path: root/application/basilisk/components/preferences/in-content/preferences.js
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2018-07-18 08:24:24 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2018-07-18 08:24:24 +0200
commitfc61780b35af913801d72086456f493f63197da6 (patch)
treef85891288a7bd988da9f0f15ae64e5c63f00d493 /application/basilisk/components/preferences/in-content/preferences.js
parent69f7f9e5f1475891ce11cc4f431692f965b0cd30 (diff)
parent50d3e596bbe89c95615f96eb71f6bc5be737a1db (diff)
Merge commit '50d3e596bbe89c95615f96eb71f6bc5be737a1db' into Basilisk-releasev2018.07.18
# Conflicts: # browser/app/profile/firefox.js # browser/components/preferences/
Diffstat (limited to 'application/basilisk/components/preferences/in-content/preferences.js')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/application/basilisk/components/preferences/in-content/preferences.js b/application/basilisk/components/preferences/in-content/preferences.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e18ab4b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/basilisk/components/preferences/in-content/preferences.js
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+/* - This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ - You can obtain one at */
+// Import globals from the files imported by the .xul files.
+/* import-globals-from subdialogs.js */
+/* import-globals-from advanced.js */
+/* import-globals-from main.js */
+/* import-globals-from search.js */
+/* import-globals-from content.js */
+/* import-globals-from privacy.js */
+/* import-globals-from applications.js */
+/* import-globals-from security.js */
+/* import-globals-from sync.js */
+/* import-globals-from ../../../base/content/utilityOverlay.js */
+"use strict";
+var Cc = Components.classes;
+var Ci = Components.interfaces;
+var Cu = Components.utils;
+var Cr = Components.results;
+var gLastHash = "";
+var gCategoryInits = new Map();
+function init_category_if_required(category) {
+ let categoryInfo = gCategoryInits.get(category);
+ if (!categoryInfo) {
+ throw "Unknown in-content prefs category! Can't init " + category;
+ }
+ if (categoryInfo.inited) {
+ return;
+ }
+ categoryInfo.init();
+function register_module(categoryName, categoryObject) {
+ gCategoryInits.set(categoryName, {
+ inited: false,
+ init: function() {
+ categoryObject.init();
+ this.inited = true;
+ }
+ });
+addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function onLoad() {
+ removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onLoad);
+ init_all();
+function init_all() {
+ document.documentElement.instantApply = true;
+ gSubDialog.init();
+ register_module("paneGeneral", gMainPane);
+ register_module("paneSearch", gSearchPane);
+ register_module("panePrivacy", gPrivacyPane);
+ register_module("paneContainers", gContainersPane);
+ register_module("paneAdvanced", gAdvancedPane);
+ register_module("paneApplications", gApplicationsPane);
+ register_module("paneContent", gContentPane);
+ register_module("paneSync", gSyncPane);
+ register_module("paneSecurity", gSecurityPane);
+ let categories = document.getElementById("categories");
+ categories.addEventListener("select", event => gotoPref(;
+ document.documentElement.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
+ if (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_TAB) {
+ categories.setAttribute("keyboard-navigation", "true");
+ }
+ });
+ categories.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
+ this.removeAttribute("keyboard-navigation");
+ });
+ window.addEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange);
+ gotoPref();
+ init_dynamic_padding();
+ var initFinished = new CustomEvent("Initialized", {
+ 'bubbles': true,
+ 'cancelable': true
+ });
+ document.dispatchEvent(initFinished);
+ categories = categories.querySelectorAll("richlistitem.category");
+ for (let category of categories) {
+ let name = internalPrefCategoryNameToFriendlyName(category.value);
+ let helpSelector = `#header-${name} > .help-button`;
+ let helpButton = document.querySelector(helpSelector);
+ helpButton.setAttribute("href", getHelpLinkURL(category.getAttribute("helpTopic")));
+ }
+ // Wait until initialization of all preferences are complete before
+ // notifying observers that the UI is now ready.
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(window, "advanced-pane-loaded", null);
+// Make the space above the categories list shrink on low window heights
+function init_dynamic_padding() {
+ let categories = document.getElementById("categories");
+ let catPadding = Number.parseInt(getComputedStyle(categories)
+ .getPropertyValue('padding-top'));
+ let fullHeight = categories.lastElementChild.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
+ let mediaRule = `
+ @media (max-height: ${fullHeight}px) {
+ #categories {
+ padding-top: calc(100vh - ${fullHeight - catPadding}px);
+ }
+ }
+ `;
+ let mediaStyle = document.createElementNS('', 'html:style');
+ mediaStyle.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
+ mediaStyle.appendChild(document.createCDATASection(mediaRule));
+ document.documentElement.appendChild(mediaStyle);
+function telemetryBucketForCategory(category) {
+ switch (category) {
+ case "general":
+ case "search":
+ case "content":
+ case "applications":
+ case "privacy":
+ case "security":
+ case "sync":
+ return category;
+ case "advanced":
+ let advancedPaneTabs = document.getElementById("advancedPrefs");
+ switch ( {
+ case "generalTab":
+ return "advancedGeneral";
+ case "dataChoicesTab":
+ return "advancedDataChoices";
+ case "networkTab":
+ return "advancedNetwork";
+ case "updateTab":
+ return "advancedUpdates";
+ case "encryptionTab":
+ return "advancedCerts";
+ }
+ // fall-through for unknown.
+ default:
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+function onHashChange() {
+ gotoPref();
+function gotoPref(aCategory) {
+ let categories = document.getElementById("categories");
+ const kDefaultCategoryInternalName = categories.firstElementChild.value;
+ let hash = document.location.hash;
+ let category = aCategory || hash.substr(1) || kDefaultCategoryInternalName;
+ category = friendlyPrefCategoryNameToInternalName(category);
+ // Updating the hash (below) or changing the selected category
+ // will re-enter gotoPref.
+ if (gLastHash == category)
+ return;
+ let item = categories.querySelector(".category[value=" + category + "]");
+ if (!item) {
+ category = kDefaultCategoryInternalName;
+ item = categories.querySelector(".category[value=" + category + "]");
+ }
+ try {
+ init_category_if_required(category);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ Cu.reportError("Error initializing preference category " + category + ": " + ex);
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ let friendlyName = internalPrefCategoryNameToFriendlyName(category);
+ if (gLastHash || category != kDefaultCategoryInternalName) {
+ document.location.hash = friendlyName;
+ }
+ // Need to set the gLastHash before setting categories.selectedItem since
+ // the categories 'select' event will re-enter the gotoPref codepath.
+ gLastHash = category;
+ categories.selectedItem = item;
+ window.history.replaceState(category, document.title);
+ search(category, "data-category");
+ let mainContent = document.querySelector(".main-content");
+ mainContent.scrollTop = 0;
+ Services.telemetry
+ .add(telemetryBucketForCategory(friendlyName));
+function search(aQuery, aAttribute) {
+ let mainPrefPane = document.getElementById("mainPrefPane");
+ let elements = mainPrefPane.children;
+ for (let element of elements) {
+ let attributeValue = element.getAttribute(aAttribute);
+ element.hidden = (attributeValue != aQuery);
+ }
+ let keysets = mainPrefPane.getElementsByTagName("keyset");
+ for (let element of keysets) {
+ let attributeValue = element.getAttribute(aAttribute);
+ if (attributeValue == aQuery)
+ element.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ else
+ element.setAttribute("disabled", true);
+ }
+function helpButtonCommand() {
+ let pane = history.state;
+ let categories = document.getElementById("categories");
+ let helpTopic = categories.querySelector(".category[value=" + pane + "]")
+ .getAttribute("helpTopic");
+ openHelpLink(helpTopic);
+function friendlyPrefCategoryNameToInternalName(aName) {
+ if (aName.startsWith("pane"))
+ return aName;
+ return "pane" + aName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + aName.substr(1);
+// This function is duplicated inside of utilityOverlay.js's openPreferences.
+function internalPrefCategoryNameToFriendlyName(aName) {
+ return (aName || "").replace(/^pane./, function(toReplace) { return toReplace[4].toLowerCase(); });
+// Put up a confirm dialog with "ok to restart", "revert without restarting"
+// and "restart later" buttons and returns the index of the button chosen.
+// We can choose not to display the "restart later", or "revert" buttons,
+// altough the later still lets us revert by using the escape key.
+// The constants are useful to interpret the return value of the function.
+function confirmRestartPrompt(aRestartToEnable, aDefaultButtonIndex,
+ aWantRevertAsCancelButton,
+ aWantRestartLaterButton) {
+ let brandName = document.getElementById("bundleBrand").getString("brandShortName");
+ let bundle = document.getElementById("bundlePreferences");
+ let msg = bundle.getFormattedString(aRestartToEnable ?
+ "featureEnableRequiresRestart" :
+ "featureDisableRequiresRestart",
+ [brandName]);
+ let title = bundle.getFormattedString("shouldRestartTitle", [brandName]);
+ let prompts = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPromptService);
+ // Set up the first (index 0) button:
+ let button0Text = bundle.getFormattedString("okToRestartButton", [brandName]);
+ let buttonFlags = (Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0 *
+ Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING);
+ // Set up the second (index 1) button:
+ let button1Text = null;
+ if (aWantRevertAsCancelButton) {
+ button1Text = bundle.getString("revertNoRestartButton");
+ buttonFlags += (Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1 *
+ Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING);
+ } else {
+ buttonFlags += (Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1 *
+ Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL);
+ }
+ // Set up the third (index 2) button:
+ let button2Text = null;
+ if (aWantRestartLaterButton) {
+ button2Text = bundle.getString("restartLater");
+ buttonFlags += (Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_2 *
+ Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING);
+ }
+ switch (aDefaultButtonIndex) {
+ case 0:
+ buttonFlags += Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0_DEFAULT;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ buttonFlags += Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1_DEFAULT;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ buttonFlags += Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_2_DEFAULT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ let buttonIndex = prompts.confirmEx(window, title, msg, buttonFlags,
+ button0Text, button1Text, button2Text,
+ null, {});
+ // If we have the second confirmation dialog for restart, see if the user
+ // cancels out at that point.
+ let cancelQuit = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool);
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested",
+ "restart");
+ if ( {
+ }
+ }
+ return buttonIndex;