path: root/dom/media/mediasink/DecodedStream.cpp
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /dom/media/mediasink/DecodedStream.cpp
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/media/mediasink/DecodedStream.cpp')
1 files changed, 781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/mediasink/DecodedStream.cpp b/dom/media/mediasink/DecodedStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9501a6cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/mediasink/DecodedStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
+#include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h"
+#include "mozilla/SyncRunnable.h"
+#include "AudioSegment.h"
+#include "DecodedStream.h"
+#include "MediaData.h"
+#include "MediaQueue.h"
+#include "MediaStreamGraph.h"
+#include "MediaStreamListener.h"
+#include "OutputStreamManager.h"
+#include "SharedBuffer.h"
+#include "VideoSegment.h"
+#include "VideoUtils.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+#undef DUMP_LOG
+#define DUMP_LOG(x, ...) NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_WARNING, nsPrintfCString(x, ##__VA_ARGS__).get(), nullptr, nullptr, -1)
+ * A container class to make it easier to pass the playback info all the
+ * way to DecodedStreamGraphListener from DecodedStream.
+ */
+struct PlaybackInfoInit {
+ int64_t mStartTime;
+ MediaInfo mInfo;
+class DecodedStreamGraphListener : public MediaStreamListener {
+ DecodedStreamGraphListener(MediaStream* aStream,
+ MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise>&& aPromise)
+ : mMutex("DecodedStreamGraphListener::mMutex")
+ , mStream(aStream)
+ {
+ mFinishPromise = Move(aPromise);
+ }
+ void NotifyOutput(MediaStreamGraph* aGraph, GraphTime aCurrentTime) override
+ {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
+ if (mStream) {
+ int64_t t = mStream->StreamTimeToMicroseconds(
+ mStream->GraphTimeToStreamTime(aCurrentTime));
+ mOnOutput.Notify(t);
+ }
+ }
+ void NotifyEvent(MediaStreamGraph* aGraph, MediaStreamGraphEvent event) override
+ {
+ if (event == MediaStreamGraphEvent::EVENT_FINISHED) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event =
+ NewRunnableMethod(this, &DecodedStreamGraphListener::DoNotifyFinished);
+ aGraph->DispatchToMainThreadAfterStreamStateUpdate(event.forget());
+ }
+ }
+ void DoNotifyFinished()
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ mFinishPromise.ResolveIfExists(true, __func__);
+ }
+ void Forget()
+ {
+ RefPtr<DecodedStreamGraphListener> self = this;
+ AbstractThread::MainThread()->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction([self] () {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ self->mFinishPromise.ResolveIfExists(true, __func__);
+ }));
+ MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
+ mStream = nullptr;
+ }
+ MediaEventSource<int64_t>& OnOutput()
+ {
+ return mOnOutput;
+ }
+ MediaEventProducer<int64_t> mOnOutput;
+ Mutex mMutex;
+ // Members below are protected by mMutex.
+ RefPtr<MediaStream> mStream;
+ // Main thread only.
+ MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise> mFinishPromise;
+static void
+UpdateStreamSuspended(MediaStream* aStream, bool aBlocking)
+ if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ if (aBlocking) {
+ aStream->Suspend();
+ } else {
+ aStream->Resume();
+ }
+ } else {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> r;
+ if (aBlocking) {
+ r = NewRunnableMethod(aStream, &MediaStream::Suspend);
+ } else {
+ r = NewRunnableMethod(aStream, &MediaStream::Resume);
+ }
+ AbstractThread::MainThread()->Dispatch(r.forget());
+ }
+ * All MediaStream-related data is protected by the decoder's monitor.
+ * We have at most one DecodedStreamDaata per MediaDecoder. Its stream
+ * is used as the input for each ProcessedMediaStream created by calls to
+ * captureStream(UntilEnded). Seeking creates a new source stream, as does
+ * replaying after the input as ended. In the latter case, the new source is
+ * not connected to streams created by captureStreamUntilEnded.
+ */
+class DecodedStreamData {
+ DecodedStreamData(OutputStreamManager* aOutputStreamManager,
+ PlaybackInfoInit&& aInit,
+ MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise>&& aPromise);
+ ~DecodedStreamData();
+ void SetPlaying(bool aPlaying);
+ MediaEventSource<int64_t>& OnOutput();
+ void Forget();
+ void DumpDebugInfo();
+ /* The following group of fields are protected by the decoder's monitor
+ * and can be read or written on any thread.
+ */
+ // Count of audio frames written to the stream
+ int64_t mAudioFramesWritten;
+ // mNextVideoTime is the end timestamp for the last packet sent to the stream.
+ // Therefore video packets starting at or after this time need to be copied
+ // to the output stream.
+ int64_t mNextVideoTime; // microseconds
+ int64_t mNextAudioTime; // microseconds
+ // The last video image sent to the stream. Useful if we need to replicate
+ // the image.
+ RefPtr<layers::Image> mLastVideoImage;
+ gfx::IntSize mLastVideoImageDisplaySize;
+ bool mHaveSentFinish;
+ bool mHaveSentFinishAudio;
+ bool mHaveSentFinishVideo;
+ // The decoder is responsible for calling Destroy() on this stream.
+ const RefPtr<SourceMediaStream> mStream;
+ const RefPtr<DecodedStreamGraphListener> mListener;
+ bool mPlaying;
+ // True if we need to send a compensation video frame to ensure the
+ // StreamTime going forward.
+ bool mEOSVideoCompensation;
+ const RefPtr<OutputStreamManager> mOutputStreamManager;
+DecodedStreamData::DecodedStreamData(OutputStreamManager* aOutputStreamManager,
+ PlaybackInfoInit&& aInit,
+ MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise>&& aPromise)
+ : mAudioFramesWritten(0)
+ , mNextVideoTime(aInit.mStartTime)
+ , mNextAudioTime(aInit.mStartTime)
+ , mHaveSentFinish(false)
+ , mHaveSentFinishAudio(false)
+ , mHaveSentFinishVideo(false)
+ , mStream(aOutputStreamManager->Graph()->CreateSourceStream())
+ // DecodedStreamGraphListener will resolve this promise.
+ , mListener(new DecodedStreamGraphListener(mStream, Move(aPromise)))
+ // mPlaying is initially true because MDSM won't start playback until playing
+ // becomes true. This is consistent with the settings of AudioSink.
+ , mPlaying(true)
+ , mEOSVideoCompensation(false)
+ , mOutputStreamManager(aOutputStreamManager)
+ mStream->AddListener(mListener);
+ mOutputStreamManager->Connect(mStream);
+ // Initialize tracks.
+ if (aInit.mInfo.HasAudio()) {
+ mStream->AddAudioTrack(aInit.mInfo.mAudio.mTrackId,
+ aInit.mInfo.mAudio.mRate,
+ 0, new AudioSegment());
+ }
+ if (aInit.mInfo.HasVideo()) {
+ mStream->AddTrack(aInit.mInfo.mVideo.mTrackId, 0, new VideoSegment());
+ }
+ mOutputStreamManager->Disconnect();
+ mStream->Destroy();
+ return mListener->OnOutput();
+DecodedStreamData::SetPlaying(bool aPlaying)
+ if (mPlaying != aPlaying) {
+ mPlaying = aPlaying;
+ UpdateStreamSuspended(mStream, !mPlaying);
+ }
+ mListener->Forget();
+ "DecodedStreamData=%p mPlaying=%d mAudioFramesWritten=%lld"
+ "mNextAudioTime=%lld mNextVideoTime=%lld mHaveSentFinish=%d"
+ "mHaveSentFinishAudio=%d mHaveSentFinishVideo=%d",
+ this, mPlaying, mAudioFramesWritten, mNextAudioTime, mNextVideoTime,
+ mHaveSentFinish, mHaveSentFinishAudio, mHaveSentFinishVideo);
+DecodedStream::DecodedStream(AbstractThread* aOwnerThread,
+ MediaQueue<MediaData>& aAudioQueue,
+ MediaQueue<MediaData>& aVideoQueue,
+ OutputStreamManager* aOutputStreamManager,
+ const bool& aSameOrigin,
+ const PrincipalHandle& aPrincipalHandle)
+ : mOwnerThread(aOwnerThread)
+ , mOutputStreamManager(aOutputStreamManager)
+ , mPlaying(false)
+ , mSameOrigin(aSameOrigin)
+ , mPrincipalHandle(aPrincipalHandle)
+ , mAudioQueue(aAudioQueue)
+ , mVideoQueue(aVideoQueue)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mStartTime.isNothing(), "playback should've ended.");
+const media::MediaSink::PlaybackParams&
+DecodedStream::GetPlaybackParams() const
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ return mParams;
+DecodedStream::SetPlaybackParams(const PlaybackParams& aParams)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ mParams = aParams;
+DecodedStream::OnEnded(TrackType aType)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mStartTime.isSome());
+ if (aType == TrackInfo::kAudioTrack && mInfo.HasAudio()) {
+ // TODO: we should return a promise which is resolved when the audio track
+ // is finished. For now this promise is resolved when the whole stream is
+ // finished.
+ return mFinishPromise;
+ } else if (aType == TrackInfo::kVideoTrack && mInfo.HasVideo()) {
+ return mFinishPromise;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+DecodedStream::Start(int64_t aStartTime, const MediaInfo& aInfo)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mStartTime.isNothing(), "playback already started.");
+ mStartTime.emplace(aStartTime);
+ mLastOutputTime = 0;
+ mInfo = aInfo;
+ mPlaying = true;
+ ConnectListener();
+ class R : public Runnable {
+ typedef MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise> Promise;
+ public:
+ R(PlaybackInfoInit&& aInit, Promise&& aPromise, OutputStreamManager* aManager)
+ : mInit(Move(aInit)), mOutputStreamManager(aManager)
+ {
+ mPromise = Move(aPromise);
+ }
+ NS_IMETHOD Run() override
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ // No need to create a source stream when there are no output streams. This
+ // happens when RemoveOutput() is called immediately after StartPlayback().
+ if (!mOutputStreamManager->Graph()) {
+ // Resolve the promise to indicate the end of playback.
+ mPromise.Resolve(true, __func__);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ mData = MakeUnique<DecodedStreamData>(
+ mOutputStreamManager, Move(mInit), Move(mPromise));
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ UniquePtr<DecodedStreamData> ReleaseData()
+ {
+ return Move(mData);
+ }
+ private:
+ PlaybackInfoInit mInit;
+ Promise mPromise;
+ RefPtr<OutputStreamManager> mOutputStreamManager;
+ UniquePtr<DecodedStreamData> mData;
+ };
+ MozPromiseHolder<GenericPromise> promise;
+ mFinishPromise = promise.Ensure(__func__);
+ PlaybackInfoInit init {
+ aStartTime, aInfo
+ };
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> r = new R(Move(init), Move(promise), mOutputStreamManager);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mainThread = do_GetMainThread();
+ SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(mainThread, r);
+ mData = static_cast<R*>(r.get())->ReleaseData();
+ if (mData) {
+ mOutputListener = mData->OnOutput().Connect(
+ mOwnerThread, this, &DecodedStream::NotifyOutput);
+ mData->SetPlaying(mPlaying);
+ SendData();
+ }
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mStartTime.isSome(), "playback not started.");
+ mStartTime.reset();
+ DisconnectListener();
+ mFinishPromise = nullptr;
+ // Clear mData immediately when this playback session ends so we won't
+ // send data to the wrong stream in SendData() in next playback session.
+ DestroyData(Move(mData));
+DecodedStream::IsStarted() const
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ return mStartTime.isSome();
+DecodedStream::IsPlaying() const
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ return IsStarted() && mPlaying;
+DecodedStream::DestroyData(UniquePtr<DecodedStreamData> aData)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ if (!aData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mOutputListener.Disconnect();
+ DecodedStreamData* data = aData.release();
+ data->Forget();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> r = NS_NewRunnableFunction([=] () {
+ delete data;
+ });
+ AbstractThread::MainThread()->Dispatch(r.forget());
+DecodedStream::SetPlaying(bool aPlaying)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ // Resume/pause matters only when playback started.
+ if (mStartTime.isNothing()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mPlaying = aPlaying;
+ if (mData) {
+ mData->SetPlaying(aPlaying);
+ }
+DecodedStream::SetVolume(double aVolume)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ mParams.mVolume = aVolume;
+DecodedStream::SetPlaybackRate(double aPlaybackRate)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ mParams.mPlaybackRate = aPlaybackRate;
+DecodedStream::SetPreservesPitch(bool aPreservesPitch)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ mParams.mPreservesPitch = aPreservesPitch;
+static void
+SendStreamAudio(DecodedStreamData* aStream, int64_t aStartTime,
+ MediaData* aData, AudioSegment* aOutput, uint32_t aRate,
+ const PrincipalHandle& aPrincipalHandle)
+ // The amount of audio frames that is used to fuzz rounding errors.
+ static const int64_t AUDIO_FUZZ_FRAMES = 1;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aData);
+ AudioData* audio = aData->As<AudioData>();
+ // This logic has to mimic AudioSink closely to make sure we write
+ // the exact same silences
+ CheckedInt64 audioWrittenOffset = aStream->mAudioFramesWritten +
+ UsecsToFrames(aStartTime, aRate);
+ CheckedInt64 frameOffset = UsecsToFrames(audio->mTime, aRate);
+ if (!audioWrittenOffset.isValid() ||
+ !frameOffset.isValid() ||
+ // ignore packet that we've already processed
+ audio->GetEndTime() <= aStream->mNextAudioTime) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (audioWrittenOffset.value() + AUDIO_FUZZ_FRAMES < frameOffset.value()) {
+ int64_t silentFrames = frameOffset.value() - audioWrittenOffset.value();
+ // Write silence to catch up
+ AudioSegment silence;
+ silence.InsertNullDataAtStart(silentFrames);
+ aStream->mAudioFramesWritten += silentFrames;
+ audioWrittenOffset += silentFrames;
+ aOutput->AppendFrom(&silence);
+ }
+ // Always write the whole sample without truncation to be consistent with
+ // DecodedAudioDataSink::PlayFromAudioQueue()
+ audio->EnsureAudioBuffer();
+ RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer = audio->mAudioBuffer;
+ AudioDataValue* bufferData = static_cast<AudioDataValue*>(buffer->Data());
+ AutoTArray<const AudioDataValue*, 2> channels;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < audio->mChannels; ++i) {
+ channels.AppendElement(bufferData + i * audio->mFrames);
+ }
+ aOutput->AppendFrames(buffer.forget(), channels, audio->mFrames, aPrincipalHandle);
+ aStream->mAudioFramesWritten += audio->mFrames;
+ aStream->mNextAudioTime = audio->GetEndTime();
+DecodedStream::SendAudio(double aVolume, bool aIsSameOrigin,
+ const PrincipalHandle& aPrincipalHandle)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ if (!mInfo.HasAudio()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ AudioSegment output;
+ uint32_t rate = mInfo.mAudio.mRate;
+ AutoTArray<RefPtr<MediaData>,10> audio;
+ TrackID audioTrackId = mInfo.mAudio.mTrackId;
+ SourceMediaStream* sourceStream = mData->mStream;
+ // It's OK to hold references to the AudioData because AudioData
+ // is ref-counted.
+ mAudioQueue.GetElementsAfter(mData->mNextAudioTime, &audio);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < audio.Length(); ++i) {
+ SendStreamAudio(mData.get(), mStartTime.ref(), audio[i], &output, rate,
+ aPrincipalHandle);
+ }
+ output.ApplyVolume(aVolume);
+ if (!aIsSameOrigin) {
+ output.ReplaceWithDisabled();
+ }
+ // |mNextAudioTime| is updated as we process each audio sample in
+ // SendStreamAudio(). This is consistent with how |mNextVideoTime|
+ // is updated for video samples.
+ if (output.GetDuration() > 0) {
+ sourceStream->AppendToTrack(audioTrackId, &output);
+ }
+ if (mAudioQueue.IsFinished() && !mData->mHaveSentFinishAudio) {
+ sourceStream->EndTrack(audioTrackId);
+ mData->mHaveSentFinishAudio = true;
+ }
+static void
+WriteVideoToMediaStream(MediaStream* aStream,
+ layers::Image* aImage,
+ int64_t aEndMicroseconds,
+ int64_t aStartMicroseconds,
+ const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aIntrinsicSize,
+ const TimeStamp& aTimeStamp,
+ VideoSegment* aOutput,
+ const PrincipalHandle& aPrincipalHandle)
+ RefPtr<layers::Image> image = aImage;
+ StreamTime duration =
+ aStream->MicrosecondsToStreamTimeRoundDown(aEndMicroseconds) -
+ aStream->MicrosecondsToStreamTimeRoundDown(aStartMicroseconds);
+ aOutput->AppendFrame(image.forget(), duration, aIntrinsicSize,
+ aPrincipalHandle, false, aTimeStamp);
+static bool
+ZeroDurationAtLastChunk(VideoSegment& aInput)
+ // Get the last video frame's start time in VideoSegment aInput.
+ // If the start time is equal to the duration of aInput, means the last video
+ // frame's duration is zero.
+ StreamTime lastVideoStratTime;
+ aInput.GetLastFrame(&lastVideoStratTime);
+ return lastVideoStratTime == aInput.GetDuration();
+DecodedStream::SendVideo(bool aIsSameOrigin, const PrincipalHandle& aPrincipalHandle)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ if (!mInfo.HasVideo()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ VideoSegment output;
+ TrackID videoTrackId = mInfo.mVideo.mTrackId;
+ AutoTArray<RefPtr<MediaData>, 10> video;
+ SourceMediaStream* sourceStream = mData->mStream;
+ // It's OK to hold references to the VideoData because VideoData
+ // is ref-counted.
+ mVideoQueue.GetElementsAfter(mData->mNextVideoTime, &video);
+ // tracksStartTimeStamp might be null when the SourceMediaStream not yet
+ // be added to MediaStreamGraph.
+ TimeStamp tracksStartTimeStamp = sourceStream->GetStreamTracksStrartTimeStamp();
+ if (tracksStartTimeStamp.IsNull()) {
+ tracksStartTimeStamp = TimeStamp::Now();
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < video.Length(); ++i) {
+ VideoData* v = video[i]->As<VideoData>();
+ if (mData->mNextVideoTime < v->mTime) {
+ // Write last video frame to catch up. mLastVideoImage can be null here
+ // which is fine, it just means there's no video.
+ // TODO: |mLastVideoImage| should come from the last image rendered
+ // by the state machine. This will avoid the black frame when capture
+ // happens in the middle of playback (especially in th middle of a
+ // video frame). E.g. if we have a video frame that is 30 sec long
+ // and capture happens at 15 sec, we'll have to append a black frame
+ // that is 15 sec long.
+ WriteVideoToMediaStream(sourceStream, mData->mLastVideoImage, v->mTime,
+ mData->mNextVideoTime, mData->mLastVideoImageDisplaySize,
+ tracksStartTimeStamp + TimeDuration::FromMicroseconds(v->mTime),
+ &output, aPrincipalHandle);
+ mData->mNextVideoTime = v->mTime;
+ }
+ if (mData->mNextVideoTime < v->GetEndTime()) {
+ WriteVideoToMediaStream(sourceStream, v->mImage, v->GetEndTime(),
+ mData->mNextVideoTime, v->mDisplay,
+ tracksStartTimeStamp + TimeDuration::FromMicroseconds(v->GetEndTime()),
+ &output, aPrincipalHandle);
+ mData->mNextVideoTime = v->GetEndTime();
+ mData->mLastVideoImage = v->mImage;
+ mData->mLastVideoImageDisplaySize = v->mDisplay;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the output is not empty.
+ if (output.GetLastFrame()) {
+ mData->mEOSVideoCompensation = ZeroDurationAtLastChunk(output);
+ }
+ if (!aIsSameOrigin) {
+ output.ReplaceWithDisabled();
+ }
+ if (output.GetDuration() > 0) {
+ sourceStream->AppendToTrack(videoTrackId, &output);
+ }
+ if (mVideoQueue.IsFinished() && !mData->mHaveSentFinishVideo) {
+ if (mData->mEOSVideoCompensation) {
+ VideoSegment endSegment;
+ // Calculate the deviation clock time from DecodedStream.
+ int64_t deviation_usec = sourceStream->StreamTimeToMicroseconds(1);
+ WriteVideoToMediaStream(sourceStream, mData->mLastVideoImage,
+ mData->mNextVideoTime + deviation_usec, mData->mNextVideoTime,
+ mData->mLastVideoImageDisplaySize,
+ tracksStartTimeStamp + TimeDuration::FromMicroseconds(mData->mNextVideoTime + deviation_usec),
+ &endSegment, aPrincipalHandle);
+ mData->mNextVideoTime += deviation_usec;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(endSegment.GetDuration() > 0);
+ if (!aIsSameOrigin) {
+ endSegment.ReplaceWithDisabled();
+ }
+ sourceStream->AppendToTrack(videoTrackId, &endSegment);
+ }
+ sourceStream->EndTrack(videoTrackId);
+ mData->mHaveSentFinishVideo = true;
+ }
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ StreamTime endPosition = 0;
+ if (mInfo.HasAudio()) {
+ StreamTime audioEnd = mData->mStream->TicksToTimeRoundDown(
+ mInfo.mAudio.mRate, mData->mAudioFramesWritten);
+ endPosition = std::max(endPosition, audioEnd);
+ }
+ if (mInfo.HasVideo()) {
+ StreamTime videoEnd = mData->mStream->MicrosecondsToStreamTimeRoundDown(
+ mData->mNextVideoTime - mStartTime.ref());
+ endPosition = std::max(endPosition, videoEnd);
+ }
+ if (!mData->mHaveSentFinish) {
+ mData->mStream->AdvanceKnownTracksTime(endPosition);
+ }
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mStartTime.isSome(), "Must be called after StartPlayback()");
+ // Not yet created on the main thread. MDSM will try again later.
+ if (!mData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Nothing to do when the stream is finished.
+ if (mData->mHaveSentFinish) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SendAudio(mParams.mVolume, mSameOrigin, mPrincipalHandle);
+ SendVideo(mSameOrigin, mPrincipalHandle);
+ AdvanceTracks();
+ bool finished = (!mInfo.HasAudio() || mAudioQueue.IsFinished()) &&
+ (!mInfo.HasVideo() || mVideoQueue.IsFinished());
+ if (finished && !mData->mHaveSentFinish) {
+ mData->mHaveSentFinish = true;
+ mData->mStream->Finish();
+ }
+DecodedStream::GetEndTime(TrackType aType) const
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ if (aType == TrackInfo::kAudioTrack && mInfo.HasAudio() && mData) {
+ CheckedInt64 t = mStartTime.ref() +
+ FramesToUsecs(mData->mAudioFramesWritten, mInfo.mAudio.mRate);
+ if (t.isValid()) {
+ return t.value();
+ }
+ } else if (aType == TrackInfo::kVideoTrack && mData) {
+ return mData->mNextVideoTime;
+ }
+ return -1;
+DecodedStream::GetPosition(TimeStamp* aTimeStamp) const
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ // This is only called after MDSM starts playback. So mStartTime is
+ // guaranteed to be something.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mStartTime.isSome());
+ if (aTimeStamp) {
+ *aTimeStamp = TimeStamp::Now();
+ }
+ return mStartTime.ref() + mLastOutputTime;
+DecodedStream::NotifyOutput(int64_t aTime)
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ mLastOutputTime = aTime;
+ int64_t currentTime = GetPosition();
+ // Remove audio samples that have been played by MSG from the queue.
+ RefPtr<MediaData> a = mAudioQueue.PeekFront();
+ for (; a && a->mTime < currentTime;) {
+ RefPtr<MediaData> releaseMe = mAudioQueue.PopFront();
+ a = mAudioQueue.PeekFront();
+ }
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ mAudioPushListener = mAudioQueue.PushEvent().Connect(
+ mOwnerThread, this, &DecodedStream::SendData);
+ mAudioFinishListener = mAudioQueue.FinishEvent().Connect(
+ mOwnerThread, this, &DecodedStream::SendData);
+ mVideoPushListener = mVideoQueue.PushEvent().Connect(
+ mOwnerThread, this, &DecodedStream::SendData);
+ mVideoFinishListener = mVideoQueue.FinishEvent().Connect(
+ mOwnerThread, this, &DecodedStream::SendData);
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ mAudioPushListener.Disconnect();
+ mVideoPushListener.Disconnect();
+ mAudioFinishListener.Disconnect();
+ mVideoFinishListener.Disconnect();
+ AssertOwnerThread();
+ "DecodedStream=%p mStartTime=%lld mLastOutputTime=%lld mPlaying=%d mData=%p",
+ this, mStartTime.valueOr(-1), mLastOutputTime, mPlaying, mData.get());
+ if (mData) {
+ mData->DumpDebugInfo();
+ }
+} // namespace mozilla