path: root/dom/webidl/VRDisplay.webidl
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /dom/webidl/VRDisplay.webidl
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/webidl/VRDisplay.webidl')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webidl/VRDisplay.webidl b/dom/webidl/VRDisplay.webidl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63ebd1205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webidl/VRDisplay.webidl
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+enum VREye {
+ "left",
+ "right"
+ HeaderFile="mozilla/dom/VRDisplay.h"]
+interface VRFieldOfView {
+ readonly attribute double upDegrees;
+ readonly attribute double rightDegrees;
+ readonly attribute double downDegrees;
+ readonly attribute double leftDegrees;
+typedef (HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) VRSource;
+dictionary VRLayer {
+ /**
+ * XXX - When WebVR in WebWorkers is implemented, HTMLCanvasElement below
+ * should be replaced with VRSource.
+ */
+ HTMLCanvasElement? source = null;
+ /**
+ * The left and right viewports contain 4 values defining the viewport
+ * rectangles within the canvas to present to the eye in UV space.
+ * [0] left offset of the viewport (0.0 - 1.0)
+ * [1] top offset of the viewport (0.0 - 1.0)
+ * [2] width of the viewport (0.0 - 1.0)
+ * [3] height of the viewport (0.0 - 1.0)
+ *
+ * When no values are passed, they will be processed as though the left
+ * and right sides of the viewport were passed:
+ *
+ * leftBounds: [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
+ * rightBounds: [0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
+ */
+ sequence<float> leftBounds = [];
+ sequence<float> rightBounds = [];
+ * Values describing the capabilities of a VRDisplay.
+ * These are expected to be static per-device/per-user.
+ */
+ HeaderFile="mozilla/dom/VRDisplay.h"]
+interface VRDisplayCapabilities {
+ /**
+ * hasPosition is true if the VRDisplay is capable of tracking its position.
+ */
+ readonly attribute boolean hasPosition;
+ /**
+ * hasOrientation is true if the VRDisplay is capable of tracking its orientation.
+ */
+ readonly attribute boolean hasOrientation;
+ /**
+ * Whether the VRDisplay is separate from the device’s
+ * primary display. If presenting VR content will obscure
+ * other content on the device, this should be false. When
+ * false, the application should not attempt to mirror VR content
+ * or update non-VR UI because that content will not be visible.
+ */
+ readonly attribute boolean hasExternalDisplay;
+ /**
+ * Whether the VRDisplay is capable of presenting content to an HMD or similar device.
+ * Can be used to indicate “magic window” devices that are capable of 6DoF tracking but for
+ * which requestPresent is not meaningful. If false then calls to requestPresent should
+ * always fail, and getEyeParameters should return null.
+ */
+ readonly attribute boolean canPresent;
+ /**
+ * Indicates the maximum length of the array that requestPresent() will accept. MUST be 1 if
+ canPresent is true, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+ readonly attribute unsigned long maxLayers;
+ * Values describing the the stage / play area for devices
+ * that support room-scale experiences.
+ */
+ HeaderFile="mozilla/dom/VRDisplay.h"]
+interface VRStageParameters {
+ /**
+ * A 16-element array containing the components of a column-major 4x4
+ * affine transform matrix. This matrix transforms the sitting-space position
+ * returned by get{Immediate}Pose() to a standing-space position.
+ */
+ [Throws] readonly attribute Float32Array sittingToStandingTransform;
+ /**
+ * Dimensions of the play-area bounds. The bounds are defined
+ * as an axis-aligned rectangle on the floor.
+ * The center of the rectangle is at (0,0,0) in standing-space
+ * coordinates.
+ * These bounds are defined for safety purposes.
+ * Content should not require the user to move beyond these
+ * bounds; however, it is possible for the user to ignore
+ * the bounds resulting in position values outside of
+ * this rectangle.
+ */
+ readonly attribute float sizeX;
+ readonly attribute float sizeZ;
+ HeaderFile="mozilla/dom/VRDisplay.h"]
+interface VRPose
+ /**
+ * position, linearVelocity, and linearAcceleration are 3-component vectors.
+ * position is relative to a sitting space. Transforming this point with
+ * VRStageParameters.sittingToStandingTransform converts this to standing space.
+ */
+ [Constant, Throws] readonly attribute Float32Array? position;
+ [Constant, Throws] readonly attribute Float32Array? linearVelocity;
+ [Constant, Throws] readonly attribute Float32Array? linearAcceleration;
+ /* orientation is a 4-entry array representing the components of a quaternion. */
+ [Constant, Throws] readonly attribute Float32Array? orientation;
+ /* angularVelocity and angularAcceleration are the components of 3-dimensional vectors. */
+ [Constant, Throws] readonly attribute Float32Array? angularVelocity;
+ [Constant, Throws] readonly attribute Float32Array? angularAcceleration;
+ Pref="dom.vr.enabled",
+ HeaderFile="mozilla/dom/VRDisplay.h"]
+interface VRFrameData {
+ readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp;
+ [Throws, Pure] readonly attribute Float32Array leftProjectionMatrix;
+ [Throws, Pure] readonly attribute Float32Array leftViewMatrix;
+ [Throws, Pure] readonly attribute Float32Array rightProjectionMatrix;
+ [Throws, Pure] readonly attribute Float32Array rightViewMatrix;
+ [Pure] readonly attribute VRPose pose;
+ HeaderFile="mozilla/dom/VRDisplay.h"]
+interface VREyeParameters {
+ /**
+ * offset is a 3-component vector representing an offset to
+ * translate the eye. This value may vary from frame
+ * to frame if the user adjusts their headset ipd.
+ */
+ [Constant, Throws] readonly attribute Float32Array offset;
+ /* These values may vary as the user adjusts their headset ipd. */
+ [Constant] readonly attribute VRFieldOfView fieldOfView;
+ /**
+ * renderWidth and renderHeight specify the recommended render target
+ * size of each eye viewport, in pixels. If multiple eyes are rendered
+ * in a single render target, then the render target should be made large
+ * enough to fit both viewports.
+ */
+ [Constant] readonly attribute unsigned long renderWidth;
+ [Constant] readonly attribute unsigned long renderHeight;
+ HeaderFile="mozilla/dom/VRDisplay.h"]
+interface VRDisplay : EventTarget {
+ readonly attribute boolean isConnected;
+ readonly attribute boolean isPresenting;
+ /**
+ * Dictionary of capabilities describing the VRDisplay.
+ */
+ [Constant] readonly attribute VRDisplayCapabilities capabilities;
+ /**
+ * If this VRDisplay supports room-scale experiences, the optional
+ * stage attribute contains details on the room-scale parameters.
+ */
+ readonly attribute VRStageParameters? stageParameters;
+ /* Return the current VREyeParameters for the given eye. */
+ VREyeParameters getEyeParameters(VREye whichEye);
+ /**
+ * An identifier for this distinct VRDisplay. Used as an
+ * association point in the Gamepad API.
+ */
+ [Constant] readonly attribute unsigned long displayId;
+ /**
+ * A display name, a user-readable name identifying it.
+ */
+ [Constant] readonly attribute DOMString displayName;
+ /**
+ * Populates the passed VRFrameData with the information required to render
+ * the current frame.
+ */
+ boolean getFrameData(VRFrameData frameData);
+ /**
+ * Return a VRPose containing the future predicted pose of the VRDisplay
+ * when the current frame will be presented. Subsequent calls to getPose()
+ * MUST return a VRPose with the same values until the next call to
+ * submitFrame().
+ *
+ * The VRPose will contain the position, orientation, velocity,
+ * and acceleration of each of these properties.
+ */
+ [NewObject] VRPose getPose();
+ /**
+ * Reset the pose for this display, treating its current position and
+ * orientation as the "origin/zero" values. VRPose.position,
+ * VRPose.orientation, and VRStageParameters.sittingToStandingTransform may be
+ * updated when calling resetPose(). This should be called in only
+ * sitting-space experiences.
+ */
+ void resetPose();
+ /**
+ * z-depth defining the near plane of the eye view frustum
+ * enables mapping of values in the render target depth
+ * attachment to scene coordinates. Initially set to 0.01.
+ */
+ attribute double depthNear;
+ /**
+ * z-depth defining the far plane of the eye view frustum
+ * enables mapping of values in the render target depth
+ * attachment to scene coordinates. Initially set to 10000.0.
+ */
+ attribute double depthFar;
+ /**
+ * The callback passed to `requestAnimationFrame` will be called
+ * any time a new frame should be rendered. When the VRDisplay is
+ * presenting the callback will be called at the native refresh
+ * rate of the HMD. When not presenting this function acts
+ * identically to how window.requestAnimationFrame acts. Content should
+ * make no assumptions of frame rate or vsync behavior as the HMD runs
+ * asynchronously from other displays and at differing refresh rates.
+ */
+ [Throws] long requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback);
+ /**
+ * Passing the value returned by `requestAnimationFrame` to
+ * `cancelAnimationFrame` will unregister the callback.
+ */
+ [Throws] void cancelAnimationFrame(long handle);
+ /**
+ * Begin presenting to the VRDisplay. Must be called in response to a user gesture.
+ * Repeat calls while already presenting will update the VRLayers being displayed.
+ */
+ [Throws] Promise<void> requestPresent(sequence<VRLayer> layers);
+ /**
+ * Stops presenting to the VRDisplay.
+ */
+ [Throws] Promise<void> exitPresent();
+ /**
+ * Get the layers currently being presented.
+ */
+ sequence<VRLayer> getLayers();
+ /**
+ * The VRLayer provided to the VRDisplay will be captured and presented
+ * in the HMD. Calling this function has the same effect on the source
+ * canvas as any other operation that uses its source image, and canvases
+ * created without preserveDrawingBuffer set to true will be cleared.
+ */
+ void submitFrame();