path: root/browser/components/customizableui/test
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /browser/components/customizableui/test
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/customizableui/test')
114 files changed, 9062 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/.eslintrc.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/.eslintrc.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c764b133d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/.eslintrc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"use strict";
+module.exports = {
+ "extends": [
+ "../../../../testing/mochitest/browser.eslintrc.js"
+ ]
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser.ini b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c1f30498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+support-files =
+ head.js
+ support/test_967000_charEncoding_page.html
+ support/feeds_test_page.html
+ support/test-feed.xml
+skip-if = os == "linux"
+tags = fullscreen
+# Bug 951403 - Disabled on OSX for frequent failures
+skip-if = os == "mac"
+skip-if = os == "linux"
+skip-if = os == "linux"
+skip-if = os == "linux"
+# Bug 1163231 - Causes failures on Developer Edition on Windows 7.
+# [browser_932928_show_notice_when_palette_empty.js]
+# Because this test is about the menubar, it can't be run on mac
+skip-if = os == "mac"
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+subsuite = clipboard
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures on Linux
+subsuite = clipboard
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures on Linux
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+subsuite = clipboard
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures on Linux
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures on Linux
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intermittent failures
+skip-if = os == "linux" # Intemittent failures - bug 979207
+skip-if = os == "linux"
+skip-if = os == "linux"
+skip-if = os == "linux" # crashing on Linux due to bug 1271683
+tags = fullscreen
+skip-if = os == "mac"
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1003588_no_specials_in_panel.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1003588_no_specials_in_panel.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22fbb5c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1003588_no_specials_in_panel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+function simulateItemDragAndEnd(aToDrag, aTarget) {
+ var ds = Components.classes[";1"].
+ getService(Components.interfaces.nsIDragService);
+ ds.startDragSession();
+ try {
+ var [result, dataTransfer] = EventUtils.synthesizeDragOver(aToDrag.parentNode, aTarget);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeDropAfterDragOver(result, dataTransfer, aTarget);
+ // Send dragend to move dragging item back to initial place.
+ EventUtils.sendDragEvent({ type: "dragend", dataTransfer: dataTransfer },
+ aToDrag.parentNode);
+ } finally {
+ ds.endDragSession(true);
+ }
+add_task(function* checkNoAddingToPanel() {
+ let area = CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL;
+ let previousPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(area);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("separator", area);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spring", area);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spacer", area);
+ assertAreaPlacements(area, previousPlacements);
+ let oldNumberOfItems = previousPlacements.length;
+ if (getAreaWidgetIds(area).length != oldNumberOfItems) {
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ }
+add_task(function* checkAddingToToolbar() {
+ let area = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR;
+ let previousPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(area);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("separator", area);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spring", area);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spacer", area);
+ let expectedPlacements = [...previousPlacements].concat([
+ /separator/,
+ /spring/,
+ /spacer/
+ ]);
+ assertAreaPlacements(area, expectedPlacements);
+ let newlyAddedElements = getAreaWidgetIds(area).slice(-3);
+ while (newlyAddedElements.length) {
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(newlyAddedElements.shift());
+ }
+ assertAreaPlacements(area, previousPlacements);
+ let oldNumberOfItems = previousPlacements.length;
+ if (getAreaWidgetIds(area).length != oldNumberOfItems) {
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ }
+add_task(function* checkDragging() {
+ let startArea = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR;
+ let targetArea = CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL;
+ let startingToolbarPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(startArea);
+ let startingTargetPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(targetArea);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("separator", startArea);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spring", startArea);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spacer", startArea);
+ let placementsWithSpecials = getAreaWidgetIds(startArea);
+ let elementsToMove = [];
+ for (let id of placementsWithSpecials) {
+ if (CustomizableUI.isSpecialWidget(id)) {
+ elementsToMove.push(id);
+ }
+ }
+ is(elementsToMove.length, 3, "Should have 3 elements to try and drag.");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ for (let id of elementsToMove) {
+ simulateItemDragAndEnd(document.getElementById(id), PanelUI.contents);
+ }
+ assertAreaPlacements(startArea, placementsWithSpecials);
+ assertAreaPlacements(targetArea, startingTargetPlacements);
+ for (let id of elementsToMove) {
+ simulateItemDrag(document.getElementById(id), gCustomizeMode.visiblePalette);
+ }
+ assertAreaPlacements(startArea, startingToolbarPlacements);
+ assertAreaPlacements(targetArea, startingTargetPlacements);
+ ok(!gCustomizeMode.visiblePalette.querySelector("toolbarspring,toolbarseparator,toolbarspacer"),
+ "No specials should make it to the palette alive.");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1007336_lwthemes_in_customize_mode.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1007336_lwthemes_in_customize_mode.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db4f88e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1007336_lwthemes_in_customize_mode.js
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const DEFAULT_THEME_ID = "{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}";
+const {LightweightThemeManager} = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm", {});
+add_task(function* () {
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("lightweightThemes.usedThemes");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("lightweightThemes.recommendedThemes");
+ LightweightThemeManager.clearBuiltInThemes();
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let themesButton = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-button");
+ let popup = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu");
+ let popupShownPromise = popupShown(popup);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(themesButton, {});
+ info("Clicked on themes button");
+ yield popupShownPromise;
+ // close current tab and re-open Customize menu to confirm correct number of Themes
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ info("Exited customize mode");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ info("Started customizing a second time");
+ popupShownPromise = popupShown(popup);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(themesButton, {});
+ info("Clicked on themes button a second time");
+ yield popupShownPromise;
+ let header = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu-header");
+ let recommendedHeader = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu-recommended");
+ is(header.nextSibling.nextSibling, recommendedHeader,
+ "There should only be one theme (default) in the 'My Themes' section by default");
+ is(, DEFAULT_THEME_ID, "That theme should be the default theme");
+ let firstLWTheme = recommendedHeader.nextSibling;
+ let firstLWThemeId =;
+ let themeChangedPromise = promiseObserverNotified("lightweight-theme-changed");
+ firstLWTheme.doCommand();
+ info("Clicked on first theme");
+ yield themeChangedPromise;
+ popupShownPromise = popupShown(popup);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(themesButton, {});
+ info("Clicked on themes button");
+ yield popupShownPromise;
+ is(, DEFAULT_THEME_ID, "The first theme should be the Default theme");
+ let installedThemeId =;
+ ok(installedThemeId.startsWith(firstLWThemeId),
+ "The second theme in the 'My Themes' section should be the newly installed theme: " +
+ "Installed theme id: " + installedThemeId + "; First theme ID: " + firstLWThemeId);
+ is(header.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling, recommendedHeader,
+ "There should be two themes in the 'My Themes' section");
+ let defaultTheme = header.nextSibling;
+ defaultTheme.doCommand();
+ is(Services.prefs.getCharPref("lightweightThemes.selectedThemeID"), "", "No lwtheme should be selected");
+ // ensure current theme isn't set to "Default"
+ popupShownPromise = popupShown(popup);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(themesButton, {});
+ info("Clicked on themes button a second time");
+ yield popupShownPromise;
+ firstLWTheme = recommendedHeader.nextSibling;
+ themeChangedPromise = promiseObserverNotified("lightweight-theme-changed");
+ firstLWTheme.doCommand();
+ info("Clicked on first theme again");
+ yield themeChangedPromise;
+ // check that "Restore Defaults" button resets theme
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ is(LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme, null, "Current theme reset to default");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("lightweightThemes.usedThemes", "[]");
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("lightweightThemes.recommendedThemes", "[]");
+ info("Removed all recommended themes");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ popupShownPromise = popupShown(popup);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(themesButton, {});
+ info("Clicked on themes button a second time");
+ yield popupShownPromise;
+ header = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu-header");
+ is(header.hidden, false, "Header should never be hidden");
+ is(, DEFAULT_THEME_ID, "The first theme should be the Default theme");
+ is(header.nextSibling.hidden, false, "The default theme should never be hidden");
+ recommendedHeader = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu-recommended");
+ is(header.nextSibling.nextSibling, recommendedHeader,
+ "There should only be one theme (default) in the 'My Themes' section by default");
+ let footer = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu-footer");
+ is(,, "There should be no recommended themes in the menu");
+ is(recommendedHeader.hidden, true, "The recommendedHeader should be hidden since there are no recommended themes");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("lightweightThemes.usedThemes");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("lightweightThemes.recommendedThemes");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1008559_anchor_undo_restore.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1008559_anchor_undo_restore.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56657914b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1008559_anchor_undo_restore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+const kAnchorAttribute = "cui-anchorid";
+ * Check that anchor gets set correctly when moving an item from the panel to the toolbar
+ * using 'undo'
+ */
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let button = document.getElementById("history-panelmenu");
+ is(button.getAttribute(kAnchorAttribute), "PanelUI-menu-button",
+ "Button (" + + ") starts out with correct anchor");
+ let navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar").customizationTarget;
+ simulateItemDrag(button, navbar);
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(, "nav-bar",
+ "Button (" + + ") ends up in nav-bar");
+ ok(!button.hasAttribute(kAnchorAttribute),
+ "Button (" + + ") has no anchor in toolbar");
+ let resetButton = document.getElementById("customization-reset-button");
+ ok(!resetButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Should be able to reset now.");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ is(button.getAttribute(kAnchorAttribute), "PanelUI-menu-button",
+ "Button (" + + ") has anchor again");
+ let undoButton = document.getElementById("customization-undo-reset-button");
+ ok(!undoButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Should be able to undo now.");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.undoReset();
+ ok(!button.hasAttribute(kAnchorAttribute),
+ "Button (" + + ") once again has no anchor in toolbar");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ * Check that anchor gets set correctly when moving an item from the panel to the toolbar
+ * using 'reset'
+ */
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let button = document.getElementById("bookmarks-menu-button");
+ ok(!button.hasAttribute(kAnchorAttribute),
+ "Button (" + + ") has no anchor in toolbar");
+ let panel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-contents");
+ simulateItemDrag(button, panel);
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(, "PanelUI-contents",
+ "Button (" + + ") ends up in panel");
+ is(button.getAttribute(kAnchorAttribute), "PanelUI-menu-button",
+ "Button (" + + ") has correct anchor in the panel");
+ let resetButton = document.getElementById("customization-reset-button");
+ ok(!resetButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Should be able to reset now.");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(!button.hasAttribute(kAnchorAttribute),
+ "Button (" + + ") once again has no anchor in toolbar");
+ yield endCustomizing();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1042100_default_placements_update.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1042100_default_placements_update.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..129dbd754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1042100_default_placements_update.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+// NB: This uses some ugly hacks to get into the CUI module from elsewhere...
+// don't try this at home, kids.
+function test() {
+ // Customize something to make sure stuff changed:
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("feed-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ // Check what version we're on:
+ let CustomizableUIBSPass = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", {});
+ is(CustomizableUIBSPass.gFuturePlacements.size, 0,
+ "All future placements should be dealt with by now.");
+ let {CustomizableUIInternal, gFuturePlacements, gPalette} = CustomizableUIBSPass;
+ CustomizableUIInternal._introduceNewBuiltinWidgets();
+ is(gFuturePlacements.size, 0,
+ "No change to future placements initially.");
+ let currentVersion = CustomizableUIBSPass.kVersion;
+ // Add our widget to the defaults:
+ let testWidgetNew = {
+ id: "test-messing-with-default-placements-new",
+ label: "Test messing with default placements - should be inserted",
+ defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR,
+ introducedInVersion: currentVersion + 1,
+ };
+ let normalizedWidget = CustomizableUIInternal.normalizeWidget(testWidgetNew,
+ CustomizableUI.SOURCE_BUILTIN);
+ ok(normalizedWidget, "Widget should be normalizable");
+ if (!normalizedWidget) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CustomizableUIBSPass.gPalette.set(, normalizedWidget);
+ let testWidgetOld = {
+ id: "test-messing-with-default-placements-old",
+ label: "Test messing with default placements - should NOT be inserted",
+ defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR,
+ introducedInVersion: currentVersion,
+ };
+ normalizedWidget = CustomizableUIInternal.normalizeWidget(testWidgetOld,
+ CustomizableUI.SOURCE_BUILTIN);
+ ok(normalizedWidget, "Widget should be normalizable");
+ if (!normalizedWidget) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CustomizableUIBSPass.gPalette.set(, normalizedWidget);
+ // Now increase the version in the module:
+ CustomizableUIBSPass.kVersion++;
+ let hadSavedState = !!CustomizableUIBSPass.gSavedState
+ if (!hadSavedState) {
+ CustomizableUIBSPass.gSavedState = {currentVersion: CustomizableUIBSPass.kVersion - 1};
+ }
+ // Then call the re-init routine so we re-add the builtin widgets
+ CustomizableUIInternal._introduceNewBuiltinWidgets();
+ is(gFuturePlacements.size, 1,
+ "Should have 1 more future placement");
+ let haveNavbarPlacements = gFuturePlacements.has(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ ok(haveNavbarPlacements, "Should have placements for nav-bar");
+ if (haveNavbarPlacements) {
+ let placements = [...gFuturePlacements.get(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR)];
+ // Ignore widgets that are placed using the pref facility and not the
+ // versioned facility. They're independent of kVersion and the saved
+ // state's current version, so they may be present in the placements.
+ for (let i = 0; i < placements.length; ) {
+ if (placements[i] == {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ let pref = "browser.toolbarbuttons.introduced." + placements[i];
+ let introduced = false;
+ try {
+ introduced = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref);
+ } catch (ex) {}
+ if (!introduced) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ placements.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ is(placements.length, 1, "Should have 1 newly placed widget in nav-bar");
+ is(placements[0],, "Should have our test widget to be placed in nav-bar");
+ }
+ gFuturePlacements.delete(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ CustomizableUIBSPass.kVersion--;
+ gPalette.delete(;
+ gPalette.delete(;
+ if (!hadSavedState) {
+ CustomizableUIBSPass.gSavedState = null;
+ }
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1058573_showToolbarsDropdown.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1058573_showToolbarsDropdown.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42a032ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1058573_showToolbarsDropdown.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check that toggleable toolbars dropdown in always shown");
+ info("Remove all possible custom toolbars");
+ yield removeCustomToolbars();
+ info("Enter customization mode");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let toolbarsToggle = document.getElementById("customization-toolbar-visibility-button");
+ ok(toolbarsToggle, "The toolbars toggle dropdown exists");
+ ok(!toolbarsToggle.hasAttribute("hidden"),
+ "The toolbars toggle dropdown is displayed");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ info("Exit customization mode");
+ yield endCustomizing();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1087303_button_fullscreen.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1087303_button_fullscreen.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6b87d6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1087303_button_fullscreen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check fullscreen button existence and functionality");
+ yield;
+ let fullscreenButton = document.getElementById("fullscreen-button");
+ ok(fullscreenButton, "Fullscreen button appears in Panel Menu");
+ let fullscreenPromise = promiseFullscreenChange();
+ yield fullscreenPromise;
+ ok(window.fullScreen, "Fullscreen mode was opened");
+ // exit full screen mode
+ fullscreenPromise = promiseFullscreenChange();
+ window.fullScreen = !window.fullScreen;
+ yield fullscreenPromise;
+ ok(!window.fullScreen, "Successfully exited fullscreen");
+function promiseFullscreenChange() {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ info("Wait for fullscreen change");
+ let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+ window.removeEventListener("fullscreen", onFullscreenChange, true);
+ deferred.reject("Fullscreen change did not happen within " + 20000 + "ms");
+ }, 20000);
+ function onFullscreenChange(event) {
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ window.removeEventListener("fullscreen", onFullscreenChange, true);
+ info("Fullscreen event received");
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("fullscreen", onFullscreenChange, true);
+ return deferred.promise;
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1087303_button_preferences.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1087303_button_preferences.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1fdb85b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1087303_button_preferences.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var newTab = null;
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check preferences button existence and functionality");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let preferencesButton = document.getElementById("preferences-button");
+ ok(preferencesButton, "Preferences button exists in Panel Menu");
+ newTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
+ yield waitForPageLoad(newTab);
+ let openedPage = gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+ is(openedPage, "about:preferences", "Preferences page was opened");
+add_task(function asyncCleanup() {
+ if (gBrowser.tabs.length == 1)
+ gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
+ gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
+ info("Tabs were restored");
+function waitForPageLoad(aTab) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+ aTab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onTabLoad, true);
+ deferred.reject("Page didn't load within " + 20000 + "ms");
+ }, 20000);
+ function onTabLoad(event) {
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ aTab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onTabLoad, true);
+ info("Tab event received: " + "load");
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ aTab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", onTabLoad, true, true);
+ return deferred.promise;
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1089591_still_customizable_after_reset.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1089591_still_customizable_after_reset.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f502e8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1089591_still_customizable_after_reset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+"use strict";
+// Dragging the elements again after a reset should work
+add_task(function* () {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let historyButton = document.getElementById("wrapper-history-panelmenu");
+ let devButton = document.getElementById("wrapper-developer-button");
+ ok(historyButton && devButton, "Draggable elements should exist");
+ simulateItemDrag(historyButton, devButton);
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be back in default state");
+ historyButton = document.getElementById("wrapper-history-panelmenu");
+ devButton = document.getElementById("wrapper-developer-button");
+ ok(historyButton && devButton, "Draggable elements should exist");
+ simulateItemDrag(historyButton, devButton);
+ yield endCustomizing();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1096763_seen_widgets_post_reset.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1096763_seen_widgets_post_reset.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5a325afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1096763_seen_widgets_post_reset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+"use strict";
+const BUTTONID = "test-seenwidget-post-reset";
+add_task(function*() {
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({
+ label: "Test widget seen post reset",
+ defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR
+ });
+ const kPrefCustomizationState = "browser.uiCustomization.state";
+ let bsPass = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", {});
+ ok(bsPass.gSeenWidgets.has(BUTTONID), "Widget should be seen after createWidget is called.");
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ ok(bsPass.gSeenWidgets.has(BUTTONID), "Widget should still be seen after reset.");
+ ok(!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(kPrefCustomizationState), "Pref shouldn't be set right now, because that'd break undo.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(BUTTONID, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ gCustomizeMode.removeFromArea(document.getElementById(BUTTONID));
+ let hasUserValue = Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(kPrefCustomizationState);
+ ok(hasUserValue, "Pref should be set right now.");
+ if (hasUserValue) {
+ let seenArray = JSON.parse(Services.prefs.getCharPref(kPrefCustomizationState)).seen;
+ isnot(seenArray.indexOf(BUTTONID), -1, "Widget should be in saved 'seen' list.");
+ }
+registerCleanupFunction(function() {
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(BUTTONID);
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1161838_inserted_new_default_buttons.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1161838_inserted_new_default_buttons.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42768debf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_1161838_inserted_new_default_buttons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+"use strict";
+// NB: This uses some ugly hacks to get into the CUI module from elsewhere...
+// don't try this at home, kids.
+function test() {
+ // Customize something to make sure stuff changed:
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("feed-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let CustomizableUIBSPass = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", {});
+ is(CustomizableUIBSPass.gFuturePlacements.size, 0,
+ "All future placements should be dealt with by now.");
+ let {CustomizableUIInternal, gFuturePlacements, gPalette} = CustomizableUIBSPass;
+ // Force us to have a saved state:
+ CustomizableUIInternal.saveState();
+ CustomizableUIInternal.loadSavedState();
+ CustomizableUIInternal._introduceNewBuiltinWidgets();
+ is(gFuturePlacements.size, 0,
+ "No change to future placements initially.");
+ // Add our widget to the defaults:
+ let testWidgetNew = {
+ id: "test-messing-with-default-placements-new-pref",
+ label: "Test messing with default placements - pref-based",
+ defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR,
+ introducedInVersion: "pref",
+ };
+ let normalizedWidget = CustomizableUIInternal.normalizeWidget(testWidgetNew,
+ CustomizableUI.SOURCE_BUILTIN);
+ ok(normalizedWidget, "Widget should be normalizable");
+ if (!normalizedWidget) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CustomizableUIBSPass.gPalette.set(, normalizedWidget);
+ // Now adjust default placements for area:
+ let navbarArea = CustomizableUIBSPass.gAreas.get(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let navbarPlacements = navbarArea.get("defaultPlacements");
+ navbarPlacements.splice(navbarPlacements.indexOf("bookmarks-menu-button") + 1, 0,;
+ let savedPlacements = CustomizableUIBSPass.gSavedState.placements[CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR];
+ // Then call the re-init routine so we re-add the builtin widgets
+ CustomizableUIInternal._introduceNewBuiltinWidgets();
+ is(gFuturePlacements.size, 1,
+ "Should have 1 more future placement");
+ let futureNavbarPlacements = gFuturePlacements.get(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ ok(futureNavbarPlacements, "Should have placements for nav-bar");
+ if (futureNavbarPlacements) {
+ ok(futureNavbarPlacements.has(, "widget should be in future placements");
+ }
+ CustomizableUIInternal._placeNewDefaultWidgetsInArea(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let indexInSavedPlacements = savedPlacements.indexOf(;
+ info("Saved placements: " + savedPlacements.join(', '));
+ isnot(indexInSavedPlacements, -1, "Widget should have been inserted");
+ is(indexInSavedPlacements, savedPlacements.indexOf("bookmarks-menu-button") + 1,
+ "Widget should be in the right place.");
+ if (futureNavbarPlacements) {
+ ok(!futureNavbarPlacements.has(, "widget should be out of future placements");
+ }
+ if (indexInSavedPlacements != -1) {
+ savedPlacements.splice(indexInSavedPlacements, 1);
+ }
+ gFuturePlacements.delete(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let indexInDefaultPlacements = navbarPlacements.indexOf(;
+ if (indexInDefaultPlacements != -1) {
+ navbarPlacements.splice(indexInDefaultPlacements, 1);
+ }
+ gPalette.delete(;
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_873501_handle_specials.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_873501_handle_specials.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b07c8e0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_873501_handle_specials.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kToolbarName = "test-specials-toolbar";
+// Add a toolbar with two springs and the downloads button.
+add_task(function* addToolbarWith2SpringsAndDownloadsButton() {
+ // Create the toolbar with a single spring:
+ createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, ["spring"]);
+ ok(document.getElementById(kToolbarName), "Toolbar should be created.");
+ // Check it's there with a generated ID:
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [/customizableui-special-spring\d+/]);
+ let [springId] = getAreaWidgetIds(kToolbarName);
+ // Add a second spring, check if that's there and doesn't share IDs
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spring", kToolbarName);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [springId,
+ /customizableui-special-spring\d+/]);
+ let [, spring2Id] = getAreaWidgetIds(kToolbarName);
+ isnot(springId, spring2Id, "Springs shouldn't have identical IDs.");
+ // Try moving the downloads button to this new toolbar, between the two springs:
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("downloads-button", kToolbarName, 1);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [springId, "downloads-button", spring2Id]);
+ yield removeCustomToolbars();
+// Add separators around the downloads button.
+add_task(function* addSeparatorsAroundDownloadsButton() {
+ createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, ["separator"]);
+ ok(document.getElementById(kToolbarName), "Toolbar should be created.");
+ // Check it's there with a generated ID:
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [/customizableui-special-separator\d+/]);
+ let [separatorId] = getAreaWidgetIds(kToolbarName);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("separator", kToolbarName);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [separatorId,
+ /customizableui-special-separator\d+/]);
+ let [, separator2Id] = getAreaWidgetIds(kToolbarName);
+ isnot(separatorId, separator2Id, "Separator ids shouldn't be equal.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("downloads-button", kToolbarName, 1);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [separatorId, "downloads-button", separator2Id]);
+ yield removeCustomToolbars();
+// Add spacers around the downloads button.
+add_task(function* addSpacersAroundDownloadsButton() {
+ createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, ["spacer"]);
+ ok(document.getElementById(kToolbarName), "Toolbar should be created.");
+ // Check it's there with a generated ID:
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [/customizableui-special-spacer\d+/]);
+ let [spacerId] = getAreaWidgetIds(kToolbarName);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spacer", kToolbarName);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [spacerId,
+ /customizableui-special-spacer\d+/]);
+ let [, spacer2Id] = getAreaWidgetIds(kToolbarName);
+ isnot(spacerId, spacer2Id, "Spacer ids shouldn't be equal.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("downloads-button", kToolbarName, 1);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, [spacerId, "downloads-button", spacer2Id]);
+ yield removeCustomToolbars();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_876926_customize_mode_wrapping.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_876926_customize_mode_wrapping.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3204c271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_876926_customize_mode_wrapping.js
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kXULWidgetId = "a-test-button"; // we'll create a button with this ID.
+const kAPIWidgetId = "feed-button";
+const kPanel = CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL;
+const kToolbar = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR;
+const kVisiblePalette = "customization-palette";
+const kPlaceholderClass = "panel-customization-placeholder";
+function checkWrapper(id) {
+ is(document.querySelectorAll("#wrapper-" + id).length, 1, "There should be exactly 1 wrapper for " + id + " in the customizing window.");
+var move = {
+ "drag": function(id, target) {
+ let targetNode = document.getElementById(target);
+ if (targetNode.customizationTarget) {
+ targetNode = targetNode.customizationTarget;
+ }
+ simulateItemDrag(document.getElementById(id), targetNode);
+ },
+ "dragToItem": function(id, target) {
+ let targetNode = document.getElementById(target);
+ if (targetNode.customizationTarget) {
+ targetNode = targetNode.customizationTarget;
+ }
+ let items = targetNode.querySelectorAll("toolbarpaletteitem:not(." + kPlaceholderClass + ")");
+ if (target == kPanel) {
+ targetNode = items[items.length - 1];
+ } else {
+ targetNode = items[0];
+ }
+ simulateItemDrag(document.getElementById(id), targetNode);
+ },
+ "API": function(id, target) {
+ if (target == kVisiblePalette) {
+ return CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(id);
+ }
+ return CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(id, target, null);
+ }
+function isLast(containerId, defaultPlacements, id) {
+ assertAreaPlacements(containerId, defaultPlacements.concat([id]));
+ is(document.getElementById(containerId), id,
+ "Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in customizing window.");
+ is(otherWin.document.getElementById(containerId), id,
+ "Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in other window.");
+function getLastVisibleNodeInToolbar(containerId, win=window) {
+ let container = win.document.getElementById(containerId).customizationTarget;
+ let rv = container.lastChild;
+ while (rv && (rv.getAttribute('hidden') == 'true' || (rv.firstChild && rv.firstChild.getAttribute('hidden') == 'true'))) {
+ rv = rv.previousSibling;
+ }
+ return rv;
+function isLastVisibleInToolbar(containerId, defaultPlacements, id) {
+ let newPlacements;
+ for (let i = defaultPlacements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ let el = document.getElementById(defaultPlacements[i]);
+ if (el && el.getAttribute('hidden') != 'true') {
+ newPlacements = [...defaultPlacements];
+ newPlacements.splice(i + 1, 0, id);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!newPlacements) {
+ assertAreaPlacements(containerId, defaultPlacements.concat([id]));
+ } else {
+ assertAreaPlacements(containerId, newPlacements);
+ }
+ is(getLastVisibleNodeInToolbar(containerId), id,
+ "Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in customizing window.");
+ is(getLastVisibleNodeInToolbar(containerId, otherWin).id, id,
+ "Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in other window.");
+function isFirst(containerId, defaultPlacements, id) {
+ assertAreaPlacements(containerId, [id].concat(defaultPlacements));
+ is(document.getElementById(containerId), id,
+ "Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in customizing window.");
+ is(otherWin.document.getElementById(containerId), id,
+ "Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in other window.");
+function checkToolbar(id, method) {
+ // Place at start of the toolbar:
+ let toolbarPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(kToolbar);
+ move[method](id, kToolbar);
+ if (method == "dragToItem") {
+ isFirst(kToolbar, toolbarPlacements, id);
+ } else if (method == "drag") {
+ isLastVisibleInToolbar(kToolbar, toolbarPlacements, id);
+ } else {
+ isLast(kToolbar, toolbarPlacements, id);
+ }
+ checkWrapper(id);
+function checkPanel(id, method) {
+ let panelPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(kPanel);
+ move[method](id, kPanel);
+ let children = document.getElementById(kPanel).querySelectorAll("toolbarpaletteitem:not(." + kPlaceholderClass + ")");
+ let otherChildren = otherWin.document.getElementById(kPanel).children;
+ let newPlacements = panelPlacements.concat([id]);
+ // Relative position of the new item from the end:
+ let position = -1;
+ // For the drag to item case, we drag to the last item, making the dragged item the
+ // penultimate item. We can't well use the first item because the panel has complicated
+ // rules about rearranging wide items (which, by default, the first two items are).
+ if (method == "dragToItem") {
+ newPlacements.pop();
+ newPlacements.splice(panelPlacements.length - 1, 0, id);
+ position = -2;
+ }
+ assertAreaPlacements(kPanel, newPlacements);
+ is(children[children.length + position], id,
+ "Widget " + id + " should be in " + kPanel + " in customizing window.");
+ is(otherChildren[otherChildren.length + position].id, id,
+ "Widget " + id + " should be in " + kPanel + " in other window.");
+ checkWrapper(id);
+function checkPalette(id, method) {
+ // Move back to palette:
+ move[method](id, kVisiblePalette);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should end in default state");
+ let visibleChildren = gCustomizeMode.visiblePalette.children;
+ let expectedChild = method == "dragToItem" ? visibleChildren[0] : visibleChildren[visibleChildren.length - 1];
+ is(, id, "Widget " + id + " was moved using " + method + " and should now be wrapped in palette in customizing window.");
+ if (id == kXULWidgetId) {
+ ok(otherWin.gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#" + id), "Widget " + id + " should be in invisible palette in other window.");
+ }
+ checkWrapper(id);
+// This test needs a XUL button that's in the palette by default. No such
+// button currently exists, so we create a simple one.
+function createXULButtonForWindow(win) {
+ createDummyXULButton(kXULWidgetId, "test-button", win);
+function removeXULButtonForWindow(win) {
+ win.gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector(`#${kXULWidgetId}`).remove();
+var otherWin;
+// Moving widgets in two windows, one with customize mode and one without, should work.
+add_task(function* MoveWidgetsInTwoWindows() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ otherWin = yield openAndLoadWindow(null, true);
+ yield otherWin.PanelUI.ensureReady();
+ // Create the XUL button to use in the test in both windows.
+ createXULButtonForWindow(window);
+ createXULButtonForWindow(otherWin);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state");
+ for (let widgetId of [kXULWidgetId, kAPIWidgetId]) {
+ for (let method of ["API", "drag", "dragToItem"]) {
+ info("Moving widget " + widgetId + " using " + method);
+ checkToolbar(widgetId, method);
+ checkPanel(widgetId, method);
+ checkPalette(widgetId, method);
+ checkPanel(widgetId, method);
+ checkToolbar(widgetId, method);
+ checkPalette(widgetId, method);
+ }
+ }
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(otherWin);
+ otherWin = null;
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ removeXULButtonForWindow(window);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_876944_customize_mode_create_destroy.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_876944_customize_mode_create_destroy.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec454dc8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_876944_customize_mode_create_destroy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kTestWidget1 = "test-customize-mode-create-destroy1";
+const kTestWidget2 = "test-customize-mode-create-destroy2";
+// Creating and destroying a widget should correctly wrap/unwrap stuff
+add_task(function* testWrapUnwrap() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({id: kTestWidget1, label: 'Pretty label', tooltiptext: 'Pretty tooltip'});
+ let elem = document.getElementById(kTestWidget1);
+ let wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-" + kTestWidget1);
+ ok(elem, "There should be an item");
+ ok(wrapper, "There should be a wrapper");
+ is(, kTestWidget1, "Wrapper should have test widget");
+ is(, "customization-palette", "Wrapper should be in palette");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestWidget1);
+ wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-" + kTestWidget1);
+ ok(!wrapper, "There should be a wrapper");
+ let item = document.getElementById(kTestWidget1);
+ ok(!item, "There should no longer be an item");
+// Creating and destroying a widget should correctly deal with panel placeholders
+add_task(function* testPanelPlaceholders() {
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ // The value of expectedPlaceholders depends on the default palette layout.
+ // Bug 1229236 is for these tests to be smarter so the test doesn't need to
+ // change when the default placements change.
+ let expectedPlaceholders = 1 + (isInDevEdition() ? 1 : 0);
+ is(panel.querySelectorAll(".panel-customization-placeholder").length, expectedPlaceholders, "The number of placeholders should be correct.");
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({id: kTestWidget2, label: 'Pretty label', tooltiptext: 'Pretty tooltip', defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL});
+ let elem = document.getElementById(kTestWidget2);
+ let wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-" + kTestWidget2);
+ ok(elem, "There should be an item");
+ ok(wrapper, "There should be a wrapper");
+ is(, kTestWidget2, "Wrapper should have test widget");
+ is(wrapper.parentNode, panel, "Wrapper should be in panel");
+ expectedPlaceholders = isInDevEdition() ? 1 : 3;
+ is(panel.querySelectorAll(".panel-customization-placeholder").length, expectedPlaceholders, "The number of placeholders should be correct.");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestWidget2);
+ wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-" + kTestWidget2);
+ ok(!wrapper, "There should be a wrapper");
+ let item = document.getElementById(kTestWidget2);
+ ok(!item, "There should no longer be an item");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestWidget1);
+ } catch (ex) {}
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestWidget2);
+ } catch (ex) {}
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877006_missing_view.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877006_missing_view.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1495c1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877006_missing_view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Should be able to add broken view widget
+add_task(function testAddbrokenViewWidget() {
+ const kWidgetId = 'test-877006-broken-widget';
+ let widgetSpec = {
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ type: 'view',
+ viewId: 'idontexist',
+ /* Empty handler so we try to attach it maybe? */
+ onViewShowing: function() {
+ }
+ };
+ let noError = true;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(widgetSpec);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ noError = false;
+ }
+ ok(noError, "Should not throw an exception trying to add a broken view widget.");
+ noError = true;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ noError = false;
+ }
+ ok(noError, "Should not throw an exception trying to remove the broken view widget.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877178_unregisterArea.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877178_unregisterArea.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28037787b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877178_unregisterArea.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Sanity checks
+add_task(function sanityChecks() {
+ SimpleTest.doesThrow(() => CustomizableUI.registerArea("@foo"),
+ "Registering areas with an invalid ID should throw.");
+ SimpleTest.doesThrow(() => CustomizableUI.registerArea([]),
+ "Registering areas with an invalid ID should throw.");
+ SimpleTest.doesThrow(() => CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("@foo"),
+ "Unregistering areas with an invalid ID should throw.");
+ SimpleTest.doesThrow(() => CustomizableUI.unregisterArea([]),
+ "Unregistering areas with an invalid ID should throw.");
+ SimpleTest.doesThrow(() => CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("unknown"),
+ "Unregistering an area that's not registered should throw.");
+// Check areas are loaded with their default placements.
+add_task(function checkLoadedAres() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state.");
+// Check registering and unregistering a new area.
+add_task(function checkRegisteringAndUnregistering() {
+ const kToolbarId = "test-registration-toolbar";
+ const kButtonId = "test-registration-button";
+ createDummyXULButton(kButtonId);
+ createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarId, ["spring", kButtonId, "spring"]);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarId,
+ [/customizableui-special-spring\d+/,
+ kButtonId,
+ /customizableui-special-spring\d+/]);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "With a new toolbar it is no longer in a default state.");
+ removeCustomToolbars(); // Will call unregisterArea for us
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "When the toolbar is unregistered, " +
+ "everything will return to the default state.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877447_skip_missing_ids.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877447_skip_missing_ids.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0cba7ae4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_877447_skip_missing_ids.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function skipMissingIDS() {
+ const kButtonId = "look-at-me-disappear-button";
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in the default state.");
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(kButtonId, "Gone!");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kButtonId, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in the default state.");
+ is(, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Button should be in navbar");
+ btn.remove();
+ is(btn.parentNode, null, "Button is no longer in the navbar");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be back in the default state, " +
+ "despite unknown button ID in placements.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_878452_drag_to_panel.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_878452_drag_to_panel.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a8d82294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_878452_drag_to_panel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Dragging an item from the palette to another button in the panel should work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let btn = document.getElementById("feed-button");
+ let placements = getAreaWidgetIds(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let lastButtonIndex = placements.length - 1;
+ let lastButton = placements[lastButtonIndex];
+ let placementsAfterInsert = placements.slice(0, lastButtonIndex).concat(["feed-button", lastButton]);
+ let lastButtonNode = document.getElementById(lastButton);
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, lastButtonNode);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterInsert);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, palette);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Dragging an item from the palette to the panel itself should also work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let btn = document.getElementById("feed-button");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let placements = getAreaWidgetIds(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let placementsAfterAppend = placements.concat(["feed-button"]);
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, panel);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterAppend);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, palette);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Dragging an item from the palette to an empty panel should also work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let widgetIds = getAreaWidgetIds(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ while (widgetIds.length) {
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(widgetIds.shift());
+ }
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let btn = document.getElementById("feed-button");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ assertAreaPlacements(, []);
+ let placementsAfterAppend = ["feed-button"];
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, panel);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterAppend);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, palette);
+ assertAreaPlacements(, []);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_880164_customization_context_menus.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_880164_customization_context_menus.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57a0db773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_880164_customization_context_menus.js
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const isOSX = (Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin");
+// Right-click on the home button should
+// show a context menu with options to move it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let homeButton = document.getElementById("home-button");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(homeButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2 });
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToPanel", true],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromToolbar", true],
+ ["---"]
+ ];
+ if (!isOSX) {
+ expectedEntries.push(["#toggle_toolbar-menubar", true]);
+ }
+ expectedEntries.push(
+ ["#toggle_PersonalToolbar", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", true]
+ );
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+// Right-click on an empty bit of tabstrip should
+// show a context menu without options to move it,
+// but with tab-specific options instead.
+add_task(function*() {
+ // ensure there are tabs to reload/bookmark:
+ let extraTab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
+ yield promiseTabLoadEvent(extraTab, "");
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let tabstrip = document.getElementById("tabbrowser-tabs");
+ let rect = tabstrip.getBoundingClientRect();
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(tabstrip, rect.width - 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2 });
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let closedTabsAvailable = SessionStore.getClosedTabCount(window) == 0;
+ info("Closed tabs: " + closedTabsAvailable);
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ ["#toolbar-context-reloadAllTabs", true],
+ ["#toolbar-context-bookmarkAllTabs", true],
+ ["#toolbar-context-undoCloseTab", !closedTabsAvailable],
+ ["---"]
+ ];
+ if (!isOSX) {
+ expectedEntries.push(["#toggle_toolbar-menubar", true]);
+ }
+ expectedEntries.push(
+ ["#toggle_PersonalToolbar", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", true]
+ );
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+ gBrowser.removeTab(extraTab);
+// Right-click on an empty bit of extra toolbar should
+// show a context menu with moving options disabled,
+// and a toggle option for the extra toolbar
+add_task(function*() {
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let toolbar = createToolbarWithPlacements("880164_empty_toolbar", []);
+ toolbar.setAttribute("context", "toolbar-context-menu");
+ toolbar.setAttribute("toolbarname", "Fancy Toolbar for Context Menu");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(toolbar, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2 });
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToPanel", false],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromToolbar", false],
+ ["---"]
+ ];
+ if (!isOSX) {
+ expectedEntries.push(["#toggle_toolbar-menubar", true]);
+ }
+ expectedEntries.push(
+ ["#toggle_PersonalToolbar", true],
+ ["#toggle_880164_empty_toolbar", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", true]
+ );
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+ removeCustomToolbars();
+// Right-click on the urlbar-container should
+// show a context menu with disabled options to move it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let urlBarContainer = document.getElementById("urlbar-container");
+ // Need to make sure not to click within an edit field.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(urlBarContainer, 100, 1, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2 });
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToPanel", false],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromToolbar", false],
+ ["---"]
+ ];
+ if (!isOSX) {
+ expectedEntries.push(["#toggle_toolbar-menubar", true]);
+ }
+ expectedEntries.push(
+ ["#toggle_PersonalToolbar", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", true]
+ );
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+// Right-click on the searchbar and moving it to the menu
+// and back should move the search-container instead.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
+ gCustomizeMode.addToPanel(searchbar);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("search-container");
+ is(placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, "Should be in panel");
+ let shownPanelPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield shownPanelPromise;
+ let hiddenPanelPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield hiddenPanelPromise;
+ gCustomizeMode.addToToolbar(searchbar);
+ placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("search-container");
+ is(placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Should be in navbar");
+ gCustomizeMode.removeFromArea(searchbar);
+ placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("search-container");
+ is(placement, null, "Should be in palette");
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("search-container");
+ is(placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Should be in navbar");
+// Right-click on an item within the menu panel should
+// show a context menu with options to move it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let shownPanelPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield shownPanelPromise;
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("customizationPanelItemContextMenu");
+ let shownContextPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ ok(newWindowButton, "new-window-button was found");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(newWindowButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownContextPromise;
+ is(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "The PanelUI should still be open.");
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToToolbar", true],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromPanel", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", true]
+ ];
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenContextPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenContextPromise;
+ let hiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+// Right-click on the home button while in customization mode
+// should show a context menu with options to move it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let homeButton = document.getElementById("wrapper-home-button");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(homeButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToPanel", true],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromToolbar", true],
+ ["---"]
+ ];
+ if (!isOSX) {
+ expectedEntries.push(["#toggle_toolbar-menubar", true]);
+ }
+ expectedEntries.push(
+ ["#toggle_PersonalToolbar", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", false]
+ );
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenContextPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenContextPromise;
+// Right-click on an item in the palette should
+// show a context menu with options to move it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("customizationPaletteItemContextMenu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let openFileButton = document.getElementById("wrapper-open-file-button");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(openFileButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-addToToolbar", true],
+ [".customize-context-addToPanel", true]
+ ];
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenContextPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenContextPromise;
+// Right-click on an item in the panel while in customization mode
+// should show a context menu with options to move it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("customizationPanelItemContextMenu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("wrapper-new-window-button");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(newWindowButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToToolbar", true],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromPanel", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", false]
+ ];
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenContextPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenContextPromise;
+ yield endCustomizing();
+// Test the toolbarbutton panel context menu in customization mode
+// without opening the panel before customization mode
+add_task(function*() {
+ this.otherWin = yield openAndLoadWindow(null, true);
+ yield new Promise(resolve => waitForFocus(resolve, this.otherWin));
+ yield startCustomizing(this.otherWin);
+ let contextMenu = this.otherWin.document.getElementById("customizationPanelItemContextMenu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let newWindowButton = this.otherWin.document.getElementById("wrapper-new-window-button");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(newWindowButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2}, this.otherWin);
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToToolbar", true],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromPanel", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", false]
+ ];
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries, this.otherWin);
+ let hiddenContextPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenContextPromise;
+ yield endCustomizing(this.otherWin);
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(this.otherWin);
+ this.otherWin = null;
+ yield new Promise(resolve => waitForFocus(resolve, window));
+// Bug 945191 - Combined buttons show wrong context menu options
+// when they are in the toolbar.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("customizationPanelItemContextMenu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("wrapper-zoom-controls");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(zoomControls, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownPromise;
+ // Execute the command to move the item from the panel to the toolbar.
+ contextMenu.childNodes[0].doCommand();
+ let hiddenPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ is(, "nav-bar-customization-target", "Zoom-controls should be on the nav-bar");
+ contextMenu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
+ shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(zoomControls, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownPromise;
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToPanel", true],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromToolbar", true],
+ ["---"]
+ ];
+ if (!isOSX) {
+ expectedEntries.push(["#toggle_toolbar-menubar", true]);
+ }
+ expectedEntries.push(
+ ["#toggle_PersonalToolbar", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", true]
+ );
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ hiddenPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+ yield resetCustomization();
+// Bug 947586 - After customization, panel items show wrong context menu options
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield;
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("customizationPanelItemContextMenu");
+ let shownContextPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ ok(newWindowButton, "new-window-button was found");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(newWindowButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownContextPromise;
+ is(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "The PanelUI should still be open.");
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToToolbar", true],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromPanel", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", true]
+ ];
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenContextPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenContextPromise;
+ let hiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+// Bug 982027 - moving icon around removes custom context menu.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let widgetId = "custom-context-menu-toolbarbutton";
+ let expectedContext = "myfancycontext";
+ let widget = createDummyXULButton(widgetId, "Test ctxt menu");
+ widget.setAttribute("context", expectedContext);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(widgetId, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ is(widget.getAttribute("context"), expectedContext, "Should have context menu when added to the toolbar.");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(widget.getAttribute("context"), "", "Should not have own context menu in the toolbar now that we're customizing.");
+ is(widget.getAttribute("wrapped-context"), expectedContext, "Should keep own context menu wrapped when in toolbar.");
+ let panel = PanelUI.contents;
+ simulateItemDrag(widget, panel);
+ is(widget.getAttribute("context"), "", "Should not have own context menu when in the panel.");
+ is(widget.getAttribute("wrapped-context"), expectedContext, "Should keep own context menu wrapped now that we're in the panel.");
+ simulateItemDrag(widget, document.getElementById("nav-bar").customizationTarget);
+ is(widget.getAttribute("context"), "", "Should not have own context menu when back in toolbar because we're still customizing.");
+ is(widget.getAttribute("wrapped-context"), expectedContext, "Should keep own context menu wrapped now that we're back in the toolbar.");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ is(widget.getAttribute("context"), expectedContext, "Should have context menu again now that we're out of customize mode.");
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(widgetId);
+ widget.remove();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state after removing button.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_880382_drag_wide_widgets_in_panel.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_880382_drag_wide_widgets_in_panel.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9057d0557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_880382_drag_wide_widgets_in_panel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Dragging the zoom controls to be before the print button should not move any controls.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ let printButton = document.getElementById("print-button");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["edit-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "zoom-controls",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, printButton);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, newWindowButton);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Dragging the zoom controls to be before the save button should not move any controls.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ let savePageButton = document.getElementById("save-page-button");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["edit-controls",
+ "zoom-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, savePageButton);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state.");
+// Dragging the zoom controls to be before the new-window button should not move any widgets.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["edit-controls",
+ "zoom-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, newWindowButton);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+// Dragging the zoom controls to be before the history-panelmenu should move the zoom-controls in to the row higher than the history-panelmenu.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ let historyPanelMenu = document.getElementById("history-panelmenu");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["edit-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "zoom-controls",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, historyPanelMenu);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, newWindowButton);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Dragging the zoom controls to be before the preferences-button should move the zoom-controls
+// in to the row higher than the preferences-button.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ let preferencesButton = document.getElementById("preferences-button");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["edit-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "zoom-controls",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, preferencesButton);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, newWindowButton);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Dragging an item from the palette to before the zoom-controls should move it and two other buttons before the zoom controls.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let openFileButton = document.getElementById("open-file-button");
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ let placementsAfterInsert = ["edit-controls",
+ "open-file-button",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "zoom-controls",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterInsert);
+ simulateItemDrag(openFileButton, zoomControls);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterInsert);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ // Check that the palette items are re-wrapped correctly.
+ let feedWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-feed-button");
+ let feedButton = document.getElementById("feed-button");
+ is(feedButton.parentNode, feedWrapper,
+ "feed-button should be a child of wrapper-feed-button");
+ is(feedWrapper.getAttribute("place"), "palette",
+ "The feed-button wrapper should have it's place set to 'palette'");
+ simulateItemDrag(openFileButton, palette);
+ is(openFileButton.parentNode.tagName, "toolbarpaletteitem",
+ "The open-file-button should be wrapped by a toolbarpaletteitem");
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ simulateItemDrag(zoomControls, newWindowButton);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Dragging an item from the palette to before the edit-controls
+// should move it and two other buttons before the edit and zoom controls.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let openFileButton = document.getElementById("open-file-button");
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let placementsAfterInsert = ["open-file-button",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "edit-controls",
+ "zoom-controls",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterInsert);
+ simulateItemDrag(openFileButton, editControls);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterInsert);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ // Check that the palette items are re-wrapped correctly.
+ let feedWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-feed-button");
+ let feedButton = document.getElementById("feed-button");
+ is(feedButton.parentNode, feedWrapper,
+ "feed-button should be a child of wrapper-feed-button");
+ is(feedWrapper.getAttribute("place"), "palette",
+ "The feed-button wrapper should have it's place set to 'palette'");
+ simulateItemDrag(openFileButton, palette);
+ is(openFileButton.parentNode.tagName, "toolbarpaletteitem",
+ "The open-file-button should be wrapped by a toolbarpaletteitem");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Dragging the edit-controls to be before the zoom-controls button
+// should not move any widgets.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["edit-controls",
+ "zoom-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, zoomControls);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+// Dragging the edit-controls to be before the new-window-button should
+// move the zoom-controls before the edit-controls.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["zoom-controls",
+ "edit-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, newWindowButton);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, zoomControls);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+// Dragging the edit-controls to be before the privatebrowsing-button
+// should move the edit-controls in to the row higher than the
+// privatebrowsing-button.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let privateBrowsingButton = document.getElementById("privatebrowsing-button");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["zoom-controls",
+ "edit-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, privateBrowsingButton);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, zoomControls);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+// Dragging the edit-controls to be before the save-page-button
+// should move the edit-controls in to the row higher than the
+// save-page-button.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let savePageButton = document.getElementById("save-page-button");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["zoom-controls",
+ "edit-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, savePageButton);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, zoomControls);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+// Dragging the edit-controls to the panel itself should append
+// the edit controls to the bottom of the panel.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["zoom-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "edit-controls",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, panel);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, zoomControls);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+// Dragging the edit-controls to the customization-palette and
+// back should work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["zoom-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "developer-button",
+ "sync-button",
+ ];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ let paletteChildElementCount = palette.childElementCount;
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, palette);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ is(paletteChildElementCount + 1, palette.childElementCount,
+ "The palette should have a new child, congratulations!");
+ is(, "wrapper-edit-controls",
+ "The edit-controls should be properly wrapped.");
+ is(editControls.parentNode.getAttribute("place"), "palette",
+ "The edit-controls should have the place of 'palette'.");
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, zoomControls);
+ is(paletteChildElementCount, palette.childElementCount,
+ "The palette child count should have returned to its prior value.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+// Dragging the edit-controls to each of the panel placeholders
+// should append the edit-controls to the bottom of the panel.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let numPlaceholders = 2;
+ for (let i = 0; i < numPlaceholders; i++) {
+ // This test relies on there being a specific number of widgets in the
+ // panel. The addition of sync-button screwed this up, so we remove it
+ // here. We should either fix the tests to not rely on the specific layout,
+ // or fix bug 1007910 which would change the placeholder logic in different
+ // ways. Bug 1229236 is for these tests to be smarter.
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sync-button");
+ // NB: We can't just iterate over all of the placeholders
+ // because each drag-drop action recreates them.
+ let placeholder = panel.getElementsByClassName("panel-customization-placeholder")[i];
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["zoom-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "edit-controls",
+ "developer-button"];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, placeholder);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, zoomControls);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+ }
+// Dragging the open-file-button back on to itself should work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let openFileButton = document.getElementById("open-file-button");
+ is(openFileButton.parentNode.tagName, "toolbarpaletteitem",
+ "open-file-button should be wrapped by a toolbarpaletteitem");
+ simulateItemDrag(openFileButton, openFileButton);
+ is(openFileButton.parentNode.tagName, "toolbarpaletteitem",
+ "open-file-button should be wrapped by a toolbarpaletteitem");
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ is(editControls.parentNode.tagName, "toolbarpaletteitem",
+ "edit-controls should be wrapped by a toolbarpaletteitem");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+// Dragging a small button onto the last big button should work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ // Bug 1007910 requires there be a placeholder on the final row for this
+ // test to work as written. The addition of sync-button meant that's not true
+ // so we remove it from here. Bug 1229236 is for these tests to be smarter.
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sync-button");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let editControls = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let target = panel.getElementsByClassName("panel-customization-placeholder")[0];
+ let placementsAfterMove = ["zoom-controls",
+ "new-window-button",
+ "privatebrowsing-button",
+ "save-page-button",
+ "print-button",
+ "history-panelmenu",
+ "fullscreen-button",
+ "find-button",
+ "preferences-button",
+ "add-ons-button",
+ "edit-controls",
+ "developer-button"];
+ removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(placementsAfterMove);
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, target);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ let itemToDrag = "email-link-button"; // any button in the palette by default.
+ let button = document.getElementById(itemToDrag);
+ placementsAfterMove.splice(11, 0, itemToDrag);
+ simulateItemDrag(button, editControls);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterMove);
+ // Put stuff back:
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ simulateItemDrag(button, palette);
+ simulateItemDrag(editControls, zoomControls);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_884402_customize_from_overflow.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_884402_customize_from_overflow.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f50767c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_884402_customize_from_overflow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+"use strict";
+var overflowPanel = document.getElementById("widget-overflow");
+const isOSX = (Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin");
+var originalWindowWidth;
+registerCleanupFunction(function() {
+ overflowPanel.removeAttribute("animate");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+// Right-click on an item within the overflow panel should
+// show a context menu with options to move it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ overflowPanel.setAttribute("animate", "false");
+ originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ let chevron = document.getElementById("nav-bar-overflow-button");
+ let shownPanelPromise = promisePanelElementShown(window, overflowPanel);
+ yield shownPanelPromise;
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
+ let shownContextPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let homeButton = document.getElementById("home-button");
+ ok(homeButton, "home-button was found");
+ is(homeButton.getAttribute("overflowedItem"), "true", "Home button is overflowing");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(homeButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownContextPromise;
+ is(overflowPanel.state, "open", "The widget overflow panel should still be open.");
+ let expectedEntries = [
+ [".customize-context-moveToPanel", true],
+ [".customize-context-removeFromToolbar", true],
+ ["---"]
+ ];
+ if (!isOSX) {
+ expectedEntries.push(["#toggle_toolbar-menubar", true]);
+ }
+ expectedEntries.push(
+ ["#toggle_PersonalToolbar", true],
+ ["---"],
+ [".viewCustomizeToolbar", true]
+ );
+ checkContextMenu(contextMenu, expectedEntries);
+ let hiddenContextPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ let hiddenPromise = promisePanelElementHidden(window, overflowPanel);
+ let moveToPanel = contextMenu.querySelector(".customize-context-moveToPanel");
+ if (moveToPanel) {
+ }
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenContextPromise;
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+ let homeButtonPlacement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("home-button");
+ ok(homeButtonPlacement, "Home button should still have a placement");
+ is(homeButtonPlacement && homeButtonPlacement.area, "PanelUI-contents", "Home button should be in the panel now");
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ // In some cases, it can take a tick for the navbar to overflow again. Wait for it:
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ homeButtonPlacement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("home-button");
+ ok(homeButtonPlacement, "Home button should still have a placement");
+ is(homeButtonPlacement && homeButtonPlacement.area, "nav-bar", "Home button should be back in the navbar now");
+ is(homeButton.getAttribute("overflowedItem"), "true", "Home button should still be overflowed");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_885052_customize_mode_observers_disabed.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_885052_customize_mode_observers_disabed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea6f5a4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_885052_customize_mode_observers_disabed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+function isFullscreenSizeMode() {
+ let sizemode = document.documentElement.getAttribute("sizemode");
+ return sizemode == "fullscreen";
+// Observers should be disabled when in customization mode.
+add_task(function*() {
+ // Open and close the panel to make sure that the
+ // area is generated before getting a child of the area.
+ let shownPanelPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield shownPanelPromise;
+ let hiddenPanelPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield hiddenPanelPromise;
+ let fullscreenButton = document.getElementById("fullscreen-button");
+ ok(!fullscreenButton.checked, "Fullscreen button should not be checked when not in fullscreen.")
+ ok(!isFullscreenSizeMode(), "Should not be in fullscreen sizemode before we enter fullscreen.");
+ BrowserFullScreen();
+ yield waitForCondition(() => isFullscreenSizeMode());
+ ok(fullscreenButton.checked, "Fullscreen button should be checked when in fullscreen.")
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let fullscreenButtonWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-fullscreen-button");
+ ok(fullscreenButtonWrapper.hasAttribute("itemobserves"), "Observer should be moved to wrapper");
+ fullscreenButton = document.getElementById("fullscreen-button");
+ ok(!fullscreenButton.hasAttribute("observes"), "Observer should be removed from button");
+ ok(!fullscreenButton.checked, "Fullscreen button should no longer be checked during customization mode");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ BrowserFullScreen();
+ fullscreenButton = document.getElementById("fullscreen-button");
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !isFullscreenSizeMode());
+ ok(!fullscreenButton.checked, "Fullscreen button should not be checked when not in fullscreen.")
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_885530_showInPrivateBrowsing.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_885530_showInPrivateBrowsing.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e55c21862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_885530_showInPrivateBrowsing.js
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kWidgetId = "some-widget";
+function assertWidgetExists(aWindow, aExists) {
+ if (aExists) {
+ ok(aWindow.document.getElementById(kWidgetId),
+ "Should have found test widget in the window");
+ } else {
+ is(aWindow.document.getElementById(kWidgetId), null,
+ "Should not have found test widget in the window");
+ }
+// A widget that is created with showInPrivateBrowsing undefined should
+// have that value default to true.
+add_task(function() {
+ let wrapper = CustomizableUI.createWidget({
+ id: kWidgetId
+ });
+ ok(wrapper.showInPrivateBrowsing,
+ "showInPrivateBrowsing should have defaulted to true.");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+// Add a widget via the API with showInPrivateBrowsing set to false
+// and ensure it does not appear in pre-existing or newly created
+// private windows.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let plain1 = yield openAndLoadWindow();
+ let private1 = yield openAndLoadWindow({private: true});
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ removable: true,
+ showInPrivateBrowsing: false
+ });
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId,
+ CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain1, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private1, false);
+ // Now open up some new windows. The widget should exist in the new
+ // plain window, but not the new private window.
+ let plain2 = yield openAndLoadWindow();
+ let private2 = yield openAndLoadWindow({private: true});
+ assertWidgetExists(plain2, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private2, false);
+ // Try moving the widget around and make sure it doesn't get added
+ // to the private windows. We'll start by appending it to the tabstrip.
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId,
+ CustomizableUI.AREA_TABSTRIP);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain1, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain2, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private1, false);
+ assertWidgetExists(private2, false);
+ // And then move it to the beginning of the tabstrip.
+ CustomizableUI.moveWidgetWithinArea(kWidgetId, 0);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain1, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain2, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private1, false);
+ assertWidgetExists(private2, false);
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("some-widget");
+ assertWidgetExists(plain1, false);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain2, false);
+ assertWidgetExists(private1, false);
+ assertWidgetExists(private2, false);
+ yield Promise.all([plain1, plain2, private1, private2].map(promiseWindowClosed));
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget("some-widget");
+// Add a widget via the API with showInPrivateBrowsing set to true,
+// and ensure that it appears in pre-existing or newly created
+// private browsing windows.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let plain1 = yield openAndLoadWindow();
+ let private1 = yield openAndLoadWindow({private: true});
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ removable: true,
+ showInPrivateBrowsing: true
+ });
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId,
+ CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain1, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private1, true);
+ // Now open up some new windows. The widget should exist in the new
+ // plain window, but not the new private window.
+ let plain2 = yield openAndLoadWindow();
+ let private2 = yield openAndLoadWindow({private: true});
+ assertWidgetExists(plain2, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private2, true);
+ // Try moving the widget around and make sure it doesn't get added
+ // to the private windows. We'll start by appending it to the tabstrip.
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId,
+ CustomizableUI.AREA_TABSTRIP);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain1, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain2, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private1, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private2, true);
+ // And then move it to the beginning of the tabstrip.
+ CustomizableUI.moveWidgetWithinArea(kWidgetId, 0);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain1, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain2, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private1, true);
+ assertWidgetExists(private2, true);
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("some-widget");
+ assertWidgetExists(plain1, false);
+ assertWidgetExists(plain2, false);
+ assertWidgetExists(private1, false);
+ assertWidgetExists(private2, false);
+ yield Promise.all([plain1, plain2, private1, private2].map(promiseWindowClosed));
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget("some-widget");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_886323_buildArea_removable_nodes.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_886323_buildArea_removable_nodes.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f46141c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_886323_buildArea_removable_nodes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kButtonId = "test-886323-removable-moved-node";
+const kLazyAreaId = "test-886323-lazy-area-for-removability-testing";
+var gNavBar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+var gLazyArea;
+// Removable nodes shouldn't be moved by buildArea
+add_task(function*() {
+ let dummyBtn = createDummyXULButton(kButtonId, "Dummy");
+ dummyBtn.setAttribute("removable", "true");
+ gNavBar.customizationTarget.appendChild(dummyBtn);
+ let popupSet = document.getElementById("mainPopupSet");
+ gLazyArea = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "panel");
+ = kLazyAreaId;
+ gLazyArea.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ popupSet.appendChild(gLazyArea);
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea(kLazyAreaId, {
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL,
+ defaultPlacements: []
+ });
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kButtonId, kLazyAreaId);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kLazyAreaId, [kButtonId],
+ "Placements should have changed because widget is removable.");
+ let btn = document.getElementById(kButtonId);
+ btn.setAttribute("removable", "false");
+ gLazyArea.customizationTarget = gLazyArea;
+ CustomizableUI.registerToolbarNode(gLazyArea, []);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kLazyAreaId, [], "Placements should no longer include widget.");
+ is(,,
+ "Button shouldn't actually have moved as it's not removable");
+ btn = document.getElementById(kButtonId);
+ if (btn) btn.remove();
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kButtonId);
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kLazyAreaId);
+ gLazyArea.remove();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_887438_currentset_shim.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_887438_currentset_shim.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a04299819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_887438_currentset_shim.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+var navbarCT = navbar.customizationTarget;
+var overflowPanelList = document.getElementById("widget-overflow-list");
+// Reading currentset
+add_task(function() {
+ let nodeIds = [];
+ for (let node of navbarCT.childNodes) {
+ if (node.getAttribute("skipintoolbarset") != "true") {
+ nodeIds.push(;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let node of overflowPanelList.childNodes) {
+ if (node.getAttribute("skipintoolbarset") != "true") {
+ nodeIds.push(;
+ }
+ }
+ let currentSet = navbar.currentSet;
+ is(currentSet.split(',').length, nodeIds.length, "Should be just as many nodes as there are.");
+ is(currentSet, nodeIds.join(','), "Current set and node IDs should match.");
+// Insert, then remove items
+add_task(function() {
+ let currentSet = navbar.currentSet;
+ let newCurrentSet = currentSet.replace('home-button', 'feed-button,sync-button,home-button');
+ navbar.currentSet = newCurrentSet;
+ is(newCurrentSet, navbar.currentSet, "Current set should match expected current set.");
+ let feedBtn = document.getElementById("feed-button");
+ let syncBtn = document.getElementById("sync-button");
+ ok(feedBtn, "Feed button should have been added.");
+ ok(syncBtn, "Sync button should have been added.");
+ if (feedBtn && syncBtn) {
+ let feedParent = feedBtn.parentNode;
+ let syncParent = syncBtn.parentNode;
+ ok(feedParent == navbarCT || feedParent == overflowPanelList,
+ "Feed button should be in navbar or overflow");
+ ok(syncParent == navbarCT || syncParent == overflowPanelList,
+ "Feed button should be in navbar or overflow");
+ is(feedBtn.nextElementSibling, syncBtn, "Feed button should be next to sync button.");
+ let homeBtn = document.getElementById("home-button");
+ is(syncBtn.nextElementSibling, homeBtn, "Sync button should be next to home button.");
+ }
+ navbar.currentSet = currentSet;
+ is(currentSet, navbar.currentSet, "Should be able to remove the added items.");
+// Simultaneous insert/remove:
+add_task(function() {
+ let currentSet = navbar.currentSet;
+ let newCurrentSet = currentSet.replace('home-button', 'feed-button');
+ navbar.currentSet = newCurrentSet;
+ is(newCurrentSet, navbar.currentSet, "Current set should match expected current set.");
+ let feedBtn = document.getElementById("feed-button");
+ ok(feedBtn, "Feed button should have been added.");
+ let homeBtn = document.getElementById("home-button");
+ ok(!homeBtn, "Home button should have been removed.");
+ if (feedBtn) {
+ let feedParent = feedBtn.parentNode;
+ ok(feedParent == navbarCT || feedParent == overflowPanelList,
+ "Feed button should be in navbar or overflow");
+ }
+ navbar.currentSet = currentSet;
+ is(currentSet, navbar.currentSet, "Should be able to return to original state.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_888817_currentset_updating.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_888817_currentset_updating.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e7c4e95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_888817_currentset_updating.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Adding, moving and removing items should update the relevant currentset attributes
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in the default state when we start");
+ let personalbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_BOOKMARKS);
+ setToolbarVisibility(personalbar, true);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Making the bookmarks toolbar visible takes it out of the default state");
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ personalbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_BOOKMARKS);
+ let navbarCurrentset = navbar.getAttribute("currentset") || navbar.currentSet;
+ let personalbarCurrentset = personalbar.getAttribute("currentset") || personalbar.currentSet;
+ let otherWin = yield openAndLoadWindow();
+ let otherNavbar = otherWin.document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let otherPersonalbar = otherWin.document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_BOOKMARKS);
+ CustomizableUI.moveWidgetWithinArea("home-button", 0);
+ navbarCurrentset = "home-button," + navbarCurrentset.replace(",home-button", "");
+ is(navbar.getAttribute("currentset"), navbarCurrentset,
+ "Should have updated currentSet after move.");
+ is(otherNavbar.getAttribute("currentset"), navbarCurrentset,
+ "Should have updated other window's currentSet after move.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("home-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_BOOKMARKS);
+ navbarCurrentset = navbarCurrentset.replace("home-button,", "");
+ personalbarCurrentset = personalbarCurrentset + ",home-button";
+ is(navbar.getAttribute("currentset"), navbarCurrentset,
+ "Should have updated navbar currentSet after implied remove.");
+ is(otherNavbar.getAttribute("currentset"), navbarCurrentset,
+ "Should have updated other window's navbar currentSet after implied remove.");
+ is(personalbar.getAttribute("currentset"), personalbarCurrentset,
+ "Should have updated personalbar currentSet after add.");
+ is(otherPersonalbar.getAttribute("currentset"), personalbarCurrentset,
+ "Should have updated other window's personalbar currentSet after add.");
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("home-button");
+ personalbarCurrentset = personalbarCurrentset.replace(",home-button", "");
+ is(personalbar.getAttribute("currentset"), personalbarCurrentset,
+ "Should have updated currentSet after remove.");
+ is(otherPersonalbar.getAttribute("currentset"), personalbarCurrentset,
+ "Should have updated other window's currentSet after remove.");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(otherWin);
+ // Reset in asyncCleanup will put our button back for us.
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ let personalbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_BOOKMARKS);
+ setToolbarVisibility(personalbar, false);
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_890140_orphaned_placeholders.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_890140_orphaned_placeholders.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84b126a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_890140_orphaned_placeholders.js
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// One orphaned item should have two placeholders next to it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("developer-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ }
+ if (!isInDevEdition()) {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state.");
+ } else {
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should not be in default state if on DevEdition.");
+ }
+ // This test relies on an exact number of widgets being in the panel.
+ // Remove the sync-button to satisfy that. (bug 1229236)
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sync-button");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let placements = getAreaWidgetIds(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placements);
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), 2, "Should only have 2 visible placeholders before exiting");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), 2, "Should only have 2 visible placeholders after re-entering");
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("developer-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, 2);
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Two orphaned items should have one placeholder next to them (case 1).
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("developer-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ }
+ // This test relies on an exact number of widgets being in the panel.
+ // Remove the sync-button to satisfy that. (bug 1229236)
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sync-button");
+ let btn = document.getElementById("open-file-button");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let placements = getAreaWidgetIds(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let placementsAfterAppend = placements;
+ placementsAfterAppend = placements.concat(["open-file-button"]);
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, panel);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterAppend);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should not be in default state.");
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), 1, "Should only have 1 visible placeholder before exiting");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), 1, "Should only have 1 visible placeholder after re-entering");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, palette);
+ btn = document.getElementById("open-file-button");
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, palette);
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("developer-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, 2);
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// Two orphaned items should have one placeholder next to them (case 2).
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("developer-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ }
+ // This test relies on an exact number of widgets being in the panel.
+ // Remove the sync-button to satisfy that. (bug 1229236)
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sync-button");
+ let btn = document.getElementById("add-ons-button");
+ let btn2 = document.getElementById("developer-button");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ let placements = getAreaWidgetIds(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let placementsAfterAppend = placements.filter(p => p != && p !=;
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, palette);
+ simulateItemDrag(btn2, palette);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterAppend);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), 1, "Should only have 1 visible placeholder before exiting");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), 1, "Should only have 1 visible placeholder after re-entering");
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, panel);
+ simulateItemDrag(btn2, panel);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placements);
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("developer-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, 2);
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// A wide widget at the bottom of the panel should have three placeholders after it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("developer-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ }
+ // This test relies on an exact number of widgets being in the panel.
+ // Remove the sync-button to satisfy that. (bug 1229236)
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sync-button");
+ let btn = document.getElementById("edit-controls");
+ let btn2 = document.getElementById("developer-button");
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ let placements = getAreaWidgetIds(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ placements.pop();
+ simulateItemDrag(btn2, palette);
+ let placementsAfterAppend = placements.concat([placements.shift()]);
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, panel);
+ assertAreaPlacements(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, placementsAfterAppend);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state.");
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), 3, "Should have 3 visible placeholders before exiting");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), 3, "Should have 3 visible placeholders after re-entering");
+ simulateItemDrag(btn2, panel);
+ let zoomControls = document.getElementById("zoom-controls");
+ simulateItemDrag(btn, zoomControls);
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("developer-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, 2);
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state again.");
+// The default placements should have two placeholders at the bottom (or 1 in win8).
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let numPlaceholders = -1;
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ numPlaceholders = 3;
+ } else {
+ numPlaceholders = 2;
+ }
+ let panel = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state.");
+ // This test relies on an exact number of widgets being in the panel.
+ // Remove the sync-button to satisfy that. (bug 1229236)
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sync-button");
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), numPlaceholders, "Should have " + numPlaceholders + " visible placeholders before exiting");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(getVisiblePlaceholderCount(panel), numPlaceholders, "Should have " + numPlaceholders + " visible placeholders after re-entering");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+function getVisiblePlaceholderCount(aPanel) {
+ let visiblePlaceholders = aPanel.querySelectorAll(".panel-customization-placeholder:not([hidden=true])");
+ return visiblePlaceholders.length;
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_890262_destroyWidget_after_add_to_panel.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_890262_destroyWidget_after_add_to_panel.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13f2bd7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_890262_destroyWidget_after_add_to_panel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kLazyAreaId = "test-890262-lazy-area";
+const kWidget1Id = "test-890262-widget1";
+const kWidget2Id = "test-890262-widget2";
+// Destroying a widget after defaulting it to a non-legacy area should work.
+add_task(function() {
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({
+ id: kWidget1Id,
+ removable: true,
+ defaultArea: kLazyAreaId
+ });
+ let noError = true;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidget1Id);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ noError = false;
+ }
+ ok(noError, "Shouldn't throw an exception for a widget that was created in a not-yet-constructed area");
+// Destroying a widget after moving it to a non-legacy area should work.
+add_task(function() {
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({
+ id: kWidget2Id,
+ removable: true,
+ defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR
+ });
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidget2Id, kLazyAreaId);
+ let noError = true;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidget2Id);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ noError = false;
+ }
+ ok(noError, "Shouldn't throw an exception for a widget that was added to a not-yet-constructed area");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ let lazyArea = document.getElementById(kLazyAreaId);
+ if (lazyArea) {
+ lazyArea.remove();
+ }
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kLazyAreaId);
+ } catch (ex) {} // If we didn't register successfully for some reason
+ yield resetCustomization();
+function setupArea() {
+ let lazyArea = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "hbox");
+ = kLazyAreaId;
+ document.getElementById("nav-bar").appendChild(lazyArea);
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea(kLazyAreaId, {
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ defaultPlacements: []
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_892955_isWidgetRemovable_for_removed_widgets.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_892955_isWidgetRemovable_for_removed_widgets.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67ef82b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_892955_isWidgetRemovable_for_removed_widgets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kWidgetId = "test-892955-remove-widget";
+// Removing a destroyed widget should work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let widgetSpec = {
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR
+ };
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(widgetSpec);
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ let noError = true;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kWidgetId);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ noError = false;
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ }
+ ok(noError, "Shouldn't throw an error removing a destroyed widget.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_892956_destroyWidget_defaultPlacements.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_892956_destroyWidget_defaultPlacements.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7047c797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_892956_destroyWidget_defaultPlacements.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kWidgetId = "test-892956-destroyWidget-defaultPlacement";
+// destroyWidget should clean up defaultPlacements if the widget had a defaultArea
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in the default state when we start");
+ let widgetSpec = {
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR
+ };
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(widgetSpec);
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in the default state when we finish");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_901207_searchbar_in_panel.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_901207_searchbar_in_panel.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bc449add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_901207_searchbar_in_panel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+function* waitForSearchBarFocus()
+ let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
+ yield waitForCondition(function () {
+ logActiveElement();
+ return document.activeElement === searchbar.textbox.inputField;
+ });
+// Ctrl+K should open the menu panel and focus the search bar if the search bar is in the panel.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
+ gCustomizeMode.addToPanel(searchbar);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("search-container");
+ is(placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, "Should be in panel");
+ let shownPanelPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
+ sendWebSearchKeyCommand();
+ yield shownPanelPromise;
+ yield waitForSearchBarFocus();
+ let hiddenPanelPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
+ yield hiddenPanelPromise;
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+// Ctrl+K should give focus to the searchbar when the searchbar is in the menupanel and the panel is already opened.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
+ gCustomizeMode.addToPanel(searchbar);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("search-container");
+ is(placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, "Should be in panel");
+ let shownPanelPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield shownPanelPromise;
+ sendWebSearchKeyCommand();
+ yield waitForSearchBarFocus();
+ let hiddenPanelPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
+ yield hiddenPanelPromise;
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+// Ctrl+K should open the overflow panel and focus the search bar if the search bar is overflowed.
+add_task(function*() {
+ this.originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ window.resizeTo(360, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.getAttribute("overflowing") == "true");
+ ok(!navbar.querySelector("#search-container"), "Search container should be overflowing");
+ let shownPanelPromise = promiseOverflowShown(window);
+ sendWebSearchKeyCommand();
+ yield shownPanelPromise;
+ let chevron = document.getElementById("nav-bar-overflow-button");
+ yield waitForCondition(() =>;
+ yield waitForSearchBarFocus();
+ let hiddenPanelPromise = promiseOverflowHidden(window);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
+ yield hiddenPanelPromise;
+ navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ window.resizeTo(this.originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should not have an overflowing toolbar.");
+// Ctrl+K should focus the search bar if it is in the navbar and not overflowing.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("search-container");
+ is(placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Should be in nav-bar");
+ sendWebSearchKeyCommand();
+ yield waitForSearchBarFocus();
+function sendWebSearchKeyCommand() {
+ if (Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin")
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("k", { accelKey: true });
+ else
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("k", { ctrlKey: true });
+function logActiveElement() {
+ let element = document.activeElement;
+ let str = "";
+ while (element && element.parentNode) {
+ str = " (" + element.localName + "#" + + "." + [...element.classList].join(".") + ") >" + str;
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ }
+ info("Active element: " + element ? str : "null");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_909779_overflow_toolbars_new_window.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_909779_overflow_toolbars_new_window.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f39d13ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_909779_overflow_toolbars_new_window.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Resize to a small window, open a new window, check that new window handles overflow properly
+add_task(function*() {
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ let oldChildCount = navbar.customizationTarget.childElementCount;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(navbar.customizationTarget.childElementCount < oldChildCount, "Should have fewer children.");
+ let newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow();
+ let otherNavBar = newWindow.document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => otherNavBar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(otherNavBar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Other window should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should no longer have an overflowing toolbar.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_913972_currentset_overflow.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_913972_currentset_overflow.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d754d79b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_913972_currentset_overflow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+// Resize to a small window, resize back, shouldn't affect currentSet
+add_task(function*() {
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ let oldCurrentSet = navbar.currentSet;
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ let oldChildCount = navbar.customizationTarget.childElementCount;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ is(navbar.currentSet, oldCurrentSet, "Currentset should be the same when overflowing.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state when overflowing.");
+ ok(navbar.customizationTarget.childElementCount < oldChildCount, "Should have fewer children.");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should no longer have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ is(navbar.currentSet, oldCurrentSet, "Currentset should still be the same now we're no longer overflowing.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state now we're no longer overflowing.");
+ // Verify actual physical placements match those of the placement array:
+ let placementCounter = 0;
+ let placements = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ for (let node of navbar.customizationTarget.childNodes) {
+ if (node.getAttribute("skipintoolbarset") == "true") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ is(placements[placementCounter++],, "Nodes should match after overflow");
+ }
+ is(placements.length, placementCounter, "Should have as many nodes as expected");
+ is(navbar.customizationTarget.childElementCount, oldChildCount, "Number of nodes should match");
+// Enter and exit customization mode, check that currentSet works
+add_task(function*() {
+ let oldCurrentSet = navbar.currentSet;
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state in customization mode.");
+ is(navbar.currentSet, oldCurrentSet, "Currentset should be the same in customization mode.");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state after customization mode.");
+ is(navbar.currentSet, oldCurrentSet, "Currentset should be the same after customization mode.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_914138_widget_API_overflowable_toolbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_914138_widget_API_overflowable_toolbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35ba79bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_914138_widget_API_overflowable_toolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+var overflowList = document.getElementById(navbar.getAttribute("overflowtarget"));
+const kTestBtn1 = "test-addWidgetToArea-overflow";
+const kTestBtn2 = "test-removeWidgetFromArea-overflow";
+const kTestBtn3 = "test-createWidget-overflow";
+const kHomeBtn = "home-button";
+const kDownloadsBtn = "downloads-button";
+const kSearchBox = "search-container";
+const kStarBtn = "bookmarks-menu-button";
+var originalWindowWidth;
+// Adding a widget should add it next to the widget it's being inserted next to.
+add_task(function*() {
+ originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ createDummyXULButton(kTestBtn1, "Test");
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(!navbar.querySelector("#" + kHomeBtn), "Home button should no longer be in the navbar");
+ let homeBtnNode = overflowList.querySelector("#" + kHomeBtn);
+ ok(homeBtnNode, "Home button should be overflowing");
+ ok(homeBtnNode && homeBtnNode.getAttribute("overflowedItem") == "true", "Home button should have overflowedItem attribute");
+ let placementOfHomeButton = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(;
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kTestBtn1,, placementOfHomeButton);
+ ok(!navbar.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn1), "New button should not be in the navbar");
+ let newButtonNode = overflowList.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn1);
+ ok(newButtonNode, "New button should be overflowing");
+ ok(newButtonNode && newButtonNode.getAttribute("overflowedItem") == "true", "New button should have overflowedItem attribute");
+ let nextEl = newButtonNode && newButtonNode.nextSibling;
+ is(nextEl &&, kHomeBtn, "Test button should be next to home button.");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should not have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(navbar.querySelector("#" + kHomeBtn), "Home button should be in the navbar");
+ ok(homeBtnNode && (homeBtnNode.getAttribute("overflowedItem") != "true"), "Home button should no longer have overflowedItem attribute");
+ ok(!overflowList.querySelector("#" + kHomeBtn), "Home button should no longer be overflowing");
+ ok(navbar.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn1), "Test button should be in the navbar");
+ ok(!overflowList.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn1), "Test button should no longer be overflowing");
+ ok(newButtonNode && (newButtonNode.getAttribute("overflowedItem") != "true"), "New button should no longer have overflowedItem attribute");
+ let el = document.getElementById(kTestBtn1);
+ if (el) {
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kTestBtn1);
+ el.remove();
+ }
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+// Removing a widget should remove it from the overflow list if that is where it is, and update it accordingly.
+add_task(function*() {
+ createDummyXULButton(kTestBtn2, "Test");
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kTestBtn2,;
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should still have a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(!navbar.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn2), "Test button should not be in the navbar");
+ ok(overflowList.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn2), "Test button should be overflowing");
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kTestBtn2);
+ ok(!overflowList.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn2), "Test button should not be overflowing.");
+ ok(!navbar.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn2), "Test button should not be in the navbar");
+ ok(gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn2), "Test button should be in the palette");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should not have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ let el = document.getElementById(kTestBtn2);
+ if (el) {
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kTestBtn2);
+ el.remove();
+ }
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+// Constructing a widget while overflown should set the right class on it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(!navbar.querySelector("#" + kHomeBtn), "Home button should no longer be in the navbar");
+ let homeBtnNode = overflowList.querySelector("#" + kHomeBtn);
+ ok(homeBtnNode, "Home button should be overflowing");
+ ok(homeBtnNode && homeBtnNode.getAttribute("overflowedItem") == "true", "Home button should have overflowedItem class");
+ let testBtnSpec = {id: kTestBtn3, label: "Overflowable widget test", defaultArea: "nav-bar"};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(testBtnSpec);
+ let testNode = overflowList.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn3);
+ ok(testNode, "Test button should be overflowing");
+ ok(testNode && testNode.getAttribute("overflowedItem") == "true", "Test button should have overflowedItem class");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestBtn3);
+ testNode = document.getElementById(kTestBtn3);
+ ok(!testNode, "Test button should be gone");
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(testBtnSpec);
+ testNode = overflowList.querySelector("#" + kTestBtn3);
+ ok(testNode, "Test button should be overflowing");
+ ok(testNode && testNode.getAttribute("overflowedItem") == "true", "Test button should have overflowedItem class");
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kTestBtn3);
+ testNode = document.getElementById(kTestBtn3);
+ ok(!testNode, "Test button should be gone");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestBtn3);
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_914863_disabled_help_quit_buttons.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_914863_disabled_help_quit_buttons.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5757eabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_914863_disabled_help_quit_buttons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Entering then exiting customization mode should reenable the Help and Exit buttons.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let helpButton = document.getElementById("PanelUI-help");
+ let quitButton = document.getElementById("PanelUI-quit");
+ ok(helpButton.getAttribute("disabled") == "true", "Help button should be disabled while in customization mode.");
+ ok(quitButton.getAttribute("disabled") == "true", "Quit button should be disabled while in customization mode.");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ ok(!helpButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Help button should not be disabled.");
+ ok(!quitButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Quit button should not be disabled.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_918049_skipintoolbarset_dnd.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_918049_skipintoolbarset_dnd.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dffe388dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_918049_skipintoolbarset_dnd.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var navbar;
+var skippedItem;
+// Attempting to drag a skipintoolbarset item should work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+ skippedItem = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
+ = "test-skipintoolbarset-item";
+ skippedItem.setAttribute("label", "Test");
+ skippedItem.setAttribute("skipintoolbarset", "true");
+ skippedItem.setAttribute("removable", "true");
+ navbar.customizationTarget.appendChild(skippedItem);
+ let downloadsButton = document.getElementById("downloads-button");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state");
+ simulateItemDrag(skippedItem, downloadsButton);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state");
+ let skippedItemWrapper = skippedItem.parentNode;
+ is(skippedItemWrapper.nextSibling &&,
+, "Should be next to downloads button");
+ simulateItemDrag(downloadsButton, skippedItem);
+ let downloadWrapper = downloadsButton.parentNode;
+ is(downloadWrapper.nextSibling &&,
+, "Should be next to skipintoolbarset item");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ skippedItem.remove();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_923857_customize_mode_event_wrapping_during_reset.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_923857_customize_mode_event_wrapping_during_reset.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87aca51eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_923857_customize_mode_event_wrapping_during_reset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Customize mode reset button should revert correctly
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let devButton = document.getElementById("developer-button");
+ let downloadsButton = document.getElementById("downloads-button");
+ let searchBox = document.getElementById("search-container");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ ok(devButton && downloadsButton && searchBox && palette, "Stuff should exist");
+ simulateItemDrag(devButton, downloadsButton);
+ simulateItemDrag(searchBox, palette);
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be back in default state");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_927717_customize_drag_empty_toolbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_927717_customize_drag_empty_toolbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d79f6e364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_927717_customize_drag_empty_toolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kTestToolbarId = "test-empty-drag";
+// Attempting to drag an item to an empty container should work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield createToolbarWithPlacements(kTestToolbarId, []);
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let downloadButton = document.getElementById("downloads-button");
+ let customToolbar = document.getElementById(kTestToolbarId);
+ simulateItemDrag(downloadButton, customToolbar);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kTestToolbarId, ["downloads-button"]);
+ ok(downloadButton.parentNode && downloadButton.parentNode.parentNode == customToolbar,
+ "Button should really be in toolbar");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ removeCustomToolbars();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_932928_show_notice_when_palette_empty.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_932928_show_notice_when_palette_empty.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cbf6be42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_932928_show_notice_when_palette_empty.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// There should be an advert to get more addons when the palette is empty.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let visiblePalette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ let emptyPaletteNotice = document.getElementById("customization-empty");
+ is(emptyPaletteNotice.hidden, true, "The empty palette notice should not be shown when there are items in the palette.");
+ while (visiblePalette.childElementCount) {
+ gCustomizeMode.addToToolbar(visiblePalette.children[0]);
+ }
+ is(visiblePalette.childElementCount, 0, "There shouldn't be any items remaining in the visible palette.");
+ is(emptyPaletteNotice.hidden, false, "The empty palette notice should be shown when there are no items in the palette.");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ visiblePalette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ emptyPaletteNotice = document.getElementById("customization-empty");
+ is(emptyPaletteNotice.hidden, false,
+ "The empty palette notice should be shown when there are no items in the palette and cust. mode is re-entered.");
+ gCustomizeMode.removeFromArea(document.getElementById("wrapper-home-button"));
+ is(emptyPaletteNotice.hidden, true,
+ "The empty palette notice should not be shown when there is at least one item in the palette.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_934113_menubar_removable.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_934113_menubar_removable.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d788bced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_934113_menubar_removable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Attempting to drag the menubar to the navbar shouldn't work.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let menuItems = document.getElementById("menubar-items");
+ let navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+ let menubar = document.getElementById("toolbar-menubar");
+ // Force the menu to be shown.
+ const kAutohide = menubar.getAttribute("autohide");
+ menubar.setAttribute("autohide", "false");
+ simulateItemDrag(menuItems, navbar.customizationTarget);
+ is(getAreaWidgetIds("nav-bar").indexOf("menubar-items"), -1, "Menu bar shouldn't be in the navbar.");
+ ok(!navbar.querySelector("#menubar-items"), "Shouldn't find menubar items in the navbar.");
+ ok(menubar.querySelector("#menubar-items"), "Should find menubar items in the menubar.");
+ isnot(getAreaWidgetIds("toolbar-menubar").indexOf("menubar-items"), -1,
+ "Menubar items shouldn't be missing from the navbar.");
+ menubar.setAttribute("autohide", kAutohide);
+ yield endCustomizing();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_934951_zoom_in_toolbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_934951_zoom_in_toolbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcc183051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_934951_zoom_in_toolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kTimeoutInMS = 20000;
+// Bug 934951 - Zoom controls percentage label doesn't update when it's in the toolbar and you navigate.
+add_task(function*() {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("zoom-controls", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let tab1 = gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab1.linkedBrowser);
+ let tab2 = gBrowser.addTab("about:robots");
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab2.linkedBrowser);
+ gBrowser.selectedTab = tab1;
+ let zoomResetButton = document.getElementById("zoom-reset-button");
+ registerCleanupFunction(() => {
+ info("Cleaning up.");
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab1);
+ });
+ is(parseInt(zoomResetButton.label, 10), 100, "Default zoom is 100% for about:mozilla");
+ let zoomChangePromise = promiseObserverNotification("browser-fullZoom:zoomChange");
+ FullZoom.enlarge();
+ yield zoomChangePromise;
+ is(parseInt(zoomResetButton.label, 10), 110, "Zoom is changed to 110% for about:mozilla");
+ let tabSelectPromise = promiseTabSelect();
+ gBrowser.selectedTab = tab2;
+ yield tabSelectPromise;
+ is(parseInt(zoomResetButton.label, 10), 100, "Default zoom is 100% for about:robots");
+ gBrowser.selectedTab = tab1;
+ let zoomResetPromise = promiseObserverNotification("browser-fullZoom:zoomReset");
+ FullZoom.reset();
+ yield zoomResetPromise;
+ is(parseInt(zoomResetButton.label, 10), 100, "Default zoom is 100% for about:mozilla");
+ // Test zoom label updates while navigating pages in the same tab.
+ FullZoom.enlarge();
+ yield zoomChangePromise;
+ is(parseInt(zoomResetButton.label, 10), 110, "Zoom is changed to 110% for about:mozilla");
+ let attributeChangePromise = promiseAttributeMutation(zoomResetButton, "label", (v) => {
+ return parseInt(v, 10) == 100;
+ });
+ yield promiseTabLoadEvent(tab1, "about:home");
+ yield attributeChangePromise;
+ is(parseInt(zoomResetButton.label, 10), 100, "Default zoom is 100% for about:home");
+ yield promiseTabHistoryNavigation(-1, function() {
+ return parseInt(zoomResetButton.label, 10) == 110;
+ });
+ is(parseInt(zoomResetButton.label, 10), 110, "Zoom is still 110% for about:mozilla");
+ FullZoom.reset();
+function promiseObserverNotification(aObserver) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ function notificationCallback(e) {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(notificationCallback, aObserver, false);
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(notificationCallback, aObserver, false);
+ deferred.reject("Notification '" + aObserver + "' did not happen within 20 seconds.");
+ }, kTimeoutInMS);
+ Services.obs.addObserver(notificationCallback, aObserver, false);
+ return deferred.promise;
+function promiseTabSelect() {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let container = window.gBrowser.tabContainer;
+ let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+ container.removeEventListener("TabSelect", callback);
+ deferred.reject("TabSelect did not happen within 20 seconds");
+ }, kTimeoutInMS);
+ function callback(e) {
+ container.removeEventListener("TabSelect", callback);
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ executeSoon(deferred.resolve);
+ }
+ container.addEventListener("TabSelect", callback);
+ return deferred.promise;
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_938980_navbar_collapsed.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_938980_navbar_collapsed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc7fa1a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_938980_navbar_collapsed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var bookmarksToolbar = document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar");
+var navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+var tabsToolbar = document.getElementById("TabsToolbar");
+// Customization reset should restore visibility to default-visible toolbars.
+add_task(function*() {
+ is(navbar.collapsed, false, "Test should start with navbar visible");
+ setToolbarVisibility(navbar, false);
+ is(navbar.collapsed, true, "navbar should be hidden now");
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ is(navbar.collapsed, false, "Customization reset should restore visibility to the navbar");
+// Customization reset should restore collapsed-state to default-collapsed toolbars.
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state");
+ is(bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, true, "Test should start with bookmarks toolbar collapsed");
+ ok(bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, "bookmarksToolbar should be collapsed");
+ ok(!tabsToolbar.collapsed, "TabsToolbar should not be collapsed");
+ is(navbar.collapsed, false, "The nav-bar should be shown by default");
+ setToolbarVisibility(bookmarksToolbar, true);
+ setToolbarVisibility(navbar, false);
+ ok(!bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, "bookmarksToolbar should be visible now");
+ ok(navbar.collapsed, "navbar should be collapsed");
+ is(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, false, "Should no longer be in default state");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ is(bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, true, "Customization reset should restore collapsed-state to the bookmarks toolbar");
+ ok(!tabsToolbar.collapsed, "TabsToolbar should not be collapsed");
+ ok(bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, "The bookmarksToolbar should be collapsed after reset");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be back to default state");
+// Check that the menubar will be collapsed by resetting, if the platform supports it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let menubar = document.getElementById("toolbar-menubar");
+ const canMenubarCollapse = CustomizableUI.isToolbarDefaultCollapsed(;
+ if (!canMenubarCollapse) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state");
+ is(menubar.getBoundingClientRect().height, 0, "menubar should be hidden by default");
+ setToolbarVisibility(menubar, true);
+ isnot(menubar.getBoundingClientRect().height, 0, "menubar should be visible now");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ is(menubar.getAttribute("autohide"), "true", "The menubar should have autohide=true after reset in customization mode");
+ is(menubar.getBoundingClientRect().height, 0, "The menubar should have height=0 after reset in customization mode");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ is(menubar.getAttribute("autohide"), "true", "The menubar should have autohide=true after reset");
+ is(menubar.getBoundingClientRect().height, 0, "The menubar should have height=0 after reset");
+// Customization reset should restore collapsed-state to default-collapsed toolbars.
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state");
+ ok(bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, "bookmarksToolbar should be collapsed");
+ ok(!tabsToolbar.collapsed, "TabsToolbar should not be collapsed");
+ setToolbarVisibility(bookmarksToolbar, true);
+ ok(!bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, "bookmarksToolbar should be visible now");
+ is(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, false, "Should no longer be in default state");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ ok(!bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, "The bookmarksToolbar should be visible before reset");
+ ok(!navbar.collapsed, "The navbar should be visible before reset");
+ ok(!tabsToolbar.collapsed, "TabsToolbar should not be collapsed");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(bookmarksToolbar.collapsed, "The bookmarksToolbar should be collapsed after reset");
+ ok(!tabsToolbar.collapsed, "TabsToolbar should not be collapsed");
+ ok(!navbar.collapsed, "The navbar should still be visible after reset");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be back to default state");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+// Check that the menubar will be collapsed by resetting, if the platform supports it.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let menubar = document.getElementById("toolbar-menubar");
+ const canMenubarCollapse = CustomizableUI.isToolbarDefaultCollapsed(;
+ if (!canMenubarCollapse) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let resetButton = document.getElementById("customization-reset-button");
+ is(resetButton.disabled, true, "The reset button should be disabled when in default state");
+ setToolbarVisibility(menubar, true);
+ is(resetButton.disabled, false, "The reset button should be enabled when not in default state")
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "No longer in default state when the menubar is shown");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ is(resetButton.disabled, true, "The reset button should be disabled when in default state");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state");
+ yield endCustomizing();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_938995_indefaultstate_nonremovable.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_938995_indefaultstate_nonremovable.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f06c1aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_938995_indefaultstate_nonremovable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kWidgetId = "test-non-removable-widget";
+// Adding non-removable items to a toolbar or the panel shouldn't change inDefaultState
+add_task(function() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state");
+ let button = createDummyXULButton(kWidgetId, "Test non-removable inDefaultState handling");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ button.setAttribute("removable", "false");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state after navbar addition");
+ button.remove();
+ button = createDummyXULButton(kWidgetId, "Test non-removable inDefaultState handling");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ button.setAttribute("removable", "false");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should still be in default state after panel addition");
+ button.remove();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state after destroying both widgets");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940013_registerToolbarNode_calls_registerArea.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940013_registerToolbarNode_calls_registerArea.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c554bffab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940013_registerToolbarNode_calls_registerArea.js
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kToolbarId = "test-registerToolbarNode-toolbar";
+const kButtonId = "test-registerToolbarNode-button";
+// Registering a toolbar with defaultset attribute should work
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state.");
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(kButtonId);
+ let toolbar = document.createElement("toolbar");
+ = kToolbarId;
+ toolbar.setAttribute("customizable", true);
+ toolbar.setAttribute("defaultset", kButtonId);
+ gNavToolbox.appendChild(toolbar);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.areas.indexOf(kToolbarId) != -1,
+ "Toolbar should have been registered automatically.");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getAreaType(kToolbarId), CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ "Area should be registered as toolbar");
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarId, [kButtonId]);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "No longer in default state after toolbar is registered and visible.");
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kToolbarId, true);
+ toolbar.remove();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state.");
+ btn.remove();
+// Registering a toolbar without a defaultset attribute should
+// wait for the registerArea call
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state.");
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(kButtonId);
+ let toolbar = document.createElement("toolbar");
+ = kToolbarId;
+ toolbar.setAttribute("customizable", true);
+ gNavToolbox.appendChild(toolbar);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.areas.indexOf(kToolbarId) == -1,
+ "Toolbar should not yet have been registered automatically.");
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea(kToolbarId, {defaultPlacements: [kButtonId]});
+ ok(CustomizableUI.areas.indexOf(kToolbarId) != -1,
+ "Toolbar should have been registered now.");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getAreaType(kToolbarId), CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ "Area should be registered as toolbar");
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarId, [kButtonId]);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "No longer in default state after toolbar is registered and visible.");
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kToolbarId, true);
+ toolbar.remove();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state.");
+ btn.remove();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
+function cleanup() {
+ let toolbar = document.getElementById(kToolbarId);
+ if (toolbar) {
+ toolbar.remove();
+ }
+ let btn = document.getElementById(kButtonId) ||
+ gNavToolbox.querySelector("#" + kButtonId);
+ if (btn) {
+ btn.remove();
+ }
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940307_panel_click_closure_handling.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940307_panel_click_closure_handling.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..944879a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940307_panel_click_closure_handling.js
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var button, menuButton;
+/* Clicking a button should close the panel */
+add_task(function*() {
+ button = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
+ = "browser_940307_button";
+ button.setAttribute("label", "Button");
+ PanelUI.contents.appendChild(button);
+ yield;
+ let hiddenAgain = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {});
+ yield hiddenAgain;
+ button.remove();
+/* Clicking a menu button should close the panel, opening the popup shouldn't. */
+add_task(function*() {
+ menuButton = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
+ menuButton.setAttribute("type", "menu-button");
+ = "browser_940307_menubutton";
+ menuButton.setAttribute("label", "Menu button");
+ let menuPopup = document.createElement("menupopup");
+ = "browser_940307_menupopup";
+ let menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
+ menuItem.setAttribute("label", "Menu item");
+ = "browser_940307_menuitem";
+ menuPopup.appendChild(menuItem);
+ menuButton.appendChild(menuPopup);
+ PanelUI.contents.appendChild(menuButton);
+ yield;
+ let hiddenAgain = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ let innerButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(menuButton, "anonid", "button");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(innerButton, {});
+ yield hiddenAgain;
+ // Now click the dropmarker to show the menu
+ yield;
+ hiddenAgain = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ let menuShown = promisePanelElementShown(window, menuPopup);
+ let dropmarker = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(menuButton, "type", "menu-button");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(dropmarker, {});
+ yield menuShown;
+ // Panel should stay open:
+ ok(isPanelUIOpen(), "Panel should still be open");
+ let menuHidden = promisePanelElementHidden(window, menuPopup);
+ // Then click the menu item to close all the things
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menuItem, {});
+ yield menuHidden;
+ yield hiddenAgain;
+ menuButton.remove();
+add_task(function*() {
+ let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
+ gCustomizeMode.addToPanel(searchbar);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("search-container");
+ is(placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, "Should be in panel");
+ yield;
+ yield waitForCondition(() => "value" in searchbar && searchbar.value === "");
+ // Focusing a non-empty searchbox will cause us to open the
+ // autocomplete panel and search for suggestions, which would
+ // trigger network requests. Temporarily disable suggestions.
+ yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({set: [["", false]]});
+ searchbar.value = "foo";
+ searchbar.focus();
+ // Reaching into this context menu is pretty evil, but hey... it's a test.
+ let textbox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(searchbar.textbox, "anonid", "textbox-input-box");
+ let contextmenu = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(textbox, "anonid", "input-box-contextmenu");
+ let contextMenuShown = promisePanelElementShown(window, contextmenu);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(searchbar, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield contextMenuShown;
+ ok(isPanelUIOpen(), "Panel should still be open");
+ let selectAll = contextmenu.querySelector("[cmd='cmd_selectAll']");
+ let contextMenuHidden = promisePanelElementHidden(window, contextmenu);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(selectAll, {});
+ yield contextMenuHidden;
+ // Hide the suggestion panel.
+ searchbar.textbox.popup.hidePopup();
+ ok(isPanelUIOpen(), "Panel should still be open");
+ let hiddenPanelPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
+ yield hiddenPanelPromise;
+ ok(!isPanelUIOpen(), "Panel should no longer be open");
+ // We focused the search bar earlier - ensure we don't keep doing that.
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+add_task(function*() {
+ button = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
+ = "browser_946166_button_disabled";
+ button.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ button.setAttribute("label", "Button");
+ PanelUI.contents.appendChild(button);
+ yield;
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {});
+ is(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Popup stays open");
+ button.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ let hiddenAgain = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {});
+ yield hiddenAgain;
+ button.remove();
+registerCleanupFunction(function() {
+ if (button && button.parentNode) {
+ button.remove();
+ }
+ if (menuButton && menuButton.parentNode) {
+ menuButton.remove();
+ }
+ // Sadly this isn't task.jsm-enabled, so we can't wait for this to happen. But we should
+ // definitely close it here and hope it won't interfere with other tests.
+ // Of course, all the tests are meant to do this themselves, but if they fail...
+ if (isPanelUIOpen()) {
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ }
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940946_removable_from_navbar_customizemode.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940946_removable_from_navbar_customizemode.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c81b004c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_940946_removable_from_navbar_customizemode.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kTestBtnId = "test-removable-navbar-customize-mode";
+// Items without the removable attribute in the navbar should be considered non-removable
+add_task(function*() {
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(kTestBtnId, "Test removable in navbar in customize mode");
+ document.getElementById("nav-bar").customizationTarget.appendChild(btn);
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.isWidgetRemovable(kTestBtnId), "Widget should not be considered removable");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ document.getElementById(kTestBtnId).remove();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_941083_invalidate_wrapper_cache_createWidget.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_941083_invalidate_wrapper_cache_createWidget.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d7f86fd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_941083_invalidate_wrapper_cache_createWidget.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// See
+const kWidgetId = "test-invalidate-wrapper-cache";
+// Check createWidget invalidates the widget cache
+add_task(function() {
+ let groupWrapper = CustomizableUI.getWidget(kWidgetId);
+ ok(groupWrapper, "Should get group wrapper.");
+ let singleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ ok(singleWrapper, "Should get single wrapper.");
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({id: kWidgetId, label: "Test invalidating widgets caching"});
+ let newGroupWrapper = CustomizableUI.getWidget(kWidgetId);
+ ok(newGroupWrapper, "Should get a group wrapper again.");
+ isnot(newGroupWrapper, groupWrapper, "Wrappers shouldn't be the same.");
+ isnot(newGroupWrapper.provider, groupWrapper.provider, "Wrapper providers shouldn't be the same.");
+ let newSingleWrapper = newGroupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ isnot(newSingleWrapper, singleWrapper, "Single wrappers shouldn't be the same.");
+ isnot(newSingleWrapper.provider, singleWrapper.provider, "Single wrapper providers shouldn't be the same.");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.getWidget(kWidgetId), "Shouldn't get a wrapper after destroying the widget.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_942581_unregisterArea_keeps_placements.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_942581_unregisterArea_keeps_placements.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61adac982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_942581_unregisterArea_keeps_placements.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kToolbarName = "test-unregisterArea-placements-toolbar";
+const kTestWidgetPfx = "test-widget-for-unregisterArea-placements-";
+const kTestWidgetCount = 3;
+// unregisterArea should keep placements by default and restore them when re-adding the area
+add_task(function*() {
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < kTestWidgetCount; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPfx + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ let spec = {id: id, type: 'button', removable: true, label: "unregisterArea test", tooltiptext: "" + i};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ }
+ for (let i = kTestWidgetCount; i < kTestWidgetCount * 2; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPfx + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ createDummyXULButton(id, "unregisterArea XUL test " + i);
+ }
+ let toolbarNode = createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ checkAbstractAndRealPlacements(toolbarNode, widgetIds);
+ // Now move one of them:
+ CustomizableUI.moveWidgetWithinArea(kTestWidgetPfx + kTestWidgetCount, 0);
+ // Clone the array so we know this is the modified one:
+ let modifiedWidgetIds = [...widgetIds];
+ let movedWidget = modifiedWidgetIds.splice(kTestWidgetCount, 1)[0];
+ modifiedWidgetIds.unshift(movedWidget);
+ // Check it:
+ checkAbstractAndRealPlacements(toolbarNode, modifiedWidgetIds);
+ // Then unregister
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kToolbarName);
+ // Check we tell the outside world no dangerous things:
+ checkWidgetFates(widgetIds);
+ // Only then remove the real node
+ toolbarNode.remove();
+ // Now move one of the items to the palette, and another to the navbar:
+ let lastWidget = modifiedWidgetIds.pop();
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(lastWidget);
+ lastWidget = modifiedWidgetIds.pop();
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(lastWidget, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ // Recreate ourselves with the default placements being the same:
+ toolbarNode = createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ // Then check that after doing this, our actual placements match
+ // the modified list, not the default one.
+ checkAbstractAndRealPlacements(toolbarNode, modifiedWidgetIds);
+ // Now remove completely:
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kToolbarName, true);
+ checkWidgetFates(modifiedWidgetIds);
+ toolbarNode.remove();
+ // One more time:
+ // Recreate ourselves with the default placements being the same:
+ toolbarNode = createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ // Should now be back to default:
+ checkAbstractAndRealPlacements(toolbarNode, widgetIds);
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kToolbarName, true);
+ checkWidgetFates(widgetIds);
+ toolbarNode.remove();
+ // XXXgijs: ensure cleanup function doesn't barf:
+ gAddedToolbars.delete(kToolbarName);
+ // Remove all the XUL widgets, destroy the others:
+ for (let widget of widgetIds) {
+ let widgetWrapper = CustomizableUI.getWidget(widget);
+ if (widgetWrapper.provider == CustomizableUI.PROVIDER_XUL) {
+ gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#" + widget).remove();
+ } else {
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(widget);
+ }
+ }
+function checkAbstractAndRealPlacements(aNode, aExpectedPlacements) {
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, aExpectedPlacements);
+ let physicalWidgetIds = Array.from(aNode.childNodes, (node) =>;
+ placementArraysEqual(, physicalWidgetIds, aExpectedPlacements);
+function checkWidgetFates(aWidgetIds) {
+ for (let widget of aWidgetIds) {
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(widget), "Widget should be in palette");
+ ok(!document.getElementById(widget), "Widget should not be in the DOM");
+ let widgetInPalette = !!gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#" + widget);
+ let widgetProvider = CustomizableUI.getWidget(widget).provider;
+ let widgetIsXULWidget = widgetProvider == CustomizableUI.PROVIDER_XUL;
+ is(widgetInPalette, widgetIsXULWidget, "Just XUL Widgets should be in the palette");
+ }
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_943683_migration_test.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_943683_migration_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe30df9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_943683_migration_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kWidgetId = "test-addonbar-migration";
+const kWidgetId2 = "test-addonbar-migration2";
+var addonbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_ADDONBAR);
+var navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+var btn;
+var btn2;
+// Check we migrate normal stuff to the navbar
+add_task(function*() {
+ btn = createDummyXULButton(kWidgetId, "Test");
+ btn2 = createDummyXULButton(kWidgetId2, "Test2");
+ addonbar.insertItem(;
+ ok(btn.parentNode == navbar.customizationTarget, "Button should end up in navbar");
+ let migrationArray = addonbar.getMigratedItems();
+ is(migrationArray.length, 1, "Should have migrated 1 item");
+ is(migrationArray[0], kWidgetId, "Should have migrated our 1 item");
+ addonbar.currentSet = addonbar.currentSet + "," + kWidgetId2;
+ ok(btn2.parentNode == navbar.customizationTarget, "Second button should end up in the navbar");
+ migrationArray = addonbar.getMigratedItems();
+ is(migrationArray.length, 2, "Should have migrated 2 items");
+ isnot(migrationArray.indexOf(kWidgetId2), -1, "Should have migrated our second item");
+ let otherWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow(undefined, true);
+ try {
+ let addonBar = otherWindow.document.getElementById("addon-bar");
+ let otherMigrationArray = addonBar.getMigratedItems();
+ is(migrationArray.length, otherMigrationArray.length,
+ "Other window should have the same number of migrated items.");
+ if (migrationArray.length == otherMigrationArray.length) {
+ for (let widget of migrationArray) {
+ isnot(otherMigrationArray.indexOf(widget), -1,
+ "Migrated widget " + widget + " should also be listed as migrated in the other window.");
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(otherWindow);
+ }
+ btn.remove();
+ btn2.remove();
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_944887_destroyWidget_should_destroy_in_palette.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_944887_destroyWidget_should_destroy_in_palette.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a724b0c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_944887_destroyWidget_should_destroy_in_palette.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kWidgetId = "test-destroy-in-palette";
+// Check destroyWidget destroys the node if it's in the palette
+add_task(function*() {
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({id: kWidgetId, label: "Test destroying widgets in palette."});
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ ok(gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#" + kWidgetId), "Widget still exists in palette.");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ ok(!gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#" + kWidgetId), "Widget no longer exists in palette.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_945739_showInPrivateBrowsing_customize_mode.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_945739_showInPrivateBrowsing_customize_mode.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b8acbee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_945739_showInPrivateBrowsing_customize_mode.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kWidgetId = "test-private-browsing-customize-mode-widget";
+// Add a widget via the API with showInPrivateBrowsing set to false
+// and ensure it does not appear in the list of unused widgets in private
+// windows.
+add_task(function* testPrivateBrowsingCustomizeModeWidget() {
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ showInPrivateBrowsing: false
+ });
+ let normalWidgetArray = CustomizableUI.getUnusedWidgets(gNavToolbox.palette);
+ normalWidgetArray = =>;
+ ok(normalWidgetArray.indexOf(kWidgetId) > -1,
+ "Widget should appear as unused in non-private window");
+ let privateWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({private: true});
+ let privateWidgetArray = CustomizableUI.getUnusedWidgets(privateWindow.gNavToolbox.palette);
+ privateWidgetArray = =>;
+ is(privateWidgetArray.indexOf(kWidgetId), -1,
+ "Widget should not appear as unused in private window");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(privateWindow);
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_addons.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_addons.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b942ee771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_addons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var initialLocation = gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+var newTab = null;
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check addons button existence and functionality");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let addonsButton = document.getElementById("add-ons-button");
+ ok(addonsButton, "Add-ons button exists in Panel Menu");
+ newTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
+ yield waitForCondition(() => gBrowser.currentURI &&
+ gBrowser.currentURI.spec == "about:addons");
+ let addonsPage = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow.document.
+ getElementById("addons-page");
+ ok(addonsPage, "Add-ons page was opened");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ gBrowser.addTab(initialLocation);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
+ info("Tabs were restored");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_copy.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_copy.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c778c956f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_copy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var initialLocation = gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+var globalClipboard;
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({gBrowser, url: "about:blank"}, function*() {
+ info("Check copy button existence and functionality");
+ let testText = "copy text test";
+ gURLBar.focus();
+ info("The URL bar was focused");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let copyButton = document.getElementById("copy-button");
+ ok(copyButton, "Copy button exists in Panel Menu");
+ ok(copyButton.getAttribute("disabled"), "Copy button is initially disabled");
+ // copy text from URL bar
+ gURLBar.value = testText;
+ gURLBar.focus();
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ ok(!copyButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Copy button is enabled when selecting");
+ is(gURLBar.value, testText, "Selected text is unaltered when clicking copy");
+ // check that the text was added to the clipboard
+ let clipboard = Services.clipboard;
+ let transferable = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable);
+ globalClipboard = clipboard.kGlobalClipboard;
+ transferable.init(null);
+ transferable.addDataFlavor("text/unicode");
+ clipboard.getData(transferable, globalClipboard);
+ let str = {}, strLength = {};
+ transferable.getTransferData("text/unicode", str, strLength);
+ let clipboardValue = "";
+ if (str.value) {
+ str.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString);
+ clipboardValue =;
+ }
+ is(clipboardValue, testText, "Data was copied to the clipboard.");
+ });
+registerCleanupFunction(function cleanup() {
+ Services.clipboard.emptyClipboard(globalClipboard);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_cut.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_cut.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6e614368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_cut.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var initialLocation = gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+var globalClipboard;
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({gBrowser, url: "about:blank"}, function*() {
+ info("Check cut button existence and functionality");
+ let testText = "cut text test";
+ gURLBar.focus();
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let cutButton = document.getElementById("cut-button");
+ ok(cutButton, "Cut button exists in Panel Menu");
+ ok(cutButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Cut button is disabled");
+ // cut text from URL bar
+ gURLBar.value = testText;
+ gURLBar.focus();
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ ok(!cutButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Cut button is enabled when selecting");
+ is(gURLBar.value, "", "Selected text is removed from source when clicking on cut");
+ // check that the text was added to the clipboard
+ let clipboard = Services.clipboard;
+ let transferable = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable);
+ globalClipboard = clipboard.kGlobalClipboard;
+ transferable.init(null);
+ transferable.addDataFlavor("text/unicode");
+ clipboard.getData(transferable, globalClipboard);
+ let str = {}, strLength = {};
+ transferable.getTransferData("text/unicode", str, strLength);
+ let clipboardValue = "";
+ if (str.value) {
+ str.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString);
+ clipboardValue =;
+ }
+ is(clipboardValue, testText, "Data was copied to the clipboard.");
+ });
+registerCleanupFunction(function cleanup() {
+ Services.clipboard.emptyClipboard(globalClipboard);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_find.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_find.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf3b79e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_find.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check find button existence and functionality");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let findButton = document.getElementById("find-button");
+ ok(findButton, "Find button exists in Panel Menu");
+ ok(!gFindBar.hasAttribute("hidden"), "Findbar opened successfully");
+ // close find bar
+ gFindBar.close();
+ info("Findbar was closed");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_history.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_history.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64080fcc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_history.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check history button existence and functionality");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let historyButton = document.getElementById("history-panelmenu");
+ ok(historyButton, "History button appears in Panel Menu");
+ let historyPanel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-history");
+ ok(historyPanel.getAttribute("current"), "History Panel is in view");
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise
+ info("Menu panel was closed");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_newPrivateWindow.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_newPrivateWindow.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2006bef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_newPrivateWindow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check private browsing button existence and functionality");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let windowWasHandled = false;
+ let privateWindow = null;
+ let observerWindowOpened = {
+ observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+ if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
+ privateWindow = aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow);
+ privateWindow.addEventListener("load", function newWindowHandler() {
+ privateWindow.removeEventListener("load", newWindowHandler, false);
+ is(privateWindow.location.href, "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul",
+ "A new browser window was opened");
+ ok(PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(privateWindow), "Window is private");
+ windowWasHandled = true;
+ }, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Services.ww.registerNotification(observerWindowOpened);
+ let privateBrowsingButton = document.getElementById("privatebrowsing-button");
+ ok(privateBrowsingButton, "Private browsing button exists in Panel Menu");
+ try {
+ yield waitForCondition(() => windowWasHandled);
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(privateWindow);
+ info("The new private window was closed");
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ ok(false, "The new private browser window was not properly handled");
+ }
+ finally {
+ Services.ww.unregisterNotification(observerWindowOpened);
+ }
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_newWindow.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_newWindow.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47162ee86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_newWindow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check new window button existence and functionality");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let windowWasHandled = false;
+ let newWindow = null;
+ let observerWindowOpened = {
+ observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+ if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
+ newWindow = aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow);
+ newWindow.addEventListener("load", function newWindowHandler() {
+ newWindow.removeEventListener("load", newWindowHandler, false);
+ is(newWindow.location.href, "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul",
+ "A new browser window was opened");
+ ok(!PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(newWindow), "Window is not private");
+ windowWasHandled = true;
+ }, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Services.ww.registerNotification(observerWindowOpened);
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("new-window-button");
+ ok(newWindowButton, "New Window button exists in Panel Menu");
+ try {
+ yield waitForCondition(() => windowWasHandled);
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
+ info("The new window was closed");
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ ok(false, "The new browser window was not properly handled");
+ }
+ finally {
+ Services.ww.unregisterNotification(observerWindowOpened);
+ }
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_paste.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_paste.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc83ead56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_paste.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var initialLocation = gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+var globalClipboard;
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({gBrowser, url: "about:blank"}, function*() {
+ info("Check paste button existence and functionality");
+ let clipboard = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper);
+ globalClipboard = Services.clipboard.kGlobalClipboard;
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let pasteButton = document.getElementById("paste-button");
+ ok(pasteButton, "Paste button exists in Panel Menu");
+ // add text to clipboard
+ let text = "Sample text for testing";
+ clipboard.copyString(text);
+ // test paste button by pasting text to URL bar
+ gURLBar.focus();
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ ok(!pasteButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Paste button is enabled");
+ is(gURLBar.value, text, "Text pasted successfully");
+ });
+registerCleanupFunction(function cleanup() {
+ Services.clipboard.emptyClipboard(globalClipboard);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_print.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_print.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af7abcaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_print.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const isOSX = (Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin");
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({
+ gBrowser,
+ url: "",
+ }, function* () {
+ info("Check print button existence and functionality");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ yield waitForCondition(() => document.getElementById("print-button") != null);
+ let printButton = document.getElementById("print-button");
+ ok(printButton, "Print button exists in Panel Menu");
+ if (isOSX) {
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ info("Menu panel was closed");
+ }
+ else {
+ yield waitForCondition(() => gInPrintPreviewMode);
+ ok(gInPrintPreviewMode, "Entered print preview mode");
+ // close print preview
+ if (gInPrintPreviewMode) {
+ PrintUtils.exitPrintPreview();
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !window.gInPrintPreviewMode);
+ info("Exited print preview")
+ }
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_savePage.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_savePage.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..543ff3ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_savePage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check save page button existence");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let savePageButton = document.getElementById("save-page-button");
+ ok(savePageButton, "Save Page button exists in Panel Menu");
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ info("Menu panel was closed");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomIn.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomIn.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4463d87d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomIn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var initialPageZoom = ZoomManager.zoom;
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check zoom in button existence and functionality");
+ is(initialPageZoom, 1, "Initial zoom factor should be 1");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let zoomInButton = document.getElementById("zoom-in-button");
+ ok(zoomInButton, "Zoom in button exists in Panel Menu");
+ let pageZoomLevel = parseInt(ZoomManager.zoom * 100);
+ let zoomResetButton = document.getElementById("zoom-reset-button");
+ let expectedZoomLevel = parseInt(zoomResetButton.getAttribute("label"), 10);
+ ok(pageZoomLevel > 100 && pageZoomLevel == expectedZoomLevel, "Page zoomed in correctly");
+ // close the Panel
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ info("Menu panel was closed");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ // reset zoom level
+ ZoomManager.zoom = initialPageZoom;
+ info("Zoom level was restored");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomOut.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomOut.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9f51ac9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomOut.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var initialPageZoom = ZoomManager.zoom;
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check zoom out button existence and functionality");
+ is(initialPageZoom, 1, "Initial zoom factor should be 1");
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let zoomOutButton = document.getElementById("zoom-out-button");
+ ok(zoomOutButton, "Zoom out button exists in Panel Menu");
+ let pageZoomLevel = Math.round(ZoomManager.zoom * 100);
+ let zoomResetButton = document.getElementById("zoom-reset-button");
+ let expectedZoomLevel = parseInt(zoomResetButton.getAttribute("label"), 10);
+ ok(pageZoomLevel < 100 && pageZoomLevel == expectedZoomLevel, "Page zoomed out correctly");
+ // close the panel
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ info("Menu panel was closed");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ // reset zoom level
+ ZoomManager.zoom = initialPageZoom;
+ info("Zoom level was restored");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomReset.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomReset.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..372097665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947914_button_zoomReset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var initialPageZoom = ZoomManager.zoom;
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check zoom reset button existence and functionality");
+ is(initialPageZoom, 1, "Page zoom reset correctly");
+ ZoomManager.zoom = 0.5;
+ yield;
+ info("Menu panel was opened");
+ let zoomResetButton = document.getElementById("zoom-reset-button");
+ ok(zoomResetButton, "Zoom reset button exists in Panel Menu");
+ yield new Promise(SimpleTest.executeSoon);
+ let pageZoomLevel = Math.floor(ZoomManager.zoom * 100);
+ let expectedZoomLevel = 100;
+ let buttonZoomLevel = parseInt(zoomResetButton.getAttribute("label"), 10);
+ is(pageZoomLevel, expectedZoomLevel, "Page zoom reset correctly");
+ is(pageZoomLevel, buttonZoomLevel, "Button displays the correct zoom level");
+ // close the panel
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ info("Menu panel was closed");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ // reset zoom level
+ ZoomManager.zoom = initialPageZoom;
+ info("Zoom level was restored");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947987_removable_default.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947987_removable_default.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98325ec2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_947987_removable_default.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var kWidgetId = "test-removable-widget-default";
+const kNavBar = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR;
+var widgetCounter = 0;
+// Sanity checks
+add_task(function() {
+ let brokenSpec = {id: kWidgetId + (widgetCounter++), removable: false};
+ SimpleTest.doesThrow(() => CustomizableUI.createWidget(brokenSpec),
+ "Creating non-removable widget without defaultArea should throw.");
+ // Widget without removable set should be removable:
+ let wrapper = CustomizableUI.createWidget({id: kWidgetId + (widgetCounter++)});
+ ok(CustomizableUI.isWidgetRemovable(, "Should be removable by default.");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(;
+// Test non-removable widget with defaultArea
+add_task(function*() {
+ // Non-removable widget with defaultArea should work:
+ let spec = {id: kWidgetId + (widgetCounter++), removable: false,
+ defaultArea: kNavBar};
+ let widgetWrapper;
+ try {
+ widgetWrapper = CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ ok(false, "Creating a non-removable widget with a default area should not throw.");
+ return;
+ }
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(;
+ ok(placement, "Widget should be placed.");
+ is(placement.area, kNavBar, "Widget should be in navbar");
+ let singleWrapper = widgetWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ ok(singleWrapper, "Widget should exist in window.");
+ ok(singleWrapper.node, "Widget node should exist in window.");
+ let expectedParent = CustomizableUI.getCustomizeTargetForArea(kNavBar, window);
+ is(singleWrapper.node.parentNode, expectedParent, "Widget should be in navbar.");
+ let otherWin = yield openAndLoadWindow(true);
+ placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(;
+ ok(placement, "Widget should be placed.");
+ is(placement && placement.area, kNavBar, "Widget should be in navbar");
+ singleWrapper = widgetWrapper.forWindow(otherWin);
+ ok(singleWrapper, "Widget should exist in other window.");
+ if (singleWrapper) {
+ ok(singleWrapper.node, "Widget node should exist in other window.");
+ if (singleWrapper.node) {
+ let expectedParent = CustomizableUI.getCustomizeTargetForArea(kNavBar, otherWin);
+ is(singleWrapper.node.parentNode, expectedParent,
+ "Widget should be in navbar in other window.");
+ }
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(;
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(otherWin);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_948985_non_removable_defaultArea.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_948985_non_removable_defaultArea.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..456c9ed02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_948985_non_removable_defaultArea.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+const kWidgetId = "test-destroy-non-removable-defaultArea";
+add_task(function() {
+ let spec = {id: kWidgetId, label: "Test non-removable defaultArea re-adding.",
+ removable: false, defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kWidgetId);
+ ok(placement, "Should have placed the widget.");
+ is(placement && placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Widget should be in navbar");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kWidgetId);
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ ok(placement, "Should have placed the widget.");
+ is(placement && placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Widget should be in navbar");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kWidgetId);
+ const kPrefCustomizationAutoAdd = "browser.uiCustomization.autoAdd";
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kPrefCustomizationAutoAdd, false);
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ ok(placement, "Should have placed the widget.");
+ is(placement && placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Widget should be in navbar");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kWidgetId);
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref(kPrefCustomizationAutoAdd);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_952963_areaType_getter_no_area.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_952963_areaType_getter_no_area.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc05a99fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_952963_areaType_getter_no_area.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kToolbarName = "test-unregisterArea-areaType";
+const kUnregisterAreaTestWidget = "test-widget-for-unregisterArea-areaType";
+const kTestWidget = "test-widget-no-area-areaType";
+function checkAreaType(widget) {
+ try {
+ is(widget.areaType, null, "areaType should be null");
+ } catch (ex) {
+ info("Fetching areaType threw: " + ex);
+ ok(false, "areaType getter shouldn't throw.");
+ }
+// widget wrappers in unregisterArea'd areas and nowhere shouldn't throw when checking areaTypes.
+add_task(function*() {
+ // Using the ID before it's been created will imply a XUL wrapper; we'll test
+ // an API-based wrapper below
+ let toolbarNode = createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, [kUnregisterAreaTestWidget]);
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kToolbarName);
+ toolbarNode.remove();
+ let w = CustomizableUI.getWidget(kUnregisterAreaTestWidget);
+ checkAreaType(w);
+ w = CustomizableUI.getWidget(kTestWidget);
+ checkAreaType(w);
+ let spec = {id: kUnregisterAreaTestWidget, type: 'button', removable: true,
+ label: "areaType test", tooltiptext: "areaType test"};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ toolbarNode = createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, [kUnregisterAreaTestWidget]);
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kToolbarName);
+ toolbarNode.remove();
+ w = CustomizableUI.getWidget(;
+ checkAreaType(w);
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(kUnregisterAreaTestWidget);
+ checkAreaType(w);
+ // XXXgijs: ensure cleanup function doesn't barf:
+ gAddedToolbars.delete(kToolbarName);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_956602_remove_special_widget.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_956602_remove_special_widget.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f87b2e4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_956602_remove_special_widget.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Adding a separator and then dragging it out of the navbar shouldn't throw
+add_task(function*() {
+ try {
+ let navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+ let separatorSelector = "toolbarseparator[id^=customizableui-special-separator]";
+ ok(!navbar.querySelector(separatorSelector), "Shouldn't be a separator in the navbar");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea('separator', 'nav-bar');
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let separator = navbar.querySelector(separatorSelector);
+ ok(separator, "There should be a separator in the navbar now.");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ simulateItemDrag(separator, palette);
+ ok(!palette.querySelector(separatorSelector), "No separator in the palette.");
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ ok(false, "Shouldn't throw an exception moving an item to the navbar.");
+ } finally {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ }
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_962069_drag_to_overflow_chevron.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_962069_drag_to_overflow_chevron.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c4f6cfa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_962069_drag_to_overflow_chevron.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var originalWindowWidth;
+// Drag to overflow chevron should open the overflow panel.
+add_task(function*() {
+ originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ let widgetOverflowPanel = document.getElementById("widget-overflow");
+ let panelShownPromise = promisePanelElementShown(window, widgetOverflowPanel);
+ let identityBox = document.getElementById("identity-box");
+ let overflowChevron = document.getElementById("nav-bar-overflow-button");
+ // Listen for hiding immediately so we don't miss the event because of the
+ // async-ness of the 'shown' yield...
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelElementHidden(window, widgetOverflowPanel);
+ var ds = Components.classes[";1"].
+ getService(Components.interfaces.nsIDragService);
+ ds.startDragSession();
+ try {
+ var [result, dataTransfer] = EventUtils.synthesizeDragOver(identityBox, overflowChevron);
+ // Wait for showing panel before ending drag session.
+ yield panelShownPromise;
+ EventUtils.synthesizeDropAfterDragOver(result, dataTransfer, overflowChevron);
+ } finally {
+ ds.endDragSession(true);
+ }
+ info("Overflow panel is shown.");
+ widgetOverflowPanel.hidePopup();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+add_task(function*() {
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(!navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should not have an overflowing toolbar.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_962884_opt_in_disable_hyphens.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_962884_opt_in_disable_hyphens.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf2603999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_962884_opt_in_disable_hyphens.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ const kNormalLabel = "Character Encoding";
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("characterencoding-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let characterEncoding = document.getElementById("characterencoding-button");
+ const kOriginalLabel = characterEncoding.getAttribute("label");
+ characterEncoding.setAttribute("label", "\u00ad" + kNormalLabel);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("characterencoding-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ yield;
+ is(characterEncoding.getAttribute("auto-hyphens"), "off",
+ "Hyphens should be disabled if the &shy; character is present in the label");
+ let multilineText = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(characterEncoding, "class", "toolbarbutton-multiline-text");
+ let multilineTextCS = getComputedStyle(multilineText);
+ is(multilineTextCS.MozHyphens, "manual", "-moz-hyphens should be set to manual when the &shy; character is present.")
+ let hiddenPanelPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle();
+ yield hiddenPanelPromise;
+ characterEncoding.setAttribute("label", kNormalLabel);
+ yield;
+ isnot(characterEncoding.getAttribute("auto-hyphens"), "off",
+ "Hyphens should not be disabled if the &shy; character is not present in the label");
+ multilineText = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(characterEncoding, "class", "toolbarbutton-multiline-text");
+ multilineTextCS = getComputedStyle(multilineText);
+ is(multilineTextCS.MozHyphens, "auto", "-moz-hyphens should be set to auto by default.")
+ hiddenPanelPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle();
+ yield hiddenPanelPromise;
+ characterEncoding.setAttribute("label", "\u00ad" + kNormalLabel);
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("characterencoding-button");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ isnot(characterEncoding.getAttribute("auto-hyphens"), "off",
+ "Hyphens should not be disabled when the widget is in the palette");
+ gCustomizeMode.addToPanel(characterEncoding);
+ is(characterEncoding.getAttribute("auto-hyphens"), "off",
+ "Hyphens should be disabled if the &shy; character is present in the label in customization mode");
+ multilineText = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(characterEncoding, "class", "toolbarbutton-multiline-text");
+ multilineTextCS = getComputedStyle(multilineText);
+ is(multilineTextCS.MozHyphens, "manual", "-moz-hyphens should be set to manual when the &shy; character is present in customization mode.")
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("characterencoding-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ ok(!characterEncoding.hasAttribute("auto-hyphens"),
+ "Removing the widget from the panel should remove the auto-hyphens attribute");
+ characterEncoding.setAttribute("label", kOriginalLabel);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_963639_customizing_attribute_non_customizable_toolbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_963639_customizing_attribute_non_customizable_toolbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5710c50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_963639_customizing_attribute_non_customizable_toolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kToolbar = "test-toolbar-963639-non-customizable-customizing-attribute";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Test for Bug 963639 - CustomizeMode _onToolbarVisibilityChange sets @customizing on non-customizable toolbars");
+ let toolbar = document.createElement("toolbar");
+ = kToolbar;
+ gNavToolbox.appendChild(toolbar);
+ let testToolbar = document.getElementById(kToolbar)
+ ok(testToolbar, "Toolbar was created.");
+ is(gNavToolbox.getElementsByAttribute("id", kToolbar).length, 1,
+ "Toolbar was added to the navigator toolbox");
+ toolbar.setAttribute("toolbarname", "NonCustomizableToolbarCustomizingAttribute");
+ toolbar.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ window.setToolbarVisibility(toolbar, "true");
+ isnot(toolbar.getAttribute("customizing"), "true",
+ "Toolbar doesn't have the customizing attribute");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ gNavToolbox.removeChild(toolbar);
+ is(gNavToolbox.getElementsByAttribute("id", kToolbar).length, 0,
+ "Toolbar was removed from the navigator toolbox");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_charEncoding.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_charEncoding.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0688ebbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_charEncoding.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const TEST_PAGE = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test_967000_charEncoding_page.html";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check Character Encoding button functionality");
+ // add the Character Encoding button to the panel
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("characterencoding-button",
+ CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ // check the button's functionality
+ yield;
+ let charEncodingButton = document.getElementById("characterencoding-button");
+ ok(charEncodingButton, "The Character Encoding button was added to the Panel Menu");
+ is(charEncodingButton.getAttribute("disabled"), "true",
+ "The Character encoding button is initially disabled");
+ let panelHidePromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHidePromise;
+ let newTab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, TEST_PAGE, true, true);
+ yield;
+ ok(!charEncodingButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "The Character encoding button gets enabled");
+ let characterEncodingView = document.getElementById("PanelUI-characterEncodingView");
+ let subviewShownPromise = subviewShown(characterEncodingView);
+ yield subviewShownPromise;
+ ok(characterEncodingView.hasAttribute("current"), "The Character encoding panel is displayed");
+ let pinnedEncodings = document.getElementById("PanelUI-characterEncodingView-pinned");
+ let charsetsList = document.getElementById("PanelUI-characterEncodingView-charsets");
+ ok(pinnedEncodings, "Pinned charsets are available");
+ ok(charsetsList, "Charsets list is available");
+ let checkedButtons = characterEncodingView.querySelectorAll("toolbarbutton[checked='true']");
+ is(checkedButtons.length, 2, "There should be 2 checked items (1 charset, 1 detector).");
+ is(checkedButtons[0].getAttribute("label"), "Unicode", "The unicode encoding is correctly selected");
+ is(characterEncodingView.querySelectorAll("#PanelUI-characterEncodingView-autodetect toolbarbutton[checked='true']").length,
+ 1,
+ "There should be 1 checked detector.");
+ panelHidePromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHidePromise;
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(newTab);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ // reset the panel to the default state
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "The UI is in default state again.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_feeds.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_feeds.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f391941a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_feeds.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const TEST_PAGE = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/feeds_test_page.html";
+const TEST_FEED = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test-feed.xml"
+var newTab = null;
+var initialLocation = gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check Subscribe button functionality");
+ // add the Subscribe button to the panel
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("feed-button",
+ CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ // check the button's functionality
+ yield;
+ let feedButton = document.getElementById("feed-button");
+ ok(feedButton, "The Subscribe button was added to the Panel Menu");
+ is(feedButton.getAttribute("disabled"), "true", "The Subscribe button is initially disabled");
+ let panelHidePromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHidePromise;
+ newTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
+ yield promiseTabLoadEvent(newTab, TEST_PAGE);
+ yield;
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !feedButton.hasAttribute("disabled"));
+ ok(!feedButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "The Subscribe button gets enabled");
+ yield promiseTabLoadEvent(newTab, TEST_FEED);
+ is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, TEST_FEED, "Subscribe page opened");
+ ok(!isPanelUIOpen(), "Panel is closed");
+ if (isPanelUIOpen()) {
+ panelHidePromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHidePromise;
+ }
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ // reset the panel UI to the default state
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "The UI is in default state again.");
+ // restore the initial location
+ gBrowser.addTab(initialLocation);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_sync.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_sync.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15a3235e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_967000_button_sync.js
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+let {SyncedTabs} = Cu.import("resource://services-sync/SyncedTabs.jsm", {});
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UITour", "resource:///modules/UITour.jsm");
+// These are available on the widget implementation, but it seems impossible
+// to grab that impl at runtime.
+const DECKINDEX_TABS = 0;
+var initialLocation = gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+var newTab = null;
+// A helper to notify there are new tabs. Returns a promise that is resolved
+// once the UI has been updated.
+function updateTabsPanel() {
+ let promiseTabsUpdated = promiseObserverNotified("synced-tabs-menu:test:tabs-updated");
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, SyncedTabs.TOPIC_TABS_CHANGED, null);
+ return promiseTabsUpdated;
+// This is the mock we use for SyncedTabs.jsm - tests may override various
+// functions.
+let mockedInternal = {
+ get isConfiguredToSyncTabs() { return true; },
+ getTabClients() { return []; },
+ syncTabs() {},
+ hasSyncedThisSession: false,
+add_task(function* setup() {
+ let oldInternal = SyncedTabs._internal;
+ SyncedTabs._internal = mockedInternal;
+ registerCleanupFunction(() => {
+ SyncedTabs._internal = oldInternal;
+ });
+// The test expects the about:preferences#sync page to open in the current tab
+function* openPrefsFromMenuPanel(expectedPanelId, entryPoint) {
+ info("Check Sync button functionality");
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.signup.uri", "");
+ // add the Sync button to the panel
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ // check the button's functionality
+ yield;
+ if (entryPoint == "uitour") {
+ UITour.tourBrowsersByWindow.set(window, new Set());
+ UITour.tourBrowsersByWindow.get(window).add(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
+ }
+ let syncButton = document.getElementById("sync-button");
+ ok(syncButton, "The Sync button was added to the Panel Menu");
+ let syncPanel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs");
+ ok(syncPanel.getAttribute("current"), "Sync Panel is in view");
+ // Sync is not configured - verify that state is reflected.
+ let subpanel = document.getElementById(expectedPanelId)
+ ok(!subpanel.hidden, "sync setup element is visible");
+ // Find and click the "setup" button.
+ let setupButton = subpanel.querySelector(".PanelUI-remotetabs-prefs-button");
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let handler = (e) => {
+ if (e.originalTarget != gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentDocument ||
+ == "about:blank") {
+ info("Skipping spurious 'load' event for " +;
+ return;
+ }
+ gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", handler, true);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", handler, true);
+ yield deferred.promise;
+ newTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
+ is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:preferences?entrypoint=" + entryPoint + "#sync",
+ "Firefox Sync preference page opened with `menupanel` entrypoint");
+ ok(!isPanelUIOpen(), "The panel closed");
+ if (isPanelUIOpen()) {
+ let panelHidePromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHidePromise;
+ }
+function* asyncCleanup() {
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.signup.uri");
+ // reset the panel UI to the default state
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "The panel UI is in default state again.");
+ // restore the tabs
+ gBrowser.addTab(initialLocation);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
+ UITour.tourBrowsersByWindow.delete(window);
+// When Sync is not setup.
+add_task(() => openPrefsFromMenuPanel("PanelUI-remotetabs-setupsync", "synced-tabs"));
+// When Sync is configured in a "needs reauthentication" state.
+add_task(function* () {
+ // configure our broadcasters so we are in the right state.
+ document.getElementById("sync-reauth-state").hidden = false;
+ document.getElementById("sync-setup-state").hidden = true;
+ document.getElementById("sync-syncnow-state").hidden = true;
+ yield openPrefsFromMenuPanel("PanelUI-remotetabs-reauthsync", "synced-tabs")
+// Test the mobile promo links
+add_task(function* () {
+ // change the preferences for the mobile links.
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("", "");
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("identity.mobilepromo.ios", "");
+ mockedInternal.getTabClients = () => [];
+ mockedInternal.syncTabs = () => Promise.resolve();
+ document.getElementById("sync-reauth-state").hidden = true;
+ document.getElementById("sync-setup-state").hidden = true;
+ document.getElementById("sync-syncnow-state").hidden = false;
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let syncPanel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs");
+ let links = syncPanel.querySelectorAll(".remotetabs-promo-link");
+ is(links.length, 2, "found 2 links as expected");
+ // test each link and left and middle mouse buttons
+ for (let link of links) {
+ for (let button = 0; button < 2; button++) {
+ yield;
+ EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "click", button }, link, window);
+ // the panel should have been closed.
+ ok(!isPanelUIOpen(), "click closed the panel");
+ // should be a new tab - wait for the load.
+ is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 2, "there's a new tab");
+ yield new Promise(resolve => {
+ if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec == "about:blank") {
+ gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function listener(e) {
+ gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", listener, true);
+ resolve();
+ }, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // the new tab has already transitioned away from about:blank so we
+ // are good to go.
+ resolve();
+ });
+ let os = link.getAttribute("mobile-promo-os");
+ let expectedUrl = `${os}&tail=synced-tabs`;
+ is(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec, expectedUrl, "correct URL");
+ gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
+ }
+ }
+ // test each link and right mouse button - should be a noop.
+ yield;
+ for (let link of links) {
+ EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "click", button: 2 }, link, window);
+ // the panel should still be open
+ ok(isPanelUIOpen(), "panel remains open after right-click");
+ is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 1, "no new tab was opened");
+ }
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("identity.mobilepromo.ios");
+// Test the "Sync Now" button
+add_task(function* () {
+ mockedInternal.getTabClients = () => [];
+ mockedInternal.syncTabs = () => {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ }
+ // configure our broadcasters so we are in the right state.
+ document.getElementById("sync-reauth-state").hidden = true;
+ document.getElementById("sync-setup-state").hidden = true;
+ document.getElementById("sync-syncnow-state").hidden = false;
+ // add the Sync button to the panel
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ yield;
+ document.getElementById("sync-button").click();
+ let syncPanel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs");
+ ok(syncPanel.getAttribute("current"), "Sync Panel is in view");
+ let subpanel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs-main")
+ ok(!subpanel.hidden, "main pane is visible");
+ let deck = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs-deck");
+ // The widget is still fetching tabs, as we've neutered everything that
+ // provides them
+ is(deck.selectedIndex, DECKINDEX_FETCHING, "first deck entry is visible");
+ let syncNowButton = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs-syncnow");
+ let didSync = false;
+ let oldDoSync = gSyncUI.doSync;
+ gSyncUI.doSync = function() {
+ didSync = true;
+ mockedInternal.hasSyncedThisSession = true;
+ gSyncUI.doSync = oldDoSync;
+ }
+ ok(didSync, "clicking the button called the correct function");
+ // Tell the widget there are tabs available, but with zero clients.
+ mockedInternal.getTabClients = () => {
+ return Promise.resolve([]);
+ }
+ yield updateTabsPanel();
+ // The UI should be showing the "no clients" pane.
+ is(deck.selectedIndex, DECKINDEX_NOCLIENTS, "no-clients deck entry is visible");
+ // Tell the widget there are tabs available - we have 3 clients, one with no
+ // tabs.
+ mockedInternal.getTabClients = () => {
+ return Promise.resolve([
+ {
+ id: "guid_mobile",
+ type: "client",
+ name: "My Phone",
+ tabs: [],
+ },
+ {
+ id: "guid_desktop",
+ type: "client",
+ name: "My Desktop",
+ tabs: [
+ {
+ title: "",
+ lastUsed: 10, // the most recent
+ },
+ {
+ title: "",
+ lastUsed: 1, // the least recent.
+ },
+ {
+ title: "",
+ lastUsed: 5,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: "guid_second_desktop",
+ name: "My Other Desktop",
+ tabs: [
+ {
+ title: "",
+ lastUsed: 6,
+ }
+ ],
+ },
+ ]);
+ };
+ yield updateTabsPanel();
+ // The UI should be showing tabs!
+ is(deck.selectedIndex, DECKINDEX_TABS, "no-clients deck entry is visible");
+ let tabList = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs-tabslist");
+ let node = tabList.firstChild;
+ // First entry should be the client with the most-recent tab.
+ is(node.getAttribute("itemtype"), "client", "node is a client entry");
+ is(node.textContent, "My Desktop", "correct client");
+ // Next entry is the most-recent tab
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.getAttribute("itemtype"), "tab", "node is a tab");
+ is(node.getAttribute("label"), "");
+ // Next entry is the next-most-recent tab
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.getAttribute("itemtype"), "tab", "node is a tab");
+ is(node.getAttribute("label"), "");
+ // Next entry is the least-recent tab from the first client.
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.getAttribute("itemtype"), "tab", "node is a tab");
+ is(node.getAttribute("label"), "");
+ // Next is a menuseparator between the clients.
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.nodeName, "menuseparator");
+ // Next is the client with 1 tab.
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.getAttribute("itemtype"), "client", "node is a client entry");
+ is(node.textContent, "My Other Desktop", "correct client");
+ // Its single tab
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.getAttribute("itemtype"), "tab", "node is a tab");
+ is(node.getAttribute("label"), "");
+ // Next is a menuseparator between the clients.
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.nodeName, "menuseparator");
+ // Next is the client with no tab.
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.getAttribute("itemtype"), "client", "node is a client entry");
+ is(node.textContent, "My Phone", "correct client");
+ // There is a single node saying there's no tabs for the client.
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node.nodeName, "label", "node is a label");
+ is(node.getAttribute("itemtype"), "", "node is neither a tab nor a client");
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ is(node, null, "no more entries");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_968447_bookmarks_toolbar_items_in_panel.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_968447_bookmarks_toolbar_items_in_panel.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88c30bf81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_968447_bookmarks_toolbar_items_in_panel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Bug 968447 - The Bookmarks Toolbar Items doesn't appear as a
+// normal menu panel button in new windows.
+add_task(function*() {
+ const buttonId = "bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder";
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("personal-bookmarks", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield;
+ let bookmarksToolbarPlaceholder = document.getElementById(buttonId);
+ ok(bookmarksToolbarPlaceholder.classList.contains("toolbarbutton-1"),
+ "Button should have toolbarbutton-1 class");
+ is(bookmarksToolbarPlaceholder.getAttribute("wrap"), "true",
+ "Button should have the 'wrap' attribute");
+ info("Waiting for panel to close");
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ info("Waiting for window to open");
+ let newWin = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
+ info("Waiting for panel in new window to open");
+ let hideTrace = function() {
+ info(new Error().stack);
+ info("Panel was hidden.");
+ };
+ newWin.PanelUI.panel.addEventListener("popuphidden", hideTrace);
+ yield;
+ let newWinBookmarksToolbarPlaceholder = newWin.document.getElementById(buttonId);
+ ok(newWinBookmarksToolbarPlaceholder.classList.contains("toolbarbutton-1"),
+ "Button in new window should have toolbarbutton-1 class");
+ is(newWinBookmarksToolbarPlaceholder.getAttribute("wrap"), "true",
+ "Button in new window should have 'wrap' attribute");
+ newWin.PanelUI.panel.removeEventListener("popuphidden", hideTrace);
+ // XXXgijs on Linux, we're sometimes seeing the panel being hidden early
+ // in the newly created window, probably because something else steals focus.
+ if (newWin.PanelUI.panel.state != "closed") {
+ info("Panel is still open in new window, waiting for it to close");
+ panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(newWin);
+ newWin.PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ } else {
+ info("panel was already closed");
+ }
+ info("Waiting for new window to close");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWin);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanUp() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_968565_insert_before_hidden_items.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_968565_insert_before_hidden_items.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7504fc41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_968565_insert_before_hidden_items.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kHidden1Id = "test-hidden-button-1";
+const kHidden2Id = "test-hidden-button-2";
+var navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+// When we drag an item onto a customizable area, and not over a specific target, we
+// should assume that we're appending them to the area. If doing so, we should scan
+// backwards over any hidden items and insert the item before those hidden items.
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in the default state");
+ // Iterate backwards over the items in the nav-bar until we find the first
+ // one that is not hidden.
+ let placements = CustomizableUI.getWidgetsInArea(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let lastVisible = null;
+ for (let widgetGroup of placements.reverse()) {
+ let widget = widgetGroup.forWindow(window);
+ if (widget && widget.node && !widget.node.hidden) {
+ lastVisible = widget.node;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!lastVisible) {
+ ok(false, "Apparently, there are no visible items in the nav-bar.");
+ }
+ info("The last visible item in the nav-bar has ID: " +;
+ let hidden1 = createDummyXULButton(kHidden1Id, "You can't see me");
+ let hidden2 = createDummyXULButton(kHidden2Id, "You can't see me either.");
+ hidden1.hidden = hidden2.hidden = true;
+ // Make sure we have some hidden items at the end of the nav-bar.
+ navbar.insertItem(;
+ navbar.insertItem(;
+ // Drag an item and drop it onto the nav-bar customization target, but
+ // not over a particular item.
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let downloadsButton = document.getElementById("downloads-button");
+ simulateItemDrag(downloadsButton, navbar.customizationTarget);
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ is(,,
+ "The downloads button should be placed after the last visible item.");
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_969427_recreate_destroyed_widget_after_reset.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_969427_recreate_destroyed_widget_after_reset.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5479fcb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_969427_recreate_destroyed_widget_after_reset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+function getPlacementArea(id) {
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(id);
+ return placement && placement.area;
+// Check that a destroyed widget recreated after a reset call goes to
+// the navigation bar.
+add_task(function() {
+ const kWidgetId = "test-recreate-after-reset";
+ let spec = {id: kWidgetId, label: "Test re-create after reset.",
+ removable: true, defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ is(getPlacementArea(kWidgetId), CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR,
+ "widget is in the navigation bar");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ isnot(getPlacementArea(kWidgetId), CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR,
+ "widget removed from the navigation bar");
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ is(getPlacementArea(kWidgetId), CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR,
+ "widget recreated and added back to the nav bar");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_969661_character_encoding_navbar_disabled.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_969661_character_encoding_navbar_disabled.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f057a100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_969661_character_encoding_navbar_disabled.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Adding the character encoding menu to the panel, exiting customize mode,
+// and moving it to the nav-bar should have it enabled, not disabled.
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("characterencoding-button", "PanelUI-contents");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield;
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("characterencoding-button", 'nav-bar');
+ let button = document.getElementById("characterencoding-button");
+ ok(!button.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Button shouldn't be disabled");
+add_task(function asyncCleanup() {
+ resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_970511_undo_restore_default.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_970511_undo_restore_default.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7b3ca674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_970511_undo_restore_default.js
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Restoring default should reset theme and show an "undo" option which undoes the restoring operation.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let homeButtonId = "home-button";
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(homeButtonId);
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Not in default state to begin with");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(homeButtonId), null, "Home button is in palette");
+ let undoResetButton = document.getElementById("customization-undo-reset-button");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "The undo button is hidden before reset");
+ let themesButton = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-button");
+ let popup = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu");
+ let popupShownPromise = popupShown(popup);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(themesButton, {});
+ info("Clicked on themes button");
+ yield popupShownPromise;
+ let recommendedHeader = document.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu-recommended");
+ let firstLWTheme = recommendedHeader.nextSibling;
+ let firstLWThemeId =;
+ let themeChangedPromise = promiseObserverNotified("lightweight-theme-changed");
+ firstLWTheme.doCommand();
+ info("Clicked on first theme");
+ yield themeChangedPromise;
+ is(, firstLWThemeId, "Theme changed to first option");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "In default state after reset");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, false, "The undo button is visible after reset");
+ is(LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme, null, "Theme reset to default");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.undoReset()
+ is(, firstLWThemeId, "Theme has been reset from default to original choice");
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Not in default state after undo-reset");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "The undo button is hidden after clicking on the undo button");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(homeButtonId), null, "Home button is in palette");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+// Performing an action after a reset will hide the reset button.
+add_task(function*() {
+ let homeButtonId = "home-button";
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(homeButtonId);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Not in default state to begin with");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(homeButtonId), null, "Home button is in palette");
+ let undoResetButton = document.getElementById("customization-undo-reset-button");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "The undo button is hidden before reset");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "In default state after reset");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, false, "The undo button is visible after reset");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(homeButtonId, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "The undo button is hidden after another change");
+// "Restore defaults", exiting customize, and re-entering shouldn't show the Undo button
+add_task(function*() {
+ let undoResetButton = document.getElementById("customization-undo-reset-button");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "The undo button is hidden before a reset");
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "The browser should not be in default state");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, false, "The undo button is visible after a reset");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "The undo reset button should be hidden after entering customization mode");
+// Bug 971626 - Restore Defaults should collapse the Title Bar
+add_task(function*() {
+ if (Services.appinfo.OS != "WINNT" &&
+ Services.appinfo.OS != "Darwin") {
+ return;
+ }
+ let prefName = "browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar";
+ let defaultValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
+ let restoreDefaultsButton = document.getElementById("customization-reset-button");
+ let titleBarButton = document.getElementById("customization-titlebar-visibility-button");
+ let undoResetButton = document.getElementById("customization-undo-reset-button");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state at start of test");
+ ok(restoreDefaultsButton.disabled, "Restore defaults button should be disabled when in default state");
+ is(titleBarButton.hasAttribute("checked"), !defaultValue, "Title bar button should reflect pref value");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "Undo reset button should be hidden at start of test");
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(prefName, !defaultValue);
+ ok(!restoreDefaultsButton.disabled, "Restore defaults button should be enabled when pref changed");
+ is(titleBarButton.hasAttribute("checked"), defaultValue, "Title bar button should reflect changed pref value");
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "With titlebar flipped, no longer default");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "Undo reset button should be hidden after pref change");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(restoreDefaultsButton.disabled, "Restore defaults button should be disabled after reset");
+ is(titleBarButton.hasAttribute("checked"), !defaultValue, "Title bar button should reflect default value after reset");
+ is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName), defaultValue, "Reset should reset drawInTitlebar");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "In default state after titlebar reset");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, false, "Undo reset button should be visible after reset");
+ ok(!undoResetButton.disabled, "Undo reset button should be enabled after reset");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.undoReset();
+ ok(!restoreDefaultsButton.disabled, "Restore defaults button should be enabled after undo-reset");
+ is(titleBarButton.hasAttribute("checked"), defaultValue, "Title bar button should reflect undo-reset value");
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "No longer in default state after undo");
+ is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName), !defaultValue, "Undo-reset goes back to previous pref value");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "Undo reset button should be hidden after undo-reset clicked");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref(prefName);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "In default state after pref cleared");
+ is(undoResetButton.hidden, true, "Undo reset button should be hidden at end of test");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ yield endCustomizing();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_972267_customizationchange_events.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_972267_customizationchange_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b37dbe954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_972267_customizationchange_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Create a new window, then move the home button to the menu and check both windows have
+// customizationchange events fire on the toolbox:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow();
+ let otherToolbox = newWindow.gNavToolbox;
+ let handlerCalledCount = 0;
+ let handler = (ev) => {
+ handlerCalledCount++;
+ };
+ let homeButton = document.getElementById("home-button");
+ gNavToolbox.addEventListener("customizationchange", handler);
+ otherToolbox.addEventListener("customizationchange", handler);
+ gCustomizeMode.addToPanel(homeButton);
+ is(handlerCalledCount, 2, "Should be called for both windows.");
+ // If the test is run in isolation and the panel has never been open,
+ // the button will be in the palette. Deal with this case:
+ if ( == "BrowserToolbarPalette") {
+ yield PanelUI.ensureReady();
+ isnot(, "BrowserToolbarPalette", "Home button should now be in panel");
+ }
+ handlerCalledCount = 0;
+ gCustomizeMode.addToToolbar(homeButton);
+ is(handlerCalledCount, 2, "Should be called for both windows.");
+ gNavToolbox.removeEventListener("customizationchange", handler);
+ otherToolbox.removeEventListener("customizationchange", handler);
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_973641_button_addon.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_973641_button_addon.js
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..796bf3d0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_973641_button_addon.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kButton = "test_button_for_addon";
+var initialLocation = gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check addon button functionality");
+ // create mocked addon button on the navigation bar
+ let widgetSpec = {
+ id: kButton,
+ type: 'button',
+ onClick: function() {
+ gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:addons");
+ }
+ };
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(widgetSpec);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kButton, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ // check the button's functionality in navigation bar
+ let addonButton = document.getElementById(kButton);
+ let navBar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+ ok(addonButton, "Addon button exists");
+ ok(navBar.contains(addonButton), "Addon button is in the navbar");
+ yield checkButtonFunctionality(addonButton);
+ resetTabs();
+ // move the add-on button in the Panel Menu
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kButton, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ ok(!navBar.contains(addonButton), "Addon button was removed from the browser bar");
+ // check the addon button's functionality in the Panel Menu
+ yield;
+ var panelMenu = document.getElementById("PanelUI-mainView");
+ let addonButtonInPanel = panelMenu.getElementsByAttribute("id", kButton);
+ ok(panelMenu.contains(addonButton), "Addon button was added to the Panel Menu");
+ yield checkButtonFunctionality(addonButtonInPanel[0]);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ resetTabs();
+ // reset the UI to the default state
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "The UI is in default state again.");
+ // destroy the widget
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kButton);
+function resetTabs() {
+ // close all opened tabs
+ while (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) {
+ gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
+ }
+ // restore the initial tab
+ gBrowser.addTab(initialLocation);
+ gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
+function* checkButtonFunctionality(aButton) {
+ yield waitForCondition(() => gBrowser.currentURI &&
+ gBrowser.currentURI.spec == "about:addons");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_973932_addonbar_currentset.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_973932_addonbar_currentset.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66fa6ef47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_973932_addonbar_currentset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var addonbarID = CustomizableUI.AREA_ADDONBAR;
+var addonbar = document.getElementById(addonbarID);
+// Check that currentset is correctly updated after a reset:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let placements = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(addonbarID);
+ is(placements.join(','), addonbar.getAttribute("currentset"), "Addon-bar currentset should match default placements");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state");
+ info("Adding a spring to add-on bar shim");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("spring", addonbarID, 1);
+ ok(addonbar.getElementsByTagName("toolbarspring").length, "There should be a spring in the toolbar");
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should no longer be in default state");
+ placements = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(addonbarID);
+ is(placements.join(','), addonbar.getAttribute("currentset"), "Addon-bar currentset should match placements after spring addition");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state after reset");
+ placements = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(addonbarID);
+ is(placements.join(','), addonbar.getAttribute("currentset"), "Addon-bar currentset should match default placements after reset");
+ ok(!addonbar.getElementsByTagName("toolbarspring").length, "There should be no spring in the toolbar");
+ yield endCustomizing();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_975719_customtoolbars_behaviour.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_975719_customtoolbars_behaviour.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73fc7c1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_975719_customtoolbars_behaviour.js
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kXULWidgetId = "a-test-button"; // we'll create a button with this ID.
+add_task(function setup() {
+ // create a XUL button and add it to the palette.
+ createDummyXULButton(kXULWidgetId, "test-button");
+add_task(function* customizeToolbarAndKeepIt() {
+ ok(gNavToolbox.toolbarset, "There should be a toolbarset");
+ let toolbarID = "testAustralisCustomToolbar";
+ gNavToolbox.appendCustomToolbar(toolbarID, "");
+ let toolbarDOMID = getToolboxCustomToolbarId(toolbarID);
+ let toolbarElement = document.getElementById(toolbarDOMID);
+ ok(toolbarElement, "There should be a toolbar");
+ if (!toolbarElement) {
+ ok(false, "No toolbar created, bailing out of the test.");
+ return;
+ }
+ is(toolbarElement.nextSibling, gNavToolbox.toolbarset,
+ "Toolbar should have been inserted in toolbox, before toolbarset element");
+ let cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
+ is(cuiAreaType, CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ "CustomizableUI should know the area and think it's a toolbar");
+ if (cuiAreaType != CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR) {
+ ok(false, "Toolbar not registered successfully, bailing out of the test.");
+ toolbarElement.remove();
+ return;
+ }
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(toolbarDOMID).length, "There should be no widgets in the area yet.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("open-file-button", toolbarDOMID, 0);
+ ok(toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should now have a button.");
+ assertAreaPlacements(toolbarDOMID, ["open-file-button"]);
+ gNavToolbox.toolbarset.setAttribute("toolbar1", toolbarID + ":open-file-button");
+ document.persist(, "toolbar1");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ // First, exit customize mode without doing anything, and verify the toolbar doesn't get removed.
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Shouldn't be in default state, the toolbar should still be there.");
+ cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
+ is(cuiAreaType, CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ "CustomizableUI should still know the area and think it's a toolbar");
+ ok(toolbarElement.parentNode, "Toolbar should still be in the DOM.");
+ ok(toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should still have items in it.");
+ assertAreaPlacements(toolbarDOMID, ["open-file-button"]);
+ let newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
+ is(newWindow.gNavToolbox.toolbarset.getAttribute("toolbar1"),
+ gNavToolbox.toolbarset.getAttribute("toolbar1"),
+ "Attribute should be the same in new window");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
+ // Then customize again, and this time empty out the toolbar and verify it *does* get removed.
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let openFileButton = document.getElementById("open-file-button");
+ let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
+ simulateItemDrag(openFileButton, palette);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Shouldn't be in default state because there's still a non-collapsed toolbar.");
+ ok(!toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should have no more child nodes.");
+ toolbarElement.collapsed = true;
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state because there's now just a collapsed toolbar.");
+ toolbarElement.collapsed = false;
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Shouldn't be in default state because there's a non-collapsed toolbar again.");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state because the toolbar should have been removed.");
+ newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
+ ok(!newWindow.gNavToolbox.toolbarset.hasAttribute("toolbar1"),
+ "Attribute should be gone in new window");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
+ ok(!toolbarElement.parentNode, "Toolbar should no longer be in the DOM.");
+ cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
+ is(cuiAreaType, null, "CustomizableUI should have forgotten all about the area");
+add_task(function* resetShouldDealWithCustomToolbars() {
+ ok(gNavToolbox.toolbarset, "There should be a toolbarset");
+ let toolbarID = "testAustralisCustomToolbar";
+ gNavToolbox.appendCustomToolbar(toolbarID, "");
+ let toolbarDOMID = getToolboxCustomToolbarId(toolbarID);
+ let toolbarElement = document.getElementById(toolbarDOMID);
+ ok(toolbarElement, "There should be a toolbar");
+ if (!toolbarElement) {
+ ok(false, "No toolbar created, bailing out of the test.");
+ return;
+ }
+ is(toolbarElement.nextSibling, gNavToolbox.toolbarset,
+ "Toolbar should have been inserted in toolbox, before toolbarset element");
+ let cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
+ is(cuiAreaType, CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ "CustomizableUI should know the area and think it's a toolbar");
+ if (cuiAreaType != CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR) {
+ ok(false, "Toolbar not registered successfully, bailing out of the test.");
+ toolbarElement.remove();
+ return;
+ }
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(toolbarDOMID).length, "There should be no widgets in the area yet.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kXULWidgetId, toolbarDOMID, 0);
+ ok(toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should now have a button.");
+ assertAreaPlacements(toolbarDOMID, [kXULWidgetId]);
+ gNavToolbox.toolbarset.setAttribute("toolbar2", `${toolbarID}:${kXULWidgetId}`);
+ document.persist(, "toolbar2");
+ let newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
+ is(newWindow.gNavToolbox.toolbarset.getAttribute("toolbar2"),
+ gNavToolbox.toolbarset.getAttribute("toolbar2"),
+ "Attribute should be the same in new window");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
+ ok(!newWindow.gNavToolbox.toolbarset.hasAttribute("toolbar2"),
+ "Attribute should be gone in new window");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state after reset.");
+ let xulButton = document.getElementById(kXULWidgetId);
+ ok(!xulButton, "XUL button shouldn't be in the document anymore.");
+ ok(gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector(`#${kXULWidgetId}`), "XUL button should be in the palette");
+ ok(!toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should have no more child nodes.");
+ ok(!toolbarElement.parentNode, "Toolbar should no longer be in the DOM.");
+ cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
+ is(cuiAreaType, null, "CustomizableUI should have forgotten all about the area");
+add_task(function*() {
+ let newWin = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
+ ok(!newWin.gNavToolbox.toolbarset.hasAttribute("toolbar1"), "New window shouldn't have attribute toolbar1");
+ ok(!newWin.gNavToolbox.toolbarset.hasAttribute("toolbar2"), "New window shouldn't have attribute toolbar2");
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWin);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_976792_insertNodeInWindow.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_976792_insertNodeInWindow.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bfa8c25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_976792_insertNodeInWindow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kToolbarName = "test-insertNodeInWindow-placements-toolbar";
+const kTestWidgetPrefix = "test-widget-for-insertNodeInWindow-placements-";
+Tries to replicate the situation of having a placement list like this:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let testWidgetExists = [true, false, false, true];
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < testWidgetExists.length; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ if (testWidgetExists[i]) {
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "test", tooltiptext: "" + i};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ }
+ }
+ let toolbarNode = createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ let btnId = kTestWidgetPrefix + 1;
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(btnId, "test");
+ CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow(btnId, window);
+ is(, kToolbarName, "New XUL widget should be placed inside new toolbar");
+ is(,,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ widgetIds.forEach(id => CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(id));
+ btn.remove();
+ removeCustomToolbars();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+Tests nodes get placed inside the toolbar's overflow as expected. Replicates a
+situation similar to:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "insertNodeInWindow test", tooltiptext: "" + i};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(id, "nav-bar");
+ }
+ for (let id of widgetIds) {
+ document.getElementById(id).style.minWidth = "200px";
+ }
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ let testWidgetId = kTestWidgetPrefix + 3;
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(testWidgetId);
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(testWidgetId, "test");
+ CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow(testWidgetId, window);
+ is(,, "New XUL widget should be placed inside overflow of toolbar");
+ is(, kTestWidgetPrefix + 2,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ is(, kTestWidgetPrefix + 4,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ widgetIds.forEach(id => CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(id));
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(, kToolbarName);
+ btn.remove();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+Tests nodes get placed inside the toolbar's overflow as expected. Replicates a
+placements situation similar to:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "insertNodeInWindow test", tooltiptext: "" + i};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(id, "nav-bar");
+ }
+ for (let id of widgetIds) {
+ document.getElementById(id).style.minWidth = "200px";
+ }
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ let testWidgetId = kTestWidgetPrefix + 3;
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestWidgetPrefix + 2);
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(testWidgetId);
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(testWidgetId, "test");
+ CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow(testWidgetId, window);
+ is(,, "New XUL widget should be placed inside overflow of toolbar");
+ is(, kTestWidgetPrefix + 1,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ is(, kTestWidgetPrefix + 4,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ widgetIds.forEach(id => CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(id));
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(, kToolbarName);
+ btn.remove();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+Tests nodes get placed inside the toolbar's overflow as expected. Replicates a
+placements situation similar to:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "insertNodeInWindow test", tooltiptext: "" + i};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(id, "nav-bar");
+ }
+ for (let id of widgetIds) {
+ document.getElementById(id).style.minWidth = "200px";
+ }
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ let testWidgetId = kTestWidgetPrefix + 3;
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestWidgetPrefix + 2);
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(testWidgetId);
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kTestWidgetPrefix + 4);
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(testWidgetId, "test");
+ CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow(testWidgetId, window);
+ is(,, "New XUL widget should be placed inside overflow of toolbar");
+ is(, kTestWidgetPrefix + 1,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ is(btn.nextSibling, null,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ widgetIds.forEach(id => CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(id));
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(, kToolbarName);
+ btn.remove();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+Tests nodes get placed inside the toolbar's overflow as expected. Replicates a
+placements situation similar to:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let navbar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ for (let i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "insertNodeInWindow test", tooltiptext: "" + i};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(id, "nav-bar", 0);
+ }
+ for (let i = 10; i < 15; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "insertNodeInWindow test", tooltiptext: "" + i};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(id, "nav-bar");
+ }
+ for (let id of widgetIds) {
+ document.getElementById(id).style.minWidth = "200px";
+ }
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ // Find last widget that doesn't allow overflowing
+ let nonOverflowing = navbar.customizationTarget.lastChild;
+ is(nonOverflowing.getAttribute("overflows"), "false", "Last child is expected to not allow overflowing");
+ isnot(nonOverflowing.getAttribute("skipintoolbarset"), "true", "Last child is expected to not be skipintoolbarset");
+ let testWidgetId = kTestWidgetPrefix + 10;
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(testWidgetId);
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(testWidgetId, "test");
+ CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow(testWidgetId, window);
+ is(,, "New XUL widget should be placed inside overflow of toolbar");
+ is(, kTestWidgetPrefix + 11,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ widgetIds.forEach(id => CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(id));
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(, kToolbarName);
+ btn.remove();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+Tests nodes get placed inside the toolbar's overflow as expected. Replicates a
+placements situation similar to:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ let missingId = 2;
+ let nonOverflowableId = 3;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ if (i != missingId) {
+ // Setting min-width to make the overflow state not depend on styling of the button and/or
+ // screen width
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "test", tooltiptext: "" + i,
+ onCreated: function(node) {
+ = "200px";
+ if (id == (kTestWidgetPrefix + nonOverflowableId)) {
+ node.setAttribute("overflows", false);
+ }
+ }};
+ info("Creating: " + id);
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ }
+ }
+ let toolbarNode = createOverflowableToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ ok(!toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Toolbar shouldn't overflow to start with.");
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ let btnId = kTestWidgetPrefix + missingId;
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(btnId, "test");
+ CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow(btnId, window);
+ is(, kToolbarName + "-overflow-list", "New XUL widget should be placed inside new toolbar's overflow");
+ is(, kTestWidgetPrefix + 1,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ is(, kTestWidgetPrefix + 4,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ btn.remove();
+ widgetIds.forEach(id => CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(id));
+ removeCustomToolbars();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+Tests nodes do *not* get placed in the toolbar's overflow. Replicates a
+plcements situation similar to:
+add_task(function*() {
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ let missingId = 1;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ if (i != missingId) {
+ // Setting min-width to make the overflow state not depend on styling of the button and/or
+ // screen width
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "test", tooltiptext: "" + i,
+ onCreated: function(node) { = "100px"; }};
+ info("Creating: " + id);
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ }
+ }
+ let toolbarNode = createOverflowableToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ ok(!toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Toolbar shouldn't overflow to start with.");
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ let btnId = kTestWidgetPrefix + missingId;
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(btnId, "test");
+ CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow(btnId, window);
+ is(, kToolbarName + "-target", "New XUL widget should be placed inside new toolbar");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ btn.remove();
+ widgetIds.forEach(id => CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(id));
+ removeCustomToolbars();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+Tests inserting a node onto the end of an overflowing toolbar *doesn't* put it in
+the overflow list when the widget disallows overflowing. ie:
+Where trying-to-insert-this has overflows=false
+add_task(function*() {
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ let missingId = 3;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ if (i != missingId) {
+ // Setting min-width to make the overflow state not depend on styling of the button and/or
+ // screen width
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "test", tooltiptext: "" + i,
+ onCreated: function(node) { = "200px"; }};
+ info("Creating: " + id);
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ }
+ }
+ let toolbarNode = createOverflowableToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ ok(!toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Toolbar shouldn't overflow to start with.");
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ let btnId = kTestWidgetPrefix + missingId;
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(btnId, "test");
+ btn.setAttribute("overflows", false);
+ CustomizableUI.ensureWidgetPlacedInWindow(btnId, window);
+ is(, kToolbarName + "-target", "New XUL widget should be placed inside new toolbar");
+ is(btn.nextSibling, null,
+ "insertNodeInWindow should have placed new XUL widget in correct place in DOM according to placements");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ btn.remove();
+ widgetIds.forEach(id => CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(id));
+ removeCustomToolbars();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanUp() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_978084_dragEnd_after_move.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_978084_dragEnd_after_move.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a653c2d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_978084_dragEnd_after_move.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+var draggedItem;
+ * Check that customizing-movingItem gets removed on a drop when the item is moved.
+ */
+// Drop on the palette
+add_task(function*() {
+ draggedItem = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
+ = "test-dragEnd-after-move1";
+ draggedItem.setAttribute("label", "Test");
+ draggedItem.setAttribute("removable", "true");
+ let navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+ navbar.customizationTarget.appendChild(draggedItem);
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ simulateItemDrag(draggedItem, gCustomizeMode.visiblePalette);
+ is(document.documentElement.hasAttribute("customizing-movingItem"), false,
+ "Make sure customizing-movingItem is removed after dragging to the palette");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+// Drop on a customization target itself
+add_task(function*() {
+ draggedItem = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
+ = "test-dragEnd-after-move2";
+ draggedItem.setAttribute("label", "Test");
+ draggedItem.setAttribute("removable", "true");
+ let dest = createToolbarWithPlacements("test-dragEnd");
+ let navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+ navbar.customizationTarget.appendChild(draggedItem);
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ simulateItemDrag(draggedItem, dest.customizationTarget);
+ is(document.documentElement.hasAttribute("customizing-movingItem"), false,
+ "Make sure customizing-movingItem is removed");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_980155_add_overflow_toolbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_980155_add_overflow_toolbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15197ac86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_980155_add_overflow_toolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kToolbarName = "test-new-overflowable-toolbar";
+const kTestWidgetPrefix = "test-widget-for-overflowable-toolbar-";
+add_task(function* addOverflowingToolbar() {
+ let originalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+ let widgetIds = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ let id = kTestWidgetPrefix + i;
+ widgetIds.push(id);
+ let spec = {id: id, type: "button", removable: true, label: "test", tooltiptext: "" + i};
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(spec);
+ }
+ let toolbarNode = createOverflowableToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ assertAreaPlacements(kToolbarName, widgetIds);
+ for (let id of widgetIds) {
+ document.getElementById(id).style.minWidth = "200px";
+ }
+ isnot(toolbarNode.overflowable, null, "Toolbar should have overflowable controller");
+ isnot(toolbarNode.customizationTarget, null, "Toolbar should have customization target");
+ isnot(toolbarNode.customizationTarget, toolbarNode, "Customization target should not be toolbar node");
+ let oldChildCount = toolbarNode.customizationTarget.childElementCount;
+ let overflowableList = document.getElementById(kToolbarName + "-overflow-list");
+ let oldOverflowCount = overflowableList.childElementCount;
+ isnot(oldChildCount, 0, "Toolbar should have non-overflowing widgets");
+ window.resizeTo(400, window.outerHeight);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ ok(toolbarNode.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should have an overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(toolbarNode.customizationTarget.childElementCount < oldChildCount, "Should have fewer children.");
+ ok(overflowableList.childElementCount > oldOverflowCount, "Should have more overflowed widgets.");
+ window.resizeTo(originalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ removeCustomToolbars();
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_981305_separator_insertion.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_981305_separator_insertion.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d4d86c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_981305_separator_insertion.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var tempElements = [];
+function insertTempItemsIntoMenu(parentMenu) {
+ // Last element is null to insert at the end:
+ let beforeEls = [parentMenu.firstChild, parentMenu.lastChild, null];
+ for (let i = 0; i < beforeEls.length; i++) {
+ let sep = document.createElement("menuseparator");
+ tempElements.push(sep);
+ parentMenu.insertBefore(sep, beforeEls[i]);
+ let menu = document.createElement("menu");
+ tempElements.push(menu);
+ parentMenu.insertBefore(menu, beforeEls[i]);
+ // And another separator for good measure:
+ sep = document.createElement("menuseparator");
+ tempElements.push(sep);
+ parentMenu.insertBefore(sep, beforeEls[i]);
+ }
+function checkSeparatorInsertion(menuId, buttonId, subviewId) {
+ return function*() {
+ info("Checking for duplicate separators in " + buttonId + " widget");
+ let menu = document.getElementById(menuId);
+ insertTempItemsIntoMenu(menu);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(buttonId);
+ let changedPlacement = false;
+ if (!placement || placement.area != CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(buttonId, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ changedPlacement = true;
+ }
+ yield;
+ let button = document.getElementById(buttonId);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !PanelUI.multiView.hasAttribute("transitioning"));
+ let subview = document.getElementById(subviewId);
+ ok(subview.firstChild, "Subview should have a kid");
+ is(subview.firstChild.localName, "toolbarbutton", "There should be no separators to start with");
+ for (let kid of subview.children) {
+ if (kid.localName == "menuseparator") {
+ ok(kid.previousSibling && kid.previousSibling.localName != "menuseparator",
+ "Separators should never have another separator next to them, and should never be the first node.");
+ }
+ }
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ if (changedPlacement) {
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ }
+ };
+add_task(checkSeparatorInsertion("menuWebDeveloperPopup", "developer-button", "PanelUI-developerItems"));
+add_task(checkSeparatorInsertion("viewSidebarMenu", "sidebar-button", "PanelUI-sidebarItems"));
+registerCleanupFunction(function() {
+ for (let el of tempElements) {
+ el.remove();
+ }
+ tempElements = null;
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_981418-widget-onbeforecreated-handler.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_981418-widget-onbeforecreated-handler.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a7227a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_981418-widget-onbeforecreated-handler.js
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kWidgetId = 'test-981418-widget-onbeforecreated';
+// Should be able to add broken view widget
+add_task(function* testAddOnBeforeCreatedWidget() {
+ let viewShownDeferred = Promise.defer();
+ let onBeforeCreatedCalled = false;
+ let widgetSpec = {
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ type: 'view',
+ viewId: kWidgetId + 'idontexistyet',
+ onBeforeCreated: function(doc) {
+ let view = doc.createElement("panelview");
+ = kWidgetId + 'idontexistyet';
+ let label = doc.createElement("label");
+ label.setAttribute("value", "Hello world");
+ label.className = 'panel-subview-header';
+ view.appendChild(label);
+ document.getElementById("PanelUI-multiView").appendChild(view);
+ onBeforeCreatedCalled = true;
+ },
+ onViewShowing: function() {
+ viewShownDeferred.resolve();
+ }
+ };
+ let noError = true;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(widgetSpec);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ noError = false;
+ }
+ ok(noError, "Should not throw an exception trying to add the widget.");
+ ok(onBeforeCreatedCalled, "onBeforeCreated should have been called");
+ let widgetNode = document.getElementById(kWidgetId);
+ ok(widgetNode, "Widget should exist");
+ if (widgetNode) {
+ try {
+ let tempPanel = document.getElementById("customizationui-widget-panel");
+ let panelShownPromise = promisePanelElementShown(window, tempPanel);
+ let shownTimeout = setTimeout(() => viewShownDeferred.reject("Panel not shown within 20s"), 20000);
+ yield viewShownDeferred.promise;
+ yield panelShownPromise;
+ clearTimeout(shownTimeout);
+ ok(true, "Found view shown");
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelElementHidden(window, tempPanel);
+ tempPanel.hidePopup();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kWidgetId, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ yield;
+ viewShownDeferred = Promise.defer();
+ shownTimeout = setTimeout(() => viewShownDeferred.reject("Panel not shown within 20s"), 20000);
+ yield viewShownDeferred.promise;
+ clearTimeout(shownTimeout);
+ ok(true, "Found view shown");
+ let panelHidden = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHidden;
+ } catch (ex) {
+ ok(false, "Unexpected exception (like a timeout for one of the yields) " +
+ "when testing view widget.");
+ }
+ }
+ noError = true;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ noError = false;
+ }
+ ok(noError, "Should not throw an exception trying to remove the broken view widget.");
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_982656_restore_defaults_builtin_widgets.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_982656_restore_defaults_builtin_widgets.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7f8d0cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_982656_restore_defaults_builtin_widgets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Restoring default should not place addon widgets back in the toolbar
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Default state to begin");
+ const kWidgetId = "bug982656-add-on-widget-should-not-restore-to-default-area";
+ let widgetSpec = {
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR
+ };
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(widgetSpec);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Not in default state after widget added");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kWidgetId).area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Widget should be in navbar");
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Back in default state after reset");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kWidgetId), null, "Widget now in palette");
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+// resetCustomization shouldn't move 3rd party widgets out of custom toolbars
+add_task(function*() {
+ const kToolbarId = "bug982656-toolbar-with-defaultset";
+ const kWidgetId = "bug982656-add-on-widget-should-restore-to-default-area-when-area-is-not-builtin";
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Everything should be in its default state.");
+ let toolbar = createToolbarWithPlacements(kToolbarId);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.areas.indexOf(kToolbarId) != -1,
+ "Toolbar has been registered.");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getAreaType(kToolbarId), CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ "Area should be registered as toolbar");
+ let widgetSpec = {
+ id: kWidgetId,
+ defaultArea: kToolbarId
+ };
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget(widgetSpec);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "No longer in default state after toolbar is registered and visible.");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kWidgetId).area, kToolbarId, "Widget should be in custom toolbar");
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Back in default state after reset");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kWidgetId).area, kToolbarId, "Widget still in custom toolbar");
+ ok(toolbar.collapsed, "Custom toolbar should be collapsed after reset");
+ toolbar.remove();
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(kWidgetId);
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(kToolbarId);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_984455_bookmarks_items_reparenting.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_984455_bookmarks_items_reparenting.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42b346c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_984455_bookmarks_items_reparenting.js
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var gNavBar = document.getElementById(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+var gOverflowList = document.getElementById(gNavBar.getAttribute("overflowtarget"));
+const kBookmarksButton = "bookmarks-menu-button";
+const kBookmarksItems = "personal-bookmarks";
+const kOriginalWindowWidth = window.outerWidth;
+const kSmallWidth = 400;
+ * Helper function that opens the bookmarks menu, and returns a Promise that
+ * resolves as soon as the menu is ready for interaction.
+ */
+function bookmarksMenuPanelShown() {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let bookmarksMenuPopup = document.getElementById("BMB_bookmarksPopup");
+ let onTransitionEnd = (e) => {
+ if ( == bookmarksMenuPopup) {
+ bookmarksMenuPopup.removeEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ }
+ bookmarksMenuPopup.addEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd);
+ return deferred.promise;
+ * Checks that the placesContext menu is correctly attached to the
+ * controller of some view. Returns a Promise that resolves as soon
+ * as the context menu is closed.
+ *
+ * @param aItemWithContextMenu the item that we need to synthesize hte
+ * right click on in order to open the context menu.
+ */
+function checkPlacesContextMenu(aItemWithContextMenu) {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("placesContext");
+ let newBookmarkItem = document.getElementById("placesContext_new:bookmark");
+ info("Waiting for context menu on " +;
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(aItemWithContextMenu,
+ {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownPromise;
+ ok(!newBookmarkItem.hasAttribute("disabled"),
+ "New bookmark item shouldn't be disabled");
+ info("Closing context menu");
+ yield closePopup(contextMenu);
+ });
+ * Opens the bookmarks menu panel, and then opens each of the "special"
+ * submenus in that list. Then it checks that those submenu's context menus
+ * are properly hooked up to a controller.
+ */
+function checkSpecialContextMenus() {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let bookmarksMenuButton = document.getElementById(kBookmarksButton);
+ let bookmarksMenuPopup = document.getElementById("BMB_bookmarksPopup");
+ const kSpecialItemIDs = {
+ "BMB_bookmarksToolbar": "BMB_bookmarksToolbarPopup",
+ "BMB_unsortedBookmarks": "BMB_unsortedBookmarksPopup",
+ };
+ // Open the bookmarks menu button context menus and ensure that
+ // they have the proper views attached.
+ let shownPromise = bookmarksMenuPanelShown();
+ let dropmarker = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(bookmarksMenuButton,
+ "anonid", "dropmarker");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(dropmarker, {});
+ info("Waiting for bookmarks menu popup to show after clicking dropmarker.")
+ yield shownPromise;
+ for (let menuID in kSpecialItemIDs) {
+ let menuItem = document.getElementById(menuID);
+ let menuPopup = document.getElementById(kSpecialItemIDs[menuID]);
+ info("Waiting to open menu for " + menuID);
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(menuPopup);
+ menuPopup.openPopup(menuItem, null, 0, 0, false, false, null);
+ yield shownPromise;
+ yield checkPlacesContextMenu(menuPopup);
+ info("Closing menu for " + menuID);
+ yield closePopup(menuPopup);
+ }
+ info("Closing bookmarks menu");
+ yield closePopup(bookmarksMenuPopup);
+ });
+ * Closes a focused popup by simulating pressing the Escape key,
+ * and returns a Promise that resolves as soon as the popup is closed.
+ *
+ * @param aPopup the popup node to close.
+ */
+function closePopup(aPopup) {
+ let hiddenPromise = popupHidden(aPopup);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
+ return hiddenPromise;
+ * Helper function that checks that the context menu of the
+ * bookmark toolbar items chevron popup is correctly hooked up
+ * to the controller of a view.
+ */
+function checkBookmarksItemsChevronContextMenu() {
+ return Task.spawn(function*() {
+ let chevronPopup = document.getElementById("PlacesChevronPopup");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(chevronPopup);
+ let chevron = document.getElementById("PlacesChevron");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(chevron, {});
+ info("Waiting for bookmark toolbar item chevron popup to show");
+ yield shownPromise;
+ yield waitForCondition(() => {
+ for (let child of chevronPopup.children) {
+ if ( != "hidden")
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ yield checkPlacesContextMenu(chevronPopup);
+ info("Waiting for bookmark toolbar item chevron popup to close");
+ yield closePopup(chevronPopup);
+ });
+ * Forces the window to a width that causes the nav-bar to overflow
+ * its contents. Returns a Promise that resolves as soon as the
+ * overflowable nav-bar is showing its chevron.
+ */
+function overflowEverything() {
+ info("Waiting for overflow");
+ window.resizeTo(kSmallWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ return waitForCondition(() => gNavBar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ * Returns the window to its original size from the start of the test,
+ * and returns a Promise that resolves when the nav-bar is no longer
+ * overflowing.
+ */
+function stopOverflowing() {
+ info("Waiting until we stop overflowing");
+ window.resizeTo(kOriginalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ return waitForCondition(() => !gNavBar.hasAttribute("overflowing"));
+ * Checks that an item with ID aID is overflowing in the nav-bar.
+ *
+ * @param aID the ID of the node to check for overflowingness.
+ */
+function checkOverflowing(aID) {
+ ok(!gNavBar.querySelector("#" + aID),
+ "Item with ID " + aID + " should no longer be in the gNavBar");
+ let item = gOverflowList.querySelector("#" + aID);
+ ok(item, "Item with ID " + aID + " should be overflowing");
+ is(item.getAttribute("overflowedItem"), "true",
+ "Item with ID " + aID + " should have overflowedItem attribute");
+ * Checks that an item with ID aID is not overflowing in the nav-bar.
+ *
+ * @param aID the ID of hte node to check for non-overflowingness.
+ */
+function checkNotOverflowing(aID) {
+ ok(!gOverflowList.querySelector("#" + aID),
+ "Item with ID " + aID + " should no longer be overflowing");
+ let item = gNavBar.querySelector("#" + aID);
+ ok(item, "Item with ID " + aID + " should be in the nav bar");
+ ok(!item.hasAttribute("overflowedItem"),
+ "Item with ID " + aID + " should not have overflowedItem attribute");
+ * Test that overflowing the bookmarks menu button doesn't break the
+ * context menus for the Unsorted and Bookmarks Toolbar menu items.
+ */
+add_task(function* testOverflowingBookmarksButtonContextMenu() {
+ ok(!gNavBar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Should start with a non-overflowing toolbar.");
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ // Open the Unsorted and Bookmarks Toolbar context menus and ensure
+ // that they have views attached.
+ yield checkSpecialContextMenus();
+ yield overflowEverything();
+ checkOverflowing(kBookmarksButton);
+ yield stopOverflowing();
+ checkNotOverflowing(kBookmarksButton);
+ yield checkSpecialContextMenus();
+ * Test that the bookmarks toolbar items context menu still works if moved
+ * to the menu from the overflow panel, and then back to the toolbar.
+ */
+add_task(function* testOverflowingBookmarksItemsContextMenu() {
+ info("Ensuring panel is ready.");
+ yield PanelUI.ensureReady();
+ let bookmarksToolbarItems = document.getElementById(kBookmarksItems);
+ gCustomizeMode.addToToolbar(bookmarksToolbarItems);
+ yield checkPlacesContextMenu(bookmarksToolbarItems);
+ yield overflowEverything();
+ checkOverflowing(kBookmarksItems)
+ gCustomizeMode.addToPanel(bookmarksToolbarItems);
+ yield stopOverflowing();
+ gCustomizeMode.addToToolbar(bookmarksToolbarItems);
+ yield checkPlacesContextMenu(bookmarksToolbarItems);
+ * Test that overflowing the bookmarks toolbar items doesn't cause the
+ * context menu in the bookmarks toolbar items chevron to stop working.
+ */
+add_task(function* testOverflowingBookmarksItemsChevronContextMenu() {
+ // If it's not already there, let's move the bookmarks toolbar items to
+ // the nav-bar.
+ let bookmarksToolbarItems = document.getElementById(kBookmarksItems);
+ gCustomizeMode.addToToolbar(bookmarksToolbarItems);
+ // We make the PlacesToolbarItems element be super tiny in order to force
+ // the bookmarks toolbar items into overflowing and making the chevron
+ // show itself.
+ let placesToolbarItems = document.getElementById("PlacesToolbarItems");
+ let placesChevron = document.getElementById("PlacesChevron");
+ = "10px";
+ info("Waiting for chevron to no longer be collapsed");
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !placesChevron.collapsed);
+ yield checkBookmarksItemsChevronContextMenu();
+ yield overflowEverything();
+ checkOverflowing(kBookmarksItems);
+ yield stopOverflowing();
+ checkNotOverflowing(kBookmarksItems);
+ yield checkBookmarksItemsChevronContextMenu();
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ window.resizeTo(kOriginalWindowWidth, window.outerHeight);
+ yield resetCustomization();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_985815_propagate_setToolbarVisibility.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_985815_propagate_setToolbarVisibility.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c341c2158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_985815_propagate_setToolbarVisibility.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state.");
+ this.otherWin = yield openAndLoadWindow({private: true}, true);
+ yield startCustomizing(this.otherWin);
+ let resetButton = this.otherWin.document.getElementById("customization-reset-button");
+ ok(resetButton.disabled, "Reset button should be disabled");
+ if (typeof CustomizableUI.setToolbarVisibility == "function") {
+ CustomizableUI.setToolbarVisibility("PersonalToolbar", true);
+ } else {
+ setToolbarVisibility(document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar"), true);
+ }
+ let otherPersonalToolbar = this.otherWin.document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar");
+ let personalToolbar = document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar");
+ ok(!otherPersonalToolbar.collapsed, "Toolbar should be uncollapsed in private window");
+ ok(!personalToolbar.collapsed, "Toolbar should be uncollapsed in normal window");
+ ok(!resetButton.disabled, "Reset button should be enabled");
+ yield this.otherWin.gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ ok(otherPersonalToolbar.collapsed, "Toolbar should be collapsed in private window");
+ ok(personalToolbar.collapsed, "Toolbar should be collapsed in normal window");
+ ok(resetButton.disabled, "Reset button should be disabled");
+ yield endCustomizing(this.otherWin);
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(this.otherWin);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ if (this.otherWin && !this.otherWin.closed) {
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(this.otherWin);
+ }
+ if (!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState) {
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ }
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987177_destroyWidget_xul.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987177_destroyWidget_xul.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a4d0aab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987177_destroyWidget_xul.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const BUTTONID = "test-XUL-wrapper-destroyWidget";
+add_task(function() {
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(BUTTONID, "XUL btn");
+ gNavToolbox.palette.appendChild(btn);
+ let firstWrapper = CustomizableUI.getWidget(BUTTONID).forWindow(window);
+ ok(firstWrapper, "Should get a wrapper");
+ ok(firstWrapper.node, "Node should be there on first wrapper.");
+ btn.remove();
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(BUTTONID);
+ let secondWrapper = CustomizableUI.getWidget(BUTTONID).forWindow(window);
+ isnot(firstWrapper, secondWrapper, "Wrappers should be different after destroyWidget call.");
+ ok(!firstWrapper.node, "No node should be there on old wrapper.");
+ ok(!secondWrapper.node, "No node should be there on new wrapper.");
+ btn = createDummyXULButton(BUTTONID, "XUL btn");
+ gNavToolbox.palette.appendChild(btn);
+ let thirdWrapper = CustomizableUI.getWidget(BUTTONID).forWindow(window);
+ ok(thirdWrapper, "Should get a wrapper");
+ is(secondWrapper, thirdWrapper, "Should get the second wrapper again.");
+ ok(firstWrapper.node, "Node should be there on old wrapper.");
+ ok(secondWrapper.node, "Node should be there on second wrapper.");
+ ok(thirdWrapper.node, "Node should be there on third wrapper.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987177_xul_wrapper_updating.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987177_xul_wrapper_updating.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f838e204d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987177_xul_wrapper_updating.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const BUTTONID = "test-XUL-wrapper-widget";
+add_task(function() {
+ let btn = createDummyXULButton(BUTTONID, "XUL btn");
+ gNavToolbox.palette.appendChild(btn);
+ let groupWrapper = CustomizableUI.getWidget(BUTTONID);
+ ok(groupWrapper, "Should get a group wrapper");
+ let singleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ ok(singleWrapper, "Should get a single wrapper");
+ is(singleWrapper.node, btn, "Node should be in the wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances.length, 1, "There should be 1 instance on the group wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances[0].node, btn, "Button should be that instance.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(BUTTONID, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ let otherSingleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ is(singleWrapper, otherSingleWrapper, "Should get the same wrapper after adding the node to the navbar.");
+ is(singleWrapper.node, btn, "Node should be in the wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances.length, 1, "There should be 1 instance on the group wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances[0].node, btn, "Button should be that instance.");
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(BUTTONID);
+ otherSingleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ isnot(singleWrapper, otherSingleWrapper, "Shouldn't get the same wrapper after removing it from the navbar.");
+ singleWrapper = otherSingleWrapper;
+ is(singleWrapper.node, btn, "Node should be in the wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances.length, 1, "There should be 1 instance on the group wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances[0].node, btn, "Button should be that instance.");
+ btn.remove();
+ otherSingleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ is(singleWrapper, otherSingleWrapper, "Should get the same wrapper after physically removing the node.");
+ is(singleWrapper.node, null, "Wrapper's node should be null now that it's left the DOM.");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances.length, 1, "There should be 1 instance on the group wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances[0].node, null, "That instance should be null.");
+ btn = createDummyXULButton(BUTTONID, "XUL btn");
+ gNavToolbox.palette.appendChild(btn);
+ otherSingleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ is(singleWrapper, otherSingleWrapper, "Should get the same wrapper after readding the node.");
+ is(singleWrapper.node, btn, "Node should be in the wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances.length, 1, "There should be 1 instance on the group wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances[0].node, btn, "Button should be that instance.");
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(BUTTONID, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ otherSingleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ is(singleWrapper, otherSingleWrapper, "Should get the same wrapper after adding the node to the navbar.");
+ is(singleWrapper.node, btn, "Node should be in the wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances.length, 1, "There should be 1 instance on the group wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances[0].node, btn, "Button should be that instance.");
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(BUTTONID);
+ otherSingleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ isnot(singleWrapper, otherSingleWrapper, "Shouldn't get the same wrapper after removing it from the navbar.");
+ singleWrapper = otherSingleWrapper;
+ is(singleWrapper.node, btn, "Node should be in the wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances.length, 1, "There should be 1 instance on the group wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances[0].node, btn, "Button should be that instance.");
+ btn.remove();
+ otherSingleWrapper = groupWrapper.forWindow(window);
+ is(singleWrapper, otherSingleWrapper, "Should get the same wrapper after physically removing the node.");
+ is(singleWrapper.node, null, "Wrapper's node should be null now that it's left the DOM.");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances.length, 1, "There should be 1 instance on the group wrapper");
+ is(groupWrapper.instances[0].node, null, "That instance should be null.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987185_syncButton.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987185_syncButton.js
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..988d738be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987185_syncButton.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ */
+"use strict";
+var syncService = {};
+Components.utils.import("resource://services-sync/service.js", syncService);
+var needsSetup;
+var originalSync;
+var service = syncService.Service;
+var syncWasCalled = false;
+add_task(function* testSyncButtonFunctionality() {
+ info("Check Sync button functionality");
+ storeInitialValues();
+ mockFunctions();
+ // add the Sync button to the panel
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ // check the button's functionality
+ yield;
+ info("The panel menu was opened");
+ let syncButton = document.getElementById("sync-button");
+ ok(syncButton, "The Sync button was added to the Panel Menu");
+ // click the button - the panel should open.
+ let syncPanel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs");
+ ok(syncPanel.getAttribute("current"), "Sync Panel is in view");
+ // Find and click the "setup" button.
+ let syncNowButton = document.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs-syncnow");
+ info("The sync button was clicked");
+ yield waitForCondition(() => syncWasCalled);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ // reset the panel UI to the default state
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "The panel UI is in default state again.");
+ if (isPanelUIOpen()) {
+ let panelHidePromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHidePromise;
+ }
+ restoreValues();
+function mockFunctions() {
+ // mock needsSetup
+ gSyncUI._needsSetup = () => Promise.resolve(false);
+ // mock service.errorHandler.syncAndReportErrors()
+ service.errorHandler.syncAndReportErrors = mocked_syncAndReportErrors;
+function mocked_syncAndReportErrors() {
+ syncWasCalled = true;
+function restoreValues() {
+ gSyncUI._needsSetup = needsSetup;
+ service.sync = originalSync;
+function storeInitialValues() {
+ needsSetup = gSyncUI._needsSetup;
+ originalSync = service.sync;
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987492_window_api.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987492_window_api.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1718303e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987492_window_api.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function* testOneWindow() {
+ let windows = [];
+ for (let win of
+ windows.push(win);
+ is(windows.length, 1, "Should have one customizable window");
+add_task(function* testOpenCloseWindow() {
+ let newWindow = null;
+ let openListener = {
+ onWindowOpened: function(window) {
+ newWindow = window;
+ }
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.addListener(openListener);
+ let win = yield openAndLoadWindow(null, true);
+ isnot(newWindow, null, "Should have gotten onWindowOpen event");
+ is(newWindow, win, "onWindowOpen event should have received expected window");
+ CustomizableUI.removeListener(openListener);
+ let windows = [];
+ for (let win of
+ windows.push(win);
+ is(windows.length, 2, "Should have two customizable windows");
+ isnot(windows.indexOf(window), -1, "Current window should be in window collection.");
+ isnot(windows.indexOf(newWindow), -1, "New window should be in window collection.");
+ let closedWindow = null;
+ let closeListener = {
+ onWindowClosed: function(window) {
+ closedWindow = window;
+ }
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.addListener(closeListener);
+ yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
+ isnot(closedWindow, null, "Should have gotten onWindowClosed event")
+ is(newWindow, closedWindow, "Closed window should match previously opened window");
+ CustomizableUI.removeListener(closeListener);
+ windows = [];
+ for (let win of
+ windows.push(win);
+ is(windows.length, 1, "Should have one customizable window");
+ isnot(windows.indexOf(window), -1, "Current window should be in window collection.");
+ is(windows.indexOf(closedWindow), -1, "Closed window should not be in window collection.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987640_charEncoding.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987640_charEncoding.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfe02f940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_987640_charEncoding.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const TEST_PAGE = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test_967000_charEncoding_page.html";
+add_task(function*() {
+ info("Check Character Encoding panel functionality");
+ // add the Character Encoding button to the panel
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("characterencoding-button",
+ CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ let newTab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, TEST_PAGE, true, true);
+ yield;
+ let charEncodingButton = document.getElementById("characterencoding-button");
+ let characterEncodingView = document.getElementById("PanelUI-characterEncodingView");
+ let subviewShownPromise = subviewShown(characterEncodingView);
+ yield subviewShownPromise;
+ let checkedButtons = characterEncodingView.querySelectorAll("toolbarbutton[checked='true']");
+ let initialEncoding = checkedButtons[0];
+ is(initialEncoding.getAttribute("label"), "Unicode", "The unicode encoding is initially selected");
+ // change the encoding
+ let encodings = characterEncodingView.querySelectorAll("toolbarbutton");
+ let newEncoding = encodings[0].hasAttribute("checked") ? encodings[1] : encodings[0];
+ let tabLoadPromise = promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, TEST_PAGE);
+ yield tabLoadPromise;
+ // check that the new encodng is applied
+ yield;
+ checkedButtons = characterEncodingView.querySelectorAll("toolbarbutton[checked='true']");
+ let selectedEncodingName = checkedButtons[0].getAttribute("label");
+ ok(selectedEncodingName != "Unicode", "The encoding was changed to " + selectedEncodingName);
+ // reset the initial encoding
+ yield;
+ tabLoadPromise = promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, TEST_PAGE);
+ yield tabLoadPromise;
+ yield;
+ checkedButtons = characterEncodingView.querySelectorAll("toolbarbutton[checked='true']");
+ is(checkedButtons[0].getAttribute("label"), "Unicode", "The encoding was reset to Unicode");
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(newTab);
+add_task(function* asyncCleanup() {
+ // reset the panel to the default state
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "The UI is in default state again.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_988072_sidebar_events.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_988072_sidebar_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6791be67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_988072_sidebar_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var gSidebarMenu = document.getElementById("viewSidebarMenu");
+var gTestSidebarItem = null;
+var EVENTS = {
+ click: 0, command: 0,
+ onclick: 0, oncommand: 0
+window.sawEvent = function(event, isattr) {
+ let type = (isattr ? "on" : "") + event.type
+ EVENTS[type]++;
+registerCleanupFunction(() => {
+ delete window.sawEvent;
+ // Ensure sidebar is hidden after each test:
+ if (!document.getElementById("sidebar-box").hidden) {
+ SidebarUI.hide();
+ }
+function checkExpectedEvents(expected) {
+ for (let type of Object.keys(EVENTS)) {
+ let count = (type in expected ? expected[type] : 0);
+ is(EVENTS[type], count, "Should have seen the right number of " + type + " events");
+ EVENTS[type] = 0;
+ }
+function createSidebarItem() {
+ gTestSidebarItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
+ = "testsidebar";
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("label", "Test Sidebar");
+ gSidebarMenu.insertBefore(gTestSidebarItem, gSidebarMenu.firstChild);
+function addWidget() {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sidebar-button", "nav-bar");
+ PanelUI.disableSingleSubviewPanelAnimations();
+function removeWidget() {
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sidebar-button");
+ PanelUI.enableSingleSubviewPanelAnimations();
+// Filters out the trailing menuseparators from the sidebar list
+function getSidebarList() {
+ let sidebars = [...gSidebarMenu.children].filter(sidebar => {
+ if (sidebar.localName == "menuseparator")
+ return false;
+ if (sidebar.getAttribute("hidden") == "true")
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ });
+ return sidebars;
+function compareElements(original, displayed) {
+ let attrs = ["label", "key", "disabled", "hidden", "origin", "image", "checked"];
+ for (let attr of attrs) {
+ is(displayed.getAttribute(attr), original.getAttribute(attr), "Should have the same " + attr + " attribute");
+ }
+function compareList(original, displayed) {
+ is(displayed.length, original.length, "Should have the same number of children");
+ for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(original.length, displayed.length); i++) {
+ compareElements(displayed[i], original[i]);
+ }
+var showSidebarPopup = Task.async(function*() {
+ let button = document.getElementById("sidebar-button");
+ let subview = document.getElementById("PanelUI-sidebar");
+ let popupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(document, "popupshown");
+ let subviewShownPromise = subviewShown(subview);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {});
+ return Promise.all([subviewShownPromise, popupShownPromise]);
+// Check the sidebar widget shows the default items
+add_task(function*() {
+ addWidget();
+ yield showSidebarPopup();
+ let sidebars = getSidebarList();
+ let displayed = [...document.getElementById("PanelUI-sidebarItems").children];
+ compareList(sidebars, displayed);
+ let subview = document.getElementById("PanelUI-sidebar");
+ let subviewHiddenPromise = subviewHidden(subview);
+ document.getElementById("customizationui-widget-panel").hidePopup();
+ yield subviewHiddenPromise;
+ removeWidget();
+function add_sidebar_task(description, setup, teardown) {
+ add_task(function*() {
+ info(description);
+ createSidebarItem();
+ addWidget();
+ yield setup();
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sidebar-button", "nav-bar");
+ yield showSidebarPopup();
+ let sidebars = getSidebarList();
+ let displayed = [...document.getElementById("PanelUI-sidebarItems").children];
+ compareList(sidebars, displayed);
+ is(displayed[0].label, "Test Sidebar", "Should have the right element at the top");
+ let subview = document.getElementById("PanelUI-sidebar");
+ let subviewHiddenPromise = subviewHidden(subview);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(displayed[0], {});
+ yield subviewHiddenPromise;
+ yield teardown();
+ gTestSidebarItem.remove();
+ removeWidget();
+ });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses a command event listener works",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ command: 1 });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses a click event listener works",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("click", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ click: 1 });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses both click and command event listeners works",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("click", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ command: 1, click: 1 });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses an oncommand attribute works",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ oncommand: 1 });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses an onclick attribute works",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("onclick", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ onclick: 1 });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses both onclick and oncommand attributes works",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("onclick", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ onclick: 1, oncommand: 1 });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses an onclick attribute and a command listener works",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("onclick", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ onclick: 1, command: 1 });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses an oncommand attribute and a click listener works",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("click", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ click: 1, oncommand: 1 });
+ "A sidebar with both onclick attribute and click listener sees only one event :(",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("onclick", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("click", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ onclick: 1 });
+ "A sidebar with both oncommand attribute and command listener sees only one event :(",
+function*() {
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ oncommand: 1 });
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses a broadcaster with an oncommand attribute works",
+function*() {
+ let broadcaster = document.createElement("broadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("id", "testbroadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("label", "Test Sidebar");
+ document.getElementById("mainBroadcasterSet").appendChild(broadcaster);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("observes", "testbroadcaster");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ oncommand: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testbroadcaster").remove();
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses a broadcaster with an onclick attribute works",
+function*() {
+ let broadcaster = document.createElement("broadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("id", "testbroadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("onclick", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("label", "Test Sidebar");
+ document.getElementById("mainBroadcasterSet").appendChild(broadcaster);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("observes", "testbroadcaster");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ onclick: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testbroadcaster").remove();
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses a broadcaster with both onclick and oncommand attributes works",
+function*() {
+ let broadcaster = document.createElement("broadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("id", "testbroadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("onclick", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("label", "Test Sidebar");
+ document.getElementById("mainBroadcasterSet").appendChild(broadcaster);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("observes", "testbroadcaster");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ onclick: 1, oncommand: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testbroadcaster").remove();
+ "Check that a sidebar with a click listener and a broadcaster with an oncommand attribute works",
+function*() {
+ let broadcaster = document.createElement("broadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("id", "testbroadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("label", "Test Sidebar");
+ document.getElementById("mainBroadcasterSet").appendChild(broadcaster);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("observes", "testbroadcaster");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("click", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ click: 1, oncommand: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testbroadcaster").remove();
+ "Check that a sidebar with a command listener and a broadcaster with an onclick attribute works",
+function*() {
+ let broadcaster = document.createElement("broadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("id", "testbroadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("onclick", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("label", "Test Sidebar");
+ document.getElementById("mainBroadcasterSet").appendChild(broadcaster);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("observes", "testbroadcaster");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ onclick: 1, command: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testbroadcaster").remove();
+ "Check that a sidebar with a click listener and a broadcaster with an onclick " +
+ "attribute only sees one event :(",
+function*() {
+ let broadcaster = document.createElement("broadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("id", "testbroadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("onclick", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("label", "Test Sidebar");
+ document.getElementById("mainBroadcasterSet").appendChild(broadcaster);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("observes", "testbroadcaster");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("click", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ onclick: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testbroadcaster").remove();
+ "Check that a sidebar with a command listener and a broadcaster with an oncommand " +
+ "attribute only sees one event :(",
+function*() {
+ let broadcaster = document.createElement("broadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("id", "testbroadcaster");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ broadcaster.setAttribute("label", "Test Sidebar");
+ document.getElementById("mainBroadcasterSet").appendChild(broadcaster);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("observes", "testbroadcaster");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ oncommand: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testbroadcaster").remove();
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses a command element with a command event listener works",
+function*() {
+ let command = document.createElement("command");
+ command.setAttribute("id", "testcommand");
+ document.getElementById("mainCommandSet").appendChild(command);
+ command.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("command", "testcommand");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ command: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testcommand").remove();
+ "Check that a sidebar that uses a command element with an oncommand attribute works",
+function*() {
+ let command = document.createElement("command");
+ command.setAttribute("id", "testcommand");
+ command.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ document.getElementById("mainCommandSet").appendChild(command);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("command", "testcommand");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ oncommand: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testcommand").remove();
+add_sidebar_task("Check that a sidebar that uses a command element with a " +
+ "command event listener and oncommand attribute works",
+function*() {
+ let command = document.createElement("command");
+ command.setAttribute("id", "testcommand");
+ command.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ document.getElementById("mainCommandSet").appendChild(command);
+ command.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("command", "testcommand");
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ command: 1, oncommand: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testcommand").remove();
+ "A sidebar with a command element will still see click events",
+function*() {
+ let command = document.createElement("command");
+ command.setAttribute("id", "testcommand");
+ command.setAttribute("oncommand", "window.sawEvent(event, true)");
+ document.getElementById("mainCommandSet").appendChild(command);
+ command.addEventListener("command", window.sawEvent);
+ gTestSidebarItem.setAttribute("command", "testcommand");
+ gTestSidebarItem.addEventListener("click", window.sawEvent);
+}, function*() {
+ checkExpectedEvents({ click: 1, command: 1, oncommand: 1 });
+ document.getElementById("testcommand").remove();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_989338_saved_placements_not_resaved.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_989338_saved_placements_not_resaved.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a1b01bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_989338_saved_placements_not_resaved.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const BUTTONID = "test-widget-saved-earlier";
+const AREAID = "test-area-saved-earlier";
+var hadSavedState;
+function test() {
+ // Hack our way into the module to fake a saved state that isn't there...
+ let backstagePass = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", {});
+ hadSavedState = backstagePass.gSavedState != null;
+ if (!hadSavedState) {
+ backstagePass.gSavedState = {placements: {}};
+ }
+ backstagePass.gSavedState.placements[AREAID] = [BUTTONID];
+ // Put bogus stuff in the saved state for the nav-bar, so as to check the current placements
+ // override this one...
+ backstagePass.gSavedState.placements[CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR] = ["bogus-navbar-item"];
+ backstagePass.gDirty = true;
+ backstagePass.CustomizableUIInternal.saveState();
+ let newSavedState = JSON.parse(Services.prefs.getCharPref("browser.uiCustomization.state"));
+ let savedArea = Array.isArray(newSavedState.placements[AREAID]);
+ ok(savedArea, "Should have re-saved the state, even though the area isn't registered");
+ if (savedArea) {
+ placementArraysEqual(AREAID, newSavedState.placements[AREAID], [BUTTONID]);
+ }
+ ok(!backstagePass.gPlacements.has(AREAID), "Placements map shouldn't have been affected");
+ let savedNavbar = Array.isArray(newSavedState.placements[CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR]);
+ ok(savedNavbar, "Should have saved nav-bar contents");
+ if (savedNavbar) {
+ placementArraysEqual(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, newSavedState.placements[CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR],
+ CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR));
+ }
+registerCleanupFunction(function() {
+ let backstagePass = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", {});
+ if (!hadSavedState) {
+ backstagePass.gSavedState = null;
+ } else {
+ let savedPlacements = backstagePass.gSavedState.placements;
+ delete savedPlacements[AREAID];
+ let realNavBarPlacements = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
+ savedPlacements[CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR] = realNavBarPlacements;
+ }
+ backstagePass.gDirty = true;
+ backstagePass.CustomizableUIInternal.saveState();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_989751_subviewbutton_class.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_989751_subviewbutton_class.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d11324ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_989751_subviewbutton_class.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kCustomClass = "acustomclassnoonewilluse";
+var tempElement = null;
+function insertClassNameToMenuChildren(parentMenu) {
+ let el = parentMenu.querySelector("menuitem:first-of-type");
+ el.classList.add(kCustomClass);
+ tempElement = el;
+function checkSubviewButtonClass(menuId, buttonId, subviewId) {
+ return function*() {
+ info("Checking for items without the subviewbutton class in " + buttonId + " widget");
+ let menu = document.getElementById(menuId);
+ insertClassNameToMenuChildren(menu);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(buttonId);
+ let changedPlacement = false;
+ if (!placement || placement.area != CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL) {
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(buttonId, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL);
+ changedPlacement = true;
+ }
+ yield;
+ let button = document.getElementById(buttonId);
+ yield waitForCondition(() => !PanelUI.multiView.hasAttribute("transitioning"));
+ let subview = document.getElementById(subviewId);
+ ok(subview.firstChild, "Subview should have a kid");
+ let subviewchildren = subview.querySelectorAll("toolbarbutton");
+ for (let i = 0; i < subviewchildren.length; i++) {
+ let item = subviewchildren[i];
+ let itemReadable = "Item '" + item.label + "' (classes: " + item.className + ")";
+ ok(item.classList.contains("subviewbutton"), itemReadable + " should have the subviewbutton class.");
+ if (i == 0) {
+ ok(item.classList.contains(kCustomClass), itemReadable + " should still have its own class, too.");
+ }
+ }
+ let panelHiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield panelHiddenPromise;
+ if (changedPlacement) {
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ }
+ };
+add_task(checkSubviewButtonClass("menuWebDeveloperPopup", "developer-button", "PanelUI-developerItems"));
+add_task(checkSubviewButtonClass("viewSidebarMenu", "sidebar-button", "PanelUI-sidebarItems"));
+registerCleanupFunction(function() {
+ tempElement.classList.remove(kCustomClass)
+ tempElement = null;
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_992747_toggle_noncustomizable_toolbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_992747_toggle_noncustomizable_toolbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb0a8c8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_992747_toggle_noncustomizable_toolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const TOOLBARID = "test-noncustomizable-toolbar-for-toggling";
+function test() {
+ let tb = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbar");
+ gNavToolbox.appendChild(tb);
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.setToolbarVisibility(TOOLBARID, false);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ ok(false, "Should not throw exceptions trying to set toolbar visibility.");
+ }
+ is(tb.getAttribute("collapsed"), "true", "Toolbar should be collapsed");
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.setToolbarVisibility(TOOLBARID, true);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ ok(false, "Should not throw exceptions trying to set toolbar visibility.");
+ }
+ is(tb.getAttribute("collapsed"), "false", "Toolbar should be uncollapsed");
+ tb.remove();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_993322_widget_notoolbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_993322_widget_notoolbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9264eb78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_993322_widget_notoolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const BUTTONID = "test-API-created-widget-toolbar-gone";
+const TOOLBARID = "test-API-created-extra-toolbar";
+add_task(function*() {
+ let toolbar = createToolbarWithPlacements(TOOLBARID, []);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(BUTTONID, TOOLBARID);
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(BUTTONID).area, TOOLBARID, "Should be on toolbar");
+ is(toolbar.children.length, 0, "Toolbar has no kid");
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(TOOLBARID);
+ CustomizableUI.createWidget({id: BUTTONID, label: "Test widget toolbar gone"});
+ let currentWidget = CustomizableUI.getWidget(BUTTONID);
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let buttonNode = document.getElementById(BUTTONID);
+ ok(buttonNode, "Should find button in window");
+ if (buttonNode) {
+ is(buttonNode.parentNode.localName, "toolbarpaletteitem", "Node should be wrapped");
+ is(buttonNode.parentNode.getAttribute("place"), "palette", "Node should be in palette");
+ is(buttonNode, gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#" + BUTTONID), "Node should really be in palette.");
+ }
+ is(currentWidget.forWindow(window).node, buttonNode, "Should have the same node for customize mode");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(BUTTONID);
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(TOOLBARID, true);
+ toolbar.remove();
+ gAddedToolbars.clear();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_995164_registerArea_during_customize_mode.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_995164_registerArea_during_customize_mode.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d292a929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_995164_registerArea_during_customize_mode.js
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const TOOLBARID = "test-toolbar-added-during-customize-mode";
+// The ID of a button that is not placed (ie, is in the palette) by default
+const kNonPlacedWidgetId = "open-file-button";
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let toolbar = createToolbarWithPlacements(TOOLBARID, []);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(kNonPlacedWidgetId, TOOLBARID);
+ let button = document.getElementById(kNonPlacedWidgetId);
+ ok(button, "Button should exist.");
+ is(button.parentNode.localName, "toolbarpaletteitem", "Button's parent node should be a wrapper.");
+ simulateItemDrag(button, gNavToolbox.palette);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId), "Button moved to the palette");
+ ok(gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button really is in palette.");
+ button.scrollIntoView();
+ simulateItemDrag(button, toolbar);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId), "Button moved out of palette");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId).area, TOOLBARID, "Button's back on toolbar");
+ ok(toolbar.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button really is on toolbar.");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ isnot(button.parentNode.localName, "toolbarpaletteitem", "Button's parent node should not be a wrapper outside customize mode.");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(button.parentNode.localName, "toolbarpaletteitem", "Button's parent node should be a wrapper back in customize mode.");
+ simulateItemDrag(button, gNavToolbox.palette);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId), "Button moved to the palette");
+ ok(gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button really is in palette.");
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Not in default state while toolbar is not collapsed yet.");
+ setToolbarVisibility(toolbar, false);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "In default state while toolbar is collapsed.");
+ setToolbarVisibility(toolbar, true);
+ info("Check that removing the area registration from within customize mode works");
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(TOOLBARID);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Now that the toolbar is no longer registered, should be in default state.");
+ ok(!gCustomizeMode.areas.has(toolbar), "Toolbar shouldn't be known to customize mode.");
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea(TOOLBARID, {legacy: true, defaultPlacements: []});
+ CustomizableUI.registerToolbarNode(toolbar, []);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Now that the toolbar is registered again, should no longer be in default state.");
+ ok(gCustomizeMode.areas.has(toolbar), "Toolbar should be known to customize mode again.");
+ button.scrollIntoView();
+ simulateItemDrag(button, toolbar);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId), "Button moved out of palette");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId).area, TOOLBARID, "Button's back on toolbar");
+ ok(toolbar.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button really is on toolbar.");
+ let otherWin = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
+ let otherTB = otherWin.document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbar");
+ otherTB.setAttribute("customizable", "true");
+ let wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaAppearing = false;
+ let listener = {
+ onAreaNodeRegistered: function(aArea, aNode) {
+ if (aNode == otherTB) {
+ wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaAppearing = true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ CustomizableUI.addListener(listener);
+ otherWin.gNavToolbox.appendChild(otherTB);
+ ok(wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaAppearing, "Should have been told area was registered.");
+ CustomizableUI.removeListener(listener);
+ ok(otherTB.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button is on other toolbar, too.");
+ simulateItemDrag(button, gNavToolbox.palette);
+ ok(!CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId), "Button moved to the palette");
+ ok(gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button really is in palette.");
+ ok(!otherTB.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button is in palette in other window, too.");
+ button.scrollIntoView();
+ simulateItemDrag(button, toolbar);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId), "Button moved out of palette");
+ is(CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(kNonPlacedWidgetId).area, TOOLBARID, "Button's back on toolbar");
+ ok(toolbar.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button really is on toolbar.");
+ ok(otherTB.querySelector(`#${kNonPlacedWidgetId}`), "Button is on other toolbar, too.");
+ let wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaDisappearing = false;
+ // XXXgijs So we could be using promiseWindowClosed here. However, after
+ // repeated random oranges, I'm instead relying on onWindowClosed below to
+ // fire appropriately - it is linked to an unload event as well, and so
+ // reusing it prevents a potential race between unload handlers where the
+ // one from promiseWindowClosed could fire before the onWindowClosed
+ // (and therefore onAreaNodeRegistered) one, causing the test to fail.
+ let windowCloseDeferred = Promise.defer();
+ listener = {
+ onAreaNodeUnregistered: function(aArea, aNode, aReason) {
+ if (aArea == TOOLBARID) {
+ is(aNode, otherTB, "Should be informed about other toolbar");
+ is(aReason, CustomizableUI.REASON_WINDOW_CLOSED, "Reason should be correct.");
+ wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaDisappearing = (aReason === CustomizableUI.REASON_WINDOW_CLOSED);
+ }
+ },
+ onWindowClosed: function(aWindow) {
+ if (aWindow == otherWin) {
+ windowCloseDeferred.resolve(aWindow);
+ } else {
+ info("Other window was closed!");
+ info("Other window title: " + (aWindow.document && aWindow.document.title));
+ info("Our window title: " + (otherWin.document && otherWin.document.title));
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ CustomizableUI.addListener(listener);
+ otherWin.close();
+ let windowClosed = yield windowCloseDeferred.promise;
+ is(windowClosed, otherWin, "Window should have sent onWindowClosed notification.");
+ ok(wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaDisappearing, "Should be told about window closing.");
+ // Closing the other window should not be counted against this window's customize mode:
+ is(button.parentNode.localName, "toolbarpaletteitem", "Button's parent node should still be a wrapper.");
+ ok(gCustomizeMode.areas.has(toolbar), "Toolbar should still be a customizable area for this customize mode instance.");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset();
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.removeListener(listener);
+ wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaDisappearing = false;
+ listener = {
+ onAreaNodeUnregistered: function(aArea, aNode, aReason) {
+ if (aArea == TOOLBARID) {
+ is(aNode, toolbar, "Should be informed about this window's toolbar");
+ is(aReason, CustomizableUI.REASON_AREA_UNREGISTERED, "Reason for final removal should be correct.");
+ wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaDisappearing = (aReason === CustomizableUI.REASON_AREA_UNREGISTERED);
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.addListener(listener);
+ removeCustomToolbars();
+ ok(wasInformedCorrectlyOfAreaDisappearing, "Should be told about area being unregistered.");
+ CustomizableUI.removeListener(listener);
+ ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be fine after exiting customize mode.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_996364_registerArea_different_properties.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_996364_registerArea_different_properties.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9de5f687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_996364_registerArea_different_properties.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Calling CustomizableUI.registerArea twice with no
+// properties should not throw an exception.
+add_task(function() {
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996364", {});
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996364", {});
+ } catch (ex) {
+ ok(false, ex.message);
+ }
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("area-996364", true);
+add_task(function() {
+ let exceptionThrown = false;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996364-2", {type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR, defaultCollapsed: "false"});
+ } catch (ex) {
+ exceptionThrown = true;
+ }
+ ok(exceptionThrown, "defaultCollapsed is not allowed as an external property");
+ // No need to unregister the area because registration fails.
+add_task(function() {
+ let exceptionThrown;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996364-3", {type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR});
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996364-3", {type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL});
+ } catch (ex) {
+ exceptionThrown = ex;
+ }
+ ok(exceptionThrown, "Exception expected, an area cannot change types: " + (exceptionThrown ? exceptionThrown : "[no exception]"));
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("area-996364-3", true);
+add_task(function() {
+ let exceptionThrown;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996364-4", {type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL});
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996364-4", {type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR});
+ } catch (ex) {
+ exceptionThrown = ex;
+ }
+ ok(exceptionThrown, "Exception expected, an area cannot change types: " + (exceptionThrown ? exceptionThrown : "[no exception]"));
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("area-996364-4", true);
+add_task(function() {
+ let exceptionThrown;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996899-1", { anchor: "PanelUI-menu-button",
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL,
+ defaultPlacements: [] });
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996899-1", { anchor: "home-button",
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL,
+ defaultPlacements: [] });
+ } catch (ex) {
+ exceptionThrown = ex;
+ }
+ ok(!exceptionThrown, "Changing anchors shouldn't throw an exception: " + (exceptionThrown ? exceptionThrown : "[no exception]"));
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("area-996899-1", true);
+add_task(function() {
+ let exceptionThrown;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996899-2", { anchor: "PanelUI-menu-button",
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL,
+ defaultPlacements: [] });
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996899-2", { anchor: "PanelUI-menu-button",
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL,
+ defaultPlacements: ["feed-button"] });
+ } catch (ex) {
+ exceptionThrown = ex;
+ }
+ ok(!exceptionThrown, "Changing defaultPlacements shouldn't throw an exception: " + (exceptionThrown ? exceptionThrown : "[no exception]"));
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("area-996899-2", true);
+add_task(function() {
+ let exceptionThrown;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996899-3", { legacy: true });
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996899-3", { legacy: false });
+ } catch (ex) {
+ exceptionThrown = ex;
+ }
+ ok(exceptionThrown, "Changing 'legacy' should throw an exception: " + (exceptionThrown ? exceptionThrown : "[no exception]"));
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("area-996899-3", true);
+add_task(function() {
+ let exceptionThrown;
+ try {
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996899-4", { overflowable: true });
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea("area-996899-4", { overflowable: false });
+ } catch (ex) {
+ exceptionThrown = ex;
+ }
+ ok(exceptionThrown, "Changing 'overflowable' should throw an exception: " + (exceptionThrown ? exceptionThrown : "[no exception]"));
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea("area-996899-4", true);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_996635_remove_non_widgets.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_996635_remove_non_widgets.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14a446eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_996635_remove_non_widgets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+// NB: This is testing what happens if something that /isn't/ a customizable
+// widget gets used in CustomizableUI APIs. Don't use this as an example of
+// what should happen in a "normal" case or how you should use the API.
+function test() {
+ // First create a button that isn't customizable, and add it in the nav-bar,
+ // but not in the customizable part of it (the customization target) but
+ // next to the main (hamburger) menu button.
+ const buttonID = "Test-non-widget-non-removable-button";
+ let btn = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
+ = buttonID;
+ btn.label = "Hi";
+ btn.setAttribute("style", "width: 20px; height: 20px; background-color: red");
+ document.getElementById("nav-bar").appendChild(btn);
+ registerCleanupFunction(function() {
+ btn.remove();
+ });
+ // Now try to add this non-customizable button to the tabstrip. This will
+ // update the internal bookkeeping (ie placements) information, but shouldn't
+ // move the node.
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(buttonID, CustomizableUI.AREA_TABSTRIP);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(buttonID);
+ // Check our bookkeeping
+ ok(placement, "Button should be placed");
+ is(placement && placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_TABSTRIP, "Should be placed on tabstrip.");
+ // Check we didn't move the node.
+ is(btn.parentNode &&, "nav-bar", "Actual button should still be on navbar.");
+ // Now remove the node again. This should remove the bookkeeping, but again
+ // not affect the actual node.
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(buttonID);
+ placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(buttonID);
+ // Check our bookkeeping:
+ ok(!placement, "Button should no longer have a placement.");
+ // Check our node.
+ is(btn.parentNode &&, "nav-bar", "Actual button should still be on navbar.");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_bootstrapped_custom_toolbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_bootstrapped_custom_toolbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c5f0c79c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_bootstrapped_custom_toolbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const kTestBarID = "testBar";
+const kWidgetID = "characterencoding-button";
+function createTestBar(aLegacy) {
+ let testBar = document.createElement("toolbar");
+ = kTestBarID;
+ testBar.setAttribute("customizable", "true");
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea(kTestBarID, {
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ legacy: aLegacy,
+ });
+ gNavToolbox.appendChild(testBar);
+ return testBar;
+ * Helper function that does the following:
+ *
+ * 1) Creates a custom toolbar and registers it
+ * with CustomizableUI. Sets the legacy attribute
+ * of the object passed to registerArea to aLegacy.
+ * 2) Adds the widget with ID aWidgetID to that new
+ * toolbar.
+ * 3) Enters customize mode and makes sure that the
+ * widget is still in the right toolbar.
+ * 4) Exits customize mode, then removes and deregisters
+ * the custom toolbar.
+ * 5) Checks that the widget has no placement.
+ * 6) Re-adds and re-registers a custom toolbar with the same
+ * ID and options as the first one.
+ * 7) Enters customize mode and checks that the widget is
+ * properly back in the toolbar.
+ * 8) Exits customize mode, removes and de-registers the
+ * toolbar, and resets the toolbars to default.
+ */
+function checkRestoredPresence(aWidgetID, aLegacy) {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let testBar = createTestBar(aLegacy);
+ CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(aWidgetID, kTestBarID);
+ let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(aWidgetID);
+ is(placement.area, kTestBarID,
+ "Expected " + aWidgetID + " to be in the test toolbar");
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(;
+ testBar.remove();
+ placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(aWidgetID);
+ is(placement, null, "Expected " + aWidgetID + " to be in the palette");
+ testBar = createTestBar(aLegacy);
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(aWidgetID);
+ is(placement.area, kTestBarID,
+ "Expected " + aWidgetID + " to be in the test toolbar");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(;
+ testBar.remove();
+ yield resetCustomization();
+ });
+add_task(function* () {
+ yield checkRestoredPresence("downloads-button", false);
+ yield checkRestoredPresence("downloads-button", true);
+add_task(function* () {
+ yield checkRestoredPresence("characterencoding-button", false);
+ yield checkRestoredPresence("characterencoding-button", true);
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_check_tooltips_in_navbar.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_check_tooltips_in_navbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31dd42ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_check_tooltips_in_navbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+add_task(function* check_tooltips_in_navbar() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ let homeButtonWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-home-button");
+ let homeButton = document.getElementById("home-button");
+ is(homeButtonWrapper.getAttribute("tooltiptext"), homeButton.getAttribute("label"), "the wrapper's tooltip should match the button's label");
+ ok(homeButtonWrapper.getAttribute("tooltiptext"), "the button should have tooltip text");
+ yield endCustomizing();
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_customizemode_contextmenu_menubuttonstate.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_customizemode_contextmenu_menubuttonstate.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e1950291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_customizemode_contextmenu_menubuttonstate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ ok(!PanelUI.menuButton.hasAttribute("open"), "Menu button should not be 'pressed' outside customize mode");
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(PanelUI.menuButton.getAttribute("open"), "true", "Menu button should be 'pressed' when in customize mode");
+ let contextMenu = document.getElementById("customizationPanelItemContextMenu");
+ let shownPromise = popupShown(contextMenu);
+ let newWindowButton = document.getElementById("wrapper-new-window-button");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(newWindowButton, 2, 2, {type: "contextmenu", button: 2});
+ yield shownPromise;
+ is(PanelUI.menuButton.getAttribute("open"), "true", "Menu button should be 'pressed' when in customize mode after opening a context menu");
+ let hiddenContextPromise = popupHidden(contextMenu);
+ contextMenu.hidePopup();
+ yield hiddenContextPromise;
+ is(PanelUI.menuButton.getAttribute("open"), "true", "Menu button should be 'pressed' when in customize mode after hiding a context menu");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ ok(!PanelUI.menuButton.hasAttribute("open"), "Menu button should not be 'pressed' after ending customize mode");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_panel_toggle.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_panel_toggle.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c286fb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_panel_toggle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+ * Test opening and closing the menu panel UI.
+ */
+// Show and hide the menu panel programmatically without an event (like UITour.jsm would)
+add_task(function*() {
+ let shownPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
+ yield shownPromise;
+ is(PanelUI.panel.getAttribute("panelopen"), "true", "Check that panel has panelopen attribute");
+ is(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Check that panel state is 'open'");
+ let hiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.hide();
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+ ok(!PanelUI.panel.hasAttribute("panelopen"), "Check that panel doesn't have the panelopen attribute");
+ is(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Check that panel state is 'closed'");
+// Toggle the menu panel open and closed
+add_task(function*() {
+ let shownPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield shownPromise;
+ is(PanelUI.panel.getAttribute("panelopen"), "true", "Check that panel has panelopen attribute");
+ is(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Check that panel state is 'open'");
+ let hiddenPromise = promisePanelHidden(window);
+ PanelUI.toggle({type: "command"});
+ yield hiddenPromise;
+ ok(!PanelUI.panel.hasAttribute("panelopen"), "Check that panel doesn't have the panelopen attribute");
+ is(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Check that panel state is 'closed'");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_switch_to_customize_mode.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_switch_to_customize_mode.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..459ea7a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/browser_switch_to_customize_mode.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+"use strict";
+add_task(function*() {
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 2, "Should have 2 tabs");
+ let paletteKidCount = document.getElementById("customization-palette").childElementCount;
+ let nonCustomizingTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.querySelector("tab:not([customizemode=true])");
+ let finishedCustomizing = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gNavToolbox, "aftercustomization");
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, nonCustomizingTab);
+ yield finishedCustomizing;
+ let startedCount = 0;
+ let handler = e => startedCount++;
+ gNavToolbox.addEventListener("customizationstarting", handler);
+ yield startCustomizing();
+ CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("home-button");
+ yield gCustomizeMode.reset().catch(e => {
+ ok(false, "Threw an exception trying to reset after making modifications in customize mode: " + e);
+ });
+ let newKidCount = document.getElementById("customization-palette").childElementCount;
+ is(newKidCount, paletteKidCount, "Should have just as many items in the palette as before.");
+ yield endCustomizing();
+ is(startedCount, 1, "Should have only started once");
+ gNavToolbox.removeEventListener("customizationstarting", handler);
+ let customizableToolbars = document.querySelectorAll("toolbar[customizable=true]:not([autohide=true])");
+ for (let toolbar of customizableToolbars) {
+ ok(!toolbar.hasAttribute("customizing"), "Toolbar " + + " is no longer customizing");
+ }
+ let menuitem = document.getElementById("PanelUI-customize");
+ isnot(menuitem.getAttribute("label"), menuitem.getAttribute("exitLabel"), "Should have exited successfully");
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/head.js b/browser/components/customizableui/test/head.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b8d84e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/head.js
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// Avoid leaks by using tmp for imports...
+var tmp = {};
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", tmp);
+Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", tmp);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm", tmp);
+var {Promise, CustomizableUI, AppConstants} = tmp;
+var EventUtils = {};
+Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js", EventUtils);
+Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uiCustomization.skipSourceNodeCheck", true);
+registerCleanupFunction(() => Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.uiCustomization.skipSourceNodeCheck"));
+// Remove temporary e10s related new window options in customize ui,
+// they break a lot of tests.
+var {synthesizeDragStart, synthesizeDrop} = EventUtils;
+const kNSXUL = "";
+const kTabEventFailureTimeoutInMs = 20000;
+function createDummyXULButton(id, label, win = window) {
+ let btn = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton");
+ = id;
+ btn.setAttribute("label", label || id);
+ btn.className = "toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional";
+ win.gNavToolbox.palette.appendChild(btn);
+ return btn;
+var gAddedToolbars = new Set();
+function createToolbarWithPlacements(id, placements = []) {
+ gAddedToolbars.add(id);
+ let tb = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbar");
+ = id;
+ tb.setAttribute("customizable", "true");
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea(id, {
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ defaultPlacements: placements
+ });
+ gNavToolbox.appendChild(tb);
+ return tb;
+function createOverflowableToolbarWithPlacements(id, placements) {
+ gAddedToolbars.add(id);
+ let tb = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbar");
+ = id;
+ tb.setAttribute("customizationtarget", id + "-target");
+ let customizationtarget = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "hbox");
+ = id + "-target";
+ customizationtarget.setAttribute("flex", "1");
+ tb.appendChild(customizationtarget);
+ let overflowPanel = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "panel");
+ = id + "-overflow";
+ document.getElementById("mainPopupSet").appendChild(overflowPanel);
+ let overflowList = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "vbox");
+ = id + "-overflow-list";
+ overflowPanel.appendChild(overflowList);
+ let chevron = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton");
+ = id + "-chevron";
+ tb.appendChild(chevron);
+ CustomizableUI.registerArea(id, {
+ type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
+ defaultPlacements: placements,
+ overflowable: true,
+ });
+ tb.setAttribute("customizable", "true");
+ tb.setAttribute("overflowable", "true");
+ tb.setAttribute("overflowpanel",;
+ tb.setAttribute("overflowtarget",;
+ tb.setAttribute("overflowbutton",;
+ gNavToolbox.appendChild(tb);
+ return tb;
+function removeCustomToolbars() {
+ CustomizableUI.reset();
+ for (let toolbarId of gAddedToolbars) {
+ CustomizableUI.unregisterArea(toolbarId, true);
+ let tb = document.getElementById(toolbarId);
+ if (tb.hasAttribute("overflowpanel")) {
+ let panel = document.getElementById(tb.getAttribute("overflowpanel"));
+ if (panel)
+ panel.remove();
+ }
+ tb.remove();
+ }
+ gAddedToolbars.clear();
+function getToolboxCustomToolbarId(toolbarName) {
+ return "__customToolbar_" + toolbarName.replace(" ", "_");
+function resetCustomization() {
+ return CustomizableUI.reset();
+function isInDevEdition() {
+ return AppConstants.MOZ_DEV_EDITION;
+function removeDeveloperButtonIfDevEdition(areaPanelPlacements) {
+ if (isInDevEdition()) {
+ areaPanelPlacements.splice(areaPanelPlacements.indexOf("developer-button"), 1);
+ }
+function assertAreaPlacements(areaId, expectedPlacements) {
+ let actualPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(areaId);
+ placementArraysEqual(areaId, actualPlacements, expectedPlacements);
+function placementArraysEqual(areaId, actualPlacements, expectedPlacements) {
+ is(actualPlacements.length, expectedPlacements.length,
+ "Area " + areaId + " should have " + expectedPlacements.length + " items.");
+ let minItems = Math.min(expectedPlacements.length, actualPlacements.length);
+ for (let i = 0; i < minItems; i++) {
+ if (typeof expectedPlacements[i] == "string") {
+ is(actualPlacements[i], expectedPlacements[i],
+ "Item " + i + " in " + areaId + " should match expectations.");
+ } else if (expectedPlacements[i] instanceof RegExp) {
+ ok(expectedPlacements[i].test(actualPlacements[i]),
+ "Item " + i + " (" + actualPlacements[i] + ") in " +
+ areaId + " should match " + expectedPlacements[i]);
+ } else {
+ ok(false, "Unknown type of expected placement passed to " +
+ " assertAreaPlacements. Is your test broken?");
+ }
+ }
+function todoAssertAreaPlacements(areaId, expectedPlacements) {
+ let actualPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(areaId);
+ let isPassing = actualPlacements.length == expectedPlacements.length;
+ let minItems = Math.min(expectedPlacements.length, actualPlacements.length);
+ for (let i = 0; i < minItems; i++) {
+ if (typeof expectedPlacements[i] == "string") {
+ isPassing = isPassing && actualPlacements[i] == expectedPlacements[i];
+ } else if (expectedPlacements[i] instanceof RegExp) {
+ isPassing = isPassing && expectedPlacements[i].test(actualPlacements[i]);
+ } else {
+ ok(false, "Unknown type of expected placement passed to " +
+ " assertAreaPlacements. Is your test broken?");
+ }
+ }
+ todo(isPassing, "The area placements for " + areaId +
+ " should equal the expected placements.");
+function getAreaWidgetIds(areaId) {
+ return CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(areaId);
+function simulateItemDrag(aToDrag, aTarget) {
+ synthesizeDrop(aToDrag.parentNode, aTarget);
+function endCustomizing(aWindow=window) {
+ if (aWindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute("customizing") != "true") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uiCustomization.disableAnimation", true);
+ let deferredEndCustomizing = Promise.defer();
+ function onCustomizationEnds() {
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uiCustomization.disableAnimation", false);
+ aWindow.gNavToolbox.removeEventListener("aftercustomization", onCustomizationEnds);
+ deferredEndCustomizing.resolve();
+ }
+ aWindow.gNavToolbox.addEventListener("aftercustomization", onCustomizationEnds);
+ aWindow.gCustomizeMode.exit();
+ return deferredEndCustomizing.promise;
+function startCustomizing(aWindow=window) {
+ if (aWindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute("customizing") == "true") {
+ return null;
+ }
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uiCustomization.disableAnimation", true);
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ function onCustomizing() {
+ aWindow.gNavToolbox.removeEventListener("customizationready", onCustomizing);
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uiCustomization.disableAnimation", false);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ aWindow.gNavToolbox.addEventListener("customizationready", onCustomizing);
+ aWindow.gCustomizeMode.enter();
+ return deferred.promise;
+function promiseObserverNotified(aTopic) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ Services.obs.addObserver(function onNotification(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(onNotification, aTopic);
+ deferred.resolve({subject: aSubject, data: aData});
+ }, aTopic, false);
+ return deferred.promise;
+function openAndLoadWindow(aOptions, aWaitForDelayedStartup=false) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let win = OpenBrowserWindow(aOptions);
+ if (aWaitForDelayedStartup) {
+ Services.obs.addObserver(function onDS(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+ if (aSubject != win) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(onDS, "browser-delayed-startup-finished");
+ deferred.resolve(win);
+ }, "browser-delayed-startup-finished", false);
+ } else {
+ win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
+ win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
+ deferred.resolve(win);
+ });
+ }
+ return deferred.promise;
+function promiseWindowClosed(win) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ win.addEventListener("unload", function onunload() {
+ win.removeEventListener("unload", onunload);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ });
+ win.close();
+ return deferred.promise;
+function promisePanelShown(win) {
+ let panelEl = win.PanelUI.panel;
+ return promisePanelElementShown(win, panelEl);
+function promiseOverflowShown(win) {
+ let panelEl = win.document.getElementById("widget-overflow");
+ return promisePanelElementShown(win, panelEl);
+function promisePanelElementShown(win, aPanel) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let timeoutId = win.setTimeout(() => {
+ deferred.reject("Panel did not show within 20 seconds.");
+ }, 20000);
+ function onPanelOpen(e) {
+ aPanel.removeEventListener("popupshown", onPanelOpen);
+ win.clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ aPanel.addEventListener("popupshown", onPanelOpen);
+ return deferred.promise;
+function promisePanelHidden(win) {
+ let panelEl = win.PanelUI.panel;
+ return promisePanelElementHidden(win, panelEl);
+function promiseOverflowHidden(win) {
+ let panelEl = document.getElementById("widget-overflow");
+ return promisePanelElementHidden(win, panelEl);
+function promisePanelElementHidden(win, aPanel) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let timeoutId = win.setTimeout(() => {
+ deferred.reject("Panel did not hide within 20 seconds.");
+ }, 20000);
+ function onPanelClose(e) {
+ aPanel.removeEventListener("popuphidden", onPanelClose);
+ win.clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ aPanel.addEventListener("popuphidden", onPanelClose);
+ return deferred.promise;
+function isPanelUIOpen() {
+ return PanelUI.panel.state == "open" || PanelUI.panel.state == "showing";
+function subviewShown(aSubview) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let win = aSubview.ownerGlobal;
+ let timeoutId = win.setTimeout(() => {
+ deferred.reject("Subview (" + + ") did not show within 20 seconds.");
+ }, 20000);
+ function onViewShowing(e) {
+ aSubview.removeEventListener("ViewShowing", onViewShowing);
+ win.clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ aSubview.addEventListener("ViewShowing", onViewShowing);
+ return deferred.promise;
+function subviewHidden(aSubview) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let win = aSubview.ownerGlobal;
+ let timeoutId = win.setTimeout(() => {
+ deferred.reject("Subview (" + + ") did not hide within 20 seconds.");
+ }, 20000);
+ function onViewHiding(e) {
+ aSubview.removeEventListener("ViewHiding", onViewHiding);
+ win.clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ aSubview.addEventListener("ViewHiding", onViewHiding);
+ return deferred.promise;
+function waitForCondition(aConditionFn, aMaxTries=50, aCheckInterval=100) {
+ function tryNow() {
+ tries++;
+ if (aConditionFn()) {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ } else if (tries < aMaxTries) {
+ tryAgain();
+ } else {
+ deferred.reject("Condition timed out: " + aConditionFn.toSource());
+ }
+ }
+ function tryAgain() {
+ setTimeout(tryNow, aCheckInterval);
+ }
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let tries = 0;
+ tryAgain();
+ return deferred.promise;
+function waitFor(aTimeout=100) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ setTimeout(() => deferred.resolve(), aTimeout);
+ return deferred.promise;
+ * Starts a load in an existing tab and waits for it to finish (via some event).
+ *
+ * @param aTab The tab to load into.
+ * @param aUrl The url to load.
+ * @param aEventType The load event type to wait for. Defaults to "load".
+ * @return {Promise} resolved when the event is handled.
+ */
+function promiseTabLoadEvent(aTab, aURL) {
+ let browser = aTab.linkedBrowser;
+ BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(browser, aURL);
+ return BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
+ * Navigate back or forward in tab history and wait for it to finish.
+ *
+ * @param aDirection Number to indicate to move backward or forward in history.
+ * @param aConditionFn Function that returns the result of an evaluated condition
+ * that needs to be `true` to resolve the promise.
+ * @return {Promise} resolved when navigation has finished.
+ */
+function promiseTabHistoryNavigation(aDirection = -1, aConditionFn) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+ gBrowser.removeEventListener("pageshow", listener, true);
+ deferred.reject("Pageshow did not happen within " + kTabEventFailureTimeoutInMs + "ms");
+ }, kTabEventFailureTimeoutInMs);
+ function listener(event) {
+ gBrowser.removeEventListener("pageshow", listener, true);
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ if (aConditionFn) {
+ waitForCondition(aConditionFn).then(() => deferred.resolve(),
+ aReason => deferred.reject(aReason));
+ } else {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ }
+ gBrowser.addEventListener("pageshow", listener, true);
+ content.history.go(aDirection);
+ return deferred.promise;
+ * Wait for an attribute on a node to change
+ *
+ * @param aNode Node on which the mutation is expected
+ * @param aAttribute The attribute we're interested in
+ * @param aFilterFn A function to check if the new value is what we want.
+ * @return {Promise} resolved when the requisite mutation shows up.
+ */
+function promiseAttributeMutation(aNode, aAttribute, aFilterFn) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ info("waiting for mutation of attribute '" + aAttribute + "'.");
+ let obs = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
+ for (let mut of mutations) {
+ let attr = mut.attributeName;
+ let newValue =;
+ if (aFilterFn(newValue)) {
+ ok(true, "mutation occurred: attribute '" + attr + "' changed to '" + newValue + "' from '" + mut.oldValue + "'.");
+ obs.disconnect();
+ resolve();
+ } else {
+ info("Ignoring mutation that produced value " + newValue + " because of filter.");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ obs.observe(aNode, {attributeFilter: [aAttribute]});
+ });
+function popupShown(aPopup) {
+ return promisePopupEvent(aPopup, "shown");
+function popupHidden(aPopup) {
+ return promisePopupEvent(aPopup, "hidden");
+ * Returns a Promise that resolves when aPopup fires an event of type
+ * aEventType. Times out and rejects after 20 seconds.
+ *
+ * @param aPopup the popup to monitor for events.
+ * @param aEventSuffix the _suffix_ for the popup event type to watch for.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * let popupShownPromise = promisePopupEvent(somePopup, "shown");
+ * // ... something that opens a popup
+ * yield popupShownPromise;
+ *
+ * let popupHiddenPromise = promisePopupEvent(somePopup, "hidden");
+ * // ... something that hides a popup
+ * yield popupHiddenPromise;
+ */
+function promisePopupEvent(aPopup, aEventSuffix) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let eventType = "popup" + aEventSuffix;
+ function onPopupEvent(e) {
+ aPopup.removeEventListener(eventType, onPopupEvent);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ aPopup.addEventListener(eventType, onPopupEvent);
+ return deferred.promise;
+// This is a simpler version of the context menu check that
+// exists in contextmenu_common.js.
+function checkContextMenu(aContextMenu, aExpectedEntries, aWindow=window) {
+ let childNodes = [...aContextMenu.childNodes];
+ // Ignore hidden nodes:
+ childNodes = childNodes.filter((n) => !n.hidden);
+ for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
+ let menuitem = childNodes[i];
+ try {
+ if (aExpectedEntries[i][0] == "---") {
+ is(menuitem.localName, "menuseparator", "menuseparator expected");
+ continue;
+ }
+ let selector = aExpectedEntries[i][0];
+ ok(menuitem.matches(selector), "menuitem should match " + selector + " selector");
+ let commandValue = menuitem.getAttribute("command");
+ let relatedCommand = commandValue ? aWindow.document.getElementById(commandValue) : null;
+ let menuItemDisabled = relatedCommand ?
+ relatedCommand.getAttribute("disabled") == "true" :
+ menuitem.getAttribute("disabled") == "true";
+ is(menuItemDisabled, !aExpectedEntries[i][1], "disabled state for " + selector);
+ } catch (e) {
+ ok(false, "Exception when checking context menu: " + e);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/feeds_test_page.html b/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/feeds_test_page.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be78e4dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/feeds_test_page.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ <title>Feeds test page</title>
+ <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="test-feed.xml" title="Test feed">
+ This is a test page for feeds
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test-feed.xml b/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test-feed.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e700b6d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test-feed.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<feed xmlns="">
+ <title>Example Feed</title>
+ <link href=""/>
+ <updated>2010-08-22T18:30:02Z</updated>
+ <author>
+ <name>John Doe</name>
+ </author>
+ <id>urn:uuid:e2df8375-99be-4848-b05e-b9d407555267</id>
+ <entry>
+ <title>Item</title>
+ <link href=""/>
+ <id>urn:uuid:9e0f4bed-33d3-4a9d-97ab-ecaa31b3f14a</id>
+ <updated>2010-08-22T18:30:02Z</updated>
+ <summary>Some text.</summary>
+ </entry>
diff --git a/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test_967000_charEncoding_page.html b/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test_967000_charEncoding_page.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8d35115c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/customizableui/test/support/test_967000_charEncoding_page.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>Test page</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ This is a test page
+ </body>