path: root/application/palemoon/components/downloads/DownloadsCommon.jsm
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authorwicknix <>2019-04-15 18:58:07 -0500
committerGitHub <>2019-04-15 18:58:07 -0500
commit5a1843c9f9e323627f9c35529e6a8c853d4dbb0d (patch)
tree62de3cd7cb8a6f75e568863bb73ca2deb80d87a9 /application/palemoon/components/downloads/DownloadsCommon.jsm
parent065f6f9e5ebc1ed6cfaadaf7851b6021fa94a013 (diff)
parent095ea556855b38138e39e713f482eb440f7da9b2 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from MoonchildProductions/master
keep up with mc
Diffstat (limited to 'application/palemoon/components/downloads/DownloadsCommon.jsm')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 676 deletions
diff --git a/application/palemoon/components/downloads/DownloadsCommon.jsm b/application/palemoon/components/downloads/DownloadsCommon.jsm
index bd5d55a73..efe31ce05 100644
--- a/application/palemoon/components/downloads/DownloadsCommon.jsm
+++ b/application/palemoon/components/downloads/DownloadsCommon.jsm
@@ -21,15 +21,9 @@ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [
* DownloadsData
* Retrieves the list of past and completed downloads from the underlying
- * Download Manager data, and provides asynchronous notifications allowing
+ * Downloads API data, and provides asynchronous notifications allowing
* to build a consistent view of the available data.
- * DownloadsDataItem
- * Represents a single item in the list of downloads. This object either wraps
- * an existing nsIDownload from the Download Manager, or provides the same
- * information read directly from the downloads database, with the possibility
- * of querying the nsIDownload lazily, for performance reasons.
- *
* DownloadsIndicatorData
* This object registers itself with DownloadsData as a view, and transforms the
* notifications it receives into overall status data, that is then broadcast to
@@ -57,6 +51,8 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DownloadUIHelper",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DownloadUtils",
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FileUtils",
+ "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils",
@@ -94,11 +90,6 @@ const kDownloadsStringsRequiringPluralForm = {
otherDownloads2: true
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DownloadsLocalFileCtor", function () {
- return Components.Constructor(";1",
- "nsILocalFile", "initWithPath");
const kPartialDownloadSuffix = ".part";
const kPrefBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch("");
@@ -382,17 +373,27 @@ this.DownloadsCommon = {
- * Given an iterable collection of DownloadDataItems, generates and returns
+ * Helper function required because the Downloads Panel and the Downloads View
+ * don't share the controller yet.
+ */
+ removeAndFinalizeDownload(download) {
+ Downloads.getList(Downloads.ALL)
+ .then(list => list.remove(download))
+ .then(() => download.finalize(true))
+ .catch(Cu.reportError);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Given an iterable collection of Download objects, generates and returns
* statistics about that collection.
- * @param aDataItems An iterable collection of DownloadDataItems.
+ * @param downloads An iterable collection of Download objects.
* @return Object whose properties are the generated statistics. Currently,
* we return the following properties:
* numActive : The total number of downloads.
* numPaused : The total number of paused downloads.
- * numScanning : The total number of downloads being scanned.
* numDownloading : The total number of downloads being downloaded.
* totalSize : The total size of all downloads once completed.
* totalTransferred: The total amount of transferred data for these
@@ -402,55 +403,48 @@ this.DownloadsCommon = {
* complete.
* percentComplete : The percentage of bytes successfully downloaded.
- summarizeDownloads: function DC_summarizeDownloads(aDataItems)
- {
+ summarizeDownloads(downloads) {
let summary = {
numActive: 0,
numPaused: 0,
- numScanning: 0,
numDownloading: 0,
totalSize: 0,
totalTransferred: 0,
// slowestSpeed is Infinity so that we can use Math.min to
// find the slowest speed. We'll set this to 0 afterwards if
// it's still at Infinity by the time we're done iterating all
- // dataItems.
+ // download.
slowestSpeed: Infinity,
rawTimeLeft: -1,
percentComplete: -1
- for (let dataItem of aDataItems) {
+ for (let download of downloads) {
- switch (dataItem.state) {
- summary.numPaused++;
- break;
- summary.numScanning++;
- break;
- summary.numDownloading++;
- if (dataItem.maxBytes > 0 && dataItem.speed > 0) {
- let sizeLeft = dataItem.maxBytes - dataItem.currBytes;
- summary.rawTimeLeft = Math.max(summary.rawTimeLeft,
- sizeLeft / dataItem.speed);
- summary.slowestSpeed = Math.min(summary.slowestSpeed,
- dataItem.speed);
- }
- break;
+ if (!download.stopped) {
+ summary.numDownloading++;
+ if (download.hasProgress && download.speed > 0) {
+ let sizeLeft = download.totalBytes - download.currentBytes;
+ summary.rawTimeLeft = Math.max(summary.rawTimeLeft,
+ sizeLeft / download.speed);
+ summary.slowestSpeed = Math.min(summary.slowestSpeed,
+ download.speed);
+ }
+ } else if (download.canceled && download.hasPartialData) {
+ summary.numPaused++;
// Only add to total values if we actually know the download size.
- if (dataItem.maxBytes > 0 &&
- dataItem.state != nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED &&
- dataItem.state != nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED) {
- summary.totalSize += dataItem.maxBytes;
- summary.totalTransferred += dataItem.currBytes;
+ if (download.succeeded) {
+ summary.totalSize +=;
+ summary.totalTransferred +=;
+ } else if (download.hasProgress) {
+ summary.totalSize += download.totalBytes;
+ summary.totalTransferred += download.currentBytes;
- if (summary.numActive != 0 && summary.totalSize != 0 &&
- summary.numActive != summary.numScanning) {
+ if (summary.totalSize != 0) {
summary.percentComplete = (summary.totalTransferred /
summary.totalSize) * 100;
@@ -501,7 +495,7 @@ this.DownloadsCommon = {
* Opens a downloaded file.
- * If you've a dataItem, you should call dataItem.openLocalFile.
+ *
* @param aFile
* the downloaded file to be opened.
* @param aMimeInfo
@@ -574,7 +568,6 @@ this.DownloadsCommon = {
* Show a downloaded file in the system file manager.
- * If you have a dataItem, use dataItem.showLocalFile.
* @param aFile
* a downloaded file.
@@ -651,19 +644,12 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(DownloadsCommon, "useJSTransfer", function () {
function DownloadsDataCtor(aPrivate) {
this._isPrivate = aPrivate;
- // This Object contains all the available DownloadsDataItem objects, indexed by
- // their globally unique identifier. The identifiers of downloads that have
- // been removed from the Download Manager data are still present, however the
- // associated objects are replaced with the value "null". This is required to
- // prevent race conditions when populating the list asynchronously.
- this.dataItems = {};
+ // Contains all the available Download objects and their integer state.
+ this.oldDownloadStates = new Map();
// Array of view objects that should be notified when the available download
// data changes.
this._views = [];
- // Maps Download objects to DownloadDataItem objects.
- this._downloadToDataItemMap = new Map();
DownloadsDataCtor.prototype = {
@@ -690,12 +676,19 @@ DownloadsDataCtor.prototype = {
+ * Iterator for all the available Download objects. This is empty until the
+ * data has been loaded using the JavaScript API for downloads.
+ */
+ get downloads() this.oldDownloadStates.keys(),
+ /**
* True if there are finished downloads that can be removed from the list.
get canRemoveFinished()
- for (let [, dataItem] of Iterator(this.dataItems)) {
- if (dataItem && !dataItem.inProgress) {
+ for (let download of this.downloads) {
+ // Stopped, paused, and failed downloads with partial data are removed.
+ if (download.stopped && !(download.canceled && download.hasPartialData)) {
return true;
@@ -716,103 +709,87 @@ DownloadsDataCtor.prototype = {
//// Integration with the asynchronous Downloads back-end
- onDownloadAdded: function (aDownload)
- {
- let dataItem = new DownloadsDataItem(aDownload);
- this._downloadToDataItemMap.set(aDownload, dataItem);
- this.dataItems[dataItem.downloadGuid] = dataItem;
- for (let view of this._views) {
- view.onDataItemAdded(dataItem, true);
- }
- this._updateDataItemState(dataItem);
- },
- onDownloadChanged: function (aDownload)
- {
- let dataItem = this._downloadToDataItemMap.get(aDownload);
- if (!dataItem) {
- Cu.reportError("Download doesn't exist.");
- return;
- }
+ onDownloadAdded(download) {
+ // Download objects do not store the end time of downloads, as the Downloads
+ // API does not need to persist this information for all platforms. Once a
+ // download terminates on a Desktop browser, it becomes a history download,
+ // for which the end time is stored differently, as a Places annotation.
+ download.endTime =;
- this._updateDataItemState(dataItem);
- },
+ this.oldDownloadStates.set(download,
+ DownloadsCommon.stateOfDownload(download));
- onDownloadRemoved: function (aDownload)
- {
- let dataItem = this._downloadToDataItemMap.get(aDownload);
- if (!dataItem) {
- Cu.reportError("Download doesn't exist.");
- return;
- }
- this._downloadToDataItemMap.delete(aDownload);
- this.dataItems[dataItem.downloadGuid] = null;
for (let view of this._views) {
- view.onDataItemRemoved(dataItem);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Updates the given data item and sends related notifications.
- */
- _updateDataItemState: function (aDataItem)
- {
- let oldState = aDataItem.state;
- let wasInProgress = aDataItem.inProgress;
- let wasDone = aDataItem.done;
- aDataItem.updateFromJSDownload();
- if (wasInProgress && !aDataItem.inProgress) {
- aDataItem.endTime =;
- }
+ view.onDownloadAdded(download, true);
+ }
+ },
+ onDownloadChanged(download) {
+ let oldState = this.oldDownloadStates.get(download);
+ let newState = DownloadsCommon.stateOfDownload(download);
+ this.oldDownloadStates.set(download, newState);
+ if (oldState != newState) {
+ if (download.succeeded ||
+ (download.canceled && !download.hasPartialData) ||
+ download.error) {
+ // Store the end time that may be displayed by the views.
+ download.endTime =;
+ // This state transition code should actually be located in a Downloads
+ // API module (bug 941009). Moreover, the fact that state is stored as
+ // annotations should be ideally hidden behind methods of
+ // nsIDownloadHistory (bug 830415).
+ if (!this._isPrivate) {
+ try {
+ let downloadMetaData = {
+ state: DownloadsCommon.stateOfDownload(download),
+ endTime: download.endTime,
+ };
+ if (download.succeeded) {
+ downloadMetaData.fileSize =;
+ }
+ PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(
+ NetUtil.newURI(download.source.url),
+ "downloads/metaData",
+ JSON.stringify(downloadMetaData), 0,
+ PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_WITH_HISTORY);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (oldState != aDataItem.state) {
for (let view of this._views) {
try {
- view.getViewItem(aDataItem).onStateChange(oldState);
+ view.onDownloadStateChanged(download);
} catch (ex) {
- // This state transition code should actually be located in a Downloads
- // API module (bug 941009). Moreover, the fact that state is stored as
- // annotations should be ideally hidden behind methods of
- // nsIDownloadHistory (bug 830415).
- if (!this._isPrivate && !aDataItem.inProgress) {
- try {
- let downloadMetaData = { state: aDataItem.state,
- endTime: aDataItem.endTime };
- if (aDataItem.done) {
- downloadMetaData.fileSize = aDataItem.maxBytes;
- }
- // RRR: Annotation service throws here. commented out for now.
- /*PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(
- NetUtil.newURI(aDataItem.uri), "downloads/metaData",
- JSON.stringify(downloadMetaData), 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_WITH_HISTORY);*/
- } catch (ex) {
- Cu.reportError(ex);
- }
+ if (download.succeeded ||
+ (download.error && download.error.becauseBlocked)) {
+ this._notifyDownloadEvent("finish");
- if (!aDataItem.newDownloadNotified) {
- aDataItem.newDownloadNotified = true;
+ if (!download.newDownloadNotified) {
+ download.newDownloadNotified = true;
- if (!wasDone && aDataItem.done) {
- this._notifyDownloadEvent("finish");
+ for (let view of this._views) {
+ view.onDownloadChanged(download);
+ },
+ onDownloadRemoved(download) {
+ this.oldDownloadStates.delete(download);
for (let view of this._views) {
- view.getViewItem(aDataItem).onProgressChange();
+ view.onDownloadRemoved(download);
@@ -864,19 +841,9 @@ DownloadsDataCtor.prototype = {
//let loadedItemsArray = [dataItem
// for each (dataItem in this.dataItems)
// if (dataItem)];
- let loadedItemsArray = [];
- for each (let dataItem in this.dataItems) {
- if (dataItem) {
- loadedItemsArray.push(dataItem);
- }
- }
- loadedItemsArray.sort(function(a, b) b.startTime - a.startTime);
- loadedItemsArray.forEach(
- function (dataItem) aView.onDataItemAdded(dataItem, false)
- );
+ let downloadsArray = [...this.downloads];
+ downloadsArray.sort((a, b) => b.startTime - a.startTime);
+ downloadsArray.forEach(download => aView.onDownloadAdded(download, false));
// Notify the view that all data is available unless loading is in progress.
if (!this._pendingStatement) {
@@ -1328,410 +1295,6 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DownloadsData", function() {
-//// DownloadsDataItem
- * Represents a single item in the list of downloads. This object either wraps
- * an existing nsIDownload from the Download Manager, or provides the same
- * information read directly from the downloads database, with the possibility
- * of querying the nsIDownload lazily, for performance reasons.
- *
- * @param aSource
- * Object containing the data with which the item should be initialized.
- * This should implement either nsIDownload or mozIStorageRow. If the
- * JavaScript API for downloads is enabled, this is a Download object.
- */
-function DownloadsDataItem(aSource)
- this._initFromJSDownload(aSource);
-DownloadsDataItem.prototype = {
- /**
- * The JavaScript API does not need identifiers for Download objects, so they
- * are generated sequentially for the corresponding DownloadDataItem.
- */
- get _autoIncrementId() ++DownloadsDataItem.prototype.__lastId,
- __lastId: 0,
- /**
- * Initializes this object from the JavaScript API for downloads.
- *
- * The endTime property is initialized to the current date and time.
- *
- * @param aDownload
- * The Download object with the current state.
- */
- _initFromJSDownload: function (aDownload)
- {
- this._download = aDownload;
- this.downloadGuid = "id:" + this._autoIncrementId;
- this.file =;
- = OS.Path.basename(;
- this.uri = aDownload.source.url;
- this.endTime =;
- this.updateFromJSDownload();
- },
- /**
- * Updates this object from the JavaScript API for downloads.
- */
- updateFromJSDownload: function ()
- {
- // Collapse state using the correct priority.
- if (this._download.succeeded) {
- this.state = nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED;
- } else if (this._download.error &&
- this._download.error.becauseBlockedByParentalControls) {
- } else if (this._download.error) {
- this.state = nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED;
- } else if (this._download.canceled && this._download.hasPartialData) {
- this.state = nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED;
- } else if (this._download.canceled) {
- this.state = nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED;
- } else if (this._download.stopped) {
- } else {
- }
- this.referrer = this._download.source.referrer;
- this.startTime = this._download.startTime;
- this.currBytes = this._download.currentBytes;
- this.resumable = this._download.hasPartialData;
- this.speed = this._download.speed;
- if (this._download.succeeded) {
- // If the download succeeded, show the final size if available, otherwise
- // use the last known number of bytes transferred. The final size on disk
- // will be available when bug 941063 is resolved.
- this.maxBytes = this._download.hasProgress ?
- this._download.totalBytes :
- this._download.currentBytes;
- this.percentComplete = 100;
- } else if (this._download.hasProgress) {
- // If the final size and progress are known, use them.
- this.maxBytes = this._download.totalBytes;
- this.percentComplete = this._download.progress;
- } else {
- // The download final size and progress percentage is unknown.
- this.maxBytes = -1;
- this.percentComplete = -1;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Initializes this object from a download object of the Download Manager.
- *
- * The endTime property is initialized to the current date and time.
- *
- * @param aDownload
- * The nsIDownload with the current state.
- */
- _initFromDownload: function DDI_initFromDownload(aDownload)
- {
- this._download = aDownload;
- // Fetch all the download properties eagerly.
- this.downloadGuid = aDownload.guid;
- this.file =;
- = aDownload.displayName;
- this.uri = aDownload.source.spec;
- this.referrer = aDownload.referrer && aDownload.referrer.spec;
- this.state = aDownload.state;
- this.startTime = Math.round(aDownload.startTime / 1000);
- this.endTime =;
- this.currBytes = aDownload.amountTransferred;
- this.maxBytes = aDownload.size;
- this.resumable = aDownload.resumable;
- this.speed = aDownload.speed;
- this.percentComplete = aDownload.percentComplete;
- },
- /**
- * Initializes this object from a data row in the downloads database, without
- * querying the associated nsIDownload object, to improve performance when
- * loading the list of downloads asynchronously.
- *
- * When this object is initialized in this way, accessing the "download"
- * property loads the underlying nsIDownload object synchronously, and should
- * be avoided unless the object is really required.
- *
- * @param aStorageRow
- * The mozIStorageRow from the downloads database.
- */
- _initFromDataRow: function DDI_initFromDataRow(aStorageRow)
- {
- // Get the download properties from the data row.
- this._download = null;
- this.downloadGuid = aStorageRow.getResultByName("guid");
- this.file = aStorageRow.getResultByName("target");
- = aStorageRow.getResultByName("name");
- this.uri = aStorageRow.getResultByName("source");
- this.referrer = aStorageRow.getResultByName("referrer");
- this.state = aStorageRow.getResultByName("state");
- this.startTime = Math.round(aStorageRow.getResultByName("startTime") / 1000);
- this.endTime = Math.round(aStorageRow.getResultByName("endTime") / 1000);
- this.currBytes = aStorageRow.getResultByName("currBytes");
- this.maxBytes = aStorageRow.getResultByName("maxBytes");
- // Now we have to determine if the download is resumable, but don't want to
- // access the underlying download object unnecessarily. The only case where
- // the property is relevant is when we are currently downloading data, and
- // in this case the download object is already loaded in memory or will be
- // loaded very soon in any case. In all the other cases, including a paused
- // download, we assume that the download is resumable. The property will be
- // updated as soon as the underlying download state changes.
- // We'll start by assuming we're resumable, and then if we're downloading,
- // update resumable property in case we were wrong.
- this.resumable = true;
- if (this.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING) {
- this.getDownload(function(aDownload) {
- this.resumable = aDownload.resumable;
- }.bind(this));
- }
- // Compute the other properties without accessing the download object.
- this.speed = 0;
- this.percentComplete = this.maxBytes <= 0
- ? -1
- : Math.round(this.currBytes / this.maxBytes * 100);
- },
- /**
- * Asynchronous getter for the download object corresponding to this data item.
- *
- * @param aCallback
- * A callback function which will be called when the download object is
- * available. It should accept one argument which will be the download
- * object.
- */
- getDownload: function DDI_getDownload(aCallback) {
- if (this._download) {
- // Return the download object asynchronously to the caller
- let download = this._download;
- () aCallback(download),
- } else {
- Services.downloads.getDownloadByGUID(this.downloadGuid,
- function(aStatus, aResult) {
- if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) {
- Cu.reportError(
- new Components.Exception("Cannot retrieve download for GUID: " +
- this.downloadGuid));
- } else {
- this._download = aResult;
- aCallback(aResult);
- }
- }.bind(this));
- }
- },
- /**
- * Indicates whether the download is proceeding normally, and not finished
- * yet. This includes paused downloads. When this property is true, the
- * "progress" property represents the current progress of the download.
- */
- get inProgress()
- {
- return [
- ].indexOf(this.state) != -1;
- },
- /**
- * This is true during the initial phases of a download, before the actual
- * download of data bytes starts.
- */
- get starting()
- {
- return this.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED ||
- this.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED;
- },
- /**
- * Indicates whether the download is paused.
- */
- get paused()
- {
- return this.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED;
- },
- /**
- * Indicates whether the download is in a final state, either because it
- * completed successfully or because it was blocked.
- */
- get done()
- {
- return [
- ].indexOf(this.state) != -1;
- },
- /**
- * Indicates whether the download is finished and can be opened.
- */
- get openable()
- {
- return this.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED;
- },
- /**
- * Indicates whether the download stopped because of an error, and can be
- * resumed manually.
- */
- get canRetry()
- {
- return this.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED ||
- this.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the nsILocalFile for the download target.
- *
- * @throws if the native path is not valid. This can happen if the same
- * profile is used on different platforms, for example if a native
- * Windows path is stored and then the item is accessed on a Mac.
- */
- get localFile()
- {
- return this._getFile(this.file);
- },
- /**
- * Returns the nsILocalFile for the partially downloaded target.
- *
- * @throws if the native path is not valid. This can happen if the same
- * profile is used on different platforms, for example if a native
- * Windows path is stored and then the item is accessed on a Mac.
- */
- get partFile()
- {
- return this._getFile(this.file + kPartialDownloadSuffix);
- },
- /**
- * Returns an nsILocalFile for aFilename. aFilename might be a file URL or
- * a native path.
- *
- * @param aFilename the filename of the file to retrieve.
- * @return an nsILocalFile for the file.
- * @throws if the native path is not valid. This can happen if the same
- * profile is used on different platforms, for example if a native
- * Windows path is stored and then the item is accessed on a Mac.
- * @note This function makes no guarantees about the file's existence -
- * callers should check that the returned file exists.
- */
- _getFile: function DDI__getFile(aFilename)
- {
- // The download database may contain targets stored as file URLs or native
- // paths. This can still be true for previously stored items, even if new
- // items are stored using their file URL. See also bug 239948 comment 12.
- if (aFilename.startsWith("file:")) {
- // Assume the file URL we obtained from the downloads database or from the
- // "spec" property of the target has the UTF-8 charset.
- let fileUrl = NetUtil.newURI(aFilename).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL);
- return fileUrl.file.clone().QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFile);
- } else {
- // The downloads database contains a native path. Try to create a local
- // file, though this may throw an exception if the path is invalid.
- return new DownloadsLocalFileCtor(aFilename);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Open the target file for this download.
- *
- * @param aOwnerWindow
- * The window with which the required action is associated.
- * @throws if the file cannot be opened.
- */
- openLocalFile: function DDI_openLocalFile(aOwnerWindow) {
- this._download.launch().then(null, Cu.reportError);
- return;
- },
- /**
- * Show the downloaded file in the system file manager.
- */
- showLocalFile: function DDI_showLocalFile() {
- DownloadsCommon.showDownloadedFile(this.localFile);
- },
- /**
- * Resumes the download if paused, pauses it if active.
- * @throws if the download is not resumable or if has already done.
- */
- togglePauseResume: function DDI_togglePauseResume() {
- if (this._download.stopped) {
- this._download.start();
- } else {
- this._download.cancel();
- }
- return;
- },
- /**
- * Attempts to retry the download.
- * @throws if we cannot.
- */
- retry: function DDI_retry() {
- this._download.start();
- return;
- },
- /**
- * Support function that deletes the local file for a download. This is
- * used in cases where the Download Manager service doesn't delete the file
- * from disk when cancelling. See bug 732924.
- */
- _ensureLocalFileRemoved: function DDI__ensureLocalFileRemoved()
- {
- try {
- let localFile = this.localFile;
- if (localFile.exists()) {
- localFile.remove(false);
- }
- } catch (ex) { }
- },
- /**
- * Cancels the download.
- * @throws if the download is already done.
- */
- cancel: function() {
- this._download.cancel();
- this._download.removePartialData().then(null, Cu.reportError);
- return;
- },
- /**
- * Remove the download.
- */
- remove: function DDI_remove() {
- let promiseList = this._download.source.isPrivate
- ? Downloads.getList(Downloads.PUBLIC)
- : Downloads.getList(Downloads.PRIVATE);
- promiseList.then(list => list.remove(this._download))
- .then(() => this._download.finalize(true))
- .then(null, Cu.reportError);
- return;
- }
//// DownloadsViewPrototype
@@ -1858,9 +1421,9 @@ const DownloadsViewPrototype = {
* Called when a new download data item is available, either during the
* asynchronous data load or when a new download is started.
- * @param aDataItem
- * DownloadsDataItem object that was just added.
- * @param aNewest
+ * @param download
+ * Download object that was just added.
+ * @param newest
* When true, indicates that this item is the most recent and should be
* added in the topmost position. This happens when a new download is
* started. When false, indicates that the item is the least recent
@@ -1869,37 +1432,46 @@ const DownloadsViewPrototype = {
* @note Subclasses should override this.
- onDataItemAdded: function DVP_onDataItemAdded(aDataItem, aNewest)
- {
+ onDownloadAdded(download, newest) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
- * Called when a data item is removed, ensures that the widget associated with
- * the view item is removed from the user interface.
+ * Called when the overall state of a Download has changed. In particular,
+ * this is called only once when the download succeeds or is blocked
+ * permanently, and is never called if only the current progress changed.
- * @param aDataItem
- * DownloadsDataItem object that is being removed.
+ * The onDownloadChanged notification will always be sent afterwards.
* @note Subclasses should override this.
- onDataItemRemoved: function DVP_onDataItemRemoved(aDataItem)
- {
+ onDownloadStateChanged(download) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
- * Returns the view item associated with the provided data item for this view.
+ * Called every time any state property of a Download may have changed,
+ * including progress properties.
- * @param aDataItem
- * DownloadsDataItem object for which the view item is requested.
+ * Note that progress notification changes are throttled at the Downloads.jsm
+ * API level, and there is no throttling mechanism in the front-end.
+ *
+ * @note Subclasses should override this.
+ */
+ onDownloadChanged(download) {
+ throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Called when a data item is removed, ensures that the widget associated with
+ * the view item is removed from the user interface.
- * @return Object that can be used to notify item status events.
+ * @param download
+ * Download object that is being removed.
* @note Subclasses should override this.
- getViewItem: function DID_getViewItem(aDataItem)
- {
+ onDownloadRemoved(download) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
@@ -1963,9 +1535,6 @@ DownloadsIndicatorDataCtor.prototype = {
//// Callback functions from DownloadsData
- /**
- * Called after data loading finished.
- */
onDataLoadCompleted: function DID_onDataLoadCompleted()
@@ -1982,69 +1551,28 @@ DownloadsIndicatorDataCtor.prototype = {
this._itemCount = 0;
- /**
- * Called when a new download data item is available, either during the
- * asynchronous data load or when a new download is started.
- *
- * @param aDataItem
- * DownloadsDataItem object that was just added.
- * @param aNewest
- * When true, indicates that this item is the most recent and should be
- * added in the topmost position. This happens when a new download is
- * started. When false, indicates that the item is the least recent
- * with regard to the items that have been already added. The latter
- * generally happens during the asynchronous data load.
- */
- onDataItemAdded: function DID_onDataItemAdded(aDataItem, aNewest)
- {
+ onDownloadAdded(download, newest) {
- /**
- * Called when a data item is removed, ensures that the widget associated with
- * the view item is removed from the user interface.
- *
- * @param aDataItem
- * DownloadsDataItem object that is being removed.
- */
- onDataItemRemoved: function DID_onDataItemRemoved(aDataItem)
- {
- this._itemCount--;
- this._updateViews();
- },
+ onDownloadStateChanged(download) {
+ if (download.succeeded || download.error) {
+ this.attention = true;
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the view item associated with the provided data item for this view.
- *
- * @param aDataItem
- * DownloadsDataItem object for which the view item is requested.
- *
- * @return Object that can be used to notify item status events.
- */
- getViewItem: function DID_getViewItem(aDataItem)
- {
- let data = this._isPrivate ? PrivateDownloadsIndicatorData
- : DownloadsIndicatorData;
- return Object.freeze({
- onStateChange: function DIVI_onStateChange(aOldState)
- {
- if (aDataItem.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED ||
- aDataItem.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED) {
- data.attention = true;
- }
+ // Since the state of a download changed, reset the estimated time left.
+ this._lastRawTimeLeft = -1;
+ this._lastTimeLeft = -1;
+ },
- // Since the state of a download changed, reset the estimated time left.
- data._lastRawTimeLeft = -1;
- data._lastTimeLeft = -1;
+ onDownloadChanged(download) {
+ this._updateViews();
+ },
- data._updateViews();
- },
- onProgressChange: function DIVI_onProgressChange()
- {
- data._updateViews();
- }
- });
+ onDownloadRemoved(download) {
+ this._itemCount--;
+ this._updateViews();
@@ -2135,18 +1663,17 @@ DownloadsIndicatorDataCtor.prototype = {
_lastTimeLeft: -1,
- * A generator function for the dataItems that this summary is currently
+ * A generator function for the Download objects this summary is currently
* interested in. This generator is passed off to summarizeDownloads in order
- * to generate statistics about the dataItems we care about - in this case,
- * it's all dataItems for active downloads.
- */
- _activeDataItems: function DID_activeDataItems()
- {
- let dataItems = this._isPrivate ? PrivateDownloadsData.dataItems
- : DownloadsData.dataItems;
- for each (let dataItem in dataItems) {
- if (dataItem && dataItem.inProgress) {
- yield dataItem;
+ * to generate statistics about the downloads we care about - in this case,
+ * it's all active downloads.
+ */
+ * _activeDownloads() {
+ let downloads = this._isPrivate ? PrivateDownloadsData.downloads
+ : DownloadsData.downloads;
+ for (let download of downloads) {
+ if (!download.stopped || (download.canceled && download.hasPartialData)) {
+ yield download;
@@ -2157,7 +1684,7 @@ DownloadsIndicatorDataCtor.prototype = {
_refreshProperties: function DID_refreshProperties()
let summary =
- DownloadsCommon.summarizeDownloads(this._activeDataItems());
+ DownloadsCommon.summarizeDownloads(this._activeDownloads());
// Determine if the indicator should be shown or get attention.
this._hasDownloads = (this._itemCount > 0);
@@ -2218,7 +1745,7 @@ function DownloadsSummaryData(aIsPrivate, aNumToExclude) {
// completely separated from one another.
this._loading = false;
- this._dataItems = [];
+ this._downloads = [];
// Floating point value indicating the last number of seconds estimated until
// the longest download will finish. We need to store this value so that we
@@ -2258,9 +1785,9 @@ DownloadsSummaryData.prototype = {, aView);
if (this._views.length == 0) {
- // Clear out our collection of DownloadDataItems. If we ever have
+ // Clear out our collection of Download objects. If we ever have
// another view registered with us, this will get re-populated.
- this._dataItems = [];
+ this._downloads = [];
@@ -2280,40 +1807,30 @@ DownloadsSummaryData.prototype = {
this._dataItems = [];
- onDataItemAdded: function DSD_onDataItemAdded(aDataItem, aNewest)
- {
- if (aNewest) {
- this._dataItems.unshift(aDataItem);
+ onDownloadAdded(download, newest) {
+ if (newest) {
+ this._downloads.unshift(download);
} else {
- this._dataItems.push(aDataItem);
+ this._downloads.push(download);
- onDataItemRemoved: function DSD_onDataItemRemoved(aDataItem)
- {
- let itemIndex = this._dataItems.indexOf(aDataItem);
- this._dataItems.splice(itemIndex, 1);
+ onDownloadStateChanged() {
+ // Since the state of a download changed, reset the estimated time left.
+ this._lastRawTimeLeft = -1;
+ this._lastTimeLeft = -1;
+ },
+ onDownloadChanged() {
- getViewItem: function DSD_getViewItem(aDataItem)
- {
- let self = this;
- return Object.freeze({
- onStateChange: function DIVI_onStateChange(aOldState)
- {
- // Since the state of a download changed, reset the estimated time left.
- self._lastRawTimeLeft = -1;
- self._lastTimeLeft = -1;
- self._updateViews();
- },
- onProgressChange: function DIVI_onProgressChange()
- {
- self._updateViews();
- }
- });
+ onDownloadRemoved(download) {
+ let itemIndex = this._downloads.indexOf(download);
+ this._downloads.splice(itemIndex, 1);
+ this._updateViews();
@@ -2351,17 +1868,16 @@ DownloadsSummaryData.prototype = {
//// Property updating based on current download status
- * A generator function for the dataItems that this summary is currently
+ * A generator function for the Download objects this summary is currently
* interested in. This generator is passed off to summarizeDownloads in order
- * to generate statistics about the dataItems we care about - in this case,
- * it's the dataItems in this._dataItems after the first few to exclude,
+ * to generate statistics about the downloads we care about - in this case,
+ * it's the downloads in this._downloads after the first few to exclude,
* which was set when constructing this DownloadsSummaryData instance.
- _dataItemsForSummary: function DSD_dataItemsForSummary()
- {
- if (this._dataItems.length > 0) {
- for (let i = this._numToExclude; i < this._dataItems.length; ++i) {
- yield this._dataItems[i];
+ * _downloadsForSummary() {
+ if (this._downloads.length > 0) {
+ for (let i = this._numToExclude; i < this._downloads.length; ++i) {
+ yield this._downloads[i];
@@ -2373,7 +1889,7 @@ DownloadsSummaryData.prototype = {
// Pre-load summary with default values.
let summary =
- DownloadsCommon.summarizeDownloads(this._dataItemsForSummary());
+ DownloadsCommon.summarizeDownloads(this._downloadsForSummary());
this._description = DownloadsCommon.strings