path: root/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_fxaccounts.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-03 06:00:38 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-03 06:00:38 -0500
commit8148615da179fdd60f19018e13b4e94b95609cc6 (patch)
tree771fccdd99fa3adf35fdd2c81d8197b415a89b91 /browser/base/content/test/general/browser_fxaccounts.js
parent494802c1be7888025b95260d23db187467d2b9dd (diff)
Remove browser tests - Part 1: The Tests (except for experiments)
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/base/content/test/general/browser_fxaccounts.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_fxaccounts.js b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_fxaccounts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f68286dc..000000000
--- a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_fxaccounts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-var {Log} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm", {});
-var {Task} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {});
-var {fxAccounts} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.jsm", {});
-var FxAccountsCommon = {};
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsCommon.js", FxAccountsCommon);
-const TEST_ROOT = "";
-// instrument gFxAccounts to send observer notifications when it's done
-// what it does.
-(function() {
- let unstubs = {}; // The original functions we stub out.
- // The stub functions.
- let stubs = {
- updateAppMenuItem: function() {
- return unstubs['updateAppMenuItem'].call(gFxAccounts).then(() => {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "test:browser_fxaccounts:updateAppMenuItem", null);
- });
- },
- // Opening preferences is trickier than it should be as leaks are reported
- // due to the promises it fires off at load time and there's no clear way to
- // know when they are done.
- // So just ensure openPreferences is called rather than whether it opens.
- openPreferences: function() {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "test:browser_fxaccounts:openPreferences", null);
- }
- };
- for (let name in stubs) {
- unstubs[name] = gFxAccounts[name];
- gFxAccounts[name] = stubs[name];
- }
- // and undo our damage at the end.
- registerCleanupFunction(() => {
- for (let name in unstubs) {
- gFxAccounts[name] = unstubs[name];
- }
- stubs = unstubs = null;
- });
-// Other setup/cleanup
-var newTab;
- TEST_ROOT + "accounts_testRemoteCommands.html");
-registerCleanupFunction(() => {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.signup.uri");
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.profile.uri");
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
-add_task(function* initialize() {
- // Set a new tab with something other than about:blank, so it doesn't get reused.
- // We must wait for it to load or the promiseTabOpen() call in the next test
- // gets confused.
- newTab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla", {animate: false});
- yield promiseTabLoaded(newTab);
-// The elements we care about.
-var panelUILabel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-fxa-label");
-var panelUIStatus = document.getElementById("PanelUI-fxa-status");
-var panelUIFooter = document.getElementById("PanelUI-footer-fxa");
-// The tests
-add_task(function* test_nouser() {
- let user = yield fxAccounts.getSignedInUser();
- Assert.strictEqual(user, null, "start with no user signed in");
- let promiseUpdateDone = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:updateAppMenuItem");
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, this.FxAccountsCommon.ONLOGOUT_NOTIFICATION, null);
- yield promiseUpdateDone;
- // Check the world - the FxA footer area is visible as it is offering a signin.
- Assert.ok(isFooterVisible())
- Assert.equal(panelUILabel.getAttribute("label"), panelUIStatus.getAttribute("defaultlabel"));
- Assert.equal(panelUIStatus.getAttribute("tooltiptext"), panelUIStatus.getAttribute("signedinTooltiptext"));
- Assert.ok(!panelUIFooter.hasAttribute("fxastatus"), "no fxsstatus when signed out");
- Assert.ok(!panelUIFooter.hasAttribute("fxaprofileimage"), "no fxaprofileimage when signed out");
- let promisePreferencesOpened = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:openPreferences");
- yield promisePreferencesOpened;
-XXX - Bug 1191162 - need a better hawk mock story or this will leak in debug builds.
-add_task(function* test_unverifiedUser() {
- let promiseUpdateDone = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:updateAppMenuItem");
- yield setSignedInUser(false); // this will fire the observer that does the update.
- yield promiseUpdateDone;
- // Check the world.
- Assert.ok(isFooterVisible())
- Assert.equal(panelUILabel.getAttribute("label"), "");
- Assert.equal(panelUIStatus.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),
- panelUIStatus.getAttribute("signedinTooltiptext"));
- Assert.equal(panelUIFooter.getAttribute("fxastatus"), "signedin");
- let promisePreferencesOpened = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:openPreferences");
- yield promisePreferencesOpened
- yield signOut();
-add_task(function* test_verifiedUserEmptyProfile() {
- // We see 2 updateAppMenuItem() calls - one for the signedInUser and one after
- // we first fetch the profile. We want them both to fire or we aren't testing
- // the state we think we are testing.
- let promiseUpdateDone = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:updateAppMenuItem", 2);
- gFxAccounts._cachedProfile = null;
- configureProfileURL({}); // successful but empty profile.
- yield setSignedInUser(true); // this will fire the observer that does the update.
- yield promiseUpdateDone;
- // Check the world.
- Assert.ok(isFooterVisible())
- Assert.equal(panelUILabel.getAttribute("label"), "");
- Assert.equal(panelUIStatus.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),
- panelUIStatus.getAttribute("signedinTooltiptext"));
- Assert.equal(panelUIFooter.getAttribute("fxastatus"), "signedin");
- let promisePreferencesOpened = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:openPreferences");
- yield promisePreferencesOpened;
- yield signOut();
-add_task(function* test_verifiedUserDisplayName() {
- let promiseUpdateDone = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:updateAppMenuItem", 2);
- gFxAccounts._cachedProfile = null;
- configureProfileURL({ displayName: "Test User Display Name" });
- yield setSignedInUser(true); // this will fire the observer that does the update.
- yield promiseUpdateDone;
- Assert.ok(isFooterVisible())
- Assert.equal(panelUILabel.getAttribute("label"), "Test User Display Name");
- Assert.equal(panelUIStatus.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),
- panelUIStatus.getAttribute("signedinTooltiptext"));
- Assert.equal(panelUIFooter.getAttribute("fxastatus"), "signedin");
- yield signOut();
-add_task(function* test_verifiedUserProfileFailure() {
- // profile failure means only one observer fires.
- let promiseUpdateDone = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:updateAppMenuItem", 1);
- gFxAccounts._cachedProfile = null;
- configureProfileURL(null, 500);
- yield setSignedInUser(true); // this will fire the observer that does the update.
- yield promiseUpdateDone;
- Assert.ok(isFooterVisible())
- Assert.equal(panelUILabel.getAttribute("label"), "");
- Assert.equal(panelUIStatus.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),
- panelUIStatus.getAttribute("signedinTooltiptext"));
- Assert.equal(panelUIFooter.getAttribute("fxastatus"), "signedin");
- yield signOut();
-// Helpers.
-function isFooterVisible() {
- let style = window.getComputedStyle(panelUIFooter);
- return style.getPropertyValue("display") == "flex";
-function configureProfileURL(profile, responseStatus = 200) {
- let responseBody = profile ? JSON.stringify(profile) : "";
- let url = TEST_ROOT + "fxa_profile_handler.sjs?" +
- "responseStatus=" + responseStatus +
- "responseBody=" + responseBody +
- // This is a bit cheeky - the FxA code will just append "/profile"
- // to the preference value. We arrange for this to be seen by our
- // .sjs as part of the query string.
- "&path=";
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.remote.profile.uri", url);
-function promiseObserver(topic, count = 1) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let obs = (aSubject, aTopic, aData) => {
- if (--count == 0) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, aTopic);
- resolve(aSubject);
- }
- }
- Services.obs.addObserver(obs, topic, false);
- });
-// Stolen from browser_aboutHome.js
-function promiseWaitForEvent(node, type, capturing) {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- node.addEventListener(type, function listener(event) {
- node.removeEventListener(type, listener, capturing);
- resolve(event);
- }, capturing);
- });
-var promiseTabOpen = Task.async(function*(urlBase) {
- info("Waiting for tab to open...");
- let event = yield promiseWaitForEvent(gBrowser.tabContainer, "TabOpen", true);
- let tab =;
- yield promiseTabLoadEvent(tab);
- ok(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec.startsWith(urlBase),
- "Got " + tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec + ", expecting " + urlBase);
- let whenUnloaded = promiseTabUnloaded(tab);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- yield whenUnloaded;
-function promiseTabUnloaded(tab)
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- info("Wait for tab to unload");
- function handle(event) {
- tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("unload", handle, true);
- info("Got unload event");
- resolve(event);
- }
- tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("unload", handle, true, true);
- });
-// FxAccounts helpers.
-function setSignedInUser(verified) {
- let data = {
- email: "",
- uid: "",
- assertion: "foobar",
- sessionToken: "dead",
- kA: "beef",
- kB: "cafe",
- verified: verified,
- oauthTokens: {
- // a token for the profile server.
- profile: "key value",
- }
- }
- return fxAccounts.setSignedInUser(data);
-var signOut = Task.async(function* () {
- // This test needs to make sure that any updates for the logout have
- // completed before starting the next test, or we see the observer
- // notifications get out of sync.
- let promiseUpdateDone = promiseObserver("test:browser_fxaccounts:updateAppMenuItem");
- // we always want a "localOnly" signout here...
- yield fxAccounts.signOut(true);
- yield promiseUpdateDone;