path: root/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_trackingUI_1.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-03 06:00:38 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-03 06:00:38 -0500
commit8148615da179fdd60f19018e13b4e94b95609cc6 (patch)
tree771fccdd99fa3adf35fdd2c81d8197b415a89b91 /browser/base/content/test/general/browser_trackingUI_1.js
parent494802c1be7888025b95260d23db187467d2b9dd (diff)
Remove browser tests - Part 1: The Tests (except for experiments)
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/base/content/test/general/browser_trackingUI_1.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_trackingUI_1.js b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_trackingUI_1.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 937d607af..000000000
--- a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_trackingUI_1.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- * Test that the Tracking Protection section is visible in the Control Center
- * and has the correct state for the cases when:
- * 1) A page with no tracking elements is loaded.
- * 2) A page with tracking elements is loaded and they are blocked.
- * 3) A page with tracking elements is loaded and they are not blocked.
- * See also Bugs 1175327, 1043801, 1178985
- */
-var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-const PREF = "privacy.trackingprotection.enabled";
-const PB_PREF = "privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled";
-const BENIGN_PAGE = "";
-const TRACKING_PAGE = "";
-var TrackingProtection = null;
-var tabbrowser = null;
-var {UrlClassifierTestUtils} = Cu.import("resource://testing-common/UrlClassifierTestUtils.jsm", {});
-registerCleanupFunction(function() {
- TrackingProtection = tabbrowser = null;
- UrlClassifierTestUtils.cleanupTestTrackers();
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PB_PREF);
- while (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) {
- gBrowser.removeCurrentTab();
- }
-function hidden(sel) {
- let win = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal;
- let el = win.document.querySelector(sel);
- let display = win.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue("display", null);
- let opacity = win.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue("opacity", null);
- return display === "none" || opacity === "0";
-function clickButton(sel) {
- let win = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal;
- let el = win.document.querySelector(sel);
- el.doCommand();
-function testBenignPage() {
- info("Non-tracking content must not be blocked");
- ok(!TrackingProtection.container.hidden, "The container is visible");
- ok(!TrackingProtection.content.hasAttribute("state"), "content: no state");
- ok(!TrackingProtection.icon.hasAttribute("state"), "icon: no state");
- ok(!TrackingProtection.icon.hasAttribute("tooltiptext"), "icon: no tooltip");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-protection-icon"), "icon is hidden");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-action-block"), "blockButton is hidden");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-action-unblock"), "unblockButton is hidden");
- // Make sure that the no tracking elements message appears
- ok(!hidden("#tracking-not-detected"), "labelNoTracking is visible");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-loaded"), "labelTrackingLoaded is hidden");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-blocked"), "labelTrackingBlocked is hidden");
-function testTrackingPage(window) {
- info("Tracking content must be blocked");
- ok(!TrackingProtection.container.hidden, "The container is visible");
- is(TrackingProtection.content.getAttribute("state"), "blocked-tracking-content",
- 'content: state="blocked-tracking-content"');
- is(TrackingProtection.icon.getAttribute("state"), "blocked-tracking-content",
- 'icon: state="blocked-tracking-content"');
- is(TrackingProtection.icon.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),
- gNavigatorBundle.getString("trackingProtection.icon.activeTooltip"), "correct tooltip");
- ok(!hidden("#tracking-protection-icon"), "icon is visible");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-action-block"), "blockButton is hidden");
- if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) {
- ok(hidden("#tracking-action-unblock"), "unblockButton is hidden");
- ok(!hidden("#tracking-action-unblock-private"), "unblockButtonPrivate is visible");
- } else {
- ok(!hidden("#tracking-action-unblock"), "unblockButton is visible");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-action-unblock-private"), "unblockButtonPrivate is hidden");
- }
- // Make sure that the blocked tracking elements message appears
- ok(hidden("#tracking-not-detected"), "labelNoTracking is hidden");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-loaded"), "labelTrackingLoaded is hidden");
- ok(!hidden("#tracking-blocked"), "labelTrackingBlocked is visible");
-function testTrackingPageUnblocked() {
- info("Tracking content must be white-listed and not blocked");
- ok(!TrackingProtection.container.hidden, "The container is visible");
- is(TrackingProtection.content.getAttribute("state"), "loaded-tracking-content",
- 'content: state="loaded-tracking-content"');
- is(TrackingProtection.icon.getAttribute("state"), "loaded-tracking-content",
- 'icon: state="loaded-tracking-content"');
- is(TrackingProtection.icon.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),
- gNavigatorBundle.getString("trackingProtection.icon.disabledTooltip"), "correct tooltip");
- ok(!hidden("#tracking-protection-icon"), "icon is visible");
- ok(!hidden("#tracking-action-block"), "blockButton is visible");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-action-unblock"), "unblockButton is hidden");
- // Make sure that the blocked tracking elements message appears
- ok(hidden("#tracking-not-detected"), "labelNoTracking is hidden");
- ok(!hidden("#tracking-loaded"), "labelTrackingLoaded is visible");
- ok(hidden("#tracking-blocked"), "labelTrackingBlocked is hidden");
-function* testTrackingProtectionForTab(tab) {
- info("Load a test page not containing tracking elements");
- yield promiseTabLoadEvent(tab, BENIGN_PAGE);
- testBenignPage();
- info("Load a test page containing tracking elements");
- yield promiseTabLoadEvent(tab, TRACKING_PAGE);
- testTrackingPage(tab.ownerGlobal);
- info("Disable TP for the page (which reloads the page)");
- let tabReloadPromise = promiseTabLoadEvent(tab);
- clickButton("#tracking-action-unblock");
- yield tabReloadPromise;
- testTrackingPageUnblocked();
- info("Re-enable TP for the page (which reloads the page)");
- tabReloadPromise = promiseTabLoadEvent(tab);
- clickButton("#tracking-action-block");
- yield tabReloadPromise;
- testTrackingPage(tab.ownerGlobal);
-add_task(function* testNormalBrowsing() {
- yield UrlClassifierTestUtils.addTestTrackers();
- tabbrowser = gBrowser;
- let tab = tabbrowser.selectedTab = tabbrowser.addTab();
- TrackingProtection = gBrowser.ownerGlobal.TrackingProtection;
- ok(TrackingProtection, "TP is attached to the browser window");
- is(TrackingProtection.enabled, Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF),
- "TP.enabled is based on the original pref value");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF, true);
- ok(TrackingProtection.enabled, "TP is enabled after setting the pref");
- yield testTrackingProtectionForTab(tab);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF, false);
- ok(!TrackingProtection.enabled, "TP is disabled after setting the pref");
-add_task(function* testPrivateBrowsing() {
- let privateWin = yield promiseOpenAndLoadWindow({private: true}, true);
- tabbrowser = privateWin.gBrowser;
- let tab = tabbrowser.selectedTab = tabbrowser.addTab();
- TrackingProtection = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal.TrackingProtection;
- ok(TrackingProtection, "TP is attached to the private window");
- is(TrackingProtection.enabled, Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PB_PREF),
- "TP.enabled is based on the pb pref value");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PB_PREF, true);
- ok(TrackingProtection.enabled, "TP is enabled after setting the pref");
- yield testTrackingProtectionForTab(tab);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PB_PREF, false);
- ok(!TrackingProtection.enabled, "TP is disabled after setting the pref");
- privateWin.close();