path: root/application/palemoon/components/search/content/engineManager.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2019-12-14 14:37:24 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2019-12-14 14:37:24 -0500
commit4e34c57467a8d38d593c6fbb7c0d63c3257e99f0 (patch)
treeff5ee62f90cebe34f23f734669e2c526d783caf0 /application/palemoon/components/search/content/engineManager.js
parentdacb3da00bd17e69f1a8f1080668808a5f3fe431 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'application/palemoon/components/search/content/engineManager.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 492 deletions
diff --git a/application/palemoon/components/search/content/engineManager.js b/application/palemoon/components/search/content/engineManager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 993d48b06..000000000
--- a/application/palemoon/components/search/content/engineManager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils",
- "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
- "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm");
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const ENGINE_FLAVOR = "text/x-moz-search-engine";
-var gEngineView = null;
-var gEngineManagerDialog = {
- init: function engineManager_init() {
- gEngineView = new EngineView(new EngineStore());
- var suggestEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(BROWSER_SUGGEST_PREF);
- document.getElementById("enableSuggest").checked = suggestEnabled;
- var tree = document.getElementById("engineList");
- tree.view = gEngineView;
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified", false);
- },
- destroy: function engineManager_destroy() {
- // Remove the observer
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified");
- },
- observe: function engineManager_observe(aEngine, aTopic, aVerb) {
- if (aTopic == "browser-search-engine-modified") {
- aEngine.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine);
- switch (aVerb) {
- case "engine-added":
- gEngineView._engineStore.addEngine(aEngine);
- gEngineView.rowCountChanged(gEngineView.lastIndex, 1);
- break;
- case "engine-changed":
- gEngineView._engineStore.reloadIcons();
- gEngineView.invalidate();
- break;
- case "engine-removed":
- case "engine-current":
- case "engine-default":
- // Not relevant
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- onOK: function engineManager_onOK() {
- // Set the preference
- var newSuggestEnabled = document.getElementById("enableSuggest").checked;
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(BROWSER_SUGGEST_PREF, newSuggestEnabled);
- // Commit the changes
- gEngineView._engineStore.commit();
- },
- onRestoreDefaults: function engineManager_onRestoreDefaults() {
- var num = gEngineView._engineStore.restoreDefaultEngines();
- gEngineView.rowCountChanged(0, num);
- gEngineView.invalidate();
- },
- showRestoreDefaults: function engineManager_showRestoreDefaults(val) {
- document.documentElement.getButton("extra2").disabled = !val;
- },
- loadAddEngines: function engineManager_loadAddEngines() {
- this.onOK();
- window.opener.BrowserSearch.loadAddEngines();
- window.close();
- },
- remove: function engineManager_remove() {
- gEngineView._engineStore.removeEngine(gEngineView.selectedEngine);
- var index = gEngineView.selectedIndex;
- gEngineView.rowCountChanged(index, -1);
- gEngineView.invalidate();
-, gEngineView.lastIndex));
- gEngineView.ensureRowIsVisible(gEngineView.currentIndex);
- document.getElementById("engineList").focus();
- },
- /**
- * Moves the selected engine either up or down in the engine list
- * @param aDir
- * -1 to move the selected engine down, +1 to move it up.
- */
- bump: function engineManager_move(aDir) {
- var selectedEngine = gEngineView.selectedEngine;
- var newIndex = gEngineView.selectedIndex - aDir;
- gEngineView._engineStore.moveEngine(selectedEngine, newIndex);
- gEngineView.invalidate();
- gEngineView.ensureRowIsVisible(newIndex);
- this.showRestoreDefaults(true);
- document.getElementById("engineList").focus();
- },
- editKeyword: Task.async(function* engineManager_editKeyword() {
- var selectedEngine = gEngineView.selectedEngine;
- if (!selectedEngine)
- return;
- var alias = { value: selectedEngine.alias };
- var strings = document.getElementById("engineManagerBundle");
- var title = strings.getString("editTitle");
- var msg = strings.getFormattedString("editMsg", []);
- while (Services.prompt.prompt(window, title, msg, alias, null, {})) {
- var bduplicate = false;
- var eduplicate = false;
- var dupName = "";
- if (alias.value != "") {
- // Check for duplicates in Places keywords.
- bduplicate = !!(yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(alias.value));
- // Check for duplicates in changes we haven't committed yet
- let engines = gEngineView._engineStore.engines;
- for each (let engine in engines) {
- if (engine.alias == alias.value &&
- != {
- eduplicate = true;
- dupName =;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Notify the user if they have chosen an existing engine/bookmark keyword
- if (eduplicate || bduplicate) {
- var dtitle = strings.getString("duplicateTitle");
- var bmsg = strings.getString("duplicateBookmarkMsg");
- var emsg = strings.getFormattedString("duplicateEngineMsg", [dupName]);
- Services.prompt.alert(window, dtitle, eduplicate ? emsg : bmsg);
- } else {
- gEngineView._engineStore.changeEngine(selectedEngine, "alias",
- alias.value);
- gEngineView.invalidate();
- break;
- }
- }
- }),
- onSelect: function engineManager_onSelect() {
- // Buttons only work if an engine is selected and it's not the last engine,
- // the latter is true when the selected is first and last at the same time.
- var lastSelected = (gEngineView.selectedIndex == gEngineView.lastIndex);
- var firstSelected = (gEngineView.selectedIndex == 0);
- var noSelection = (gEngineView.selectedIndex == -1);
- document.getElementById("cmd_remove")
- .setAttribute("disabled", noSelection ||
- (firstSelected && lastSelected));
- document.getElementById("cmd_moveup")
- .setAttribute("disabled", noSelection || firstSelected);
- document.getElementById("cmd_movedown")
- .setAttribute("disabled", noSelection || lastSelected);
- document.getElementById("cmd_editkeyword")
- .setAttribute("disabled", noSelection);
- }
-function onDragEngineStart(event) {
- var selectedIndex = gEngineView.selectedIndex;
- if (selectedIndex >= 0) {
- event.dataTransfer.setData(ENGINE_FLAVOR, selectedIndex.toString());
- event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "move";
- }
-// "Operation" objects
-function EngineMoveOp(aEngineClone, aNewIndex) {
- if (!aEngineClone)
- throw new Error("bad args to new EngineMoveOp!");
- this._engine = aEngineClone.originalEngine;
- this._newIndex = aNewIndex;
-EngineMoveOp.prototype = {
- _engine: null,
- _newIndex: null,
- commit: function EMO_commit() {
-, this._newIndex);
- }
-function EngineRemoveOp(aEngineClone) {
- if (!aEngineClone)
- throw new Error("bad args to new EngineRemoveOp!");
- this._engine = aEngineClone.originalEngine;
-EngineRemoveOp.prototype = {
- _engine: null,
- commit: function ERO_commit() {
- }
-function EngineUnhideOp(aEngineClone, aNewIndex) {
- if (!aEngineClone)
- throw new Error("bad args to new EngineUnhideOp!");
- this._engine = aEngineClone.originalEngine;
- this._newIndex = aNewIndex;
-EngineUnhideOp.prototype = {
- _engine: null,
- _newIndex: null,
- commit: function EUO_commit() {
- this._engine.hidden = false;
-, this._newIndex);
- }
-function EngineChangeOp(aEngineClone, aProp, aValue) {
- if (!aEngineClone)
- throw new Error("bad args to new EngineChangeOp!");
- this._engine = aEngineClone.originalEngine;
- this._prop = aProp;
- this._newValue = aValue;
-EngineChangeOp.prototype = {
- _engine: null,
- _prop: null,
- _newValue: null,
- commit: function ECO_commit() {
- this._engine[this._prop] = this._newValue;
- }
-function EngineStore() {
- this._engines =;
- this._defaultEngines =;
- this._ops = [];
- // check if we need to disable the restore defaults button
- var someHidden = this._defaultEngines.some(function (e) e.hidden);
- gEngineManagerDialog.showRestoreDefaults(someHidden);
-EngineStore.prototype = {
- _engines: null,
- _defaultEngines: null,
- _ops: null,
- get engines() {
- return this._engines;
- },
- set engines(val) {
- this._engines = val;
- return val;
- },
- _getIndexForEngine: function ES_getIndexForEngine(aEngine) {
- return this._engines.indexOf(aEngine);
- },
- _getEngineByName: function ES_getEngineByName(aName) {
- for each (var engine in this._engines)
- if ( == aName)
- return engine;
- return null;
- },
- _cloneEngine: function ES_cloneEngine(aEngine) {
- var clonedObj={};
- for (var i in aEngine)
- clonedObj[i] = aEngine[i];
- clonedObj.originalEngine = aEngine;
- return clonedObj;
- },
- // Callback for Array's some(). A thisObj must be passed to some()
- _isSameEngine: function ES_isSameEngine(aEngineClone) {
- return aEngineClone.originalEngine == this.originalEngine;
- },
- commit: function ES_commit() {
- var currentEngine = this._cloneEngine(;
- for (var i = 0; i < this._ops.length; i++)
- this._ops[i].commit();
- // Restore currentEngine if it is a default engine that is still visible.
- // Needed if the user deletes currentEngine and then restores it.
- if (this._defaultEngines.some(this._isSameEngine, currentEngine) &&
- !currentEngine.originalEngine.hidden)
- = currentEngine.originalEngine;
- },
- addEngine: function ES_addEngine(aEngine) {
- this._engines.push(this._cloneEngine(aEngine));
- },
- moveEngine: function ES_moveEngine(aEngine, aNewIndex) {
- if (aNewIndex < 0 || aNewIndex > this._engines.length - 1)
- throw new Error("ES_moveEngine: invalid aNewIndex!");
- var index = this._getIndexForEngine(aEngine);
- if (index == -1)
- throw new Error("ES_moveEngine: invalid engine?");
- if (index == aNewIndex)
- return; // nothing to do
- // Move the engine in our internal store
- var removedEngine = this._engines.splice(index, 1)[0];
- this._engines.splice(aNewIndex, 0, removedEngine);
- this._ops.push(new EngineMoveOp(aEngine, aNewIndex));
- },
- removeEngine: function ES_removeEngine(aEngine) {
- var index = this._getIndexForEngine(aEngine);
- if (index == -1)
- throw new Error("invalid engine?");
- this._engines.splice(index, 1);
- this._ops.push(new EngineRemoveOp(aEngine));
- if (this._defaultEngines.some(this._isSameEngine, aEngine))
- gEngineManagerDialog.showRestoreDefaults(true);
- },
- restoreDefaultEngines: function ES_restoreDefaultEngines() {
- var added = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this._defaultEngines.length; ++i) {
- var e = this._defaultEngines[i];
- // If the engine is already in the list, just move it.
- if (this._engines.some(this._isSameEngine, e)) {
- this.moveEngine(this._getEngineByName(, i);
- } else {
- // Otherwise, add it back to our internal store
- this._engines.splice(i, 0, e);
- this._ops.push(new EngineUnhideOp(e, i));
- added++;
- }
- }
- gEngineManagerDialog.showRestoreDefaults(false);
- return added;
- },
- changeEngine: function ES_changeEngine(aEngine, aProp, aNewValue) {
- var index = this._getIndexForEngine(aEngine);
- if (index == -1)
- throw new Error("invalid engine?");
- this._engines[index][aProp] = aNewValue;
- this._ops.push(new EngineChangeOp(aEngine, aProp, aNewValue));
- },
- reloadIcons: function ES_reloadIcons() {
- this._engines.forEach(function (e) {
- e.uri = e.originalEngine.uri;
- });
- }
-function EngineView(aEngineStore) {
- this._engineStore = aEngineStore;
-EngineView.prototype = {
- _engineStore: null,
- tree: null,
- get lastIndex() {
- return this.rowCount - 1;
- },
- get selectedIndex() {
- var seln = this.selection;
- if (seln.getRangeCount() > 0) {
- var min = {};
- seln.getRangeAt(0, min, {});
- return min.value;
- }
- return -1;
- },
- get selectedEngine() {
- return this._engineStore.engines[this.selectedIndex];
- },
- // Helpers
- rowCountChanged: function (index, count) {
- this.tree.rowCountChanged(index, count);
- },
- invalidate: function () {
- this.tree.invalidate();
- },
- ensureRowIsVisible: function (index) {
- this.tree.ensureRowIsVisible(index);
- },
- getSourceIndexFromDrag: function (dataTransfer) {
- return parseInt(dataTransfer.getData(ENGINE_FLAVOR));
- },
- // nsITreeView
- get rowCount() {
- return this._engineStore.engines.length;
- },
- getImageSrc: function(index, column) {
- if ( == "engineName" && this._engineStore.engines[index].iconURI)
- return this._engineStore.engines[index].iconURI.spec;
- return "";
- },
- getCellText: function(index, column) {
- if ( == "engineName")
- return this._engineStore.engines[index].name;
- else if ( == "engineKeyword")
- return this._engineStore.engines[index].alias;
- return "";
- },
- setTree: function(tree) {
- this.tree = tree;
- },
- canDrop: function(targetIndex, orientation, dataTransfer) {
- var sourceIndex = this.getSourceIndexFromDrag(dataTransfer);
- return (sourceIndex != -1 &&
- sourceIndex != targetIndex &&
- sourceIndex != targetIndex + orientation);
- },
- drop: function(dropIndex, orientation, dataTransfer) {
- var sourceIndex = this.getSourceIndexFromDrag(dataTransfer);
- var sourceEngine = this._engineStore.engines[sourceIndex];
- if (dropIndex > sourceIndex) {
- if (orientation == Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_BEFORE)
- dropIndex--;
- } else {
- if (orientation == Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_AFTER)
- dropIndex++;
- }
- this._engineStore.moveEngine(sourceEngine, dropIndex);
- gEngineManagerDialog.showRestoreDefaults(true);
- // Redraw, and adjust selection
- this.invalidate();
- },
- selection: null,
- getRowProperties: function(index) { return ""; },
- getCellProperties: function(index, column) { return ""; },
- getColumnProperties: function(column) { return ""; },
- isContainer: function(index) { return false; },
- isContainerOpen: function(index) { return false; },
- isContainerEmpty: function(index) { return false; },
- isSeparator: function(index) { return false; },
- isSorted: function(index) { return false; },
- getParentIndex: function(index) { return -1; },
- hasNextSibling: function(parentIndex, index) { return false; },
- getLevel: function(index) { return 0; },
- getProgressMode: function(index, column) { },
- getCellValue: function(index, column) { },
- toggleOpenState: function(index) { },
- cycleHeader: function(column) { },
- selectionChanged: function() { },
- cycleCell: function(row, column) { },
- isEditable: function(index, column) { return false; },
- isSelectable: function(index, column) { return false; },
- setCellValue: function(index, column, value) { },
- setCellText: function(index, column, value) { },
- performAction: function(action) { },
- performActionOnRow: function(action, index) { },
- performActionOnCell: function(action, index, column) { }