path: root/application/basilisk/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2019-12-16 13:57:01 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2019-12-16 13:57:01 -0500
commit06494f307850c576868831bd28a61464eab1f359 (patch)
treef281f5c46c3e0b73c7eabe22f02622dc013b0c35 /application/basilisk/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js
parente7d4713e0765c79feddf2384d343d10595fa5cb3 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'application/basilisk/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/application/basilisk/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js b/application/basilisk/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cbcc835a..000000000
--- a/application/basilisk/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-/* import-globals-from ../contentSearchUI.js */
-// IndexedDB storage constants.
-const DATABASE_NAME = "abouthome";
-const DATABASE_STORAGE = "persistent";
-var searchText;
-// This global tracks if the page has been set up before, to prevent double inits
-var gInitialized = false;
-var gObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
- for (let mutation of mutations) {
- // The addition of the restore session button changes our width:
- if (mutation.attributeName == "session") {
- fitToWidth();
- }
- }
-window.addEventListener("pageshow", function () {
- // Delay search engine setup, cause browser.js::BrowserOnAboutPageLoad runs
- // later and may use asynchronous getters.
- window.gObserver.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
- window.gObserver.observe(document.getElementById("launcher"), { attributes: true });
- fitToWidth();
- setupSearch();
- window.addEventListener("resize", fitToWidth);
- // Ask chrome to update snippets.
- var event = new CustomEvent("AboutHomeLoad", {bubbles:true});
- document.dispatchEvent(event);
-window.addEventListener("pagehide", function() {
- window.gObserver.disconnect();
- window.removeEventListener("resize", fitToWidth);
-window.addEventListener("keypress", ev => {
- if (ev.defaultPrevented) {
- return;
- }
- // don't focus the search-box on keypress if something other than the
- // body or document element has focus - don't want to steal input from other elements
- // Make an exception for <a> and <button> elements (and input[type=button|submit])
- // which don't usefully take keypresses anyway.
- // (except space, which is handled below)
- if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement != document.body &&
- document.activeElement != document.documentElement &&
- !["a", "button"].includes(document.activeElement.localName) &&
- !document.activeElement.matches("input:-moz-any([type=button],[type=submit])")) {
- return;
- }
- let modifiers = ev.ctrlKey + ev.altKey + ev.metaKey;
- // ignore Ctrl/Cmd/Alt, but not Shift
- // also ignore Tab, Insert, PageUp, etc., and Space
- if (modifiers != 0 || ev.charCode == 0 || ev.charCode == 32)
- return;
- searchText.focus();
- // need to send the first keypress outside the search-box manually to it
- searchText.value += ev.key;
-function onSearchSubmit(aEvent)
-var gContentSearchController;
-function setupSearch()
- // Set submit button label for when CSS background are disabled (e.g.
- // high contrast mode).
- document.getElementById("searchSubmit").value =
- document.body.getAttribute("dir") == "ltr" ? "\u25B6" : "\u25C0";
- // The "autofocus" attribute doesn't focus the form element
- // immediately when the element is first drawn, so the
- // attribute is also used for styling when the page first loads.
- searchText = document.getElementById("searchText");
- searchText.addEventListener("blur", function searchText_onBlur() {
- searchText.removeEventListener("blur", searchText_onBlur);
- searchText.removeAttribute("autofocus");
- });
- if (!gContentSearchController) {
- gContentSearchController =
- new ContentSearchUIController(searchText, searchText.parentNode,
- "abouthome", "homepage");
- }
- * Inform the test harness that we're done loading the page.
- */
-function loadCompleted()
-function fitToWidth() {
- if (document.documentElement.scrollWidth > window.innerWidth) {
- document.body.setAttribute("narrow", "true");
- } else if (document.body.hasAttribute("narrow")) {
- document.body.removeAttribute("narrow");
- fitToWidth();
- }