path: root/dom/bindings/test/TestJSImplGen.webidl
diff options
authorMoonchild <>2020-06-08 18:12:08 +0000
committerMoonchild <>2020-06-08 18:12:08 +0000
commitb0901eb0990191e1f063bfa13cb11701571612fd (patch)
treea2bf352e4f2cb73fc2000636ea8c2aec0130e82a /dom/bindings/test/TestJSImplGen.webidl
parente8bdf27ac712ffca8fd680100f3c7d4b33241e49 (diff)
Issue #439 - Remove, fix and clean up automated tests
With the big amount of code churn around DOM a lot of tests broke severely enough that they caused build bustage. This commit cleans up, removes or otherwise fixes tests that are broken, no longer relevant or obsolete.
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/bindings/test/TestJSImplGen.webidl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 840 deletions
diff --git a/dom/bindings/test/TestJSImplGen.webidl b/dom/bindings/test/TestJSImplGen.webidl
deleted file mode 100644
index a133b9981..000000000
--- a/dom/bindings/test/TestJSImplGen.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,840 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at
- */
-typedef TestJSImplInterface AnotherNameForTestJSImplInterface;
-typedef TestJSImplInterface YetAnotherNameForTestJSImplInterface;
-typedef TestJSImplInterface? NullableTestJSImplInterface;
-callback MyTestCallback = void();
-enum MyTestEnum {
- "a",
- "b"
-// We don't support multiple constructors (bug 869268) or named constructors
-// for JS-implemented WebIDL.
-[Constructor(DOMString str, unsigned long num, boolean? boolArg,
- TestInterface? iface, long arg1,
- DictForConstructor dict, any any1,
- object obj1,
- object? obj2, sequence<Dict> seq, optional any any2,
- optional object obj3,
- optional object? obj4,
- Uint8Array typedArr,
- ArrayBuffer arrayBuf),
- JSImplementation=";1"]
-interface TestJSImplInterface {
- // Integer types
- // XXXbz add tests for throwing versions of all the integer stuff
- readonly attribute byte readonlyByte;
- attribute byte writableByte;
- void passByte(byte arg);
- byte receiveByte();
- void passOptionalByte(optional byte arg);
- void passOptionalByteBeforeRequired(optional byte arg1, byte arg2);
- void passOptionalByteWithDefault(optional byte arg = 0);
- void passOptionalByteWithDefaultBeforeRequired(optional byte arg1 = 0, byte arg2);
- void passNullableByte(byte? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableByte(optional byte? arg);
- void passVariadicByte(byte... arg);
- [Cached, Pure]
- readonly attribute byte cachedByte;
- [Cached, Constant]
- readonly attribute byte cachedConstantByte;
- [Cached, Pure]
- attribute byte cachedWritableByte;
- [Affects=Nothing]
- attribute byte sideEffectFreeByte;
- [Affects=Nothing, DependsOn=DOMState]
- attribute byte domDependentByte;
- [Affects=Nothing, DependsOn=Nothing]
- readonly attribute byte constantByte;
- [DependsOn=DeviceState, Affects=Nothing]
- readonly attribute byte deviceStateDependentByte;
- [Affects=Nothing]
- byte returnByteSideEffectFree();
- [Affects=Nothing, DependsOn=DOMState]
- byte returnDOMDependentByte();
- [Affects=Nothing, DependsOn=Nothing]
- byte returnConstantByte();
- [DependsOn=DeviceState, Affects=Nothing]
- byte returnDeviceStateDependentByte();
- readonly attribute short readonlyShort;
- attribute short writableShort;
- void passShort(short arg);
- short receiveShort();
- void passOptionalShort(optional short arg);
- void passOptionalShortWithDefault(optional short arg = 5);
- readonly attribute long readonlyLong;
- attribute long writableLong;
- void passLong(long arg);
- long receiveLong();
- void passOptionalLong(optional long arg);
- void passOptionalLongWithDefault(optional long arg = 7);
- readonly attribute long long readonlyLongLong;
- attribute long long writableLongLong;
- void passLongLong(long long arg);
- long long receiveLongLong();
- void passOptionalLongLong(optional long long arg);
- void passOptionalLongLongWithDefault(optional long long arg = -12);
- readonly attribute octet readonlyOctet;
- attribute octet writableOctet;
- void passOctet(octet arg);
- octet receiveOctet();
- void passOptionalOctet(optional octet arg);
- void passOptionalOctetWithDefault(optional octet arg = 19);
- readonly attribute unsigned short readonlyUnsignedShort;
- attribute unsigned short writableUnsignedShort;
- void passUnsignedShort(unsigned short arg);
- unsigned short receiveUnsignedShort();
- void passOptionalUnsignedShort(optional unsigned short arg);
- void passOptionalUnsignedShortWithDefault(optional unsigned short arg = 2);
- readonly attribute unsigned long readonlyUnsignedLong;
- attribute unsigned long writableUnsignedLong;
- void passUnsignedLong(unsigned long arg);
- unsigned long receiveUnsignedLong();
- void passOptionalUnsignedLong(optional unsigned long arg);
- void passOptionalUnsignedLongWithDefault(optional unsigned long arg = 6);
- readonly attribute unsigned long long readonlyUnsignedLongLong;
- attribute unsigned long long writableUnsignedLongLong;
- void passUnsignedLongLong(unsigned long long arg);
- unsigned long long receiveUnsignedLongLong();
- void passOptionalUnsignedLongLong(optional unsigned long long arg);
- void passOptionalUnsignedLongLongWithDefault(optional unsigned long long arg = 17);
- attribute float writableFloat;
- attribute unrestricted float writableUnrestrictedFloat;
- attribute float? writableNullableFloat;
- attribute unrestricted float? writableNullableUnrestrictedFloat;
- attribute double writableDouble;
- attribute unrestricted double writableUnrestrictedDouble;
- attribute double? writableNullableDouble;
- attribute unrestricted double? writableNullableUnrestrictedDouble;
- void passFloat(float arg1, unrestricted float arg2,
- float? arg3, unrestricted float? arg4,
- double arg5, unrestricted double arg6,
- double? arg7, unrestricted double? arg8,
- sequence<float> arg9, sequence<unrestricted float> arg10,
- sequence<float?> arg11, sequence<unrestricted float?> arg12,
- sequence<double> arg13, sequence<unrestricted double> arg14,
- sequence<double?> arg15, sequence<unrestricted double?> arg16);
- [LenientFloat]
- void passLenientFloat(float arg1, unrestricted float arg2,
- float? arg3, unrestricted float? arg4,
- double arg5, unrestricted double arg6,
- double? arg7, unrestricted double? arg8,
- sequence<float> arg9,
- sequence<unrestricted float> arg10,
- sequence<float?> arg11,
- sequence<unrestricted float?> arg12,
- sequence<double> arg13,
- sequence<unrestricted double> arg14,
- sequence<double?> arg15,
- sequence<unrestricted double?> arg16);
- [LenientFloat]
- attribute float lenientFloatAttr;
- [LenientFloat]
- attribute double lenientDoubleAttr;
- // Castable interface types
- // XXXbz add tests for throwing versions of all the castable interface stuff
- TestJSImplInterface receiveSelf();
- TestJSImplInterface? receiveNullableSelf();
- TestJSImplInterface receiveWeakSelf();
- TestJSImplInterface? receiveWeakNullableSelf();
- // A version to test for casting to TestJSImplInterface&
- void passSelf(TestJSImplInterface arg);
- void passNullableSelf(TestJSImplInterface? arg);
- attribute TestJSImplInterface nonNullSelf;
- attribute TestJSImplInterface? nullableSelf;
- [Cached, Pure]
- readonly attribute TestJSImplInterface cachedSelf;
- // Optional arguments
- void passOptionalSelf(optional TestJSImplInterface? arg);
- void passOptionalNonNullSelf(optional TestJSImplInterface arg);
- void passOptionalSelfWithDefault(optional TestJSImplInterface? arg = null);
- // Non-wrapper-cache interface types
- [NewObject]
- TestNonWrapperCacheInterface receiveNonWrapperCacheInterface();
- [NewObject]
- TestNonWrapperCacheInterface? receiveNullableNonWrapperCacheInterface();
- [NewObject]
- sequence<TestNonWrapperCacheInterface> receiveNonWrapperCacheInterfaceSequence();
- [NewObject]
- sequence<TestNonWrapperCacheInterface?> receiveNullableNonWrapperCacheInterfaceSequence();
- [NewObject]
- sequence<TestNonWrapperCacheInterface>? receiveNonWrapperCacheInterfaceNullableSequence();
- [NewObject]
- sequence<TestNonWrapperCacheInterface?>? receiveNullableNonWrapperCacheInterfaceNullableSequence();
- // Non-castable interface types
- IndirectlyImplementedInterface receiveOther();
- IndirectlyImplementedInterface? receiveNullableOther();
- IndirectlyImplementedInterface receiveWeakOther();
- IndirectlyImplementedInterface? receiveWeakNullableOther();
- void passOther(IndirectlyImplementedInterface arg);
- void passNullableOther(IndirectlyImplementedInterface? arg);
- attribute IndirectlyImplementedInterface nonNullOther;
- attribute IndirectlyImplementedInterface? nullableOther;
- // Optional arguments
- void passOptionalOther(optional IndirectlyImplementedInterface? arg);
- void passOptionalNonNullOther(optional IndirectlyImplementedInterface arg);
- void passOptionalOtherWithDefault(optional IndirectlyImplementedInterface? arg = null);
- // External interface types
- TestExternalInterface receiveExternal();
- TestExternalInterface? receiveNullableExternal();
- TestExternalInterface receiveWeakExternal();
- TestExternalInterface? receiveWeakNullableExternal();
- void passExternal(TestExternalInterface arg);
- void passNullableExternal(TestExternalInterface? arg);
- attribute TestExternalInterface nonNullExternal;
- attribute TestExternalInterface? nullableExternal;
- // Optional arguments
- void passOptionalExternal(optional TestExternalInterface? arg);
- void passOptionalNonNullExternal(optional TestExternalInterface arg);
- void passOptionalExternalWithDefault(optional TestExternalInterface? arg = null);
- // Callback interface types
- TestCallbackInterface receiveCallbackInterface();
- TestCallbackInterface? receiveNullableCallbackInterface();
- TestCallbackInterface receiveWeakCallbackInterface();
- TestCallbackInterface? receiveWeakNullableCallbackInterface();
- void passCallbackInterface(TestCallbackInterface arg);
- void passNullableCallbackInterface(TestCallbackInterface? arg);
- attribute TestCallbackInterface nonNullCallbackInterface;
- attribute TestCallbackInterface? nullableCallbackInterface;
- // Optional arguments
- void passOptionalCallbackInterface(optional TestCallbackInterface? arg);
- void passOptionalNonNullCallbackInterface(optional TestCallbackInterface arg);
- void passOptionalCallbackInterfaceWithDefault(optional TestCallbackInterface? arg = null);
- // Miscellaneous interface tests
- IndirectlyImplementedInterface receiveConsequentialInterface();
- void passConsequentialInterface(IndirectlyImplementedInterface arg);
- // Sequence types
- [Cached, Pure]
- readonly attribute sequence<long> readonlySequence;
- [Cached, Pure]
- readonly attribute sequence<Dict> readonlySequenceOfDictionaries;
- [Cached, Pure]
- readonly attribute sequence<Dict>? readonlyNullableSequenceOfDictionaries;
- [Cached, Pure, Frozen]
- readonly attribute sequence<long> readonlyFrozenSequence;
- [Cached, Pure, Frozen]
- readonly attribute sequence<long>? readonlyFrozenNullableSequence;
- sequence<long> receiveSequence();
- sequence<long>? receiveNullableSequence();
- sequence<long?> receiveSequenceOfNullableInts();
- sequence<long?>? receiveNullableSequenceOfNullableInts();
- void passSequence(sequence<long> arg);
- void passNullableSequence(sequence<long>? arg);
- void passSequenceOfNullableInts(sequence<long?> arg);
- void passOptionalSequenceOfNullableInts(optional sequence<long?> arg);
- void passOptionalNullableSequenceOfNullableInts(optional sequence<long?>? arg);
- sequence<TestJSImplInterface> receiveCastableObjectSequence();
- sequence<TestCallbackInterface> receiveCallbackObjectSequence();
- sequence<TestJSImplInterface?> receiveNullableCastableObjectSequence();
- sequence<TestCallbackInterface?> receiveNullableCallbackObjectSequence();
- sequence<TestJSImplInterface>? receiveCastableObjectNullableSequence();
- sequence<TestJSImplInterface?>? receiveNullableCastableObjectNullableSequence();
- sequence<TestJSImplInterface> receiveWeakCastableObjectSequence();
- sequence<TestJSImplInterface?> receiveWeakNullableCastableObjectSequence();
- sequence<TestJSImplInterface>? receiveWeakCastableObjectNullableSequence();
- sequence<TestJSImplInterface?>? receiveWeakNullableCastableObjectNullableSequence();
- void passCastableObjectSequence(sequence<TestJSImplInterface> arg);
- void passNullableCastableObjectSequence(sequence<TestJSImplInterface?> arg);
- void passCastableObjectNullableSequence(sequence<TestJSImplInterface>? arg);
- void passNullableCastableObjectNullableSequence(sequence<TestJSImplInterface?>? arg);
- void passOptionalSequence(optional sequence<long> arg);
- void passOptionalSequenceWithDefaultValue(optional sequence<long> arg = []);
- void passOptionalNullableSequence(optional sequence<long>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableSequenceWithDefaultValue(optional sequence<long>? arg = null);
- void passOptionalNullableSequenceWithDefaultValue2(optional sequence<long>? arg = []);
- void passOptionalObjectSequence(optional sequence<TestJSImplInterface> arg);
- void passExternalInterfaceSequence(sequence<TestExternalInterface> arg);
- void passNullableExternalInterfaceSequence(sequence<TestExternalInterface?> arg);
- sequence<DOMString> receiveStringSequence();
- sequence<ByteString> receiveByteStringSequence();
- // Callback interface problem. See bug 843261.
- //void passStringSequence(sequence<DOMString> arg);
- sequence<any> receiveAnySequence();
- sequence<any>? receiveNullableAnySequence();
- //XXXbz No support for sequence of sequence return values yet.
- //sequence<sequence<any>> receiveAnySequenceSequence();
- sequence<object> receiveObjectSequence();
- sequence<object?> receiveNullableObjectSequence();
- void passSequenceOfSequences(sequence<sequence<long>> arg);
- void passSequenceOfSequencesOfSequences(sequence<sequence<sequence<long>>> arg);
- //XXXbz No support for sequence of sequence return values yet.
- //sequence<sequence<long>> receiveSequenceOfSequences();
- // MozMap types
- void passMozMap(MozMap<long> arg);
- void passNullableMozMap(MozMap<long>? arg);
- void passMozMapOfNullableInts(MozMap<long?> arg);
- void passOptionalMozMapOfNullableInts(optional MozMap<long?> arg);
- void passOptionalNullableMozMapOfNullableInts(optional MozMap<long?>? arg);
- void passCastableObjectMozMap(MozMap<TestJSImplInterface> arg);
- void passNullableCastableObjectMozMap(MozMap<TestJSImplInterface?> arg);
- void passCastableObjectNullableMozMap(MozMap<TestJSImplInterface>? arg);
- void passNullableCastableObjectNullableMozMap(MozMap<TestJSImplInterface?>? arg);
- void passOptionalMozMap(optional MozMap<long> arg);
- void passOptionalNullableMozMap(optional MozMap<long>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableMozMapWithDefaultValue(optional MozMap<long>? arg = null);
- void passOptionalObjectMozMap(optional MozMap<TestJSImplInterface> arg);
- void passExternalInterfaceMozMap(MozMap<TestExternalInterface> arg);
- void passNullableExternalInterfaceMozMap(MozMap<TestExternalInterface?> arg);
- void passStringMozMap(MozMap<DOMString> arg);
- void passByteStringMozMap(MozMap<ByteString> arg);
- void passMozMapOfMozMaps(MozMap<MozMap<long>> arg);
- MozMap<long> receiveMozMap();
- MozMap<long>? receiveNullableMozMap();
- MozMap<long?> receiveMozMapOfNullableInts();
- MozMap<long?>? receiveNullableMozMapOfNullableInts();
- //XXXbz No support for MozMap of MozMaps return values yet.
- //MozMap<MozMap<long>> receiveMozMapOfMozMaps();
- MozMap<any> receiveAnyMozMap();
- // Typed array types
- void passArrayBuffer(ArrayBuffer arg);
- void passNullableArrayBuffer(ArrayBuffer? arg);
- void passOptionalArrayBuffer(optional ArrayBuffer arg);
- void passOptionalNullableArrayBuffer(optional ArrayBuffer? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableArrayBufferWithDefaultValue(optional ArrayBuffer? arg= null);
- void passArrayBufferView(ArrayBufferView arg);
- void passInt8Array(Int8Array arg);
- void passInt16Array(Int16Array arg);
- void passInt32Array(Int32Array arg);
- void passUint8Array(Uint8Array arg);
- void passUint16Array(Uint16Array arg);
- void passUint32Array(Uint32Array arg);
- void passUint8ClampedArray(Uint8ClampedArray arg);
- void passFloat32Array(Float32Array arg);
- void passFloat64Array(Float64Array arg);
- void passSequenceOfArrayBuffers(sequence<ArrayBuffer> arg);
- void passSequenceOfNullableArrayBuffers(sequence<ArrayBuffer?> arg);
- void passMozMapOfArrayBuffers(MozMap<ArrayBuffer> arg);
- void passMozMapOfNullableArrayBuffers(MozMap<ArrayBuffer?> arg);
- void passVariadicTypedArray(Float32Array... arg);
- void passVariadicNullableTypedArray(Float32Array?... arg);
- Uint8Array receiveUint8Array();
- attribute Uint8Array uint8ArrayAttr;
- // DOMString types
- void passString(DOMString arg);
- void passNullableString(DOMString? arg);
- void passOptionalString(optional DOMString arg);
- void passOptionalStringWithDefaultValue(optional DOMString arg = "abc");
- void passOptionalNullableString(optional DOMString? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableStringWithDefaultValue(optional DOMString? arg = null);
- void passVariadicString(DOMString... arg);
- // ByteString types
- void passByteString(ByteString arg);
- void passNullableByteString(ByteString? arg);
- void passOptionalByteString(optional ByteString arg);
- void passOptionalByteStringWithDefaultValue(optional ByteString arg = "abc");
- void passOptionalNullableByteString(optional ByteString? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableByteStringWithDefaultValue(optional ByteString? arg = null);
- void passVariadicByteString(ByteString... arg);
- void passUnionByteString((ByteString or long) arg);
- void passOptionalUnionByteString(optional (ByteString or long) arg);
- void passOptionalUnionByteStringWithDefaultValue(optional (ByteString or long) arg = "abc");
- // USVString types
- void passSVS(USVString arg);
- void passNullableSVS(USVString? arg);
- void passOptionalSVS(optional USVString arg);
- void passOptionalSVSWithDefaultValue(optional USVString arg = "abc");
- void passOptionalNullableSVS(optional USVString? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableSVSWithDefaultValue(optional USVString? arg = null);
- void passVariadicSVS(USVString... arg);
- USVString receiveSVS();
- // Enumerated types
- void passEnum(MyTestEnum arg);
- void passNullableEnum(MyTestEnum? arg);
- void passOptionalEnum(optional MyTestEnum arg);
- void passEnumWithDefault(optional MyTestEnum arg = "a");
- void passOptionalNullableEnum(optional MyTestEnum? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableEnumWithDefaultValue(optional MyTestEnum? arg = null);
- void passOptionalNullableEnumWithDefaultValue2(optional MyTestEnum? arg = "a");
- MyTestEnum receiveEnum();
- MyTestEnum? receiveNullableEnum();
- attribute MyTestEnum enumAttribute;
- readonly attribute MyTestEnum readonlyEnumAttribute;
- // Callback types
- void passCallback(MyTestCallback arg);
- void passNullableCallback(MyTestCallback? arg);
- void passOptionalCallback(optional MyTestCallback arg);
- void passOptionalNullableCallback(optional MyTestCallback? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableCallbackWithDefaultValue(optional MyTestCallback? arg = null);
- MyTestCallback receiveCallback();
- MyTestCallback? receiveNullableCallback();
- // Hmm. These two don't work, I think because I need a locally modified version of TestTreatAsNullCallback.
- //void passNullableTreatAsNullCallback(TestTreatAsNullCallback? arg);
- //void passOptionalNullableTreatAsNullCallback(optional TestTreatAsNullCallback? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableTreatAsNullCallbackWithDefaultValue(optional TestTreatAsNullCallback? arg = null);
- // Any types
- void passAny(any arg);
- void passVariadicAny(any... arg);
- void passOptionalAny(optional any arg);
- void passAnyDefaultNull(optional any arg = null);
- void passSequenceOfAny(sequence<any> arg);
- void passNullableSequenceOfAny(sequence<any>? arg);
- void passOptionalSequenceOfAny(optional sequence<any> arg);
- void passOptionalNullableSequenceOfAny(optional sequence<any>? arg);
- void passOptionalSequenceOfAnyWithDefaultValue(optional sequence<any>? arg = null);
- void passSequenceOfSequenceOfAny(sequence<sequence<any>> arg);
- void passSequenceOfNullableSequenceOfAny(sequence<sequence<any>?> arg);
- void passNullableSequenceOfNullableSequenceOfAny(sequence<sequence<any>?>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableSequenceOfNullableSequenceOfAny(optional sequence<sequence<any>?>? arg);
- void passMozMapOfAny(MozMap<any> arg);
- void passNullableMozMapOfAny(MozMap<any>? arg);
- void passOptionalMozMapOfAny(optional MozMap<any> arg);
- void passOptionalNullableMozMapOfAny(optional MozMap<any>? arg);
- void passOptionalMozMapOfAnyWithDefaultValue(optional MozMap<any>? arg = null);
- void passMozMapOfMozMapOfAny(MozMap<MozMap<any>> arg);
- void passMozMapOfNullableMozMapOfAny(MozMap<MozMap<any>?> arg);
- void passNullableMozMapOfNullableMozMapOfAny(MozMap<MozMap<any>?>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableMozMapOfNullableMozMapOfAny(optional MozMap<MozMap<any>?>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableMozMapOfNullableSequenceOfAny(optional MozMap<sequence<any>?>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableSequenceOfNullableMozMapOfAny(optional sequence<MozMap<any>?>? arg);
- any receiveAny();
- // object types
- void passObject(object arg);
- void passVariadicObject(object... arg);
- void passNullableObject(object? arg);
- void passVariadicNullableObject(object... arg);
- void passOptionalObject(optional object arg);
- void passOptionalNullableObject(optional object? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableObjectWithDefaultValue(optional object? arg = null);
- void passSequenceOfObject(sequence<object> arg);
- void passSequenceOfNullableObject(sequence<object?> arg);
- void passNullableSequenceOfObject(sequence<object>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableSequenceOfNullableSequenceOfObject(optional sequence<sequence<object>?>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableSequenceOfNullableSequenceOfNullableObject(optional sequence<sequence<object?>?>? arg);
- void passMozMapOfObject(MozMap<object> arg);
- object receiveObject();
- object? receiveNullableObject();
- // Union types
- void passUnion((object or long) arg);
- // Some union tests are debug-only to avoid creating all those
- // unused union types in opt builds.
-#ifdef DEBUG
- void passUnion2((long or boolean) arg);
- void passUnion3((object or long or boolean) arg);
- void passUnion4((Node or long or boolean) arg);
- void passUnion5((object or boolean) arg);
- void passUnion6((object or DOMString) arg);
- void passUnion7((object or DOMString or long) arg);
- void passUnion8((object or DOMString or boolean) arg);
- void passUnion9((object or DOMString or long or boolean) arg);
- void passUnion10(optional (EventInit or long) arg);
- void passUnion11(optional (CustomEventInit or long) arg);
- void passUnion12(optional (EventInit or long) arg = 5);
- void passUnion13(optional (object or long?) arg = null);
- void passUnion14(optional (object or long?) arg = 5);
- void passUnion15((sequence<long> or long) arg);
- void passUnion16(optional (sequence<long> or long) arg);
- void passUnion17(optional (sequence<long>? or long) arg = 5);
- void passUnion18((sequence<object> or long) arg);
- void passUnion19(optional (sequence<object> or long) arg);
- void passUnion20(optional (sequence<object> or long) arg = []);
- void passUnion21((MozMap<long> or long) arg);
- void passUnion22((MozMap<object> or long) arg);
- void passUnion23((sequence<ImageData> or long) arg);
- void passUnion24((sequence<ImageData?> or long) arg);
- void passUnion25((sequence<sequence<ImageData>> or long) arg);
- void passUnion26((sequence<sequence<ImageData?>> or long) arg);
- void passUnion27(optional (sequence<DOMString> or EventInit) arg);
- void passUnion28(optional (EventInit or sequence<DOMString>) arg);
- void passUnionWithCallback((EventHandler or long) arg);
- void passUnionWithByteString((ByteString or long) arg);
- void passUnionWithMozMap((MozMap<DOMString> or DOMString) arg);
- void passUnionWithMozMapAndSequence((MozMap<DOMString> or sequence<DOMString>) arg);
- void passUnionWithSequenceAndMozMap((sequence<DOMString> or MozMap<DOMString>) arg);
- void passUnionWithSVS((USVString or long) arg);
- void passUnionWithNullable((object? or long) arg);
- void passNullableUnion((object or long)? arg);
- void passOptionalUnion(optional (object or long) arg);
- void passOptionalNullableUnion(optional (object or long)? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableUnionWithDefaultValue(optional (object or long)? arg = null);
- //void passUnionWithInterfaces((TestJSImplInterface or TestExternalInterface) arg);
- //void passUnionWithInterfacesAndNullable((TestJSImplInterface? or TestExternalInterface) arg);
- //void passUnionWithSequence((sequence<object> or long) arg);
- void passUnionWithArrayBuffer((ArrayBuffer or long) arg);
- void passUnionWithString((DOMString or object) arg);
- // Using an enum in a union. Note that we use some enum not declared in our
- // binding file, because UnionTypes.h will need to include the binding header
- // for this enum. Pick an enum from an interface that won't drag in too much
- // stuff.
- void passUnionWithEnum((SupportedType or object) arg);
- // Trying to use a callback in a union won't include the test
- // headers, unfortunately, so won't compile.
- // void passUnionWithCallback((MyTestCallback or long) arg);
- void passUnionWithObject((object or long) arg);
- //void passUnionWithDict((Dict or long) arg);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue1(optional (double or DOMString) arg = "");
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue2(optional (double or DOMString) arg = 1);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue3(optional (double or DOMString) arg = 1.5);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue4(optional (float or DOMString) arg = "");
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue5(optional (float or DOMString) arg = 1);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue6(optional (float or DOMString) arg = 1.5);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue7(optional (unrestricted double or DOMString) arg = "");
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue8(optional (unrestricted double or DOMString) arg = 1);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue9(optional (unrestricted double or DOMString) arg = 1.5);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue10(optional (unrestricted double or DOMString) arg = Infinity);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue11(optional (unrestricted float or DOMString) arg = "");
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue12(optional (unrestricted float or DOMString) arg = 1);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue13(optional (unrestricted float or DOMString) arg = Infinity);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue14(optional (double or ByteString) arg = "");
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue15(optional (double or ByteString) arg = 1);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue16(optional (double or ByteString) arg = 1.5);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue17(optional (double or SupportedType) arg = "text/html");
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue18(optional (double or SupportedType) arg = 1);
- void passUnionWithDefaultValue19(optional (double or SupportedType) arg = 1.5);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue1(optional (double or DOMString)? arg = "");
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue2(optional (double or DOMString)? arg = 1);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue3(optional (double or DOMString)? arg = null);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue4(optional (float or DOMString)? arg = "");
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue5(optional (float or DOMString)? arg = 1);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue6(optional (float or DOMString)? arg = null);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue7(optional (unrestricted double or DOMString)? arg = "");
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue8(optional (unrestricted double or DOMString)? arg = 1);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue9(optional (unrestricted double or DOMString)? arg = null);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue10(optional (unrestricted float or DOMString)? arg = "");
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue11(optional (unrestricted float or DOMString)? arg = 1);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue12(optional (unrestricted float or DOMString)? arg = null);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue13(optional (double or ByteString)? arg = "");
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue14(optional (double or ByteString)? arg = 1);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue15(optional (double or ByteString)? arg = 1.5);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue16(optional (double or ByteString)? arg = null);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue17(optional (double or SupportedType)? arg = "text/html");
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue18(optional (double or SupportedType)? arg = 1);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue19(optional (double or SupportedType)? arg = 1.5);
- void passNullableUnionWithDefaultValue20(optional (double or SupportedType)? arg = null);
- void passSequenceOfUnions(sequence<(CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient)> arg);
- void passSequenceOfUnions2(sequence<(object or long)> arg);
- void passVariadicUnion((CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient)... arg);
- void passSequenceOfNullableUnions(sequence<(CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient)?> arg);
- void passVariadicNullableUnion((CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient)?... arg);
- void passMozMapOfUnions(MozMap<(CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient)> arg);
- // XXXbz no move constructor on some unions
- // void passMozMapOfUnions2(MozMap<(object or long)> arg);
- (CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient) receiveUnion();
- (object or long) receiveUnion2();
- (CanvasPattern? or CanvasGradient) receiveUnionContainingNull();
- (CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient)? receiveNullableUnion();
- (object or long)? receiveNullableUnion2();
- attribute (CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient) writableUnion;
- attribute (CanvasPattern? or CanvasGradient) writableUnionContainingNull;
- attribute (CanvasPattern or CanvasGradient)? writableNullableUnion;
- // Date types
- void passDate(Date arg);
- void passNullableDate(Date? arg);
- void passOptionalDate(optional Date arg);
- void passOptionalNullableDate(optional Date? arg);
- void passOptionalNullableDateWithDefaultValue(optional Date? arg = null);
- void passDateSequence(sequence<Date> arg);
- void passNullableDateSequence(sequence<Date?> arg);
- void passDateMozMap(MozMap<Date> arg);
- Date receiveDate();
- Date? receiveNullableDate();
- // Promise types
- void passPromise(Promise<any> arg);
- void passNullablePromise(Promise<any>? arg);
- void passOptionalPromise(optional Promise<any> arg);
- void passOptionalNullablePromise(optional Promise<any>? arg);
- void passOptionalNullablePromiseWithDefaultValue(optional Promise<any>? arg = null);
- void passPromiseSequence(sequence<Promise<any>> arg);
- void passNullablePromiseSequence(sequence<Promise<any>?> arg);
- Promise<any> receivePromise();
- Promise<any> receiveAddrefedPromise();
- // binaryNames tests
- void methodRenamedFrom();
- [BinaryName="otherMethodRenamedTo"]
- void otherMethodRenamedFrom();
- void methodRenamedFrom(byte argument);
- readonly attribute byte attributeGetterRenamedFrom;
- attribute byte attributeRenamedFrom;
- [BinaryName="otherAttributeRenamedTo"]
- attribute byte otherAttributeRenamedFrom;
- void passDictionary(optional Dict x);
- void passDictionary2(Dict x);
- [Cached, Pure]
- readonly attribute Dict readonlyDictionary;
- [Cached, Pure]
- readonly attribute Dict? readonlyNullableDictionary;
- [Cached, Pure]
- attribute Dict writableDictionary;
- [Cached, Pure, Frozen]
- readonly attribute Dict readonlyFrozenDictionary;
- [Cached, Pure, Frozen]
- readonly attribute Dict? readonlyFrozenNullableDictionary;
- [Cached, Pure, Frozen]
- attribute Dict writableFrozenDictionary;
- Dict receiveDictionary();
- Dict? receiveNullableDictionary();
- void passOtherDictionary(optional GrandparentDict x);
- void passSequenceOfDictionaries(sequence<Dict> x);
- void passMozMapOfDictionaries(MozMap<GrandparentDict> x);
- // No support for nullable dictionaries inside a sequence (nor should there be)
- // void passSequenceOfNullableDictionaries(sequence<Dict?> x);
- void passDictionaryOrLong(optional Dict x);
- void passDictionaryOrLong(long x);
- void passDictContainingDict(optional DictContainingDict arg);
- void passDictContainingSequence(optional DictContainingSequence arg);
- DictContainingSequence receiveDictContainingSequence();
- void passVariadicDictionary(Dict... arg);
- // EnforceRange/Clamp tests
- void dontEnforceRangeOrClamp(byte arg);
- void doEnforceRange([EnforceRange] byte arg);
- void doClamp([Clamp] byte arg);
- [EnforceRange] attribute byte enforcedByte;
- [Clamp] attribute byte clampedByte;
- // Typedefs
- const myLong myLongConstant = 5;
- void exerciseTypedefInterfaces1(AnotherNameForTestJSImplInterface arg);
- AnotherNameForTestJSImplInterface exerciseTypedefInterfaces2(NullableTestJSImplInterface arg);
- void exerciseTypedefInterfaces3(YetAnotherNameForTestJSImplInterface arg);
- // Deprecated methods and attributes
- [Deprecated="GetAttributeNode"]
- attribute byte deprecatedAttribute;
- [Deprecated="GetAttributeNode"]
- byte deprecatedMethod();
- [Deprecated="GetAttributeNode"]
- void deprecatedMethodWithContext(any arg);
- // Static methods and attributes
- // FIXME: Bug 863952 Static things are not supported yet
- /*
- static attribute boolean staticAttribute;
- static void staticMethod(boolean arg);
- static void staticMethodWithContext(any arg);
- // Deprecated static methods and attributes
- [Deprecated="GetAttributeNode"]
- static attribute byte staticDeprecatedAttribute;
- [Deprecated="GetAttributeNode"]
- static byte staticDeprecatedMethod();
- [Deprecated="GetAttributeNode"]
- static byte staticDeprecatedMethodWithContext();
- */
- // Overload resolution tests
- //void overload1(DOMString... strs);
- boolean overload1(TestJSImplInterface arg);
- TestJSImplInterface overload1(DOMString strs, TestJSImplInterface arg);
- void overload2(TestJSImplInterface arg);
- void overload2(optional Dict arg);
- void overload2(boolean arg);
- void overload2(DOMString arg);
- void overload2(Date arg);
- void overload3(TestJSImplInterface arg);
- void overload3(MyTestCallback arg);
- void overload3(boolean arg);
- void overload4(TestJSImplInterface arg);
- void overload4(TestCallbackInterface arg);
- void overload4(DOMString arg);
- void overload5(long arg);
- void overload5(MyTestEnum arg);
- void overload6(long arg);
- void overload6(boolean arg);
- void overload7(long arg);
- void overload7(boolean arg);
- void overload7(ByteString arg);
- void overload8(long arg);
- void overload8(TestJSImplInterface arg);
- void overload9(long? arg);
- void overload9(DOMString arg);
- void overload10(long? arg);
- void overload10(object arg);
- void overload11(long arg);
- void overload11(DOMString? arg);
- void overload12(long arg);
- void overload12(boolean? arg);
- void overload13(long? arg);
- void overload13(boolean arg);
- void overload14(optional long arg);
- void overload14(TestInterface arg);
- void overload15(long arg);
- void overload15(optional TestInterface arg);
- void overload16(long arg);
- void overload16(optional TestInterface? arg);
- void overload17(sequence<long> arg);
- void overload17(MozMap<long> arg);
- void overload18(MozMap<DOMString> arg);
- void overload18(sequence<DOMString> arg);
- void overload19(sequence<long> arg);
- void overload19(optional Dict arg);
- void overload20(optional Dict arg);
- void overload20(sequence<long> arg);
- // Variadic handling
- void passVariadicThirdArg(DOMString arg1, long arg2, TestJSImplInterface... arg3);
- // Conditionally exposed methods/attributes
- [Pref="abc.def"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable1;
- [Pref="abc.def"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable2;
- [Pref="ghi.jkl"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable3;
- [Pref="ghi.jkl"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable4;
- [Pref="abc.def"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable5;
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable6;
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable7;
- [Pref="ghi.jkl", Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable8;
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable9;
- [Pref="abc.def"]
- void prefable10();
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
- void prefable11();
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable12;
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
- void prefable13();
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable14;
- [Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable15;
- [Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- readonly attribute boolean prefable16;
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- void prefable17();
- [Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- void prefable18();
- [Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- void prefable19();
- [Pref="abc.def", Func="TestFuncControlledMember", ChromeOnly]
- void prefable20();
- // Conditionally exposed methods/attributes involving [SecureContext]
- [SecureContext]
- readonly attribute boolean conditionalOnSecureContext1;
- [SecureContext, Pref="abc.def"]
- readonly attribute boolean conditionalOnSecureContext2;
- [SecureContext, Pref="abc.def", Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
- readonly attribute boolean conditionalOnSecureContext3;
- [SecureContext, Pref="abc.def", Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- readonly attribute boolean conditionalOnSecureContext4;
- [SecureContext]
- void conditionalOnSecureContext5();
- [SecureContext, Pref="abc.def"]
- void conditionalOnSecureContext6();
- [SecureContext, Pref="abc.def", Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
- void conditionalOnSecureContext7();
- [SecureContext, Pref="abc.def", Func="TestFuncControlledMember"]
- void conditionalOnSecureContext8();
- // Miscellania
- [LenientThis] attribute long attrWithLenientThis;
- // FIXME: Bug 863954 Unforgeable things get all confused when
- // non-JS-implemented interfaces inherit from JS-implemented ones or vice
- // versa.
- // [Unforgeable] readonly attribute long unforgeableAttr;
- // [Unforgeable, ChromeOnly] readonly attribute long unforgeableAttr2;
- // [Unforgeable] long unforgeableMethod();
- // [Unforgeable, ChromeOnly] long unforgeableMethod2();
- // FIXME: Bug 863955 No stringifiers yet
- // stringifier;
- void passRenamedInterface(TestRenamedInterface arg);
- [PutForwards=writableByte] readonly attribute TestJSImplInterface putForwardsAttr;
- [PutForwards=writableByte, LenientThis] readonly attribute TestJSImplInterface putForwardsAttr2;
- [PutForwards=writableByte, ChromeOnly] readonly attribute TestJSImplInterface putForwardsAttr3;
- [Throws] void throwingMethod();
- [Throws] attribute boolean throwingAttr;
- [GetterThrows] attribute boolean throwingGetterAttr;
- [SetterThrows] attribute boolean throwingSetterAttr;
- [CEReactions] void ceReactionsMethod();
- [CEReactions] void ceReactionsMethodOverload();
- [CEReactions] void ceReactionsMethodOverload(DOMString bar);
- [CEReactions] attribute boolean ceReactionsAttr;
- // NeedsSubjectPrincipal not supported on JS-implemented things for
- // now, because we always pass in the caller principal anyway.
- // [NeedsSubjectPrincipal] void needsSubjectPrincipalMethod();
- // [NeedsSubjectPrincipal] attribute boolean needsSubjectPrincipalAttr;
- // legacycaller short(unsigned long arg1, TestInterface arg2);
- void passArgsWithDefaults(optional long arg1,
- optional TestInterface? arg2 = null,
- optional Dict arg3, optional double arg4 = 5.0,
- optional float arg5);
- attribute any jsonifierShouldSkipThis;
- attribute TestParentInterface jsonifierShouldSkipThis2;
- attribute TestCallbackInterface jsonifierShouldSkipThis3;
- jsonifier;
- attribute byte dashed-attribute;
- void dashed-method();
- // If you add things here, add them to TestCodeGen as well
-[NavigatorProperty="TestNavigator", JSImplementation=";1"]
-interface TestNavigator {
-[Constructor, NavigatorProperty="TestNavigatorWithConstructor", JSImplementation=";1"]
-interface TestNavigatorWithConstructor {
-interface TestCImplementedInterface : TestJSImplInterface {
-interface TestCImplementedInterface2 {
- JSImplementation=";2"]
-interface TestJSImplNoInterfaceObject {
- [Cached, Pure]
- readonly attribute byte cachedByte;