path: root/browser/components/search/test/browser_oneOffContextMenu_setDefault.js
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authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-03 06:00:38 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-03 06:00:38 -0500
commit8148615da179fdd60f19018e13b4e94b95609cc6 (patch)
tree771fccdd99fa3adf35fdd2c81d8197b415a89b91 /browser/components/search/test/browser_oneOffContextMenu_setDefault.js
parent494802c1be7888025b95260d23db187467d2b9dd (diff)
Remove browser tests - Part 1: The Tests (except for experiments)
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/search/test/browser_oneOffContextMenu_setDefault.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/search/test/browser_oneOffContextMenu_setDefault.js b/browser/components/search/test/browser_oneOffContextMenu_setDefault.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ff49cb0c6..000000000
--- a/browser/components/search/test/browser_oneOffContextMenu_setDefault.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const TEST_ENGINE_NAME = "Foo";
-const TEST_ENGINE_BASENAME = "testEngine.xml";
-const SEARCHBAR_BASE_ID = "searchbar-engine-one-off-item-";
-const URLBAR_BASE_ID = "urlbar-engine-one-off-item-";
-const ONEOFF_URLBAR_PREF = "browser.urlbar.oneOffSearches";
-const searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
-const urlbar = document.getElementById("urlbar");
-const searchPopup = document.getElementById("PopupSearchAutoComplete");
-const urlbarPopup = document.getElementById("PopupAutoCompleteRichResult");
-const searchIcon = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- searchbar, "anonid", "searchbar-search-button"
-const searchOneOffBinding = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- searchPopup, "anonid", "search-one-off-buttons"
-const urlBarOneOffBinding = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- urlbarPopup, "anonid", "one-off-search-buttons"
-let originalEngine =;
-function resetEngine() {
- = originalEngine;
-add_task(function* init() {
- yield promiseNewEngine(TEST_ENGINE_BASENAME, {
- setAsCurrent: false,
- });
-add_task(function* test_searchBarChangeEngine() {
- let oneOffButton = yield openPopupAndGetEngineButton(true, searchPopup,
- searchOneOffBinding,
- const setDefaultEngineMenuItem = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- searchOneOffBinding, "anonid", "search-one-offs-context-set-default"
- );
- // Click the set default engine menu item.
- let promise = promiseCurrentEngineChanged();
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(setDefaultEngineMenuItem, {});
- // This also checks the engine correctly changed.
- yield promise;
- Assert.equal(, SEARCHBAR_BASE_ID +,
- "Should now have the original engine's id for the button");
- Assert.equal(oneOffButton.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),,
- "Should now have the original engine's name for the tooltip");
- Assert.equal(oneOffButton.image, originalEngine.iconURI.spec,
- "Should now have the original engine's uri for the image");
- yield promiseClosePopup(searchPopup);
-add_task(function* test_urlBarChangeEngine() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(ONEOFF_URLBAR_PREF, true);
- registerCleanupFunction(function* () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(ONEOFF_URLBAR_PREF);
- });
- // Ensure the engine is reset.
- resetEngine();
- let oneOffButton = yield openPopupAndGetEngineButton(false, urlbarPopup,
- urlBarOneOffBinding,
- const setDefaultEngineMenuItem = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- urlBarOneOffBinding, "anonid", "search-one-offs-context-set-default"
- );
- // Click the set default engine menu item.
- let promise = promiseCurrentEngineChanged();
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(setDefaultEngineMenuItem, {});
- // This also checks the engine correctly changed.
- yield promise;
- let currentEngine =;
- // For the urlbar, we should keep the new engine's icon.
- Assert.equal(, URLBAR_BASE_ID +,
- "Should now have the original engine's id for the button");
- Assert.equal(oneOffButton.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),,
- "Should now have the original engine's name for the tooltip");
- Assert.equal(oneOffButton.image, currentEngine.iconURI.spec,
- "Should now have the original engine's uri for the image");
- yield promiseClosePopup(urlbarPopup);
- * Promises that an engine change has happened for the current engine, which
- * has resulted in the test engine now being the current engine.
- *
- * @return {Promise} Resolved once the test engine is set as the current engine.
- */
-function promiseCurrentEngineChanged() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- function observer(aSub, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aData == "engine-current") {
- Assert.ok(, TEST_ENGINE_NAME, "currentEngine set");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "browser-search-engine-modified");
- resolve();
- }
- }
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "browser-search-engine-modified", false);
- });
- * Opens the specified urlbar/search popup and gets the test engine from the
- * one-off buttons.
- *
- * @param {Boolean} isSearch true if the search popup should be opened; false
- * for the urlbar popup.
- * @param {Object} popup The expected popup.
- * @param {Object} oneOffBinding The expected one-off-binding for the popup.
- * @param {String} baseId The expected string for the id of the current
- * engine button, without the engine name.
- * @return {Object} Returns an object that represents the one off button for the
- * test engine.
- */
-function* openPopupAndGetEngineButton(isSearch, popup, oneOffBinding, baseId) {
- // Open the popup.
- let promise = promiseEvent(popup, "popupshown");
- info("Opening panel");
- // We have to open the popups in differnt ways.
- if (isSearch) {
- // Use the search icon to avoid hitting the network.
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(searchIcon, {});
- } else {
- // There's no history at this stage, so we need to press a key.
- urlbar.focus();
- EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {});
- }
- yield promise;
- const contextMenu = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- oneOffBinding, "anonid", "search-one-offs-context-menu"
- );
- const oneOffButtons = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- oneOffBinding, "anonid", "search-panel-one-offs"
- );
- // Get the one-off button for the test engine.
- let oneOffButton;
- for (let node of oneOffButtons.childNodes) {
- if (node.engine && == TEST_ENGINE_NAME) {
- oneOffButton = node;
- break;
- }
- }
- Assert.notEqual(oneOffButton, undefined,
- "One-off for test engine should exist");
- Assert.equal(oneOffButton.getAttribute("tooltiptext"), TEST_ENGINE_NAME,
- "One-off should have the tooltip set to the engine name");
- Assert.equal(, baseId + TEST_ENGINE_NAME,
- "Should have the correct id");
- // Open the context menu on the one-off.
- promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(contextMenu, "popupshown");
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(oneOffButton, {
- type: "contextmenu",
- button: 2,
- });
- yield promise;
- return oneOffButton;
- * Closes the popup and moves the mouse away from it.
- *
- * @param {Button} popup The popup to close.
- */
-function* promiseClosePopup(popup) {
- // close the panel using the escape key.
- let promise = promiseEvent(popup, "popuphidden");
- EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
- yield promise;
- // Move the cursor out of the panel area to avoid messing with other tests.
- yield EventUtils.synthesizeNativeMouseMove(popup);