path: root/devtools/server/actors/highlighters.css
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /devtools/server/actors/highlighters.css
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/server/actors/highlighters.css')
1 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/server/actors/highlighters.css b/devtools/server/actors/highlighters.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87375ea36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/server/actors/highlighters.css
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+ The :-moz-native-anonymous selector prefix prevents the styles defined here
+ from impacting web content. Indeed, this pseudo-class is only available to chrome code.
+ This stylesheet is loaded as a ua stylesheet via the addon sdk, so having this
+ pseudo-class is important.
+ Having bug 1086532 fixed would make it possible to load this stylesheet in a
+ <style scoped> node instead, directly in the native anonymous container
+ element.
+ A specific selector should still be specified to avoid impacting non-devtools
+ chrome content.
+:-moz-native-anonymous .highlighter-container {
+ /*
+ Content CSS applying to the html element impact the highlighters.
+ To avoid that, possible cases have been set to initial.
+ */
+ text-transform: initial;
+ text-indent: initial;
+ letter-spacing: initial;
+ word-spacing: initial;
+ color: initial;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .highlighter-container {
+ --highlighter-guide-color: #08c;
+ --highlighter-content-color: #87ceeb;
+ --highlighter-bubble-text-color: hsl(216, 33%, 97%);
+ --highlighter-bubble-background-color: hsl(214, 13%, 24%);
+ --highlighter-bubble-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .highlighter-container {
+ position: fixed;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ /* The container for all highlighters doesn't react to pointer-events by
+ default. This is because most highlighters cover the whole viewport but
+ don't contain UIs that need to be accessed.
+ If your highlighter has UI that needs to be interacted with, add
+ 'pointer-events:auto;' on its container element. */
+ pointer-events: none;
+:-moz-native-anonymous {
+ /* Make the box-model container have a z-index other than auto so it always sits above
+ other highlighters. */
+ z-index: 1;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .highlighter-container [hidden] {
+ display: none;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .highlighter-container [dragging] {
+ cursor: grabbing;
+/* Box Model Highlighter */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-regions {
+ opacity: 0.6;
+/* Box model regions can be faded (see the onlyRegionArea option in
+ highlighters.js) in order to only display certain regions. */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-regions [faded] {
+ display: none;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-content {
+ fill: var(--highlighter-content-color);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-padding {
+ fill: #6a5acd;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-border {
+ fill: #444444;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-margin {
+ fill: #edff64;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-content,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-padding,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-border,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-margin {
+ stroke: none;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-guide-top,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-guide-right,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-guide-bottom,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-guide-left {
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ stroke-dasharray: 5 3;
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+/* Highlighter - Infobar */
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container] {
+ position: absolute;
+ max-width: 95%;
+ font: message-box;
+ font-size: 11px;
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar] {
+ position: relative;
+ /* Centering the infobar in the container */
+ left: -50%;
+ padding: 5px;
+ min-width: 75px;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ background: var(--highlighter-bubble-background-color) no-repeat padding-box;
+ color: var(--highlighter-bubble-text-color);
+ text-shadow: none;
+ border: 1px solid var(--highlighter-bubble-border-color);
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container][hide-arrow] > [class$=infobar] {
+ margin: 7px 0;
+/* Arrows */
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container] > [class$=infobar]:before {
+ left: calc(50% - 8px);
+ border: 8px solid var(--highlighter-bubble-border-color);
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container] > [class$=infobar]:after {
+ left: calc(50% - 7px);
+ border: 7px solid var(--highlighter-bubble-background-color);
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container] > [class$=infobar]:before,
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container] > [class$=infobar]:after {
+ content: "";
+ display: none;
+ position: absolute;
+ height: 0;
+ width: 0;
+ border-left-color: transparent;
+ border-right-color: transparent;
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container][position="top"]:not([hide-arrow]) > [class$=infobar]:before,
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container][position="top"]:not([hide-arrow]) > [class$=infobar]:after {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ top: 100%;
+ display: block;
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container][position="bottom"]:not([hide-arrow]) > [class$=infobar]:before,
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-container][position="bottom"]:not([hide-arrow]) > [class$=infobar]:after {
+ border-top: 0;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ display: block;
+/* Text Container */
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-text] {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ direction: ltr;
+ padding-bottom: 1px;
+ display: flex;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-infobar-tagname {
+ color: hsl(285,100%, 75%);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-infobar-id {
+ color: hsl(103, 46%, 54%);
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-infobar-classes,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .box-model-infobar-pseudo-classes {
+ color: hsl(200, 74%, 57%);
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+:-moz-native-anonymous [class$=infobar-dimensions] {
+ color: hsl(210, 30%, 85%);
+ border-inline-start: 1px solid #5a6169;
+ margin-inline-start: 6px;
+ padding-inline-start: 6px;
+/* CSS Grid Highlighter */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-grid-canvas {
+ position: absolute;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-grid-regions {
+ opacity: 0.6;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-grid-areas {
+ fill: #CEC0ED;
+ stroke: none;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-grid-infobar-areaname {
+ color: hsl(285,100%, 75%);
+/* CSS Transform Highlighter */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-transform-transformed {
+ fill: var(--highlighter-content-color);
+ opacity: 0.8;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-transform-untransformed {
+ fill: #66cc52;
+ opacity: 0.8;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-transform-transformed,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-transform-untransformed,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .css-transform-line {
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ stroke-dasharray: 5 3;
+ stroke-width: 2;
+/* Rect Highlighter */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .highlighted-rect {
+ position: absolute;
+ background: var(--highlighter-content-color);
+ opacity: 0.8;
+/* Element Geometry Highlighter */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-root {
+ /* The geometry editor can be interacted with, so it needs to react to
+ pointer events */
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-offset-parent {
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+ stroke-dasharray: 5 3;
+ fill: transparent;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-current-node {
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ fill: var(--highlighter-content-color);
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+ opacity: 0.6;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-arrow {
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-root circle {
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ fill: var(--highlighter-content-color);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-handler-top,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-handler-bottom {
+ cursor: ns-resize;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-handler-right,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-handler-left {
+ cursor: ew-resize;
+:-moz-native-anonymous [dragging] .geometry-editor-handler-top,
+:-moz-native-anonymous [dragging] .geometry-editor-handler-right,
+:-moz-native-anonymous [dragging] .geometry-editor-handler-bottom,
+:-moz-native-anonymous [dragging] .geometry-editor-handler-left {
+ cursor: grabbing;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-handler-top.dragging,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-handler-right.dragging,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-handler-bottom.dragging,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-handler-left.dragging {
+ fill: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-label-bubble {
+ fill: var(--highlighter-bubble-background-color);
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .geometry-editor-label-text {
+ fill: var(--highlighter-bubble-text-color);
+ font: message-box;
+ font-size: 10px;
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ dominant-baseline: middle;
+/* Rulers Highlighter */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-elements {
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-elements > g {
+ opacity: 0.8;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-elements > g > rect {
+ fill: #fff;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-ruler-graduations {
+ stroke: #bebebe;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-ruler-markers {
+ stroke: #202020;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-horizontal-labels > text,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-vertical-labels > text {
+ stroke: none;
+ fill: #202020;
+ font: message-box;
+ font-size: 9px;
+ dominant-baseline: hanging;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-horizontal-labels > text {
+ text-anchor: start;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .rulers-highlighter-vertical-labels > text {
+ transform: rotate(-90deg);
+ text-anchor: end;
+/* Measuring Tool Highlighter */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-root {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ cursor: crosshair;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-root path {
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+ fill: rgba(135, 206, 235, 0.6);
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ pointer-events: none;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .dragging path {
+ fill: rgba(135, 206, 235, 0.6);
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ opacity: 0.45;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-label-size,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-label-position {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ padding: 4px;
+ white-space: pre-line;
+ font: message-box;
+ font-size: 10px;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-label-position {
+ color: #fff;
+ background: hsla(214, 13%, 24%, 0.8);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-label-size {
+ color: var(--highlighter-bubble-text-color);
+ background: var(--highlighter-bubble-background-color);
+ border: 1px solid var(--highlighter-bubble-border-color);
+ line-height: 1.5em;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-guide-top,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-guide-right,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-guide-bottom,
+:-moz-native-anonymous .measuring-tool-highlighter-guide-left {
+ stroke: var(--highlighter-guide-color);
+ stroke-dasharray: 5 3;
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+/* Eye Dropper */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-root {
+ --magnifier-width: 96px;
+ --magnifier-height: 96px;
+ /* Width accounts for all color formats (hsl being the longest) */
+ --label-width: 160px;
+ --label-height: 23px;
+ --color: #e0e0e0;
+ position: absolute;
+ /* Tool start position. This should match the X/Y defines in JS */
+ top: 100px;
+ left: 100px;
+ /* Prevent interacting with the page when hovering and clicking */
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ /* Offset the UI so it is centered around the pointer */
+ transform: translate(
+ calc(var(--magnifier-width) / -2), calc(var(--magnifier-height) / -2));
+ filter: drop-shadow(0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.4));
+ /* We don't need the UI to be reversed in RTL locales, otherwise the # would appear
+ to the right of the hex code. Force LTR */
+ direction: ltr;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-canvas {
+ image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
+ cursor: none;
+ width: var(--magnifier-width);
+ height: var(--magnifier-height);
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px var(--color);
+ display: block;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-color-container {
+ background-color: var(--color);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ width: var(--label-width);
+ height: var(--label-height);
+ position: relative;
+ --label-horizontal-center:
+ translateX(calc((var(--magnifier-width) - var(--label-width)) / 2));
+ --label-horizontal-left:
+ translateX(calc((-1 * var(--label-width) + var(--magnifier-width) / 2)));
+ --label-horizontal-right:
+ translateX(calc(var(--magnifier-width) / 2));
+ --label-vertical-top:
+ translateY(calc((-1 * var(--magnifier-height)) - var(--label-height)));
+ /* By default the color label container sits below the canvas.
+ Here we just center it horizontally */
+ transform: var(--label-horizontal-center);
+ transition: transform .1s ease-in-out;
+/* If there isn't enough space below the canvas, we move the label container to the top */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-root[top] .eye-dropper-color-container {
+ transform: var(--label-horizontal-center) var(--label-vertical-top);
+/* If there isn't enough space right of the canvas to horizontally center the label
+ container, offset it to the left */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-root[left] .eye-dropper-color-container {
+ transform: var(--label-horizontal-left);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-root[left][top] .eye-dropper-color-container {
+ transform: var(--label-horizontal-left) var(--label-vertical-top);
+/* If there isn't enough space left of the canvas to horizontally center the label
+ container, offset it to the right */
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-root[right] .eye-dropper-color-container {
+ transform: var(--label-horizontal-right);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-root[right][top] .eye-dropper-color-container {
+ transform: var(--label-horizontal-right) var(--label-vertical-top);
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-color-preview {
+ width: 16px;
+ height: 16px;
+ position: absolute;
+ offset-inline-start: 3px;
+ offset-block-start: 3px;
+ box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px black;
+ border: solid 1px #fff;
+:-moz-native-anonymous .eye-dropper-color-value {
+ text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff;
+ font: message-box;
+ font-size: 11px;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 4px 0;