path: root/devtools/server/tests/unit/head_dbg.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /devtools/server/tests/unit/head_dbg.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/server/tests/unit/head_dbg.js')
1 files changed, 862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/server/tests/unit/head_dbg.js b/devtools/server/tests/unit/head_dbg.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57d0eb8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/server/tests/unit/head_dbg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+var Cc = Components.classes;
+var Ci = Components.interfaces;
+var Cu = Components.utils;
+var Cr = Components.results;
+var CC = Components.Constructor;
+// Populate AppInfo before anything (like the shared loader) accesses
+// System.appinfo, which is a lazy getter.
+const _appInfo = {};
+Cu.import("resource://testing-common/AppInfo.jsm", _appInfo);
+ ID: "",
+ name: "devtools-tests",
+ version: "1",
+ platformVersion: "42",
+ crashReporter: true,
+const { require, loader } = Cu.import("resource://devtools/shared/Loader.jsm", {});
+const { worker } = Cu.import("resource://devtools/shared/worker/loader.js", {});
+const promise = require("promise");
+const { Task } = require("devtools/shared/task");
+const { console } = require("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm");
+const { NetUtil } = require("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");
+const Services = require("Services");
+// Always log packets when running tests. will throw
+// the output away anyway, unless you give it the --verbose flag.
+Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", true);
+// Enable remote debugging for the relevant tests.
+Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", true);
+const DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils");
+const { DebuggerServer } = require("devtools/server/main");
+const { DebuggerServer: WorkerDebuggerServer } = worker.require("devtools/server/main");
+const { DebuggerClient, ObjectClient } = require("devtools/shared/client/main");
+const { MemoryFront } = require("devtools/shared/fronts/memory");
+const { addDebuggerToGlobal } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/jsdebugger.jsm", {});
+const systemPrincipal = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIPrincipal);
+var loadSubScript = Cc[
+ ";1"
+ * Initializes any test that needs to work with add-ons.
+ */
+function startupAddonsManager() {
+ // Create a directory for extensions.
+ const profileDir = do_get_profile().clone();
+ profileDir.append("extensions");
+ const internalManager = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIObserver)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsITimerCallback);
+ internalManager.observe(null, "addons-startup", null);
+ * Create a `run_test` function that runs the given generator in a task after
+ * having attached to a memory actor. When done, the memory actor is detached
+ * from, the client is finished, and the test is finished.
+ *
+ * @param {GeneratorFunction} testGeneratorFunction
+ * The generator function is passed (DebuggerClient, MemoryFront)
+ * arguments.
+ *
+ * @returns `run_test` function
+ */
+function makeMemoryActorTest(testGeneratorFunction) {
+ const TEST_GLOBAL_NAME = "test_MemoryActor";
+ return function run_test() {
+ do_test_pending();
+ startTestDebuggerServer(TEST_GLOBAL_NAME).then(client => {
+ DebuggerServer.registerModule("devtools/server/actors/heap-snapshot-file", {
+ prefix: "heapSnapshotFile",
+ constructor: "HeapSnapshotFileActor",
+ type: { global: true }
+ });
+ getTestTab(client, TEST_GLOBAL_NAME, function (tabForm, rootForm) {
+ if (!tabForm || !rootForm) {
+ ok(false, "Could not attach to test tab: " + TEST_GLOBAL_NAME);
+ return;
+ }
+ Task.spawn(function* () {
+ try {
+ const memoryFront = new MemoryFront(client, tabForm, rootForm);
+ yield memoryFront.attach();
+ yield* testGeneratorFunction(client, memoryFront);
+ yield memoryFront.detach();
+ } catch (err) {
+ DevToolsUtils.reportException("makeMemoryActorTest", err);
+ ok(false, "Got an error: " + err);
+ }
+ finishClient(client);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ * Save as makeMemoryActorTest but attaches the MemoryFront to the MemoryActor
+ * scoped to the full runtime rather than to a tab.
+ */
+function makeFullRuntimeMemoryActorTest(testGeneratorFunction) {
+ return function run_test() {
+ do_test_pending();
+ startTestDebuggerServer("test_MemoryActor").then(client => {
+ DebuggerServer.registerModule("devtools/server/actors/heap-snapshot-file", {
+ prefix: "heapSnapshotFile",
+ constructor: "HeapSnapshotFileActor",
+ type: { global: true }
+ });
+ getChromeActors(client).then(function (form) {
+ if (!form) {
+ ok(false, "Could not attach to chrome actors");
+ return;
+ }
+ Task.spawn(function* () {
+ try {
+ const rootForm = yield listTabs(client);
+ const memoryFront = new MemoryFront(client, form, rootForm);
+ yield memoryFront.attach();
+ yield* testGeneratorFunction(client, memoryFront);
+ yield memoryFront.detach();
+ } catch (err) {
+ DevToolsUtils.reportException("makeMemoryActorTest", err);
+ ok(false, "Got an error: " + err);
+ }
+ finishClient(client);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ };
+function createTestGlobal(name) {
+ let sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(
+ Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIPrincipal)
+ );
+ sandbox.__name = name;
+ return sandbox;
+function connect(client) {
+ dump("Connecting client.\n");
+ return client.connect();
+function close(client) {
+ dump("Closing client.\n");
+ return client.close();
+function listTabs(client) {
+ dump("Listing tabs.\n");
+ return client.listTabs();
+function findTab(tabs, title) {
+ dump("Finding tab with title '" + title + "'.\n");
+ for (let tab of tabs) {
+ if (tab.title === title) {
+ return tab;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+function attachTab(client, tab) {
+ dump("Attaching to tab with title '" + tab.title + "'.\n");
+ return client.attachTab(;
+function waitForNewSource(threadClient, url) {
+ dump("Waiting for new source with url '" + url + "'.\n");
+ return waitForEvent(threadClient, "newSource", function (packet) {
+ return packet.source.url === url;
+ });
+function attachThread(tabClient, options = {}) {
+ dump("Attaching to thread.\n");
+ return tabClient.attachThread(options);
+function resume(threadClient) {
+ dump("Resuming thread.\n");
+ return threadClient.resume();
+function getSources(threadClient) {
+ dump("Getting sources.\n");
+ return threadClient.getSources();
+function findSource(sources, url) {
+ dump("Finding source with url '" + url + "'.\n");
+ for (let source of sources) {
+ if (source.url === url) {
+ return source;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+function waitForPause(threadClient) {
+ dump("Waiting for pause.\n");
+ return waitForEvent(threadClient, "paused");
+function setBreakpoint(sourceClient, location) {
+ dump("Setting breakpoint.\n");
+ return sourceClient.setBreakpoint(location);
+function dumpn(msg) {
+ dump("DBG-TEST: " + msg + "\n");
+function testExceptionHook(ex) {
+ try {
+ do_report_unexpected_exception(ex);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ return {throw: ex};
+ }
+ return undefined;
+// Convert an nsIScriptError 'aFlags' value into an appropriate string.
+function scriptErrorFlagsToKind(aFlags) {
+ var kind;
+ if (aFlags & Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag)
+ kind = "warning";
+ if (aFlags & Ci.nsIScriptError.exceptionFlag)
+ kind = "exception";
+ else
+ kind = "error";
+ if (aFlags & Ci.nsIScriptError.strictFlag)
+ kind = "strict " + kind;
+ return kind;
+// Register a console listener, so console messages don't just disappear
+// into the ether.
+var errorCount = 0;
+var listener = {
+ observe: function (aMessage) {
+ try {
+ errorCount++;
+ try {
+ // If we've been given an nsIScriptError, then we can print out
+ // something nicely formatted, for tools like Emacs to pick up.
+ var scriptError = aMessage.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIScriptError);
+ dumpn(aMessage.sourceName + ":" + aMessage.lineNumber + ": " +
+ scriptErrorFlagsToKind(aMessage.flags) + ": " +
+ aMessage.errorMessage);
+ var string = aMessage.errorMessage;
+ } catch (x) {
+ // Be a little paranoid with message, as the whole goal here is to lose
+ // no information.
+ try {
+ var string = "" + aMessage.message;
+ } catch (x) {
+ var string = "<error converting error message to string>";
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure we exit all nested event loops so that the test can finish.
+ while (DebuggerServer
+ && DebuggerServer.xpcInspector
+ && DebuggerServer.xpcInspector.eventLoopNestLevel > 0) {
+ DebuggerServer.xpcInspector.exitNestedEventLoop();
+ }
+ // In the world before bug 997440, exceptions were getting lost because of
+ // the arbitrary JSContext being used in nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod.
+ // In the new world, the wanderers have returned. However, because of the,
+ // currently very-broken, exception reporting machinery in
+ // XPCWrappedJSClass these get reported as errors to the console, even if
+ // there's actually JS on the stack above that will catch them. If we
+ // throw an error here because of them our tests start failing. So, we'll
+ // just dump the message to the logs instead, to make sure the information
+ // isn't lost.
+ dumpn("head_dbg.js observed a console message: " + string);
+ } catch (_) {
+ // Swallow everything to avoid console reentrancy errors. We did our best
+ // to log above, but apparently that didn't cut it.
+ }
+ }
+var consoleService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService);
+function check_except(func)
+ try {
+ func();
+ } catch (e) {
+ do_check_true(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ dumpn("Should have thrown an exception: " + func.toString());
+ do_check_true(false);
+function testGlobal(aName) {
+ let systemPrincipal = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIPrincipal);
+ let sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(systemPrincipal);
+ sandbox.__name = aName;
+ return sandbox;
+function addTestGlobal(aName, aServer = DebuggerServer)
+ let global = testGlobal(aName);
+ aServer.addTestGlobal(global);
+ return global;
+// List the DebuggerClient |aClient|'s tabs, look for one whose title is
+// |aTitle|, and apply |aCallback| to the packet's entry for that tab.
+function getTestTab(aClient, aTitle, aCallback) {
+ aClient.listTabs(function (aResponse) {
+ for (let tab of aResponse.tabs) {
+ if (tab.title === aTitle) {
+ aCallback(tab, aResponse);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ aCallback(null);
+ });
+// Attach to |aClient|'s tab whose title is |aTitle|; pass |aCallback| the
+// response packet and a TabClient instance referring to that tab.
+function attachTestTab(aClient, aTitle, aCallback) {
+ getTestTab(aClient, aTitle, function (aTab) {
+ aClient.attachTab(, aCallback);
+ });
+// Attach to |aClient|'s tab whose title is |aTitle|, and then attach to
+// that tab's thread. Pass |aCallback| the thread attach response packet, a
+// TabClient referring to the tab, and a ThreadClient referring to the
+// thread.
+function attachTestThread(aClient, aTitle, aCallback) {
+ attachTestTab(aClient, aTitle, function (aTabResponse, aTabClient) {
+ function onAttach(aResponse, aThreadClient) {
+ aCallback(aResponse, aTabClient, aThreadClient, aTabResponse);
+ }
+ aTabClient.attachThread({
+ useSourceMaps: true,
+ autoBlackBox: true
+ }, onAttach);
+ });
+// Attach to |aClient|'s tab whose title is |aTitle|, attach to the tab's
+// thread, and then resume it. Pass |aCallback| the thread's response to
+// the 'resume' packet, a TabClient for the tab, and a ThreadClient for the
+// thread.
+function attachTestTabAndResume(aClient, aTitle, aCallback = () => {}) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ attachTestThread(aClient, aTitle, function (aResponse, aTabClient, aThreadClient) {
+ aThreadClient.resume(function (aResponse) {
+ aCallback(aResponse, aTabClient, aThreadClient);
+ resolve([aResponse, aTabClient, aThreadClient]);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ * Initialize the testing debugger server.
+ */
+function initTestDebuggerServer(aServer = DebuggerServer)
+ aServer.registerModule("xpcshell-test/testactors");
+ // Allow incoming connections.
+ aServer.init(function () { return true; });
+ * Initialize the testing debugger server with a tab whose title is |title|.
+ */
+function startTestDebuggerServer(title, server = DebuggerServer) {
+ initTestDebuggerServer(server);
+ addTestGlobal(title);
+ DebuggerServer.addTabActors();
+ let transport = DebuggerServer.connectPipe();
+ let client = new DebuggerClient(transport);
+ return connect(client).then(() => client);
+function finishClient(aClient)
+ aClient.close(function () {
+ DebuggerServer.destroy();
+ do_test_finished();
+ });
+// Create a server, connect to it and fetch tab actors for the parent process;
+// pass |aCallback| the debugger client and tab actor form with all actor IDs.
+function get_chrome_actors(callback)
+ if (!DebuggerServer.initialized) {
+ DebuggerServer.init();
+ DebuggerServer.addBrowserActors();
+ }
+ DebuggerServer.allowChromeProcess = true;
+ let client = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe());
+ client.connect()
+ .then(() => client.getProcess())
+ .then(response => {
+ callback(client, response.form);
+ });
+function getChromeActors(client, server = DebuggerServer) {
+ server.allowChromeProcess = true;
+ return client.getProcess().then(response => response.form);
+ * Takes a relative file path and returns the absolute file url for it.
+ */
+function getFileUrl(aName, aAllowMissing = false) {
+ let file = do_get_file(aName, aAllowMissing);
+ return;
+ * Returns the full path of the file with the specified name in a
+ * platform-independent and URL-like form.
+ */
+function getFilePath(aName, aAllowMissing = false, aUsePlatformPathSeparator = false)
+ let file = do_get_file(aName, aAllowMissing);
+ let path =;
+ let filePrePath = "file://";
+ if ("nsILocalFileWin" in Ci &&
+ file instanceof Ci.nsILocalFileWin) {
+ filePrePath += "/";
+ }
+ path = path.slice(filePrePath.length);
+ if (aUsePlatformPathSeparator && path.match(/^\w:/)) {
+ path = path.replace(/\//g, "\\");
+ }
+ return path;
+ * Returns the full text contents of the given file.
+ */
+function readFile(aFileName) {
+ let f = do_get_file(aFileName);
+ let s = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
+ s.init(f, -1, -1, false);
+ try {
+ return NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(s, s.available());
+ } finally {
+ s.close();
+ }
+function writeFile(aFileName, aContent) {
+ let file = do_get_file(aFileName, true);
+ let stream = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
+ stream.init(file, -1, -1, 0);
+ try {
+ do {
+ let numWritten = stream.write(aContent, aContent.length);
+ aContent = aContent.slice(numWritten);
+ } while (aContent.length > 0);
+ } finally {
+ stream.close();
+ }
+function connectPipeTracing() {
+ return new TracingTransport(DebuggerServer.connectPipe());
+function TracingTransport(childTransport) {
+ this.hooks = null;
+ this.child = childTransport;
+ this.child.hooks = this;
+ this.expectations = [];
+ this.packets = [];
+ this.checkIndex = 0;
+TracingTransport.prototype = {
+ // Remove actor names
+ normalize: function (packet) {
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(packet, (key, value) => {
+ if (key === "to" || key === "from" || key === "actor") {
+ return "<actorid>";
+ }
+ return value;
+ }));
+ },
+ send: function (packet) {
+ this.packets.push({
+ type: "sent",
+ packet: this.normalize(packet)
+ });
+ return this.child.send(packet);
+ },
+ close: function () {
+ return this.child.close();
+ },
+ ready: function () {
+ return this.child.ready();
+ },
+ onPacket: function (packet) {
+ this.packets.push({
+ type: "received",
+ packet: this.normalize(packet)
+ });
+ this.hooks.onPacket(packet);
+ },
+ onClosed: function () {
+ this.hooks.onClosed();
+ },
+ expectSend: function (expected) {
+ let packet = this.packets[this.checkIndex++];
+ do_check_eq(packet.type, "sent");
+ deepEqual(packet.packet, this.normalize(expected));
+ },
+ expectReceive: function (expected) {
+ let packet = this.packets[this.checkIndex++];
+ do_check_eq(packet.type, "received");
+ deepEqual(packet.packet, this.normalize(expected));
+ },
+ // Write your tests, call dumpLog at the end, inspect the output,
+ // then sprinkle the calls through the right places in your test.
+ dumpLog: function () {
+ for (let entry of this.packets) {
+ if (entry.type === "sent") {
+ dumpn("trace.expectSend(" + entry.packet + ");");
+ } else {
+ dumpn("trace.expectReceive(" + entry.packet + ");");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function StubTransport() { }
+StubTransport.prototype.ready = function () {};
+StubTransport.prototype.send = function () {};
+StubTransport.prototype.close = function () {};
+function executeSoon(aFunc) {
+ run: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(aFunc)
+ }, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
+// The do_check_* family of functions expect their last argument to be an
+// optional stack object. Unfortunately, most tests actually pass a in a string
+// containing an error message instead, which causes error reporting to break if
+// strict warnings as errors is turned on. To avoid this, we wrap these
+// functions here below to ensure the correct number of arguments is passed.
+// TODO: Remove this once bug 906232 is resolved
+var do_check_true_old = do_check_true;
+var do_check_true = function (condition) {
+ do_check_true_old(condition);
+var do_check_false_old = do_check_false;
+var do_check_false = function (condition) {
+ do_check_false_old(condition);
+var do_check_eq_old = do_check_eq;
+var do_check_eq = function (left, right) {
+ do_check_eq_old(left, right);
+var do_check_neq_old = do_check_neq;
+var do_check_neq = function (left, right) {
+ do_check_neq_old(left, right);
+var do_check_matches_old = do_check_matches;
+var do_check_matches = function (pattern, value) {
+ do_check_matches_old(pattern, value);
+// Create async version of the object where calling each method
+// is equivalent of calling it with asyncall. Mainly useful for
+// destructuring objects with methods that take callbacks.
+const Async = target => new Proxy(target, Async);
+Async.get = (target, name) =>
+ typeof (target[name]) === "function" ? asyncall.bind(null, target[name], target) :
+ target[name];
+// Calls async function that takes callback and errorback and returns
+// returns promise representing result.
+const asyncall = (fn, self, ...args) =>
+ new Promise((...etc) =>, ...args, ...etc));
+const Test = task => () => {
+ add_task(task);
+ run_next_test();
+const assert = do_check_true;
+ * Create a promise that is resolved on the next occurence of the given event.
+ *
+ * @param DebuggerClient client
+ * @param String event
+ * @param Function predicate
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function waitForEvent(client, type, predicate) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ function listener(type, packet) {
+ if (!predicate(packet)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ client.removeListener(listener);
+ resolve(packet);
+ }
+ if (predicate) {
+ client.addListener(type, listener);
+ } else {
+ client.addOneTimeListener(type, function (type, packet) {
+ resolve(packet);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ * Execute the action on the next tick and return a promise that is resolved on
+ * the next pause.
+ *
+ * When using promises and Task.jsm, we often want to do an action that causes a
+ * pause and continue the task once the pause has ocurred. Unfortunately, if we
+ * do the action that causes the pause within the task's current tick we will
+ * pause before we have a chance to yield the promise that waits for the pause
+ * and we enter a dead lock. The solution is to create the promise that waits
+ * for the pause, schedule the action to run on the next tick of the event loop,
+ * and finally yield the promise.
+ *
+ * @param Function action
+ * @param DebuggerClient client
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function executeOnNextTickAndWaitForPause(action, client) {
+ const paused = waitForPause(client);
+ executeSoon(action);
+ return paused;
+ * Interrupt JS execution for the specified thread.
+ *
+ * @param ThreadClient threadClient
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function interrupt(threadClient) {
+ dumpn("Interrupting.");
+ return threadClient.interrupt();
+ * Resume JS execution for the specified thread and then wait for the next pause
+ * event.
+ *
+ * @param DebuggerClient client
+ * @param ThreadClient threadClient
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function resumeAndWaitForPause(client, threadClient) {
+ const paused = waitForPause(client);
+ return resume(threadClient).then(() => paused);
+ * Resume JS execution for a single step and wait for the pause after the step
+ * has been taken.
+ *
+ * @param DebuggerClient client
+ * @param ThreadClient threadClient
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function stepIn(client, threadClient) {
+ dumpn("Stepping in.");
+ const paused = waitForPause(client);
+ return threadClient.stepIn()
+ .then(() => paused);
+ * Resume JS execution for a step over and wait for the pause after the step
+ * has been taken.
+ *
+ * @param DebuggerClient client
+ * @param ThreadClient threadClient
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function stepOver(client, threadClient) {
+ dumpn("Stepping over.");
+ return threadClient.stepOver()
+ .then(() => waitForPause(client));
+ * Get the list of `count` frames currently on stack, starting at the index
+ * `first` for the specified thread.
+ *
+ * @param ThreadClient threadClient
+ * @param Number first
+ * @param Number count
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function getFrames(threadClient, first, count) {
+ dumpn("Getting frames.");
+ return threadClient.getFrames(first, count);
+ * Black box the specified source.
+ *
+ * @param SourceClient sourceClient
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function blackBox(sourceClient) {
+ dumpn("Black boxing source: " +;
+ return sourceClient.blackBox();
+ * Stop black boxing the specified source.
+ *
+ * @param SourceClient sourceClient
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function unBlackBox(sourceClient) {
+ dumpn("Un-black boxing source: " +;
+ return sourceClient.unblackBox();
+ * Perform a "source" RDP request with the given SourceClient to get the source
+ * content and content type.
+ *
+ * @param SourceClient sourceClient
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function getSourceContent(sourceClient) {
+ dumpn("Getting source content for " +;
+ return sourceClient.source();
+ * Get a source at the specified url.
+ *
+ * @param ThreadClient threadClient
+ * @param string url
+ * @returns Promise<SourceClient>
+ */
+function getSource(threadClient, url) {
+ let deferred = promise.defer();
+ threadClient.getSources((res) => {
+ let source = res.sources.filter(function (s) {
+ return s.url === url;
+ });
+ if (source.length) {
+ deferred.resolve(threadClient.source(source[0]));
+ }
+ else {
+ deferred.reject(new Error("source not found"));
+ }
+ });
+ return deferred.promise;
+ * Do a fake reload which clears the thread debugger
+ *
+ * @param TabClient tabClient
+ * @returns Promise<response>
+ */
+function reload(tabClient) {
+ let deferred = promise.defer();
+ tabClient._reload({}, deferred.resolve);
+ return deferred.promise;
+ * Returns an array of stack location strings given a thread and a sample.
+ *
+ * @param object thread
+ * @param object sample
+ * @returns object
+ */
+function getInflatedStackLocations(thread, sample) {
+ let stackTable = thread.stackTable;
+ let frameTable = thread.frameTable;
+ let stringTable = thread.stringTable;
+ let SAMPLE_STACK_SLOT = thread.samples.schema.stack;
+ let STACK_PREFIX_SLOT = stackTable.schema.prefix;
+ let STACK_FRAME_SLOT = stackTable.schema.frame;
+ let FRAME_LOCATION_SLOT = frameTable.schema.location;
+ // Build the stack from the raw data and accumulate the locations in
+ // an array.
+ let stackIndex = sample[SAMPLE_STACK_SLOT];
+ let locations = [];
+ while (stackIndex !== null) {
+ let stackEntry =[stackIndex];
+ let frame =[stackEntry[STACK_FRAME_SLOT]];
+ locations.push(stringTable[frame[FRAME_LOCATION_SLOT]]);
+ stackIndex = stackEntry[STACK_PREFIX_SLOT];
+ }
+ // The profiler tree is inverted, so reverse the array.
+ return locations.reverse();