path: root/gfx/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/StateManagerGL.h
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /gfx/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/StateManagerGL.h
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/StateManagerGL.h')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/StateManagerGL.h b/gfx/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/StateManagerGL.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3c8c5389f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/StateManagerGL.h
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// StateManagerGL.h: Defines a class for caching applied OpenGL state
+#include "common/debug.h"
+#include "libANGLE/Error.h"
+#include "libANGLE/State.h"
+#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
+#include "libANGLE/renderer/gl/functionsgl_typedefs.h"
+#include <map>
+namespace gl
+struct Caps;
+class ContextState;
+class State;
+namespace rx
+class FramebufferGL;
+class FunctionsGL;
+class TransformFeedbackGL;
+class QueryGL;
+class StateManagerGL final : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ StateManagerGL(const FunctionsGL *functions, const gl::Caps &rendererCaps);
+ void deleteProgram(GLuint program);
+ void deleteVertexArray(GLuint vao);
+ void deleteTexture(GLuint texture);
+ void deleteSampler(GLuint sampler);
+ void deleteBuffer(GLuint buffer);
+ void deleteFramebuffer(GLuint fbo);
+ void deleteRenderbuffer(GLuint rbo);
+ void deleteTransformFeedback(GLuint transformFeedback);
+ void deleteQuery(GLuint query);
+ void useProgram(GLuint program);
+ void forceUseProgram(GLuint program);
+ void bindVertexArray(GLuint vao, GLuint elementArrayBuffer);
+ void bindBuffer(GLenum type, GLuint buffer);
+ void bindBufferBase(GLenum type, size_t index, GLuint buffer);
+ void bindBufferRange(GLenum type, size_t index, GLuint buffer, size_t offset, size_t size);
+ void activeTexture(size_t unit);
+ void bindTexture(GLenum type, GLuint texture);
+ void bindSampler(size_t unit, GLuint sampler);
+ void bindFramebuffer(GLenum type, GLuint framebuffer);
+ void bindRenderbuffer(GLenum type, GLuint renderbuffer);
+ void bindTransformFeedback(GLenum type, GLuint transformFeedback);
+ void beginQuery(GLenum type, GLuint query);
+ void endQuery(GLenum type, GLuint query);
+ void onBeginQuery(QueryGL *query);
+ void setAttributeCurrentData(size_t index, const gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData &data);
+ void setScissorTestEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setScissor(const gl::Rectangle &scissor);
+ void setViewport(const gl::Rectangle &viewport);
+ void setDepthRange(float near, float far);
+ void setBlendEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setBlendColor(const gl::ColorF &blendColor);
+ void setBlendFuncs(GLenum sourceBlendRGB,
+ GLenum destBlendRGB,
+ GLenum sourceBlendAlpha,
+ GLenum destBlendAlpha);
+ void setBlendEquations(GLenum blendEquationRGB, GLenum blendEquationAlpha);
+ void setColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
+ void setSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setSampleCoverageEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setSampleCoverage(float value, bool invert);
+ void setDepthTestEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setDepthFunc(GLenum depthFunc);
+ void setDepthMask(bool mask);
+ void setStencilTestEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setStencilFrontWritemask(GLuint mask);
+ void setStencilBackWritemask(GLuint mask);
+ void setStencilFrontFuncs(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask);
+ void setStencilBackFuncs(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask);
+ void setStencilFrontOps(GLenum sfail, GLenum dpfail, GLenum dppass);
+ void setStencilBackOps(GLenum sfail, GLenum dpfail, GLenum dppass);
+ void setCullFaceEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setCullFace(GLenum cullFace);
+ void setFrontFace(GLenum frontFace);
+ void setPolygonOffsetFillEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setPolygonOffset(float factor, float units);
+ void setRasterizerDiscardEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setLineWidth(float width);
+ void setPrimitiveRestartEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setClearColor(const gl::ColorF &clearColor);
+ void setClearDepth(float clearDepth);
+ void setClearStencil(GLint clearStencil);
+ void setPixelUnpackState(const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack);
+ void setPixelUnpackState(GLint alignment,
+ GLint rowLength,
+ GLint skipRows,
+ GLint skipPixels,
+ GLint imageHeight,
+ GLint skipImages,
+ GLuint unpackBuffer);
+ void setPixelPackState(const gl::PixelPackState &pack);
+ void setPixelPackState(GLint alignment,
+ GLint rowLength,
+ GLint skipRows,
+ GLint skipPixels,
+ GLuint packBuffer);
+ void setFramebufferSRGBEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setFramebufferSRGBEnabledForFramebuffer(bool enabled, const FramebufferGL *framebuffer);
+ void setDitherEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setMultisamplingStateEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setSampleAlphaToOneStateEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setCoverageModulation(GLenum components);
+ void setPathRenderingModelViewMatrix(const GLfloat *m);
+ void setPathRenderingProjectionMatrix(const GLfloat *m);
+ void setPathRenderingStencilState(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask);
+ void onDeleteQueryObject(QueryGL *query);
+ gl::Error setDrawArraysState(const gl::ContextState &data,
+ GLint first,
+ GLsizei count,
+ GLsizei instanceCount);
+ gl::Error setDrawElementsState(const gl::ContextState &data,
+ GLsizei count,
+ GLenum type,
+ const GLvoid *indices,
+ GLsizei instanceCount,
+ const GLvoid **outIndices);
+ gl::Error pauseTransformFeedback(const gl::ContextState &data);
+ gl::Error onMakeCurrent(const gl::ContextState &data);
+ void syncState(const gl::State &state, const gl::State::DirtyBits &glDirtyBits);
+ GLuint getBoundBuffer(GLenum type);
+ private:
+ gl::Error setGenericDrawState(const gl::ContextState &data);
+ void setTextureCubemapSeamlessEnabled(bool enabled);
+ const FunctionsGL *mFunctions;
+ GLuint mProgram;
+ GLuint mVAO;
+ std::vector<gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData> mVertexAttribCurrentValues;
+ std::map<GLenum, GLuint> mBuffers;
+ struct IndexedBufferBinding
+ {
+ IndexedBufferBinding();
+ size_t offset;
+ size_t size;
+ GLuint buffer;
+ };
+ std::map<GLenum, std::vector<IndexedBufferBinding>> mIndexedBuffers;
+ size_t mTextureUnitIndex;
+ std::map<GLenum, std::vector<GLuint>> mTextures;
+ std::vector<GLuint> mSamplers;
+ GLuint mTransformFeedback;
+ std::map<GLenum, GLuint> mQueries;
+ TransformFeedbackGL *mPrevDrawTransformFeedback;
+ std::set<QueryGL *> mCurrentQueries;
+ uintptr_t mPrevDrawContext;
+ GLint mUnpackAlignment;
+ GLint mUnpackRowLength;
+ GLint mUnpackSkipRows;
+ GLint mUnpackSkipPixels;
+ GLint mUnpackImageHeight;
+ GLint mUnpackSkipImages;
+ GLint mPackAlignment;
+ GLint mPackRowLength;
+ GLint mPackSkipRows;
+ GLint mPackSkipPixels;
+ // TODO(jmadill): Convert to std::array when available
+ std::vector<GLenum> mFramebuffers;
+ GLuint mRenderbuffer;
+ bool mScissorTestEnabled;
+ gl::Rectangle mScissor;
+ gl::Rectangle mViewport;
+ float mNear;
+ float mFar;
+ bool mBlendEnabled;
+ gl::ColorF mBlendColor;
+ GLenum mSourceBlendRGB;
+ GLenum mDestBlendRGB;
+ GLenum mSourceBlendAlpha;
+ GLenum mDestBlendAlpha;
+ GLenum mBlendEquationRGB;
+ GLenum mBlendEquationAlpha;
+ bool mColorMaskRed;
+ bool mColorMaskGreen;
+ bool mColorMaskBlue;
+ bool mColorMaskAlpha;
+ bool mSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled;
+ bool mSampleCoverageEnabled;
+ float mSampleCoverageValue;
+ bool mSampleCoverageInvert;
+ bool mDepthTestEnabled;
+ GLenum mDepthFunc;
+ bool mDepthMask;
+ bool mStencilTestEnabled;
+ GLenum mStencilFrontFunc;
+ GLint mStencilFrontRef;
+ GLuint mStencilFrontValueMask;
+ GLenum mStencilFrontStencilFailOp;
+ GLenum mStencilFrontStencilPassDepthFailOp;
+ GLenum mStencilFrontStencilPassDepthPassOp;
+ GLuint mStencilFrontWritemask;
+ GLenum mStencilBackFunc;
+ GLint mStencilBackRef;
+ GLuint mStencilBackValueMask;
+ GLenum mStencilBackStencilFailOp;
+ GLenum mStencilBackStencilPassDepthFailOp;
+ GLenum mStencilBackStencilPassDepthPassOp;
+ GLuint mStencilBackWritemask;
+ bool mCullFaceEnabled;
+ GLenum mCullFace;
+ GLenum mFrontFace;
+ bool mPolygonOffsetFillEnabled;
+ GLfloat mPolygonOffsetFactor;
+ GLfloat mPolygonOffsetUnits;
+ bool mRasterizerDiscardEnabled;
+ float mLineWidth;
+ bool mPrimitiveRestartEnabled;
+ gl::ColorF mClearColor;
+ float mClearDepth;
+ GLint mClearStencil;
+ bool mFramebufferSRGBEnabled;
+ bool mDitherEnabled;
+ bool mTextureCubemapSeamlessEnabled;
+ bool mMultisamplingEnabled;
+ bool mSampleAlphaToOneEnabled;
+ GLenum mCoverageModulation;
+ GLfloat mPathMatrixMV[16];
+ GLfloat mPathMatrixProj[16];
+ GLenum mPathStencilFunc;
+ GLint mPathStencilRef;
+ GLuint mPathStencilMask;
+ gl::State::DirtyBits mLocalDirtyBits;