path: root/devtools/client/webide/test/device_front_shared.js
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2019-08-18 16:25:15 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2019-08-18 16:26:16 +0200
commit202296d02aa99afa90581333ab059c050b9c3ade (patch)
tree6ed8a1289bed1bb06d2703ea77cba5fccd3bdffa /devtools/client/webide/test/device_front_shared.js
parent1530f48c27fb13d7cbd2708c9f0fcf2dabc6ed6a (diff)
parentab6242a93b849b0a3c7525b16bc01dd3172fc167 (diff)
Pull Basilisk-release forward.
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/client/webide/test/device_front_shared.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/client/webide/test/device_front_shared.js b/devtools/client/webide/test/device_front_shared.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ddb5df21..000000000
--- a/devtools/client/webide/test/device_front_shared.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-"use strict";
-var customName;
-var customValue;
-var customValueType;
-var customBtn;
-var newField;
-var change;
-var doc;
-var iframe;
-var resetBtn;
-var found = false;
-function setDocument(frame) {
- iframe = frame;
- doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
-function fieldChange(fields, id) {
- // Trigger existing field change
- for (let field of fields) {
- if ( == id) {
- let button = doc.getElementById("btn-" + id);
- found = true;
- ok(button.classList.contains("hide"), "Default field detected");
- field.value = "custom";
- ok(!button.classList.contains("hide"), "Custom field detected");
- break;
- }
- }
- ok(found, "Found " + id + " line");
-function addNewField() {
- found = false;
- customName = doc.querySelector("#custom-value-name");
- customValue = doc.querySelector("#custom-value-text");
- customValueType = doc.querySelector("#custom-value-type");
- customBtn = doc.querySelector("#custom-value");
- change = doc.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
- change.initEvent("change", false, true);
- // Add a new custom string
- customValueType.value = "string";
- customValueType.dispatchEvent(change);
- customName.value = "new-string-field!";
- customValue.value = "test";
- let newField = doc.querySelector("#new-string-field");
- if (newField) {
- found = true;
- is(newField.type, "text", "Custom type is a string");
- is(newField.value, "test", "Custom string new value is correct");
- }
- ok(found, "Found new string field line");
- is(customName.value, "", "Custom string name reset");
- is(customValue.value, "", "Custom string value reset");
-function addNewFieldWithEnter() {
- // Add a new custom value with the <enter> key
- found = false;
- customName.value = "new-string-field-two";
- customValue.value = "test";
- let newAddField = doc.querySelector("#add-custom-field");
- let enter = doc.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
- enter.initKeyEvent(
- "keyup", true, true, null, false, false, false, false, 13, 0);
- newAddField.dispatchEvent(enter);
- newField = doc.querySelector("#new-string-field-two");
- if (newField) {
- found = true;
- is(newField.type, "text", "Custom type is a string");
- is(newField.value, "test", "Custom string new value is correct");
- }
- ok(found, "Found new string field line");
- is(customName.value, "", "Custom string name reset");
- is(customValue.value, "", "Custom string value reset");
-function editExistingField() {
- // Edit existing custom string preference
- newField.value = "test2";
- is(newField.value, "test2", "Custom string existing value is correct");
-function addNewFieldInteger() {
- // Add a new custom integer preference with a valid integer
- customValueType.value = "number";
- customValueType.dispatchEvent(change);
- customName.value = "new-integer-field";
- customValue.value = 1;
- found = false;
- newField = doc.querySelector("#new-integer-field");
- if (newField) {
- found = true;
- is(newField.type, "number", "Custom type is a number");
- is(newField.value, "1", "Custom integer value is correct");
- }
- ok(found, "Found new integer field line");
- is(customName.value, "", "Custom integer name reset");
- is(customValue.value, "", "Custom integer value reset");
-var editFieldInteger = Task.async(function* () {
- // Edit existing custom integer preference
- newField.value = 3;
- is(newField.value, "3", "Custom integer existing value is correct");
- // Reset a custom field
- let resetBtn = doc.querySelector("#btn-new-integer-field");
- try {
- yield iframe.contentWindow.configView._defaultField;
- } catch (err) {
- let fieldRow = doc.querySelector("#row-new-integer-field");
- if (!fieldRow) {
- found = false;
- }
- ok(!found, "Custom field removed");
- }
-var resetExistingField = Task.async(function* (id) {
- let existing = doc.getElementById(id);
- is(existing.checked, true, "Existing boolean value is correct");
- resetBtn = doc.getElementById("btn-" + id);
- yield iframe.contentWindow.configView._defaultField;
- ok(resetBtn.classList.contains("hide"), true, "Reset button hidden");
- is(existing.checked, true, "Existing field reset");
-var resetNewField = Task.async(function* (id) {
- let custom = doc.getElementById(id);
- is(custom.value, "test", "New string value is correct");
- resetBtn = doc.getElementById("btn-" + id);
- yield iframe.contentWindow.configView._defaultField;
- ok(resetBtn.classList.contains("hide"), true, "Reset button hidden");
-function addNewFieldBoolean() {
- customValueType.value = "boolean";
- customValueType.dispatchEvent(change);
- customName.value = "new-boolean-field";
- customValue.checked = true;
- found = false;
- newField = doc.querySelector("#new-boolean-field");
- if (newField) {
- found = true;
- is(newField.type, "checkbox", "Custom type is a checkbox");
- is(newField.checked, true, "Custom boolean value is correctly true");
- }
- ok(found, "Found new boolean field line");
- // Mouse event trigger
- var mouseClick = new MouseEvent("click", {
- canBubble: true,
- cancelable: true,
- view: doc.parent,
- });
- found = false;
- customValueType.value = "boolean";
- customValueType.dispatchEvent(change);
- customName.value = "new-boolean-field2";
- customValue.dispatchEvent(mouseClick);
- customBtn.dispatchEvent(mouseClick);
- newField = doc.querySelector("#new-boolean-field2");
- if (newField) {
- found = true;
- is(newField.checked, true, "Custom boolean value is correctly false");
- }
- ok(found, "Found new second boolean field line");
- is(customName.value, "", "Custom boolean name reset");
- is(customValue.checked, false, "Custom boolean value reset");
- is(newField.checked, false, "Custom boolean existing value is correct");
-function searchFields(deck, keyword) {
- // Search for a non-existent field
- let searchField = doc.querySelector("#search-bar");
- searchField.value = "![o_O]!";
- let fieldsTotal = doc.querySelectorAll("tr.edit-row").length;
- let hiddenFields = doc.querySelectorAll("tr.hide");
- is(hiddenFields.length, fieldsTotal, "Search keyword not found");
- // Search for existing fields
- searchField.value = keyword;
- hiddenFields = doc.querySelectorAll("tr.hide");
- isnot(hiddenFields.length, fieldsTotal, "Search keyword found");
- doc.querySelector("#close").click();
- ok(!deck.selectedPanel, "No panel selected");