path: root/application/basilisk/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2019-12-16 13:57:01 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2019-12-16 13:57:01 -0500
commit06494f307850c576868831bd28a61464eab1f359 (patch)
treef281f5c46c3e0b73c7eabe22f02622dc013b0c35 /application/basilisk/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml
parente7d4713e0765c79feddf2384d343d10595fa5cb3 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'application/basilisk/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2742 deletions
diff --git a/application/basilisk/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml b/application/basilisk/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b9c17818a..000000000
--- a/application/basilisk/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2742 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
--*- Mode: HTML -*-
-This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-file, You can obtain one at
-<!DOCTYPE bindings [
-<!ENTITY % notificationDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/notification.dtd">
-<!ENTITY % browserDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/browser.dtd">
-<!ENTITY % brandDTD SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd">
-<bindings id="urlbarBindings" xmlns=""
- xmlns:html=""
- xmlns:xul=""
- xmlns:xbl="">
- <binding id="urlbar" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/autocomplete.xml#autocomplete">
- <content sizetopopup="pref">
- <xul:hbox anonid="textbox-container"
- class="autocomplete-textbox-container urlbar-textbox-container"
- flex="1" xbl:inherits="focused">
- <children includes="image|deck|stack|box">
- <xul:image class="autocomplete-icon" allowevents="true"/>
- </children>
- <xul:hbox anonid="textbox-input-box"
- class="textbox-input-box urlbar-input-box"
- flex="1" xbl:inherits="tooltiptext=inputtooltiptext">
- <children/>
- <html:input anonid="input"
- class="autocomplete-textbox urlbar-input textbox-input uri-element-right-align"
- allowevents="true"
- inputmode="url"
- xbl:inherits="tooltiptext=inputtooltiptext,value,maxlength,disabled,size,readonly,placeholder,tabindex,accesskey"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- <xul:dropmarker anonid="historydropmarker"
- class="autocomplete-history-dropmarker urlbar-history-dropmarker"
- tooltiptext="&urlbar.openHistoryPopup.tooltip;"
- allowevents="true"
- xbl:inherits="open,enablehistory,parentfocused=focused"/>
- <children includes="hbox"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- <xul:popupset anonid="popupset"
- class="autocomplete-result-popupset"/>
- <children includes="toolbarbutton"/>
- </content>
- <implementation implements="nsIObserver, nsIDOMEventListener">
- <field name="AppConstants" readonly="true">
- (Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm", {})).AppConstants;
- </field>
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- this._prefs = Components.classes[";1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService)
- .getBranch("browser.urlbar.");
- this._prefs.addObserver("", this, false);
- this.clickSelectsAll = this._prefs.getBoolPref("clickSelectsAll");
- this.doubleClickSelectsAll = this._prefs.getBoolPref("doubleClickSelectsAll");
- this.completeDefaultIndex = this._prefs.getBoolPref("autoFill");
- this.timeout = this._prefs.getIntPref("delay");
- this._formattingEnabled = this._prefs.getBoolPref("formatting.enabled");
- this._mayTrimURLs = this._prefs.getBoolPref("trimURLs");
- this._cacheUserMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice();
- this.inputField.controllers.insertControllerAt(0, this._copyCutController);
- this.inputField.addEventListener("paste", this, false);
- this.inputField.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false);
- this.inputField.addEventListener("mousemove", this, false);
- this.inputField.addEventListener("mouseout", this, false);
- this.inputField.addEventListener("overflow", this, false);
- this.inputField.addEventListener("underflow", this, false);
- var textBox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this,
- "anonid", "textbox-input-box");
- var cxmenu = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(textBox,
- "anonid", "input-box-contextmenu");
- var pasteAndGo;
- cxmenu.addEventListener("popupshowing", function() {
- if (!pasteAndGo)
- return;
- var controller = document.commandDispatcher.getControllerForCommand("cmd_paste");
- var enabled = controller.isCommandEnabled("cmd_paste");
- if (enabled)
- pasteAndGo.removeAttribute("disabled");
- else
- pasteAndGo.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }, false);
- var insertLocation = cxmenu.firstChild;
- while (insertLocation.nextSibling &&
- insertLocation.getAttribute("cmd") != "cmd_paste")
- insertLocation = insertLocation.nextSibling;
- if (insertLocation) {
- pasteAndGo = document.createElement("menuitem");
- let label = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/").
- GetStringFromName("pasteAndGo.label");
- pasteAndGo.setAttribute("label", label);
- pasteAndGo.setAttribute("anonid", "paste-and-go");
- pasteAndGo.setAttribute("oncommand",
- "; goDoCommand('cmd_paste'); gURLBar.handleCommand();");
- cxmenu.insertBefore(pasteAndGo, insertLocation.nextSibling);
- }
- this._enableOrDisableOneOffSearches();
- ]]></constructor>
- <destructor><![CDATA[
- this._prefs.removeObserver("", this);
- this._prefs = null;
- this.inputField.controllers.removeController(this._copyCutController);
- this.inputField.removeEventListener("paste", this, false);
- this.inputField.removeEventListener("mousedown", this, false);
- this.inputField.removeEventListener("mousemove", this, false);
- this.inputField.removeEventListener("mouseout", this, false);
- this.inputField.removeEventListener("overflow", this, false);
- this.inputField.removeEventListener("underflow", this, false);
- ]]></destructor>
- <field name="_value">""</field>
- <field name="gotResultForCurrentQuery">false</field>
- <!--
- This is set around HandleHenter so it can be used in handleCommand.
- It is also used to track whether we must handle a delayed handleEnter,
- by checking if it has been cleared.
- -->
- <field name="handleEnterInstance">null</field>
- <!--
- For performance reasons we want to limit the size of the text runs we
- build and show to the user.
- -->
- <field name="textRunsMaxLen">255</field>
- <!--
- onBeforeValueGet is called by the base-binding's .value getter.
- It can return an object with a "value" property, to override the
- return value of the getter.
- -->
- <method name="onBeforeValueGet">
- <body><![CDATA[
- return { value: this._value };
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!--
- onBeforeValueSet is called by the base-binding's .value setter.
- It should return the value that the setter should use.
- -->
- <method name="onBeforeValueSet">
- <parameter name="aValue"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- this._value = aValue;
- var returnValue = aValue;
- var action = this._parseActionUrl(aValue);
- if (action) {
- switch (action.type) {
- case "switchtab": // Fall through.
- case "remotetab": // Fall through.
- case "visiturl": {
- returnValue = action.params.displayUrl;
- break;
- }
- case "keyword": // Fall through.
- case "searchengine": {
- returnValue = action.params.input;
- break;
- }
- case "extension": {
- returnValue = action.params.content;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- let originalUrl = ReaderMode.getOriginalUrl(aValue);
- if (originalUrl) {
- returnValue = originalUrl;
- }
- }
- // Set the actiontype only if the user is not overriding actions.
- if (action && this._pressedNoActionKeys.size == 0) {
- this.setAttribute("actiontype", action.type);
- } else {
- this.removeAttribute("actiontype");
- }
- return returnValue;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onKeyPress">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- switch (aEvent.keyCode) {
- case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT:
- case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT:
- case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_HOME:
- // Reset the selected index so that nsAutoCompleteController
- // simply closes the popup without trying to fill anything.
- this.popup.selectedIndex = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (this.popup.popupOpen &&
- !this.popup.disableKeyNavigation &&
- this.popup.handleKeyPress(aEvent)) {
- return true;
- }
- return this.handleKeyPress(aEvent);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <field name="_mayTrimURLs">true</field>
- <method name="trimValue">
- <parameter name="aURL"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- // This method must not modify the given URL such that calling
- // nsIURIFixup::createFixupURI with the result will produce a different URI.
- return this._mayTrimURLs ? trimURL(aURL) : aURL;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <field name="_formattingEnabled">true</field>
- <method name="formatValue">
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (!this._formattingEnabled || !this.editor)
- return;
- let controller = this.editor.selectionController;
- let strikeOut = controller.getSelection(controller.SELECTION_URLSTRIKEOUT);
- strikeOut.removeAllRanges();
- let selection = controller.getSelection(controller.SELECTION_URLSECONDARY);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- if (this.focused)
- return;
- let textNode = this.editor.rootElement.firstChild;
- let value = textNode.textContent;
- if (!value)
- return;
- // Get the URL from the fixup service:
- let flags = Services.uriFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_FIX_SCHEME_TYPOS |
- let uriInfo;
- try {
- uriInfo = Services.uriFixup.getFixupURIInfo(value, flags);
- } catch (ex) {}
- // Ignore if we couldn't make a URI out of this, the URI resulted in a search,
- // or the URI has a non-http(s)/ftp protocol.
- if (!uriInfo ||
- !uriInfo.fixedURI ||
- uriInfo.keywordProviderName ||
- ["http", "https", "ftp"].indexOf(uriInfo.fixedURI.scheme) == -1) {
- return;
- }
- // If we trimmed off the http scheme, ensure we stick it back on before
- // trying to figure out what domain we're accessing, so we don't get
- // confused by user:pass@host http URLs. We later use
- // trimmedLength to ensure we don't count the length of a trimmed protocol
- // when determining which parts of the URL to highlight as "preDomain".
- let trimmedLength = 0;
- if (uriInfo.fixedURI.scheme == "http" && !value.startsWith("http://")) {
- value = "http://" + value;
- trimmedLength = "http://".length;
- }
- let matchedURL = value.match(/^((?:[a-z]+:\/\/)(?:[^\/#?]+@)?)(\S+?)(?::\d+)?\s*(?:[\/#?]|$)/);
- if (!matchedURL)
- return;
- // Strike out the "https" part if mixed active content is loaded.
- if (this.getAttribute("pageproxystate") == "valid" &&
- value.startsWith("https:") &&
- gBrowser.securityUI.state &
- let range = document.createRange();
- range.setStart(textNode, 0);
- range.setEnd(textNode, 5);
- strikeOut.addRange(range);
- }
- let [, preDomain, domain] = matchedURL;
- let baseDomain = domain;
- let subDomain = "";
- try {
- baseDomain = Services.eTLD.getBaseDomainFromHost(;
- if (!domain.endsWith(baseDomain)) {
- // getBaseDomainFromHost converts its resultant to ACE.
- let IDNService = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIIDNService);
- baseDomain = IDNService.convertACEtoUTF8(baseDomain);
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- if (baseDomain != domain) {
- subDomain = domain.slice(0, -baseDomain.length);
- }
- let rangeLength = preDomain.length + subDomain.length - trimmedLength;
- if (rangeLength) {
- let range = document.createRange();
- range.setStart(textNode, 0);
- range.setEnd(textNode, rangeLength);
- selection.addRange(range);
- }
- let startRest = preDomain.length + domain.length - trimmedLength;
- if (startRest < value.length - trimmedLength) {
- let range = document.createRange();
- range.setStart(textNode, startRest);
- range.setEnd(textNode, value.length - trimmedLength);
- selection.addRange(range);
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="handleRevert">
- <body><![CDATA[
- var isScrolling = this.popupOpen;
- gBrowser.userTypedValue = null;
- // don't revert to last valid url unless page is NOT loading
- // and user is NOT key-scrolling through autocomplete list
- if (!XULBrowserWindow.isBusy && !isScrolling) {
- URLBarSetURI();
- // If the value isn't empty and the urlbar has focus, select the value.
- if (this.value && this.hasAttribute("focused"))
- }
- // tell widget to revert to last typed text only if the user
- // was scrolling when they hit escape
- return !isScrolling;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!--
- This is ultimately called by the autocomplete controller as the result
- of handleEnter when the Return key is pressed in the textbox. Since
- onPopupClick also calls handleEnter, this is also called as a result in
- that case.
- @param event
- The event that triggered the command.
- @param openUILinkWhere
- Optional. The "where" to pass to openUILinkIn. This method
- computes the appropriate "where" given the event, but you can
- use this to override it.
- @param openUILinkParams
- Optional. The parameters to pass to openUILinkIn. As with
- "where", this method computes the appropriate parameters, but
- any parameters you supply here will override those.
- -->
- <method name="handleCommand">
- <parameter name="event"/>
- <parameter name="openUILinkWhere"/>
- <parameter name="openUILinkParams"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let isMouseEvent = event instanceof MouseEvent;
- if (isMouseEvent && event.button == 2) {
- // Do nothing for right clicks.
- return;
- }
- // Determine whether to use the selected one-off search button. In
- // one-off search buttons parlance, "selected" means that the button
- // has been navigated to via the keyboard. So we want to use it if
- // the triggering event is not a mouse click -- i.e., it's a Return
- // key -- or if the one-off was mouse-clicked.
- let selectedOneOff = this.popup.oneOffSearchButtons.selectedButton;
- if (selectedOneOff &&
- isMouseEvent &&
- event.originalTarget != selectedOneOff) {
- selectedOneOff = null;
- }
- // Do the command of the selected one-off if it's not an engine.
- if (selectedOneOff && !selectedOneOff.engine) {
- selectedOneOff.doCommand();
- return;
- }
- let where = openUILinkWhere;
- if (!where) {
- if (isMouseEvent) {
- where = whereToOpenLink(event, false, false);
- } else {
- // If the current tab is empty, ignore Alt+Enter (reuse this tab)
- let altEnter = !isMouseEvent &&
- event &&
- event.altKey &&
- !isTabEmpty(gBrowser.selectedTab);
- where = altEnter ? "tab" : "current";
- }
- }
- let url = this.value;
- if (!url) {
- return;
- }
- let mayInheritPrincipal = false;
- let postData = null;
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- let action = this._parseActionUrl(url);
- if (selectedOneOff && selectedOneOff.engine) {
- // If there's a selected one-off button then load a search using
- // the one-off's engine.
- [url, postData] =
- this._parseAndRecordSearchEngineLoad(selectedOneOff.engine,
- this.oneOffSearchQuery,
- event, where,
- openUILinkParams);
- } else if (action) {
- switch (action.type) {
- case "visiturl":
- // Unifiedcomplete uses fixupURI to tell if something is a visit
- // or a search, and passes out the fixedURI as the url param.
- // By using that uri we would end up passing a different string
- // to the docshell that may run a different not-found heuristic.
- // For example, "mozilla/run" would be fixed by unifiedcomplete
- // to "http://mozilla/run". The docshell, once it can't resolve
- // mozilla, would note the string has a scheme, and try to load
- // instead of searching "mozilla/run".
- // So, if we have the original input at hand, we pass it through
- // and let the docshell handle it.
- if (action.params.input) {
- url = action.params.input;
- break;
- }
- url = action.params.url;
- break;
- case "remotetab":
- url = action.params.url;
- break;
- case "keyword":
- if (action.params.postData) {
- postData = getPostDataStream(action.params.postData);
- }
- mayInheritPrincipal = true;
- url = action.params.url;
- break;
- case "switchtab":
- url = action.params.url;
- if (this.hasAttribute("actiontype")) {
- this.handleRevert();
- let prevTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
- if (switchToTabHavingURI(url) && isTabEmpty(prevTab)) {
- gBrowser.removeTab(prevTab);
- }
- return;
- }
- break;
- case "searchengine":
- if (selectedOneOff && selectedOneOff.engine) {
- // Replace the engine with the selected one-off engine.
- action.params.engineName =;
- }
- const actionDetails = {
- isSuggestion: !!action.params.searchSuggestion,
- isAlias: !!action.params.alias
- };
- [url, postData] = this._parseAndRecordSearchEngineLoad(
- action.params.engineName,
- action.params.searchSuggestion || action.params.searchQuery,
- event,
- where,
- openUILinkParams,
- actionDetails
- );
- break;
- }
- } else {
- // This is a fallback for add-ons and old testing code that directly
- // set value and try to confirm it. UnifiedComplete should always
- // resolve to a valid url.
- try {
- new URL(url);
- } catch (ex) {
- let lastLocationChange = browser.lastLocationChange;
- getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(url).then(data => {
- if (where != "current" ||
- browser.lastLocationChange == lastLocationChange) {
- this._loadURL(data.url, browser, data.postData, where,
- openUILinkParams, data.mayInheritPrincipal);
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- }
- this._loadURL(url, browser, postData, where, openUILinkParams,
- mayInheritPrincipal);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <property name="oneOffSearchQuery">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- // this.textValue may be an autofilled string. Search only with the
- // portion that the user typed, if any, by preferring the autocomplete
- // controller's searchString (including handleEnterInstance.searchString).
- return (this.handleEnterInstance && this.handleEnterInstance.searchString) ||
- this.mController.searchString ||
- this.textValue;
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <method name="_loadURL">
- <parameter name="url"/>
- <parameter name="browser"/>
- <parameter name="postData"/>
- <parameter name="openUILinkWhere"/>
- <parameter name="openUILinkParams"/>
- <parameter name="mayInheritPrincipal"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.value = url;
- browser.userTypedValue = url;
- if (gInitialPages.includes(url)) {
- browser.initialPageLoadedFromURLBar = url;
- }
- try {
- addToUrlbarHistory(url);
- } catch (ex) {
- // Things may go wrong when adding url to session history,
- // but don't let that interfere with the loading of the url.
- Cu.reportError(ex);
- }
- // Reset DOS mitigations for the basic auth prompt.
- delete browser.authPromptCounter;
- let params = {
- postData,
- allowThirdPartyFixup: true,
- currentBrowser: browser,
- };
- if (openUILinkWhere == "current") {
- params.indicateErrorPageLoad = true;
- params.allowPinnedTabHostChange = true;
- params.disallowInheritPrincipal = !mayInheritPrincipal;
- params.allowPopups = url.startsWith("javascript:");
- } else {
- params.initiatingDoc = document;
- }
- if (openUILinkParams) {
- for (let key in openUILinkParams) {
- params[key] = openUILinkParams[key];
- }
- }
- // Focus the content area before triggering loads, since if the load
- // occurs in a new tab, we want focus to be restored to the content
- // area when the current tab is re-selected.
- browser.focus();
- if (openUILinkWhere != "current") {
- this.handleRevert();
- }
- try {
- openUILinkIn(url, openUILinkWhere, params);
- } catch (ex) {
- // This load can throw an exception in certain cases, which means
- // we'll want to replace the URL with the loaded URL:
- if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_LOAD_SHOWED_ERRORPAGE) {
- this.handleRevert();
- }
- }
- if (openUILinkWhere == "current") {
- // Ensure the start of the URL is visible for usability reasons.
- this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = 0;
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_parseAndRecordSearchEngineLoad">
- <parameter name="engineOrEngineName"/>
- <parameter name="query"/>
- <parameter name="event"/>
- <parameter name="openUILinkWhere"/>
- <parameter name="openUILinkParams"/>
- <parameter name="searchActionDetails"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let engine =
- typeof(engineOrEngineName) == "string" ?
- :
- engineOrEngineName;
- let isOneOff = this.popup.oneOffSearchButtons
- .maybeRecordTelemetry(event, openUILinkWhere, openUILinkParams);
- // Infer the type of the event which triggered the search.
- let eventType = "unknown";
- if (event instanceof KeyboardEvent) {
- eventType = "key";
- } else if (event instanceof MouseEvent) {
- eventType = "mouse";
- }
- // Augment the search action details object.
- let details = searchActionDetails || {};
- details.isOneOff = isOneOff;
- details.type = eventType;
- BrowserSearch.recordSearchInTelemetry(engine, "urlbar", details);
- let submission = engine.getSubmission(query, null, "keyword");
- return [submission.uri.spec, submission.postData];
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="maybeCanonizeURL">
- <parameter name="aTriggeringEvent"/>
- <parameter name="aUrl"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- // Only add the suffix when the URL bar value isn't already "URL-like",
- // and only if we get a keyboard event, to match user expectations.
- if (!/^\s*[^.:\/\s]+(?:\/.*|\s*)$/i.test(aUrl) ||
- !(aTriggeringEvent instanceof KeyEvent)) {
- return;
- }
- let url = aUrl;
- let accel = this.AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ?
- aTriggeringEvent.metaKey :
- aTriggeringEvent.ctrlKey;
- let shift = aTriggeringEvent.shiftKey;
- let suffix = "";
- switch (true) {
- case (accel && shift):
- suffix = ".org/";
- break;
- case (shift):
- suffix = ".net/";
- break;
- case (accel):
- try {
- suffix = gPrefService.getCharPref("browser.fixup.alternate.suffix");
- if (suffix.charAt(suffix.length - 1) != "/")
- suffix += "/";
- } catch (e) {
- suffix = ".com/";
- }
- break;
- }
- if (!suffix)
- return;
- // trim leading/trailing spaces (bug 233205)
- url = url.trim();
- // Tack www. and suffix on. If user has appended directories, insert
- // suffix before them (bug 279035). Be careful not to get two slashes.
- let firstSlash = url.indexOf("/");
- if (firstSlash >= 0) {
- url = url.substring(0, firstSlash) + suffix +
- url.substring(firstSlash + 1);
- } else {
- url = url + suffix;
- }
- this.popup.overrideValue = "http://www." + url;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <field name="_contentIsCropped">false</field>
- <method name="_initURLTooltip">
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (this.focused || !this._contentIsCropped)
- return;
- this.inputField.setAttribute("tooltiptext", this.value);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_hideURLTooltip">
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.inputField.removeAttribute("tooltiptext");
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_getDroppableLink">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let links = browserDragAndDrop.dropLinks(aEvent);
- // The URL bar automatically handles inputs with newline characters,
- // so we can get away with treating text/x-moz-url flavours as text/plain.
- if (links.length > 0 && links[0].url) {
- aEvent.preventDefault();
- let url = links[0].url;
- let strippedURL = stripUnsafeProtocolOnPaste(url);
- if (strippedURL != url) {
- aEvent.stopImmediatePropagation();
- return null;
- }
- try {
- urlSecurityCheck(url,
- gBrowser.contentPrincipal,
- Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL);
- } catch (ex) {
- return null;
- }
- return url;
- }
- return null;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onDragOver">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- // We don't need the link here, so we ignore the return value.
- if (!this._getDroppableLink(aEvent)) {
- aEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none";
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onDrop">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let url = this._getDroppableLink(aEvent);
- if (url) {
- this.value = url;
- SetPageProxyState("invalid");
- this.focus();
- this.handleCommand();
- // Force not showing the dropped URI immediately.
- gBrowser.userTypedValue = null;
- URLBarSetURI();
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_getSelectedValueForClipboard">
- <body><![CDATA[
- // Grab the actual input field's value, not our value, which could include moz-action:
- var inputVal = this.inputField.value;
- var selectedVal = inputVal.substring(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd);
- // If the selection doesn't start at the beginning or doesn't span the full domain or
- // the URL bar is modified or there is no text at all, nothing else to do here.
- if (this.selectionStart > 0 || this.valueIsTyped || selectedVal == "")
- return selectedVal;
- // The selection doesn't span the full domain if it doesn't contain a slash and is
- // followed by some character other than a slash.
- if (!selectedVal.includes("/")) {
- let remainder = inputVal.replace(selectedVal, "");
- if (remainder != "" && remainder[0] != "/")
- return selectedVal;
- }
- let uriFixup = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIURIFixup);
- let uri;
- if (this.getAttribute("pageproxystate") == "valid") {
- uri = gBrowser.currentURI;
- } else {
- // We're dealing with an autocompleted value, create a new URI from that.
- try {
- uri = uriFixup.createFixupURI(inputVal, Ci.nsIURIFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_NONE);
- } catch (e) {}
- if (!uri)
- return selectedVal;
- }
- // Avoid copying 'about:reader?url=', and always provide the original URI:
- let readerOriginalURL = ReaderMode.getOriginalUrl(uri.spec);
- if (readerOriginalURL) {
- uri = uriFixup.createFixupURI(readerOriginalURL, Ci.nsIURIFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_NONE);
- }
- // Only copy exposable URIs
- try {
- uri = uriFixup.createExposableURI(uri);
- } catch (ex) {}
- // If the entire URL is selected, just use the actual loaded URI.
- if (inputVal == selectedVal) {
- // ... but only if isn't a javascript: or data: URI, since those
- // are hard to read when encoded
- if (!uri.schemeIs("javascript") && !uri.schemeIs("data")) {
- selectedVal = uri.spec;
- }
- return selectedVal;
- }
- // Just the beginning of the URL is selected, check for a trimmed
- // value
- let spec = uri.spec;
- let trimmedSpec = this.trimValue(spec);
- if (spec != trimmedSpec) {
- // Prepend the portion that trimValue removed from the beginning.
- // This assumes trimValue will only truncate the URL at
- // the beginning or end (or both).
- let trimmedSegments = spec.split(trimmedSpec);
- selectedVal = trimmedSegments[0] + selectedVal;
- }
- return selectedVal;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <field name="_copyCutController"><![CDATA[
- ({
- urlbar: this,
- doCommand: function(aCommand) {
- var urlbar = this.urlbar;
- var val = urlbar._getSelectedValueForClipboard();
- if (!val)
- return;
- if (aCommand == "cmd_cut" && this.isCommandEnabled(aCommand)) {
- let start = urlbar.selectionStart;
- let end = urlbar.selectionEnd;
- urlbar.inputField.value = urlbar.inputField.value.substring(0, start) +
- urlbar.inputField.value.substring(end);
- urlbar.selectionStart = urlbar.selectionEnd = start;
- let event = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
- event.initUIEvent("input", true, false, window, 0);
- urlbar.dispatchEvent(event);
- SetPageProxyState("invalid");
- }
- Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper)
- .copyString(val);
- },
- supportsCommand: function(aCommand) {
- switch (aCommand) {
- case "cmd_copy":
- case "cmd_cut":
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand) {
- return this.supportsCommand(aCommand) &&
- (aCommand != "cmd_cut" || !this.urlbar.readOnly) &&
- this.urlbar.selectionStart < this.urlbar.selectionEnd;
- },
- onEvent: function(aEventName) {}
- })
- ]]></field>
- <method name="observe">
- <parameter name="aSubject"/>
- <parameter name="aTopic"/>
- <parameter name="aData"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (aTopic == "nsPref:changed") {
- switch (aData) {
- case "clickSelectsAll":
- case "doubleClickSelectsAll":
- this[aData] = this._prefs.getBoolPref(aData);
- break;
- case "autoFill":
- this.completeDefaultIndex = this._prefs.getBoolPref(aData);
- break;
- case "delay":
- this.timeout = this._prefs.getIntPref(aData);
- break;
- case "formatting.enabled":
- this._formattingEnabled = this._prefs.getBoolPref(aData);
- break;
- case "suggest.searches":
- case "userMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice":
- // Mirror the value for future use, see the comment in the
- // binding's constructor.
- this._prefs.setBoolPref("searchSuggestionsChoice",
- this._prefs.getBoolPref("suggest.searches"));
- this._cacheUserMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice();
- if (this._userMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice) {
- this.popup.searchSuggestionsNotificationWasDismissed(
- this._prefs.getBoolPref("suggest.searches")
- );
- }
- break;
- case "trimURLs":
- this._mayTrimURLs = this._prefs.getBoolPref(aData);
- break;
- case "oneOffSearches":
- this._enableOrDisableOneOffSearches();
- break;
- }
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_enableOrDisableOneOffSearches">
- <body><![CDATA[
- let enable = this._prefs.getBoolPref("oneOffSearches");
- this.popup.enableOneOffSearches(enable);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="handleEvent">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- switch (aEvent.type) {
- case "paste":
- let originalPasteData = aEvent.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
- if (!originalPasteData) {
- return;
- }
- let oldValue = this.inputField.value;
- let oldStart = oldValue.substring(0, this.inputField.selectionStart);
- // If there is already non-whitespace content in the URL bar
- // preceding the pasted content, it's not necessary to check
- // protocols used by the pasted content:
- if (oldStart.trim()) {
- return;
- }
- let oldEnd = oldValue.substring(this.inputField.selectionEnd);
- let pasteData = stripUnsafeProtocolOnPaste(originalPasteData);
- if (originalPasteData != pasteData) {
- // Unfortunately we're not allowed to set the bits being pasted
- // so cancel this event:
- aEvent.preventDefault();
- aEvent.stopImmediatePropagation();
- this.inputField.value = oldStart + pasteData + oldEnd;
- // Fix up cursor/selection:
- let newCursorPos = oldStart.length + pasteData.length;
- this.inputField.selectionStart = newCursorPos;
- this.inputField.selectionEnd = newCursorPos;
- }
- break;
- case "mousedown":
- if (this.doubleClickSelectsAll &&
- aEvent.button == 0 && aEvent.detail == 2) {
- this.editor.selectAll();
- aEvent.preventDefault();
- }
- break;
- case "mousemove":
- this._initURLTooltip();
- break;
- case "mouseout":
- this._hideURLTooltip();
- break;
- case "overflow":
- this._contentIsCropped = true;
- break;
- case "underflow":
- this._contentIsCropped = false;
- this._hideURLTooltip();
- break;
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!--
- onBeforeTextValueSet is called by the base-binding's .textValue getter.
- It should return the value that the getter should use.
- -->
- <method name="onBeforeTextValueGet">
- <body><![CDATA[
- return { value: this.inputField.value };
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!--
- onBeforeTextValueSet is called by the base-binding's .textValue setter.
- It should return the value that the setter should use.
- -->
- <method name="onBeforeTextValueSet">
- <parameter name="aValue"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let val = aValue;
- let uri;
- try {
- uri = makeURI(val);
- } catch (ex) {}
- if (uri) {
- // Do not touch moz-action URIs at all. They depend on being
- // properly encoded and decoded and will break if decoded
- // unexpectedly.
- if (!this._parseActionUrl(val)) {
- val = losslessDecodeURI(uri);
- }
- }
- return val;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_parseActionUrl">
- <parameter name="aUrl"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- const MOZ_ACTION_REGEX = /^moz-action:([^,]+),(.*)$/;
- if (!MOZ_ACTION_REGEX.test(aUrl))
- return null;
- // URL is in the format moz-action:ACTION,PARAMS
- // Where PARAMS is a JSON encoded object.
- let [, type, params] = aUrl.match(MOZ_ACTION_REGEX);
- let action = {
- type: type,
- };
- action.params = JSON.parse(params);
- for (let key in action.params) {
- action.params[key] = decodeURIComponent(action.params[key]);
- }
- if ("url" in action.params) {
- let uri;
- try {
- uri = makeURI(action.params.url);
- action.params.displayUrl = losslessDecodeURI(uri);
- } catch (e) {
- action.params.displayUrl = action.params.url;
- }
- }
- return action;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <property name="_noActionKeys" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- if (!this.__noActionKeys) {
- this.__noActionKeys = new Set([
- KeyEvent.DOM_VK_ALT,
- KeyEvent.DOM_VK_SHIFT,
- ]);
- let modifier = this.AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ?
- KeyEvent.DOM_VK_META :
- this.__noActionKeys.add(modifier);
- }
- return this.__noActionKeys;
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <field name="_pressedNoActionKeys"><![CDATA[
- new Set()
- ]]></field>
- <method name="_clearNoActions">
- <parameter name="aURL"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- this._pressedNoActionKeys.clear();
- this.popup.removeAttribute("noactions");
- let action = this._parseActionUrl(this._value);
- if (action)
- this.setAttribute("actiontype", action.type);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onInput">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (!this.mIgnoreInput && this.mController.input == this) {
- this._value = this.inputField.value;
- gBrowser.userTypedValue = this.value;
- this.valueIsTyped = true;
- // Only wait for a result when we are sure to get one. In some
- // cases, like when pasting the same exact text, we may not fire
- // a new search and we won't get a result.
- if (this.mController.handleText()) {
- this.gotResultForCurrentQuery = false;
- }
- }
- this.resetActionType();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="handleEnter">
- <parameter name="event"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- // We need to ensure we're using a selected autocomplete result.
- // A result should automatically be selected by default,
- // however autocomplete is async and therefore we may not
- // have a result set relating to the current input yet. If that
- // happens, we need to mark that when the first result does get added,
- // it needs to be handled as if enter was pressed with that first
- // result selected.
- // If anything other than the default (first) result is selected, then
- // it must have been manually selected by the human. We let this
- // explicit choice be used, even if it may be related to a previous
- // input.
- // However, if the default result is automatically selected, we
- // ensure that it corresponds to the current input.
- // Store the current search string so it can be used in
- // handleCommand, which will be called as a result of
- // mController.handleEnter().
- // Note this is also used to detect if we should perform a delayed
- // handleEnter, in such a case it won't have been cleared.
- this.handleEnterInstance = {
- searchString: this.mController.searchString,
- event: event
- };
- if (this.popup.selectedIndex != 0 || this.gotResultForCurrentQuery) {
- this.maybeCanonizeURL(event, this.value);
- let rv = this.mController.handleEnter(false, event);
- this.handleEnterInstance = null;
- this.popup.overrideValue = null;
- return rv;
- }
- return true;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="handleDelete">
- <body><![CDATA[
- // If the heuristic result is selected, then the autocomplete
- // controller's handleDelete implementation will remove it, which is
- // not what we want. So in that case, call handleText so it acts as
- // a backspace on the text value instead of removing the result.
- if (this.popup.selectedIndex == 0 &&
- this.popup._isFirstResultHeuristic) {
- this.mController.handleText();
- return false;
- }
- return this.mController.handleDelete();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <field name="_userMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice"><![CDATA[
- false
- ]]></field>
- <method name="_cacheUserMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice">
- <body><![CDATA[
- this._userMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice =
- this._prefs.getBoolPref("userMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice") ||
- this._prefs.getBoolPref("suggest.searches");
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <property name="shouldShowSearchSuggestionsNotification" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- return !this._userMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice &&
- !this.inPrivateContext &&
- // When _urlbarFocused is true, tabbrowser would close the
- // popup if it's opened here, so don't show the notification.
- !gBrowser.selectedBrowser._urlbarFocused &&
- Services.prefs.getBoolPref("") &&
- this._prefs.getIntPref("daysBeforeHidingSuggestionsPrompt");
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- </implementation>
- <handlers>
- <handler event="keydown"><![CDATA[
- if (this._noActionKeys.has(event.keyCode) &&
- this.popup.selectedIndex >= 0 &&
- !this._pressedNoActionKeys.has(event.keyCode)) {
- if (this._pressedNoActionKeys.size == 0) {
- this.popup.setAttribute("noactions", "true");
- this.removeAttribute("actiontype");
- }
- this._pressedNoActionKeys.add(event.keyCode);
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="keyup"><![CDATA[
- if (this._noActionKeys.has(event.keyCode) &&
- this._pressedNoActionKeys.has(event.keyCode)) {
- this._pressedNoActionKeys.delete(event.keyCode);
- if (this._pressedNoActionKeys.size == 0)
- this._clearNoActions();
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="focus"><![CDATA[
- if (event.originalTarget == this.inputField) {
- this._hideURLTooltip();
- this.formatValue();
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="blur"><![CDATA[
- if (event.originalTarget == this.inputField) {
- this._clearNoActions();
- this.formatValue();
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="dragstart" phase="capturing"><![CDATA[
- // Drag only if the gesture starts from the input field.
- if (this.inputField != event.originalTarget &&
- !(this.inputField.compareDocumentPosition(event.originalTarget) &
- return;
- // Drag only if the entire value is selected and it's a valid URI.
- var isFullSelection = this.selectionStart == 0 &&
- this.selectionEnd == this.textLength;
- if (!isFullSelection ||
- this.getAttribute("pageproxystate") != "valid")
- return;
- var urlString = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec;
- var title = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentTitle || urlString;
- var htmlString = "<a href=\"" + urlString + "\">" + urlString + "</a>";
- var dt = event.dataTransfer;
- dt.setData("text/x-moz-url", urlString + "\n" + title);
- dt.setData("text/unicode", urlString);
- dt.setData("text/html", htmlString);
- dt.effectAllowed = "copyLink";
- event.stopPropagation();
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="dragover" phase="capturing" action="this.onDragOver(event, this);"/>
- <handler event="drop" phase="capturing" action="this.onDrop(event, this);"/>
- <handler event="select"><![CDATA[
- if (!Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIClipboard)
- .supportsSelectionClipboard())
- return;
- if (!window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
- .isHandlingUserInput)
- return;
- var val = this._getSelectedValueForClipboard();
- if (!val)
- return;
- Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper)
- .copyStringToClipboard(val, Ci.nsIClipboard.kSelectionClipboard);
- ]]></handler>
- </handlers>
- </binding>
- <!-- Note: this binding is applied to the autocomplete popup used in web page content and extended in search.xml for the searchbar. -->
- <binding id="browser-autocomplete-result-popup" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/autocomplete.xml#autocomplete-result-popup">
- <implementation>
- <field name="AppConstants" readonly="true">
- (Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm", {})).AppConstants;
- </field>
- <method name="openAutocompletePopup">
- <parameter name="aInput"/>
- <parameter name="aElement"/>
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- // initially the panel is hidden
- // to avoid impacting startup / new window performance
- aInput.popup.hidden = false;
- // this method is defined on the base binding
- this._openAutocompletePopup(aInput, aElement);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onPopupClick">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- // Ignore all right-clicks
- if (aEvent.button == 2)
- return;
- var controller = this.view.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- var searchBar = BrowserSearch.searchBar;
- var popupForSearchBar = searchBar && searchBar.textbox == this.mInput;
- if (popupForSearchBar) {
- searchBar.telemetrySearchDetails = {
- index: controller.selection.currentIndex,
- kind: "mouse"
- };
- }
- // Check for unmodified left-click, and use default behavior
- if (aEvent.button == 0 && !aEvent.shiftKey && !aEvent.ctrlKey &&
- !aEvent.altKey && !aEvent.metaKey) {
- controller.handleEnter(true, aEvent);
- return;
- }
- // Check for middle-click or modified clicks on the search bar
- if (popupForSearchBar) {
- // Handle search bar popup clicks
- var search = controller.getValueAt(this.selectedIndex);
- // open the search results according to the clicking subtlety
- var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true);
- let params = {};
- // But open ctrl/cmd clicks on autocomplete items in a new background tab.
- let modifier = this.AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ?
- aEvent.metaKey :
- aEvent.ctrlKey;
- if (where == "tab" && (aEvent instanceof MouseEvent) &&
- (aEvent.button == 1 || modifier))
- params.inBackground = true;
- // leave the popup open for background tab loads
- if (!(where == "tab" && params.inBackground)) {
- // close the autocomplete popup and revert the entered search term
- this.closePopup();
- controller.handleEscape();
- }
- searchBar.doSearch(search, where, null, params);
- if (where == "tab" && params.inBackground)
- searchBar.focus();
- else
- searchBar.value = search;
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- </implementation>
- </binding>
- <binding id="urlbar-rich-result-popup" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/autocomplete.xml#autocomplete-rich-result-popup">
- <resources>
- <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/content/search/searchbarBindings.css"/>
- <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/skin/searchbar.css"/>
- </resources>
- <content ignorekeys="true" level="top" consumeoutsideclicks="never"
- aria-owns="richlistbox">
- <xul:hbox anonid="search-suggestions-notification"
- align="center"
- role="alert"
- aria-describedby="search-suggestions-notification-text">
- <xul:description flex="1">
- &urlbar.searchSuggestionsNotification.question;
- <!-- Several things here are to make the label accessibile via an
- accesskey so that a11y doesn't suck: the accesskey, using an
- onclick handler instead of an href attribute, the control
- attribute, and having the control attribute refer to a valid ID
- that is the label itself. -->
- <xul:label id="search-suggestions-notification-learn-more"
- class="text-link"
- role="link"
- value="&urlbar.searchSuggestionsNotification.learnMore;"
- accesskey="&urlbar.searchSuggestionsNotification.learnMore.accesskey;"
- onclick="document.getBindingParent(this).openSearchSuggestionsNotificationLearnMoreURL();"
- control="search-suggestions-notification-learn-more"/>
- </xul:description>
- <xul:button anonid="search-suggestions-notification-disable"
- label="&urlbar.searchSuggestionsNotification.disable;"
- accesskey="&urlbar.searchSuggestionsNotification.disable.accesskey;"
- onclick="document.getBindingParent(this).dismissSearchSuggestionsNotification(false);"/>
- <xul:button anonid="search-suggestions-notification-enable"
- label="&urlbar.searchSuggestionsNotification.enable;"
- accesskey="&urlbar.searchSuggestionsNotification.enable.accesskey;"
- onclick="document.getBindingParent(this).dismissSearchSuggestionsNotification(true);"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- <xul:richlistbox anonid="richlistbox" class="autocomplete-richlistbox"
- flex="1"/>
- <xul:hbox anonid="footer">
- <children/>
- <xul:vbox anonid="one-off-search-buttons"
- class="search-one-offs"
- compact="true"
- includecurrentengine="true"
- disabletab="true"
- flex="1"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- </content>
- <implementation>
- <field name="_maxResults">0</field>
- <field name="_bundle" readonly="true">
- Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIStringBundleService).
- createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/places/");
- </field>
- <field name="searchSuggestionsNotification" readonly="true">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- this, "anonid", "search-suggestions-notification"
- );
- </field>
- <field name="footer" readonly="true">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "footer");
- </field>
- <field name="oneOffSearchButtons" readonly="true">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "one-off-search-buttons");
- </field>
- <field name="_oneOffSearchesEnabled">false</field>
- <field name="_overrideValue">null</field>
- <property name="overrideValue"
- onget="return this._overrideValue;"
- onset="this._overrideValue = val; return val;"/>
- <method name="onPopupClick">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (aEvent.button == 2) {
- // Ignore right-clicks.
- return;
- }
- // Otherwise "call super" -- do what autocomplete-base-popup does.
- let controller = this.view.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- controller.handleEnter(true, aEvent);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="enableOneOffSearches">
- <parameter name="enable"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- this._oneOffSearchesEnabled = enable;
- if (enable) {
- this.oneOffSearchButtons.telemetryOrigin = "urlbar";
- = "-moz-box";
- this.oneOffSearchButtons.popup = this;
- this.oneOffSearchButtons.textbox = this.input;
- } else {
- this.oneOffSearchButtons.telemetryOrigin = null;
- = "none";
- this.oneOffSearchButtons.popup = null;
- this.oneOffSearchButtons.textbox = null;
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="openSearchSuggestionsNotificationLearnMoreURL">
- <body><![CDATA[
- let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURL(
- Services.prefs.getCharPref("") + "suggestions"
- );
- openUILinkIn(url, "tab");
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="dismissSearchSuggestionsNotification">
- <parameter name="enableSuggestions"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- // Make sure the urlbar is focused. It won't be, for example, if the
- // user used an accesskey to make an opt-in choice. mIgnoreFocus
- // prevents the text from being selected.
- this.input.mIgnoreFocus = true;
- this.input.focus();
- this.input.mIgnoreFocus = false;
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(
- "browser.urlbar.suggest.searches", enableSuggestions
- );
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(
- "browser.urlbar.userMadeSearchSuggestionsChoice", true
- );
- // The input's pref observer will now hide the notification.
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- Override this so that navigating between items results in an item
- always being selected. -->
- <method name="getNextIndex">
- <parameter name="reverse"/>
- <parameter name="amount"/>
- <parameter name="index"/>
- <parameter name="maxRow"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (maxRow < 0)
- return -1;
- let newIndex = index + (reverse ? -1 : 1) * amount;
- // We only want to wrap if navigation is in any direction by one item,
- // otherwise we clamp to one end of the list.
- // ie, hitting page-down will only cause is to wrap if we're already
- // at one end of the list.
- // Allow the selection to be removed if the first result is not a
- // heuristic result.
- if (!this._isFirstResultHeuristic) {
- if (reverse && index == -1 || newIndex > maxRow && index != maxRow)
- newIndex = maxRow;
- else if (!reverse && index == -1 || newIndex < 0 && index != 0)
- newIndex = 0;
- if (newIndex < 0 && index == 0 || newIndex > maxRow && index == maxRow)
- newIndex = -1;
- return newIndex;
- }
- // Otherwise do not allow the selection to be removed.
- if (newIndex < 0) {
- newIndex = index > 0 ? 0 : maxRow;
- } else if (newIndex > maxRow) {
- newIndex = index < maxRow ? maxRow : 0;
- }
- return newIndex;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <property name="_isFirstResultHeuristic" readonly="true">
- <getter>
- <![CDATA[
- // The popup usually has a special "heuristic" first result (added
- // by UnifiedComplete.js) that is automatically selected when the
- // popup opens.
- return this.input.mController.matchCount > 0 &&
- this.input.mController
- .getStyleAt(0)
- .split(/\s+/).indexOf("heuristic") > 0;
- ]]>
- </getter>
- </property>
- <property name="maxResults" readonly="true">
- <getter>
- <![CDATA[
- if (!this._maxResults) {
- var prefService =
- Components.classes[";1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
- this._maxResults = prefService.getIntPref("browser.urlbar.maxRichResults");
- }
- return this._maxResults;
- ]]>
- </getter>
- </property>
- <method name="openAutocompletePopup">
- <parameter name="aInput"/>
- <parameter name="aElement"/>
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- // initially the panel is hidden
- // to avoid impacting startup / new window performance
- aInput.popup.hidden = false;
- let showNotification = aInput.shouldShowSearchSuggestionsNotification;
- if (showNotification) {
- let prefs = aInput._prefs;
- let now = new Date();
- let date = now.getFullYear() * 10000 + (now.getMonth() + 1) * 100 + now.getDate();
- let previousDate = prefs.getIntPref("lastSuggestionsPromptDate");
- if (previousDate < date) {
- let remainingDays =
- prefs.getIntPref("daysBeforeHidingSuggestionsPrompt") - 1;
- prefs.setIntPref("daysBeforeHidingSuggestionsPrompt",
- remainingDays);
- prefs.setIntPref("lastSuggestionsPromptDate", date);
- if (!remainingDays)
- showNotification = false;
- }
- }
- if (showNotification) {
- this._showSearchSuggestionsNotification();
- } else if (this.classList.contains("showSearchSuggestionsNotification")) {
- this._hideSearchSuggestionsNotification();
- }
- this._openAutocompletePopup(aInput, aElement);
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <method name="_openAutocompletePopup">
- <parameter name="aInput"/>
- <parameter name="aElement"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (this.mPopupOpen) {
- return;
- }
- this.mInput = aInput;
- aInput.controller.setInitiallySelectedIndex(this._isFirstResultHeuristic ? 0 : -1);
- this.view = aInput.controller.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsITreeView);
- this._invalidate();
- var rect = window.document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
- var width = rect.right - rect.left;
- this.setAttribute("width", width);
- // Adjust the direction of the autocomplete popup list based on the textbox direction, bug 649840
- var popupDirection = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(aElement).direction;
- = popupDirection;
- // Make the popup's starting margin negative so that the leading edge
- // of the popup aligns with the window border.
- let elementRect = aElement.getBoundingClientRect();
- if (popupDirection == "rtl") {
- let offset = elementRect.right - rect.right
- = offset + "px";
- } else {
- let offset = rect.left - elementRect.left;
- = offset + "px";
- }
- // Keep the popup items' site icons aligned with the urlbar's identity
- // icon if it's not too far from the edge of the window. If there are
- // at most two toolbar buttons between the window edge and the urlbar,
- // then consider that as "not too far." The forward button's
- // visibility may have changed since the last time the popup was
- // opened, so this needs to happen now. Do it *before* the popup
- // opens because otherwise the items will visibly shift.
- let nodes = [...document.getElementById("nav-bar-customization-target").childNodes];
- let urlbarPosition = nodes.findIndex(n => == "urlbar-container");
- let alignSiteIcons = urlbarPosition <= 2 &&
- nodes.slice(0, urlbarPosition)
- .every(n => n.localName == "toolbarbutton");
- if (alignSiteIcons) {
- let identityRect =
- document.getElementById("identity-icon").getBoundingClientRect();
- this.siteIconStart = popupDirection == "rtl" ? identityRect.right
- : identityRect.left;
- }
- else {
- // Reset the alignment so that the site icons are positioned
- // according to whatever's in the CSS.
- this.siteIconStart = undefined;
- }
- // Position the popup below the navbar. To get the y-coordinate,
- // which is an offset from the bottom of the input, subtract the
- // bottom of the navbar from the buttom of the input.
- let yOffset =
- document.getElementById("nav-bar").getBoundingClientRect().bottom -
- aInput.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
- this.openPopup(aElement, "after_start", 0, yOffset, false, false);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_updateFooterVisibility">
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- this.footer.collapsed = this._matchCount == 0;
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <method name="_showSearchSuggestionsNotification">
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- // With the notification shown, the listbox's height can sometimes be
- // too small when it's flexed, as it normally is. Also, it can start
- // out slightly scrolled down. Both problems appear together, most
- // often when the popup is very narrow and the notification's text
- // must wrap. Work around them by removing the flex.
- //
- // But without flexing the listbox, the listbox's height animation
- // sometimes fails to complete, leaving the popup too tall. Work
- // around that problem by disabling the listbox animation.
- this.richlistbox.flex = 0;
- this.setAttribute("dontanimate", "true");
- this.classList.add("showSearchSuggestionsNotification");
- this._updateFooterVisibility();
- // This event allows accessibility APIs to see the notification.
- if (!this.popupOpen) {
- let event = document.createEvent("Events");
- event.initEvent("AlertActive", true, true);
- this.searchSuggestionsNotification.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <method name="searchSuggestionsNotificationWasDismissed">
- <parameter name="enableSuggestions"/>
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- if (!this.popupOpen) {
- this._hideSearchSuggestionsNotification();
- return;
- }
- this._hideSearchSuggestionsNotificationWithAnimation().then(() => {
- if (enableSuggestions && this.input.textValue) {
- // Start a new search so that suggestions appear immediately.
- this.input.controller.startSearch(this.input.textValue);
- }
- });
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <method name="_hideSearchSuggestionsNotification">
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- this.classList.remove("showSearchSuggestionsNotification");
- this.richlistbox.flex = 1;
- this.removeAttribute("dontanimate");
- if (this._matchCount) {
- // Update popup height.
- this._invalidate();
- } else {
- this.closePopup();
- }
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <method name="_hideSearchSuggestionsNotificationWithAnimation">
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let notificationHeight = this.searchSuggestionsNotification
- .getBoundingClientRect()
- .height;
- =
- "-" + notificationHeight + "px";
- let popupHeightPx =
- (this.getBoundingClientRect().height - notificationHeight) + "px";
- = popupHeightPx;
- let onTransitionEnd = () => {
- this.removeEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd, true);
- = "0px";
- this._hideSearchSuggestionsNotification();
- resolve();
- };
- this.addEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd, true);
- });
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <method name="_selectedOneOffChanged">
- <body><![CDATA[
- // Update all searchengine result items to use the newly selected
- // engine.
- for (let item of this.richlistbox.childNodes) {
- if (item.collapsed) {
- break;
- }
- let url = item.getAttribute("url");
- if (url) {
- let action = item._parseActionUrl(url);
- if (action && action.type == "searchengine") {
- item._adjustAcItem();
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- This handles keypress changes to the selection among the one-off
- search buttons and between the one-offs and the listbox. It returns
- true if the keypress was consumed and false if not. -->
- <method name="handleKeyPress">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.oneOffSearchButtons.handleKeyPress(aEvent, this._matchCount,
- !this._isFirstResultHeuristic,
- gBrowser.userTypedValue);
- return aEvent.defaultPrevented;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- This is called when a one-off is clicked and when "search in new tab"
- is selected from a one-off context menu. -->
- <method name="handleOneOffSearch">
- <parameter name="event"/>
- <parameter name="engine"/>
- <parameter name="where"/>
- <parameter name="params"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.input.handleCommand(event, where, params);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- Result listitems call this to determine which search engine they
- should show in their labels and include in their url attributes. -->
- <property name="overrideSearchEngineName" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- let button = this.oneOffSearchButtons.selectedButton;
- return button && button.engine &&;
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <method name="createResultLabel">
- <parameter name="item"/>
- <parameter name="proposedLabel"/>
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- let parts = [proposedLabel];
- let action = this.mInput._parseActionUrl(item.getAttribute("url"));
- if (action) {
- switch (action.type) {
- case "searchengine":
- parts = [
- action.params.searchSuggestion || action.params.searchQuery,
- action.params.engineName,
- ];
- break;
- case "switchtab":
- case "remotetab":
- parts = [
- item.getAttribute("title"),
- item.getAttribute("displayurl"),
- ];
- break;
- }
- }
- let types = item.getAttribute("type").split(/\s+/);
- let type = types.find(type => type != "action" && type != "heuristic");
- try {
- // Some types intentionally do not map to strings, which is not
- // an error.
- parts.push(this._bundle.GetStringFromName(type + "ResultLabel"));
- } catch (e) {}
- return parts.filter(str => str).join(" ");
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <method name="onResultsAdded">
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- // If nothing is selected yet, select the first result if it is a
- // pre-selected "heuristic" result. (See UnifiedComplete.js.)
- if (this.selectedIndex == -1 && this._isFirstResultHeuristic) {
- // Don't fire DOMMenuItemActive so that screen readers still see
- // the input as being focused.
- this.richlistbox.suppressMenuItemEvent = true;
- this.input.controller.setInitiallySelectedIndex(0);
- this.richlistbox.suppressMenuItemEvent = false;
- }
- this.input.gotResultForCurrentQuery = true;
- // Check if we should perform a delayed handleEnter.
- if (this.input.handleEnterInstance) {
- let instance = this.input.handleEnterInstance;
- this.input.handleEnterInstance = null;
- // Don't handle this immediately or we could cause a recursive
- // loop where the controller sets popupOpen and re-enters here.
- setTimeout(() => {
- // Safety check: handle only if the search string didn't change.
- let { event, searchString } = instance;
- if (this.input.mController.searchString == searchString) {
- this.input.maybeCanonizeURL(event, searchString);
- this.input.mController.handleEnter(false, event);
- this.overrideValue = null;
- }
- }, 0);
- }
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <method name="_onSearchBegin">
- <body><![CDATA[
- // Set the selected index to 0 (heuristic) until a result comes back
- // and we can evaluate it better.
- //
- // This is required to properly manage delayed handleEnter:
- // 1. if a search starts we set selectedIndex to 0 here, and it will
- // be updated by onResultsAdded. Since selectedIndex is 0,
- // handleEnter will delay the action if a result didn't arrive yet.
- // 2. if a search doesn't start (for example if autocomplete is
- // disabled), this won't be called, and the selectedIndex will be
- // the default -1 value. Then handleEnter will know it should not
- // delay the action, cause a result wont't ever arrive.
- this.input.controller.setInitiallySelectedIndex(0);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- </implementation>
- <handlers>
- <handler event="SelectedOneOffButtonChanged"><![CDATA[
- this._selectedOneOffChanged();
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="mousedown"><![CDATA[
- // Required to make the xul:label.text-link elements in the search
- // suggestions notification work correctly when clicked on Linux.
- // This is copied from the mousedown handler in
- // browser-search-autocomplete-result-popup, which apparently had a
- // similar problem.
- event.preventDefault();
- ]]></handler>
- </handlers>
- </binding>
- <binding id="addon-progress-notification" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/notification.xml#popup-notification">
- <implementation>
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- if (!this.notification)
- return;
- this.notification.options.installs.forEach(function(aInstall) {
- aInstall.addListener(this);
- }, this);
- // Calling updateProgress can sometimes cause this notification to be
- // removed in the middle of refreshing the notification panel which
- // makes the panel get refreshed again. Just initialise to the
- // undetermined state and then schedule a proper check at the next
- // opportunity
- this.setProgress(0, -1);
- this._updateProgressTimeout = setTimeout(this.updateProgress.bind(this), 0);
- ]]></constructor>
- <destructor><![CDATA[
- this.destroy();
- ]]></destructor>
- <field name="progressmeter" readonly="true">
- document.getElementById("addon-progress-notification-progressmeter");
- </field>
- <field name="progresstext" readonly="true">
- document.getElementById("addon-progress-notification-progresstext");
- </field>
- <property name="DownloadUtils" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- let module = {};
- Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/DownloadUtils.jsm", module);
- Object.defineProperty(this, "DownloadUtils", {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: module.DownloadUtils
- });
- return module.DownloadUtils;
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <method name="destroy">
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (!this.notification)
- return;
- this.notification.options.installs.forEach(function(aInstall) {
- aInstall.removeListener(this);
- }, this);
- clearTimeout(this._updateProgressTimeout);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="setProgress">
- <parameter name="aProgress"/>
- <parameter name="aMaxProgress"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (aMaxProgress == -1) {
- this.progressmeter.setAttribute("mode", "undetermined");
- }
- else {
- this.progressmeter.setAttribute("mode", "determined");
- this.progressmeter.setAttribute("value", (aProgress * 100) / aMaxProgress);
- }
- let now =;
- if (!this.notification.lastUpdate) {
- this.notification.lastUpdate = now;
- this.notification.lastProgress = aProgress;
- return;
- }
- let delta = now - this.notification.lastUpdate;
- if ((delta < 400) && (aProgress < aMaxProgress))
- return;
- delta /= 1000;
- // This code is taken from nsDownloadManager.cpp
- let speed = (aProgress - this.notification.lastProgress) / delta;
- if (this.notification.speed)
- speed = speed * 0.9 + this.notification.speed * 0.1;
- this.notification.lastUpdate = now;
- this.notification.lastProgress = aProgress;
- this.notification.speed = speed;
- let status = null;
- [status, this.notification.last] = this.DownloadUtils.getDownloadStatus(aProgress, aMaxProgress, speed, this.notification.last);
- this.progresstext.setAttribute("value", status);
- this.progresstext.setAttribute("tooltiptext", status);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="cancel">
- <body><![CDATA[
- let installs = this.notification.options.installs;
- installs.forEach(function(aInstall) {
- try {
- aInstall.cancel();
- }
- catch (e) {
- // Cancel will throw if the download has already failed
- }
- }, this);
- PopupNotifications.remove(this.notification);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="updateProgress">
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (!this.notification)
- return;
- let downloadingCount = 0;
- let progress = 0;
- let maxProgress = 0;
- this.notification.options.installs.forEach(function(aInstall) {
- if (aInstall.maxProgress == -1)
- maxProgress = -1;
- progress += aInstall.progress;
- if (maxProgress >= 0)
- maxProgress += aInstall.maxProgress;
- if (aInstall.state < AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED)
- downloadingCount++;
- });
- if (downloadingCount == 0) {
- this.destroy();
- if (Preferences.get("xpinstall.customConfirmationUI", false)) {
- this.progressmeter.setAttribute("mode", "undetermined");
- let status = gNavigatorBundle.getString("addonDownloadVerifying");
- this.progresstext.setAttribute("value", status);
- this.progresstext.setAttribute("tooltiptext", status);
- } else {
- PopupNotifications.remove(this.notification);
- }
- }
- else {
- this.setProgress(progress, maxProgress);
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onDownloadProgress">
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.updateProgress();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onDownloadFailed">
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.updateProgress();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onDownloadCancelled">
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.updateProgress();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="onDownloadEnded">
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.updateProgress();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- </implementation>
- </binding>
- <binding id="plugin-popupnotification-center-item">
- <content align="center">
- <xul:vbox pack="center" anonid="itemBox" class="itemBox">
- <xul:description anonid="center-item-label" class="center-item-label" />
- <xul:hbox flex="1" pack="start" align="center" anonid="center-item-warning">
- <xul:image anonid="center-item-warning-icon" class="center-item-warning-icon"/>
- <xul:label anonid="center-item-warning-label"/>
- <xul:label anonid="center-item-link" value="&checkForUpdates;" class="text-link"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- </xul:vbox>
- <xul:vbox pack="center">
- <xul:menulist class="center-item-menulist"
- anonid="center-item-menulist">
- <xul:menupopup>
- <xul:menuitem anonid="allownow" value="allownow"
- label="&pluginActivateNow.label;" />
- <xul:menuitem anonid="allowalways" value="allowalways"
- label="&pluginActivateAlways.label;" />
- <xul:menuitem anonid="block" value="block"
- label="&pluginBlockNow.label;" />
- </xul:menupopup>
- </xul:menulist>
- </xul:vbox>
- </content>
- <resources>
- <stylesheet src="chrome://global/skin/notification.css"/>
- </resources>
- <implementation>
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "center-item-label").value = this.action.pluginName;
- let curState = "block";
- if (this.action.fallbackType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_ACTIVE) {
- if (this.action.pluginPermissionType == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.EXPIRE_SESSION) {
- curState = "allownow";
- }
- else {
- curState = "allowalways";
- }
- }
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "center-item-menulist").value = curState;
- let warningString = "";
- let linkString = "";
- let link = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "center-item-link");
- let url;
- let linkHandler;
- if (this.action.pluginTag.enabledState == Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_DISABLED) {
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "center-item-menulist").hidden = true;
- warningString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivateDisabled.label");
- linkString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivateDisabled.manage");
- linkHandler = function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- gPluginHandler.managePlugins();
- };
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "center-item-warning-icon").hidden = true;
- }
- else {
- url = this.action.detailsLink;
- switch (this.action.blocklistState) {
- case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED:
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "center-item-warning").hidden = true;
- break;
- case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED:
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "center-item-menulist").hidden = true;
- warningString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivateBlocked.label");
- linkString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivate.learnMore");
- break;
- warningString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivateOutdated.label");
- linkString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivate.updateLabel");
- break;
- case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE:
- warningString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivateVulnerable.label");
- linkString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivate.riskLabel");
- break;
- }
- }
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "center-item-warning-label").value = warningString;
- let chromeWin = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow);
- let isWindowPrivate = PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(chromeWin);
- if (isWindowPrivate) {
- // TODO: temporary compromise of hiding some privacy leaks, remove once bug 892487 is fixed
- let allowalways = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "allowalways");
- let block = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "block");
- let allownow = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "allownow");
- allowalways.hidden = curState !== "allowalways";
- block.hidden = curState !== "block";
- allownow.hidden = curState === "allowalways";
- }
- if (url || linkHandler) {
- link.value = linkString;
- if (url) {
- link.href = url;
- }
- if (linkHandler) {
- link.addEventListener("click", linkHandler, false);
- }
- }
- else {
- link.hidden = true;
- }
- ]]></constructor>
- <property name="value">
- <getter>
- return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "center-item-menulist").value;
- </getter>
- <setter><!-- This should be used only in automated tests -->
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "center-item-menulist").value = val;
- </setter>
- </property>
- </implementation>
- </binding>
- <binding id="click-to-play-plugins-notification" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/notification.xml#popup-notification">
- <content align="start" style="width: &pluginNotification.width;;">
- <xul:vbox flex="1" align="stretch" class="popup-notification-main-box"
- xbl:inherits="popupid">
- <xul:hbox class="click-to-play-plugins-notification-description-box" flex="1" align="start">
- <xul:description class="click-to-play-plugins-outer-description" flex="1">
- <html:span anonid="click-to-play-plugins-notification-description" />
- <xul:label class="text-link click-to-play-plugins-notification-link" anonid="click-to-play-plugins-notification-link" />
- </xul:description>
- <xul:toolbarbutton anonid="closebutton"
- class="messageCloseButton popup-notification-closebutton tabbable close-icon"
- xbl:inherits="oncommand=closebuttoncommand"
- tooltiptext="&closeNotification.tooltip;"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- <xul:grid anonid="click-to-play-plugins-notification-center-box"
- class="click-to-play-plugins-notification-center-box">
- <xul:columns>
- <xul:column flex="1"/>
- <xul:column/>
- </xul:columns>
- <xul:rows>
- <children includes="row"/>
- <xul:hbox pack="start" anonid="plugin-notification-showbox">
- <xul:button label="&pluginNotification.showAll.label;"
- accesskey="&pluginNotification.showAll.accesskey;"
- class="plugin-notification-showbutton"
- oncommand="document.getBindingParent(this)._setState(2)"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- </xul:rows>
- </xul:grid>
- <xul:hbox anonid="button-container"
- class="click-to-play-plugins-notification-button-container"
- pack="center" align="center">
- <xul:button anonid="primarybutton"
- class="click-to-play-popup-button"
- oncommand="document.getBindingParent(this)._onButton(this)"
- flex="1"/>
- <xul:button anonid="secondarybutton"
- class="click-to-play-popup-button"
- oncommand="document.getBindingParent(this)._onButton(this);"
- flex="1"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- <xul:box hidden="true">
- <children/>
- </xul:box>
- </xul:vbox>
- </content>
- <resources>
- <stylesheet src="chrome://global/skin/notification.css"/>
- </resources>
- <implementation>
- <field name="_states">
- </field>
- <field name="_primaryButton">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "primarybutton");
- </field>
- <field name="_secondaryButton">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "secondarybutton")
- </field>
- <field name="_buttonContainer">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "button-container")
- </field>
- <field name="_brandShortName">
- document.getElementById("bundle_brand").getString("brandShortName")
- </field>
- <field name="_items">[]</field>
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- const XUL_NS = "";
- let sortedActions = [];
- for (let action of this.notification.options.pluginData.values()) {
- sortedActions.push(action);
- }
- sortedActions.sort((a, b) => a.pluginName.localeCompare(b.pluginName));
- for (let action of sortedActions) {
- let item = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "row");
- item.setAttribute("class", "plugin-popupnotification-centeritem");
- item.action = action;
- this.appendChild(item);
- this._items.push(item);
- }
- switch (this._items.length) {
- case 0:
- PopupNotifications._dismiss();
- break;
- case 1:
- this._setState(this._states.SINGLE);
- break;
- default:
- if (this.notification.options.primaryPlugin) {
- this._setState(this._states.MULTI_COLLAPSED);
- } else {
- this._setState(this._states.MULTI_EXPANDED);
- }
- }
- ]]></constructor>
- <method name="_setState">
- <parameter name="state" />
- <body><![CDATA[
- var grid = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "click-to-play-plugins-notification-center-box");
- if (this._states.SINGLE == state) {
- grid.hidden = true;
- this._setupSingleState();
- return;
- }
- let prePath = this.notification.options.principal.URI.prePath;
- this._setupDescription("pluginActivateMultiple.message", null, prePath);
- var showBox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "plugin-notification-showbox");
- var dialogStrings = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/");
- this._primaryButton.label = dialogStrings.GetStringFromName("button-accept");
- this._primaryButton.setAttribute("default", "true");
- this._secondaryButton.label = dialogStrings.GetStringFromName("button-cancel");
- this._primaryButton.setAttribute("action", "_multiAccept");
- this._secondaryButton.setAttribute("action", "_cancel");
- grid.hidden = false;
- if (this._states.MULTI_COLLAPSED == state) {
- for (let child of this.childNodes) {
- if (child.tagName != "row") {
- continue;
- }
- child.hidden = this.notification.options.primaryPlugin !=
- child.action.permissionString;
- }
- showBox.hidden = false;
- }
- else {
- for (let child of this.childNodes) {
- if (child.tagName != "row") {
- continue;
- }
- child.hidden = false;
- }
- showBox.hidden = true;
- }
- this._setupLink(null);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_setupSingleState">
- <body><![CDATA[
- var action = this._items[0].action;
- var prePath = action.pluginPermissionPrePath;
- let chromeWin = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow);
- let isWindowPrivate = PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(chromeWin);
- let label, linkLabel, button1, button2;
- if (action.fallbackType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_ACTIVE) {
- button1 = {
- label: "pluginBlockNow.label",
- accesskey: "pluginBlockNow.accesskey",
- action: "_singleBlock"
- };
- button2 = {
- label: "pluginContinue.label",
- accesskey: "pluginContinue.accesskey",
- action: "_singleContinue",
- default: true
- };
- switch (action.blocklistState) {
- case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED:
- label = "pluginEnabled.message";
- linkLabel = "pluginActivate.learnMore";
- break;
- case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED:
- Cu.reportError(Error("Cannot happen!"));
- break;
- label = "pluginEnabledOutdated.message";
- linkLabel = "pluginActivate.updateLabel";
- break;
- case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE:
- label = "pluginEnabledVulnerable.message";
- linkLabel = "pluginActivate.riskLabel"
- break;
- default:
- Cu.reportError(Error("Unexpected blocklist state"));
- }
- // TODO: temporary compromise, remove this once bug 892487 is fixed
- if (isWindowPrivate) {
- this._buttonContainer.hidden = true;
- }
- }
- else if (action.pluginTag.enabledState == Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_DISABLED) {
- let linkElement =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- this, "anonid", "click-to-play-plugins-notification-link");
- linkElement.textContent = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginActivateDisabled.manage");
- linkElement.setAttribute("onclick", "gPluginHandler.managePlugins()");
- let descElement = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "click-to-play-plugins-notification-description");
- descElement.textContent = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString(
- "pluginActivateDisabled.message", [action.pluginName, this._brandShortName]) + " ";
- this._buttonContainer.hidden = true;
- return;
- }
- else if (action.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED) {
- let descElement = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "click-to-play-plugins-notification-description");
- descElement.textContent = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString(
- "pluginActivateBlocked.message", [action.pluginName, this._brandShortName]) + " ";
- this._setupLink("pluginActivate.learnMore", action.detailsLink);
- this._buttonContainer.hidden = true;
- return;
- }
- else {
- button1 = {
- label: "pluginActivateNow.label",
- accesskey: "pluginActivateNow.accesskey",
- action: "_singleActivateNow"
- };
- button2 = {
- label: "pluginActivateAlways.label",
- accesskey: "pluginActivateAlways.accesskey",
- action: "_singleActivateAlways"
- };
- switch (action.blocklistState) {
- case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED:
- label = "pluginActivateNew.message";
- linkLabel = "pluginActivate.learnMore";
- button2.default = true;
- break;
- label = "pluginActivateOutdated.message";
- linkLabel = "pluginActivate.updateLabel";
- button1.default = true;
- break;
- case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE:
- label = "pluginActivateVulnerable.message";
- linkLabel = "pluginActivate.riskLabel"
- button1.default = true;
- break;
- default:
- Cu.reportError(Error("Unexpected blocklist state"));
- }
- // TODO: temporary compromise, remove this once bug 892487 is fixed
- if (isWindowPrivate) {
- button1.default = true;
- this._secondaryButton.hidden = true;
- }
- }
- this._setupDescription(label, action.pluginName, prePath);
- this._setupLink(linkLabel, action.detailsLink);
- this._primaryButton.label = gNavigatorBundle.getString(button1.label);
- this._primaryButton.accessKey = gNavigatorBundle.getString(button1.accesskey);
- this._primaryButton.setAttribute("action", button1.action);
- this._secondaryButton.label = gNavigatorBundle.getString(button2.label);
- this._secondaryButton.accessKey = gNavigatorBundle.getString(button2.accesskey);
- this._secondaryButton.setAttribute("action", button2.action);
- if (button1.default) {
- this._primaryButton.setAttribute("default", "true");
- }
- else if (button2.default) {
- this._secondaryButton.setAttribute("default", "true");
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_setupDescription">
- <parameter name="baseString" />
- <parameter name="pluginName" /> <!-- null for the multiple-plugin case -->
- <parameter name="prePath" />
- <body><![CDATA[
- var span = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "click-to-play-plugins-notification-description");
- while (span.lastChild) {
- span.removeChild(span.lastChild);
- }
- var args = ["__prepath__", this._brandShortName];
- if (pluginName) {
- args.unshift(pluginName);
- }
- var bases = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString(baseString, args).
- split("__prepath__", 2);
- span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(bases[0]));
- var prePathSpan = document.createElementNS("", "em");
- prePathSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(prePath));
- span.appendChild(prePathSpan);
- span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(bases[1] + " "));
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_setupLink">
- <parameter name="linkString"/>
- <parameter name="linkUrl" />
- <body><![CDATA[
- var link = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "click-to-play-plugins-notification-link");
- if (!linkString || !linkUrl) {
- link.hidden = true;
- return;
- }
- link.hidden = false;
- link.textContent = gNavigatorBundle.getString(linkString);
- link.href = linkUrl;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_onButton">
- <parameter name="aButton" />
- <body><![CDATA[
- let methodName = aButton.getAttribute("action");
- this[methodName]();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_singleActivateNow">
- <body><![CDATA[
- gPluginHandler._updatePluginPermission(this.notification,
- this._items[0].action,
- "allownow");
- this._cancel();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_singleBlock">
- <body><![CDATA[
- gPluginHandler._updatePluginPermission(this.notification,
- this._items[0].action,
- "block");
- this._cancel();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_singleActivateAlways">
- <body><![CDATA[
- gPluginHandler._updatePluginPermission(this.notification,
- this._items[0].action,
- "allowalways");
- this._cancel();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_singleContinue">
- <body><![CDATA[
- gPluginHandler._updatePluginPermission(this.notification,
- this._items[0].action,
- "continue");
- this._cancel();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_multiAccept">
- <body><![CDATA[
- for (let item of this._items) {
- let action = item.action;
- if (action.pluginTag.enabledState == Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_DISABLED ||
- action.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED) {
- continue;
- }
- gPluginHandler._updatePluginPermission(this.notification,
- item.action, item.value);
- }
- this._cancel();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_cancel">
- <body><![CDATA[
- PopupNotifications._dismiss();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_accept">
- <parameter name="aEvent" />
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (aEvent.defaultPrevented)
- return;
- aEvent.preventDefault();
- if (this._primaryButton.getAttribute("default") == "true") {
- }
- else if (this._secondaryButton.getAttribute("default") == "true") {
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- </implementation>
- <handlers>
- <!-- The _accept method checks for .defaultPrevented so that if focus is in a button,
- enter activates the button and not this default action -->
- <handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_RETURN" group="system" action="this._accept(event);"/>
- </handlers>
- </binding>
- <binding id="splitmenu">
- <content>
- <xul:hbox anonid="menuitem" flex="1"
- class="splitmenu-menuitem"
- xbl:inherits="iconic,label,disabled,onclick=oncommand,_moz-menuactive=active"/>
- <xul:menu anonid="menu" class="splitmenu-menu"
- xbl:inherits="disabled,_moz-menuactive=active"
- oncommand="event.stopPropagation();">
- <children includes="menupopup"/>
- </xul:menu>
- </content>
- <implementation implements="nsIDOMEventListener">
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- this._parentMenupopup.addEventListener("DOMMenuItemActive", this, false);
- this._parentMenupopup.addEventListener("popuphidden", this, false);
- ]]></constructor>
- <destructor><![CDATA[
- this._parentMenupopup.removeEventListener("DOMMenuItemActive", this, false);
- this._parentMenupopup.removeEventListener("popuphidden", this, false);
- ]]></destructor>
- <field name="menuitem" readonly="true">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "menuitem");
- </field>
- <field name="menu" readonly="true">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "menu");
- </field>
- <field name="_menuDelay">600</field>
- <field name="_parentMenupopup"><![CDATA[
- this._getParentMenupopup(this);
- ]]></field>
- <method name="_getParentMenupopup">
- <parameter name="aNode"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let node = aNode.parentNode;
- while (node) {
- if (node.localName == "menupopup")
- break;
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return node;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="handleEvent">
- <parameter name="event"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- switch (event.type) {
- case "DOMMenuItemActive":
- if (this.getAttribute("active") == "true" &&
- != this &&
- this._getParentMenupopup( == this._parentMenupopup)
- this.removeAttribute("active");
- break;
- case "popuphidden":
- if ( == this._parentMenupopup)
- this.removeAttribute("active");
- break;
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- </implementation>
- <handlers>
- <handler event="mouseover"><![CDATA[
- if (this.getAttribute("active") != "true") {
- this.setAttribute("active", "true");
- let event = document.createEvent("Events");
- event.initEvent("DOMMenuItemActive", true, false);
- this.dispatchEvent(event);
- if (this.getAttribute("disabled") != "true") {
- let self = this;
- setTimeout(function () {
- if (self.getAttribute("active") == "true")
- = true;
- }, this._menuDelay);
- }
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="popupshowing"><![CDATA[
- if ( == this.firstChild &&
- this._parentMenupopup._currentPopup)
- this._parentMenupopup._currentPopup.hidePopup();
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="click" phase="capturing"><![CDATA[
- if (this.getAttribute("disabled") == "true") {
- // Prevent the command from being carried out
- event.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- let node = event.originalTarget;
- while (true) {
- if (node == this.menuitem)
- break;
- if (node == this)
- return;
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- this._parentMenupopup.hidePopup();
- ]]></handler>
- </handlers>
- </binding>
- <binding id="menuitem-tooltip" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/menu.xml#menuitem">
- <implementation>
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- this.setAttribute("tooltiptext", this.getAttribute("acceltext"));
- // TODO: Simplify this to this.setAttribute("acceltext", "") once bug
- // 592424 is fixed
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "accel").firstChild.setAttribute("value", "");
- ]]></constructor>
- </implementation>
- </binding>
- <binding id="menuitem-iconic-tooltip" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/menu.xml#menuitem-iconic">
- <implementation>
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- this.setAttribute("tooltiptext", this.getAttribute("acceltext"));
- // TODO: Simplify this to this.setAttribute("acceltext", "") once bug
- // 592424 is fixed
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "accel").firstChild.setAttribute("value", "");
- ]]></constructor>
- </implementation>
- </binding>