path: root/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp')
9 files changed, 1451 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPAudioDecoder.cpp b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPAudioDecoder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d863d44d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPAudioDecoder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "GMPAudioDecoder.h"
+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
+#include "MediaInfo.h"
+#include "GMPDecoderModule.h"
+#include "nsPrintfCString.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+bool IsOnGMPThread()
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIGeckoMediaPluginService> mps = do_GetService(";1");
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mps);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> gmpThread;
+ nsresult rv = mps->GetThread(getter_AddRefs(gmpThread));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && gmpThread);
+ return NS_GetCurrentThread() == gmpThread;
+AudioCallbackAdapter::Decoded(const nsTArray<int16_t>& aPCM, uint64_t aTimeStamp, uint32_t aChannels, uint32_t aRate)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ if (aRate == 0 || aChannels == 0) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(
+ "Invalid rate or num channels returned on GMP audio samples")));
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t numFrames = aPCM.Length() / aChannels;
+ MOZ_ASSERT((aPCM.Length() % aChannels) == 0);
+ AlignedAudioBuffer audioData(aPCM.Length());
+ if (!audioData) {
+ mCallback->Error(
+ RESULT_DETAIL("Unable to allocate audio buffer")));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < aPCM.Length(); ++i) {
+ audioData[i] = AudioSampleToFloat(aPCM[i]);
+ }
+ if (mMustRecaptureAudioPosition) {
+ mAudioFrameSum = 0;
+ auto timestamp = UsecsToFrames(aTimeStamp, aRate);
+ if (!timestamp.isValid()) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_OVERFLOW_ERR,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("Invalid timestamp")));
+ return;
+ }
+ mAudioFrameOffset = timestamp.value();
+ mMustRecaptureAudioPosition = false;
+ }
+ auto timestamp = FramesToUsecs(mAudioFrameOffset + mAudioFrameSum, aRate);
+ if (!timestamp.isValid()) {
+ mCallback->Error(
+ RESULT_DETAIL("Invalid timestamp on audio samples")));
+ return;
+ }
+ mAudioFrameSum += numFrames;
+ auto duration = FramesToUsecs(numFrames, aRate);
+ if (!duration.isValid()) {
+ mCallback->Error(
+ RESULT_DETAIL("Invalid duration on audio samples")));
+ return;
+ }
+ RefPtr<AudioData> audio(new AudioData(mLastStreamOffset,
+ timestamp.value(),
+ duration.value(),
+ numFrames,
+ Move(audioData),
+ aChannels,
+ aRate));
+ LOG("Decoded audio sample! timestamp=%lld duration=%lld currentLength=%u",
+ timestamp, duration, currentLength);
+ mCallback->Output(audio);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mCallback->InputExhausted();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mCallback->DrainComplete();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mMustRecaptureAudioPosition = true;
+ mCallback->FlushComplete();
+AudioCallbackAdapter::Error(GMPErr aErr)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(aErr == GMPDecodeErr
+ RESULT_DETAIL("GMPErr:%x", aErr)));
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("Audio GMP decoder terminated.")));
+GMPAudioDecoderParams::GMPAudioDecoderParams(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams)
+ : mConfig(aParams.AudioConfig())
+ , mTaskQueue(aParams.mTaskQueue)
+ , mCallback(nullptr)
+ , mAdapter(nullptr)
+ , mCrashHelper(aParams.mCrashHelper)
+GMPAudioDecoderParams::WithCallback(MediaDataDecoderProxy* aWrapper)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aWrapper);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mCallback); // Should only be called once per instance.
+ mCallback = aWrapper->Callback();
+ mAdapter = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+GMPAudioDecoderParams::WithAdapter(AudioCallbackAdapter* aAdapter)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aAdapter);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mAdapter); // Should only be called once per instance.
+ mCallback = aAdapter->Callback();
+ mAdapter = aAdapter;
+ return *this;
+GMPAudioDecoder::GMPAudioDecoder(const GMPAudioDecoderParams& aParams)
+ : mConfig(aParams.mConfig)
+ , mCallback(aParams.mCallback)
+ , mGMP(nullptr)
+ , mAdapter(aParams.mAdapter)
+ , mCrashHelper(aParams.mCrashHelper)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mAdapter || mCallback == mAdapter->Callback());
+ if (!mAdapter) {
+ mAdapter = new AudioCallbackAdapter(mCallback);
+ }
+GMPAudioDecoder::InitTags(nsTArray<nsCString>& aTags)
+ aTags.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("aac"));
+ const Maybe<nsCString> gmp(
+ GMPDecoderModule::PreferredGMP(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("audio/mp4a-latm")));
+ if (gmp.isSome()) {
+ aTags.AppendElement(gmp.value());
+ }
+GMPAudioDecoder::GMPInitDone(GMPAudioDecoderProxy* aGMP)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ if (!aGMP) {
+ mInitPromise.RejectIfExists(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR, __func__);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mInitPromise.IsEmpty()) {
+ // GMP must have been shutdown while we were waiting for Init operation
+ // to complete.
+ aGMP->Close();
+ return;
+ }
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> codecSpecific;
+ codecSpecific.AppendElements(mConfig.mCodecSpecificConfig->Elements(),
+ mConfig.mCodecSpecificConfig->Length());
+ nsresult rv = aGMP->InitDecode(kGMPAudioCodecAAC,
+ mConfig.mChannels,
+ mConfig.mBitDepth,
+ mConfig.mRate,
+ codecSpecific,
+ mAdapter);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ aGMP->Close();
+ mInitPromise.Reject(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR, __func__);
+ return;
+ }
+ mGMP = aGMP;
+ mInitPromise.Resolve(TrackInfo::kAudioTrack, __func__);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mMPS = do_GetService(";1");
+ RefPtr<InitPromise> promise(mInitPromise.Ensure(__func__));
+ nsTArray<nsCString> tags;
+ InitTags(tags);
+ UniquePtr<GetGMPAudioDecoderCallback> callback(new GMPInitDoneCallback(this));
+ if (NS_FAILED(mMPS->GetGMPAudioDecoder(mCrashHelper, &tags, GetNodeId(), Move(callback)))) {
+ mInitPromise.Reject(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR, __func__);
+ }
+ return promise;
+GMPAudioDecoder::Input(MediaRawData* aSample)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ RefPtr<MediaRawData> sample(aSample);
+ if (!mGMP) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("mGMP not initialized")));
+ return;
+ }
+ mAdapter->SetLastStreamOffset(sample->mOffset);
+ gmp::GMPAudioSamplesImpl samples(sample, mConfig.mChannels, mConfig.mRate);
+ nsresult rv = mGMP->Decode(samples);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(rv, __func__));
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ if (!mGMP || NS_FAILED(mGMP->Reset())) {
+ // Abort the flush.
+ mCallback->FlushComplete();
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ if (!mGMP || NS_FAILED(mGMP->Drain())) {
+ mCallback->DrainComplete();
+ }
+ mInitPromise.RejectIfExists(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_CANCELED, __func__);
+ if (!mGMP) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note this unblocks flush and drain operations waiting for callbacks.
+ mGMP->Close();
+ mGMP = nullptr;
+} // namespace mozilla
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPAudioDecoder.h b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPAudioDecoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90e3ebdb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPAudioDecoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#if !defined(GMPAudioDecoder_h_)
+#define GMPAudioDecoder_h_
+#include "GMPAudioDecoderProxy.h"
+#include "MediaDataDecoderProxy.h"
+#include "PlatformDecoderModule.h"
+#include "mozIGeckoMediaPluginService.h"
+#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+class AudioCallbackAdapter : public GMPAudioDecoderCallbackProxy {
+ explicit AudioCallbackAdapter(MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* aCallback)
+ : mCallback(aCallback)
+ , mLastStreamOffset(0)
+ , mAudioFrameSum(0)
+ , mAudioFrameOffset(0)
+ , mMustRecaptureAudioPosition(true)
+ {}
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* Callback() const { return mCallback; }
+ // GMPAudioDecoderCallbackProxy
+ void Decoded(const nsTArray<int16_t>& aPCM, uint64_t aTimeStamp, uint32_t aChannels, uint32_t aRate) override;
+ void InputDataExhausted() override;
+ void DrainComplete() override;
+ void ResetComplete() override;
+ void Error(GMPErr aErr) override;
+ void Terminated() override;
+ void SetLastStreamOffset(int64_t aStreamOffset) {
+ mLastStreamOffset = aStreamOffset;
+ }
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* mCallback;
+ int64_t mLastStreamOffset;
+ int64_t mAudioFrameSum;
+ int64_t mAudioFrameOffset;
+ bool mMustRecaptureAudioPosition;
+struct GMPAudioDecoderParams {
+ explicit GMPAudioDecoderParams(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams);
+ GMPAudioDecoderParams& WithCallback(MediaDataDecoderProxy* aWrapper);
+ GMPAudioDecoderParams& WithAdapter(AudioCallbackAdapter* aAdapter);
+ const AudioInfo& mConfig;
+ TaskQueue* mTaskQueue;
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* mCallback;
+ AudioCallbackAdapter* mAdapter;
+ RefPtr<GMPCrashHelper> mCrashHelper;
+class GMPAudioDecoder : public MediaDataDecoder {
+ explicit GMPAudioDecoder(const GMPAudioDecoderParams& aParams);
+ RefPtr<InitPromise> Init() override;
+ void Input(MediaRawData* aSample) override;
+ void Flush() override;
+ void Drain() override;
+ void Shutdown() override;
+ const char* GetDescriptionName() const override
+ {
+ return "GMP audio decoder";
+ }
+ virtual void InitTags(nsTArray<nsCString>& aTags);
+ virtual nsCString GetNodeId();
+ class GMPInitDoneCallback : public GetGMPAudioDecoderCallback
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit GMPInitDoneCallback(GMPAudioDecoder* aDecoder)
+ : mDecoder(aDecoder)
+ {
+ }
+ void Done(GMPAudioDecoderProxy* aGMP) override
+ {
+ mDecoder->GMPInitDone(aGMP);
+ }
+ private:
+ RefPtr<GMPAudioDecoder> mDecoder;
+ };
+ void GMPInitDone(GMPAudioDecoderProxy* aGMP);
+ const AudioInfo mConfig;
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* mCallback;
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIGeckoMediaPluginService> mMPS;
+ GMPAudioDecoderProxy* mGMP;
+ nsAutoPtr<AudioCallbackAdapter> mAdapter;
+ MozPromiseHolder<InitPromise> mInitPromise;
+ RefPtr<GMPCrashHelper> mCrashHelper;
+} // namespace mozilla
+#endif // GMPAudioDecoder_h_
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPDecoderModule.cpp b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPDecoderModule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc53d2c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPDecoderModule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "GMPDecoderModule.h"
+#include "DecoderDoctorDiagnostics.h"
+#include "GMPAudioDecoder.h"
+#include "GMPVideoDecoder.h"
+#include "GMPUtils.h"
+#include "MediaDataDecoderProxy.h"
+#include "MediaPrefs.h"
+#include "VideoUtils.h"
+#include "mozIGeckoMediaPluginService.h"
+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticMutex.h"
+#include "gmp-audio-decode.h"
+#include "gmp-video-decode.h"
+#include "MP4Decoder.h"
+#include "VPXDecoder.h"
+#ifdef XP_WIN
+#include "WMFDecoderModule.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+static already_AddRefed<MediaDataDecoderProxy>
+CreateDecoderWrapper(MediaDataDecoderCallback* aCallback)
+ RefPtr<gmp::GeckoMediaPluginService> s(gmp::GeckoMediaPluginService::GetGeckoMediaPluginService());
+ if (!s) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RefPtr<AbstractThread> thread(s->GetAbstractGMPThread());
+ if (!thread) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RefPtr<MediaDataDecoderProxy> decoder(new MediaDataDecoderProxy(thread.forget(), aCallback));
+ return decoder.forget();
+GMPDecoderModule::CreateVideoDecoder(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams)
+ if (!MP4Decoder::IsH264(aParams.mConfig.mMimeType) &&
+ !VPXDecoder::IsVP8(aParams.mConfig.mMimeType) &&
+ !VPXDecoder::IsVP9(aParams.mConfig.mMimeType)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (aParams.mDiagnostics) {
+ const Maybe<nsCString> preferredGMP = PreferredGMP(aParams.mConfig.mMimeType);
+ if (preferredGMP.isSome()) {
+ aParams.mDiagnostics->SetGMP(preferredGMP.value());
+ }
+ }
+ RefPtr<MediaDataDecoderProxy> wrapper = CreateDecoderWrapper(aParams.mCallback);
+ auto params = GMPVideoDecoderParams(aParams).WithCallback(wrapper);
+ wrapper->SetProxyTarget(new GMPVideoDecoder(params));
+ return wrapper.forget();
+GMPDecoderModule::CreateAudioDecoder(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams)
+ if (!aParams.mConfig.mMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/mp4a-latm")) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (aParams.mDiagnostics) {
+ const Maybe<nsCString> preferredGMP = PreferredGMP(aParams.mConfig.mMimeType);
+ if (preferredGMP.isSome()) {
+ aParams.mDiagnostics->SetGMP(preferredGMP.value());
+ }
+ }
+ RefPtr<MediaDataDecoderProxy> wrapper = CreateDecoderWrapper(aParams.mCallback);
+ auto params = GMPAudioDecoderParams(aParams).WithCallback(wrapper);
+ wrapper->SetProxyTarget(new GMPAudioDecoder(params));
+ return wrapper.forget();
+GMPDecoderModule::DecoderNeedsConversion(const TrackInfo& aConfig) const
+ // GMPVideoCodecType::kGMPVideoCodecH264 specifies that encoded frames must be in AVCC format.
+ if (aConfig.IsVideo() && MP4Decoder::IsH264(aConfig.mMimeType)) {
+ return ConversionRequired::kNeedAVCC;
+ } else {
+ return ConversionRequired::kNeedNone;
+ }
+/* static */
+const Maybe<nsCString>
+GMPDecoderModule::PreferredGMP(const nsACString& aMimeType)
+ Maybe<nsCString> rv;
+ if (aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/mp4a-latm")) {
+ switch (MediaPrefs::GMPAACPreferred()) {
+ case 1: rv.emplace(kEMEKeySystemClearkey); break;
+ case 2: rv.emplace(kEMEKeySystemPrimetime); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MP4Decoder::IsH264(aMimeType)) {
+ switch (MediaPrefs::GMPH264Preferred()) {
+ case 1: rv.emplace(kEMEKeySystemClearkey); break;
+ case 2: rv.emplace(kEMEKeySystemPrimetime); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+/* static */
+GMPDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType,
+ const Maybe<nsCString>& aGMP)
+ if (aGMP.isNothing()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (MP4Decoder::IsH264(aMimeType)) {
+ { NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("h264"), aGMP.value()});
+ }
+ if (VPXDecoder::IsVP9(aMimeType)) {
+ { NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("vp9"), aGMP.value()});
+ }
+ if (VPXDecoder::IsVP8(aMimeType)) {
+ { NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("vp8"), aGMP.value()});
+ }
+ if (MP4Decoder::IsAAC(aMimeType)) {
+ { NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("aac"), aGMP.value()});
+ }
+ return false;
+GMPDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType,
+ DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics) const
+ const Maybe<nsCString> preferredGMP = PreferredGMP(aMimeType);
+ bool rv = SupportsMimeType(aMimeType, preferredGMP);
+ if (rv && aDiagnostics && preferredGMP.isSome()) {
+ aDiagnostics->SetGMP(preferredGMP.value());
+ }
+ return rv;
+} // namespace mozilla
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPDecoderModule.h b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPDecoderModule.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b501ecb54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPDecoderModule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#if !defined(GMPDecoderModule_h_)
+#define GMPDecoderModule_h_
+#include "PlatformDecoderModule.h"
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+// The special NodeId we use when doing unencrypted decoding using the GMP's
+// decoder. This ensures that each GMP MediaDataDecoder we create doesn't
+// require spinning up a new process, but instead we run all instances of
+// GMP decoders in the one process, to reduce overhead.
+// Note: GMP storage is isolated by NodeId, and non persistent for this
+// special NodeId, and the only way a GMP can communicate with the outside
+// world is through the EME GMP APIs, and we never run EME with this NodeID
+// (because NodeIds are random strings which can't contain the '-' character),
+// so there's no way a malicious GMP can harvest, store, and then report any
+// privacy sensitive data about what users are watching.
+#define SHARED_GMP_DECODING_NODE_ID NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("gmp-shared-decoding")
+namespace mozilla {
+class GMPDecoderModule : public PlatformDecoderModule {
+ GMPDecoderModule();
+ virtual ~GMPDecoderModule();
+ // Decode thread.
+ already_AddRefed<MediaDataDecoder>
+ CreateVideoDecoder(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams) override;
+ // Decode thread.
+ already_AddRefed<MediaDataDecoder>
+ CreateAudioDecoder(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams) override;
+ ConversionRequired
+ DecoderNeedsConversion(const TrackInfo& aConfig) const override;
+ bool
+ SupportsMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType,
+ DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics) const override;
+ static const Maybe<nsCString> PreferredGMP(const nsACString& aMimeType);
+ static bool SupportsMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType,
+ const Maybe<nsCString>& aGMP);
+} // namespace mozilla
+#endif // GMPDecoderModule_h_
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPVideoDecoder.cpp b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPVideoDecoder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..912b88ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPVideoDecoder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "GMPVideoDecoder.h"
+#include "GMPVideoHost.h"
+#include "mozilla/EndianUtils.h"
+#include "prsystem.h"
+#include "MediaData.h"
+#include "GMPDecoderModule.h"
+#include "VPXDecoder.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+extern bool IsOnGMPThread();
+VideoCallbackAdapter::Decoded(GMPVideoi420Frame* aDecodedFrame)
+ GMPUniquePtr<GMPVideoi420Frame> decodedFrame(aDecodedFrame);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ VideoData::YCbCrBuffer b;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kGMPNumOfPlanes; ++i) {
+ b.mPlanes[i].mData = decodedFrame->Buffer(GMPPlaneType(i));
+ b.mPlanes[i].mStride = decodedFrame->Stride(GMPPlaneType(i));
+ if (i == kGMPYPlane) {
+ b.mPlanes[i].mWidth = decodedFrame->Width();
+ b.mPlanes[i].mHeight = decodedFrame->Height();
+ } else {
+ b.mPlanes[i].mWidth = (decodedFrame->Width() + 1) / 2;
+ b.mPlanes[i].mHeight = (decodedFrame->Height() + 1) / 2;
+ }
+ b.mPlanes[i].mOffset = 0;
+ b.mPlanes[i].mSkip = 0;
+ }
+ gfx::IntRect pictureRegion(0, 0, decodedFrame->Width(), decodedFrame->Height());
+ RefPtr<VideoData> v =
+ VideoData::CreateAndCopyData(mVideoInfo,
+ mImageContainer,
+ mLastStreamOffset,
+ decodedFrame->Timestamp(),
+ decodedFrame->Duration(),
+ b,
+ false,
+ -1,
+ pictureRegion);
+ if (v) {
+ mCallback->Output(v);
+ } else {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, __func__));
+ }
+VideoCallbackAdapter::ReceivedDecodedReferenceFrame(const uint64_t aPictureId)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+VideoCallbackAdapter::ReceivedDecodedFrame(const uint64_t aPictureId)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mCallback->InputExhausted();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mCallback->DrainComplete();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mCallback->FlushComplete();
+VideoCallbackAdapter::Error(GMPErr aErr)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(aErr == GMPDecodeErr
+ RESULT_DETAIL("GMPErr:%x", aErr)));
+ // Note that this *may* be called from the proxy thread also.
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("Video GMP decoder terminated.")));
+GMPVideoDecoderParams::GMPVideoDecoderParams(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams)
+ : mConfig(aParams.VideoConfig())
+ , mTaskQueue(aParams.mTaskQueue)
+ , mCallback(nullptr)
+ , mAdapter(nullptr)
+ , mImageContainer(aParams.mImageContainer)
+ , mLayersBackend(aParams.GetLayersBackend())
+ , mCrashHelper(aParams.mCrashHelper)
+GMPVideoDecoderParams::WithCallback(MediaDataDecoderProxy* aWrapper)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aWrapper);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mCallback); // Should only be called once per instance.
+ mCallback = aWrapper->Callback();
+ mAdapter = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+GMPVideoDecoderParams::WithAdapter(VideoCallbackAdapter* aAdapter)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aAdapter);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mAdapter); // Should only be called once per instance.
+ mCallback = aAdapter->Callback();
+ mAdapter = aAdapter;
+ return *this;
+GMPVideoDecoder::GMPVideoDecoder(const GMPVideoDecoderParams& aParams)
+ : mConfig(aParams.mConfig)
+ , mCallback(aParams.mCallback)
+ , mGMP(nullptr)
+ , mHost(nullptr)
+ , mAdapter(aParams.mAdapter)
+ , mConvertNALUnitLengths(false)
+ , mCrashHelper(aParams.mCrashHelper)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mAdapter || mCallback == mAdapter->Callback());
+ if (!mAdapter) {
+ mAdapter = new VideoCallbackAdapter(mCallback,
+ VideoInfo(mConfig.mDisplay.width,
+ mConfig.mDisplay.height),
+ aParams.mImageContainer);
+ }
+GMPVideoDecoder::InitTags(nsTArray<nsCString>& aTags)
+ if (MP4Decoder::IsH264(mConfig.mMimeType)) {
+ aTags.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("h264"));
+ const Maybe<nsCString> gmp(
+ GMPDecoderModule::PreferredGMP(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("video/avc")));
+ if (gmp.isSome()) {
+ aTags.AppendElement(gmp.value());
+ }
+ } else if (VPXDecoder::IsVP8(mConfig.mMimeType)) {
+ aTags.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("vp8"));
+ } else if (VPXDecoder::IsVP9(mConfig.mMimeType)) {
+ aTags.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("vp9"));
+ }
+GMPVideoDecoder::CreateFrame(MediaRawData* aSample)
+ GMPVideoFrame* ftmp = nullptr;
+ GMPErr err = mHost->CreateFrame(kGMPEncodedVideoFrame, &ftmp);
+ if (GMP_FAILED(err)) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("Host::CreateFrame:%x", err)));
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ GMPUniquePtr<GMPVideoEncodedFrame> frame(static_cast<GMPVideoEncodedFrame*>(ftmp));
+ err = frame->CreateEmptyFrame(aSample->Size());
+ if (GMP_FAILED(err)) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("GMPVideoEncodedFrame::CreateEmptyFrame:%x", err)));
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ memcpy(frame->Buffer(), aSample->Data(), frame->Size());
+ // Convert 4-byte NAL unit lengths to host-endian 4-byte buffer lengths to
+ // suit the GMP API.
+ if (mConvertNALUnitLengths) {
+ const int kNALLengthSize = 4;
+ uint8_t* buf = frame->Buffer();
+ while (buf < frame->Buffer() + frame->Size() - kNALLengthSize) {
+ uint32_t length = BigEndian::readUint32(buf) + kNALLengthSize;
+ *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(buf) = length;
+ buf += length;
+ }
+ }
+ frame->SetBufferType(GMP_BufferLength32);
+ frame->SetEncodedWidth(mConfig.mDisplay.width);
+ frame->SetEncodedHeight(mConfig.mDisplay.height);
+ frame->SetTimeStamp(aSample->mTime);
+ frame->SetCompleteFrame(true);
+ frame->SetDuration(aSample->mDuration);
+ frame->SetFrameType(aSample->mKeyframe ? kGMPKeyFrame : kGMPDeltaFrame);
+ return frame;
+const VideoInfo&
+GMPVideoDecoder::GetConfig() const
+ return mConfig;
+GMPVideoDecoder::GMPInitDone(GMPVideoDecoderProxy* aGMP, GMPVideoHost* aHost)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ if (!aGMP) {
+ mInitPromise.RejectIfExists(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR, __func__);
+ return;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aHost);
+ if (mInitPromise.IsEmpty()) {
+ // GMP must have been shutdown while we were waiting for Init operation
+ // to complete.
+ aGMP->Close();
+ return;
+ }
+ GMPVideoCodec codec;
+ memset(&codec, 0, sizeof(codec));
+ codec.mGMPApiVersion = kGMPVersion33;
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> codecSpecific;
+ if (MP4Decoder::IsH264(mConfig.mMimeType)) {
+ codec.mCodecType = kGMPVideoCodecH264;
+ codecSpecific.AppendElement(0); // mPacketizationMode.
+ codecSpecific.AppendElements(mConfig.mExtraData->Elements(),
+ mConfig.mExtraData->Length());
+ } else if (VPXDecoder::IsVP8(mConfig.mMimeType)) {
+ codec.mCodecType = kGMPVideoCodecVP8;
+ } else if (VPXDecoder::IsVP9(mConfig.mMimeType)) {
+ codec.mCodecType = kGMPVideoCodecVP9;
+ } else {
+ // Unrecognized mime type
+ aGMP->Close();
+ mInitPromise.Reject(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR, __func__);
+ return;
+ }
+ codec.mWidth = mConfig.mImage.width;
+ codec.mHeight = mConfig.mImage.height;
+ nsresult rv = aGMP->InitDecode(codec,
+ codecSpecific,
+ mAdapter,
+ PR_GetNumberOfProcessors());
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ aGMP->Close();
+ mInitPromise.Reject(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR, __func__);
+ return;
+ }
+ mGMP = aGMP;
+ mHost = aHost;
+ // GMP implementations have interpreted the meaning of GMP_BufferLength32
+ // differently. The OpenH264 GMP expects GMP_BufferLength32 to behave as
+ // specified in the GMP API, where each buffer is prefixed by a 32-bit
+ // host-endian buffer length that includes the size of the buffer length
+ // field. Other existing GMPs currently expect GMP_BufferLength32 (when
+ // combined with kGMPVideoCodecH264) to mean "like AVCC but restricted to
+ // 4-byte NAL lengths" (i.e. buffer lengths are specified in big-endian
+ // and do not include the length of the buffer length field.
+ mConvertNALUnitLengths = mGMP->GetDisplayName().EqualsLiteral("gmpopenh264");
+ mInitPromise.Resolve(TrackInfo::kVideoTrack, __func__);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ mMPS = do_GetService(";1");
+ RefPtr<InitPromise> promise(mInitPromise.Ensure(__func__));
+ nsTArray<nsCString> tags;
+ InitTags(tags);
+ UniquePtr<GetGMPVideoDecoderCallback> callback(new GMPInitDoneCallback(this));
+ if (NS_FAILED(mMPS->GetDecryptingGMPVideoDecoder(mCrashHelper,
+ &tags,
+ GetNodeId(),
+ Move(callback),
+ DecryptorId()))) {
+ mInitPromise.Reject(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR, __func__);
+ }
+ return promise;
+GMPVideoDecoder::Input(MediaRawData* aSample)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ RefPtr<MediaRawData> sample(aSample);
+ if (!mGMP) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("mGMP not initialized")));
+ return;
+ }
+ mAdapter->SetLastStreamOffset(sample->mOffset);
+ GMPUniquePtr<GMPVideoEncodedFrame> frame = CreateFrame(sample);
+ if (!frame) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("CreateFrame returned null")));
+ return;
+ }
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> info; // No codec specific per-frame info to pass.
+ nsresult rv = mGMP->Decode(Move(frame), false, info, 0);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mCallback->Error(MediaResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_DECODE_ERR,
+ RESULT_DETAIL("mGMP->Decode:%x", rv)));
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ if (!mGMP || NS_FAILED(mGMP->Reset())) {
+ // Abort the flush.
+ mCallback->FlushComplete();
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnGMPThread());
+ if (!mGMP || NS_FAILED(mGMP->Drain())) {
+ mCallback->DrainComplete();
+ }
+ mInitPromise.RejectIfExists(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_CANCELED, __func__);
+ // Note that this *may* be called from the proxy thread also.
+ if (!mGMP) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note this unblocks flush and drain operations waiting for callbacks.
+ mGMP->Close();
+ mGMP = nullptr;
+} // namespace mozilla
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPVideoDecoder.h b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPVideoDecoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..900ef4553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/GMPVideoDecoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#if !defined(GMPVideoDecoder_h_)
+#define GMPVideoDecoder_h_
+#include "GMPVideoDecoderProxy.h"
+#include "ImageContainer.h"
+#include "MediaDataDecoderProxy.h"
+#include "PlatformDecoderModule.h"
+#include "mozIGeckoMediaPluginService.h"
+#include "MediaInfo.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+class VideoCallbackAdapter : public GMPVideoDecoderCallbackProxy {
+ VideoCallbackAdapter(MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* aCallback,
+ VideoInfo aVideoInfo,
+ layers::ImageContainer* aImageContainer)
+ : mCallback(aCallback)
+ , mLastStreamOffset(0)
+ , mVideoInfo(aVideoInfo)
+ , mImageContainer(aImageContainer)
+ {}
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* Callback() const { return mCallback; }
+ // GMPVideoDecoderCallbackProxy
+ void Decoded(GMPVideoi420Frame* aDecodedFrame) override;
+ void ReceivedDecodedReferenceFrame(const uint64_t aPictureId) override;
+ void ReceivedDecodedFrame(const uint64_t aPictureId) override;
+ void InputDataExhausted() override;
+ void DrainComplete() override;
+ void ResetComplete() override;
+ void Error(GMPErr aErr) override;
+ void Terminated() override;
+ void SetLastStreamOffset(int64_t aStreamOffset) {
+ mLastStreamOffset = aStreamOffset;
+ }
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* mCallback;
+ int64_t mLastStreamOffset;
+ VideoInfo mVideoInfo;
+ RefPtr<layers::ImageContainer> mImageContainer;
+struct GMPVideoDecoderParams {
+ explicit GMPVideoDecoderParams(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams);
+ GMPVideoDecoderParams& WithCallback(MediaDataDecoderProxy* aWrapper);
+ GMPVideoDecoderParams& WithAdapter(VideoCallbackAdapter* aAdapter);
+ const VideoInfo& mConfig;
+ TaskQueue* mTaskQueue;
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* mCallback;
+ VideoCallbackAdapter* mAdapter;
+ layers::ImageContainer* mImageContainer;
+ layers::LayersBackend mLayersBackend;
+ RefPtr<GMPCrashHelper> mCrashHelper;
+class GMPVideoDecoder : public MediaDataDecoder {
+ explicit GMPVideoDecoder(const GMPVideoDecoderParams& aParams);
+ RefPtr<InitPromise> Init() override;
+ void Input(MediaRawData* aSample) override;
+ void Flush() override;
+ void Drain() override;
+ void Shutdown() override;
+ const char* GetDescriptionName() const override
+ {
+ return "GMP video decoder";
+ }
+ virtual void InitTags(nsTArray<nsCString>& aTags);
+ virtual nsCString GetNodeId();
+ virtual uint32_t DecryptorId() const { return 0; }
+ virtual GMPUniquePtr<GMPVideoEncodedFrame> CreateFrame(MediaRawData* aSample);
+ virtual const VideoInfo& GetConfig() const;
+ class GMPInitDoneCallback : public GetGMPVideoDecoderCallback
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit GMPInitDoneCallback(GMPVideoDecoder* aDecoder)
+ : mDecoder(aDecoder)
+ {
+ }
+ void Done(GMPVideoDecoderProxy* aGMP, GMPVideoHost* aHost) override
+ {
+ mDecoder->GMPInitDone(aGMP, aHost);
+ }
+ private:
+ RefPtr<GMPVideoDecoder> mDecoder;
+ };
+ void GMPInitDone(GMPVideoDecoderProxy* aGMP, GMPVideoHost* aHost);
+ const VideoInfo mConfig;
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* mCallback;
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIGeckoMediaPluginService> mMPS;
+ GMPVideoDecoderProxy* mGMP;
+ GMPVideoHost* mHost;
+ nsAutoPtr<VideoCallbackAdapter> mAdapter;
+ bool mConvertNALUnitLengths;
+ MozPromiseHolder<InitPromise> mInitPromise;
+ RefPtr<GMPCrashHelper> mCrashHelper;
+} // namespace mozilla
+#endif // GMPVideoDecoder_h_
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/MediaDataDecoderProxy.cpp b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/MediaDataDecoderProxy.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a196f8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/MediaDataDecoderProxy.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "MediaDataDecoderProxy.h"
+#include "MediaData.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy::Error(const MediaResult& aError)
+ mProxyCallback->Error(aError);
+ mProxyDecoder->FlushComplete();
+ return mProxyDecoder->Init();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsShutdown);
+ return InvokeAsync(mProxyThread, this, __func__,
+ &MediaDataDecoderProxy::InternalInit);
+MediaDataDecoderProxy::Input(MediaRawData* aSample)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsOnProxyThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsShutdown);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> task(new InputTask(mProxyDecoder, aSample));
+ mProxyThread->Dispatch(task.forget());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsOnProxyThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsShutdown);
+ mFlushComplete.Set(false);
+ mProxyThread->Dispatch(NewRunnableMethod(mProxyDecoder, &MediaDataDecoder::Flush));
+ mFlushComplete.WaitUntil(true);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsOnProxyThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsShutdown);
+ mProxyThread->Dispatch(NewRunnableMethod(mProxyDecoder, &MediaDataDecoder::Drain));
+ // Note that this *may* be called from the proxy thread also.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsShutdown);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ mIsShutdown = true;
+ mProxyThread->AsXPCOMThread()->Dispatch(NewRunnableMethod(mProxyDecoder,
+ &MediaDataDecoder::Shutdown),
+ mFlushComplete.Set(true);
+} // namespace mozilla
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/MediaDataDecoderProxy.h b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/MediaDataDecoderProxy.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..735b6126e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/MediaDataDecoderProxy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#if !defined(MediaDataDecoderProxy_h_)
+#define MediaDataDecoderProxy_h_
+#include "PlatformDecoderModule.h"
+#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "nscore.h"
+#include "GMPService.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+class InputTask : public Runnable {
+ InputTask(MediaDataDecoder* aDecoder,
+ MediaRawData* aSample)
+ : mDecoder(aDecoder)
+ , mSample(aSample)
+ {}
+ NS_IMETHOD Run() override {
+ mDecoder->Input(mSample);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder> mDecoder;
+ RefPtr<MediaRawData> mSample;
+template<typename T>
+class Condition {
+ explicit Condition(T aValue)
+ : mMonitor("Condition")
+ , mCondition(aValue)
+ {}
+ void Set(T aValue) {
+ MonitorAutoLock mon(mMonitor);
+ mCondition = aValue;
+ mon.NotifyAll();
+ }
+ void WaitUntil(T aValue) {
+ MonitorAutoLock mon(mMonitor);
+ while (mCondition != aValue) {
+ mon.Wait();
+ }
+ }
+ Monitor mMonitor;
+ T mCondition;
+class MediaDataDecoderProxy;
+class MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy : public MediaDataDecoderCallback {
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy(MediaDataDecoderProxy* aProxyDecoder,
+ MediaDataDecoderCallback* aCallback)
+ : mProxyDecoder(aProxyDecoder)
+ , mProxyCallback(aCallback)
+ {
+ }
+ void Output(MediaData* aData) override {
+ mProxyCallback->Output(aData);
+ }
+ void Error(const MediaResult& aError) override;
+ void InputExhausted() override {
+ mProxyCallback->InputExhausted();
+ }
+ void DrainComplete() override {
+ mProxyCallback->DrainComplete();
+ }
+ void ReleaseMediaResources() override {
+ mProxyCallback->ReleaseMediaResources();
+ }
+ void FlushComplete();
+ bool OnReaderTaskQueue() override
+ {
+ return mProxyCallback->OnReaderTaskQueue();
+ }
+ void WaitingForKey() override
+ {
+ mProxyCallback->WaitingForKey();
+ }
+ MediaDataDecoderProxy* mProxyDecoder;
+ MediaDataDecoderCallback* mProxyCallback;
+class MediaDataDecoderProxy : public MediaDataDecoder {
+ MediaDataDecoderProxy(already_AddRefed<AbstractThread> aProxyThread,
+ MediaDataDecoderCallback* aCallback)
+ : mProxyThread(aProxyThread)
+ , mProxyCallback(this, aCallback)
+ , mFlushComplete(false)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ , mIsShutdown(false)
+ {
+ }
+ // Ideally, this would return a regular MediaDataDecoderCallback pointer
+ // to retain the clean abstraction, but until MediaDataDecoderCallback
+ // supports the FlushComplete interface, this will have to do. When MDDC
+ // supports FlushComplete, this, the GMP*Decoders, and the
+ // *CallbackAdapters can be reverted to accepting a regular
+ // MediaDataDecoderCallback pointer.
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy* Callback()
+ {
+ return &mProxyCallback;
+ }
+ void SetProxyTarget(MediaDataDecoder* aProxyDecoder)
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aProxyDecoder);
+ mProxyDecoder = aProxyDecoder;
+ }
+ // These are called from the decoder thread pool.
+ // Init and Shutdown run synchronously on the proxy thread, all others are
+ // asynchronously and responded to via the MediaDataDecoderCallback.
+ // Note: the nsresults returned by the proxied decoder are lost.
+ RefPtr<InitPromise> Init() override;
+ void Input(MediaRawData* aSample) override;
+ void Flush() override;
+ void Drain() override;
+ void Shutdown() override;
+ const char* GetDescriptionName() const override
+ {
+ return "GMP proxy data decoder";
+ }
+ // Called by MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy.
+ void FlushComplete();
+ RefPtr<InitPromise> InternalInit();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bool IsOnProxyThread() {
+ return mProxyThread && mProxyThread->IsCurrentThreadIn();
+ }
+ friend class InputTask;
+ friend class InitTask;
+ RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder> mProxyDecoder;
+ RefPtr<AbstractThread> mProxyThread;
+ MediaDataDecoderCallbackProxy mProxyCallback;
+ Condition<bool> mFlushComplete;
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ bool mIsShutdown;
+} // namespace mozilla
+#endif // MediaDataDecoderProxy_h_
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb2738e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/agnostic/gmp/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
+# vim: set filetype=python:
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+ 'GMPAudioDecoder.h',
+ 'GMPDecoderModule.h',
+ 'GMPVideoDecoder.h',
+ 'MediaDataDecoderProxy.h',
+ 'GMPAudioDecoder.cpp',
+ 'GMPDecoderModule.cpp',
+ 'GMPVideoDecoder.cpp',
+ 'MediaDataDecoderProxy.cpp',
+# GMPVideoEncodedFrameImpl.h needs IPC