path: root/dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl')
1 files changed, 928 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl b/dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..249657c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl
@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */
+/* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+include protocol PBlob;
+include protocol PColorPicker;
+include protocol PContent;
+include protocol PContentBridge;
+include protocol PDatePicker;
+include protocol PDocAccessible;
+include protocol PDocumentRenderer;
+include protocol PFilePicker;
+include protocol PIndexedDBPermissionRequest;
+include protocol PRenderFrame;
+include protocol PPluginWidget;
+include protocol PRemotePrintJob;
+include DOMTypes;
+include JavaScriptTypes;
+include URIParams;
+include PPrintingTypes;
+include PTabContext;
+using class IPC::Principal from "mozilla/dom/PermissionMessageUtils.h";
+using class mozilla::gfx::Matrix from "mozilla/gfx/Matrix.h";
+using struct gfxSize from "gfxPoint.h";
+using CSSRect from "Units.h";
+using CSSSize from "Units.h";
+using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntRect from "Units.h";
+using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntPoint from "Units.h";
+using mozilla::LayoutDevicePoint from "Units.h";
+using mozilla::ScreenIntPoint from "Units.h";
+using ScreenIntSize from "Units.h";
+using struct mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics from "FrameMetrics.h";
+using struct mozilla::layers::ScrollableLayerGuid from "FrameMetrics.h";
+using struct mozilla::layers::ZoomConstraints from "FrameMetrics.h";
+using mozilla::layers::MaybeZoomConstraints from "FrameMetrics.h";
+using mozilla::layers::GeckoContentController::TapType from "mozilla/layers/GeckoContentController.h";
+using FrameMetrics::ViewID from "FrameMetrics.h";
+using struct mozilla::void_t from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
+using mozilla::WindowsHandle from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
+using nscolor from "nsColor.h";
+using class mozilla::WidgetCompositionEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using struct mozilla::widget::IMENotification from "nsIWidget.h";
+using struct nsIMEUpdatePreference from "nsIWidget.h";
+using mozilla::gfx::IntSize from "mozilla/gfx/Point.h";
+using mozilla::gfx::IntPoint from "mozilla/gfx/Point.h";
+using mozilla::gfx::IntRect from "mozilla/gfx/Rect.h";
+using class mozilla::ContentCache from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using class mozilla::WidgetKeyboardEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using class mozilla::WidgetMouseEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using class mozilla::WidgetWheelEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using class mozilla::WidgetDragEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using struct nsRect from "nsRect.h";
+using class mozilla::WidgetSelectionEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using class mozilla::WidgetTouchEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using class mozilla::WidgetPluginEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using struct mozilla::dom::RemoteDOMEvent from "mozilla/dom/TabMessageUtils.h";
+using mozilla::dom::ScreenOrientationInternal from "mozilla/dom/ScreenOrientation.h";
+using struct mozilla::layers::TextureFactoryIdentifier from "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h";
+using mozilla::CSSToScreenScale from "Units.h";
+using mozilla::CommandInt from "mozilla/EventForwards.h";
+using mozilla::WritingMode from "mozilla/WritingModes.h";
+using mozilla::layers::TouchBehaviorFlags from "mozilla/layers/APZUtils.h";
+using nsIWidget::TouchPointerState from "nsIWidget.h";
+using struct LookAndFeelInt from "mozilla/widget/WidgetMessageUtils.h";
+using class mozilla::dom::MessagePort from "mozilla/dom/MessagePort.h";
+using class mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData from "mozilla/dom/ipc/StructuredCloneData.h";
+using mozilla::EventMessage from "mozilla/EventForwards.h";
+using nsEventStatus from "mozilla/EventForwards.h";
+using mozilla::Modifiers from "mozilla/EventForwards.h";
+using nsSizeMode from "nsIWidgetListener.h";
+using mozilla::widget::CandidateWindowPosition from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using class mozilla::NativeEventData from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using mozilla::FontRange from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
+using mozilla::a11y::IAccessibleHolder from "mozilla/a11y/IPCTypes.h";
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+struct NativeKeyBinding
+ CommandInt[] singleLineCommands;
+ CommandInt[] multiLineCommands;
+ CommandInt[] richTextCommands;
+union MaybeNativeKeyBinding
+ NativeKeyBinding;
+ void_t;
+struct ShowInfo
+ nsString name;
+ bool fullscreenAllowed;
+ bool isPrivate;
+ bool fakeShowInfo;
+ bool isTransparent;
+ float dpi;
+ int32_t widgetRounding;
+ double defaultScale;
+union OptionalShmem
+ void_t;
+ Shmem;
+nested(upto inside_cpow) sync protocol PBrowser
+ manager PContent or PContentBridge;
+ manages PColorPicker;
+ manages PDatePicker;
+ manages PDocAccessible;
+ manages PDocumentRenderer;
+ manages PFilePicker;
+ manages PIndexedDBPermissionRequest;
+ manages PRenderFrame;
+ manages PPluginWidget;
+ async AsyncMessage(nsString aMessage, CpowEntry[] aCpows,
+ Principal aPrincipal, ClonedMessageData aData);
+ /**
+ * Create a layout frame (encapsulating a remote layer tree) for
+ * the page that is currently loaded in the <browser>.
+ */
+ async PRenderFrame();
+ /**
+ * Tell the parent process a new accessible document has been created.
+ * aParentDoc is the accessible document it was created in if any, and
+ * aParentAcc is the id of the accessible in that document the new document
+ * is a child of. aMsaaID is the MSAA id for this content process, and
+ * is only valid on Windows. Set to 0 on other platforms. aDocCOMProxy
+ * is also Windows-specific and should be set to 0 on other platforms.
+ */
+ async PDocAccessible(nullable PDocAccessible aParentDoc, uint64_t aParentAcc,
+ uint32_t aMsaaID, IAccessibleHolder aDocCOMProxy);
+ /*
+ * Creates a new remoted nsIWidget connection for windowed plugins
+ * in e10s mode. This is always initiated from the child in response
+ * to windowed plugin creation.
+ */
+ sync PPluginWidget();
+ /**
+ * Return native data of root widget
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) sync GetWidgetNativeData() returns (WindowsHandle value);
+ /**
+ * Sends an NS_NATIVE_CHILD_OF_SHAREABLE_WINDOW to be adopted by the
+ * widget's shareable window on the chrome side. Only used on Windows.
+ */
+ async SetNativeChildOfShareableWindow(uintptr_t childWindow);
+ /**
+ * When content moves focus from a native plugin window that's a child
+ * of the native browser window we need to move native focus to the
+ * browser. Otherwise the plugin window will never relinquish focus.
+ */
+ sync DispatchFocusToTopLevelWindow();
+ /**
+ * When child sends this message, parent should move focus to
+ * the next or previous focusable element or document.
+ */
+ async MoveFocus(bool forward, bool forDocumentNavigation);
+ /**
+ * SizeShellTo request propagation to parent.
+ *
+ * aFlag Can indicate if one of the dimensions should be ignored.
+ * If only one dimension has changed it has to be indicated
+ * by the nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_IGNORE_* flags.
+ * aShellItemWidth,
+ * aShellItemHeight On parent side we won't be able to decide the dimensions
+ * of the shell item parameter in the original SizeShellTo
+ * call so we send over its dimensions that will be used
+ * for the actual resize.
+ **/
+ async SizeShellTo(uint32_t aFlag, int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight,
+ int32_t aShellItemWidth, int32_t aShellItemHeight);
+ /**
+ * Called by the child to inform the parent that links are dropped into
+ * content area.
+ *
+ * aLinks A flat array of url, name, and type for each link
+ */
+ async DropLinks(nsString[] aLinks);
+ async Event(RemoteDOMEvent aEvent);
+ sync SyncMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData,
+ CpowEntry[] aCpows, Principal aPrincipal)
+ returns (StructuredCloneData[] retval);
+ nested(inside_sync) sync RpcMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData,
+ CpowEntry[] aCpows, Principal aPrincipal)
+ returns (StructuredCloneData[] retval);
+ /**
+ * Notifies chrome that there is a focus change involving an editable
+ * object (input, textarea, document, contentEditable. etc.)
+ *
+ * contentCache Cache of content
+ * notification Whole data of the notification
+ * preference Native widget preference for IME updates
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) sync NotifyIMEFocus(ContentCache contentCache,
+ IMENotification notification)
+ returns (nsIMEUpdatePreference preference);
+ /**
+ * Notifies chrome that there has been a change in text content
+ * One call can encompass both a delete and an insert operation
+ * Only called when NotifyIMEFocus returns PR_TRUE for mWantUpdates
+ *
+ * contentCache Cache of content
+ * notification Whole data of the notification
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) async NotifyIMETextChange(ContentCache contentCache,
+ IMENotification notification);
+ /**
+ * Notifies chrome that there is a IME compostion rect updated
+ *
+ * contentCache Cache of content
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) async NotifyIMECompositionUpdate(ContentCache contentCache,
+ IMENotification notification);
+ /**
+ * Notifies chrome that there has been a change in selection
+ * Only called when NotifyIMEFocus returns PR_TRUE for mWantUpdates
+ *
+ * contentCache Cache of content
+ * notification Whole data of the notification
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) async NotifyIMESelection(ContentCache contentCache,
+ IMENotification notification);
+ /**
+ * Notifies chrome of updating its content cache.
+ * This is useful if content is modified but we don't need to notify IME.
+ *
+ * contentCache Cache of content
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) async UpdateContentCache(ContentCache contentCache);
+ /**
+ * Notifies IME of mouse button event on a character in focused editor.
+ *
+ * Returns true if the mouse button event is consumd by IME.
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) sync NotifyIMEMouseButtonEvent(IMENotification notification)
+ returns (bool consumedByIME);
+ /**
+ * Notifies chrome to position change
+ *
+ * contentCache Cache of content
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) async NotifyIMEPositionChange(ContentCache contentCache,
+ IMENotification notification);
+ /**
+ * Requests chrome to commit or cancel composition of IME.
+ *
+ * cancel Set true if composition should be cancelled.
+ *
+ * isCommitted Returns true if the request causes composition
+ * being committed synchronously.
+ * committedString Returns committed string. The may be non-empty
+ * string even if cancel is true because IME may
+ * try to restore selected string which was
+ * replaced with the composition.
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) sync RequestIMEToCommitComposition(bool cancel)
+ returns (bool isCommitted, nsString committedString);
+ /**
+ * OnEventNeedingAckHandled() is called after a child process dispatches a
+ * composition event or a selection event which is sent from the parent
+ * process.
+ *
+ * message The message value of the handled event.
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) async OnEventNeedingAckHandled(EventMessage message);
+ /**
+ * Tells chrome to start plugin IME. If this results in a string getting
+ * committed, the result is in aCommitted (otherwise aCommitted is empty).
+ *
+ * aKeyboardEvent The event with which plugin IME is to be started
+ * panelX and panelY Location in screen coordinates of the IME input panel
+ * (should be just under the plugin)
+ * aCommitted The string committed during IME -- otherwise empty
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) sync StartPluginIME(WidgetKeyboardEvent aKeyboardEvent,
+ int32_t panelX, int32_t panelY)
+ returns (nsString aCommitted);
+ /**
+ * Tells chrome (and specifically the appropriate widget) whether or not
+ * a plugin (inside the widget) has the keyboard focus. Should be sent
+ * when the keyboard focus changes too or from a plugin.
+ *
+ * aFocused Whether or not a plugin is focused
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) async SetPluginFocused(bool aFocused);
+ /**
+ * Set IME candidate window by windowless plugin if plugin has focus.
+ */
+ async SetCandidateWindowForPlugin(CandidateWindowPosition aPosition);
+ /**
+ * Notifies the parent process of native key event data received in a
+ * plugin process directly.
+ *
+ * aKeyEventData The native key event data. The actual type copied into
+ * NativeEventData depending on the caller. Please check
+ * PluginInstanceChild.
+ */
+ nested(inside_cpow) async OnWindowedPluginKeyEvent(NativeEventData aKeyEventData);
+ /**
+ * When plugin event isn't consumed, call this
+ */
+ async DefaultProcOfPluginEvent(WidgetPluginEvent aEvent);
+ /**
+ * Request that the parent process move focus to the browser's frame. If
+ * canRaise is true, the window can be raised if it is inactive.
+ */
+ async RequestFocus(bool canRaise);
+ /**
+ * Indicate, based on the current state, that some commands are enabled and
+ * some are disabled.
+ */
+ async EnableDisableCommands(nsString action,
+ nsCString[] enabledCommands,
+ nsCString[] disabledCommands);
+ nested(inside_cpow) sync GetInputContext() returns (int32_t IMEEnabled,
+ int32_t IMEOpen);
+ nested(inside_cpow) async SetInputContext(int32_t IMEEnabled,
+ int32_t IMEOpen,
+ nsString type,
+ nsString inputmode,
+ nsString actionHint,
+ int32_t cause,
+ int32_t focusChange);
+ sync IsParentWindowMainWidgetVisible() returns (bool visible);
+ /**
+ * Gets the DPI of the screen corresponding to this browser.
+ */
+ sync GetDPI() returns (float value);
+ /**
+ * Gets the default scaling factor of the screen corresponding to this browser.
+ */
+ sync GetDefaultScale() returns (double value);
+ /**
+ * Gets the rounding of coordinates in the widget.
+ */
+ sync GetWidgetRounding() returns (int32_t value);
+ /**
+ * Gets maximum of touch points at current device.
+ */
+ sync GetMaxTouchPoints() returns (uint32_t value);
+ /**
+ * Set the native cursor.
+ * @param value
+ * The widget cursor to set.
+ * @param force
+ * Invalidate any locally cached cursor settings and force an
+ * update.
+ */
+ async SetCursor(uint32_t value, bool force);
+ /**
+ * Set the native cursor using a custom image.
+ * @param cursorData
+ * Serialized image data.
+ * @param width
+ * Width of the image.
+ * @param height
+ * Height of the image.
+ * @param stride
+ * Stride used in the image data.
+ * @param format
+ * Image format, see gfx::SurfaceFormat for possible values.
+ * @param hotspotX
+ * Horizontal hotspot of the image, as specified by the css cursor property.
+ * @param hotspotY
+ * Vertical hotspot of the image, as specified by the css cursor property.
+ * @param force
+ * Invalidate any locally cached cursor settings and force an
+ * update.
+ */
+ async SetCustomCursor(nsCString cursorData, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+ uint32_t stride, uint8_t format,
+ uint32_t hotspotX, uint32_t hotspotY, bool force);
+ /**
+ * Used to set the current text of the status tooltip.
+ * Nowadays this is mainly used for link locations on hover.
+ */
+ async SetStatus(uint32_t type, nsString status);
+ /**
+ * Show/hide a tooltip when the mouse hovers over an element in the content
+ * document.
+ */
+ async ShowTooltip(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, nsString tooltip, nsString direction);
+ async HideTooltip();
+ /**
+ * Create an asynchronous color picker on the parent side,
+ * but don't open it yet.
+ */
+ async PColorPicker(nsString title, nsString initialColor);
+ /**
+ * Create an asynchronous date picker on the parent side,
+ * but don't open it yet.
+ */
+ async PDatePicker(nsString title, nsString initialDate);
+ async PFilePicker(nsString aTitle, int16_t aMode);
+ /**
+ * Initiates an asynchronous request for one of the special indexedDB
+ * permissions for the provided principal.
+ *
+ * @param principal
+ * The principal of the request.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The principal is untrusted in the parent process. Only
+ * principals that can live in the content process should
+ * provided.
+ */
+ async PIndexedDBPermissionRequest(Principal principal);
+ /**
+ * from inside <iframe mozbrowser> is special. When the child
+ * process calls, it creates a new PBrowser (in its own
+ * process), then calls BrowserFrameOpenWindow on it.
+ *
+ * The parent process gets a chance to accept or reject the
+ * call, and windowOpened is set to true if we ended up going through with
+ * the
+ *
+ * @param opener the PBrowser whose content called
+ */
+ sync BrowserFrameOpenWindow(PBrowser opener, PRenderFrame renderFrame,
+ nsString aURL, nsString aName, nsString aFeatures)
+ returns (bool windowOpened,
+ TextureFactoryIdentifier textureFactoryIdentifier,
+ uint64_t layersId);
+ /**
+ * Tells the containing widget whether the given input block results in a
+ * swipe. Should be called in response to a WidgetWheelEvent that has
+ * mFlags.mCanTriggerSwipe set on it.
+ */
+ async RespondStartSwipeEvent(uint64_t aInputBlockId, bool aStartSwipe);
+ /**
+ * Brings up the auth prompt dialog.
+ * Called when this is the PBrowserParent for a nested remote iframe.
+ * aCallbackId corresponds to an nsIAuthPromptCallback that lives in the
+ * root process. It will be passed back to the root process with either the
+ * OnAuthAvailable or OnAuthCancelled message.
+ */
+ async AsyncAuthPrompt(nsCString uri, nsString realm, uint64_t aCallbackId);
+ /**
+ * Look up dictionary by selected word for OSX
+ *
+ * @param aText The word to look up
+ * @param aFontRange Text decoration of aText
+ * @param aIsVertical true if vertical layout
+ */
+ async LookUpDictionary(nsString aText, FontRange[] aFontRangeArray,
+ bool aIsVertical, LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint);
+ async __delete__();
+ async ReplyKeyEvent(WidgetKeyboardEvent event);
+ async DispatchAfterKeyboardEvent(WidgetKeyboardEvent event);
+ sync RequestNativeKeyBindings(WidgetKeyboardEvent event)
+ returns (MaybeNativeKeyBinding bindings);
+ async SynthesizeNativeKeyEvent(int32_t aNativeKeyboardLayout,
+ int32_t aNativeKeyCode,
+ uint32_t aModifierFlags,
+ nsString aCharacters,
+ nsString aUnmodifiedCharacters,
+ uint64_t aObserverId);
+ async SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent(LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint,
+ uint32_t aNativeMessage,
+ uint32_t aModifierFlags,
+ uint64_t aObserverId);
+ async SynthesizeNativeMouseMove(LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint,
+ uint64_t aObserverId);
+ async SynthesizeNativeMouseScrollEvent(LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint,
+ uint32_t aNativeMessage,
+ double aDeltaX,
+ double aDeltaY,
+ double aDeltaZ,
+ uint32_t aModifierFlags,
+ uint32_t aAdditionalFlags,
+ uint64_t aObserverId);
+ async SynthesizeNativeTouchPoint(uint32_t aPointerId,
+ TouchPointerState aPointerState,
+ LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint,
+ double aPointerPressure,
+ uint32_t aPointerOrientation,
+ uint64_t aObserverId);
+ async SynthesizeNativeTouchTap(LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint,
+ bool aLongTap,
+ uint64_t aObserverId);
+ async ClearNativeTouchSequence(uint64_t aObserverId);
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of tabs in the window via the out parameter.
+ * If the number of tabs can't be determined, returns 0.
+ *
+ * @param aValue where to store the tab count
+ */
+ sync GetTabCount() returns (uint32_t value);
+ async AccessKeyNotHandled(WidgetKeyboardEvent event);
+ async NativeSynthesisResponse(uint64_t aObserverId, nsCString aResponse);
+ /**
+ * Child informs the parent that the graphics objects are ready for
+ * compositing. This is sent when all pending changes have been
+ * sent to the compositor and are ready to be shown on the next composite.
+ * @see PCompositor
+ * @see RequestNotifyAfterRemotePaint
+ */
+ async RemotePaintIsReady();
+ /**
+ * Child informs the parent that the layer tree is already available.
+ */
+ async ForcePaintNoOp(uint64_t aLayerObserverEpoch);
+ /**
+ * Sent by the child to the parent to inform it that an update to the
+ * dimensions has been requested, likely through win.moveTo or resizeTo
+ */
+ async SetDimensions(uint32_t aFlags, int32_t aX, int32_t aY, int32_t aCx, int32_t aCy);
+ nested(inside_sync) sync DispatchWheelEvent(WidgetWheelEvent event);
+ nested(inside_sync) sync DispatchMouseEvent(WidgetMouseEvent event);
+ nested(inside_sync) sync DispatchKeyboardEvent(WidgetKeyboardEvent event);
+ async InvokeDragSession(IPCDataTransfer[] transfers, uint32_t action,
+ OptionalShmem visualData,
+ uint32_t stride, uint8_t format,
+ LayoutDeviceIntRect dragRect);
+ async AudioChannelActivityNotification(uint32_t aAudioChannel,
+ bool aActive);
+ // After a compositor reset, it is necessary to reconnect each layers ID to
+ // the compositor of the widget that will render those layers. Note that
+ // this is sync so we can ensure that messages to the window compositor
+ // arrive before the TabChild attempts to use its cross-process compositor
+ // bridge.
+ sync EnsureLayersConnected();
+ /**
+ * Notify parent that one or more entries have been added / removed from
+ * the child session history.
+ *
+ * @param aCount the updated number of entries in child session history
+ */
+ async NotifySessionHistoryChange(uint32_t aCount);
+ /**
+ * When the session history is across multiple root docshells, this function
+ * is used to notify parent that it needs to navigate to an entry out of
+ * local index of the child.
+ *
+ * @param aGlobalIndex The global index of history entry to navigate to.
+ */
+ async RequestCrossBrowserNavigation(uint32_t aGlobalIndex);
+ /**
+ * Notify the remote browser that it has been Show()n on this
+ * side, with the given |visibleRect|. This message is expected
+ * to trigger creation of the remote browser's "widget".
+ *
+ * |Show()| and |Move()| take IntSizes rather than Rects because
+ * content processes always render to a virtual <0, 0> top-left
+ * point.
+ */
+ async Show(ScreenIntSize size,
+ ShowInfo info,
+ TextureFactoryIdentifier textureFactoryIdentifier,
+ uint64_t layersId,
+ nullable PRenderFrame renderFrame,
+ bool parentIsActive,
+ nsSizeMode sizeMode);
+ async LoadURL(nsCString uri, ShowInfo info);
+ async UpdateDimensions(CSSRect rect, CSSSize size,
+ ScreenOrientationInternal orientation,
+ LayoutDeviceIntPoint clientOffset,
+ LayoutDeviceIntPoint chromeDisp) compressall;
+ async SizeModeChanged(nsSizeMode sizeMode);
+ /**
+ * Sending an activate message moves focus to the child.
+ */
+ async Activate();
+ async Deactivate();
+ async ParentActivated(bool aActivated);
+ async SetKeyboardIndicators(UIStateChangeType showAccelerators,
+ UIStateChangeType showFocusRings);
+ /**
+ * StopIMEStateManagement() is called when the process loses focus and
+ * should stop managing IME state.
+ */
+ async StopIMEStateManagement();
+ /**
+ * MenuKeyboardListenerInstalled() is called when menu keyboard listener
+ * is installed in the parent process.
+ */
+ async MenuKeyboardListenerInstalled(bool aInstalled);
+ /**
+ * @see nsIDOMWindowUtils sendMouseEvent.
+ */
+ async MouseEvent(nsString aType,
+ float aX,
+ float aY,
+ int32_t aButton,
+ int32_t aClickCount,
+ int32_t aModifiers,
+ bool aIgnoreRootScrollFrame);
+ /**
+ * When two consecutive mouse move events would be added to the message queue,
+ * they are 'compressed' by dumping the oldest one.
+ */
+ async RealMouseMoveEvent(WidgetMouseEvent event, ScrollableLayerGuid aGuid, uint64_t aInputBlockId) compress;
+ /**
+ * Mouse move events with |reason == eSynthesized| are sent via a separate
+ * message because they do not generate DOM 'mousemove' events, and the
+ * 'compress' attribute on RealMouseMoveEvent() could result in a
+ * |reason == eReal| event being dropped in favour of an |eSynthesized|
+ * event, and thus a DOM 'mousemove' event to be lost.
+ */
+ async SynthMouseMoveEvent(WidgetMouseEvent event, ScrollableLayerGuid aGuid, uint64_t aInputBlockId);
+ async RealMouseButtonEvent(WidgetMouseEvent event, ScrollableLayerGuid aGuid, uint64_t aInputBlockId);
+ async RealKeyEvent(WidgetKeyboardEvent event, MaybeNativeKeyBinding keyBinding);
+ async MouseWheelEvent(WidgetWheelEvent event, ScrollableLayerGuid aGuid, uint64_t aInputBlockId);
+ async RealTouchEvent(WidgetTouchEvent aEvent,
+ ScrollableLayerGuid aGuid,
+ uint64_t aInputBlockId,
+ nsEventStatus aApzResponse);
+ async HandleTap(TapType aType, LayoutDevicePoint point, Modifiers aModifiers,
+ ScrollableLayerGuid aGuid, uint64_t aInputBlockId);
+ async RealTouchMoveEvent(WidgetTouchEvent aEvent,
+ ScrollableLayerGuid aGuid,
+ uint64_t aInputBlockId,
+ nsEventStatus aApzResponse);
+ async RealDragEvent(WidgetDragEvent aEvent, uint32_t aDragAction, uint32_t aDropEffect);
+ async PluginEvent(WidgetPluginEvent aEvent);
+ /**
+ * @see nsIDOMWindowUtils sendKeyEvent.
+ */
+ async KeyEvent(nsString aType,
+ int32_t aKeyCode,
+ int32_t aCharCode,
+ int32_t aModifiers,
+ bool aPreventDefault);
+ async CompositionEvent(WidgetCompositionEvent event);
+ async SelectionEvent(WidgetSelectionEvent event);
+ /**
+ * Call PasteTransferable via a controller on the content process
+ * to handle the command content event, "pasteTransferable".
+ */
+ async PasteTransferable(IPCDataTransfer aDataTransfer,
+ bool aIsPrivateData,
+ Principal aRequestingPrincipal);
+ /**
+ * Activate event forwarding from client to parent.
+ */
+ async ActivateFrameEvent(nsString aType, bool capture);
+ async LoadRemoteScript(nsString aURL, bool aRunInGlobalScope);
+ /**
+ * Create a asynchronous request to render whatever document is
+ * loaded in the child when this message arrives. When the
+ * request finishes, PDocumentRenderer:__delete__ is sent back to
+ * this side to notify completion.
+ *
+ * |documentRect| is the area of the remote document to draw,
+ * transformed by |transform|. The rendered area will have the
+ * default background color |bgcolor|. |renderFlags| are the
+ * nsIPresShell::RenderDocument() flags to use on the remote side,
+ * and if true, |flushLayout| will do just that before rendering
+ * the document. The rendered image will be of size |renderSize|.
+ */
+ async PDocumentRenderer(nsRect documentRect, Matrix transform,
+ nsString bgcolor,
+ uint32_t renderFlags, bool flushLayout,
+ IntSize renderSize);
+ /**
+ * Sent by the chrome process when it no longer wants this remote
+ * <browser>. The child side cleans up in response, then
+ * finalizing its death by sending back __delete__() to the
+ * parent.
+ */
+ async Destroy();
+ /**
+ * Update the child side docShell active (resource use) state.
+ *
+ * @param aIsActive
+ * Whether to activate or deactivate the docshell.
+ * @param aPreserveLayers
+ * Whether layer trees should be preserved for inactive docshells.
+ * @param aLayerObserverEpoch
+ * The layer observer epoch for this activation. This message should be
+ * ignored if this epoch has already been observed (via ForcePaint).
+ */
+ async SetDocShellIsActive(bool aIsActive, bool aPreserveLayers, uint64_t aLayerObserverEpoch);
+ /**
+ * Notify the child that it shouldn't paint the offscreen displayport.
+ * This is useful to speed up interactive operations over async
+ * scrolling performance like resize, tabswitch, pageload.
+ *
+ * Each enable call must be matched with a disable call. The child
+ * will remain in the suppress mode as long as there's
+ * a single unmatched call.
+ */
+ async SuppressDisplayport(bool aEnabled);
+ /**
+ * Navigate by key (Tab/Shift+Tab/F6/Shift+f6).
+ */
+ async NavigateByKey(bool aForward, bool aForDocumentNavigation);
+ /**
+ * The parent (chrome thread) requests that the child inform it when
+ * the graphics objects are ready to display.
+ * @see PCompositor
+ * @see RemotePaintIsReady
+ */
+ async RequestNotifyAfterRemotePaint();
+ /**
+ * Tell the child that the UI resolution changed for the containing
+ * window.
+ * To avoid some sync messages from child to parent, we also send the dpi
+ * and default scale with the notification.
+ * If we don't know the dpi and default scale, we just pass in a negative
+ * value (-1) but in the majority of the cases this saves us from two
+ * sync requests from the child to the parent.
+ */
+ async UIResolutionChanged(float dpi, int32_t rounding, double scale);
+ /**
+ * Tell the child that the system theme has changed, and that a repaint
+ * is necessary.
+ */
+ async ThemeChanged(LookAndFeelInt[] lookAndFeelIntCache);
+ /**
+ * Tell the browser that its frame loader has been swapped
+ * with another.
+ */
+ async SwappedWithOtherRemoteLoader(IPCTabContext context);
+ /**
+ * A potential accesskey was just pressed. Look for accesskey targets
+ * using the list of provided charCodes.
+ *
+ * @param event keyboard event
+ * @param isTrusted true if triggered by a trusted key event
+ * @param modifierMask indicates which accesskey modifiers are pressed
+ */
+ async HandleAccessKey(WidgetKeyboardEvent event,
+ uint32_t[] charCodes, int32_t modifierMask);
+ /**
+ * Propagate a refresh to the child process
+ */
+ async AudioChannelChangeNotification(uint32_t aAudioChannel,
+ float aVolume,
+ bool aMuted);
+ /**
+ * Tells the root child docShell whether or not to use
+ * global history. This is sent right after the PBrowser
+ * is bound to a frameloader element.
+ */
+ async SetUseGlobalHistory(bool aUse);
+ /**
+ * HandledWindowedPluginKeyEvent() is always called after posting a native
+ * key event with OnWindowedPluginKeyEvent().
+ *
+ * @param aKeyEventData The key event which was posted to the parent
+ * process.
+ * @param aIsConsumed true if aKeyEventData is consumed in the
+ * parent process. Otherwise, false.
+ */
+ async HandledWindowedPluginKeyEvent(NativeEventData aKeyEventData,
+ bool aIsConsumed);
+ /**
+ * Tell the child to print the current page with the given settings.
+ *
+ * @param aOuterWindowID the ID of the outer window to print
+ * @param aPrintData the serialized settings to print with
+ */
+ async Print(uint64_t aOuterWindowID, PrintData aPrintData);
+ /**
+ * Update the child with the tab's current top-level native window handle.
+ * This is used by a11y objects who must expose their native window.
+ *
+ * @param aNewHandle The native window handle of the tab's top-level window.
+ */
+ async UpdateNativeWindowHandle(uintptr_t aNewHandle);
+ /**
+ * Called when the session history of this particular PBrowser has been
+ * attached to a grouped session history.
+ *
+ * @param aOffset The number of entries in the grouped session
+ * history before this session history object.
+ */
+ async NotifyAttachGroupedSessionHistory(uint32_t aOffset);
+ /**
+ * Notify that the session history associated to this PBrowser has become
+ * the active history in the grouped session history.
+ *
+ * @param aGlobalLength The up-to-date number of entries in the grouped
+ * session history.
+ * @param aTargetLocalIndex The target local index to navigate to.
+ */
+ async NotifyPartialSessionHistoryActive(uint32_t aGlobalLength,
+ uint32_t aTargetLocalIndex);
+ /**
+ * Notify that the session history asssociates to this PBrowser has become
+ * an inactive history in the grouped session history.
+ */
+ async NotifyPartialSessionHistoryDeactive();
+ /**
+ * Tell the child that it is a fresh process created for a Large-Allocation
+ * load.
+ */
+ async SetFreshProcess();
+ * FIXME: write protocol!
+state LIVE:
+ send LoadURL goto LIVE;
+ send Destroy goto DYING;
+state DYING:
+ discard send blah;
+// etc.
+ recv __delete__;
+ */