFace;
+ }
+ bool LessThan(const RefPtr<gfxFontEntry>& a, const RefPtr<gfxFontEntry>& b) const {
+ return (a->mStandardFace == true && b->mStandardFace == false);
+ }
+ mAvailableFonts.Sort(FontEntryStandardFaceComparator());
+ // need to read in other family names to determine this
+ if (!mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized) {
+ ReadOtherFamilyNames(gfxPlatformFontList::PlatformFontList()); // sets mHasOtherFamilyNames
+ }
+ return mHasOtherFamilyNames;
+gfxFontFamily::FindFontForStyle(const gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle,
+ bool& aNeedsSyntheticBold)
+ AutoTArray<gfxFontEntry*,4> matched;
+ FindAllFontsForStyle(aFontStyle, matched, aNeedsSyntheticBold);
+ if (!matched.IsEmpty()) {
+ return matched[0];
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+#define STYLE_SHIFT 2 // number of bits to contain style distance
+// style distance ==> [0,2]
+static inline uint32_t
+StyleDistance(uint32_t aFontStyle, uint32_t aTargetStyle)
+ if (aFontStyle == aTargetStyle) {
+ return 0; // styles match exactly ==> 0
+ }
+ if (aFontStyle == NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL ||
+ aTargetStyle == NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL) {
+ return 2; // one is normal (but not the other) ==> 2
+ }
+ return 1; // neither is normal; must be italic vs oblique ==> 1
+// stretch distance ==> [0,13]
+static inline uint32_t
+StretchDistance(int16_t aFontStretch, int16_t aTargetStretch)
+ int32_t distance = 0;
+ if (aTargetStretch != aFontStretch) {
+ // stretch values are in the range -4 .. +4
+ // if aTargetStretch is positive, we prefer more-positive values;
+ // if zero or negative, prefer more-negative
+ if (aTargetStretch > 0) {
+ distance = (aFontStretch - aTargetStretch);
+ } else {
+ distance = (aTargetStretch - aFontStretch);
+ }
+ // if the computed "distance" here is negative, it means that
+ // aFontEntry lies in the "non-preferred" direction from aTargetStretch,
+ // so we treat that as larger than any preferred-direction distance
+ // (max possible is 4) by adding an extra 5 to the absolute value
+ if (distance < 0) {
+ distance = -distance + REVERSE_STRETCH_DISTANCE;
+ }
+ }
+ return uint32_t(distance);
+// CSS currently limits font weights to multiples of 100 but the weight
+// matching code below does not assume this.
+// Calculate weight distance with values in the range (0..1000). In general,
+// heavier weights match towards even heavier weights while lighter weights
+// match towards even lighter weights. Target weight values in the range
+// [400..500] are special, since they will first match up to 500, then down
+// towards 0, then up again towards 999.
+// Example: with target 600 and font weight 800, distance will be 200. With
+// target 300 and font weight 600, distance will be 900, since heavier
+// weights are farther away than lighter weights. If the target is 5 and the
+// font weight 995, the distance would be 1590 for the same reason.
+#define WEIGHT_SHIFT 11 // number of bits to contain weight distance
+// weight distance ==> [0,1598]
+static inline uint32_t
+WeightDistance(uint32_t aFontWeight, uint32_t aTargetWeight)
+ // Compute a measure of the "distance" between the requested
+ // weight and the given fontEntry
+ int32_t distance = 0, addedDistance = 0;
+ if (aTargetWeight != aFontWeight) {
+ if (aTargetWeight > 500) {
+ distance = aFontWeight - aTargetWeight;
+ } else if (aTargetWeight < 400) {
+ distance = aTargetWeight - aFontWeight;
+ } else {
+ // special case - target is between 400 and 500
+ // font weights between 400 and 500 are close
+ if (aFontWeight >= 400 && aFontWeight <= 500) {
+ if (aFontWeight < aTargetWeight) {
+ distance = 500 - aFontWeight;
+ } else {
+ distance = aFontWeight - aTargetWeight;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // font weights outside use rule for target weights < 400 with
+ // added distance to separate from font weights in
+ // the [400..500] range
+ distance = aTargetWeight - aFontWeight;
+ addedDistance = 100;
+ }
+ }
+ if (distance < 0) {
+ distance = -distance + REVERSE_WEIGHT_DISTANCE;
+ }
+ distance += addedDistance;
+ }
+ return uint32_t(distance);
+#define MAX_DISTANCE 0xffffffff
+static inline uint32_t
+WeightStyleStretchDistance(gfxFontEntry* aFontEntry,
+ const gfxFontStyle& aTargetStyle)
+ // weight/style/stretch priority: stretch >> style >> weight
+ uint32_t stretchDist =
+ StretchDistance(aFontEntry->mStretch, aTargetStyle.stretch);
+ uint32_t styleDist = StyleDistance(aFontEntry->mStyle,;
+ uint32_t weightDist =
+ WeightDistance(aFontEntry->Weight(), aTargetStyle.weight);
+ NS_ASSERTION(weightDist < (1 << WEIGHT_SHIFT), "weight value out of bounds");
+ NS_ASSERTION(styleDist < (1 << STYLE_SHIFT), "slope value out of bounds");
+ return (stretchDist << (STYLE_SHIFT + WEIGHT_SHIFT)) |
+ (styleDist << WEIGHT_SHIFT) |
+ weightDist;
+gfxFontFamily::FindAllFontsForStyle(const gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle,
+ nsTArray<gfxFontEntry*>& aFontEntryList,
+ bool& aNeedsSyntheticBold)
+ if (!mHasStyles) {
+ FindStyleVariations(); // collect faces for the family, if not already done
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(mAvailableFonts.Length() > 0, "font family with no faces!");
+ NS_ASSERTION(aFontEntryList.IsEmpty(), "non-empty fontlist passed in");
+ aNeedsSyntheticBold = false;
+ int8_t baseWeight = aFontStyle.ComputeWeight();
+ bool wantBold = baseWeight >= 6;
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = nullptr;
+ // If the family has only one face, we simply return it; no further
+ // checking needed
+ uint32_t count = mAvailableFonts.Length();
+ if (count == 1) {
+ fe = mAvailableFonts[0];
+ aNeedsSyntheticBold =
+ wantBold && !fe->IsBold() && aFontStyle.allowSyntheticWeight;
+ aFontEntryList.AppendElement(fe);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Most families are "simple", having just Regular/Bold/Italic/BoldItalic,
+ // or some subset of these. In this case, we have exactly 4 entries in mAvailableFonts,
+ // stored in the above order; note that some of the entries may be nullptr.
+ // We can then pick the required entry based on whether the request is for
+ // bold or non-bold, italic or non-italic, without running the more complex
+ // matching algorithm used for larger families with many weights and/or widths.
+ if (mIsSimpleFamily) {
+ // Family has no more than the "standard" 4 faces, at fixed indexes;
+ // calculate which one we want.
+ // Note that we cannot simply return it as not all 4 faces are necessarily present.
+ bool wantItalic = ( != NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL);
+ uint8_t faceIndex = (wantItalic ? kItalicMask : 0) |
+ (wantBold ? kBoldMask : 0);
+ // if the desired style is available, return it directly
+ fe = mAvailableFonts[faceIndex];
+ if (fe) {
+ // no need to set aNeedsSyntheticBold here as we matched the boldness request
+ aFontEntryList.AppendElement(fe);
+ return;
+ }
+ // order to check fallback faces in a simple family, depending on requested style
+ static const uint8_t simpleFallbacks[4][3] = {
+ { kBoldFaceIndex, kItalicFaceIndex, kBoldItalicFaceIndex }, // fallbacks for Regular
+ { kRegularFaceIndex, kBoldItalicFaceIndex, kItalicFaceIndex },// Bold
+ { kBoldItalicFaceIndex, kRegularFaceIndex, kBoldFaceIndex }, // Italic
+ { kItalicFaceIndex, kBoldFaceIndex, kRegularFaceIndex } // BoldItalic
+ };
+ const uint8_t *order = simpleFallbacks[faceIndex];
+ for (uint8_t trial = 0; trial < 3; ++trial) {
+ // check remaining faces in order of preference to find the first that actually exists
+ fe = mAvailableFonts[order[trial]];
+ if (fe) {
+ aNeedsSyntheticBold =
+ wantBold && !fe->IsBold() &&
+ aFontStyle.allowSyntheticWeight;
+ aFontEntryList.AppendElement(fe);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // this can't happen unless we have totally broken the font-list manager!
+ NS_NOTREACHED("no face found in simple font family!");
+ }
+ // Pick the font(s) that are closest to the desired weight, style, and
+ // stretch. Iterate over all fonts, measuring the weight/style distance.
+ // Because of unicode-range values, there may be more than one font for a
+ // given but the 99% use case is only a single font entry per
+ // weight/style/stretch distance value. To optimize this, only add entries
+ // to the matched font array when another entry already has the same
+ // weight/style/stretch distance and add the last matched font entry. For
+ // normal platform fonts with a single font entry for each
+ // weight/style/stretch combination, only the last matched font entry will
+ // be added.
+ uint32_t minDistance = MAX_DISTANCE;
+ gfxFontEntry* matched = nullptr;
+ // iterate in forward order so that faces like 'Bold' are matched before
+ // matching style distance faces such as 'Bold Outline' (see bug 1185812)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ fe = mAvailableFonts[i];
+ // weight/style/stretch priority: stretch >> style >> weight
+ uint32_t distance = WeightStyleStretchDistance(fe, aFontStyle);
+ if (distance < minDistance) {
+ matched = fe;
+ if (!aFontEntryList.IsEmpty()) {
+ aFontEntryList.Clear();
+ }
+ minDistance = distance;
+ } else if (distance == minDistance) {
+ if (matched) {
+ aFontEntryList.AppendElement(matched);
+ }
+ matched = fe;
+ }
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(matched, "didn't match a font within a family");
+ if (matched) {
+ aFontEntryList.AppendElement(matched);
+ if (!matched->IsBold() && aFontStyle.weight >= 600 &&
+ aFontStyle.allowSyntheticWeight) {
+ aNeedsSyntheticBold = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // already checked this family
+ if (mIsSimpleFamily) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t count = mAvailableFonts.Length();
+ if (count > 4 || count == 0) {
+ return; // can't be "simple" if there are >4 faces;
+ // if none then the family is unusable anyway
+ }
+ if (count == 1) {
+ mIsSimpleFamily = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ int16_t firstStretch = mAvailableFonts[0]->Stretch();
+ gfxFontEntry *faces[4] = { 0 };
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = mAvailableFonts[i];
+ if (fe->Stretch() != firstStretch || fe->IsOblique()) {
+ // simple families don't have varying font-stretch or oblique
+ return;
+ }
+ uint8_t faceIndex = (fe->IsItalic() ? kItalicMask : 0) |
+ (fe->Weight() >= 600 ? kBoldMask : 0);
+ if (faces[faceIndex]) {
+ return; // two faces resolve to the same slot; family isn't "simple"
+ }
+ faces[faceIndex] = fe;
+ }
+ // we have successfully slotted the available faces into the standard
+ // 4-face framework
+ mAvailableFonts.SetLength(4);
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ if (mAvailableFonts[i].get() != faces[i]) {
+ mAvailableFonts[i].swap(faces[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ mIsSimpleFamily = true;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+gfxFontFamily::ContainsFace(gfxFontEntry* aFontEntry) {
+ uint32_t i, numFonts = mAvailableFonts.Length();
+ for (i = 0; i < numFonts; i++) {
+ if (mAvailableFonts[i] == aFontEntry) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // userfonts contain the actual real font entry
+ if (mAvailableFonts[i] && mAvailableFonts[i]->mIsUserFontContainer) {
+ gfxUserFontEntry* ufe =
+ static_cast<gfxUserFontEntry*>(mAvailableFonts[i].get());
+ if (ufe->GetPlatformFontEntry() == aFontEntry) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void gfxFontFamily::LocalizedName(nsAString& aLocalizedName)
+ // just return the primary name; subclasses should override
+ aLocalizedName = mName;
+// metric for how close a given font matches a style
+static int32_t
+CalcStyleMatch(gfxFontEntry *aFontEntry, const gfxFontStyle *aStyle)
+ int32_t rank = 0;
+ if (aStyle) {
+ // italics
+ bool wantUpright = (aStyle->style == NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL);
+ if (aFontEntry->IsUpright() == wantUpright) {
+ rank += 10;
+ }
+ // measure of closeness of weight to the desired value
+ rank += 9 - DeprecatedAbs(aFontEntry->Weight() / 100 - aStyle->ComputeWeight());
+ } else {
+ // if no font to match, prefer non-bold, non-italic fonts
+ if (aFontEntry->IsUpright()) {
+ rank += 3;
+ }
+ if (!aFontEntry->IsBold()) {
+ rank += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return rank;
+gfxFontFamily::FindFontForChar(GlobalFontMatch *aMatchData)
+ if (mFamilyCharacterMapInitialized && !TestCharacterMap(aMatchData->mCh)) {
+ // none of the faces in the family support the required char,
+ // so bail out immediately
+ return;
+ }
+ bool needsBold;
+ gfxFontEntry *fe =
+ FindFontForStyle(aMatchData->mStyle ? *aMatchData->mStyle
+ : gfxFontStyle(),
+ needsBold);
+ if (fe && !fe->SkipDuringSystemFallback()) {
+ int32_t rank = 0;
+ if (fe->HasCharacter(aMatchData->mCh)) {
+ aMatchData->mCount++;
+ LogModule* log = gfxPlatform::GetLog(eGfxLog_textrun);
+ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(MOZ_LOG_TEST(log, LogLevel::Debug))) {
+ uint32_t unicodeRange = FindCharUnicodeRange(aMatchData->mCh);
+ Script script = GetScriptCode(aMatchData->mCh);
+ MOZ_LOG(log, LogLevel::Debug,\
+ ("(textrun-systemfallback-fonts) char: u+%6.6x "
+ "unicode-range: %d script: %d match: [%s]\n",
+ aMatchData->mCh,
+ unicodeRange, int(script),
+ NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(fe->Name()).get()));
+ }
+ }
+ aMatchData->mCmapsTested++;
+ if (rank == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // omitting from original windows code -- family name, lang group, pitch
+ // not available in current FontEntry implementation
+ rank += CalcStyleMatch(fe, aMatchData->mStyle);
+ // xxx - add whether AAT font with morphing info for specific lang groups
+ if (rank > aMatchData->mMatchRank
+ || (rank == aMatchData->mMatchRank &&
+ Compare(fe->Name(), aMatchData->mBestMatch->Name()) > 0))
+ {
+ aMatchData->mBestMatch = fe;
+ aMatchData->mMatchedFamily = this;
+ aMatchData->mMatchRank = rank;
+ }
+ }
+gfxFontFamily::SearchAllFontsForChar(GlobalFontMatch *aMatchData)
+ uint32_t i, numFonts = mAvailableFonts.Length();
+ for (i = 0; i < numFonts; i++) {
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = mAvailableFonts[i];
+ if (fe && fe->HasCharacter(aMatchData->mCh)) {
+ int32_t rank = RANK_MATCHED_CMAP;
+ rank += CalcStyleMatch(fe, aMatchData->mStyle);
+ if (rank > aMatchData->mMatchRank
+ || (rank == aMatchData->mMatchRank &&
+ Compare(fe->Name(), aMatchData->mBestMatch->Name()) > 0))
+ {
+ aMatchData->mBestMatch = fe;
+ aMatchData->mMatchedFamily = this;
+ aMatchData->mMatchRank = rank;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*static*/ void
+gfxFontFamily::ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(const nsAString& aFamilyName,
+ const char *aNameData,
+ uint32_t aDataLength,
+ nsTArray<nsString>& aOtherFamilyNames,
+ bool useFullName)
+ const gfxFontUtils::NameHeader *nameHeader =
+ reinterpret_cast<const gfxFontUtils::NameHeader*>(aNameData);
+ uint32_t nameCount = nameHeader->count;
+ if (nameCount * sizeof(gfxFontUtils::NameRecord) > aDataLength) {
+ NS_WARNING("invalid font (name records)");
+ return;
+ }
+ const gfxFontUtils::NameRecord *nameRecord =
+ reinterpret_cast<const gfxFontUtils::NameRecord*>(aNameData + sizeof(gfxFontUtils::NameHeader));
+ uint32_t stringsBase = uint32_t(nameHeader->stringOffset);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nameCount; i++, nameRecord++) {
+ uint32_t nameLen = nameRecord->length;
+ uint32_t nameOff = nameRecord->offset; // offset from base of string storage
+ if (stringsBase + nameOff + nameLen > aDataLength) {
+ NS_WARNING("invalid font (name table strings)");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint16_t nameID = nameRecord->nameID;
+ if ((useFullName && nameID == gfxFontUtils::NAME_ID_FULL) ||
+ (!useFullName && (nameID == gfxFontUtils::NAME_ID_FAMILY ||
+ nameID == gfxFontUtils::NAME_ID_PREFERRED_FAMILY))) {
+ nsAutoString otherFamilyName;
+ bool ok = gfxFontUtils::DecodeFontName(aNameData + stringsBase + nameOff,
+ nameLen,
+ uint32_t(nameRecord->platformID),
+ uint32_t(nameRecord->encodingID),
+ uint32_t(nameRecord->languageID),
+ otherFamilyName);
+ // add if not same as canonical family name
+ if (ok && otherFamilyName != aFamilyName) {
+ aOtherFamilyNames.AppendElement(otherFamilyName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// returns true if other names were found, false otherwise
+gfxFontFamily::ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(gfxPlatformFontList *aPlatformFontList,
+ hb_blob_t *aNameTable,
+ bool useFullName)
+ uint32_t dataLength;
+ const char *nameData = hb_blob_get_data(aNameTable, &dataLength);
+ AutoTArray<nsString,4> otherFamilyNames;
+ ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(mName, nameData, dataLength,
+ otherFamilyNames, useFullName);
+ uint32_t n = otherFamilyNames.Length();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ aPlatformFontList->AddOtherFamilyName(this, otherFamilyNames[i]);
+ }
+ return n != 0;
+gfxFontFamily::ReadOtherFamilyNames(gfxPlatformFontList *aPlatformFontList)
+ if (mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized)
+ return;
+ mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized = true;
+ FindStyleVariations();
+ // read in other family names for the first face in the list
+ uint32_t i, numFonts = mAvailableFonts.Length();
+ const uint32_t kNAME = TRUETYPE_TAG('n','a','m','e');
+ for (i = 0; i < numFonts; ++i) {
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = mAvailableFonts[i];
+ if (!fe) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ gfxFontEntry::AutoTable nameTable(fe, kNAME);
+ if (!nameTable) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ mHasOtherFamilyNames = ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(aPlatformFontList,
+ nameTable);
+ break;
+ }
+ // read in other names for the first face in the list with the assumption
+ // that if extra names don't exist in that face then they don't exist in
+ // other faces for the same font
+ if (!mHasOtherFamilyNames)
+ return;
+ // read in names for all faces, needed to catch cases where fonts have
+ // family names for individual weights (e.g. Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W6)
+ for ( ; i < numFonts; i++) {
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = mAvailableFonts[i];
+ if (!fe) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ gfxFontEntry::AutoTable nameTable(fe, kNAME);
+ if (!nameTable) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(aPlatformFontList, nameTable);
+ }
+gfxFontFamily::ReadFaceNames(gfxPlatformFontList *aPlatformFontList,
+ bool aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames,
+ FontInfoData *aFontInfoData)
+ // if all needed names have already been read, skip
+ if (mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized &&
+ (mFaceNamesInitialized || !aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames))
+ return;
+ bool asyncFontLoaderDisabled = false;
+ if (!mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized &&
+ aFontInfoData &&
+ aFontInfoData->mLoadOtherNames &&
+ !asyncFontLoaderDisabled)
+ {
+ AutoTArray<nsString,4> otherFamilyNames;
+ bool foundOtherNames =
+ aFontInfoData->GetOtherFamilyNames(mName, otherFamilyNames);
+ if (foundOtherNames) {
+ uint32_t i, n = otherFamilyNames.Length();
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ aPlatformFontList->AddOtherFamilyName(this, otherFamilyNames[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized = true;
+ }
+ // if all needed data has been initialized, return
+ if (mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized &&
+ (mFaceNamesInitialized || !aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ FindStyleVariations(aFontInfoData);
+ // check again, as style enumeration code may have loaded names
+ if (mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized &&
+ (mFaceNamesInitialized || !aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t i, numFonts = mAvailableFonts.Length();
+ const uint32_t kNAME = TRUETYPE_TAG('n','a','m','e');
+ bool firstTime = true, readAllFaces = false;
+ for (i = 0; i < numFonts; ++i) {
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = mAvailableFonts[i];
+ if (!fe) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ nsAutoString fullname, psname;
+ bool foundFaceNames = false;
+ if (!mFaceNamesInitialized &&
+ aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames &&
+ aFontInfoData &&
+ aFontInfoData->mLoadFaceNames) {
+ aFontInfoData->GetFaceNames(fe->Name(), fullname, psname);
+ if (!fullname.IsEmpty()) {
+ aPlatformFontList->AddFullname(fe, fullname);
+ }
+ if (!psname.IsEmpty()) {
+ aPlatformFontList->AddPostscriptName(fe, psname);
+ }
+ foundFaceNames = true;
+ // found everything needed? skip to next font
+ if (mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // load directly from the name table
+ gfxFontEntry::AutoTable nameTable(fe, kNAME);
+ if (!nameTable) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames && !foundFaceNames) {
+ if (gfxFontUtils::ReadCanonicalName(
+ nameTable, gfxFontUtils::NAME_ID_FULL, fullname) == NS_OK)
+ {
+ aPlatformFontList->AddFullname(fe, fullname);
+ }
+ if (gfxFontUtils::ReadCanonicalName(
+ nameTable, gfxFontUtils::NAME_ID_POSTSCRIPT, psname) == NS_OK)
+ {
+ aPlatformFontList->AddPostscriptName(fe, psname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized && (firstTime || readAllFaces)) {
+ bool foundOtherName = ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(aPlatformFontList,
+ nameTable);
+ // if the first face has a different name, scan all faces, otherwise
+ // assume the family doesn't have other names
+ if (firstTime && foundOtherName) {
+ mHasOtherFamilyNames = true;
+ readAllFaces = true;
+ }
+ firstTime = false;
+ }
+ // if not reading in any more names, skip other faces
+ if (!readAllFaces && !aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mFaceNamesInitialized = true;
+ mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized = true;
+gfxFontFamily::FindFont(const nsAString& aPostscriptName)
+ // find the font using a simple linear search
+ uint32_t numFonts = mAvailableFonts.Length();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numFonts; i++) {
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = mAvailableFonts[i].get();
+ if (fe && fe->Name() == aPostscriptName)
+ return fe;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+gfxFontFamily::ReadAllCMAPs(FontInfoData *aFontInfoData)
+ FindStyleVariations(aFontInfoData);
+ uint32_t i, numFonts = mAvailableFonts.Length();
+ for (i = 0; i < numFonts; i++) {
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = mAvailableFonts[i];
+ // don't try to load cmaps for downloadable fonts not yet loaded
+ if (!fe || fe->mIsUserFontContainer) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ fe->ReadCMAP(aFontInfoData);
+ mFamilyCharacterMap.Union(*(fe->mCharacterMap));
+ }
+ mFamilyCharacterMap.Compact();
+ mFamilyCharacterMapInitialized = true;
+gfxFontFamily::AddSizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
+ FontListSizes* aSizes) const
+ aSizes->mFontListSize +=
+ mName.SizeOfExcludingThisIfUnshared(aMallocSizeOf);
+ aSizes->mCharMapsSize +=
+ mFamilyCharacterMap.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ aSizes->mFontListSize +=
+ mAvailableFonts.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mAvailableFonts.Length(); ++i) {
+ gfxFontEntry *fe = mAvailableFonts[i];
+ if (fe) {
+ fe->AddSizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf, aSizes);
+ }
+ }
+gfxFontFamily::AddSizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
+ FontListSizes* aSizes) const
+ aSizes->mFontListSize += aMallocSizeOf(this);
+ AddSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf, aSizes);