path: root/b2g/components
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-03 06:25:10 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-03 06:25:10 -0500
commit8b8c65072aedef94610748ce92c2ed3a19fd5517 (patch)
tree8614d386acf5db7a77b08d19a5854a7d75dab015 /b2g/components
parent8c3a46bd13a0660a3ff1e0379dbf515873a852d2 (diff)
Purge b2g/
Diffstat (limited to 'b2g/components')
-rw-r--r--b2g/components/test/unit/data/test_logger_filebin4037 -> 0 bytes
81 files changed, 0 insertions, 10537 deletions
diff --git a/b2g/components/AboutServiceWorkers.jsm b/b2g/components/AboutServiceWorkers.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index fe67e9c34..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/AboutServiceWorkers.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict"
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["AboutServiceWorkers"];
-const { interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gServiceWorkerManager",
- ";1",
- "nsIServiceWorkerManager");
-function debug(aMsg) {
- dump("AboutServiceWorkers - " + aMsg + "\n");
-function serializeServiceWorkerInfo(aServiceWorkerInfo) {
- if (!aServiceWorkerInfo) {
- throw new Error("Invalid service worker information");
- }
- let result = {};
- result.principal = {
- origin: aServiceWorkerInfo.principal.originNoSuffix,
- originAttributes: aServiceWorkerInfo.principal.originAttributes
- };
- ["scope", "scriptSpec"].forEach(property => {
- result[property] = aServiceWorkerInfo[property];
- });
- return result;
-this.AboutServiceWorkers = {
- get enabled() {
- if (this._enabled) {
- return this._enabled;
- }
- this._enabled = false;
- try {
- this._enabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.serviceWorkers.enabled");
- } catch(e) {}
- return this._enabled;
- },
- init: function() {
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozAboutServiceWorkersContentEvent",
- AboutServiceWorkers);
- },
- sendResult: function(aId, aResult) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozAboutServiceWorkersChromeEvent", {
- id: aId,
- result: aResult
- });
- },
- sendError: function(aId, aError) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozAboutServiceWorkersChromeEvent", {
- id: aId,
- error: aError
- });
- },
- handleEvent: function(aEvent) {
- let message = aEvent.detail;
- debug("Got content event " + JSON.stringify(message));
- if (! || ! {
- dump("Invalid event " + JSON.stringify(message) + "\n");
- return;
- }
- let self = AboutServiceWorkers;
- switch( {
- case "init":
- if (!self.enabled) {
- self.sendResult(, {
- enabled: false,
- registrations: []
- });
- return;
- };
- let data = gServiceWorkerManager.getAllRegistrations();
- if (!data) {
- self.sendError(, "NoServiceWorkersRegistrations");
- return;
- }
- let registrations = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- let info = data.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo);
- if (!info) {
- dump("AboutServiceWorkers: Invalid nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo " +
- "interface.\n");
- continue;
- }
- registrations.push(serializeServiceWorkerInfo(info));
- }
- self.sendResult(, {
- enabled: self.enabled,
- registrations: registrations
- });
- break;
- case "update":
- if (!message.scope) {
- self.sendError(, "MissingScope");
- return;
- }
- if (!message.principal ||
- !message.principal.originAttributes) {
- self.sendError(, "MissingOriginAttributes");
- return;
- }
- gServiceWorkerManager.propagateSoftUpdate(
- message.principal.originAttributes,
- message.scope
- );
- self.sendResult(, true);
- break;
- case "unregister":
- if (!message.principal ||
- !message.principal.origin ||
- !message.principal.originAttributes ||
- !message.principal.originAttributes.appId ||
- (message.principal.originAttributes.inIsolatedMozBrowser == null)) {
- self.sendError(, "MissingPrincipal");
- return;
- }
- let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createCodebasePrincipal(
- // TODO: Bug 1196652. use originNoSuffix
-, null, null),
- message.principal.originAttributes);
- if (!message.scope) {
- self.sendError(, "MissingScope");
- return;
- }
- let serviceWorkerUnregisterCallback = {
- unregisterSucceeded: function() {
- self.sendResult(, true);
- },
- unregisterFailed: function() {
- self.sendError(, "UnregisterError");
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsIServiceWorkerUnregisterCallback
- ])
- };
- gServiceWorkerManager.propagateUnregister(principal,
- serviceWorkerUnregisterCallback,
- message.scope);
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/ActivityChannel.jsm b/b2g/components/ActivityChannel.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dfa13d67..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/ActivityChannel.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "cpmm",
- ";1",
- "nsIMessageSender");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "contentSecManager",
- ";1",
- "nsIContentSecurityManager");
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ActivityChannel"];
-this.ActivityChannel = function(aURI, aLoadInfo, aName, aDetails) {
- this._activityName = aName;
- this._activityDetails = aDetails;
- this.originalURI = aURI;
- this.URI = aURI;
- this.loadInfo = aLoadInfo;
-this.ActivityChannel.prototype = {
- originalURI: null,
- URI: null,
- owner: null,
- notificationCallbacks: null,
- securityInfo: null,
- contentType: null,
- contentCharset: null,
- contentLength: 0,
- contentDisposition: Ci.nsIChannel.DISPOSITION_INLINE,
- contentDispositionFilename: null,
- contentDispositionHeader: null,
- loadInfo: null,
- open: function() {
- },
- open2: function() {
- },
- asyncOpen: function(aListener, aContext) {
- cpmm.sendAsyncMessage(this._activityName, this._activityDetails);
- // Let the listener cleanup.
- aListener.onStopRequest(this, aContext, Cr.NS_OK);
- },
- asyncOpen2: function(aListener) {
- // throws an error if security checks fail
- var outListener = contentSecManager.performSecurityCheck(this, aListener);
- this.asyncOpen(outListener, null);
- },
- QueryInterface2: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIChannel])
diff --git a/b2g/components/AlertsHelper.jsm b/b2g/components/AlertsHelper.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 820f2406c..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/AlertsHelper.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSystemMessenger",
- ";1",
- "nsISystemMessagesInternal");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "appsService",
- ";1",
- "nsIAppsService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "notificationStorage",
- ";1",
- "nsINotificationStorage");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "ppmm", function() {
- return Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager);
-function debug(str) {
- //dump("=*= AlertsHelper.jsm : " + str + "\n");
-const kNotificationIconSize = 128;
-const kDesktopNotificationPerm = "desktop-notification";
-const kNotificationSystemMessageName = "notification";
-const kDesktopNotification = "desktop-notification";
-const kDesktopNotificationShow = "desktop-notification-show";
-const kDesktopNotificationClick = "desktop-notification-click";
-const kDesktopNotificationClose = "desktop-notification-close";
-const kTopicAlertClickCallback = "alertclickcallback";
-const kTopicAlertShow = "alertshow";
-const kTopicAlertFinished = "alertfinished";
-const kMozChromeNotificationEvent = "mozChromeNotificationEvent";
-const kMozContentNotificationEvent = "mozContentNotificationEvent";
-const kMessageAlertNotificationSend = "alert-notification-send";
-const kMessageAlertNotificationClose = "alert-notification-close";
-const kMessages = [
- kMessageAlertNotificationSend,
- kMessageAlertNotificationClose
-var AlertsHelper = {
- _listeners: {},
- init: function() {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
- for (let message of kMessages) {
- ppmm.addMessageListener(message, this);
- }
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(kMozContentNotificationEvent, this);
- },
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- switch (aTopic) {
- case "xpcom-shutdown":
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
- for (let message of kMessages) {
- ppmm.removeMessageListener(message, this);
- }
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(kMozContentNotificationEvent, this);
- break;
- }
- },
- handleEvent: function(evt) {
- let detail = evt.detail;
- switch(detail.type) {
- case kDesktopNotificationShow:
- case kDesktopNotificationClick:
- case kDesktopNotificationClose:
- this.handleNotificationEvent(detail);
- break;
- default:
- debug("FIXME: Unhandled notification event: " + detail.type);
- break;
- }
- },
- handleNotificationEvent: function(detail) {
- if (!detail || ! {
- return;
- }
- let uid =;
- let listener = this._listeners[uid];
- if (!listener) {
- return;
- }
- let topic;
- if (detail.type === kDesktopNotificationClick) {
- topic = kTopicAlertClickCallback;
- } else if (detail.type === kDesktopNotificationShow) {
- topic = kTopicAlertShow;
- } else {
- /* kDesktopNotificationClose */
- topic = kTopicAlertFinished;
- }
- if (listener.cookie) {
- try {
-, topic, listener.cookie);
- } catch (e) { }
- } else {
- if (detail.type === kDesktopNotificationClose && listener.dbId) {
- notificationStorage.delete(listener.manifestURL, listener.dbId);
- }
- }
- // we"re done with this notification
- if (detail.type === kDesktopNotificationClose) {
- delete this._listeners[uid];
- }
- },
- registerListener: function(alertId, cookie, alertListener) {
- this._listeners[alertId] = { observer: alertListener, cookie: cookie };
- },
- registerAppListener: function(uid, listener) {
- this._listeners[uid] = listener;
- appsService.getManifestFor(listener.manifestURL).then((manifest) => {
- let app = appsService.getAppByManifestURL(listener.manifestURL);
- let helper = new ManifestHelper(manifest, app.origin, app.manifestURL);
- let getNotificationURLFor = function(messages) {
- if (!messages) {
- return null;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
- let message = messages[i];
- if (message === kNotificationSystemMessageName) {
- return helper.fullLaunchPath();
- } else if (typeof message === "object" &&
- kNotificationSystemMessageName in message) {
- return helper.resolveURL(message[kNotificationSystemMessageName]);
- }
- }
- // No message found...
- return null;
- }
- = getNotificationURLFor(manifest.messages);
- // Bug 816944 - Support notification messages for entry_points.
- });
- },
- deserializeStructuredClone: function(dataString) {
- if (!dataString) {
- return null;
- }
- let scContainer = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIStructuredCloneContainer);
- // The maximum supported structured-clone serialization format version
- // as defined in "js/public/StructuredClone.h"
- scContainer.initFromBase64(dataString, JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION);
- let dataObj = scContainer.deserializeToVariant();
- // We have to check whether dataObj contains DOM objects (supported by
- // nsIStructuredCloneContainer, but not by Cu.cloneInto), e.g. ImageData.
- // After the structured clone callback systems will be unified, we'll not
- // have to perform this check anymore.
- try {
- let data = Cu.cloneInto(dataObj, {});
- } catch(e) { dataObj = null; }
- return dataObj;
- },
- showNotification: function(imageURL, title, text, textClickable, cookie,
- uid, dir, lang, dataObj, manifestURL, timestamp,
- behavior) {
- function send(appName, appIcon) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(kMozChromeNotificationEvent, {
- type: kDesktopNotification,
- id: uid,
- icon: imageURL,
- title: title,
- text: text,
- dir: dir,
- lang: lang,
- appName: appName,
- appIcon: appIcon,
- manifestURL: manifestURL,
- timestamp: timestamp,
- data: dataObj,
- mozbehavior: behavior
- });
- }
- if (!manifestURL || !manifestURL.length) {
- send(null, null);
- return;
- }
- // If we have a manifest URL, get the icon and title from the manifest
- // to prevent spoofing.
- appsService.getManifestFor(manifestURL).then((manifest) => {
- let app = appsService.getAppByManifestURL(manifestURL);
- let helper = new ManifestHelper(manifest, app.origin, manifestURL);
- send(, helper.iconURLForSize(kNotificationIconSize));
- });
- },
- showAlertNotification: function(aMessage) {
- let data =;
- let currentListener = this._listeners[];
- if (currentListener && {
-, kTopicAlertFinished, currentListener.cookie);
- }
- let dataObj = this.deserializeStructuredClone(data.dataStr);
- this.registerListener(, data.cookie, data.alertListener);
- this.showNotification(data.imageURL, data.title, data.text,
- data.textClickable, data.cookie,, data.dir,
- data.lang, dataObj, null, data.inPrivateBrowsing);
- },
- closeAlert: function(name) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(kMozChromeNotificationEvent, {
- type: kDesktopNotificationClose,
- id: name
- });
- },
- receiveMessage: function(aMessage) {
- if (! {
- Cu.reportError("Desktop-notification message " + +
- " from a content process with no " + kDesktopNotificationPerm +
- " privileges.");
- return;
- }
- switch( {
- case kMessageAlertNotificationSend:
- this.showAlertNotification(aMessage);
- break;
- case kMessageAlertNotificationClose:
- this.closeAlert(;
- break;
- }
- },
diff --git a/b2g/components/AlertsService.js b/b2g/components/AlertsService.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19a164f0e..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/AlertsService.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSystemMessenger",
- ";1",
- "nsISystemMessagesInternal");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "uuidGenerator",
- ";1",
- "nsIUUIDGenerator");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "notificationStorage",
- ";1",
- "nsINotificationStorage");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "cpmm", function() {
- return Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIMessageSender);
-function debug(str) {
- dump("=*= AlertsService.js : " + str + "\n");
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Alerts Service
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-const kNotificationSystemMessageName = "notification";
-const kMessageAlertNotificationSend = "alert-notification-send";
-const kMessageAlertNotificationClose = "alert-notification-close";
-const kTopicAlertShow = "alertshow";
-const kTopicAlertFinished = "alertfinished";
-const kTopicAlertClickCallback = "alertclickcallback";
-function AlertsService() {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
-AlertsService.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID("{fe33c107-82a4-41d6-8c64-5353267e04c9}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAlertsService,
- Ci.nsIObserver]),
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- switch (aTopic) {
- case "xpcom-shutdown":
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
- break;
- }
- },
- // nsIAlertsService
- showAlert: function(aAlert, aAlertListener) {
- if (!aAlert) {
- return;
- }
- cpmm.sendAsyncMessage(kMessageAlertNotificationSend, {
- imageURL: aAlert.imageURL,
- title: aAlert.title,
- text: aAlert.text,
- clickable: aAlert.textClickable,
- cookie: aAlert.cookie,
- listener: aAlertListener,
- id:,
- dir: aAlert.dir,
- lang: aAlert.lang,
- dataStr:,
- inPrivateBrowsing: aAlert.inPrivateBrowsing
- });
- },
- showAlertNotification: function(aImageUrl, aTitle, aText, aTextClickable,
- aCookie, aAlertListener, aName, aBidi,
- aLang, aDataStr, aPrincipal,
- aInPrivateBrowsing) {
- let alert = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIAlertNotification);
- alert.init(aName, aImageUrl, aTitle, aText, aTextClickable, aCookie,
- aBidi, aLang, aDataStr, aPrincipal, aInPrivateBrowsing);
- this.showAlert(alert, aAlertListener);
- },
- closeAlert: function(aName) {
- cpmm.sendAsyncMessage(kMessageAlertNotificationClose, {
- name: aName
- });
- },
- // AlertsService.js custom implementation
- _listeners: [],
- receiveMessage: function(aMessage) {
- let data =;
- let listener = this._listeners[data.uid];
- if (!listener) {
- return;
- }
- let topic = data.topic;
- try {
-, topic, null);
- } catch (e) {
- if (topic === kTopicAlertFinished && listener.dbId) {
- notificationStorage.delete(listener.manifestURL, listener.dbId);
- }
- }
- // we're done with this notification
- if (topic === kTopicAlertFinished) {
- delete this._listeners[data.uid];
- }
- },
- deserializeStructuredClone: function(dataString) {
- if (!dataString) {
- return null;
- }
- let scContainer = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIStructuredCloneContainer);
- // The maximum supported structured-clone serialization format version
- // as defined in "js/public/StructuredClone.h"
- scContainer.initFromBase64(dataString, JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION);
- let dataObj = scContainer.deserializeToVariant();
- // We have to check whether dataObj contains DOM objects (supported by
- // nsIStructuredCloneContainer, but not by Cu.cloneInto), e.g. ImageData.
- // After the structured clone callback systems will be unified, we'll not
- // have to perform this check anymore.
- try {
- let data = Cu.cloneInto(dataObj, {});
- } catch(e) { dataObj = null; }
- return dataObj;
- }
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([AlertsService]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/B2GAboutRedirector.js b/b2g/components/B2GAboutRedirector.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4bcf47f4..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/B2GAboutRedirector.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-function debug(msg) {
- //dump("B2GAboutRedirector: " + msg + "\n");
-function netErrorURL() {
- let systemManifestURL = Services.prefs.getCharPref("b2g.system_manifest_url");
- systemManifestURL =, null, null);
- let netErrorURL = Services.prefs.getCharPref("b2g.neterror.url");
- netErrorURL =, null, systemManifestURL);
- return netErrorURL.spec;
-var modules = {
- certerror: {
- uri: "chrome://b2g/content/aboutCertError.xhtml",
- privileged: false,
- hide: true
- },
- neterror: {
- uri: netErrorURL(),
- privileged: false,
- hide: true
- }
-function B2GAboutRedirector() {}
-B2GAboutRedirector.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAboutModule]),
- classID: Components.ID("{920400b1-cf8f-4760-a9c4-441417b15134}"),
- _getModuleInfo: function (aURI) {
- let moduleName = aURI.path.replace(/[?#].*/, "").toLowerCase();
- return modules[moduleName];
- },
- // nsIAboutModule
- getURIFlags: function(aURI) {
- let flags;
- let moduleInfo = this._getModuleInfo(aURI);
- if (moduleInfo.hide)
- flags = Ci.nsIAboutModule.HIDE_FROM_ABOUTABOUT;
- return flags | Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT;
- },
- newChannel: function(aURI, aLoadInfo) {
- let moduleInfo = this._getModuleInfo(aURI);
- var ios = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
- var newURI = ios.newURI(moduleInfo.uri, null, null);
- var channel = ios.newChannelFromURIWithLoadInfo(newURI, aLoadInfo);
- if (!moduleInfo.privileged) {
- // Setting the owner to null means that we'll go through the normal
- // path in GetChannelPrincipal and create a codebase principal based
- // on the channel's originalURI
- channel.owner = null;
- }
- channel.originalURI = aURI;
- return channel;
- }
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([B2GAboutRedirector]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/B2GAppMigrator.js b/b2g/components/B2GAppMigrator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 65671d151..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/B2GAppMigrator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-'use strict';
-function debug(s) {
- dump("-*- B2GAppMigrator.js: " + s + "\n");
-const DEBUG = false;
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const kMigrationMessageName = "webapps-before-update-merge";
-const kIDBDirType = "indexedDBPDir";
-const kProfileDirType = "ProfD";
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "appsService",
- ";1",
- "nsIAppsService");
-function B2GAppMigrator() {
-B2GAppMigrator.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID('{7211ece0-b458-4635-9afc-f8d7f376ee95}'),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver,
- Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]),
- executeBrowserMigration: function() {
- if (DEBUG) debug("Executing Browser Migration");
- // The browser db file and directory names are hashed the same way
- // everywhere, so it should be the same on all systems. We should
- // be able to just hardcode it.
- let browserDBDirName = "2959517650brreosw";
- let browserDBFileName = browserDBDirName + ".sqlite";
- // Storage directories need to be prefixed with the local id of
- // the app
- let browserLocalAppId = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL("app://");
- let browserAppStorageDirName = browserLocalAppId + "";
- // On the phone, the browser db will only be in the old IDB
- // directory, since it only existed up until v2.0. On desktop, it
- // will exist in the profile directory.
- //
- // Uses getDir with filename appending to make sure we don't
- // create extra directories along the way if they don't already
- // exist.
- let browserDBFile = FileUtils.getDir(kIDBDirType,
- ["storage",
- "persistent",
- browserAppStorageDirName,
- "idb"], false, true);
- browserDBFile.append(browserDBFileName);
- let browserDBDir = FileUtils.getDir(kIDBDirType,
- ["storage",
- "persistent",
- browserAppStorageDirName,
- "idb",
- browserDBDirName
- ], false, true);
- if (!browserDBFile.exists()) {
- if (DEBUG) debug("Browser DB " + browserDBFile.path + " does not exist, trying profile location");
- browserDBFile = FileUtils.getDir(kProfileDirType,
- ["storage",
- "persistent",
- browserAppStorageDirName,
- "idb"], false, true);
- browserDBFile.append(browserDBFileName);
- if (!browserDBFile.exists()) {
- if (DEBUG) debug("Browser DB " + browserDBFile.path + " does not exist. Cannot copy browser db.");
- return;
- }
- // If we have confirmed we have a DB file, we should also have a
- // directory.
- browserDBDir = FileUtils.getDir(kProfileDirType,
- ["storage",
- "persistent",
- browserAppStorageDirName,
- "idb",
- browserDBDirName
- ], false, true);
- }
- let systemLocalAppId = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL("app://");
- let systemAppStorageDirName = systemLocalAppId + "";
- // This check futureproofs the system DB storage directory. It
- // currently exists outside of the profile but will most likely
- // move into the profile at some point.
- let systemDBDir = FileUtils.getDir(kIDBDirType,
- ["storage",
- "persistent",
- systemAppStorageDirName,
- "idb"], false, true);
- if (!systemDBDir.exists()) {
- if (DEBUG) debug("System DB directory " + systemDBDir.path + " does not exist, trying profile location");
- systemDBDir = FileUtils.getDir(kProfileDirType,
- ["storage",
- "persistent",
- systemAppStorageDirName,
- "idb"], false, true);
- if (!systemDBDir.exists()) {
- if (DEBUG) debug("System DB directory " + systemDBDir.path + " does not exist. Cannot copy browser db.");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (DEBUG) {
- debug("Browser DB file exists, copying");
- debug("Browser local id: " + browserLocalAppId + "");
- debug("System local id: " + systemLocalAppId + "");
- debug("Browser DB file path: " + browserDBFile.path + "");
- debug("Browser DB dir path: " + browserDBDir.path + "");
- debug("System DB directory path: " + systemDBDir.path + "");
- }
- try {
- browserDBFile.copyTo(systemDBDir, browserDBFileName);
- } catch (e) {
- debug("File copy caused error! " +;
- }
- try {
- browserDBDir.copyTo(systemDBDir, browserDBDirName);
- } catch (e) {
- debug("Dir copy caused error! " +;
- }
- if (DEBUG) debug("Browser DB copied successfully");
- },
- observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
- switch (topic) {
- case kMigrationMessageName:
- this.executeBrowserMigration();
- break;
- default:
- debug("Unhandled topic: " + topic);
- break;
- }
- }
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([B2GAppMigrator]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/B2GComponents.manifest b/b2g/components/B2GComponents.manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 53d0032f9..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/B2GComponents.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Scrollbars
-category agent-style-sheets browser-content-stylesheet chrome://b2g/content/content.css
-# AlertsService.js
-component {fe33c107-82a4-41d6-8c64-5353267e04c9} AlertsService.js
-contract;1 {fe33c107-82a4-41d6-8c64-5353267e04c9}
-# ContentPermissionPrompt.js
-component {8c719f03-afe0-4aac-91ff-6c215895d467} ContentPermissionPrompt.js
-contract;1 {8c719f03-afe0-4aac-91ff-6c215895d467}
-# UpdatePrompt.js
-component {88b3eb21-d072-4e3b-886d-f89d8c49fe59} UpdatePrompt.js
-contract;1 {88b3eb21-d072-4e3b-886d-f89d8c49fe59}
-category system-update-provider MozillaProvider;1,{88b3eb21-d072-4e3b-886d-f89d8c49fe59}
-#ifdef MOZ_B2G
-# DirectoryProvider.js
-component {9181eb7c-6f87-11e1-90b1-4f59d80dd2e5} DirectoryProvider.js
-contract;1 {9181eb7c-6f87-11e1-90b1-4f59d80dd2e5}
-category xpcom-directory-providers b2g-directory-provider;1
-# SystemMessageGlue.js
-component {2846f034-e614-11e3-93cd-74d02b97e723} SystemMessageGlue.js
-contract;1 {2846f034-e614-11e3-93cd-74d02b97e723}
-# ProcessGlobal.js
-component {1a94c87a-5ece-4d11-91e1-d29c29f21b28} ProcessGlobal.js
-contract;1 {1a94c87a-5ece-4d11-91e1-d29c29f21b28}
-category app-startup ProcessGlobal service,;1
-# OMAContentHandler.js
-component {a6b2ab13-9037-423a-9897-dde1081be323} OMAContentHandler.js
-contract;1?type=application/vnd.oma.drm.message {a6b2ab13-9037-423a-9897-dde1081be323}
-contract;1?type=application/vnd.oma.dd+xml {a6b2ab13-9037-423a-9897-dde1081be323}
-# TelProtocolHandler.js
-component {782775dd-7351-45ea-aff1-0ffa872cfdd2} TelProtocolHandler.js
-contract;1?name=tel {782775dd-7351-45ea-aff1-0ffa872cfdd2}
-# SmsProtocolHandler.js
-component {81ca20cb-0dad-4e32-8566-979c8998bd73} SmsProtocolHandler.js
-contract;1?name=sms {81ca20cb-0dad-4e32-8566-979c8998bd73}
-# MailtoProtocolHandler.js
-component {50777e53-0331-4366-a191-900999be386c} MailtoProtocolHandler.js
-contract;1?name=mailto {50777e53-0331-4366-a191-900999be386c}
-# RecoveryService.js
-component {b3caca5d-0bb0-48c6-912b-6be6cbf08832} RecoveryService.js
-contract;1 {b3caca5d-0bb0-48c6-912b-6be6cbf08832}
-# B2GAboutRedirector
-component {920400b1-cf8f-4760-a9c4-441417b15134} B2GAboutRedirector.js
-contract;1?what=certerror {920400b1-cf8f-4760-a9c4-441417b15134}
-contract;1?what=neterror {920400b1-cf8f-4760-a9c4-441417b15134}
-# FilePicker.js
-component {436ff8f9-0acc-4b11-8ec7-e293efba3141} FilePicker.js
-contract;1 {436ff8f9-0acc-4b11-8ec7-e293efba3141}
-# FxAccountsUIGlue.js
-component {51875c14-91d7-4b8c-b65d-3549e101228c} FxAccountsUIGlue.js
-contract;1 {51875c14-91d7-4b8c-b65d-3549e101228c}
-# HelperAppDialog.js
-component {710322af-e6ae-4b0c-b2c9-1474a87b077e} HelperAppDialog.js
-contract;1 {710322af-e6ae-4b0c-b2c9-1474a87b077e}
-component {c83c02c0-5d43-4e3e-987f-9173b313e880} SimulatorScreen.js
-contract;1 {c83c02c0-5d43-4e3e-987f-9173b313e880}
-category profile-after-change SimulatorScreen;1
-component {e30b0e13-2d12-4cb0-bc4c-4e617a1bf76e} OopCommandLine.js
-contract;1?type=b2goop {e30b0e13-2d12-4cb0-bc4c-4e617a1bf76e}
-category command-line-handler m-b2goop;1?type=b2goop
-component {385993fe-8710-4621-9fb1-00a09d8bec37} CommandLine.js
-contract;1?type=b2gcmds {385993fe-8710-4621-9fb1-00a09d8bec37}
-category command-line-handler m-b2gcmds;1?type=b2gcmds
-# BootstrapCommandLine.js
-component {fd663ec8-cf3f-4c2b-aacb-17a6915ccb44} BootstrapCommandLine.js
-contract;1?type=b2gbootstrap {fd663ec8-cf3f-4c2b-aacb-17a6915ccb44}
-category command-line-handler m-b2gbootstrap;1?type=b2gbootstrap
-# B2GAppMigrator.js
-component {7211ece0-b458-4635-9afc-f8d7f376ee95} B2GAppMigrator.js
-contract;1 {7211ece0-b458-4635-9afc-f8d7f376ee95}
-# B2GPresentationDevicePrompt.js
-component {4a300c26-e99b-4018-ab9b-c48cf9bc4de1} B2GPresentationDevicePrompt.js
-contract;1 {4a300c26-e99b-4018-ab9b-c48cf9bc4de1}
-# PresentationRequestUIGlue.js
-component {ccc8a839-0b64-422b-8a60-fb2af0e376d0} PresentationRequestUIGlue.js
-contract;1 {ccc8a839-0b64-422b-8a60-fb2af0e376d0}
-# SystemMessageInternal.js
-component {70589ca5-91ac-4b9e-b839-d6a88167d714} SystemMessageInternal.js
-contract;1 {70589ca5-91ac-4b9e-b839-d6a88167d714}
diff --git a/b2g/components/B2GPresentationDevicePrompt.js b/b2g/components/B2GPresentationDevicePrompt.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 998e0b7ac..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/B2GPresentationDevicePrompt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-function debug(aMsg) {
- //dump("-*- B2GPresentationDevicePrompt: " + aMsg + "\n");
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
-const kB2GPRESENTATIONDEVICEPROMPT_CID = Components.ID("{4a300c26-e99b-4018-ab9b-c48cf9bc4de1}");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-function B2GPresentationDevicePrompt() {}
-B2GPresentationDevicePrompt.prototype = {
- classDescription: "B2G Presentation Device Prompt",
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIPresentationDevicePrompt]),
- // nsIPresentationDevicePrompt
- promptDeviceSelection: function(aRequest) {
- let self = this;
- let requestId = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator).generateUUID().toString();
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozContentEvent", function contentEvent(aEvent) {
- let detail = aEvent.detail;
- if ( !== requestId) {
- return;
- }
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", contentEvent);
- switch (detail.type) {
- case "presentation-select-result":
- debug("device " + detail.deviceId + " is selected by user");
- let device = self._getDeviceById(detail.deviceId);
- if (!device) {
- debug("cancel request because device is not found");
- aRequest.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR);
- }
- break;
- case "presentation-select-deny":
- debug("request canceled by user");
- aRequest.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_ALLOWED_ERR);
- break;
- }
- });
- let detail = {
- type: "presentation-select-device",
- origin: aRequest.origin,
- requestURL: aRequest.requestURL,
- id: requestId,
- };
- SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent(detail);
- },
- _getDeviceById: function(aDeviceId) {
- let deviceManager = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIPresentationDeviceManager);
- let devices = deviceManager.getAvailableDevices().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray);
- for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
- let device = devices.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIPresentationDevice);
- if ( === aDeviceId) {
- return device;
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([B2GPresentationDevicePrompt]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/BootstrapCommandLine.js b/b2g/components/BootstrapCommandLine.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d9f5461..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/BootstrapCommandLine.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-function BootstrapCommandlineHandler() {
- this.wrappedJSObject = this;
- this.startManifestURL = null;
-BootstrapCommandlineHandler.prototype = {
- bailout: function(aMsg) {
- dump("************************************************************\n");
- dump("* /!\\ " + aMsg + "\n");
- dump("************************************************************\n");
- let appStartup = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIAppStartup);
- appStartup.quit(appStartup.eForceQuit);
- },
- handle: function(aCmdLine) {
- this.startManifestURL = null;
- try {
- // Returns null if the argument was not specified. Throws
- // NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if there is no parameter specified (because
- // it was the last argument or the next argument starts with '-').
- // However, someone could still explicitly pass an empty argument!
- this.startManifestURL = aCmdLine.handleFlagWithParam("start-manifest", false);
- } catch(e) {
- return;
- }
- if (!this.startManifestURL) {
- return;
- }
- if (!isAbsoluteURI(this.startManifestURL)) {
- this.bailout("The start manifest url must be absolute.");
- return;
- }
- },
- helpInfo: "--start-manifest=manifest_url",
- classID: Components.ID("{fd663ec8-cf3f-4c2b-aacb-17a6915ccb44}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsICommandLineHandler])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([BootstrapCommandlineHandler]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/Bootstraper.jsm b/b2g/components/Bootstraper.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d3fb37d9..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/Bootstraper.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Bootstraper"];
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const CC = Components.Constructor;
-function debug(aMsg) {
- //dump("-*- Bootstraper: " + aMsg + "\n");
- * This module loads the manifest for app from the --start-url enpoint and
- * ensures that it's installed as the system app.
- */
-this.Bootstraper = {
- _manifestURL: null,
- _startupURL: null,
- bailout: function(aMsg) {
- dump("************************************************************\n");
- dump("* /!\\ " + aMsg + "\n");
- dump("************************************************************\n");
- let appStartup = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIAppStartup);
- appStartup.quit(appStartup.eForceQuit);
- },
- installSystemApp: function(aManifest) {
- // Get the appropriate startup url from the manifest launch_path.
- let base =, null, null);
- let origin = base.prePath;
- let helper = new ManifestHelper(aManifest, origin, this._manifestURL);
- this._startupURL = helper.fullLaunchPath();
- return new Promise((aResolve, aReject) => {
- debug("Origin is " + origin);
- let appData = {
- app: {
- installOrigin: origin,
- origin: origin,
- manifest: aManifest,
- manifestURL: this._manifestURL,
- manifestHash: AppsUtils.computeHash(JSON.stringify(aManifest)),
- appStatus: Ci.nsIPrincipal.APP_STATUS_CERTIFIED
- },
- appId: 1,
- isBrowser: false,
- isPackage: false
- };
- //DOMApplicationRegistry.confirmInstall(appData, null, aResolve);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Resolves to a json manifest.
- */
- loadManifest: function() {
- return new Promise((aResolve, aReject) => {
- debug("Loading manifest " + this._manifestURL);
- let xhr = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
- xhr.mozBackgroundRequest = true;
-"GET", this._manifestURL);
- xhr.responseType = "json";
- xhr.addEventListener("load", () => {
- if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) {
- debug("Success loading " + this._manifestURL);
- aResolve(xhr.response);
- } else {
- aReject("Error loading " + this._manifestURL);
- }
- });
- xhr.addEventListener("error", () => {
- aReject("Error loading " + this._manifestURL);
- });
- xhr.send(null);
- });
- },
- configure: function() {
- debug("Setting startup prefs... " + this._startupURL);
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("b2g.system_manifest_url", this._manifestURL);
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("b2g.system_startup_url", this._startupURL);
- return Promise.resolve();
- },
- /**
- * If a system app is already installed, uninstall it so that we can
- * cleanly replace it by the current one.
- */
- uninstallPreviousSystemApp: function() {
- return Promise.resolve();
- let oldManifestURL;
- try{
- oldManifestURL = Services.prefs.getCharPref("b2g.system_manifest_url");
- } catch(e) {
- // No preference set, so nothing to uninstall.
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- let id = DOMApplicationRegistry.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(oldManifestURL);
- if (id == Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.NO_APP_ID) {
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- debug("Uninstalling " + oldManifestURL);
- return DOMApplicationRegistry.uninstall(oldManifestURL);
- },
- /**
- * Check if we are already configured to run from this manifest url.
- */
- isInstallRequired: function(aManifestURL) {
- try {
- if (Services.prefs.getCharPref("b2g.system_manifest_url") == aManifestURL) {
- return false;
- }
- } catch(e) { }
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Resolves once we have installed the app.
- */
- ensureSystemAppInstall: function(aManifestURL) {
- this._manifestURL = aManifestURL;
- debug("Installing app from " + this._manifestURL);
- if (!this.isInstallRequired(this._manifestURL)) {
- debug("Already configured for " + this._manifestURL);
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- return new Promise((aResolve, aReject) => {
- this.uninstallPreviousSystemApp.bind(this)
- .then(this.loadManifest.bind(this))
- .then(this.installSystemApp.bind(this))
- .then(this.configure.bind(this))
- .then(aResolve)
- .catch(aReject);
- });
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/CommandLine.js b/b2g/components/CommandLine.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc48bd33..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/CommandLine.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
-// Small helper to expose nsICommandLine object to chrome code
-function CommandlineHandler() {
- this.wrappedJSObject = this;
-CommandlineHandler.prototype = {
- handle: function(cmdLine) {
- this.cmdLine = cmdLine;
- let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
- if (win && {
- }
- },
- helpInfo: "",
- classID: Components.ID("{385993fe-8710-4621-9fb1-00a09d8bec37}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsICommandLineHandler]),
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([CommandlineHandler]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/ContentPermissionPrompt.js b/b2g/components/ContentPermissionPrompt.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e11b1b458..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/ContentPermissionPrompt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict"
-function debug(str) {
- //dump("-*- ContentPermissionPrompt: " + str + "\n");
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cr = Components.results;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const PROMPT_FOR_UNKNOWN = ["audio-capture",
- "desktop-notification",
- "geolocation",
- "video-capture"];
-// Due to privary issue, permission requests like GetUserMedia should prompt
-// every time instead of providing session persistence.
-const PERMISSION_NO_SESSION = ["audio-capture", "video-capture"];
-const ALLOW_MULTIPLE_REQUESTS = ["audio-capture", "video-capture"];
-var permissionManager = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPermissionManager);
-var secMan = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager);
-var permissionSpecificChecker = {};
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
- * Determine if a permission should be prompt to user or not.
- *
- * @param aPerm requested permission
- * @param aAction the action according to principal
- * @return true if prompt is required
- */
-function shouldPrompt(aPerm, aAction) {
- return ((aAction == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION) ||
- (aAction == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.UNKNOWN_ACTION &&
- PROMPT_FOR_UNKNOWN.indexOf(aPerm) >= 0));
- * Create the default choices for the requested permissions
- *
- * @param aTypesInfo requested permissions
- * @return the default choices for permissions with options, return
- * undefined if no option in all requested permissions.
- */
-function buildDefaultChoices(aTypesInfo) {
- let choices;
- for (let type of aTypesInfo) {
- if (type.options.length > 0) {
- if (!choices) {
- choices = {};
- }
- choices[type.access] = type.options[0];
- }
- }
- return choices;
- * aTypesInfo is an array of {permission, access, action, deny} which keeps
- * the information of each permission. This arrary is initialized in
- * ContentPermissionPrompt.prompt and used among functions.
- *
- * aTypesInfo[].permission : permission name
- * aTypesInfo[].access : permission name + request.access
- * aTypesInfo[].action : the default action of this permission
- * aTypesInfo[].deny : true if security manager denied this app's origin
- * principal.
- * Note:
- * aTypesInfo[].permission will be sent to prompt only when
- * aTypesInfo[].action is PROMPT_ACTION and aTypesInfo[].deny is false.
- */
-function rememberPermission(aTypesInfo, aPrincipal, aSession)
- function convertPermToAllow(aPerm, aPrincipal)
- {
- let type =
- permissionManager.testExactPermissionFromPrincipal(aPrincipal, aPerm);
- if (shouldPrompt(aPerm, type)) {
- debug("add " + aPerm + " to permission manager with ALLOW_ACTION");
- if (!aSession) {
- permissionManager.addFromPrincipal(aPrincipal,
- aPerm,
- Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION);
- } else if (PERMISSION_NO_SESSION.indexOf(aPerm) < 0) {
- permissionManager.addFromPrincipal(aPrincipal,
- aPerm,
- Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION,
- Ci.nsIPermissionManager.EXPIRE_SESSION, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- for (let i in aTypesInfo) {
- // Expand the permission to see if we have multiple access properties
- // to convert
- let perm = aTypesInfo[i].permission;
- let access = PermissionsTable[perm].access;
- if (access) {
- for (let idx in access) {
- convertPermToAllow(perm + "-" + access[idx], aPrincipal);
- }
- } else {
- convertPermToAllow(perm, aPrincipal);
- }
- }
-function ContentPermissionPrompt() {}
-ContentPermissionPrompt.prototype = {
- handleExistingPermission: function handleExistingPermission(request,
- typesInfo) {
- typesInfo.forEach(function(type) {
- type.action =
- Services.perms.testExactPermissionFromPrincipal(request.principal,
- type.access);
- if (shouldPrompt(type.access, type.action)) {
- type.action = Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION;
- }
- });
- // If all permissions are allowed already and no more than one option,
- // call allow() without prompting.
- let checkAllowPermission = function(type) {
- if (type.action == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION &&
- type.options.length <= 1) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (typesInfo.every(checkAllowPermission)) {
- debug("all permission requests are allowed");
- request.allow(buildDefaultChoices(typesInfo));
- return true;
- }
- // If all permissions are DENY_ACTION or UNKNOWN_ACTION, call cancel()
- // without prompting.
- let checkDenyPermission = function(type) {
- if (type.action == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION ||
- type.action == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.UNKNOWN_ACTION) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (typesInfo.every(checkDenyPermission)) {
- debug("all permission requests are denied");
- request.cancel();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- // multiple requests should be audio and video
- checkMultipleRequest: function checkMultipleRequest(typesInfo) {
- if (typesInfo.length == 1) {
- return true;
- } else if (typesInfo.length > 1) {
- let checkIfAllowMultiRequest = function(type) {
- return (ALLOW_MULTIPLE_REQUESTS.indexOf(type.access) !== -1);
- }
- if (typesInfo.every(checkIfAllowMultiRequest)) {
- debug("legal multiple requests");
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- handledByApp: function handledByApp(request, typesInfo) {
- if (request.principal.appId == Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.NO_APP_ID ||
- request.principal.appId == Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.UNKNOWN_APP_ID) {
- // This should not really happen
- request.cancel();
- return true;
- }
- let appsService = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIAppsService);
- let app = appsService.getAppByLocalId(request.principal.appId);
- // Check each permission if it's denied by permission manager with app's
- // URL.
- let notDenyAppPrincipal = function(type) {
- let url =, null, null);
- let principal =
- secMan.createCodebasePrincipal(url,
- {appId: request.principal.appId});
- let result = Services.perms.testExactPermissionFromPrincipal(principal,
- type.access);
- if (result == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION ||
- result == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION) {
- type.deny = false;
- }
- return !type.deny;
- }
- // Cancel the entire request if one of the requested permissions is denied
- if (!typesInfo.every(notDenyAppPrincipal)) {
- request.cancel();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- handledByPermissionType: function handledByPermissionType(request, typesInfo) {
- for (let i in typesInfo) {
- if (permissionSpecificChecker.hasOwnProperty(typesInfo[i].permission) &&
- permissionSpecificChecker[typesInfo[i].permission](request)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- prompt: function(request) {
- // Initialize the typesInfo and set the default value.
- let typesInfo = [];
- let perms = request.types.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray);
- for (let idx = 0; idx < perms.length; idx++) {
- let perm = perms.queryElementAt(idx, Ci.nsIContentPermissionType);
- let tmp = {
- permission: perm.type,
- access: (perm.access && perm.access !== "unused") ?
- perm.type + "-" + perm.access : perm.type,
- options: [],
- deny: true,
- action: Ci.nsIPermissionManager.UNKNOWN_ACTION
- };
- // Append available options, if any.
- let options = perm.options.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray);
- for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
- let option = options.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsISupportsString).data;
- tmp.options.push(option);
- }
- typesInfo.push(tmp);
- }
- if (secMan.isSystemPrincipal(request.principal)) {
- request.allow(buildDefaultChoices(typesInfo));
- return;
- }
- if (typesInfo.length == 0) {
- request.cancel();
- return;
- }
- if(!this.checkMultipleRequest(typesInfo)) {
- request.cancel();
- return;
- }
- if (this.handledByApp(request, typesInfo) ||
- this.handledByPermissionType(request, typesInfo)) {
- return;
- }
- // returns true if the request was handled
- if (this.handleExistingPermission(request, typesInfo)) {
- return;
- }
- // prompt PROMPT_ACTION request or request with options.
- typesInfo = typesInfo.filter(function(type) {
- return !type.deny && (type.action == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION || type.options.length > 0) ;
- });
- if (!request.element) {
- this.delegatePrompt(request, typesInfo);
- return;
- }
- var cancelRequest = function() {
- request.requester.onVisibilityChange = null;
- request.cancel();
- }
- var self = this;
- // If the request was initiated from a hidden iframe
- // we don't forward it to content and cancel it right away
- request.requester.getVisibility( {
- notifyVisibility: function(isVisible) {
- if (!isVisible) {
- cancelRequest();
- return;
- }
- // Monitor the frame visibility and cancel the request if the frame goes
- // away but the request is still here.
- request.requester.onVisibilityChange = {
- notifyVisibility: function(isVisible) {
- if (isVisible)
- return;
- self.cancelPrompt(request, typesInfo);
- cancelRequest();
- }
- }
- self.delegatePrompt(request, typesInfo, function onCallback() {
- request.requester.onVisibilityChange = null;
- });
- }
- });
- },
- cancelPrompt: function(request, typesInfo) {
- this.sendToBrowserWindow("cancel-permission-prompt", request,
- typesInfo);
- },
- delegatePrompt: function(request, typesInfo, callback) {
- this.sendToBrowserWindow("permission-prompt", request, typesInfo,
- function(type, remember, choices) {
- if (type == "permission-allow") {
- rememberPermission(typesInfo, request.principal, !remember);
- if (callback) {
- callback();
- }
- request.allow(choices);
- return;
- }
- let addDenyPermission = function(type) {
- debug("add " + type.permission +
- " to permission manager with DENY_ACTION");
- if (remember) {
- Services.perms.addFromPrincipal(request.principal, type.access,
- Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION);
- } else if (PERMISSION_NO_SESSION.indexOf(type.access) < 0) {
- Services.perms.addFromPrincipal(request.principal, type.access,
- Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION,
- Ci.nsIPermissionManager.EXPIRE_SESSION,
- 0);
- }
- }
- try {
- // This will trow if we are canceling because the remote process died.
- // Just eat the exception and call the callback that will cleanup the
- // visibility event listener.
- typesInfo.forEach(addDenyPermission);
- } catch(e) { }
- if (callback) {
- callback();
- }
- try {
- request.cancel();
- } catch(e) { }
- });
- },
- sendToBrowserWindow: function(type, request, typesInfo, callback) {
- let requestId = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator).generateUUID().toString();
- if (callback) {
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozContentEvent", function contentEvent(evt) {
- let detail = evt.detail;
- if ( != requestId)
- return;
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", contentEvent);
- callback(detail.type, detail.remember, detail.choices);
- })
- }
- let principal = request.principal;
- let isApp = principal.appStatus != Ci.nsIPrincipal.APP_STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED;
- let remember = (principal.appStatus == Ci.nsIPrincipal.APP_STATUS_PRIVILEGED ||
- principal.appStatus == Ci.nsIPrincipal.APP_STATUS_CERTIFIED)
- ? true
- : request.remember;
- let isGranted = typesInfo.every(function(type) {
- return type.action == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION;
- });
- let permissions = {};
- for (let i in typesInfo) {
- debug("prompt " + typesInfo[i].permission);
- permissions[typesInfo[i].permission] = typesInfo[i].options;
- }
- let details = {
- type: type,
- permissions: permissions,
- id: requestId,
- // This system app uses the origin from permission events to
- // compare against the mozApp.origin of app windows, so we
- // are not concerned with origin suffixes here (appId, etc).
- origin: principal.originNoSuffix,
- isApp: isApp,
- remember: remember,
- isGranted: isGranted,
- };
- if (isApp) {
- details.manifestURL = DOMApplicationRegistry.getManifestURLByLocalId(principal.appId);
- }
- // request.element is defined for OOP content, while request.window
- // is defined for In-Process content.
- // In both cases the message needs to be dispatched to the top-level
- // <iframe mozbrowser> container in the system app.
- // So the above code iterates over window.realFrameElement in order
- // to crosss mozbrowser iframes boundaries and find the top-level
- // one in the system app.
- // window.realFrameElement will be |null| if the code try to cross
- // content -> chrome boundaries.
- let targetElement = request.element;
- let targetWindow = request.window || targetElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- while (targetWindow.realFrameElement) {
- targetElement = targetWindow.realFrameElement;
- targetWindow = targetElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- }
- SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent(details, targetElement);
- },
- classID: Components.ID("{8c719f03-afe0-4aac-91ff-6c215895d467}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIContentPermissionPrompt])
-(function() {
- // Do not allow GetUserMedia while in call.
- permissionSpecificChecker["audio-capture"] = function(request) {
- let forbid = false;
- if (forbid) {
- request.cancel();
- }
- return forbid;
- };
-//module initialization
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([ContentPermissionPrompt]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/ContentRequestHelper.jsm b/b2g/components/ContentRequestHelper.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 14d8d250b..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/ContentRequestHelper.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ContentRequestHelper"];
-const { interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "uuidgen",
- ";1",
- "nsIUUIDGenerator");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-function debug(msg) {
- // dump("ContentRequestHelper ** " + msg + "\n");
-this.ContentRequestHelper = function() {
-ContentRequestHelper.prototype = {
- contentRequest: function(aContentEventName, aChromeEventName,
- aInternalEventName, aData) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- let id = uuidgen.generateUUID().toString();
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(aContentEventName,
- function onContentEvent(result) {
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(aContentEventName,
- onContentEvent);
- let msg = result.detail;
- if (!msg || ! || != id) {
- deferred.reject("InternalErrorWrongContentEvent " +
- JSON.stringify(msg));
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(aContentEventName,
- onContentEvent);
- return;
- }
- debug("Got content event " + JSON.stringify(msg));
- if (msg.error) {
- deferred.reject(msg.error);
- } else {
- deferred.resolve(msg.result);
- }
- });
- let detail = {
- eventName: aInternalEventName,
- id: id,
- data: aData
- };
- debug("Send chrome event " + JSON.stringify(detail));
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(aChromeEventName, detail);
- return deferred.promise;
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/DebuggerActors.js b/b2g/components/DebuggerActors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 318c46e68..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/DebuggerActors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- /
-/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const { Cu } = require("chrome");
-const DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils");
-const promise = require("promise");
-const { XPCOMUtils } = require("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
-const { BrowserTabList } = require("devtools/server/actors/webbrowser");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "Frames", function() {
- const { Frames } =
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Frames.jsm", {});
- return Frames;
- * Unlike the original BrowserTabList which iterates over XUL windows, we
- * override many portions to refer to Frames for the info needed here.
- */
-function B2GTabList(connection) {
-, connection);
- this._listening = false;
-B2GTabList.prototype = Object.create(BrowserTabList.prototype);
-B2GTabList.prototype._getBrowsers = function() {
- return Frames.list().filter(frame => {
- // Ignore app frames
- return !frame.getAttribute("mozapp");
- });
-B2GTabList.prototype._getSelectedBrowser = function() {
- return this._getBrowsers().find(frame => {
- // Find the one visible browser (if any)
- return !frame.classList.contains("hidden");
- });
-B2GTabList.prototype._checkListening = function() {
- // The conditions from BrowserTabList are merged here, since we must listen to
- // all events with our observer design.
- this._listenForEventsIf(this._onListChanged && this._mustNotify ||
- this._actorByBrowser.size > 0);
-B2GTabList.prototype._listenForEventsIf = function(shouldListen) {
- if (this._listening != shouldListen) {
- let op = shouldListen ? "addObserver" : "removeObserver";
- Frames[op](this);
- this._listening = shouldListen;
- }
-B2GTabList.prototype.onFrameCreated = function(frame) {
- let mozapp = frame.getAttribute("mozapp");
- if (mozapp) {
- // Ignore app frames
- return;
- }
- this._notifyListChanged();
- this._checkListening();
-B2GTabList.prototype.onFrameDestroyed = function(frame) {
- let mozapp = frame.getAttribute("mozapp");
- if (mozapp) {
- // Ignore app frames
- return;
- }
- let actor = this._actorByBrowser.get(frame);
- if (actor) {
- this._handleActorClose(actor, frame);
- }
-exports.B2GTabList = B2GTabList;
diff --git a/b2g/components/DirectoryProvider.js b/b2g/components/DirectoryProvider.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a7dccd0c9..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/DirectoryProvider.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Cr = Components.results;
-const UPDATE_ARCHIVE_DIR = "UpdArchD"
-const LOCAL_DIR = "/data/local";
-const UPDATES_DIR = "updates/0";
-const FOTA_DIR = "updates/fota";
-const COREAPPSDIR_PREF = "b2g.coreappsdir"
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, "env",
- ";1",
- "nsIEnvironment");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, "um",
- ";1",
- "nsIUpdateManager");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, "volumeService",
- ";1",
- "nsIVolumeService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "cpmm",
- ";1",
- "nsISyncMessageSender");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gExtStorage", function dp_gExtStorage() {
- return Services.env.get("EXTERNAL_STORAGE");
-// This exists to mark the affected code for bug 828858.
-const gUseSDCard = true;
-const VERBOSE = 1;
-var log =
- function log_dump(msg) { dump("DirectoryProvider: " + msg + "\n"); } :
- function log_noop(msg) { };
-function DirectoryProvider() {
-DirectoryProvider.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID("{9181eb7c-6f87-11e1-90b1-4f59d80dd2e5}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDirectoryServiceProvider]),
- _xpcom_factory: XPCOMUtils.generateSingletonFactory(DirectoryProvider),
- _profD: null,
- getFile: function(prop, persistent) {
- if (AppConstants.platform === "gonk") {
- return this.getFileOnGonk(prop, persistent);
- }
- return this.getFileNotGonk(prop, persistent);
- },
- getFileOnGonk: function(prop, persistent) {
- let localProps = ["cachePDir", "webappsDir", "PrefD", "indexedDBPDir",
- "permissionDBPDir", "UpdRootD"];
- if (localProps.indexOf(prop) != -1) {
- let file = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile)
- file.initWithPath(LOCAL_DIR);
- persistent.value = true;
- return file;
- }
- if (prop == "ProfD") {
- let dir = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
- dir.initWithPath(LOCAL_DIR+"/tests/profile");
- if (dir.exists()) {
- persistent.value = true;
- return dir;
- }
- }
- if (prop == "coreAppsDir") {
- let file = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile)
- file.initWithPath("/system/b2g");
- persistent.value = true;
- return file;
- }
- if (prop == UPDATE_ARCHIVE_DIR) {
- // getUpdateDir will set persistent to false since it may toggle between
- // /data/local/ and /mnt/sdcard based on free space and/or availability
- // of the sdcard.
- // before download, check if free space is 2.1 times of update.mar
- return this.getUpdateDir(persistent, UPDATES_DIR, 2.1);
- }
- if (prop == XRE_OS_UPDATE_APPLY_TO_DIR) {
- // getUpdateDir will set persistent to false since it may toggle between
- // /data/local/ and /mnt/sdcard based on free space and/or availability
- // of the sdcard.
- // before apply, check if free space is 1.1 times of update.mar
- return this.getUpdateDir(persistent, FOTA_DIR, 1.1);
- }
- return null;
- },
- getFileNotGonk: function(prop, persistent) {
- // In desktop builds, coreAppsDir is the same as the profile
- // directory unless otherwise specified. We just need to get the
- // path from the parent, and it is then used to build
- // jar:remoteopenfile:// uris.
- if (prop == "coreAppsDir") {
- let coreAppsDirPref;
- try {
- coreAppsDirPref = Services.prefs.getCharPref(COREAPPSDIR_PREF);
- } catch (e) {
- // coreAppsDirPref may not exist if we're on an older version
- // of gaia, so just fail silently.
- }
- let appsDir;
- // If pref doesn't exist or isn't set, default to old value
- if (!coreAppsDirPref || coreAppsDirPref == "") {
- appsDir = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
- appsDir.append("webapps");
- } else {
- appsDir = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile)
- appsDir.initWithPath(coreAppsDirPref);
- }
- persistent.value = true;
- return appsDir;
- } else if (prop == "ProfD") {
- let inParent = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime)
- .processType == Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;
- if (inParent) {
- // Just bail out to use the default from toolkit.
- return null;
- }
- if (!this._profD) {
- this._profD = cpmm.sendSyncMessage("getProfD", {})[0];
- }
- let file = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
- file.initWithPath(this._profD);
- persistent.value = true;
- return file;
- }
- return null;
- },
- // The VolumeService only exists on the device, and not on desktop
- volumeHasFreeSpace: function dp_volumeHasFreeSpace(volumePath, requiredSpace) {
- if (!volumePath) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!Services.volumeService) {
- return false;
- }
- let volume = Services.volumeService.createOrGetVolumeByPath(volumePath);
- if (!volume || volume.state !== Ci.nsIVolume.STATE_MOUNTED) {
- return false;
- }
- let stat = volume.getStats();
- if (!stat) {
- return false;
- }
- return requiredSpace <= stat.freeBytes;
- },
- findUpdateDirWithFreeSpace: function dp_findUpdateDirWithFreeSpace(requiredSpace, subdir) {
- if (!Services.volumeService) {
- return this.createUpdatesDir(LOCAL_DIR, subdir);
- }
- let activeUpdate =;
- if (gUseSDCard) {
- if (this.volumeHasFreeSpace(gExtStorage, requiredSpace)) {
- let extUpdateDir = this.createUpdatesDir(gExtStorage, subdir);
- if (extUpdateDir !== null) {
- return extUpdateDir;
- }
- log("Warning: " + gExtStorage + " has enough free space for update " +
- + ", but is not writable");
- }
- }
- if (this.volumeHasFreeSpace(LOCAL_DIR, requiredSpace)) {
- let localUpdateDir = this.createUpdatesDir(LOCAL_DIR, subdir);
- if (localUpdateDir !== null) {
- return localUpdateDir;
- }
- log("Warning: " + LOCAL_DIR + " has enough free space for update " +
- + ", but is not writable");
- }
- return null;
- },
- getUpdateDir: function dp_getUpdateDir(persistent, subdir, multiple) {
- let defaultUpdateDir = this.getDefaultUpdateDir();
- persistent.value = false;
- let activeUpdate =;
- if (!activeUpdate) {
- log("Warning: No active update found, using default update dir: " +
- defaultUpdateDir);
- return defaultUpdateDir;
- }
- let selectedPatch = activeUpdate.selectedPatch;
- if (!selectedPatch) {
- log("Warning: No selected patch, using default update dir: " +
- defaultUpdateDir);
- return defaultUpdateDir;
- }
- let requiredSpace = selectedPatch.size * multiple;
- let updateDir = this.findUpdateDirWithFreeSpace(requiredSpace, subdir);
- if (updateDir) {
- return updateDir;
- }
- // If we've gotten this far, there isn't enough free space to download the patch
- // on either external storage or /data/local. All we can do is report the
- // error and let upstream code handle it more gracefully.
- log("Error: No volume found with " + requiredSpace + " bytes for downloading"+
- " update " +;
- activeUpdate.errorCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG;
- return null;
- },
- createUpdatesDir: function dp_createUpdatesDir(root, subdir) {
- let dir = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
- dir.initWithPath(root);
- if (!dir.isWritable()) {
- log("Error: " + dir.path + " isn't writable");
- return null;
- }
- dir.appendRelativePath(subdir);
- if (dir.exists()) {
- if (dir.isDirectory() && dir.isWritable()) {
- return dir;
- }
- // subdir is either a file or isn't writable. In either case we
- // can't use it.
- log("Error: " + dir.path + " is a file or isn't writable");
- return null;
- }
- // subdir doesn't exist, and the parent is writable, so try to
- // create it. This can fail if a file named updates exists.
- try {
- dir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, parseInt('0770', 8));
- } catch (e) {
- // The create failed for some reason. We can't use it.
- log("Error: " + dir.path + " unable to create directory");
- return null;
- }
- return dir;
- },
- getDefaultUpdateDir: function dp_getDefaultUpdateDir() {
- let path = gExtStorage;
- if (!path) {
- path = LOCAL_DIR;
- }
- if (Services.volumeService) {
- let extVolume = Services.volumeService.createOrGetVolumeByPath(path);
- if (!extVolume) {
- path = LOCAL_DIR;
- }
- }
- let dir = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile)
- dir.initWithPath(path);
- if (!dir.exists() && path != LOCAL_DIR) {
- // Fallback to LOCAL_DIR if we didn't fallback earlier
- dir.initWithPath(LOCAL_DIR);
- if (!dir.exists()) {
- }
- }
- dir.appendRelativePath("updates");
- return dir;
- }
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([DirectoryProvider]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/ErrorPage.jsm b/b2g/components/ErrorPage.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c0c64c21..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/ErrorPage.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-'use strict';
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['ErrorPage'];
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const kErrorPageFrameScript = 'chrome://b2g/content/ErrorPage.js';
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "CertOverrideService", function () {
- return Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsICertOverrideService);
- * A class to add exceptions to override SSL certificate problems.
- * The functionality itself is borrowed from exceptionDialog.js.
- */
-function SSLExceptions(aCallback, aUri, aWindow) {
- this._finishCallback = aCallback;
- this._uri = aUri;
- this._window = aWindow;
-SSLExceptions.prototype = {
- _finishCallback: null,
- _window: null,
- _uri: null,
- _temporary: null,
- _sslStatus: null,
- getInterface: function SSLE_getInterface(aIID) {
- return this.QueryInterface(aIID);
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIBadCertListener2]),
- /**
- * To collect the SSL status we intercept the certificate error here
- * and store the status for later use.
- */
- notifyCertProblem: function SSLE_notifyCertProblem(aSocketInfo,
- aSslStatus,
- aTargetHost) {
- this._sslStatus = aSslStatus.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISSLStatus);
- run: this._addOverride.bind(this)
- }, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
- return true; // suppress error UI
- },
- /**
- * Attempt to download the certificate for the location specified to get
- * the SSLState for the certificate and the errors.
- */
- _checkCert: function SSLE_checkCert() {
- this._sslStatus = null;
- if (!this._uri) {
- return;
- }
- let req = new this._window.XMLHttpRequest();
- try {
-"GET", this._uri.prePath, true);
- = this;
- let xhrHandler = (function() {
- req.removeEventListener("load", xhrHandler);
- req.removeEventListener("error", xhrHandler);
- if (!this._sslStatus) {
- // Got response from server without an SSL error.
- if (this._finishCallback) {
- this._finishCallback();
- }
- }
- }).bind(this);
- req.addEventListener("load", xhrHandler);
- req.addEventListener("error", xhrHandler);
- req.send(null);
- } catch (e) {
- // We *expect* exceptions if there are problems with the certificate
- // presented by the site. Log it, just in case, but we can proceed here,
- // with appropriate sanity checks
- Components.utils.reportError("Attempted to connect to a site with a bad certificate in the add exception dialog. " +
- "This results in a (mostly harmless) exception being thrown. " +
- "Logged for information purposes only: " + e);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Internal method to create an override.
- */
- _addOverride: function SSLE_addOverride() {
- let SSLStatus = this._sslStatus;
- let uri = this._uri;
- let flags = 0;
- if (SSLStatus.isUntrusted) {
- flags |= Ci.nsICertOverrideService.ERROR_UNTRUSTED;
- }
- if (SSLStatus.isDomainMismatch) {
- flags |= Ci.nsICertOverrideService.ERROR_MISMATCH;
- }
- if (SSLStatus.isNotValidAtThisTime) {
- flags |= Ci.nsICertOverrideService.ERROR_TIME;
- }
- CertOverrideService.rememberValidityOverride(
- uri.asciiHost,
- uri.port,
- SSLStatus.serverCert,
- flags,
- this._temporary);
- if (this._finishCallback) {
- this._finishCallback();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Creates a permanent exception to override all overridable errors for
- * the given URL.
- */
- addException: function SSLE_addException(aTemporary) {
- this._temporary = aTemporary;
- this._checkCert();
- }
-var ErrorPage = {
- _addCertException: function(aMessage) {
- let frameLoaderOwner =;
- let win = frameLoaderOwner.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- let mm = frameLoaderOwner.frameLoader.messageManager;
- let uri =, null, null);
- let sslExceptions = new SSLExceptions((function() {
- mm.sendAsyncMessage('ErrorPage:ReloadPage');
- }).bind(this), uri, win);
- try {
- sslExceptions.addException(!;
- } catch (e) {
- dump("Failed to set cert exception: " + e + "\n");
- }
- },
- _listenError: function(frameLoader) {
- let self = this;
- let frameElement = frameLoader.ownerElement;
- let injectErrorPageScript = function() {
- let mm = frameLoader.messageManager;
- try {
- mm.loadFrameScript(kErrorPageFrameScript, true, true);
- } catch (e) {
- dump('Error loading ' + kErrorPageFrameScript + ' as frame script: ' + e + '\n');
- }
- mm.addMessageListener('ErrorPage:AddCertException', self._addCertException.bind(self));
- frameElement.removeEventListener('mozbrowsererror', injectErrorPageScript, true);
- };
- frameElement.addEventListener('mozbrowsererror',
- injectErrorPageScript,
- true // use capture
- );
- },
- init: function errorPageInit() {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'inprocess-browser-shown', false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'remote-browser-shown', false);
- },
- observe: function errorPageObserve(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- let frameLoader = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoader);
- // Ignore notifications that aren't from a BrowserOrApp
- if (!frameLoader.ownerIsMozBrowserOrAppFrame) {
- return;
- }
- this._listenError(frameLoader);
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/FilePicker.js b/b2g/components/FilePicker.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 803eef681..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/FilePicker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * No magic constructor behaviour, as is de rigeur for XPCOM.
- * If you must perform some initialization, and it could possibly fail (even
- * due to an out-of-memory condition), you should use an Init method, which
- * can convey failure appropriately (thrown exception in JS,
- * NS_FAILED(nsresult) return in C++).
- *
- * In JS, you can actually cheat, because a thrown exception will cause the
- * CreateInstance call to fail in turn, but not all languages are so lucky.
- * (Though ANSI C++ provides exceptions, they are verboten in Mozilla code
- * for portability reasons -- and even when you're building completely
- * platform-specific code, you can't throw across an XPCOM method boundary.)
- */
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
-// FIXME: improve this list of filters.
-const IMAGE_FILTERS = ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg',
- 'image/png', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/tiff',
- 'image/'];
-const VIDEO_FILTERS = ['video/mpeg', 'video/mp4', 'video/ogg',
- 'video/quicktime', 'video/webm', 'video/x-matroska',
- 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'video/x-flv'];
-const AUDIO_FILTERS = ['audio/basic', 'audio/L24', 'audio/mp4',
- 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/vorbis',
- 'audio/vnd.rn-realaudio', 'audio/vnd.wave',
- 'audio/webm'];
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, 'cpmm',
- ';1',
- 'nsIMessageSender');
-function FilePicker() {
-FilePicker.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID('{436ff8f9-0acc-4b11-8ec7-e293efba3141}'),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIFilePicker]),
- /* members */
- mParent: undefined,
- mExtraProps: undefined,
- mFilterTypes: undefined,
- mFileEnumerator: undefined,
- mFilePickerShownCallback: undefined,
- /* methods */
- init: function(parent, title, mode) {
- this.mParent = parent;
- this.mExtraProps = {};
- this.mFilterTypes = [];
- this.mMode = mode;
- if (mode != Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen &&
- mode != Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple) {
- }
- },
- /* readonly attribute nsILocalFile file - not implemented; */
- /* readonly attribute nsISimpleEnumerator files - not implemented; */
- /* readonly attribute nsIURI fileURL - not implemented; */
- get domFileOrDirectoryEnumerator() {
- return this.mFilesEnumerator;
- },
- // We don't support directory selection yet.
- get domFileOrDirectory() {
- return this.mFilesEnumerator ? this.mFilesEnumerator.mFiles[0] : null;
- },
- get mode() {
- return this.mMode;
- },
- appendFilters: function(filterMask) {
- // Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterHTML is not supported
- // Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterText is not supported
- if (filterMask & Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterImages) {
- this.mFilterTypes = this.mFilterTypes.concat(IMAGE_FILTERS);
- // This property is needed for the gallery app pick activity.
- this.mExtraProps['nocrop'] = true;
- }
- // Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterXML is not supported
- // Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterXUL is not supported
- // Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterApps is not supported
- // Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterAllowURLs is not supported
- if (filterMask & Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterVideo) {
- this.mFilterTypes = this.mFilterTypes.concat(VIDEO_FILTERS);
- }
- if (filterMask & Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterAudio) {
- this.mFilterTypes = this.mFilterTypes.concat(AUDIO_FILTERS);
- }
- if (filterMask & Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterAll) {
- // This property is needed for the gallery app pick activity.
- this.mExtraProps['nocrop'] = true;
- }
- },
- appendFilter: function(title, extensions) {
- // pick activity doesn't support extensions
- },
- open: function(aFilePickerShownCallback) {
- this.mFilePickerShownCallback = aFilePickerShownCallback;
- cpmm.addMessageListener('file-picked', this);
- let detail = {};
- if (this.mFilterTypes) {
- detail.type = this.mFilterTypes;
- }
- for (let prop in this.mExtraProps) {
- if (!(prop in detail)) {
- detail[prop] = this.mExtraProps[prop];
- }
- }
- cpmm.sendAsyncMessage('file-picker', detail);
- },
- fireSuccess: function(file) {
- this.mFilesEnumerator = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISimpleEnumerator]),
- mFiles: [file],
- mIndex: 0,
- hasMoreElements: function() {
- return (this.mIndex < this.mFiles.length);
- },
- getNext: function() {
- if (this.mIndex >= this.mFiles.length) {
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- }
- return this.mFiles[this.mIndex++];
- }
- };
- if (this.mFilePickerShownCallback) {
- this.mFilePickerShownCallback.done(Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK);
- this.mFilePickerShownCallback = null;
- }
- },
- fireError: function() {
- if (this.mFilePickerShownCallback) {
- this.mFilePickerShownCallback.done(Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnCancel);
- this.mFilePickerShownCallback = null;
- }
- },
- receiveMessage: function(message) {
- if ( !== 'file-picked') {
- return;
- }
- cpmm.removeMessageListener('file-picked', this);
- let data =;
- if (!data.success || !data.result.blob) {
- this.fireError();
- return;
- }
- // The name to be shown can be part of the message, or can be taken from
- // the File (if the blob is a File).
- let name =;
- if (!name &&
- (data.result.blob instanceof this.mParent.File) &&
- {
- name =;
- }
- // Let's try to remove the full path and take just the filename.
- if (name) {
- let names = OS.Path.split(name);
- name = names.components[names.components.length - 1];
- }
- // the fallback is a filename composed by 'blob' + extension.
- if (!name) {
- name = 'blob';
- if (data.result.blob.type) {
- let mimeSvc = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIMIMEService);
- let mimeInfo = mimeSvc.getFromTypeAndExtension(data.result.blob.type, '');
- if (mimeInfo) {
- name += '.' + mimeInfo.primaryExtension;
- }
- }
- }
- let file = new this.mParent.File([data.result.blob],
- name,
- { type: data.result.blob.type });
- if (file) {
- this.fireSuccess(file);
- } else {
- this.fireError();
- }
- }
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([FilePicker]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/Frames.jsm b/b2g/components/Frames.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb00cb4c..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/Frames.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-'use strict';
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['Frames'];
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const listeners = [];
-const Observer = {
- // Save a map of (MessageManager => Frame) to be able to dispatch
- // the FrameDestroyed event with a frame reference.
- _frames: new Map(),
- // Also save current number of iframes opened by app
- _apps: new Map(),
- start: function () {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'remote-browser-shown', false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'inprocess-browser-shown', false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'message-manager-close', false);
- SystemAppProxy.getFrames().forEach(frame => {
- let mm = frame.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner).frameLoader.messageManager;
- this._frames.set(mm, frame);
- let mozapp = frame.getAttribute('mozapp');
- if (mozapp) {
- this._apps.set(mozapp, (this._apps.get(mozapp) || 0) + 1);
- }
- });
- },
- stop: function () {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'remote-browser-shown');
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'inprocess-browser-shown');
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'message-manager-close');
- this._frames.clear();
- this._apps.clear();
- },
- observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
- switch(topic) {
- // Listen for frame creation in OOP (device) as well as in parent process (b2g desktop)
- case 'remote-browser-shown':
- case 'inprocess-browser-shown':
- let frameLoader = subject;
- // get a ref to the app <iframe>
- frameLoader.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoader);
- let frame = frameLoader.ownerElement;
- let mm = frame.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner).frameLoader.messageManager;
- this.onMessageManagerCreated(mm, frame);
- break;
- // Every time an iframe is destroyed, its message manager also is
- case 'message-manager-close':
- this.onMessageManagerDestroyed(subject);
- break;
- }
- },
- onMessageManagerCreated: function (mm, frame) {
- this._frames.set(mm, frame);
- let isFirstAppFrame = null;
- let mozapp = frame.getAttribute('mozapp');
- if (mozapp) {
- let count = (this._apps.get(mozapp) || 0) + 1;
- this._apps.set(mozapp, count);
- isFirstAppFrame = (count === 1);
- }
- listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
- try {
- listener.onFrameCreated(frame, isFirstAppFrame);
- } catch(e) {
- dump('Exception while calling Frames.jsm listener:' + e + '\n' +
- e.stack + '\n');
- }
- });
- },
- onMessageManagerDestroyed: function (mm) {
- let frame = this._frames.get(mm);
- if (!frame) {
- // We received an event for an unknown message manager
- return;
- }
- this._frames.delete(mm);
- let isLastAppFrame = null;
- let mozapp = frame.getAttribute('mozapp');
- if (mozapp) {
- let count = (this._apps.get(mozapp) || 0) - 1;
- this._apps.set(mozapp, count);
- isLastAppFrame = (count === 0);
- }
- listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
- try {
- listener.onFrameDestroyed(frame, isLastAppFrame);
- } catch(e) {
- dump('Exception while calling Frames.jsm listener:' + e + '\n' +
- e.stack + '\n');
- }
- });
- }
-var Frames = this.Frames = {
- list: () => SystemAppProxy.getFrames(),
- addObserver: function (listener) {
- if (listeners.indexOf(listener) !== -1) {
- return;
- }
- listeners.push(listener);
- if (listeners.length == 1) {
- Observer.start();
- }
- },
- removeObserver: function (listener) {
- let idx = listeners.indexOf(listener);
- if (idx !== -1) {
- listeners.splice(idx, 1);
- }
- if (listeners.length === 0) {
- Observer.stop();
- }
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/FxAccountsMgmtService.jsm b/b2g/components/FxAccountsMgmtService.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index e51f46ed7..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/FxAccountsMgmtService.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
- * Some specific (certified) apps need to get access to certain Firefox Accounts
- * functionality that allows them to manage accounts (this is mostly sign up,
- * sign in, logout and delete) and get information about the currently existing
- * ones.
- *
- * This service listens for requests coming from these apps, triggers the
- * appropriate Fx Accounts flows and send reponses back to the UI.
- *
- * The communication mechanism is based in mozFxAccountsContentEvent (for
- * messages coming from the UI) and mozFxAccountsChromeEvent (for messages
- * sent from the chrome side) custom events.
- */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["FxAccountsMgmtService"];
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FxAccountsManager",
- "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsManager.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-this.FxAccountsMgmtService = {
- _onFulfill: function(aMsgId, aData) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozFxAccountsChromeEvent", {
- id: aMsgId,
- data: aData ? aData : null
- });
- },
- _onReject: function(aMsgId, aReason) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozFxAccountsChromeEvent", {
- id: aMsgId,
- error: aReason ? aReason : null
- });
- },
- init: function() {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, ONLOGIN_NOTIFICATION, false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, ONVERIFIED_NOTIFICATION, false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, ONLOGOUT_NOTIFICATION, false);
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozFxAccountsContentEvent",
- FxAccountsMgmtService);
- },
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- log.debug("Observed " + aTopic);
- switch (aTopic) {
- // FxAccounts notifications have the form of fxaccounts:*
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozFxAccountsUnsolChromeEvent", {
- eventName: aTopic.substring(aTopic.indexOf(":") + 1)
- });
- break;
- }
- },
- handleEvent: function(aEvent) {
- let msg = aEvent.detail;
- log.debug("MgmtService got content event: " + JSON.stringify(msg));
- let self = FxAccountsMgmtService;
- if (! {
- return;
- }
- if (msg.error) {
- self._onReject(, msg.error);
- return;
- }
- let data =;
- if (!data) {
- return;
- }
- // Backwards compatibility: handle accountId coming from Gaia
- if (data.accountId && typeof( === "undefined")) {
- = data.accountId;
- delete data.accountId;
- }
- // Bug 1202450 dirty hack because Gaia is sending getAccounts.
- if (data.method == "getAccounts") {
- data.method = "getAccount";
- }
- switch(data.method) {
- case "getAssertion":
- let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal();
- let audience = data.audience || principal.originNoSuffix;
- FxAccountsManager.getAssertion(audience, principal, {
- silent: msg.silent || false
- }).then(result => {
- self._onFulfill(, result);
- }, reason => {
- self._onReject(, reason);
- });
- break;
- case "getAccount":
- case "getKeys":
- FxAccountsManager[data.method]().then(
- result => {
- // For the getAccounts case, we only expose the email and
- // verification status so far.
- self._onFulfill(, result);
- },
- reason => {
- self._onReject(, reason);
- }
- ).then(null, Components.utils.reportError);
- break;
- case "logout":
- FxAccountsManager.signOut().then(
- () => {
- self._onFulfill(;
- },
- reason => {
- self._onReject(, reason);
- }
- ).then(null, Components.utils.reportError);
- break;
- case "queryAccount":
- FxAccountsManager.queryAccount(
- result => {
- self._onFulfill(, result);
- },
- reason => {
- self._onReject(, reason);
- }
- ).then(null, Components.utils.reportError);
- break;
- case "resendVerificationEmail":
- FxAccountsManager.resendVerificationEmail().then(
- () => {
- self._onFulfill(;
- },
- reason => {
- self._onReject(, reason);
- }
- ).then(null, Components.utils.reportError);
- break;
- case "signIn":
- case "signUp":
- case "refreshAuthentication":
- FxAccountsManager[data.method](, data.password,
- data.fetchKeys).then(
- user => {
- self._onFulfill(, user);
- },
- reason => {
- self._onReject(, reason);
- }
- ).then(null, Components.utils.reportError);
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/FxAccountsUIGlue.js b/b2g/components/FxAccountsUIGlue.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d62a7d14f..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/FxAccountsUIGlue.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict"
-const { interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-function FxAccountsUIGlue() {
-FxAccountsUIGlue.prototype = {
- __proto__: ContentRequestHelper.prototype,
- signInFlow: function() {
- return this.contentRequest("mozFxAccountsRPContentEvent",
- "mozFxAccountsUnsolChromeEvent",
- "openFlow");
- },
- refreshAuthentication: function(aEmail) {
- return this.contentRequest("mozFxAccountsRPContentEvent",
- "mozFxAccountsUnsolChromeEvent",
- "refreshAuthentication", {
- email: aEmail
- });
- },
- classID: Components.ID("{51875c14-91d7-4b8c-b65d-3549e101228c}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIFxAccountsUIGlue])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([FxAccountsUIGlue]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/GaiaChrome.cpp b/b2g/components/GaiaChrome.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b53750c2..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/GaiaChrome.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-#include "GaiaChrome.h"
-#include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
-#include "nsChromeRegistry.h"
-#include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
-#include "nsLocalFile.h"
-#include "nsXULAppAPI.h"
-#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
-#include "mozilla/ModuleUtils.h"
-#include "mozilla/Services.h"
-#include "mozilla/FileLocation.h"
- { 0x83f8f999, 0x6b87, 0x4dd8, { 0xa0, 0x93, 0x72, 0x0b, 0xfb, 0x67, 0x4d, 0x38 } }
-using namespace mozilla;
-StaticRefPtr<GaiaChrome> gGaiaChrome;
-NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(GaiaChrome, nsIGaiaChrome)
- : mPackageName(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("gaia"))
- , mAppsDir(NS_LITERAL_STRING("apps"))
- , mDataRoot(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/data/local"))
- , mSystemRoot(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/system/b2g"))
- MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
- GetProfileDir();
- Register();
- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> profDir;
- nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR,
- getter_AddRefs(profDir));
- rv = profDir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(mProfDir));
- return NS_OK;
-GaiaChrome::ComputeAppsPath(nsIFile* aPath)
-#if defined(MOZ_MULET)
- aPath->InitWithFile(mProfDir);
-#elif defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK)
- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> locationDetection = new nsLocalFile();
- locationDetection->InitWithPath(mSystemRoot);
- locationDetection->Append(mAppsDir);
- bool appsInSystem = EnsureIsDirectory(locationDetection);
- locationDetection->InitWithPath(mDataRoot);
- locationDetection->Append(mAppsDir);
- bool appsInData = EnsureIsDirectory(locationDetection);
- if (!appsInData && !appsInSystem) {
- printf_stderr("!!! NO root directory with apps found\n");
- MOZ_ASSERT(false);
- }
- aPath->InitWithPath(appsInData ? mDataRoot : mSystemRoot);
- aPath->Append(mAppsDir);
- aPath->Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("."));
- nsresult rv = EnsureValidPath(aPath);
- return NS_OK;
-GaiaChrome::EnsureIsDirectory(nsIFile* aPath)
- bool isDir = false;
- aPath->IsDirectory(&isDir);
- return isDir;
-GaiaChrome::EnsureValidPath(nsIFile* appsDir)
- // Ensure there is a valid "apps/system" directory
- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> systemAppDir = new nsLocalFile();
- systemAppDir->InitWithFile(appsDir);
- systemAppDir->Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("system"));
- bool hasSystemAppDir = EnsureIsDirectory(systemAppDir);
- if (!hasSystemAppDir) {
- nsCString path; appsDir->GetNativePath(path);
- // We don't want to continue if the apps path does not exists ...
- printf_stderr("!!! Gaia chrome package is not a directory: %s\n", path.get());
- }
- return NS_OK;
- MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
- MOZ_ASSERT(nsChromeRegistry::gChromeRegistry != nullptr);
- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> aPath = new nsLocalFile();
- nsresult rv = ComputeAppsPath(aPath);
- FileLocation appsLocation(aPath);
- nsCString uri;
- appsLocation.GetURIString(uri);
- char* argv[2];
- argv[0] = (char*)mPackageName.get();
- argv[1] = (char*)uri.get();
- nsChromeRegistry::ManifestProcessingContext cx(NS_APP_LOCATION, appsLocation);
- nsChromeRegistry::gChromeRegistry->ManifestContent(cx, 0, argv, 0);
- return NS_OK;
- if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
- if (!gGaiaChrome) {
- gGaiaChrome = new GaiaChrome();
- ClearOnShutdown(&gGaiaChrome);
- }
- RefPtr<GaiaChrome> service = gGaiaChrome.get();
- return service.forget();
- GaiaChrome::FactoryCreate)
-static const mozilla::Module::CIDEntry kGaiaChromeCIDs[] = {
- { &kNS_GAIACHROME_CID, false, nullptr, GaiaChromeConstructor },
- { nullptr }
-static const mozilla::Module::ContractIDEntry kGaiaChromeContracts[] = {
- { ";1", &kNS_GAIACHROME_CID },
- { nullptr }
-static const mozilla::Module::CategoryEntry kGaiaChromeCategories[] = {
- { "profile-after-change", "Gaia Chrome Registration", GAIACHROME_CONTRACTID },
- { nullptr }
-static const mozilla::Module kGaiaChromeModule = {
- mozilla::Module::kVersion,
- kGaiaChromeCIDs,
- kGaiaChromeContracts,
- kGaiaChromeCategories
-NSMODULE_DEFN(GaiaChromeModule) = &kGaiaChromeModule;
diff --git a/b2g/components/GaiaChrome.h b/b2g/components/GaiaChrome.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 290613b81..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/GaiaChrome.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __GAIACHROME_H__
-#define __GAIACHROME_H__
-#include "nsIGaiaChrome.h"
-#include "nsIFile.h"
-#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-#include "nsString.h"
-using namespace mozilla;
-class GaiaChrome final : public nsIGaiaChrome
- static already_AddRefed<GaiaChrome>
- FactoryCreate();
- nsCString mPackageName;
- nsAutoString mAppsDir;
- nsAutoString mDataRoot;
- nsAutoString mSystemRoot;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mProfDir;
- GaiaChrome();
- ~GaiaChrome();
- nsresult ComputeAppsPath(nsIFile*);
- bool EnsureIsDirectory(nsIFile*);
- nsresult EnsureValidPath(nsIFile*);
- nsresult GetProfileDir();
-#endif // __GAIACHROME_H__
diff --git a/b2g/components/GlobalSimulatorScreen.jsm b/b2g/components/GlobalSimulatorScreen.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2895aef96..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/GlobalSimulatorScreen.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ 'GlobalSimulatorScreen' ];
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-this.GlobalSimulatorScreen = {
- mozOrientationLocked: false,
- // Actual orientation of apps
- mozOrientation: 'portrait',
- // The restricted list of actual orientation that can be used
- // if mozOrientationLocked is true
- lockedOrientation: [],
- // The faked screen orientation
- // if screenOrientation doesn't match mozOrientation due
- // to lockedOrientation restriction, the app will be displayed
- // on the side on desktop
- screenOrientation: 'portrait',
- // Updated by screen.js
- width: 0, height: 0,
- lock: function(orientation) {
- this.mozOrientationLocked = true;
- // Normalize to portrait or landscape,
- // i.e. the possible values of screenOrientation
- function normalize(str) {
- if (str.match(/^portrait/)) {
- return 'portrait';
- } else if (str.match(/^landscape/)) {
- return 'landscape';
- } else {
- return 'portrait';
- }
- }
- this.lockedOrientation =;
- this.updateOrientation();
- },
- unlock: function() {
- this.mozOrientationLocked = false;
- this.updateOrientation();
- },
- updateOrientation: function () {
- let orientation = this.screenOrientation;
- // If the orientation is locked, we have to ensure ending up with a value
- // of lockedOrientation. If none of lockedOrientation values matches
- // the screen orientation we just choose the first locked orientation.
- // This will be the precise scenario where the app is displayed on the
- // side on desktop!
- if (this.mozOrientationLocked &&
- this.lockedOrientation.indexOf(this.screenOrientation) == -1) {
- orientation = this.lockedOrientation[0];
- }
- // If the actual orientation changed,
- // we have to fire mozorientation DOM events
- if (this.mozOrientation != orientation) {
- this.mozOrientation = orientation;
- // Notify each app screen object to fire the event
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, 'simulator-orientation-change', null);
- }
- // Finally, in any case, we update the window size and orientation
- // (Use wrappedJSObject trick to be able to pass a raw JS object)
- Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject:this}, 'simulator-adjust-window-size', null);
- },
- flipScreen: function() {
- if (this.screenOrientation == 'portrait') {
- this.screenOrientation = 'landscape';
- } else if (this.screenOrientation == 'landscape') {
- this.screenOrientation = 'portrait';
- }
- this.updateOrientation();
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/HelperAppDialog.js b/b2g/components/HelperAppDialog.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3709833e1..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/HelperAppDialog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Downloads",
- "resource://gre/modules/Downloads.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
- "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm");
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// HelperApp Launcher Dialog
-// For now on b2g we never prompt and just download to the default
-// location.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-function HelperAppLauncherDialog() { }
-HelperAppLauncherDialog.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID("{710322af-e6ae-4b0c-b2c9-1474a87b077e}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog]),
- show: function(aLauncher, aContext, aReason) {
- aLauncher.MIMEInfo.preferredAction = Ci.nsIMIMEInfo.saveToDisk;
- aLauncher.saveToDisk(null, false);
- },
- promptForSaveToFileAsync: function(aLauncher,
- aContext,
- aDefaultFile,
- aSuggestedFileExt,
- aForcePrompt) {
- // Retrieve the user's default download directory.
- Task.spawn(function*() {
- let file = null;
- try {
- let defaultFolder = yield Downloads.getPreferredDownloadsDirectory();
- let dir = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
- dir.initWithPath(defaultFolder);
- file = this.validateLeafName(dir, aDefaultFile, aSuggestedFileExt);
- } catch(e) { }
- aLauncher.saveDestinationAvailable(file);
- }.bind(this)).then(null, Cu.reportError);
- },
- validateLeafName: function(aLocalFile, aLeafName, aFileExt) {
- if (!(aLocalFile && this.isUsableDirectory(aLocalFile)))
- return null;
- // Remove any leading periods, since we don't want to save hidden files
- // automatically.
- aLeafName = aLeafName.replace(/^\.+/, "");
- if (aLeafName == "")
- aLeafName = "unnamed" + (aFileExt ? "." + aFileExt : "");
- aLocalFile.append(aLeafName);
- this.makeFileUnique(aLocalFile);
- return aLocalFile;
- },
- makeFileUnique: function(aLocalFile) {
- try {
- // Note - this code is identical to that in
- // toolkit/content/contentAreaUtils.js.
- // If you are updating this code, update that code too! We can't share code
- // here since this is called in a js component.
- let collisionCount = 0;
- while (aLocalFile.exists()) {
- collisionCount++;
- if (collisionCount == 1) {
- // Append "(2)" before the last dot in (or at the end of) the filename
- // special case .ext.gz etc files so we don't wind up with .tar(2).gz
- if (aLocalFile.leafName.match(/\.[^\.]{1,3}\.(gz|bz2|Z)$/i))
- aLocalFile.leafName = aLocalFile.leafName.replace(/\.[^\.]{1,3}\.(gz|bz2|Z)$/i, "(2)$&");
- else
- aLocalFile.leafName = aLocalFile.leafName.replace(/(\.[^\.]*)?$/, "(2)$&");
- }
- else {
- // replace the last (n) in the filename with (n+1)
- aLocalFile.leafName = aLocalFile.leafName.replace(/^(.*\()\d+\)/, "$1" + (collisionCount+1) + ")");
- }
- }
- aLocalFile.create(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o600);
- }
- catch (e) {
- dump("*** exception in makeFileUnique: " + e + "\n");
- if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED)
- throw e;
- if (aLocalFile.leafName == "" || aLocalFile.isDirectory()) {
- aLocalFile.append("unnamed");
- if (aLocalFile.exists())
- aLocalFile.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o600);
- }
- }
- },
- isUsableDirectory: function(aDirectory) {
- return aDirectory.exists() &&
- aDirectory.isDirectory() &&
- aDirectory.isWritable();
- },
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([HelperAppLauncherDialog]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/LogCapture.jsm b/b2g/components/LogCapture.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 803028d57..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/LogCapture.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* jshint moz: true */
-/* global Uint8Array, Components, dump */
-"use strict";
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise", "resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Screenshot", "resource://gre/modules/Screenshot.jsm");
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LogCapture"];
-function debug(msg) {
- dump("LogCapture.jsm: " + msg + "\n");
-var LogCapture = {
- ensureLoaded: function() {
- if (!this.ctypes) {
- this.load();
- }
- },
- load: function() {
- // load in everything on first use
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm", this);
- this.libc ="c"));
- = this.libc.declare("read",
- this.ctypes.default_abi,
-, // bytes read (out)
-, // file descriptor (in)
- this.ctypes.voidptr_t, // buffer to read into (in)
- this.ctypes.size_t // size_t size of buffer (in)
- );
- = this.libc.declare("open",
- this.ctypes.default_abi,
-, // file descriptor (returned)
- this.ctypes.char.ptr, // path
- // flags
- );
- this.close = this.libc.declare("close",
- this.ctypes.default_abi,
-, // error code (returned)
- // file descriptor
- );
- this.getpid = this.libc.declare("getpid",
- this.ctypes.default_abi,
- // PID
- );
- this.property_find_nth =
- this.libc.declare("__system_property_find_nth",
- this.ctypes.default_abi,
- this.ctypes.voidptr_t, // return value: nullable prop_info*
- this.ctypes.unsigned_int); // n: the index of the property to return
- this.property_read =
- this.libc.declare("__system_property_read",
- this.ctypes.default_abi,
- this.ctypes.void_t, // return: none
- this.ctypes.voidptr_t, // non-null prop_info*
- this.ctypes.char.ptr, // key
- this.ctypes.char.ptr); // value
- this.key_buf = this.ctypes.char.array(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY_MAX)();
- this.value_buf = this.ctypes.char.array(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX)();
- },
- cleanup: function() {
- this.libc.close();
- = null;
- = null;
- this.close = null;
- this.property_find_nth = null;
- this.property_read = null;
- this.key_buf = null;
- this.value_buf = null;
- this.libc = null;
- this.ctypes = null;
- },
- /**
- * readLogFile
- * Read in /dev/log/{{log}} in nonblocking mode, which will return -1 if
- * reading would block the thread.
- *
- * @param log {String} The log from which to read. Must be present in /dev/log
- * @return {Uint8Array} Raw log data
- */
- readLogFile: function(logLocation) {
- this.ensureLoaded();
- const O_READONLY = 0;
- const O_NONBLOCK = 1 << 11;
- const BUF_SIZE = 2048;
- let BufType = this.ctypes.ArrayType(this.ctypes.char);
- let buf = new BufType(BUF_SIZE);
- let logArray = [];
- let logFd =, O_READONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
- if (logFd === -1) {
- return null;
- }
- let readStart =;
- let readCount = 0;
- while (true) {
- let count =, buf, BUF_SIZE);
- readCount += 1;
- if (count <= 0) {
- // log has return due to being nonblocking or running out of things
- break;
- }
- for(let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- logArray.push(buf[i]);
- }
- }
- let logTypedArray = new Uint8Array(logArray);
- this.close(logFd);
- return logTypedArray;
- },
- /**
- * Get all system properties as a dict with keys mapping to values
- */
- readProperties: function() {
- this.ensureLoaded();
- let n = 0;
- let propertyDict = {};
- while(true) {
- let prop_info = this.property_find_nth(n);
- if(prop_info.isNull()) {
- break;
- }
- // read the prop_info into the key and value buffers
- this.property_read(prop_info, this.key_buf, this.value_buf);
- let key = this.key_buf.readString();;
- let value = this.value_buf.readString()
- propertyDict[key] = value;
- n++;
- }
- return propertyDict;
- },
- /**
- * Dumping about:memory to a file in /data/local/tmp/, returning a Promise.
- * Will be resolved with the dumped file name.
- */
- readAboutMemory: function() {
- this.ensureLoaded();
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- // Perform the dump
- let dumper = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIMemoryInfoDumper);
- let file = "/data/local/tmp/logshake-about_memory-" + this.getpid() + ".json.gz";
- dumper.dumpMemoryReportsToNamedFile(file, function() {
- deferred.resolve(file);
- }, null, false);
- return deferred.promise;
- },
- /**
- * Dumping screenshot, returning a Promise. Will be resolved with the content
- * as an ArrayBuffer.
- */
- getScreenshot: function() {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- try {
- this.ensureLoaded();
- let fr = new FileReader();
- fr.onload = function(evt) {
- deferred.resolve(new Uint8Array(;
- };
- fr.onerror = function(evt) {
- deferred.reject(evt);
- };
- fr.readAsArrayBuffer(Screenshot.get());
- } catch(e) {
- // We pass any errors through to the deferred Promise
- deferred.reject(e);
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- }
-this.LogCapture = LogCapture;
diff --git a/b2g/components/LogParser.jsm b/b2g/components/LogParser.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index c40db9767..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/LogParser.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-/* jshint esnext: true */
-/* global DataView */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LogParser"];
- * Parse an array read from a /dev/log/ file. Format taken from
- * kernel/drivers/staging/android/logger.h and system/core/logcat/logcat.cpp
- *
- * @param array {Uint8Array} Array read from /dev/log/ file
- * @return {Array} List of log messages
- */
-function parseLogArray(array) {
- let data = new DataView(array.buffer);
- let byteString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);
- // Length of bytes that precede the payload of a log message
- // From the 5 Uint32 and 1 Uint8 reads
- const HEADER_LENGTH = 21;
- let logMessages = [];
- let pos = 0;
- while (pos + HEADER_LENGTH < byteString.length) {
- // Parse a single log entry
- // Track current offset from global position
- let offset = 0;
- // Length of the entry, discarded
- let length = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true);
- offset += 4;
- // Id of the process which generated the message
- let processId = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true);
- offset += 4;
- // Id of the thread which generated the message
- let threadId = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true);
- offset += 4;
- // Seconds since epoch when this message was logged
- let seconds = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true);
- offset += 4;
- // Nanoseconds since the last second
- let nanoseconds = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true);
- offset += 4;
- // Priority in terms of the ANDROID_LOG_* constants (see below)
- // This is where the length field begins counting
- let priority = data.getUint8(pos + offset);
- // Reset pos and offset to count from here
- pos += offset;
- offset = 0;
- offset += 1;
- // Read the tag and message, represented as null-terminated c-style strings
- let tag = "";
- while (byteString[pos + offset] != "\0") {
- tag += byteString[pos + offset];
- offset ++;
- }
- offset ++;
- let message = "";
- // The kernel log driver may have cut off the null byte (logprint.c)
- while (byteString[pos + offset] != "\0" && offset < length) {
- message += byteString[pos + offset];
- offset ++;
- }
- // Un-skip the missing null terminator
- if (offset === length) {
- offset --;
- }
- offset ++;
- pos += offset;
- // Log messages are occasionally delimited by newlines, but are also
- // sometimes followed by newlines as well
- if (message.charAt(message.length - 1) === "\n") {
- message = message.substring(0, message.length - 1);
- }
- // Add an aditional time property to mimic the milliseconds since UTC
- // expected by Date
- let time = seconds * 1000.0 + nanoseconds/1000000.0;
- // Log messages with interleaved newlines are considered to be separate log
- // messages by logcat
- for (let lineMessage of message.split("\n")) {
- logMessages.push({
- processId: processId,
- threadId: threadId,
- seconds: seconds,
- nanoseconds: nanoseconds,
- time: time,
- priority: priority,
- tag: tag,
- message: lineMessage + "\n"
- });
- }
- }
- return logMessages;
- * Get a thread-time style formatted string from time
- * @param time {Number} Milliseconds since epoch
- * @return {String} Formatted time string
- */
-function getTimeString(time) {
- let date = new Date(time);
- function pad(number) {
- if ( number < 10 ) {
- return "0" + number;
- }
- return number;
- }
- return pad( date.getMonth() + 1 ) +
- "-" + pad( date.getDate() ) +
- " " + pad( date.getHours() ) +
- ":" + pad( date.getMinutes() ) +
- ":" + pad( date.getSeconds() ) +
- "." + (date.getMilliseconds() / 1000).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5);
- * Pad a string using spaces on the left
- * @param str {String} String to pad
- * @param width {Number} Desired string length
- */
-function padLeft(str, width) {
- while (str.length < width) {
- str = " " + str;
- }
- return str;
- * Pad a string using spaces on the right
- * @param str {String} String to pad
- * @param width {Number} Desired string length
- */
-function padRight(str, width) {
- while (str.length < width) {
- str = str + " ";
- }
- return str;
-/** Constant values taken from system/core/liblog */
-const ANDROID_LOG_INFO = 4;
-const ANDROID_LOG_WARN = 5;
- * Map a priority number to its abbreviated string equivalent
- * @param priorityNumber {Number} Log-provided priority number
- * @return {String} Priority number's abbreviation
- */
-function getPriorityString(priorityNumber) {
- switch (priorityNumber) {
- return "V";
- return "D";
- return "I";
- return "W";
- return "E";
- return "F";
- return "S";
- default:
- return "?";
- }
- * Mimic the logcat "threadtime" format, generating a formatted string from a
- * log message object.
- * @param logMessage {Object} A log message from the list returned by parseLogArray
- * @return {String} threadtime formatted summary of the message
- */
-function formatLogMessage(logMessage) {
- // MM-DD pid tid priority tag: message
- // from system/core/liblog/logprint.c:
- return getTimeString(logMessage.time) +
- " " + padLeft(""+logMessage.processId, 5) +
- " " + padLeft(""+logMessage.threadId, 5) +
- " " + getPriorityString(logMessage.priority) +
- " " + padRight(logMessage.tag, 8) +
- ": " + logMessage.message;
- * Convert a string to a utf-8 Uint8Array
- * @param {String} str
- * @return {Uint8Array}
- */
-function textEncode(str) {
- return new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(str);
- * Pretty-print an array of bytes read from a log file by parsing then
- * threadtime formatting its entries.
- * @param array {Uint8Array} Array of a log file's bytes
- * @return {Uint8Array} Pretty-printed log
- */
-function prettyPrintLogArray(array) {
- let logMessages = parseLogArray(array);
- return textEncode(""));
- * Pretty-print an array read from the list of propreties.
- * @param {Object} Object representing the properties
- * @return {Uint8Array} Human-readable string of property name: property value
- */
-function prettyPrintPropertiesArray(properties) {
- let propertiesString = "";
- for(let propName in properties) {
- propertiesString += "[" + propName + "]: [" + properties[propName] + "]\n";
- }
- return textEncode(propertiesString);
- * Pretty-print a normal array. Does nothing.
- * @param array {Uint8Array} Input array
- * @return {Uint8Array} The same array
- */
-function prettyPrintArray(array) {
- return array;
-this.LogParser = {
- parseLogArray: parseLogArray,
- prettyPrintArray: prettyPrintArray,
- prettyPrintLogArray: prettyPrintLogArray,
- prettyPrintPropertiesArray: prettyPrintPropertiesArray
diff --git a/b2g/components/LogShake.jsm b/b2g/components/LogShake.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6426c21de..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/LogShake.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,588 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * LogShake is a module which listens for log requests sent by Gaia. In
- * response to a sufficiently large acceleration (a shake), it will save log
- * files to an arbitrary directory which it will then return on a
- * 'capture-logs-success' event with detail.logFilenames representing each log
- * file's name and detail.logPaths representing the patch to each log file or
- * the path to the archive.
- * If an error occurs it will instead produce a 'capture-logs-error' event.
- * We send a capture-logs-start events to notify the system app and the user,
- * since dumping can be a bit long sometimes.
- */
-/* enable Mozilla javascript extensions and global strictness declaration,
- * disable valid this checking */
-/* jshint moz: true, esnext: true */
-/* jshint -W097 */
-/* jshint -W040 */
-/* global Services, Components, dump, LogCapture, LogParser,
- OS, Promise, volumeService, XPCOMUtils, SystemAppProxy */
-"use strict";
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-// Constants for creating zip file taken from toolkit/webapps/tests/head.js
-const PR_RDWR = 0x04;
-const PR_CREATE_FILE = 0x08;
-const PR_TRUNCATE = 0x20;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LogCapture", "resource://gre/modules/LogCapture.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LogParser", "resource://gre/modules/LogParser.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS", "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise", "resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy", "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "powerManagerService",
- ";1",
- "nsIPowerManagerService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "volumeService",
- ";1",
- "nsIVolumeService");
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LogShake"];
-function debug(msg) {
- dump("LogShake.jsm: "+msg+"\n");
- * An empirically determined amount of acceleration corresponding to a
- * shake.
- */
- * The maximum fraction to update the excitement value per frame. This
- * corresponds to requiring shaking for approximately 10 motion events (1.6
- * seconds)
- */
-const DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT = "devicemotion";
-const SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT = "screenchange";
-const CAPTURE_LOGS_CONTENT_EVENT = "requestSystemLogs";
-const CAPTURE_LOGS_START_EVENT = "capture-logs-start";
-const CAPTURE_LOGS_ERROR_EVENT = "capture-logs-error";
-const CAPTURE_LOGS_SUCCESS_EVENT = "capture-logs-success";
-var LogShake = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]),
- /**
- * If LogShake is in QA Mode, which bundles all files into a compressed archive
- */
- qaModeEnabled: false,
- /**
- * If LogShake is listening for device motion events. Required due to lag
- * between HAL layer of device motion events and listening for device motion
- * events.
- */
- deviceMotionEnabled: false,
- /**
- * We only listen to motion events when the screen is enabled, keep track
- * of its state.
- */
- screenEnabled: true,
- /**
- * Flag monitoring if the preference to enable shake to capture is
- * enabled in gaia.
- */
- listenToDeviceMotion: true,
- /**
- * If a capture has been requested and is waiting for reads/parsing. Used for
- * debouncing.
- */
- captureRequested: false,
- /**
- * The current excitement (movement) level
- */
- excitement: 0,
- /**
- * Map of files which have log-type information to their parsers
- */
- "/dev/log/main": LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray,
- "/dev/log/system": LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray,
- "/dev/log/radio": LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray,
- "/dev/log/events": LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray,
- "/proc/cmdline": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/proc/kmsg": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/proc/last_kmsg": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/proc/meminfo": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/proc/uptime": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/proc/version": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/proc/vmallocinfo": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/proc/vmstat": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/system/b2g/application.ini": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/cache/recovery/last_install": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/cache/recovery/last_kmsg": LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
- "/cache/recovery/last_log": LogParser.prettyPrintArray
- },
- /**
- * Start existing, observing motion events if the screen is turned on.
- */
- init: function() {
- // TODO: no way of querying screen state from power manager
- // this.handleScreenChangeEvent({ detail: {
- // screenEnabled: powerManagerService.screenEnabled
- // }});
- // However, the screen is always on when we are being enabled because it is
- // either due to the phone starting up or a user enabling us directly.
- this.handleScreenChangeEvent({ detail: {
- screenEnabled: true
- }});
- // Reset excitement to clear residual motion
- this.excitement = 0;
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(CAPTURE_LOGS_CONTENT_EVENT, this, false);
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT, this, false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
- },
- /**
- * Handle an arbitrary event, passing it along to the proper function
- */
- handleEvent: function(event) {
- switch (event.type) {
- if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled) {
- return;
- }
- this.handleDeviceMotionEvent(event);
- break;
- this.handleScreenChangeEvent(event);
- break;
- this.startCapture();
- break;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Handle an observation from Services.obs
- */
- observe: function(subject, topic) {
- if (topic === "xpcom-shutdown") {
- this.uninit();
- }
- },
- enableQAMode: function() {
- debug("Enabling QA Mode");
- this.qaModeEnabled = true;
- },
- disableQAMode: function() {
- debug("Disabling QA Mode");
- this.qaModeEnabled = false;
- },
- enableDeviceMotionListener: function() {
- this.listenToDeviceMotion = true;
- this.startDeviceMotionListener();
- },
- disableDeviceMotionListener: function() {
- this.listenToDeviceMotion = false;
- this.stopDeviceMotionListener();
- },
- startDeviceMotionListener: function() {
- if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled &&
- this.listenToDeviceMotion &&
- this.screenEnabled) {
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT, this, false);
- this.deviceMotionEnabled = true;
- }
- },
- stopDeviceMotionListener: function() {
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT, this, false);
- this.deviceMotionEnabled = false;
- },
- /**
- * Handle a motion event, keeping track of "excitement", the magnitude
- * of the device"s acceleration.
- */
- handleDeviceMotionEvent: function(event) {
- // There is a lag between disabling the event listener and event arrival
- // ceasing.
- if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled) {
- return;
- }
- let acc = event.accelerationIncludingGravity;
- // Updates excitement by a factor of at most alpha, ignoring sudden device
- // motion. See bug #1101994 for more information.
- let newExcitement = acc.x * acc.x + acc.y * acc.y + acc.z * acc.z;
- this.excitement += (newExcitement - this.excitement) * EXCITEMENT_FILTER_ALPHA;
- if (this.excitement > EXCITEMENT_THRESHOLD) {
- this.startCapture();
- }
- },
- startCapture: function() {
- if (this.captureRequested) {
- return;
- }
- this.captureRequested = true;
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_START_EVENT, {});
- this.captureLogs().then(logResults => {
- // On resolution send the success event to the requester
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_SUCCESS_EVENT, {
- logPaths: logResults.logPaths,
- logFilenames: logResults.logFilenames
- });
- this.captureRequested = false;
- }, error => {
- // On an error send the error event
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_ERROR_EVENT, {error: error});
- this.captureRequested = false;
- });
- },
- handleScreenChangeEvent: function(event) {
- this.screenEnabled = event.detail.screenEnabled;
- if (this.screenEnabled) {
- this.startDeviceMotionListener();
- } else {
- this.stopDeviceMotionListener();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Captures and saves the current device logs, returning a promise that will
- * resolve to an array of log filenames.
- */
- captureLogs: function() {
- return this.readLogs().then(logArrays => {
- return this.saveLogs(logArrays);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Read in all log files, returning their formatted contents
- * @return {Promise<Array>}
- */
- readLogs: function() {
- let logArrays = {};
- let readPromises = [];
- try {
- logArrays["properties"] =
- LogParser.prettyPrintPropertiesArray(LogCapture.readProperties());
- } catch (ex) {
- Cu.reportError("Unable to get device properties: " + ex);
- }
- // Let Gecko perfom the dump to a file, and just collect it
- let readAboutMemoryPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
- // Wrap the readAboutMemory promise to make it infallible
- LogCapture.readAboutMemory().then(aboutMemory => {
- let file = OS.Path.basename(aboutMemory);
- let logArray;
- try {
- logArray = LogCapture.readLogFile(aboutMemory);
- if (!logArray) {
- debug("LogCapture.readLogFile() returned nothing for about:memory");
- }
- // We need to remove the dumped file, now that we have it in memory
- OS.File.remove(aboutMemory);
- } catch (ex) {
- Cu.reportError("Unable to handle about:memory dump: " + ex);
- }
- logArrays[file] = LogParser.prettyPrintArray(logArray);
- resolve();
- }, ex => {
- Cu.reportError("Unable to get about:memory dump: " + ex);
- resolve();
- });
- });
- readPromises.push(readAboutMemoryPromise);
- // Wrap the promise to make it infallible
- let readScreenshotPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
- LogCapture.getScreenshot().then(screenshot => {
- logArrays["screenshot.png"] = screenshot;
- resolve();
- }, ex => {
- Cu.reportError("Unable to get screenshot dump: " + ex);
- resolve();
- });
- });
- readPromises.push(readScreenshotPromise);
- for (let loc in this.LOGS_WITH_PARSERS) {
- let logArray;
- try {
- logArray = LogCapture.readLogFile(loc);
- if (!logArray) {
- debug("LogCapture.readLogFile() returned nothing for: " + loc);
- continue;
- }
- } catch (ex) {
- Cu.reportError("Unable to LogCapture.readLogFile('" + loc + "'): " + ex);
- continue;
- }
- try {
- logArrays[loc] = this.LOGS_WITH_PARSERS[loc](logArray);
- } catch (ex) {
- Cu.reportError("Unable to parse content of '" + loc + "': " + ex);
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Because the promises we depend upon can't fail this means that the
- // blocking log reads will always be honored.
- return Promise.all(readPromises).then(() => {
- return logArrays;
- });
- },
- /**
- * Save the formatted arrays of log files to an sdcard if available
- */
- saveLogs: function(logArrays) {
- if (!logArrays || Object.keys(logArrays).length === 0) {
- return Promise.reject("Zero logs saved");
- }
- if (this.qaModeEnabled) {
- return makeBaseLogsDirectory().then(writeLogArchive(logArrays),
- rejectFunction("Error making base log directory"));
- } else {
- return makeBaseLogsDirectory().then(makeLogsDirectory,
- rejectFunction("Error making base log directory"))
- .then(writeLogFiles(logArrays),
- rejectFunction("Error creating log directory"));
- }
- },
- /**
- * Stop logshake, removing all listeners
- */
- uninit: function() {
- this.stopDeviceMotionListener();
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT, this, false);
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
- }
-function getLogFilename(logLocation) {
- // sanitize the log location
- let logName = logLocation.replace(/\//g, "-");
- if (logName[0] === "-") {
- logName = logName.substring(1);
- }
- // If no extension is provided, default to forcing .log
- let extension = ".log";
- let logLocationExt = logLocation.split(".");
- if (logLocationExt.length > 1) {
- // otherwise, just append nothing
- extension = "";
- }
- return logName + extension;
-function getSdcardPrefix() {
- return volumeService.getVolumeByName("sdcard").mountPoint;
-function getLogDirectoryRoot() {
- return "logs";
-function getLogIdentifier() {
- let d = new Date();
- d = new Date(d.getTime() - d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
- let timestamp = d.toISOString().slice(0, -5).replace(/[:T]/g, "-");
- return timestamp;
-function rejectFunction(message) {
- return function(err) {
- debug(message + ": " + err);
- return Promise.reject(err);
- };
-function makeBaseLogsDirectory() {
- let sdcardPrefix;
- try {
- sdcardPrefix = getSdcardPrefix();
- } catch(e) {
- // Handles missing sdcard
- return Promise.reject(e);
- }
- let dirNameRoot = getLogDirectoryRoot();
- let logsRoot = OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, dirNameRoot);
- debug("Creating base log directory at root " + sdcardPrefix);
- return OS.File.makeDir(logsRoot, {from: sdcardPrefix}).then(
- function() {
- return {
- sdcardPrefix: sdcardPrefix,
- basePrefix: dirNameRoot
- };
- }
- );
-function makeLogsDirectory({sdcardPrefix, basePrefix}) {
- let dirName = getLogIdentifier();
- let logsRoot = OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, basePrefix);
- let logsDir = OS.Path.join(logsRoot, dirName);
- debug("Creating base log directory at root " + sdcardPrefix);
- debug("Final created directory will be " + logsDir);
- return OS.File.makeDir(logsDir, {ignoreExisting: false}).then(
- function() {
- debug("Created: " + logsDir);
- return {
- logPrefix: OS.Path.join(basePrefix, dirName),
- sdcardPrefix: sdcardPrefix
- };
- },
- rejectFunction("Error at OS.File.makeDir for " + logsDir)
- );
-function getFile(filename) {
- let file = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
- file.initWithPath(filename);
- return file;
- * Make a zip file
- * @param {String} absoluteZipFilename - Fully qualified desired location of the zip file
- * @param {Map<String, Uint8Array>} logArrays - Map from log location to log data
- * @return {Array<String>} Paths of entries in the archive
- */
-function makeZipFile(absoluteZipFilename, logArrays) {
- let logFilenames = [];
- let zipWriter = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIZipWriter);
- let zipFile = getFile(absoluteZipFilename);
- for (let logLocation in logArrays) {
- let logArray = logArrays[logLocation];
- let logFilename = getLogFilename(logLocation);
- logFilenames.push(logFilename);
- debug("Adding " + logFilename + " to the zip");
- let logArrayStream = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIArrayBufferInputStream);
- // Set data to be copied, default offset to 0 because it is not present on
- // ArrayBuffer objects
- logArrayStream.setData(logArray.buffer, logArray.byteOffset || 0,
- logArray.byteLength);
- zipWriter.addEntryStream(logFilename,,
- logArrayStream, false);
- }
- zipWriter.close();
- return logFilenames;
-function writeLogArchive(logArrays) {
- return function({sdcardPrefix, basePrefix}) {
- // Now the directory is guaranteed to exist, save the logs into their
- // archive file
- let zipFilename = getLogIdentifier() + "";
- let zipPath = OS.Path.join(basePrefix, zipFilename);
- let zipPrefix = OS.Path.dirname(zipPath);
- let absoluteZipPath = OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, zipPath);
- debug("Creating zip file at " + zipPath);
- let logFilenames = [];
- try {
- logFilenames = makeZipFile(absoluteZipPath, logArrays);
- } catch(e) {
- return Promise.reject(e);
- }
- debug("Zip file created");
- return {
- logFilenames: logFilenames,
- logPaths: [zipPath],
- compressed: true
- };
- };
-function writeLogFiles(logArrays) {
- return function({sdcardPrefix, logPrefix}) {
- // Now the directory is guaranteed to exist, save the logs
- let logFilenames = [];
- let logPaths = [];
- let saveRequests = [];
- for (let logLocation in logArrays) {
- debug("Requesting save of " + logLocation);
- let logArray = logArrays[logLocation];
- let logFilename = getLogFilename(logLocation);
- // The local pathrepresents the relative path within the SD card, not the
- // absolute path because Gaia will refer to it using the DeviceStorage
- // API
- let localPath = OS.Path.join(logPrefix, logFilename);
- logFilenames.push(logFilename);
- logPaths.push(localPath);
- let absolutePath = OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, localPath);
- let saveRequest = OS.File.writeAtomic(absolutePath, logArray);
- saveRequests.push(saveRequest);
- }
- return Promise.all(saveRequests).then(
- function() {
- return {
- logFilenames: logFilenames,
- logPaths: logPaths,
- compressed: false
- };
- },
- rejectFunction("Error at some save request")
- );
- };
-this.LogShake = LogShake;
diff --git a/b2g/components/MailtoProtocolHandler.js b/b2g/components/MailtoProtocolHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 500fb9112..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/MailtoProtocolHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-function MailtoProtocolHandler() {
-MailtoProtocolHandler.prototype = {
- scheme: "mailto",
- defaultPort: -1,
- protocolFlags: Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NORELATIVE |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NOAUTH |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_LOADABLE_BY_ANYONE |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_DOES_NOT_RETURN_DATA,
- allowPort: () => false,
- newURI: function Proto_newURI(aSpec, aOriginCharset) {
- let uri = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIURI);
- uri.spec = aSpec;
- return uri;
- },
- newChannel2: function Proto_newChannel2(aURI, aLoadInfo) {
- return new ActivityChannel(aURI, aLoadInfo,
- "mail-handler",
- { URI: aURI.spec,
- type: "mail" });
- },
- newChannel: function Proto_newChannel(aURI) {
- return this.newChannel2(aURI, null);
- },
- classID: Components.ID("{50777e53-0331-4366-a191-900999be386c}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIProtocolHandler])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([MailtoProtocolHandler]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/OMAContentHandler.js b/b2g/components/OMAContentHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 56c87a3b2..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/OMAContentHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
-"use strict";
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cr = Components.results;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "cpmm", function() {
- return Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIMessageSender);
-function debug(aMsg) {
- //dump("--*-- OMAContentHandler: " + aMsg + "\n");
-const NS_ERROR_WONT_HANDLE_CONTENT = 0x805d0001;
-function OMAContentHandler() {
-OMAContentHandler.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID("{a6b2ab13-9037-423a-9897-dde1081be323}"),
- _xpcom_factory: {
- createInstance: function createInstance(outer, iid) {
- if (outer != null) {
- }
- return new OMAContentHandler().QueryInterface(iid);
- }
- },
- handleContent: function handleContent(aMimetype, aContext, aRequest) {
- if (!(aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIChannel)) {
- }
- let detail = {
- "type": aMimetype,
- "url": aRequest.URI.spec
- };
- cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("content-handler", detail);
- aRequest.cancel(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED);
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIContentHandler])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([OMAContentHandler]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/OopCommandLine.js b/b2g/components/OopCommandLine.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 658bbdde5..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/OopCommandLine.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
-function oopCommandlineHandler() {
-oopCommandlineHandler.prototype = {
- handle: function(cmdLine) {
- let oopFlag = cmdLine.handleFlag("oop", false);
- if (oopFlag) {
- /**
- * Manipulate preferences by adding to the *default* branch. Adding
- * to the default branch means the changes we make won"t get written
- * back to user preferences.
- */
- let prefs = Services.prefs
- let branch = prefs.getDefaultBranch("");
- try {
- // Turn on all OOP services, making desktop run similar to phone
- // environment
- branch.setBoolPref("dom.ipc.tabs.disabled", false);
- branch.setBoolPref("layers.acceleration.disabled", false);
- branch.setBoolPref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.async-animations", true);
- branch.setBoolPref("layers.async-video.enabled", true);
- branch.setBoolPref("layers.async-pan-zoom.enabled", true);
- branch.setCharPref("", "cairo");
- } catch (e) { }
- }
- if (cmdLine.state == Ci.nsICommandLine.STATE_REMOTE_AUTO) {
- cmdLine.preventDefault = true;
- }
- },
- helpInfo: " --oop Use out-of-process model in B2G\n",
- classID: Components.ID("{e30b0e13-2d12-4cb0-bc4c-4e617a1bf76e}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsICommandLineHandler]),
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([oopCommandlineHandler]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/OrientationChangeHandler.jsm b/b2g/components/OrientationChangeHandler.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5007b70e0..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/OrientationChangeHandler.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-var window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
-var system = window.document.getElementById("systemapp");
-var OrientationChangeHandler = {
- // Clockwise orientations, looping
- orientations: ["portrait-primary", "landscape-secondary",
- "portrait-secondary", "landscape-primary",
- "portrait-primary"],
- lastOrientation: "portrait-primary",
- init: function() {
- window.screen.addEventListener("mozorientationchange", this, true);
- },
- handleEvent: function(evt) {
- let newOrientation = window.screen.mozOrientation;
- let orientationIndex = this.orientations.indexOf(this.lastOrientation);
- let nextClockwiseOrientation = this.orientations[orientationIndex + 1];
- let fullSwitch = (newOrientation.split("-")[0] ==
- this.lastOrientation.split("-")[0]);
- this.lastOrientation = newOrientation;
- let angle, xFactor, yFactor;
- if (fullSwitch) {
- angle = 180;
- xFactor = 1;
- } else {
- angle = (nextClockwiseOrientation == newOrientation) ? 90 : -90;
- xFactor = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
- }
- yFactor = 1 / xFactor;
- = "";
- = "rotate(" + angle + "deg)" +
- "scale(" + xFactor + ", " + yFactor + ")";
- function trigger() {
- = "transform .25s cubic-bezier(.15, .7, .6, .9)";
- = "";
- = "";
- }
- // 180deg rotation, no resize
- if (fullSwitch) {
- window.setTimeout(trigger);
- return;
- }
- window.addEventListener("resize", function waitForResize(e) {
- window.removeEventListener("resize", waitForResize);
- trigger();
- });
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/PresentationRequestUIGlue.js b/b2g/components/PresentationRequestUIGlue.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c50401de..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/PresentationRequestUIGlue.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict"
-function debug(aMsg) {
- // dump("-*- PresentationRequestUIGlue: " + aMsg + "\n");
-const { interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, classes: Cc } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-function PresentationRequestUIGlue() { }
-PresentationRequestUIGlue.prototype = {
- sendRequest: function(aUrl, aSessionId, aDevice) {
- let localDevice;
- try {
- localDevice = aDevice.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPresentationLocalDevice);
- } catch (e) {}
- if (localDevice) {
- return this.sendTo1UA(aUrl, aSessionId, localDevice.windowId);
- } else {
- return this.sendTo2UA(aUrl, aSessionId);
- }
- },
- // For 1-UA scenario
- sendTo1UA: function(aUrl, aSessionId, aWindowId) {
- return new Promise((aResolve, aReject) => {
- let handler = (evt) => {
- if (evt.type === "unload") {
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListenerWithId(aWindowId,
- "unload",
- handler);
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListenerWithId(aWindowId,
- "mozPresentationContentEvent",
- handler);
- aReject();
- }
- if (evt.type === "mozPresentationContentEvent" &&
- == aSessionId) {
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListenerWithId(aWindowId,
- "unload",
- handler);
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListenerWithId(aWindowId,
- "mozPresentationContentEvent",
- handler);
- this.appLaunchCallback(evt.detail, aResolve, aReject);
- }
- };
- // If system(-remote) app is closed.
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListenerWithId(aWindowId,
- "unload",
- handler);
- // Listen to the result for the opened iframe from front-end.
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListenerWithId(aWindowId,
- "mozPresentationContentEvent",
- handler);
- SystemAppProxy.sendCustomEventWithId(aWindowId,
- "mozPresentationChromeEvent",
- { type: "presentation-launch-receiver",
- url: aUrl,
- id: aSessionId });
- });
- },
- // For 2-UA scenario
- sendTo2UA: function(aUrl, aSessionId) {
- return new Promise((aResolve, aReject) => {
- let handler = (evt) => {
- if (evt.type === "mozPresentationContentEvent" &&
- == aSessionId) {
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozPresentationContentEvent",
- handler);
- this.appLaunchCallback(evt.detail, aResolve, aReject);
- }
- };
- // Listen to the result for the opened iframe from front-end.
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozPresentationContentEvent",
- handler);
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozPresentationChromeEvent",
- { type: "presentation-launch-receiver",
- url: aUrl,
- id: aSessionId });
- });
- },
- appLaunchCallback: function(aDetail, aResolve, aReject) {
- switch(aDetail.type) {
- case "presentation-receiver-launched":
- aResolve(aDetail.frame);
- break;
- case "presentation-receiver-permission-denied":
- aReject();
- break;
- }
- },
- classID: Components.ID("{ccc8a839-0b64-422b-8a60-fb2af0e376d0}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIPresentationRequestUIGlue])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([PresentationRequestUIGlue]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/ProcessGlobal.js b/b2g/components/ProcessGlobal.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 94326ad50..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/ProcessGlobal.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- /
-/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-'use strict';
- * This code exists to be a "grab bag" of global code that needs to be
- * loaded per B2G process, but doesn't need to directly interact with
- * web content.
- *
- * (It's written as an XPCOM service because it needs to watch
- * app-startup.)
- */
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "settings",
- ";1",
- "nsISettingsService");
-function debug(msg) {
- log(msg);
-function log(msg) {
- // This file implements console.log(), so use dump().
- //dump('ProcessGlobal: ' + msg + '\n');
-function formatStackFrame(aFrame) {
- let functionName = aFrame.functionName || '<anonymous>';
- return ' at ' + functionName +
- ' (' + aFrame.filename + ':' + aFrame.lineNumber +
- ':' + aFrame.columnNumber + ')';
-function ConsoleMessage(aMsg, aLevel) {
- this.timeStamp =;
- this.msg = aMsg;
- switch (aLevel) {
- case 'error':
- case 'assert':
- this.logLevel = Ci.nsIConsoleMessage.error;
- break;
- case 'warn':
- this.logLevel = Ci.nsIConsoleMessage.warn;
- break;
- case 'log':
- case 'info':
- this.logLevel =;
- break;
- default:
- this.logLevel = Ci.nsIConsoleMessage.debug;
- break;
- }
-function toggleUnrestrictedDevtools(unrestricted) {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps",
- !unrestricted);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("dom.apps.developer_mode", unrestricted);
- // TODO: Remove once bug 1125916 is fixed.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("", unrestricted);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("dom.webcomponents.enabled", unrestricted);
- let lock = settings.createLock();
- lock.set("", unrestricted, null);
- lock.set("devtools.unrestricted", unrestricted, null);
-ConsoleMessage.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIConsoleMessage]),
- toString: function() { return this.msg; }
-const gFactoryResetFile = "__post_reset_cmd__";
-function ProcessGlobal() {}
-ProcessGlobal.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID('{1a94c87a-5ece-4d11-91e1-d29c29f21b28}'),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver,
- Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]),
- wipeDir: function(path) {
- log("wipeDir " + path);
- let dir = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
- dir.initWithPath(path);
- if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) {
- return;
- }
- let entries = dir.directoryEntries;
- while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- let file = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile);
- log("Deleting " + file.path);
- try {
- file.remove(true);
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- },
- processCommandsFile: function(text) {
- log("processCommandsFile " + text);
- let lines = text.split("\n");
- lines.forEach((line) => {
- log(line);
- let params = line.split(" ");
- switch (params[0]) {
- case "root":
- log("unrestrict devtools");
- toggleUnrestrictedDevtools(true);
- break;
- case "wipe":
- this.wipeDir(params[1]);
- case "normal":
- log("restrict devtools");
- toggleUnrestrictedDevtools(false);
- break;
- }
- });
- },
- cleanupAfterFactoryReset: function() {
- log("cleanupAfterWipe start");
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
- let dir = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
- dir.initWithPath("/persist");
- var postResetFile = dir.exists() ?
- OS.Path.join("/persist", gFactoryResetFile):
- OS.Path.join("/cache", gFactoryResetFile);
- let file = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
- file.initWithPath(postResetFile);
- if (!file.exists()) {
- debug("No additional command.")
- return;
- }
- let promise =;
- promise.then(
- (array) => {
- file.remove(false);
- let decoder = new TextDecoder();
- this.processCommandsFile(decoder.decode(array));
- },
- function onError(error) {
- debug("Error: " + error);
- }
- );
- log("cleanupAfterWipe end.");
- },
- observe: function pg_observe(subject, topic, data) {
- switch (topic) {
- case 'app-startup': {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'console-api-log-event', false);
- let inParent = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime)
- .processType == Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;
- if (inParent) {
- Services.ppmm.addMessageListener("getProfD", function(message) {
- return Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path;
- });
- this.cleanupAfterFactoryReset();
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'console-api-log-event': {
- // Pipe `console` log messages to the nsIConsoleService which
- // writes them to logcat on Gonk.
- let message = subject.wrappedJSObject;
- let args = message.arguments;
- let stackTrace = '';
- if (message.stacktrace &&
- (message.level == 'assert' || message.level == 'error' || message.level == 'trace')) {
- stackTrace =, formatStackFrame).join('\n');
- } else {
- stackTrace = formatStackFrame(message);
- }
- if (stackTrace) {
- args.push('\n' + stackTrace);
- }
- let msg = 'Content JS ' + message.level.toUpperCase() + ': ' + Array.join(args, ' ');
- Services.console.logMessage(new ConsoleMessage(msg, message.level));
- break;
- }
- }
- },
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([ProcessGlobal]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/RecoveryService.js b/b2g/components/RecoveryService.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 493763e6d..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/RecoveryService.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-const RECOVERYSERVICE_CID = Components.ID("{b3caca5d-0bb0-48c6-912b-6be6cbf08832}");
-function log(msg) {
- dump("-*- RecoveryService: " + msg + "\n");
-const isGonk = AppConstants.platform === 'gonk';
-if (isGonk) {
- var librecovery = (function() {
- let library;
- try {
- library ="");
- } catch (e) {
- log("Unable to open");
- }
- // Bug 1163956, modify updatePath from ctyps.char.ptr to ctype.char.array(4096)
- // align with librecovery.h. 4096 comes from PATH_MAX
- let FotaUpdateStatus = new ctypes.StructType("FotaUpdateStatus", [
- { result: },
- { updatePath: ctypes.char.array(4096) }
- ]);
- return {
- factoryReset: library.declare("factoryReset",
- ctypes.default_abi,
- installFotaUpdate: library.declare("installFotaUpdate",
- ctypes.default_abi,
- ctypes.char.ptr,
- FotaUpdateStatus: FotaUpdateStatus,
- getFotaUpdateStatus: library.declare("getFotaUpdateStatus",
- ctypes.default_abi,
- FotaUpdateStatus.ptr)
- };
- })();
-const gFactoryResetFile = "__post_reset_cmd__";
-function RecoveryService() {}
-RecoveryService.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIRecoveryService]),
- classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({
- interfaces: [Ci.nsIRecoveryService],
- classDescription: "B2G Recovery Service"
- }),
- factoryReset: function RS_factoryReset(reason) {
- if (!isGonk) {
- }
- function doReset() {
- // If this succeeds, then the device reboots and this never returns
- if (librecovery.factoryReset() != 0) {
- log("Error: Factory reset failed. Trying again after clearing cache.");
- }
- let cache = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsICacheStorageService);
- cache.clear();
- if (librecovery.factoryReset() != 0) {
- log("Error: Factory reset failed again");
- }
- }
- log("factoryReset " + reason);
- let commands = [];
- if (reason == "wipe") {
- let volumeService = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIVolumeService);
- let volNames = volumeService.getVolumeNames();
- log("Found " + volNames.length + " volumes");
- for (let i = 0; i < volNames.length; i++) {
- let name = volNames.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsISupportsString);
- let volume = volumeService.getVolumeByName(;
- log("Got volume: " + + " at " + volume.mountPoint);
- commands.push("wipe " + volume.mountPoint);
- }
- } else if (reason == "root") {
- commands.push("root");
- }
- if (commands.length > 0) {
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
- let dir = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
- dir.initWithPath("/persist");
- var postResetFile = dir.exists() ?
- OS.Path.join("/persist", gFactoryResetFile):
- OS.Path.join("/cache", gFactoryResetFile);
- let encoder = new TextEncoder();
- let text = commands.join("\n");
- let array = encoder.encode(text);
- let promise = OS.File.writeAtomic(postResetFile, array,
- { tmpPath: postResetFile + ".tmp" });
- promise.then(doReset, function onError(error) {
- log("Error: " + error);
- });
- } else {
- doReset();
- }
- },
- installFotaUpdate: function RS_installFotaUpdate(updatePath) {
- if (!isGonk) {
- }
- // If this succeeds, then the device reboots and this never returns
- if (librecovery.installFotaUpdate(updatePath, updatePath.length) != 0) {
- log("Error: FOTA install failed. Trying again after clearing cache.");
- }
- var cache = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsICacheStorageService);
- cache.clear();
- if (librecovery.installFotaUpdate(updatePath, updatePath.length) != 0) {
- log("Error: FOTA install failed again");
- }
- },
- getFotaUpdateStatus: function RS_getFotaUpdateStatus() {
- let status = Ci.nsIRecoveryService.FOTA_UPDATE_UNKNOWN;
- if (isGonk) {
- let cStatus = librecovery.FotaUpdateStatus();
- if (librecovery.getFotaUpdateStatus(cStatus.address()) == 0) {
- status = cStatus.result;
- }
- }
- return status;
- }
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([RecoveryService]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/SafeMode.jsm b/b2g/components/SafeMode.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f9342f67..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/SafeMode.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SafeMode"];
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const kSafeModePref = "b2g.safe_mode";
-const kSafeModePage = "safe_mode.html";
-function debug(aStr) {
- //dump("-*- SafeMode: " + aStr + "\n");
-// This module is responsible for checking whether we want to start in safe
-// mode or not. The flow is as follow:
-// - wait for the `b2g.safe_mode` preference to be set to something different
-// than `unset` by nsAppShell
-// - If it's set to `no`, just start normally.
-// - If it's set to `yes`, we load a stripped down system app from safe_mode.html"
-// - This page is responsible to dispatch a mozContentEvent to us.
-// - If the user choose SafeMode, we disable all add-ons.
-// - We go on with startup.
-this.SafeMode = {
- // Returns a promise that resolves when nsAppShell has set the
- // b2g.safe_mode_state_ready preference to `true`.
- _waitForPref: function() {
- debug("waitForPref");
- try {
- let currentMode = Services.prefs.getCharPref(kSafeModePref);
- debug("current mode: " + currentMode);
- if (currentMode !== "unset") {
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- } catch(e) { debug("No current mode available!"); }
- // Wait for the preference to toggle.
- return new Promise((aResolve, aReject) => {
- let observer = function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (Services.prefs.getCharPref(kSafeModePref)) {
- Services.prefs.removeObserver(kSafeModePref, observer, false);
- aResolve();
- }
- }
- Services.prefs.addObserver(kSafeModePref, observer, false);
- });
- },
- // Resolves once the user has decided how to start.
- // Note that all the actions happen here, so there is no other action from
- // consumers than to go on.
- _waitForUser: function() {
- debug("waitForUser");
- let isSafeMode = Services.prefs.getCharPref(kSafeModePref) === "yes";
- if (!isSafeMode) {
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- debug("Starting in Safe Mode!");
- // Load $system_app/safe_mode.html as a full screen iframe, and wait for
- // the user to make a choice.
- let shell =;
- let document = SafeMode.window.document;
- SafeMode.window.screen.mozLockOrientation("portrait");
- let url =, null, null)
- .resolve(kSafeModePage);
- debug("Registry is ready, loading " + url);
- let frame = document.createElementNS("", "html:iframe");
- frame.setAttribute("mozbrowser", "true");
- frame.setAttribute("mozapp", shell.manifestURL);
- frame.setAttribute("id", "systemapp"); // To keep screen.js happy.
- let contentBrowser = document.body.appendChild(frame);
- return new Promise((aResolve, aReject) => {
- let content = contentBrowser.contentWindow;
- // Stripped down version of the system app bootstrap.
- function handleEvent(e) {
- switch(e.type) {
- case "mozbrowserloadstart":
- if (content.document.location == "about:blank") {
- contentBrowser.addEventListener("mozbrowserlocationchange", handleEvent, true);
- contentBrowser.removeEventListener("mozbrowserloadstart", handleEvent, true);
- return;
- }
- notifyContentStart();
- break;
- case "mozbrowserlocationchange":
- if (content.document.location == "about:blank") {
- return;
- }
- contentBrowser.removeEventListener("mozbrowserlocationchange", handleEvent, true);
- notifyContentStart();
- break;
- case "mozContentEvent":
- content.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", handleEvent, true);
- contentBrowser.parentNode.removeChild(contentBrowser);
- if (e.detail == "safemode-yes") {
- // Really starting in safe mode, let's disable add-ons first.
- // TODO: disable add-ons
- aResolve();
- } else {
- aResolve();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- function notifyContentStart() {
- let window = SafeMode.window;
-, "SafeModeStart");
- contentBrowser.setVisible(true);
- // browser-ui-startup-complete is used by the AppShell to stop the
- // boot animation and start gecko rendering.
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser-ui-startup-complete", "");
- content.addEventListener("mozContentEvent", handleEvent, true);
- }
- contentBrowser.addEventListener("mozbrowserloadstart", handleEvent, true);
- contentBrowser.src = url;
- });
- },
- // Returns a Promise that resolves once we have decided to run in safe mode
- // or not. All the safe mode switching actions happen before resolving the
- // promise.
- check: function(aWindow) {
- debug("check");
- this.window = aWindow;
- if (AppConstants.platform !== "gonk") {
- // For now we only have gonk support.
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- return this._waitForPref().then(this._waitForUser);
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/Screenshot.jsm b/b2g/components/Screenshot.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index e6f809375..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/Screenshot.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-'use strict';
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy", "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['Screenshot'];
-var Screenshot = {
- get: function screenshot_get() {
- let systemAppFrame = SystemAppProxy.getFrame();
- let window = systemAppFrame.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- let document = window.document;
- var canvas = document.createElementNS('', 'canvas');
- var docRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
- var width = docRect.width;
- var height = docRect.height;
- // Convert width and height from CSS pixels (potentially fractional)
- // to device pixels (integer).
- var scale = window.devicePixelRatio;
- canvas.setAttribute('width', Math.round(width * scale));
- canvas.setAttribute('height', Math.round(height * scale));
- var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- var flags =
- context.scale(scale, scale);
- context.drawWindow(window, 0, 0, width, height, 'rgb(255,255,255)', flags);
- return canvas.mozGetAsFile('screenshot', 'image/png');
- }
-this.Screenshot = Screenshot;
diff --git a/b2g/components/SignInToWebsite.jsm b/b2g/components/SignInToWebsite.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index fd1349d46..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/SignInToWebsite.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
- * SignInToWebsite.jsm - UX Controller and means for accessing identity
- * cookies on behalf of relying parties.
- *
- * Currently, the b2g security architecture isolates web applications
- * so that each window has access only to a local cookie jar:
- *
- * To prevent Web apps from interfering with one another, each one is
- * hosted on a separate domain, and therefore may only access the
- * resources associated with its domain. These resources include
- * things such as IndexedDB databases, cookies, offline storage,
- * and so forth.
- *
- * --
- *
- * As a result, an authentication system like Persona cannot share its
- * cookie jar with multiple relying parties, and so would require a
- * fresh login request in every window. This would not be a good
- * experience.
- *
- *
- * In order for to maintain state in a single
- * cookie jar, we cause all Persona interactions to take place in a
- * content context that is launched by the system application, with the
- * result that Persona has a single cookie jar that all Relying
- * Parties can use. Since of course those Relying Parties cannot
- * reach into the system cookie jar, the Controller in this module
- * provides a way to get messages and data to and fro between the
- * Relying Party in its window context, and the Persona internal api
- * in its context.
- *
- * On the Relying Party's side, say a web page invokes
- *, to register callbacks, and then
- * to request an assertion. The
- * calls are provided by nsDOMIdentity. nsDOMIdentity messages down
- * to the privileged DOMIdentity code (using cpmm and ppmm message
- * managers). DOMIdentity stores the state of Relying Party flows
- * using an Identity service (MinimalIdentity.jsm), and emits messages
- * requesting Persona functions (doWatch, doReady, doLogout).
- *
- * The Identity service sends these observer messages to the
- * Controller in this module, which in turn triggers content to open a
- * window to host the Persona js. If user interaction is required,
- * content will open the trusty UI. If user interaction is not required,
- * and we only need to get to Persona functions, content will open a
- * hidden iframe. In either case, a window is opened into which the
- * controller causes the script identity.js to be injected. This
- * script provides the glue between the in-page javascript and the
- * pipe back down to the Controller, translating navigator.internal
- * function callbacks into messages sent back to the Controller.
- *
- * As a result, a navigator.internal function in the hosted popup or
- * iframe can call back to the injected identity.js (doReady, doLogin,
- * or doLogout). identity.js callbacks send messages back through the
- * pipe to the Controller. The controller invokes the corresponding
- * function on the Identity Service (doReady, doLogin, or doLogout).
- * The IdentityService calls the corresponding callback for the
- * correct Relying Party, which causes DOMIdentity to send a message
- * up to the Relying Party through nsDOMIdentity
- * (Identity:RP:Watch:OnLogin etc.), and finally, nsDOMIdentity
- * receives these messages and calls the original callback that the
- * Relying Party registered (,
- *, or
- */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SignInToWebsiteController"];
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "getRandomId",
- "resource://gre/modules/identity/IdentityUtils.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "IdentityService",
- "resource://gre/modules/identity/MinimalIdentity.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Logger",
- "resource://gre/modules/identity/LogUtils.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-// The default persona uri; can be overwritten with toolkit.identity.uri pref.
-// Do this if you want to repoint to a different service for testing.
-// There's no point in setting up an observer to monitor the pref, as b2g prefs
-// can only be overwritten when the profie is recreated. So just get the value
-// on start-up.
-var kPersonaUri = "";
-try {
- kPersonaUri = Services.prefs.getCharPref("toolkit.identity.uri");
-} catch(noSuchPref) {
- // stick with the default value
-// JS shim that contains the callback functions that
-// live within the identity UI provisioning frame.
-const kIdentityShimFile = "chrome://b2g/content/identity.js";
-// Type of MozChromeEvents to handle id dialogs.
-const kOpenIdentityDialog = "id-dialog-open";
-const kDoneIdentityDialog = "id-dialog-done";
-const kCloseIdentityDialog = "id-dialog-close-iframe";
-// Observer messages to communicate to shim
-const kIdentityDelegateWatch = "identity-delegate-watch";
-const kIdentityDelegateRequest = "identity-delegate-request";
-const kIdentityDelegateLogout = "identity-delegate-logout";
-const kIdentityDelegateFinished = "identity-delegate-finished";
-const kIdentityDelegateReady = "identity-delegate-ready";
-const kIdentityControllerDoMethod = "identity-controller-doMethod";
-function log(...aMessageArgs) {
- Logger.log.apply(Logger, ["SignInToWebsiteController"].concat(aMessageArgs));
-log("persona uri =", kPersonaUri);
-function sendChromeEvent(details) {
- details.uri = kPersonaUri;
- SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent(details);
-function Pipe() {
- this._watchers = [];
-Pipe.prototype = {
- init: function pipe_init() {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-child-process-shutdown", false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-controller-unwatch", false);
- },
- uninit: function pipe_uninit() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-child-process-shutdown");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-controller-unwatch");
- },
- observe: function Pipe_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- let options = {};
- if (aSubject) {
- options = aSubject.wrappedJSObject;
- }
- switch (aTopic) {
- case "identity-child-process-shutdown":
- log("pipe removing watchers by message manager");
- this._removeWatchers(null, options.messageManager);
- break;
- case "identity-controller-unwatch":
- log("unwatching",;
- this._removeWatchers(, options.messageManager);
- break;
- }
- },
- _addWatcher: function Pipe__addWatcher(aId, aMm) {
- log("Adding watcher with id", aId);
- for (let i = 0; i < this._watchers.length; ++i) {
- let watcher = this._watchers[i];
- if ( === aId) {
- watcher.count++;
- return;
- }
- }
- this._watchers.push({id: aId, count: 1, mm: aMm});
- },
- _removeWatchers: function Pipe__removeWatcher(aId, aMm) {
- let checkId = aId !== null;
- let index = -1;
- for (let i = 0; i < this._watchers.length; ++i) {
- let watcher = this._watchers[i];
- if ( === aMm &&
- (!checkId || (checkId && === aId))) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (index !== -1) {
- if (checkId) {
- if (--(this._watchers[index].count) === 0) {
- this._watchers.splice(index, 1);
- }
- } else {
- this._watchers.splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- if (this._watchers.length === 0) {
- log("No more watchers; clean up persona host iframe");
- let detail = {
- type: kCloseIdentityDialog
- };
- log('telling content to close the dialog');
- // tell content to close the dialog
- sendChromeEvent(detail);
- }
- },
- communicate: function(aRpOptions, aContentOptions, aMessageCallback) {
- let rpID =;
- let rpMM =;
- if (rpMM) {
- this._addWatcher(rpID, rpMM);
- }
- log("RP options:", aRpOptions, "\n content options:", aContentOptions);
- // This content variable is injected into the scope of
- // kIdentityShimFile, where it is used to access the BrowserID object
- // and its internal API.
- let mm = null;
- let uuid = getRandomId();
- let self = this;
- function removeMessageListeners() {
- if (mm) {
- mm.removeMessageListener(kIdentityDelegateFinished, identityDelegateFinished);
- mm.removeMessageListener(kIdentityControllerDoMethod, aMessageCallback);
- }
- }
- function identityDelegateFinished() {
- removeMessageListeners();
- let detail = {
- type: kDoneIdentityDialog,
- showUI: aContentOptions.showUI || false,
- id: kDoneIdentityDialog + "-" + uuid,
- requestId:
- };
- log('received delegate finished; telling content to close the dialog');
- sendChromeEvent(detail);
- self._removeWatchers(rpID, rpMM);
- }
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozContentEvent", function getAssertion(evt) {
- let msg = evt.detail;
- if (! {
- return;
- }
- switch ( {
- case kOpenIdentityDialog + '-' + uuid:
- if (msg.type === 'cancel') {
- // The user closed the dialog. Clean up and call cancel.
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", getAssertion);
- removeMessageListeners();
- aMessageCallback({json: {method: "cancel"}});
- } else {
- // The window has opened. Inject the identity shim file containing
- // the callbacks in the content script. This could be either the
- // visible popup that the user interacts with, or it could be an
- // invisible frame.
- let frame = evt.detail.frame;
- let frameLoader = frame.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner).frameLoader;
- mm = frameLoader.messageManager;
- try {
- mm.loadFrameScript(kIdentityShimFile, true, true);
- log("Loaded shim", kIdentityShimFile);
- } catch (e) {
- log("Error loading", kIdentityShimFile, "as a frame script:", e);
- }
- // There are two messages that the delegate can send back: a "do
- // method" event, and a "finished" event. We pass the do-method
- // events straight to the caller for interpretation and handling.
- // If we receive a "finished" event, then the delegate is done, so
- // we shut down the pipe and clean up.
- mm.addMessageListener(kIdentityControllerDoMethod, aMessageCallback);
- mm.addMessageListener(kIdentityDelegateFinished, identityDelegateFinished);
- mm.sendAsyncMessage(aContentOptions.message, aRpOptions);
- }
- break;
- case kDoneIdentityDialog + '-' + uuid:
- // Received our assertion. The message manager callbacks will handle
- // communicating back to the IDService. All we have to do is remove
- // this listener.
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", getAssertion);
- break;
- default:
- log("ERROR - Unexpected message: id=" + + ", type=" + msg.type + ", errorMsg=" + msg.errorMsg);
- break;
- }
- });
- // Tell content to open the identity iframe or trusty popup. The parameter
- // showUI signals whether user interaction is needed. If it is, content will
- // open a dialog; if not, a hidden iframe. In each case, BrowserID is
- // available in the context.
- let detail = {
- type: kOpenIdentityDialog,
- showUI: aContentOptions.showUI || false,
- id: kOpenIdentityDialog + "-" + uuid,
- requestId:
- };
- sendChromeEvent(detail);
- }
- * The controller sits between the IdentityService used by DOMIdentity
- * and a content process launches an (invisible) iframe or (visible)
- * trusty UI. Using an injected js script (identity.js), the
- * controller enables the content window to access the persona identity
- * storage in the system cookie jar and send events back via the
- * controller into IdentityService and DOM, and ultimately up to the
- * Relying Party, which is open in a different window context.
- */
-this.SignInToWebsiteController = {
- /*
- * Initialize the controller. To use a different content communication pipe,
- * such as when mocking it in tests, pass aOptions.pipe.
- */
- init: function SignInToWebsiteController_init(aOptions) {
- aOptions = aOptions || {};
- this.pipe = aOptions.pipe || new Pipe();
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-controller-watch", false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-controller-request", false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-controller-logout", false);
- },
- uninit: function SignInToWebsiteController_uninit() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-controller-watch");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-controller-request");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-controller-logout");
- },
- observe: function SignInToWebsiteController_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- log("observe: received", aTopic, "with", aData, "for", aSubject);
- let options = null;
- if (aSubject) {
- options = aSubject.wrappedJSObject;
- }
- switch (aTopic) {
- case "identity-controller-watch":
- this.doWatch(options);
- break;
- case "identity-controller-request":
- this.doRequest(options);
- break;
- case "identity-controller-logout":
- this.doLogout(options);
- break;
- default:
- Logger.reportError("SignInToWebsiteController", "Unknown observer notification:", aTopic);
- break;
- }
- },
- /*
- * options: method required - name of method to invoke
- * assertion optional
- */
- _makeDoMethodCallback: function SignInToWebsiteController__makeDoMethodCallback(aRpId) {
- return function SignInToWebsiteController_methodCallback(aOptions) {
- let message = aOptions.json;
- if (typeof message === 'string') {
- message = JSON.parse(message);
- }
- switch (message.method) {
- case "ready":
- IdentityService.doReady(aRpId);
- break;
- case "login":
- if (message._internalParams) {
- IdentityService.doLogin(aRpId, message.assertion, message._internalParams);
- } else {
- IdentityService.doLogin(aRpId, message.assertion);
- }
- break;
- case "logout":
- IdentityService.doLogout(aRpId);
- break;
- case "cancel":
- IdentityService.doCancel(aRpId);
- break;
- default:
- log("WARNING: wonky method call:", message.method);
- break;
- }
- };
- },
- doWatch: function SignInToWebsiteController_doWatch(aRpOptions) {
- // dom prevents watch from being called twice
- let contentOptions = {
- message: kIdentityDelegateWatch,
- showUI: false
- };
- this.pipe.communicate(aRpOptions, contentOptions,
- this._makeDoMethodCallback(;
- },
- /**
- * The website is requesting login so the user must choose an identity to use.
- */
- doRequest: function SignInToWebsiteController_doRequest(aRpOptions) {
- log("doRequest", aRpOptions);
- let contentOptions = {
- message: kIdentityDelegateRequest,
- showUI: true
- };
- this.pipe.communicate(aRpOptions, contentOptions,
- this._makeDoMethodCallback(;
- },
- /*
- *
- */
- doLogout: function SignInToWebsiteController_doLogout(aRpOptions) {
- log("doLogout", aRpOptions);
- let contentOptions = {
- message: kIdentityDelegateLogout,
- showUI: false
- };
- this.pipe.communicate(aRpOptions, contentOptions,
- this._makeDoMethodCallback(;
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/SimulatorScreen.js b/b2g/components/SimulatorScreen.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 18d8f5cc4..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/SimulatorScreen.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'GlobalSimulatorScreen',
- 'resource://gre/modules/GlobalSimulatorScreen.jsm');
-var DEBUG_PREFIX = 'SimulatorScreen.js - ';
-function debug() {
- //dump(DEBUG_PREFIX + Array.slice(arguments) + '\n');
-function fireOrientationEvent(window) {
- let e = new window.Event('mozorientationchange');
- window.screen.dispatchEvent(e);
-function hookScreen(window) {
- let nodePrincipal = window.document.nodePrincipal;
- let origin = nodePrincipal.origin;
- if (nodePrincipal.appStatus == nodePrincipal.APP_STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED) {
- // Only inject screen mock for apps
- return;
- }
- let screen = window.wrappedJSObject.screen;
- screen.mozLockOrientation = function (orientation) {
- debug('mozLockOrientation:', orientation, 'from', origin);
- // Normalize and do some checks against orientation input
- if (typeof(orientation) == 'string') {
- orientation = [orientation];
- }
- function isInvalidOrientationString(str) {
- return typeof(str) != 'string' ||
- !str.match(/^default$|^(portrait|landscape)(-(primary|secondary))?$/);
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(orientation) ||
- orientation.some(isInvalidOrientationString)) {
- Cu.reportError('Invalid orientation "' + orientation + '"');
- return false;
- }
- GlobalSimulatorScreen.lock(orientation);
- return true;
- };
- screen.mozUnlockOrientation = function() {
- debug('mozOrientationUnlock from', origin);
- GlobalSimulatorScreen.unlock();
- return true;
- };
- Object.defineProperty(screen, 'width', {
- get: () => GlobalSimulatorScreen.width
- });
- Object.defineProperty(screen, 'height', {
- get: () => GlobalSimulatorScreen.height
- });
- Object.defineProperty(screen, 'mozOrientation', {
- get: () => GlobalSimulatorScreen.mozOrientation
- });
-function SimulatorScreen() {}
-SimulatorScreen.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID('{c83c02c0-5d43-4e3e-987f-9173b313e880}'),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver,
- Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]),
- _windows: new Map(),
- observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
- let windows = this._windows;
- switch (topic) {
- case 'profile-after-change':
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'document-element-inserted', false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'simulator-orientation-change', false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'inner-window-destroyed', false);
- break;
- case 'document-element-inserted':
- let window = subject.defaultView;
- if (!window) {
- return;
- }
- hookScreen(window);
- var id = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
- .currentInnerWindowID;
- windows.set(id, window);
- break;
- case 'inner-window-destroyed':
- var id = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data;
- windows.delete(id);
- break;
- case 'simulator-orientation-change':
- windows.forEach(fireOrientationEvent);
- break;
- }
- }
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([SimulatorScreen]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/SmsProtocolHandler.js b/b2g/components/SmsProtocolHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c54018fcf..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/SmsProtocolHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
- * SmsProtocolHandle.js
- *
- * This file implements the URLs for SMS
- *
- */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-function SmsProtocolHandler() {
-SmsProtocolHandler.prototype = {
- scheme: "sms",
- defaultPort: -1,
- protocolFlags: Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NORELATIVE |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NOAUTH |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_LOADABLE_BY_ANYONE |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_DOES_NOT_RETURN_DATA,
- allowPort: () => false,
- newURI: function Proto_newURI(aSpec, aOriginCharset) {
- let uri = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIURI);
- uri.spec = aSpec;
- return uri;
- },
- newChannel2: function Proto_newChannel2(aURI, aLoadInfo) {
- let number = TelURIParser.parseURI('sms', aURI.spec);
- let body = "";
- let query = aURI.spec.split("?")[1];
- if (query) {
- let params = query.split("&");
- params.forEach(function(aParam) {
- let [name, value] = aParam.split("=");
- if (name === "body") {
- body = decodeURIComponent(value);
- }
- })
- }
- if (number || body) {
- return new ActivityChannel(aURI, aLoadInfo,
- "sms-handler",
- { number: number || "",
- type: "websms/sms",
- body: body });
- }
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE;
- },
- newChannel: function Proto_newChannel(aURI) {
- return this.newChannel2(aURI, null);
- },
- classID: Components.ID("{81ca20cb-0dad-4e32-8566-979c8998bd73}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIProtocolHandler])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([SmsProtocolHandler]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/SystemAppProxy.jsm b/b2g/components/SystemAppProxy.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index b3d5843fc..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/SystemAppProxy.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- /
-/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-'use strict';
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['SystemAppProxy'];
-const kMainSystemAppId = 'main';
-var SystemAppProxy = {
- _frameInfoMap: new Map(),
- _pendingLoadedEvents: [],
- _pendingReadyEvents: [],
- _pendingListeners: [],
- // To call when a main system app iframe is created
- // Only used for main system app.
- registerFrame: function systemApp_registerFrame(frame) {
- this.registerFrameWithId(kMainSystemAppId, frame);
- },
- // To call when a new system(-remote) app iframe is created with ID
- registerFrameWithId: function systemApp_registerFrameWithId(frameId,
- frame) {
- // - Frame ID of main system app is predefined as 'main'.
- // - Frame ID of system-remote app is defined themselves.
- //
- // frameInfo = {
- // isReady: ...,
- // isLoaded: ...,
- // frame: ...
- // }
- let frameInfo = { frameId: frameId,
- isReady: false,
- isLoaded: false,
- frame: frame };
- this._frameInfoMap.set(frameId, frameInfo);
- // Register all DOM event listeners added before we got a ref to
- // this system app iframe.
- this._pendingListeners
- .forEach(args => {
- if (args[0] === frameInfo.frameId) {
- this.addEventListenerWithId.apply(this, args);
- }
- });
- // Removed registered event listeners.
- this._pendingListeners =
- this._pendingListeners
- .filter(args => { return args[0] != frameInfo.frameId; });
- },
- unregisterFrameWithId: function systemApp_unregisterFrameWithId(frameId) {
- this._frameInfoMap.delete(frameId);
- // remove all pending event listener to the deleted system(-remote) app
- this._pendingListeners = this._pendingListeners.filter(
- args => { return args[0] != frameId; });
- this._pendingReadyEvents = this._pendingReadyEvents.filter(
- ([evtFrameId]) => { return evtFrameId != frameId });
- this._pendingLoadedEvents = this._pendingLoadedEvents.filter(
- ([evtFrameId]) => { return evtFrameId != frameId });
- },
- // Get the main system app frame
- _getMainSystemAppInfo: function systemApp_getMainSystemAppInfo() {
- return this._frameInfoMap.get(kMainSystemAppId);
- },
- // Get the main system app frame
- // Only used for the main system app.
- getFrame: function systemApp_getFrame() {
- return this.getFrameWithId(kMainSystemAppId);
- },
- // Get the frame of the specific system app
- getFrameWithId: function systemApp_getFrameWithId(frameId) {
- let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
- if (!frameInfo) {
- throw new Error('no frame ID is ' + frameId);
- }
- if (!frameInfo.frame) {
- throw new Error('no content window');
- }
- return frameInfo.frame;
- },
- // To call when the load event of the main system app document is triggered.
- // i.e. everything that is not lazily loaded are run and done.
- // Only used for the main system app.
- setIsLoaded: function systemApp_setIsLoaded() {
- this.setIsLoadedWithId(kMainSystemAppId);
- },
- // To call when the load event of the specific system app document is
- // triggered. i.e. everything that is not lazily loaded are run and done.
- setIsLoadedWithId: function systemApp_setIsLoadedWithId(frameId) {
- let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
- if (!frameInfo) {
- throw new Error('no frame ID is ' + frameId);
- }
- if (frameInfo.isLoaded) {
- if (frameInfo.frameId === kMainSystemAppId) {
- Cu.reportError('SystemApp has already been declared as being loaded.');
- }
- else {
- Cu.reportError('SystemRemoteApp (ID: ' + frameInfo.frameId + ') ' +
- 'has already been declared as being loaded.');
- }
- }
- frameInfo.isLoaded = true;
- // Dispatch all events being queued while the system app was still loading
- this._pendingLoadedEvents
- .forEach(([evtFrameId, evtType, evtDetails]) => {
- if (evtFrameId === frameInfo.frameId) {
- this.sendCustomEventWithId(evtFrameId, evtType, evtDetails, true);
- }
- });
- // Remove sent events.
- this._pendingLoadedEvents =
- this._pendingLoadedEvents
- .filter(([evtFrameId]) => { return evtFrameId != frameInfo.frameId });
- },
- // To call when the main system app is ready to receive events
- // i.e. when system-message-listener-ready mozContentEvent is sent.
- // Only used for the main system app.
- setIsReady: function systemApp_setIsReady() {
- this.setIsReadyWithId(kMainSystemAppId);
- },
- // To call when the specific system(-remote) app is ready to receive events
- // i.e. when system-message-listener-ready mozContentEvent is sent.
- setIsReadyWithId: function systemApp_setIsReadyWithId(frameId) {
- let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
- if (!frameInfo) {
- throw new Error('no frame ID is ' + frameId);
- }
- if (!frameInfo.isLoaded) {
- Cu.reportError('SystemApp.setIsLoaded() should be called before setIsReady().');
- }
- if (frameInfo.isReady) {
- Cu.reportError('SystemApp has already been declared as being ready.');
- }
- frameInfo.isReady = true;
- // Dispatch all events being queued while the system app was still not ready
- this._pendingReadyEvents
- .forEach(([evtFrameId, evtType, evtDetails]) => {
- if (evtFrameId === frameInfo.frameId) {
- this.sendCustomEventWithId(evtFrameId, evtType, evtDetails);
- }
- });
- // Remove sent events.
- this._pendingReadyEvents =
- this._pendingReadyEvents
- .filter(([evtFrameId]) => { return evtFrameId != frameInfo.frameId });
- },
- /*
- * Common way to send an event to the main system app.
- * Only used for the main system app.
- *
- * // In gecko code:
- * SystemAppProxy.sendCustomEvent('foo', { data: 'bar' });
- * // In system app:
- * window.addEventListener('foo', function (event) {
- * event.details == 'bar'
- * });
- *
- * @param type The custom event type.
- * @param details The event details.
- * @param noPending Set to true to emit this event even before the system
- * app is ready.
- * Event is always pending if the app is not loaded yet.
- * @param target The element who dispatch this event.
- *
- * @returns event? Dispatched event, or null if the event is pending.
- */
- _sendCustomEvent: function systemApp_sendCustomEvent(type,
- details,
- noPending,
- target) {
- let args =;
- return this.sendCustomEventWithId
- .apply(this, [kMainSystemAppId].concat(args));
- },
- /*
- * Common way to send an event to the specific system app.
- *
- * // In gecko code (send custom event from main system app):
- * SystemAppProxy.sendCustomEventWithId('main', 'foo', { data: 'bar' });
- * // In system app:
- * window.addEventListener('foo', function (event) {
- * event.details == 'bar'
- * });
- *
- * @param frameId Specify the system(-remote) app who dispatch this event.
- * @param type The custom event type.
- * @param details The event details.
- * @param noPending Set to true to emit this event even before the system
- * app is ready.
- * Event is always pending if the app is not loaded yet.
- * @param target The element who dispatch this event.
- *
- * @returns event? Dispatched event, or null if the event is pending.
- */
- sendCustomEventWithId: function systemApp_sendCustomEventWithId(frameId,
- type,
- details,
- noPending,
- target) {
- let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
- let content = (frameInfo && frameInfo.frame) ?
- frameInfo.frame.contentWindow : null;
- // If the system app isn't loaded yet,
- // queue events until someone calls setIsLoaded
- if (!content || !(frameInfo && frameInfo.isLoaded)) {
- if (noPending) {
- this._pendingLoadedEvents.push([frameId, type, details]);
- } else {
- this._pendingReadyEvents.push([frameId, type, details]);
- }
- return null;
- }
- // If the system app isn't ready yet,
- // queue events until someone calls setIsReady
- if (!(frameInfo && frameInfo.isReady) && !noPending) {
- this._pendingReadyEvents.push([frameId, type, details]);
- return null;
- }
- let event = content.document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
- let payload;
- // If the root object already has __exposedProps__,
- // we consider the caller already wrapped (correctly) the object.
- if ('__exposedProps__' in details) {
- payload = details;
- } else {
- payload = details ? Cu.cloneInto(details, content) : {};
- }
- if ((target || content) === frameInfo.frame.contentWindow) {
- dump('XXX FIXME : Dispatch a ' + type + ': ' + details.type + '\n');
- }
- event.initCustomEvent(type, true, false, payload);
- (target || content).dispatchEvent(event);
- return event;
- },
- // Now deprecated, use sendCustomEvent with a custom event name
- dispatchEvent: function systemApp_dispatchEvent(details, target) {
- return this._sendCustomEvent('mozChromeEvent', details, false, target);
- },
- dispatchKeyboardEvent: function systemApp_dispatchKeyboardEvent(type, details) {
- try {
- let frameInfo = this._getMainSystemAppInfo();
- let content = (frameInfo && frameInfo.frame) ? frameInfo.frame.contentWindow
- : null;
- if (!content) {
- throw new Error('no content window');
- }
- // If we don't already have a TextInputProcessor, create one now
- if (!this.TIP) {
- this.TIP = Cc[';1']
- .createInstance(Ci.nsITextInputProcessor);
- if (!this.TIP) {
- throw new Error('failed to create textInputProcessor');
- }
- }
- if (!this.TIP.beginInputTransactionForTests(content)) {
- this.TIP = null;
- throw new Error('beginInputTransaction failed');
- }
- let e = new content.KeyboardEvent('', { key: details.key, });
- if (type === 'keydown') {
- this.TIP.keydown(e);
- }
- else if (type === 'keyup') {
- this.TIP.keyup(e);
- }
- else {
- throw new Error('unexpected event type: ' + type);
- }
- }
- catch(e) {
- dump('dispatchKeyboardEvent: ' + e + '\n');
- }
- },
- // Listen for dom events on the main system app
- addEventListener: function systemApp_addEventListener() {
- let args =;
- this.addEventListenerWithId.apply(this, [kMainSystemAppId].concat(args));
- },
- // Listen for dom events on the specific system app
- addEventListenerWithId: function systemApp_addEventListenerWithId(frameId,
- ...args) {
- let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
- if (!frameInfo) {
- this._pendingListeners.push(arguments);
- return false;
- }
- let content = frameInfo.frame.contentWindow;
- content.addEventListener.apply(content, args);
- return true;
- },
- // remove the event listener from the main system app
- removeEventListener: function systemApp_removeEventListener(name, listener) {
- this.removeEventListenerWithId.apply(this, [kMainSystemAppId, name, listener]);
- },
- // remove the event listener from the specific system app
- removeEventListenerWithId: function systemApp_removeEventListenerWithId(frameId,
- name,
- listener) {
- let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
- if (frameInfo) {
- let content = frameInfo.frame.contentWindow;
- content.removeEventListener.apply(content, [name, listener]);
- }
- else {
- this._pendingListeners = this._pendingListeners.filter(
- args => {
- return args[0] != frameId || args[1] != name || args[2] != listener;
- });
- }
- },
- // Get all frame in system app
- getFrames: function systemApp_getFrames(frameId) {
- let frameList = [];
- for (let frameId of this._frameInfoMap.keys()) {
- let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
- let systemAppFrame = frameInfo.frame;
- let subFrames = systemAppFrame.contentDocument.querySelectorAll('iframe');
- frameList.push(systemAppFrame);
- for (let i = 0; i < subFrames.length; ++i) {
- frameList.push(subFrames[i]);
- }
- }
- return frameList;
- }
-this.SystemAppProxy = SystemAppProxy;
diff --git a/b2g/components/SystemMessageInternal.js b/b2g/components/SystemMessageInternal.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 287496a50..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/SystemMessageInternal.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Cr = Components.results;
-function debug(aMsg) {
- dump("-- SystemMessageInternal " + + " : " + aMsg + "\n");
-// Implementation of the component used by internal users.
-function SystemMessageInternal() {
-SystemMessageInternal.prototype = {
- sendMessage: function(aType, aMessage, aPageURI, aManifestURI, aExtra) {
- debug(`sendMessage ${aType} ${aMessage} ${aPageURI} ${aExtra}`);
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozSystemMessage", {
- action: "send",
- type: aType,
- message: aMessage,
- pageURI: aPageURI,
- extra: aExtra
- });
- return Promise.resolve();
- },
- broadcastMessage: function(aType, aMessage, aExtra) {
- debug(`broadcastMessage ${aType} ${aMessage} ${aExtra}`);
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozSystemMessage", {
- action: "broadcast",
- type: aType,
- message: aMessage,
- extra: aExtra
- });
- return Promise.resolve();
- },
- registerPage: function(aType, aPageURI, aManifestURI) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozSystemMessage", {
- action: "register",
- type: aType,
- pageURI: aPageURI
- });
- debug(`registerPage ${aType} ${aPageURI} ${aManifestURI}`);
- },
- classID: Components.ID("{70589ca5-91ac-4b9e-b839-d6a88167d714}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISystemMessagesInternal])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([SystemMessageInternal]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/TelProtocolHandler.js b/b2g/components/TelProtocolHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 021cbcd61..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/TelProtocolHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
- * TelProtocolHandle.js
- *
- * This file implements the URLs for Telephone Calls
- *
- */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-function TelProtocolHandler() {
-TelProtocolHandler.prototype = {
- scheme: "tel",
- defaultPort: -1,
- protocolFlags: Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NORELATIVE |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NOAUTH |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_LOADABLE_BY_ANYONE |
- Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_DOES_NOT_RETURN_DATA,
- allowPort: () => false,
- newURI: function Proto_newURI(aSpec, aOriginCharset) {
- let uri = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIURI);
- uri.spec = aSpec;
- return uri;
- },
- newChannel2: function Proto_newChannel(aURI, aLoadInfo) {
- let number = TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', aURI.spec);
- if (number) {
- return new ActivityChannel(aURI, aLoadInfo,
- "dial-handler",
- { number: number,
- type: "webtelephony/number" });
- }
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE;
- },
- newChannel: function Proto_newChannel(aURI) {
- return this.newChannel2(aURI, null);
- },
- classID: Components.ID("{782775dd-7351-45ea-aff1-0ffa872cfdd2}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIProtocolHandler])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([TelProtocolHandler]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/TelURIParser.jsm b/b2g/components/TelURIParser.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b0bb8fd..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/TelURIParser.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TelURIParser"];
- * Singleton providing functionality for parsing tel: and sms: URIs
- */
-this.TelURIParser = {
- parseURI: function(scheme, uri) {
- //
- let subscriber = decodeURIComponent(uri.slice((scheme + ':').length));
- if (!subscriber.length) {
- return null;
- }
- let number = '';
- let pos = 0;
- let len = subscriber.length;
- // visual-separator
- let visualSeparator = [ ' ', '-', '.', '(', ')' ];
- let digits = [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ];
- let dtmfDigits = [ '*', '#', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ];
- let pauseCharacter = [ 'p', 'w' ];
- // global-phone-number
- if (subscriber[pos] == '+') {
- number += '+';
- for (++pos; pos < len; ++pos) {
- if (visualSeparator.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- number += subscriber[pos];
- } else if (digits.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- number += subscriber[pos];
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // local-phone-number
- else {
- for (; pos < len; ++pos) {
- if (visualSeparator.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- number += subscriber[pos];
- } else if (digits.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- number += subscriber[pos];
- } else if (dtmfDigits.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- number += subscriber[pos];
- } else if (pauseCharacter.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- number += subscriber[pos];
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- // this means error
- if (!number.length) {
- return null;
- }
- // isdn-subaddress
- if (subscriber.substring(pos, pos + 6) == ';isub=') {
- let subaddress = '';
- for (pos += 6; pos < len; ++pos) {
- if (visualSeparator.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- subaddress += subscriber[pos];
- } else if (digits.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- subaddress += subscriber[pos];
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- // FIXME: ignore subaddress - Bug 795242
- }
- // post-dial
- if (subscriber.substring(pos, pos + 7) == ';postd=') {
- let subaddress = '';
- for (pos += 7; pos < len; ++pos) {
- if (visualSeparator.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- subaddress += subscriber[pos];
- } else if (digits.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- subaddress += subscriber[pos];
- } else if (dtmfDigits.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- subaddress += subscriber[pos];
- } else if (pauseCharacter.indexOf(subscriber[pos]) != -1) {
- subaddress += subscriber[pos];
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- // FIXME: ignore subaddress - Bug 795242
- }
- // area-specific
- if (subscriber.substring(pos, pos + 15) == ';phone-context=') {
- pos += 15;
- // global-network-prefix | local-network-prefix | private-prefi
- number = subscriber.substring(pos, subscriber.length) + number;
- }
- }
- // Ignore MWI and USSD codes. See 794034.
- if (number.match(/[#\*]/) && !number.match(/^[#\*]\d+$/)) {
- return null;
- }
- return number || null;
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/UpdatePrompt.js b/b2g/components/UpdatePrompt.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df07204c..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/UpdatePrompt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,783 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
- * vim: sw=2 ts=8 et :
- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Cr = Components.results;
-const VERBOSE = 1;
-var log =
- function log_dump(msg) { dump("UpdatePrompt: "+ msg +"\n"); } :
- function log_noop(msg) { };
-const PREF_APPLY_PROMPT_TIMEOUT = "b2g.update.apply-prompt-timeout";
-const PREF_APPLY_IDLE_TIMEOUT = "b2g.update.apply-idle-timeout";
-const HTTP_ERROR_OFFSET = 1000;
-const STATE_DOWNLOADING = 'downloading';
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, "aus",
- ";1",
- "nsIApplicationUpdateService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, "um",
- ";1",
- "nsIUpdateManager");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, "idle",
- ";1",
- "nsIIdleService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, "settings",
- ";1",
- "nsISettingsService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, 'env',
- ';1',
- 'nsIEnvironment');
-function useSettings() {
- // When we're running in the real phone, then we can use settings.
- // But when we're running as part of xpcshell, there is no settings database
- // and trying to use settings in this scenario causes lots of weird
- // assertions at shutdown time.
- if (typeof useSettings.result === "undefined") {
- useSettings.result = !Services.env.get("XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR");
- }
- return useSettings.result;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy",
- "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-function UpdateCheckListener(updatePrompt) {
- this._updatePrompt = updatePrompt;
-UpdateCheckListener.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIUpdateCheckListener]),
- _updatePrompt: null,
- onCheckComplete: function UCL_onCheckComplete(request, updates, updateCount) {
- if ( {
- // We're actively downloading an update, that's the update the user should
- // see, even if a newer update is available.
- this._updatePrompt.setUpdateStatus("active-update");
- this._updatePrompt.showUpdateAvailable(;
- return;
- }
- if (updateCount == 0) {
- this._updatePrompt.setUpdateStatus("no-updates");
- if (this._updatePrompt._systemUpdateListener) {
- this._updatePrompt._systemUpdateListener.onError("no-updates");
- }
- return;
- }
- let update = Services.aus.selectUpdate(updates, updateCount);
- if (!update) {
- this._updatePrompt.setUpdateStatus("already-latest-version");
- if (this._updatePrompt._systemUpdateListener) {
- this._updatePrompt._systemUpdateListener.onError("already-latest-version");
- }
- return;
- }
- this._updatePrompt.setUpdateStatus("check-complete");
- this._updatePrompt.showUpdateAvailable(update);
- },
- onError: function UCL_onError(request, update) {
- // nsIUpdate uses a signed integer for errorCode while any platform errors
- // require all 32 bits.
- let errorCode = update.errorCode >>> 0;
- let isNSError = (errorCode >>> 31) == 1;
- let errorMsg = "check-error-";
- if (errorCode == NETWORK_ERROR_OFFLINE) {
- errorMsg = "retry-when-online";
- this._updatePrompt.setUpdateStatus(errorMsg);
- } else if (isNSError) {
- errorMsg = "check-error-" + errorCode;
- this._updatePrompt.setUpdateStatus(errorMsg);
- } else if (errorCode > HTTP_ERROR_OFFSET) {
- let httpErrorCode = errorCode - HTTP_ERROR_OFFSET;
- errorMsg = "check-error-http-" + httpErrorCode;
- this._updatePrompt.setUpdateStatus(errorMsg);
- }
- if (this._updatePrompt._systemUpdateListener) {
- this._updatePrompt._systemUpdateListener.onError(errorMsg);
- }
- Services.aus.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIUpdateCheckListener);
- Services.aus.onError(request, update);
- }
-function UpdatePrompt() {
- this.wrappedJSObject = this;
- this._updateCheckListener = new UpdateCheckListener(this);
-UpdatePrompt.prototype = {
- classID: Components.ID("{88b3eb21-d072-4e3b-886d-f89d8c49fe59}"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIUpdatePrompt,
- Ci.nsIUpdateCheckListener,
- Ci.nsIRequestObserver,
- Ci.nsIProgressEventSink,
- Ci.nsIObserver,
- Ci.nsISystemUpdateProvider]),
- _xpcom_factory: XPCOMUtils.generateSingletonFactory(UpdatePrompt),
- _update: null,
- _applyPromptTimer: null,
- _waitingForIdle: false,
- _updateCheckListner: null,
- _systemUpdateListener: null,
- _availableParameters: {
- "deviceinfo.last_updated": null,
- "gecko.updateStatus": null,
- "": null,
- "app.update.interval": null,
- "app.update.url": null,
- },
- _pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo: null,
- _isPendingUpdateReady: false,
- _updateErrorQueue: [ ],
- _receivedUpdatePromptReady: false,
- // nsISystemUpdateProvider
- checkForUpdate: function() {
- this.forceUpdateCheck();
- },
- startDownload: function() {
- this.downloadUpdate(this._update);
- },
- stopDownload: function() {
- this.handleDownloadCancel();
- },
- applyUpdate: function() {
- this.handleApplyPromptResult({result: "restart"});
- },
- setParameter: function(aName, aValue) {
- if (!this._availableParameters.hasOwnProperty(aName)) {
- return false;
- }
- this._availableParameters[aName] = aValue;
- switch (aName) {
- case "":
- case "app.update.url":
- Services.prefs.setCharPref(aName, aValue);
- break;
- case "app.update.interval":
- Services.prefs.setIntPref(aName, parseInt(aValue, 10));
- break;
- }
- return true;
- },
- getParameter: function(aName) {
- if (!this._availableParameters.hasOwnProperty(aName)) {
- return null;
- }
- return this._availableParameters[aName];
- },
- setListener: function(aListener) {
- this._systemUpdateListener = aListener;
- // If an update is available or ready, trigger the event right away at this point.
- if (this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo) {
- this._systemUpdateListener.onUpdateAvailable(this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo.type,
- this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo.version,
- this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo.description,
- this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo.buildDate,
- this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo.size);
- // Set null when the listener is attached.
- this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo = null;
- }
- if (this._isPendingUpdateReady) {
- this._systemUpdateListener.onUpdateReady();
- this._isPendingUpdateReady = false;
- }
- },
- unsetListener: function(aListener) {
- this._systemUpdateListener = null;
- },
- get applyPromptTimeout() {
- return Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_APPLY_PROMPT_TIMEOUT);
- },
- get applyIdleTimeout() {
- return Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_APPLY_IDLE_TIMEOUT);
- },
- handleContentStart: function UP_handleContentStart() {
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozContentEvent", this);
- },
- // nsIUpdatePrompt
- // FIXME/bug 737601: we should have users opt-in to downloading
- // updates when on a billed pipe. Initially, opt-in for 3g, but
- // that doesn't cover all cases.
- checkForUpdates: function UP_checkForUpdates() { },
- showUpdateAvailable: function UP_showUpdateAvailable(aUpdate) {
- let packageInfo = {};
- packageInfo.version = aUpdate.displayVersion;
- packageInfo.description = aUpdate.statusText;
- packageInfo.buildDate = aUpdate.buildID;
- let patch = aUpdate.selectedPatch;
- if (!patch && aUpdate.patchCount > 0) {
- // For now we just check the first patch to get size information if a
- // patch hasn't been selected yet.
- patch = aUpdate.getPatchAt(0);
- }
- if (patch) {
- packageInfo.size = patch.size;
- packageInfo.type = patch.type;
- } else {
- log("Warning: no patches available in update");
- }
- this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo = packageInfo;
- if (this._systemUpdateListener) {
- this._systemUpdateListener.onUpdateAvailable(packageInfo.type,
- packageInfo.version,
- packageInfo.description,
- packageInfo.buildDate,
- packageInfo.size);
- // Set null since the event is fired.
- this._pendingUpdateAvailablePackageInfo = null;
- }
- if (!this.sendUpdateEvent("update-available", aUpdate)) {
- log("Unable to prompt for available update, forcing download");
- this.downloadUpdate(aUpdate);
- }
- },
- showUpdateDownloaded: function UP_showUpdateDownloaded(aUpdate, aBackground) {
- if (this._systemUpdateListener) {
- this._systemUpdateListener.onUpdateReady();
- } else {
- this._isPendingUpdateReady = true;
- }
- // The update has been downloaded and staged. We send the update-downloaded
- // event right away. After the user has been idle for a while, we send the
- // update-prompt-restart event, increasing the chances that we can apply the
- // update quietly without user intervention.
- this.sendUpdateEvent("update-downloaded", aUpdate);
- if (Services.idle.idleTime >= this.applyIdleTimeout) {
- this.showApplyPrompt(aUpdate);
- return;
- }
- let applyIdleTimeoutSeconds = this.applyIdleTimeout / 1000;
- // We haven't been idle long enough, so register an observer
- log("Update is ready to apply, registering idle timeout of " +
- applyIdleTimeoutSeconds + " seconds before prompting.");
- this._update = aUpdate;
- this.waitForIdle();
- },
- storeUpdateError: function UP_storeUpdateError(aUpdate) {
- log("Storing update error for later use");
- this._updateErrorQueue.push(aUpdate);
- },
- sendStoredUpdateError: function UP_sendStoredUpdateError() {
- log("Sending stored update error");
- this._updateErrorQueue.forEach(aUpdate => {
- this.sendUpdateEvent("update-error", aUpdate);
- });
- this._updateErrorQueue = [ ];
- },
- showUpdateError: function UP_showUpdateError(aUpdate) {
- log("Update error, state: " + aUpdate.state + ", errorCode: " +
- aUpdate.errorCode);
- if (this._systemUpdateListener) {
- this._systemUpdateListener.onError("update-error: " + aUpdate.errorCode + " " + aUpdate.statusText);
- }
- if (!this._receivedUpdatePromptReady) {
- this.storeUpdateError(aUpdate);
- } else {
- this.sendUpdateEvent("update-error", aUpdate);
- }
- this.setUpdateStatus(aUpdate.statusText);
- },
- showUpdateHistory: function UP_showUpdateHistory(aParent) { },
- showUpdateInstalled: function UP_showUpdateInstalled() {
- this.setParameter("deviceinfo.last_updated",;
- if (useSettings()) {
- let lock = Services.settings.createLock();
- lock.set("deviceinfo.last_updated",, null, null);
- }
- },
- // Custom functions
- waitForIdle: function UP_waitForIdle() {
- if (this._waitingForIdle) {
- return;
- }
- this._waitingForIdle = true;
- Services.idle.addIdleObserver(this, this.applyIdleTimeout / 1000);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application", false);
- },
- setUpdateStatus: function UP_setUpdateStatus(aStatus) {
- this.setParameter("gecko.updateStatus", aStatus);
- if (useSettings()) {
- log("Setting gecko.updateStatus: " + aStatus);
- let lock = Services.settings.createLock();
- lock.set("gecko.updateStatus", aStatus, null);
- }
- },
- showApplyPrompt: function UP_showApplyPrompt(aUpdate) {
- // Notify update package is ready to apply
- if (this._systemUpdateListener) {
- this._systemUpdateListener.onUpdateReady();
- } else {
- // Set the flag to true and fire the onUpdateReady event when the listener is attached.
- this._isPendingUpdateReady = true;
- }
- if (!this.sendUpdateEvent("update-prompt-apply", aUpdate)) {
- log("Unable to prompt, forcing restart");
- this.restartProcess();
- return;
- }
- if (AppConstants.MOZ_B2G_RIL) {
- let window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
- let pinReq = window.navigator.mozIccManager.getCardLock("pin");
- pinReq.onsuccess = function(e) {
- if ( {
- // The SIM is pin locked. Don't use a fallback timer. This means that
- // the user has to press Install to apply the update. If we use the
- // timer, and the timer reboots the phone, then the phone will be
- // unusable until the SIM is unlocked.
- log("SIM is pin locked. Not starting fallback timer.");
- } else {
- // This means that no pin lock is enabled, so we go ahead and start
- // the fallback timer.
- this._applyPromptTimer = this.createTimer(this.applyPromptTimeout);
- }
- }.bind(this);
- pinReq.onerror = function(e) {
- this._applyPromptTimer = this.createTimer(this.applyPromptTimeout);
- }.bind(this);
- } else {
- // Schedule a fallback timeout in case the UI is unable to respond or show
- // a prompt for some reason.
- this._applyPromptTimer = this.createTimer(this.applyPromptTimeout);
- }
- },
- _copyProperties: ["appVersion", "buildID", "detailsURL", "displayVersion",
- "errorCode", "isOSUpdate", "platformVersion",
- "previousAppVersion", "state", "statusText"],
- sendUpdateEvent: function UP_sendUpdateEvent(aType, aUpdate) {
- let detail = {};
- for (let property of this._copyProperties) {
- detail[property] = aUpdate[property];
- }
- let patch = aUpdate.selectedPatch;
- if (!patch && aUpdate.patchCount > 0) {
- // For now we just check the first patch to get size information if a
- // patch hasn't been selected yet.
- patch = aUpdate.getPatchAt(0);
- }
- if (patch) {
- detail.size = patch.size;
- detail.updateType = patch.type;
- } else {
- log("Warning: no patches available in update");
- }
- this._update = aUpdate;
- return this.sendChromeEvent(aType, detail);
- },
- sendChromeEvent: function UP_sendChromeEvent(aType, aDetail) {
- let detail = aDetail || {};
- detail.type = aType;
- let sent = SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent(detail);
- if (!sent) {
- log("Warning: Couldn't send update event " + aType +
- ": no content browser. Will send again when content becomes available.");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- handleAvailableResult: function UP_handleAvailableResult(aDetail) {
- // If the user doesn't choose "download", the updater will implicitly call
- // showUpdateAvailable again after a certain period of time
- switch (aDetail.result) {
- case "download":
- this.downloadUpdate(this._update);
- break;
- }
- },
- handleApplyPromptResult: function UP_handleApplyPromptResult(aDetail) {
- if (this._applyPromptTimer) {
- this._applyPromptTimer.cancel();
- this._applyPromptTimer = null;
- }
- switch (aDetail.result) {
- // Battery not okay, do not wait for idle to re-prompt
- case "low-battery":
- break;
- case "wait":
- // Wait until the user is idle before prompting to apply the update
- this.waitForIdle();
- break;
- case "restart":
- this.finishUpdate();
- this._update = null;
- break;
- }
- },
- downloadUpdate: function UP_downloadUpdate(aUpdate) {
- if (!aUpdate) {
- aUpdate =;
- if (!aUpdate) {
- log("No active update found to download");
- return;
- }
- }
- let status = Services.aus.downloadUpdate(aUpdate, true);
- if (status == STATE_DOWNLOADING) {
- Services.aus.addDownloadListener(this);
- return;
- }
- // If the update has already been downloaded and applied, then
- // Services.aus.downloadUpdate will return immediately and not
- // call showUpdateDownloaded, so we detect this.
- if (aUpdate.state == "applied" && aUpdate.errorCode == 0) {
- this.showUpdateDownloaded(aUpdate, true);
- return;
- }
- log("Error downloading update " + + ": " + aUpdate.errorCode);
- let errorCode = aUpdate.errorCode >>> 0;
- if (errorCode == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG) {
- aUpdate.statusText = "file-too-big";
- }
- this.showUpdateError(aUpdate);
- },
- handleDownloadCancel: function UP_handleDownloadCancel() {
- log("Pausing download");
- Services.aus.pauseDownload();
- },
- finishUpdate: function UP_finishUpdate() {
- if (!this._update.isOSUpdate) {
- // Standard gecko+gaia updates will just need to restart the process
- this.restartProcess();
- return;
- }
- try {
- Services.aus.applyOsUpdate(this._update);
- }
- catch (e) {
- this._update.errorCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- this.showUpdateError(this._update);
- }
- },
- restartProcess: function UP_restartProcess() {
- log("Update downloaded, restarting to apply it");
- let callbackAfterSet = function() {
- if (AppConstants.platform !== "gonk") {
- let appStartup = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIAppStartup);
- appStartup.quit(appStartup.eForceQuit | appStartup.eRestart);
- } else {
- // NB: on Gonk, we rely on the system process manager to restart us.
- let pmService = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIPowerManagerService);
- pmService.restart();
- }
- }
- if (useSettings()) {
- // Save current os version in deviceinfo.previous_os
- let lock = Services.settings.createLock({
- handle: callbackAfterSet,
- handleAbort: function(error) {
- log("Abort callback when trying to set previous_os: " + error);
- callbackAfterSet();
- }
- });
- lock.get("deviceinfo.os", {
- handle: function(name, value) {
- log("Set previous_os to: " + value);
- lock.set("deviceinfo.previous_os", value, null, null);
- }
- });
- }
- },
- forceUpdateCheck: function UP_forceUpdateCheck() {
- log("Forcing update check");
- let checker = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIUpdateChecker);
- checker.checkForUpdates(this._updateCheckListener, true);
- },
- handleEvent: function UP_handleEvent(evt) {
- if (evt.type !== "mozContentEvent") {
- return;
- }
- let detail = evt.detail;
- if (!detail) {
- return;
- }
- switch (detail.type) {
- case "force-update-check":
- this.forceUpdateCheck();
- break;
- case "update-available-result":
- this.handleAvailableResult(detail);
- // If we started the apply prompt timer, this means that we're waiting
- // for the user to press Later or Install Now. In this situation we
- // don't want to clear this._update, becuase handleApplyPromptResult
- // needs it.
- if (this._applyPromptTimer == null && !this._waitingForIdle) {
- this._update = null;
- }
- break;
- case "update-download-cancel":
- this.handleDownloadCancel();
- break;
- case "update-prompt-apply-result":
- this.handleApplyPromptResult(detail);
- break;
- case "update-prompt-ready":
- this._receivedUpdatePromptReady = true;
- this.sendStoredUpdateError();
- break;
- }
- },
- // nsIObserver
- observe: function UP_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- switch (aTopic) {
- case "idle":
- this._waitingForIdle = false;
- this.showApplyPrompt(this._update);
- // Fall through
- case "quit-application":
- Services.idle.removeIdleObserver(this, this.applyIdleTimeout / 1000);
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application");
- break;
- }
- },
- // nsITimerCallback
- notify: function UP_notify(aTimer) {
- if (aTimer == this._applyPromptTimer) {
- log("Timed out waiting for result, restarting");
- this._applyPromptTimer = null;
- this.finishUpdate();
- this._update = null;
- return;
- }
- if (aTimer == this._watchdogTimer) {
- log("Download watchdog fired");
- this._watchdogTimer = null;
- this._autoRestartDownload = true;
- Services.aus.pauseDownload();
- return;
- }
- },
- createTimer: function UP_createTimer(aTimeoutMs) {
- let timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
- timer.initWithCallback(this, aTimeoutMs, timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
- return timer;
- },
- // nsIRequestObserver
- _startedSent: false,
- _watchdogTimer: null,
- _autoRestartDownload: false,
- _autoRestartCount: 0,
- startWatchdogTimer: function UP_startWatchdogTimer() {
- let watchdogTimeout = 120000; // 120 seconds
- try {
- watchdogTimeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_DOWNLOAD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT);
- } catch (e) {
- // This means that the preference doesn't exist. watchdogTimeout will
- // retain its default assigned above.
- }
- if (watchdogTimeout <= 0) {
- // 0 implies don't bother using the watchdog timer at all.
- this._watchdogTimer = null;
- return;
- }
- if (this._watchdogTimer) {
- this._watchdogTimer.cancel();
- } else {
- this._watchdogTimer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
- }
- this._watchdogTimer.initWithCallback(this, watchdogTimeout,
- Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
- },
- stopWatchdogTimer: function UP_stopWatchdogTimer() {
- if (this._watchdogTimer) {
- this._watchdogTimer.cancel();
- this._watchdogTimer = null;
- }
- },
- touchWatchdogTimer: function UP_touchWatchdogTimer() {
- this.startWatchdogTimer();
- },
- onStartRequest: function UP_onStartRequest(aRequest, aContext) {
- // Wait until onProgress to send the update-download-started event, in case
- // this request turns out to fail for some reason
- this._startedSent = false;
- this.startWatchdogTimer();
- },
- onStopRequest: function UP_onStopRequest(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode) {
- this.stopWatchdogTimer();
- Services.aus.removeDownloadListener(this);
- let paused = !Components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode);
- if (!paused) {
- // The download was successful, no need to restart
- this._autoRestartDownload = false;
- }
- if (this._autoRestartDownload) {
- this._autoRestartDownload = false;
- let watchdogMaxRetries = Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_DOWNLOAD_WATCHDOG_MAX_RETRIES);
- this._autoRestartCount++;
- if (this._autoRestartCount > watchdogMaxRetries) {
- log("Download - retry count exceeded - error");
- // We exceeded the max retries. Treat the download like an error,
- // which will give the user a chance to restart manually later.
- this._autoRestartCount = 0;
- if ( {
- this.showUpdateError(;
- }
- return;
- }
- log("Download - restarting download - attempt " + this._autoRestartCount);
- this.downloadUpdate(null);
- return;
- }
- this._autoRestartCount = 0;
- this.sendChromeEvent("update-download-stopped", {
- paused: paused
- });
- },
- // nsIProgressEventSink
- onProgress: function UP_onProgress(aRequest, aContext, aProgress,
- aProgressMax) {
- if (this._systemUpdateListener) {
- this._systemUpdateListener.onProgress(aProgress, aProgressMax);
- }
- if (aProgress == aProgressMax) {
- // The update.mar validation done by onStopRequest may take
- // a while before the onStopRequest callback is made, so stop
- // the timer now.
- this.stopWatchdogTimer();
- } else {
- this.touchWatchdogTimer();
- }
- if (!this._startedSent) {
- this.sendChromeEvent("update-download-started", {
- total: aProgressMax
- });
- this._startedSent = true;
- }
- this.sendChromeEvent("update-download-progress", {
- progress: aProgress,
- total: aProgressMax
- });
- },
- onStatus: function UP_onStatus(aRequest, aUpdate, aStatus, aStatusArg) { }
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([UpdatePrompt]);
diff --git a/b2g/components/ b/b2g/components/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9290c5e2a..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
-# vim: set filetype=python:
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-DIRS += ['test']
- 'AlertsService.js',
- 'B2GAboutRedirector.js',
- 'B2GAppMigrator.js',
- 'B2GPresentationDevicePrompt.js',
- 'BootstrapCommandLine.js',
- 'ContentPermissionPrompt.js',
- 'FilePicker.js',
- 'FxAccountsUIGlue.js',
- 'HelperAppDialog.js',
- 'MailtoProtocolHandler.js',
- 'OMAContentHandler.js',
- 'PresentationRequestUIGlue.js',
- 'ProcessGlobal.js',
- 'SmsProtocolHandler.js',
- 'SystemMessageInternal.js',
- 'TelProtocolHandler.js',
-if CONFIG['OS_TARGET'] != 'Android':
- 'CommandLine.js',
- 'OopCommandLine.js',
- 'SimulatorScreen.js'
- ]
- 'B2GComponents.manifest',
-if CONFIG['MOZ_B2G']:
- 'DirectoryProvider.js',
- 'RecoveryService.js',
- ]
- 'UpdatePrompt.js',
- ]
- 'AboutServiceWorkers.jsm',
- 'ActivityChannel.jsm',
- 'AlertsHelper.jsm',
- 'Bootstraper.jsm',
- 'ContentRequestHelper.jsm',
- 'DebuggerActors.js',
- 'ErrorPage.jsm',
- 'Frames.jsm',
- 'FxAccountsMgmtService.jsm',
- 'LogCapture.jsm',
- 'LogParser.jsm',
- 'LogShake.jsm',
- 'OrientationChangeHandler.jsm',
- 'SafeMode.jsm',
- 'Screenshot.jsm',
- 'SignInToWebsite.jsm',
- 'SystemAppProxy.jsm',
- 'TelURIParser.jsm',
- 'GlobalSimulatorScreen.jsm'
- ]
- 'nsIGaiaChrome.idl',
- 'nsISystemMessagesInternal.idl'
-XPIDL_MODULE = 'gaia_chrome'
- 'GaiaChrome.cpp'
- '/chrome'
diff --git a/b2g/components/nsIGaiaChrome.idl b/b2g/components/nsIGaiaChrome.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e66d8456..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/nsIGaiaChrome.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-#include "nsISupports.idl"
-[scriptable, uuid(92a18a98-ab5d-4d02-a024-bdbb3bc89ce1)]
-interface nsIGaiaChrome : nsISupports
- void register();
-%{ C++
diff --git a/b2g/components/nsISystemMessagesInternal.idl b/b2g/components/nsISystemMessagesInternal.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 775ce0315..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/nsISystemMessagesInternal.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-#include "domstubs.idl"
-interface nsIURI;
-interface nsIDOMWindow;
-interface nsIMessageSender;
-// Implemented by the contract id;1
-[scriptable, uuid(59b6beda-f911-4d47-a296-8c81e6abcfb9)]
-interface nsISystemMessagesInternal : nsISupports
- /*
- * Allow any internal user to send a message of a given type to a given page
- * of an app. The message will be sent to all the registered pages of the app
- * when |pageURI| is not specified.
- * @param type The type of the message to be sent.
- * @param message The message payload.
- * @param pageURI The URI of the page that will be opened. Nullable.
- * @param manifestURI The webapp's manifest URI.
- * @param extra Extra opaque information that will be passed around in the observer
- * notification to open the page.
- * returns a Promise
- */
- nsISupports sendMessage(in DOMString type, in jsval message,
- in nsIURI pageURI, in nsIURI manifestURI,
- [optional] in jsval extra);
- /*
- * Allow any internal user to broadcast a message of a given type.
- * The application that registers the message will be launched.
- * @param type The type of the message to be sent.
- * @param message The message payload.
- * @param extra Extra opaque information that will be passed around in the observer
- * notification to open the page.
- * returns a Promise
- */
- nsISupports broadcastMessage(in DOMString type, in jsval message,
- [optional] in jsval extra);
- /*
- * Registration of a page that wants to be notified of a message type.
- * @param type The message type.
- * @param pageURI The URI of the page that will be opened.
- * @param manifestURI The webapp's manifest URI.
- */
- void registerPage(in DOMString type, in nsIURI pageURI, in nsIURI manifestURI);
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/SandboxPromptTest.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/SandboxPromptTest.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f5fdd48..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/SandboxPromptTest.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-var actions = [
- {
- permissions: ["video-capture"],
- action: function() {
- // invoke video-capture permission prompt
- navigator.mozGetUserMedia({video: true}, function () {}, function () {});
- }
- },
- {
- permissions: ["audio-capture", "video-capture"],
- action: function() {
- // invoke audio-capture + video-capture permission prompt
- navigator.mozGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true}, function () {}, function () {});
- }
- },
- {
- permissions: ["audio-capture"],
- action: function() {
- // invoke audio-capture permission prompt
- navigator.mozGetUserMedia({audio: true}, function () {}, function () {});
- }
- },
- {
- permissions: ["geolocation"],
- action: function() {
- // invoke geolocation permission prompt
- navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (pos) {});
- }
- },
- {
- permissions: ["desktop-notification"],
- action: function() {
- // invoke desktop-notification prompt
- Notification.requestPermission(function (perm) {});
- }
- },
-// The requested permissions are specified in query string.
-var permissions = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(;
-for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
- if(permissions.length === actions[i].permissions.length &&
- permissions.every(function(permission) {
- return actions[i].permissions.indexOf(permission) >= 0;
- })) {
- actions[i].action();
- break;
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/filepicker_path_handler_chrome.js b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/filepicker_path_handler_chrome.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a175746cb..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/filepicker_path_handler_chrome.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
-* You can obtain one at */
-'use strict';
-var Cc = Components.classes;
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-// use ppmm to handle file-picker message.
-var ppmm = Cc[';1']
- .getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager);
-var pickResult = null;
-function processPickMessage(message) {
- let sender =;
- // reply FilePicker's message
- sender.sendAsyncMessage('file-picked', pickResult);
- // notify caller
- sendAsyncMessage('file-picked-posted', { type: 'file-picked-posted' });
-function updatePickResult(result) {
- pickResult = result;
- sendAsyncMessage('pick-result-updated', { type: 'pick-result-updated' });
-ppmm.addMessageListener('file-picker', processPickMessage);
-// use update-pick-result to change the expected pick result.
-addMessageListener('update-pick-result', updatePickResult);
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/mochitest.ini b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/mochitest.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 97df32ea2..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/mochitest.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-support-files =
- permission_handler_chrome.js
- SandboxPromptTest.html
- filepicker_path_handler_chrome.js
- screenshot_helper.js
- systemapp_helper.js
- presentation_prompt_handler_chrome.js
- presentation_ui_glue_handler_chrome.js
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = true # Bug 1019572 - frequent timeouts
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/permission_handler_chrome.js b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/permission_handler_chrome.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf3e7819..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/permission_handler_chrome.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-function debug(str) {
- dump("CHROME PERMISSON HANDLER -- " + str + "\n");
-var Cc = Components.classes;
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-const { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
-const { SystemAppProxy } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm");
-var eventHandler = function(evt) {
- if (!evt.detail || evt.detail.type !== "permission-prompt") {
- return;
- }
- sendAsyncMessage("permission-request", evt.detail);
-SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozChromeEvent", eventHandler);
-// need to remove ChromeEvent listener after test finished.
-addMessageListener("teardown", function() {
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozChromeEvent", eventHandler);
-addMessageListener("permission-response", function(detail) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent('mozContentEvent', detail);
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/presentation_prompt_handler_chrome.js b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/presentation_prompt_handler_chrome.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4407e58d2..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/presentation_prompt_handler_chrome.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-'use strict';
- function debug(str) {
- dump('presentation_prompt_handler_chrome: ' + str + '\n');
- }
-var { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-const { XPCOMUtils } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm');
-const { SystemAppProxy } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm');
-const manager = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIPresentationDeviceManager);
-const prompt = Cc[';1']
- .getService(Ci.nsIPresentationDevicePrompt);
-function TestPresentationDevice(options) {
- =;
- =;
- this.type = options.type;
-TestPresentationDevice.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIPresentationDevice]),
- establishSessionTransport: function() {
- return null;
- },
-function TestPresentationRequest(options) {
- this.origin = options.origin;
- this.requestURL = options.requestURL;
-TestPresentationRequest.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIPresentationDeviceRequest]),
- select: function(device) {
- let result = {
- type: 'select',
- device: {
- id:,
- name:,
- type: device.type,
- },
- };
- sendAsyncMessage('presentation-select-result', result);
- },
- cancel: function() {
- let result = {
- type: 'cancel',
- };
- sendAsyncMessage('presentation-select-result', result);
- },
-var testDevice = null;
-addMessageListener('setup', function(device_options) {
- testDevice = new TestPresentationDevice(device_options);
- manager.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPresentationDeviceListener).addDevice(testDevice);
- sendAsyncMessage('setup-complete');
-var eventHandler = function(evt) {
- if (!evt.detail || evt.detail.type !== 'presentation-select-device') {
- return;
- }
- sendAsyncMessage('presentation-select-device', evt.detail);
-SystemAppProxy.addEventListener('mozChromeEvent', eventHandler);
-// need to remove ChromeEvent listener after test finished.
-addMessageListener('teardown', function() {
- if (testDevice) {
- manager.removeDevice(testDevice);
- }
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener('mozChromeEvent', eventHandler);
-addMessageListener('trigger-device-prompt', function(request_options) {
- let request = new TestPresentationRequest(request_options);
- prompt.promptDeviceSelection(request);
-addMessageListener('presentation-select-response', function(detail) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent('mozContentEvent', detail);
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/presentation_ui_glue_handler_chrome.js b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/presentation_ui_glue_handler_chrome.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fac16db6c..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/presentation_ui_glue_handler_chrome.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-'use strict';
-var { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-const { XPCOMUtils } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm');
-const { SystemAppProxy } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm');
-const glue = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIPresentationRequestUIGlue);
-SystemAppProxy.addEventListener('mozPresentationChromeEvent', function(aEvent) {
- if (!aEvent.detail || aEvent.detail.type !== 'presentation-launch-receiver') {
- return;
- }
- sendAsyncMessage('presentation-launch-receiver', aEvent.detail);
-addMessageListener('trigger-ui-glue', function(aData) {
- var promise = glue.sendRequest(aData.url, aData.sessionId);
- promise.then(function(aFrame) {
- sendAsyncMessage('iframe-resolved', aFrame);
- }).catch(function() {
- sendAsyncMessage('iframe-rejected');
- });
-addMessageListener('trigger-presentation-content-event', function(aDetail) {
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent('mozPresentationContentEvent', aDetail);
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/screenshot_helper.js b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/screenshot_helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0320a14c1..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/screenshot_helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
-// Load a duplicated copy of the jsm to prevent messing with the currently running one
-var scope = {};
-Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("resource://gre/modules/Screenshot.jsm", scope);
-const { Screenshot } = scope;
-var index = -1;
-function next() {
- index++;
- if (index >= steps.length) {
- assert.ok(false, "Shouldn't get here!");
- return;
- }
- try {
- steps[index]();
- } catch(ex) {
- assert.ok(false, "Caught exception: " + ex);
- }
-var steps = [
- function getScreenshot() {
- let screenshot = Screenshot.get();
- assert.ok(screenshot instanceof File,
- "Screenshot.get() returns a File");
- next();
- },
- function endOfTest() {
- sendAsyncMessage("finish");
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/systemapp_helper.js b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/systemapp_helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 768b221fe..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/systemapp_helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-const { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
-// Load a duplicated copy of the jsm to prevent messing with the currently running one
-var scope = {};
-Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm", scope);
-const { SystemAppProxy } = scope;
-var frame;
-var customEventTarget;
-var index = -1;
-function next() {
- index++;
- if (index >= steps.length) {
- assert.ok(false, "Shouldn't get here!");
- return;
- }
- try {
- steps[index]();
- } catch(ex) {
- assert.ok(false, "Caught exception: " + ex);
- }
-// Listen for events received by the system app document
-// to ensure that we receive all of them, in an expected order and time
-var isLoaded = false;
-var isReady = false;
-var n = 0;
-function listener(event) {
- if (!isLoaded) {
- assert.ok(false, "Received event before the iframe is loaded");
- return;
- }
- n++;
- if (n == 1) {
- assert.equal(event.type, "mozChromeEvent");
- assert.equal(, "first");
- } else if (n == 2) {
- assert.equal(event.type, "custom");
- assert.equal(, "second");
- next(); // call checkEventPendingBeforeLoad
- } else if (n == 3) {
- if (!isReady) {
- assert.ok(false, "Received event before the iframe is loaded");
- return;
- }
- assert.equal(event.type, "custom");
- assert.equal(, "third");
- } else if (n == 4) {
- if (!isReady) {
- assert.ok(false, "Received event before the iframe is loaded");
- return;
- }
- assert.equal(event.type, "mozChromeEvent");
- assert.equal(, "fourth");
- next(); // call checkEventDispatching
- } else if (n == 5) {
- assert.equal(event.type, "custom");
- assert.equal(, "fifth");
- } else if (n === 6) {
- assert.equal(event.type, "mozChromeEvent");
- assert.equal(, "sixth");
- } else if (n === 7) {
- assert.equal(event.type, "custom");
- assert.equal(, "seventh");
- assert.equal(, customEventTarget);
- next(); // call checkEventListening();
- } else {
- assert.ok(false, "Unexpected event of type " + event.type);
- }
-var steps = [
- function earlyEvents() {
- // Immediately try to send events
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozChromeEvent", { name: "first" }, true);
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("custom", { name: "second" }, true);
- next();
- },
- function createFrame() {
- // Create a fake system app frame
- let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
- let doc = win.document;
- frame = doc.createElement("iframe");
- doc.documentElement.appendChild(frame);
- customEventTarget = frame.contentDocument.body;
- // Ensure that events are correctly sent to the frame.
- // `listener` is going to call next()
- frame.contentWindow.addEventListener("mozChromeEvent", listener);
- frame.contentWindow.addEventListener("custom", listener);
- // Ensure that listener being registered before the system app is ready
- // are correctly removed from the pending list
- function removedListener() {
- assert.ok(false, "Listener isn't correctly removed from the pending list");
- }
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozChromeEvent", removedListener);
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozChromeEvent", removedListener);
- // Register it to the JSM
- SystemAppProxy.registerFrame(frame);
- assert.ok(true, "Frame created and registered");
- frame.contentWindow.addEventListener("load", function onload() {
- frame.contentWindow.removeEventListener("load", onload);
- assert.ok(true, "Frame document loaded");
- // Declare that the iframe is now loaded.
- // That should dispatch early events
- isLoaded = true;
- SystemAppProxy.setIsLoaded();
- assert.ok(true, "Frame declared as loaded");
- let gotFrame = SystemAppProxy.getFrame();
- assert.equal(gotFrame, frame, "getFrame returns the frame we passed");
- // Once pending events are received,
- // we will run checkEventDispatching from `listener` function
- });
- frame.setAttribute("src", "data:text/html,system app");
- },
- function checkEventPendingBeforeLoad() {
- // Frame is loaded but not ready,
- // these events should queue before the System app is ready.
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("custom", { name: "third" });
- SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ name: "fourth" });
- isReady = true;
- SystemAppProxy.setIsReady();
- // Once this 4th event is received, we will run checkEventDispatching
- },
- function checkEventDispatching() {
- // Send events after the iframe is ready,
- // they should be dispatched right away
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("custom", { name: "fifth" });
- SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ name: "sixth" });
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("custom", { name: "seventh" }, false, customEventTarget);
- // Once this 7th event is received, we will run checkEventListening
- },
- function checkEventListening() {
- SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozContentEvent", function onContentEvent(event) {
- assert.equal(, "first-content", "received a system app event");
- SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", onContentEvent);
- next();
- });
- let win = frame.contentWindow;
- win.dispatchEvent(new win.CustomEvent("mozContentEvent", { detail: {name: "first-content"} }));
- },
- function endOfTest() {
- frame.remove();
- sendAsyncMessage("finish");
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_filepicker_path.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_filepicker_path.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 92c00dc68..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_filepicker_path.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>Permission Prompt Test</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<body onload="processTestCase()">
-<a target="_blank" href=""> [B2G][Helix][Browser][Wallpaper] use new File([blob], filename) to return a blob with filename when picking</a>
-<script type="application/javascript">
-'use strict';
-var testCases = [
- // case 1: returns blob with name
- { pickedResult: { success: true,
- result: {
- type: 'text/plain',
- blob: new Blob(['1234567890'],
- { type: 'text/plain' }),
- name: 'test1.txt'
- }
- },
- fileName: 'test1.txt' },
- // case 2: returns blob without name
- { pickedResult: { success: true,
- result: {
- type: 'text/plain',
- blob: new Blob(['1234567890'],
- { type: 'text/plain' })
- }
- },
- fileName: 'blob.txt' },
- // case 3: returns blob with full path name
- { pickedResult: { success: true,
- result: {
- type: 'text/plain',
- blob: new Blob(['1234567890'],
- { type: 'text/plain' }),
- name: '/full/path/test3.txt'
- }
- },
- fileName: 'test3.txt' },
- // case 4: returns blob relative path name
- { pickedResult: { success: true,
- result: {
- type: 'text/plain',
- blob: new Blob(['1234567890'],
- { type: 'text/plain' }),
- name: 'relative/path/test4.txt'
- }
- },
- fileName: 'test4.txt' },
- // case 5: returns file with name
- { pickedResult: { success: true,
- result: {
- type: 'text/plain',
- blob: new File(['1234567890'],
- 'useless-name.txt',
- { type: 'text/plain' }),
- name: 'test5.txt'
- }
- },
- fileName: 'test5.txt'},
- // case 6: returns file without name. This case may fail because we
- // need to make sure the File can be sent through
- // sendAsyncMessage API.
- { pickedResult: { success: true,
- result: {
- type: 'text/plain',
- blob: new File(['1234567890'],
- 'test6.txt',
- { type: 'text/plain' })
- }
- },
- fileName: 'test6.txt'}
-var chromeJS = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL('filepicker_path_handler_chrome.js');
-var chromeScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(chromeJS);
-var activeTestCase;
-chromeScript.addMessageListener('pick-result-updated', handleMessage);
-chromeScript.addMessageListener('file-picked-posted', handleMessage);
-// handle messages returned from chromeScript
-function handleMessage(data) {
- var fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');
- switch (data.type) {
- case 'pick-result-updated':
- break;
- case 'file-picked-posted':
- is(fileInput.value, activeTestCase.fileName,
- 'File should be able to send through message.');
- processTestCase();
- break;
- }
-function processTestCase() {
- if (!testCases.length) {
- SimpleTest.finish();
- return;
- }
- activeTestCase = testCases.shift();
- var expectedResult = activeTestCase.pickedResult;
- if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows') > -1 &&
- {
- // If we run at a window box, we need to translate the path from '/' to '\\'
- var name =;
- name = name.replace('/', '\\');
- // If the name is an absolute path, we need to prepend drive letter.
- if (name.startsWith('\\')) {
- name = 'C:' + name;
- }
- // update the expected name.
- = name
- }
- chromeScript.sendAsyncMessage('update-pick-result', expectedResult);
-<input type="file" id="fileInput">
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_deny.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_deny.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 29c35bdec..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_deny.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Permission Deny Test</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">Test Permission Deny</a>
-<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
-'use strict';
-const PROMPT_ACTION = SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION;
-var gUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL('permission_handler_chrome.js');
-var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(gUrl);
-var gTests = [
- {
- 'video': true,
- },
- {
- 'audio': true,
- 'video': true,
- },
- {
- 'audio': true,
- },
-function runNext() {
- if (gTests.length > 0) {
- // Put the requested permission in query string
- let requestedType = gTests.shift();
- info('getUserMedia for ' + JSON.stringify(requestedType));
- navigator.mozGetUserMedia(requestedType, function success() {
- ok(false, 'unexpected success, permission request should be denied');
- runNext();
- }, function failure(err) {
- is(, 'SecurityError', 'expected permission denied');
- runNext();
- });
- } else {
- info('test finished, teardown');
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('teardown', '');
- gScript.destroy();
- SimpleTest.finish();
- }
-gScript.addMessageListener('permission-request', function(detail) {
- let response = {
- id:,
- type: 'permission-deny',
- remember: false,
- };
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('permission-response', response);
-// Need to change camera permission from ALLOW to PROMPT, otherwise
-// MediaManager will automatically allow video-only gUM request.
- {type: 'video-capture', allow: PROMPT_ACTION, context: document},
- {type: 'audio-capture', allow: PROMPT_ACTION, context: document},
- {type: 'camera', allow: PROMPT_ACTION, context: document},
- ], function() {
- SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- 'set': [
- ['media.navigator.permission.disabled', false],
- ]
- }, runNext);
- }
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_gum_remember.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_gum_remember.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ebfea1ca..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_gum_remember.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>gUM Remember Permission Test</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">Test remembering gUM Permission</a>
-<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
-'use strict';
-const PROMPT_ACTION = SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION;
-var gUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL('permission_handler_chrome.js');
-var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(gUrl);
-gScript.addMessageListener('permission-request', function(detail) {
- ok(false, 'unexpected mozChromeEvent for permission prompt');
- let response = {
- id:,
- type: 'permission-deny',
- remember: false,
- };
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('permission-response', response);
-var gTests = [
- {
- 'audio': true,
- 'video': {facingMode: 'environment', required: ['facingMode']},
- },
- {
- 'video': {facingMode: 'environment', required: ['facingMode']},
- },
- {
- 'audio': true,
- },
-function testGranted() {
- info('test remember permission granted');
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- let steps = [].concat(gTests);
- function nextStep() {
- if (steps.length > 0) {
- let requestedType = steps.shift();
- info('getUserMedia for ' + JSON.stringify(requestedType));
- navigator.mozGetUserMedia(requestedType, function success(stream) {
- ok(true, 'expected gUM success');
- stream.stop();
- nextStep();
- }, function failure(err) {
- ok(false, 'unexpected gUM fail: ' + err);
- nextStep();
- });
- } else {
- resolve();
- }
- }
- SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([
- {type: 'video-capture', allow: true, context: document},
- {type: 'audio-capture', allow: true, context: document},
- ], nextStep);
- });
-function testDenied() {
- info('test remember permission denied');
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- let steps = [].concat(gTests);
- function nextStep() {
- if (steps.length > 0) {
- let requestedType = steps.shift();
- info('getUserMedia for ' + JSON.stringify(requestedType));
- navigator.mozGetUserMedia(requestedType, function success(stream) {
- ok(false, 'unexpected gUM success');
- stream.stop();
- nextStep();
- }, function failure(err) {
- ok(true, 'expected gUM fail: ' + err);
- nextStep();
- });
- } else {
- resolve();
- }
- }
- SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([
- {type: 'video-capture', allow: false, context: document},
- {type: 'audio-capture', allow: false, context: document},
- ], nextStep);
- });
-function testPartialDeniedAudio() {
- info('test remember permission partial denied: audio');
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- info('getUserMedia for video and audio');
- function nextStep() {
- navigator.mozGetUserMedia({video: {facingMode: 'environment', required: ['facingMode']},
- audio: true}, function success(stream) {
- ok(false, 'unexpected gUM success');
- stream.stop();
- resolve();
- }, function failure(err) {
- ok(true, 'expected gUM fail: ' + err);
- resolve();
- });
- }
- SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([
- {type: 'video-capture', allow: true, context: document},
- {type: 'audio-capture', allow: false, context: document},
- ], nextStep);
- });
-function testPartialDeniedVideo() {
- info('test remember permission partial denied: video');
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- info('getUserMedia for video and audio');
- function nextStep() {
- navigator.mozGetUserMedia({video: {facingMode: 'environment', required: ['facingMode']},
- audio: true}, function success(stream) {
- ok(false, 'unexpected gUM success');
- stream.stop();
- resolve();
- }, function failure(err) {
- ok(true, 'expected gUM fail: ' + err);
- resolve();
- });
- }
- SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([
- {type: 'video-capture', allow: false, context: document},
- {type: 'audio-capture', allow: true, context: document},
- ], nextStep);
- });
-function runTests() {
- testGranted()
- .then(testDenied)
- .then(testPartialDeniedAudio)
- .then(testPartialDeniedVideo)
- .then(function() {
- info('test finished, teardown');
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('teardown', '');
- gScript.destroy();
- SimpleTest.finish();
- });
- 'set': [
- ['media.navigator.permission.disabled', false],
- ]
-}, runTests);
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_visibilitychange.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_visibilitychange.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cd5694b42..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_permission_visibilitychange.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Permission Prompt Test</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">Permission prompt visibilitychange test</a>
-<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
-"use strict";
-var gUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL("permission_handler_chrome.js");
-var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(gUrl);
-function testDone() {
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage("teardown", "");
- gScript.destroy();
- SimpleTest.finish();
- alert("setVisible::true");
-function runTest() {
- navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(
- function (pos) {
- ok(false, "unexpected success, permission request should be canceled");
- testDone();
- }, function (err) {
- ok(true, "success, permission request is canceled");
- testDone();
- });
-gScript.addMessageListener("permission-request", function (detail) {
- info("got permission-request!!!!\n");
- alert("setVisible::false");
-// Add permissions to this app. We use ALLOW_ACTION here. The ContentPermissionPrompt
-// should prompt for permission, not allow it without prompt.
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["media.navigator.permission.disabled", false]]},
- function() {
- SpecialPowers.addPermission("geolocation",
- SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION, document);
- runTest();
- });
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_presentation_device_prompt.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_presentation_device_prompt.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9feeca795..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_presentation_device_prompt.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- - -->
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Test for Presentation Device Selection</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">Test for Presentation Device Selection</a>
-<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
-'use strict';
-var contentEventHandler = null;
-var gUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL('presentation_prompt_handler_chrome.js');
-var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(gUrl);
-function testSetup() {
- info('setup for device selection');
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- let device = {
- id: 'test-id',
- name: 'test-name',
- type: 'test-type',
- };
- gScript.addMessageListener('setup-complete', function() {
- resolve(device);
- });
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('setup', device);
- });
-function testSelected(device) {
- info('test device selected by user');
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- let request = {
- origin: 'test-origin',
- requestURL: 'test-requestURL',
- };
- gScript.addMessageListener('presentation-select-device', function contentEventHandler(detail) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('presentation-select-device', contentEventHandler);
- ok(true, 'receive user prompt for device selection');
- is(detail.origin, request.origin, 'expected origin');
- is(detail.requestURL, request.requestURL, 'expected requestURL');
- let response = {
- id:,
- type: 'presentation-select-result',
- deviceId:,
- };
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('presentation-select-response', response);
- gScript.addMessageListener('presentation-select-result', function resultHandler(result) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('presentation-select-result', resultHandler);
- is(result.type, 'select', 'expect device selected');
- is(,, 'expected device id');
- is(,, 'expected device name');
- is(result.device.type, device.type, 'expected devcie type');
- resolve();
- });
- });
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-device-prompt', request);
- });
-function testSelectedNotExisted() {
- info('test selected device doesn\'t exist');
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- gScript.addMessageListener('presentation-select-device', function contentEventHandler(detail) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('presentation-select-device', contentEventHandler);
- ok(true, 'receive user prompt for device selection');
- let response = {
- id:,
- type: 'presentation-select-deny',
- deviceId: undefined, // simulate device Id that doesn't exist
- };
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('presentation-select-response', response);
- gScript.addMessageListener('presentation-select-result', function resultHandler(result) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('presentation-select-result', resultHandler);
- is(result.type, 'cancel', 'expect user cancel');
- resolve();
- });
- });
- let request = {
- origin: 'test-origin',
- requestURL: 'test-requestURL',
- };
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-device-prompt', request);
- });
-function testDenied() {
- info('test denial of device selection');
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- gScript.addMessageListener('presentation-select-device', function contentEventHandler(detail) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('presentation-select-device', contentEventHandler);
- ok(true, 'receive user prompt for device selection');
- let response = {
- id:,
- type: 'presentation-select-deny',
- };
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('presentation-select-response', response);
- gScript.addMessageListener('presentation-select-result', function resultHandler(result) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('presentation-select-result', resultHandler);
- is(result.type, 'cancel', 'expect user cancel');
- resolve();
- });
- });
- let request = {
- origin: 'test-origin',
- requestURL: 'test-requestURL',
- };
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-device-prompt', request);
- });
-function runTests() {
- testSetup()
- .then(testSelected)
- .then(testSelectedNotExisted)
- .then(testDenied)
- .then(function() {
- info('test finished, teardown');
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('teardown');
- gScript.destroy();
- SimpleTest.finish();
- });
-window.addEventListener('load', runTests);
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_presentation_request_ui_glue.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_presentation_request_ui_glue.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 29ac37221..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_presentation_request_ui_glue.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- - -->
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Test for Presentation UI Glue</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">Test for Presentation UI Glue</a>
-<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
-'use strict';
-var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(SimpleTest.getTestFileURL('presentation_ui_glue_handler_chrome.js'));
-var obs = SpecialPowers.Cc[";1"]
- .getService(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIObserverService);
-var url = '';
-var sessionId = 'sessionId';
-function testLaunchReceiver() {
- return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
- gScript.addMessageListener('presentation-launch-receiver', function launchReceiverHandler(aDetail) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('presentation-launch-receiver', launchReceiverHandler);
- ok(true, "A presentation-launch-receiver mozPresentationChromeEvent should be received.");
- is(aDetail.url, url, "Url should be the same.");
- is(, sessionId, "Session ID should be the same.");
- aResolve();
- });
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-ui-glue',
- { url: url,
- sessionId : sessionId });
- });
-function testReceiverLaunched() {
- return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
- gScript.addMessageListener('iframe-resolved', function iframeResolvedHandler(aFrame) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('iframe-resolved', iframeResolvedHandler);
- ok(true, "The promise should be resolved.");
- aResolve();
- });
- var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
- iframe.setAttribute('remote', 'true');
- iframe.setAttribute('mozbrowser', 'true');
- iframe.setAttribute('src', '');
- document.body.appendChild(iframe);
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-presentation-content-event',
- { type: 'presentation-receiver-launched',
- id: sessionId,
- frame: iframe });
- });
-function testLaunchError() {
- return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
- gScript.addMessageListener('presentation-launch-receiver', function launchReceiverHandler(aDetail) {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('presentation-launch-receiver', launchReceiverHandler);
- ok(true, "A presentation-launch-receiver mozPresentationChromeEvent should be received.");
- is(aDetail.url, url, "Url should be the same.");
- is(, sessionId, "Session ID should be the same.");
- gScript.addMessageListener('iframe-rejected', function iframeRejectedHandler() {
- gScript.removeMessageListener('iframe-rejected', iframeRejectedHandler);
- ok(true, "The promise should be rejected.");
- aResolve();
- });
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-presentation-content-event',
- { type: 'presentation-receiver-permission-denied',
- id: sessionId });
- });
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-ui-glue',
- { url: url,
- sessionId : sessionId });
- });
-function runTests() {
- testLaunchReceiver()
- .then(testReceiverLaunched)
- .then(testLaunchError)
- .then(function() {
- info('test finished, teardown');
- gScript.destroy();
- SimpleTest.finish();
- });
-window.addEventListener('load', runTests);
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_sandbox_permission.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_sandbox_permission.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cd13599a3..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_sandbox_permission.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Permission Prompt Test</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">Permission prompt web content test</a>
-<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
-"use strict";
-const APP_URL = "SandboxPromptTest.html";
-var iframe;
-var gUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL("permission_handler_chrome.js");
-var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(gUrl);
-var gResult = [
- {
- "video-capture": ["back"],
- },
- {
- "audio-capture": [""],
- "video-capture": ["back"],
- },
- {
- "audio-capture": [""],
- },
- {
- "geolocation": [],
- },
- {
- "desktop-notification": [],
- }
-function runNext() {
- if (gResult.length > 0) {
- // Put the requested permission in query string
- let requestedPermission = JSON.stringify(Object.keys(gResult[0]));
- info('request permissions for ' + requestedPermission);
- iframe.src = APP_URL + '?' + encodeURIComponent(requestedPermission);
- } else {
- info('test finished, teardown');
- gScript.sendAsyncMessage("teardown", "");
- gScript.destroy();
- SimpleTest.finish();
- }
-// Create a sanbox iframe.
-function loadBrowser() {
- iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
- SpecialPowers.wrap(iframe).mozbrowser = true;
- iframe.src = 'about:blank';
- document.body.appendChild(iframe);
- iframe.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- iframe.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
- runNext();
- });
-gScript.addMessageListener("permission-request", function (detail) {
- let permissions = detail.permissions;
- let expectedValue = gResult.shift();
- let permissionTypes = Object.keys(permissions);
- is(permissionTypes.length, Object.keys(expectedValue).length, "expected number of permissions");
- for (let type of permissionTypes) {
- ok(expectedValue.hasOwnProperty(type), "expected permission type");
- for (let i in permissions[type]) {
- is(permissions[type][i], expectedValue[type][i], "expected permission option");
- }
- }
- runNext();
-// Add permissions to this app. We use ALLOW_ACTION here. The ContentPermissionPrompt
-// should prompt for permission, not allow it without prompt.
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["media.navigator.permission.disabled", false]]},
- function() {
- SpecialPowers.addPermission('video-capture',
- SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION, document);
- SpecialPowers.addPermission('audio-capture',
- SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION, document);
- SpecialPowers.addPermission('geolocation',
- SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION, document);
- SpecialPowers.addPermission('desktop-notification',
- SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION, document);
- loadBrowser();
- });
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_screenshot.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_screenshot.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d2eeb8d48..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_screenshot.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Screenshot Test</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">Screenshot.jsm</a>
-<script type="application/javascript">
-"use strict";
-var gUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL("screenshot_helper.js");
-var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(gUrl);
-gScript.addMessageListener("finish", function () {
- SimpleTest.ok(true, "chrome test script finished");
- gScript.destroy();
- SimpleTest.finish();
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_systemapp.html b/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_systemapp.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 450094a50..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/mochitest/test_systemapp.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>SystemAppProxy Test</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">SystemAppProxy.jsm</a>
-<script type="application/javascript">
-"use strict";
-var gUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL("systemapp_helper.js");
-var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(gUrl);
-gScript.addMessageListener("finish", function () {
- SimpleTest.ok(true, "chrome test script finished");
- gScript.destroy();
- SimpleTest.finish();
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/ b/b2g/components/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 387e3b811..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
-# vim: set filetype=python:
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-XPCSHELL_TESTS_MANIFESTS += ['unit/xpcshell.ini']
-MOCHITEST_MANIFESTS += ['mochitest/mochitest.ini']
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/data/test_logger_file b/b2g/components/test/unit/data/test_logger_file
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ed7f10a..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/data/test_logger_file
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/head_identity.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/head_identity.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 604a77284..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/head_identity.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-// The following boilerplate makes sure that XPCOM calls
-// that use the profile directory work.
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MinimalIDService",
- "resource://gre/modules/identity/MinimalIdentity.jsm",
- "IdentityService");
- "Logger",
- "resource://gre/modules/identity/LogUtils.jsm");
- "uuidGenerator",
- ";1",
- "nsIUUIDGenerator");
-const TEST_URL = "";
-const TEST_USER = "";
-const TEST_PRIVKEY = "i-am-a-secret";
-const TEST_CERT = "i~like~pie";
-// The following are utility functions for Identity testing
-function log(...aMessageArgs) {
- Logger.log.apply(Logger, ["test"].concat(aMessageArgs));
-function partial(fn) {
- let args =, 1);
- return function() {
- return fn.apply(this, args.concat(;
- };
-function uuid() {
- return uuidGenerator.generateUUID().toString();
-// create a mock "doc" object, which the Identity Service
-// uses as a pointer back into the doc object
-function mockDoc(aParams, aDoFunc) {
- let mockedDoc = {};
- = uuid();
- // Properties of aParams may include loggedInUser
- Object.keys(aParams).forEach(function(param) {
- mockedDoc[param] = aParams[param];
- });
- // the origin is set inside nsDOMIdentity by looking at the
- // document.nodePrincipal.origin. Here we, we must satisfy
- // ourselves with pretending.
- mockedDoc.origin = "";
- mockedDoc['do'] = aDoFunc;
- mockedDoc.doReady = partial(aDoFunc, 'ready');
- mockedDoc.doLogin = partial(aDoFunc, 'login');
- mockedDoc.doLogout = partial(aDoFunc, 'logout');
- mockedDoc.doError = partial(aDoFunc, 'error');
- mockedDoc.doCancel = partial(aDoFunc, 'cancel');
- mockedDoc.doCoffee = partial(aDoFunc, 'coffee');
- return mockedDoc;
-// create a mock "pipe" object that would normally communicate
-// messages up to gaia (either the trusty ui or the hidden iframe),
-// and convey messages back down from gaia to the controller through
-// the message callback.
-// The mock receiving pipe simulates gaia which, after receiving messages
-// through the pipe, will call back with instructions to invoke
-// certain methods. It mocks what comes back from the other end of
-// the pipe.
-function mockReceivingPipe() {
- let MockedPipe = {
- communicate: function(aRpOptions, aGaiaOptions, aMessageCallback) {
- switch (aGaiaOptions.message) {
- case "identity-delegate-watch":
- aMessageCallback({json: {method: "ready"}});
- break;
- case "identity-delegate-request":
- aMessageCallback({json: {method: "login", assertion: TEST_CERT}});
- break;
- case "identity-delegate-logout":
- aMessageCallback({json: {method: "logout"}});
- break;
- default:
- throw("what the what?? " + aGaiaOptions.message);
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- return MockedPipe;
-// The mock sending pipe lets us test what's actually getting put in the
-// pipe.
-function mockSendingPipe(aMessageCallback) {
- let MockedPipe = {
- communicate: function(aRpOptions, aGaiaOptions, aDummyCallback) {
- aMessageCallback(aRpOptions, aGaiaOptions);
- }
- };
- return MockedPipe;
-// mimicking callback funtionality for ease of testing
-// this observer auto-removes itself after the observe function
-// is called, so this is meant to observe only ONE event.
-function makeObserver(aObserveTopic, aObserveFunc) {
- let observer = {
- // nsISupports provides type management in C++
- // nsIObserver is to be an observer
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports, Ci.nsIObserver]),
- observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic == aObserveTopic) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, aObserveTopic);
- aObserveFunc(aSubject, aTopic, aData);
- }
- }
- };
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, aObserveTopic, false);
-// a hook to set up the ID service with an identity with keypair and all
-// when ready, invoke callback with the identity. It's there if we need it.
-function setup_test_identity(identity, cert, cb) {
- cb();
-// takes a list of functions and returns a function that
-// when called the first time, calls the first func,
-// then the next time the second, etc.
-function call_sequentially() {
- let numCalls = 0;
- let funcs = arguments;
- return function() {
- if (!funcs[numCalls]) {
- let argString =",");
- do_throw("Too many calls: " + argString);
- return;
- }
- funcs[numCalls].apply(funcs[numCalls],arguments);
- numCalls += 1;
- };
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/head_logshake_gonk.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/head_logshake_gonk.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e94234f1f..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/head_logshake_gonk.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * Boostrap LogShake's tests that need gonk support.
- * This is creating a fake sdcard for LogShake tests and importing LogShake and
- * osfile
- */
-/* jshint moz: true */
-/* global Components, LogCapture, LogShake, ok, add_test, run_next_test, dump,
- do_get_profile, OS, volumeService, equal, XPCOMUtils */
-/* exported setup_logshake_mocks */
-/* disable use strict warning */
-/* jshint -W097 */
-"use strict";
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-var Cc = Components.classes;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "volumeService",
- ";1",
- "nsIVolumeService");
-var sdcard;
-function setup_logshake_mocks() {
- do_get_profile();
- setup_fs();
-function setup_fs() {
- OS.File.makeDir("/data/local/tmp/sdcard/", {from: "/data"}).then(function() {
- setup_sdcard();
- });
-function setup_sdcard() {
- let volName = "sdcard";
- let mountPoint = "/data/local/tmp/sdcard";
- volumeService.createFakeVolume(volName, mountPoint);
- let vol = volumeService.getVolumeByName(volName);
- ok(vol, "volume shouldn't be null");
- equal(volName,, "name");
- equal(Ci.nsIVolume.STATE_MOUNTED, vol.state, "state");
- ensure_sdcard();
-function ensure_sdcard() {
- sdcard = volumeService.getVolumeByName("sdcard").mountPoint;
- ok(sdcard, "Should have a valid sdcard mountpoint");
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_aboutserviceworkers.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_aboutserviceworkers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a7d41aa..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_aboutserviceworkers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-var {utils: Cu} = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AboutServiceWorkers",
- "resource://gre/modules/AboutServiceWorkers.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gServiceWorkerManager",
- ";1",
- "nsIServiceWorkerManager");
-const CHROME_MSG = "mozAboutServiceWorkersChromeEvent";
-const ORIGINAL_SENDRESULT = AboutServiceWorkers.sendResult;
-const ORIGINAL_SENDERROR = AboutServiceWorkers.sendError;
-var mockSendResult = (aId, aResult) => {
- let msg = {
- id: aId,
- result: aResult
- };
- Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject: msg}, CHROME_MSG, null);
-var mockSendError = (aId, aError) => {
- let msg = {
- id: aId,
- result: aError
- };
- Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject: msg}, CHROME_MSG, null);
-function attachMocks() {
- AboutServiceWorkers.sendResult = mockSendResult;
- AboutServiceWorkers.sendError = mockSendError;
-function restoreMocks() {
- AboutServiceWorkers.sendResult = ORIGINAL_SENDRESULT;
- AboutServiceWorkers.sendError = ORIGINAL_SENDERROR;
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
- * "init" tests
- */
-// Pref disabled, no registrations
- prefEnabled: false,
- expectedMessage: {
- id:,
- result: {
- enabled: false,
- registrations: []
- }
- }
-// Pref enabled, no registrations
- prefEnabled: true,
- expectedMessage: {
- id:,
- result: {
- enabled: true,
- registrations: []
- }
- }
-}].forEach(test => {
- add_test(function() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("dom.serviceWorkers.enabled", test.prefEnabled);
- let id =;
- function onMessage(subject, topic, data) {
- let message = subject.wrappedJSObject;
- let expected = test.expectedMessage;
- do_check_true(, "Message should have id");
- do_check_eq(,,
- "Id should be the expected one");
- do_check_eq(message.result.enabled, expected.result.enabled,
- "Pref should be disabled");
- do_check_true(message.result.registrations, "Registrations should exist");
- do_check_eq(message.result.registrations.length,
- expected.result.registrations.length,
- "Registrations length should be the expected one");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(onMessage, CHROME_MSG);
- run_next_test();
- }
- Services.obs.addObserver(onMessage, CHROME_MSG, false);
- attachMocks();
- AboutServiceWorkers.handleEvent({ detail: {
- id: id,
- name: "init"
- }});
- });
- * ServiceWorkerManager tests.
- */
-// We cannot register a sw via ServiceWorkerManager cause chrome
-// registrations are not allowed.
-// All we can do for now is to test the interface of the swm.
-add_test(function test_swm() {
- do_check_true(gServiceWorkerManager, "SWM exists");
- do_check_true(gServiceWorkerManager.getAllRegistrations,
- "SWM.getAllRegistrations exists");
- do_check_true(typeof gServiceWorkerManager.getAllRegistrations == "function",
- "SWM.getAllRegistrations is a function");
- do_check_true(gServiceWorkerManager.propagateSoftUpdate,
- "SWM.propagateSoftUpdate exists");
- do_check_true(typeof gServiceWorkerManager.propagateSoftUpdate == "function",
- "SWM.propagateSoftUpdate is a function");
- do_check_true(gServiceWorkerManager.propagateUnregister,
- "SWM.propagateUnregister exists");
- do_check_true(typeof gServiceWorkerManager.propagateUnregister == "function",
- "SWM.propagateUnregister exists");
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_bug793310.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_bug793310.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bdb8252e..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_bug793310.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function run_test() {
- Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/TelURIParser.jsm")
- // global-phone-number
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:+1234'), '+1234');
- // global-phone-number => white space separator
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:+123 456 789'), '+123 456 789');
- // global-phone-number => ignored chars
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:+1234_123'), '+1234');
- // global-phone-number => visualSeparator + digits
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:+-.()1234567890'), '+-.()1234567890');
- // local-phone-number
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:1234'), '1234');
- // local-phone-number => visualSeparator + digits + dtmfDigits + pauseCharacter
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:-.()1234567890ABCDpw'), '-.()1234567890ABCDpw');
- // local-phone-number => visualSeparator + digits + dtmfDigits + pauseCharacter + ignored chars
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:-.()1234567890ABCDpw_'), '-.()1234567890ABCDpw');
- // local-phone-number => isdn-subaddress
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:123;isub=123'), '123');
- // local-phone-number => post-dial
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:123;postd=123'), '123');
- // local-phone-number => prefix
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:123;phone-context=+0321'), '+0321123');
- // local-phone-number => isdn-subaddress + post-dial + prefix
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:123;isub=123;postd=123;phone-context=+0321'), '+0321123');
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_bug832946.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_bug832946.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ddbd4280..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_bug832946.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function run_test() {
- Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/TelURIParser.jsm")
- // blocked numbers
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:#1234*'), null);
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:*1234#'), null);
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:*1234*'), null);
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:#1234#'), null);
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:*#*#7780#*#*'), null);
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:*1234AB'), null);
- // white list
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:*1234'), '*1234');
- do_check_eq(TelURIParser.parseURI('tel', 'tel:#1234'), '#1234');
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_fxaccounts.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_fxaccounts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5de0d6565..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_fxaccounts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-var {utils: Cu} = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FxAccountsMgmtService",
- "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsMgmtService.jsm",
- "FxAccountsMgmtService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FxAccountsManager",
- "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsManager.jsm");
-// At end of test, restore original state
-const ORIGINAL_AUTH_URI = Services.prefs.getCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri");
-var { SystemAppProxy } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsMgmtService.jsm");
-const ORIGINAL_SENDCUSTOM = SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent;
-do_register_cleanup(function() {
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri", ORIGINAL_AUTH_URI);
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent = ORIGINAL_SENDCUSTOM;
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("identity.fxaccounts.skipDeviceRegistration");
-// Make profile available so that fxaccounts can store user data
-// Mock the system app proxy; make message passing possible
-var mockSendCustomEvent = function(aEventName, aMsg) {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject: aMsg}, aEventName, null);
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function test_overall() {
- // FxA device registration throws from this context
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("identity.fxaccounts.skipDeviceRegistration", true);
- do_check_neq(FxAccountsMgmtService, null);
-// Check that invalid email capitalization is corrected on signIn.
-add_test(function test_invalidEmailCase_signIn() {
- do_test_pending();
- let clientEmail = "";
- let canonicalEmail = "Greta.Garbo@gmail.COM";
- let attempts = 0;
- function writeResp(response, msg) {
- if (typeof msg === "object") {
- msg = JSON.stringify(msg);
- }
- response.bodyOutputStream.write(msg, msg.length);
- }
- // Mock of the fxa accounts auth server, reproducing the behavior of
- // /account/login when email capitalization is incorrect on signIn.
- let server = httpd_setup({
- "/account/login": function(request, response) {
- response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
- attempts += 1;
- // Ensure we don't get in an endless loop
- if (attempts > 2) {
- response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 429, "Sorry, you had your chance");
- writeResp(response, {});
- return;
- }
- let body = CommonUtils.readBytesFromInputStream(request.bodyInputStream);
- let jsonBody = JSON.parse(body);
- let email =;
- // The second time through, the accounts client will call the api with
- // the correct email capitalization.
- if (email == canonicalEmail) {
- response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "Yay");
- writeResp(response, {
- uid: "your-uid",
- sessionToken: "your-sessionToken",
- keyFetchToken: "your-keyFetchToken",
- verified: true,
- authAt: 1392144866,
- });
- return;
- }
- // If the client has the wrong case on the email, we return a 400, with
- // the capitalization of the email as saved in the accounts database.
- response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 400, "Incorrect email case");
- writeResp(response, {
- code: 400,
- errno: 120,
- error: "Incorrect email case",
- email: canonicalEmail,
- });
- return;
- },
- });
- // Point the FxAccountsClient's hawk rest request client to the mock server
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri", server.baseURI);
- // FxA device registration throws from this context
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("identity.fxaccounts.skipDeviceRegistration", true);
- // Receive a mozFxAccountsChromeEvent message
- function onMessage(subject, topic, data) {
- let message = subject.wrappedJSObject;
- switch ( {
- // When we signed in as "Greta.Garbo", the server should have told us
- // that the proper capitalization is really "greta.garbo". Call
- // getAccounts to get the signed-in user and ensure that the
- // capitalization is correct.
- case "signIn":
- FxAccountsMgmtService.handleEvent({
- detail: {
- id: "getAccounts",
- data: {
- method: "getAccounts",
- }
- }
- });
- break;
- // Having initially signed in as "Greta.Garbo", getAccounts should show
- // us that the signed-in user has the properly-capitalized email,
- // "greta.garbo".
- case "getAccounts":
- Services.obs.removeObserver(onMessage, "mozFxAccountsChromeEvent");
- do_check_eq(, canonicalEmail);
- do_test_finished();
- server.stop(run_next_test);
- break;
- // We should not receive any other mozFxAccountsChromeEvent messages
- default:
- do_throw("wat!");
- break;
- }
- }
- Services.obs.addObserver(onMessage, "mozFxAccountsChromeEvent", false);
- SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent = mockSendCustomEvent;
- // Trigger signIn using an email with incorrect capitalization
- FxAccountsMgmtService.handleEvent({
- detail: {
- id: "signIn",
- data: {
- method: "signIn",
- email: clientEmail,
- password: "123456",
- },
- },
- });
-add_test(function testHandleGetAssertionError_defaultCase() {
- do_test_pending();
- // FxA device registration throws from this context
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("identity.fxaccounts.skipDeviceRegistration", true);
- FxAccountsManager.getAssertion(null).then(
- success => {
- // getAssertion should throw with invalid audience
- ok(false);
- },
- reason => {
- equal("INVALID_AUDIENCE", reason.error);
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
- }
- )
-// End of tests
-// Utility functions follow
-function httpd_setup (handlers, port=-1) {
- let server = new HttpServer();
- for (let path in handlers) {
- server.registerPathHandler(path, handlers[path]);
- }
- try {
- server.start(port);
- } catch (ex) {
- dump("ERROR starting server on port " + port + ". Already a process listening?");
- do_throw(ex);
- }
- // Set the base URI for convenience.
- let i = server.identity;
- server.baseURI = i.primaryScheme + "://" + i.primaryHost + ":" + i.primaryPort;
- return server;
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logcapture.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logcapture.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dbe2bc77..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logcapture.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * Testing non Gonk-specific code path
- */
-function run_test() {
- Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/LogCapture.jsm");
- run_next_test();
-// Trivial test just to make sure we have no syntax error
-add_test(function test_logCapture_loads() {
- ok(LogCapture, "LogCapture object exists");
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logcapture_gonk.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logcapture_gonk.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d80f33dd9..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logcapture_gonk.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
- * Test that LogCapture successfully reads from the /dev/log devices, returning
- * a Uint8Array of some length, including zero. This tests a few standard
- * log devices
- */
-function run_test() {
- Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/LogCapture.jsm");
- run_next_test();
-function verifyLog(log) {
- // log exists
- notEqual(log, null);
- // log has a length and it is non-negative (is probably array-like)
- ok(log.length >= 0);
-add_test(function test_readLogFile() {
- let mainLog = LogCapture.readLogFile("/dev/log/main");
- verifyLog(mainLog);
- let meminfoLog = LogCapture.readLogFile("/proc/meminfo");
- verifyLog(meminfoLog);
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_readProperties() {
- let propertiesLog = LogCapture.readProperties();
- notEqual(propertiesLog, null, "Properties should not be null");
- notEqual(propertiesLog, undefined, "Properties should not be undefined");
- for (let propertyName in propertiesLog) {
- equal(typeof(propertiesLog[propertyName]), "string",
- "Property " + propertyName + " should be a string");
- }
- equal(propertiesLog["ro.product.locale.language"], "en",
- "Locale language should be read correctly. See bug 1171577.");
- equal(propertiesLog["ro.product.locale.region"], "US",
- "Locale region should be read correctly. See bug 1171577.");
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_readAppIni() {
- let appIni = LogCapture.readLogFile("/system/b2g/application.ini");
- verifyLog(appIni);
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_get_about_memory() {
- let memLog = LogCapture.readAboutMemory();
- ok(memLog, "Should have returned a valid Promise object");
- memLog.then(file => {
- ok(file, "Should have returned a filename");
- run_next_test();
- }, error => {
- ok(false, "Dumping about:memory promise rejected: " + error);
- run_next_test();
- });
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logparser.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logparser.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 624dcc6e2..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logparser.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* jshint moz: true */
-var {utils: Cu, classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci} = Components;
-function debug(msg) {
- var timestamp =;
- dump("LogParser: " + timestamp + ": " + msg + "\n");
-function run_test() {
- Cu.import("resource:///modules/LogParser.jsm");
- debug("Starting");
- run_next_test();
-function makeStream(file) {
- var fileStream = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
- fileStream.init(file, -1, -1, 0);
- var bis = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream);
- bis.setInputStream(fileStream);
- return bis;
-add_test(function test_parse_logfile() {
- let loggerFile = do_get_file("data/test_logger_file");
- let loggerStream = makeStream(loggerFile);
- // Initialize arrays to hold the file contents (lengths are hardcoded)
- let loggerArray = new Uint8Array(loggerStream.readByteArray(4037));
- loggerStream.close();
- let logMessages = LogParser.parseLogArray(loggerArray);
- ok(logMessages.length === 58, "There should be 58 messages in the log");
- let expectedLogEntry = {
- processId: 271, threadId: 271,
- seconds: 790796, nanoseconds: 620000001, time: 790796620.000001,
- priority: 4, tag: "Vold",
- message: "Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up\n"
- };
- deepEqual(expectedLogEntry, logMessages[0]);
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_print_properties() {
- let properties = {
- "": "1",
- "sys.usb.state": "diag,serial_smd,serial_tty,rmnet_bam,mass_storage,adb"
- };
- let logMessagesRaw = LogParser.prettyPrintPropertiesArray(properties);
- let logMessages = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(logMessagesRaw);
- let logMessagesArray = logMessages.split("\n");
- ok(logMessagesArray.length === 3, "There should be 3 lines in the log.");
- notEqual(logMessagesArray[0], "", "First line should not be empty");
- notEqual(logMessagesArray[1], "", "Second line should not be empty");
- equal(logMessagesArray[2], "", "Last line should be empty");
- let expectedLog = [
- "[]: [1]",
- "[sys.usb.state]: [diag,serial_smd,serial_tty,rmnet_bam,mass_storage,adb]",
- ""
- ].join("\n");
- deepEqual(expectedLog, logMessages);
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb81b893..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
- * Test the log capturing capabilities of LogShake.jsm
- */
-/* jshint moz: true */
-/* global Components, LogCapture, LogShake, ok, add_test, run_next_test, dump */
-/* exported run_test */
-/* disable use strict warning */
-/* jshint -W097 */
-"use strict";
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-const EVENTS_PER_SECOND = 6.25;
-const GRAVITY = 9.8;
- * Force logshake to handle a device motion event with given components.
- * Does not use SystemAppProxy because event needs special
- * accelerationIncludingGravity property.
- */
-function sendDeviceMotionEvent(x, y, z) {
- let event = {
- type: "devicemotion",
- accelerationIncludingGravity: {
- x: x,
- y: y,
- z: z
- }
- };
- LogShake.handleEvent(event);
- * Send a screen change event directly, does not use SystemAppProxy due to race
- * conditions.
- */
-function sendScreenChangeEvent(screenEnabled) {
- let event = {
- type: "screenchange",
- detail: {
- screenEnabled: screenEnabled
- }
- };
- LogShake.handleEvent(event);
- * Mock the readLogFile function of LogCapture.
- * Used to detect whether LogShake activates.
- * @return {Array<String>} Locations that LogShake tries to read
- */
-function mockReadLogFile() {
- let readLocations = [];
- LogCapture.readLogFile = function(loc) {
- readLocations.push(loc);
- return null; // we don't want to provide invalid data to a parser
- };
- // Allow inspection of readLocations by caller
- return readLocations;
- * Send a series of events that corresponds to a shake
- */
-function sendSustainedShake() {
- // Fire a series of devicemotion events that are of shake magnitude
- for (let i = 0; i < 2 * EVENTS_PER_SECOND; i++) {
- sendDeviceMotionEvent(0, 2 * GRAVITY, 2 * GRAVITY);
- }
-add_test(function test_do_log_capture_after_shaking() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- let readLocations = mockReadLogFile();
- sendSustainedShake();
- ok(readLocations.length > 0,
- "LogShake should attempt to read at least one log");
- LogShake.uninit();
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_do_nothing_when_resting() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- let readLocations = mockReadLogFile();
- // Fire several devicemotion events that are relatively tiny
- for (let i = 0; i < 2 * EVENTS_PER_SECOND; i++) {
- sendDeviceMotionEvent(0, GRAVITY, GRAVITY);
- }
- ok(readLocations.length === 0,
- "LogShake should not read any logs");
- LogShake.uninit();
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_do_nothing_when_disabled() {
- // Disable LogShake
- LogShake.uninit();
- let readLocations = mockReadLogFile();
- // Fire a series of events that would normally be a shake
- sendSustainedShake();
- ok(readLocations.length === 0,
- "LogShake should not read any logs");
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_do_nothing_when_screen_off() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- // Send an event as if the screen has been turned off
- sendScreenChangeEvent(false);
- let readLocations = mockReadLogFile();
- // Fire a series of events that would normally be a shake
- sendSustainedShake();
- ok(readLocations.length === 0,
- "LogShake should not read any logs");
- // Restore the screen
- sendScreenChangeEvent(true);
- LogShake.uninit();
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_do_log_capture_resilient_readLogFile() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- let readLocations = [];
- LogCapture.readLogFile = function(loc) {
- readLocations.push(loc);
- throw new Error("Exception during readLogFile for: " + loc);
- };
- // Fire a series of events that would normally be a shake
- sendSustainedShake();
- ok(readLocations.length > 0,
- "LogShake should attempt to read at least one log");
- LogShake.uninit();
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_do_log_capture_resilient_parseLog() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- let readLocations = [];
- LogCapture.readLogFile = function(loc) {
- readLocations.push(loc);
- LogShake.LOGS_WITH_PARSERS[loc] = function() {
- throw new Error("Exception during LogParser for: " + loc);
- };
- return null;
- };
- // Fire a series of events that would normally be a shake
- sendSustainedShake();
- ok(readLocations.length > 0,
- "LogShake should attempt to read at least one log");
- LogShake.uninit();
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_do_nothing_when_dropped() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- let readLocations = mockReadLogFile();
- // We want a series of spikes to be ignored by LogShake. This roughly
- // corresponds to the compare_stairs_sock graph on bug #1101994
- for (let i = 0; i < 10 * EVENTS_PER_SECOND; i++) {
- // Fire a devicemotion event that is at rest
- sendDeviceMotionEvent(0, 0, GRAVITY);
- // Fire a spike of motion
- sendDeviceMotionEvent(0, 2 * GRAVITY, 2 * GRAVITY);
- }
- ok(readLocations.length === 0,
- "LogShake should not read any logs");
- LogShake.uninit();
- run_next_test();
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_gonk.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_gonk.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 28de0263f..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_gonk.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * Test the log capturing capabilities of LogShake.jsm, checking
- * for Gonk-specific parts
- */
-/* jshint moz: true, esnext: true */
-/* global Cu, LogCapture, LogShake, ok, add_test, run_next_test, dump,
- setup_logshake_mocks, OS, sdcard */
-/* exported run_test */
-/* disable use strict warning */
-/* jshint -W097 */
-"use strict";
-function run_test() {
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LogShake.jsm");
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_logShake_captureLogs_writes() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- let expectedFiles = [];
- LogShake.captureLogs().then(logResults => {
- LogShake.uninit();
- ok(logResults.logFilenames.length > 0, "Should have filenames");
- ok(logResults.logPaths.length > 0, "Should have paths");
- ok(!logResults.compressed, "Should not be compressed");
- logResults.logPaths.forEach(f => {
- let p = OS.Path.join(sdcard, f);
- ok(p, "Should have a valid result path: " + p);
- let t = OS.File.exists(p).then(rv => {
- ok(rv, "File exists: " + p);
- });
- expectedFiles.push(t);
- });
- Promise.all(expectedFiles).then(() => {
- ok(true, "Completed all files checks");
- run_next_test();
- });
- },
- error => {
- LogShake.uninit();
- ok(false, "Should not have received error: " + error);
- run_next_test();
- });
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_gonk_compression.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_gonk_compression.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b5af46081..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_gonk_compression.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * Test the log capturing capabilities of LogShake.jsm, checking
- * for Gonk-specific parts
- */
-/* jshint moz: true, esnext: true */
-/* global Cc, Ci, Cu, LogCapture, LogShake, ok, add_test, run_next_test, dump,
- setup_logshake_mocks, OS, sdcard, FileUtils */
-/* exported run_test */
-/* disable use strict warning */
-/* jshint -W097 */
-"use strict";
-function run_test() {
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LogShake.jsm");
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_logShake_captureLogs_writes_zip() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- let expectedFiles = [];
- LogShake.enableQAMode();
- LogShake.captureLogs().then(logResults => {
- LogShake.uninit();
- ok(logResults.logPaths.length === 1, "Should have zip path");
- ok(logResults.logFilenames.length >= 1, "Should have log filenames");
- ok(logResults.compressed, "Log files should be compressed");
- let zipPath = OS.Path.join(sdcard, logResults.logPaths[0]);
- ok(zipPath, "Should have a valid archive path: " + zipPath);
- let zipFile = new FileUtils.File(zipPath);
- ok(zipFile, "Should have a valid archive file: " + zipFile);
- let zipReader = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIZipReader);
- let logFilenamesSeen = {};
- let zipEntries = zipReader.findEntries(null); // Find all entries
- while (zipEntries.hasMore()) {
- let entryName = zipEntries.getNext();
- let entry = zipReader.getEntry(entryName);
- logFilenamesSeen[entryName] = true;
- ok(!entry.isDirectory, "Archive entry " + entryName + " should be a file");
- }
- zipReader.close();
- // TODO: Verify archive contents
- logResults.logFilenames.forEach(filename => {
- ok(logFilenamesSeen[filename], "File " + filename + " should be present in archive");
- });
- run_next_test();
- },
- error => {
- LogShake.uninit();
- ok(false, "Should not have received error: " + error);
- run_next_test();
- });
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_readLog_gonk.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_readLog_gonk.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 003723ad5..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_logshake_readLog_gonk.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- * Test the log capturing capabilities of LogShake.jsm under conditions that
- * could cause races
- */
-/* jshint moz: true, esnext: true */
-/* global Cu, LogCapture, LogShake, ok, add_test, run_next_test, dump,
- XPCOMUtils, do_get_profile, OS, volumeService, Promise, equal,
- setup_logshake_mocks */
-/* exported run_test */
-/* disable use strict warning */
-/* jshint -W097 */
-"use strict";
-function run_test() {
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LogShake.jsm");
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_logShake_captureLogs_waits_to_read() {
- // Enable LogShake
- LogShake.init();
- // Save no logs synchronously (except properties)
- LogShake.LOGS_WITH_PARSERS = {};
- LogShake.captureLogs().then(logResults => {
- LogShake.uninit();
- ok(logResults.logFilenames.length > 0, "Should have filenames");
- ok(logResults.logPaths.length > 0, "Should have paths");
- ok(!logResults.compressed, "Should not be compressed");
- // This assumes that the about:memory reading will only fail under abnormal
- // circumstances. It does not check for screenshot.png because
- // systemAppFrame is unavailable during xpcshell tests.
- let hasAboutMemory = false;
- logResults.logFilenames.forEach(filename => {
- // Because the about:memory log's filename has the PID in it we can not
- // use simple equality but instead search for the "about_memory" part of
- // the filename which will look like logshake-about_memory-{PID}.json.gz
- if (filename.indexOf("about_memory") < 0) {
- return;
- }
- hasAboutMemory = true;
- });
- ok(hasAboutMemory,
- "LogShake's asynchronous read of about:memory should have succeeded.");
- run_next_test();
- },
- error => {
- LogShake.uninit();
- ok(false, "Should not have received error: " + error);
- run_next_test();
- });
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_signintowebsite.js b/b2g/components/test/unit/test_signintowebsite.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 38d4fa79e..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/test_signintowebsite.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-// Tests for b2g/components/SignInToWebsite.jsm
-"use strict";
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MinimalIDService",
- "resource://gre/modules/identity/MinimalIdentity.jsm",
- "IdentityService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SignInToWebsiteController",
- "resource://gre/modules/SignInToWebsite.jsm",
- "SignInToWebsiteController");
-function log(...aMessageArgs) {
- Logger.log.apply(Logger, ["test_signintowebsite"].concat(aMessageArgs));
-function test_overall() {
- do_check_neq(MinimalIDService, null);
- run_next_test();
-function objectContains(object, subset) {
- let objectKeys = Object.keys(object);
- let subsetKeys = Object.keys(subset);
- // can't have fewer keys than the subset
- if (objectKeys.length < subsetKeys.length) {
- return false;
- }
- let key;
- let success = true;
- if (subsetKeys.length > 0) {
- for (let i=0; i<subsetKeys.length; i++) {
- key = subsetKeys[i];
- // key exists in the source object
- if (typeof object[key] === 'undefined') {
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- // recursively check object values
- else if (typeof subset[key] === 'object') {
- if (typeof object[key] !== 'object') {
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- if (! objectContains(object[key], subset[key])) {
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (object[key] !== subset[key]) {
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return success;
-function test_object_contains() {
- do_test_pending();
- let someObj = {
- pies: 42,
- green: "spam",
- flan: {yes: "please"}
- };
- let otherObj = {
- pies: 42,
- flan: {yes: "please"}
- };
- do_check_true(objectContains(someObj, otherObj));
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
-function test_mock_doc() {
- do_test_pending();
- let mockedDoc = mockDoc({loggedInUser: null}, function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'coffee');
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
- });
- // A smoke test to ensure that mockedDoc is functioning correctly.
- // There is presently no doCoffee method in Persona.
- mockedDoc.doCoffee();
-function test_watch() {
- do_test_pending();
- setup_test_identity("", TEST_CERT, function() {
- let controller = SignInToWebsiteController;
- let mockedDoc = mockDoc({loggedInUser: null}, function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'ready');
- controller.uninit();
- MinimalIDService.RP.unwatch(;
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
- });
- controller.init({pipe: mockReceivingPipe()});
-, {});
- });
-function test_request_login() {
- do_test_pending();
- setup_test_identity("", TEST_CERT, function() {
- let controller = SignInToWebsiteController;
- let mockedDoc = mockDoc({loggedInUser: null}, call_sequentially(
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'ready');
- do_check_eq(params, undefined);
- },
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'login');
- do_check_eq(params, TEST_CERT);
- controller.uninit();
- MinimalIDService.RP.unwatch(;
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
- }
- ));
- controller.init({pipe: mockReceivingPipe()});
-, {});
- MinimalIDService.RP.request(, {});
- });
-function test_request_logout() {
- do_test_pending();
- setup_test_identity("", TEST_CERT, function() {
- let controller = SignInToWebsiteController;
- let mockedDoc = mockDoc({loggedInUser: null}, call_sequentially(
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'ready');
- do_check_eq(params, undefined);
- },
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'logout');
- do_check_eq(params, undefined);
- controller.uninit();
- MinimalIDService.RP.unwatch(;
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
- }
- ));
- controller.init({pipe: mockReceivingPipe()});
-, {});
- MinimalIDService.RP.logout(, {});
- });
-function test_request_login_logout() {
- do_test_pending();
- setup_test_identity("", TEST_CERT, function() {
- let controller = SignInToWebsiteController;
- let mockedDoc = mockDoc({loggedInUser: null}, call_sequentially(
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'ready');
- do_check_eq(params, undefined);
- },
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'login');
- do_check_eq(params, TEST_CERT);
- },
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'logout');
- do_check_eq(params, undefined);
- controller.uninit();
- MinimalIDService.RP.unwatch(;
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
- }
- ));
- controller.init({pipe: mockReceivingPipe()});
-, {});
- MinimalIDService.RP.request(, {});
- MinimalIDService.RP.logout(, {});
- });
-function test_logout_everywhere() {
- do_test_pending();
- let logouts = 0;
- setup_test_identity("", TEST_CERT, function() {
- let controller = SignInToWebsiteController;
- let mockedDoc1 = mockDoc({loggedInUser: null}, call_sequentially(
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'ready');
- },
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'login');
- },
- function(action, params) {
- // Result of logout from doc2.
- // We don't know what order the logouts will occur in.
- do_check_eq(action, 'logout');
- if (++logouts === 2) {
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
- }
- }
- ));
- let mockedDoc2 = mockDoc({loggedInUser: null}, call_sequentially(
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'ready');
- },
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'login');
- },
- function(action, params) {
- do_check_eq(action, 'logout');
- if (++logouts === 2) {
- do_test_finished();
- run_next_test();
- }
- }
- ));
- controller.init({pipe: mockReceivingPipe()});
-, {});
- MinimalIDService.RP.request(, {});
-, {});
- MinimalIDService.RP.request(, {});
- // Logs out of both docs because they share the
- // same origin.
- MinimalIDService.RP.logout(, {});
- });
-function test_options_pass_through() {
- do_test_pending();
- // An meaningless structure for testing that RP messages preserve
- // objects and their parameters as they are passed back and forth.
- let randomMixedParams = {
- loggedInUser: "",
- forceAuthentication: true,
- forceIssuer: "",
- someThing: {
- name: "Pertelote",
- legs: 4,
- nested: {bee: "Eric", remaining: "1/2"}
- }
- };
- let mockedDoc = mockDoc(randomMixedParams, function(action, params) {});
- function pipeOtherEnd(rpOptions, gaiaOptions) {
- // Ensure that every time we receive a message, our mixed
- // random params are contained in that message
- do_check_true(objectContains(rpOptions, randomMixedParams));
- switch (gaiaOptions.message) {
- case "identity-delegate-watch":
- MinimalIDService.RP.request(, {});
- break;
- case "identity-delegate-request":
- MinimalIDService.RP.logout(, {});
- break;
- case "identity-delegate-logout":
- do_test_finished();
- controller.uninit();
- MinimalIDService.RP.unwatch(;
- run_next_test();
- break;
- }
- }
- let controller = SignInToWebsiteController;
- controller.init({pipe: mockSendingPipe(pipeOtherEnd)});
-, {});
-var TESTS = [
- test_overall,
- test_mock_doc,
- test_object_contains,
- test_watch,
- test_request_login,
- test_request_logout,
- test_request_login_logout,
- test_logout_everywhere,
- test_options_pass_through
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/b2g/components/test/unit/xpcshell.ini b/b2g/components/test/unit/xpcshell.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3df5bf6..000000000
--- a/b2g/components/test/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-head =
-tail =
-support-files =
- data/test_logger_file
-head = head_identity.js
-tail =
-# testing non gonk-specific stuff
-# can be slow because of what the test does, so let's give it some more time
-# to avoid intermittents: bug 1212395
-requesttimeoutfactor = 2
-# only run on b2g builds due to requiring b2g-specific log files to exist
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-# can be slow because of what the test does, so let's give it some more time
-# to avoid intermittents: bug 1144499
-requesttimeoutfactor = 2
-head = head_logshake_gonk.js
-# only run on b2g builds due to requiring b2g-specific log files to exist
-skip-if = (toolkit != "gonk")
-head = head_logshake_gonk.js
-# only run on b2g builds due to requiring b2g-specific log files to exist
-skip-if = (toolkit != "gonk")
-head = head_logshake_gonk.js
-# only run on b2g builds due to requiring b2g-specific log files to exist
-skip-if = (toolkit != "gonk")