path: root/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/tabs/utils.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-09 06:46:43 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-09 06:46:43 -0500
commitac46df8daea09899ce30dc8fd70986e258c746bf (patch)
tree2750d3125fc253fd5b0671e4bd268eff1fd97296 /addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/tabs/utils.js
parent8cecf8d5208f3945b35f879bba3015bb1a11bec6 (diff)
Move Add-on SDK source to toolkit/jetpack
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/tabs/utils.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/tabs/utils.js b/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/tabs/utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eae3d41fe..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/tabs/utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-'use strict';
-module.metadata = {
- 'stability': 'unstable'
-// NOTE: This file should only deal with xul/native tabs
-const { Ci, Cu } = require('chrome');
-const { defer } = require("../lang/functional");
-const { windows, isBrowser } = require('../window/utils');
-const { isPrivateBrowsingSupported } = require('../self');
-const { ShimWaiver } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ShimWaiver.jsm");
-// Bug 834961: ignore private windows when they are not supported
-function getWindows() {
- return windows(null, { includePrivate: isPrivateBrowsingSupported });
-const XUL_NS = "";
-// Define predicate functions that can be used to detech weather
-// we deal with fennec tabs or firefox tabs.
-// Predicate to detect whether tab is XUL "Tab" node.
-const isXULTab = tab =>
- tab instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode &&
- tab.nodeName === "tab" &&
- tab.namespaceURI === XUL_NS;
-exports.isXULTab = isXULTab;
-// Predicate to detecet whether given tab is a fettec tab.
-// Unfortunately we have to guess via duck typinng of:
-const isFennecTab = tab =>
- tab &&
- tab.QueryInterface &&
- Ci.nsIBrowserTab &&
- tab.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIBrowserTab) === tab;
-exports.isFennecTab = isFennecTab;
-const isTab = x => isXULTab(x) || isFennecTab(x);
-exports.isTab = isTab;
-function activateTab(tab, window) {
- let gBrowser = getTabBrowserForTab(tab);
- // normal case
- if (gBrowser) {
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- }
- // fennec ?
- else if (window && window.BrowserApp) {
- window.BrowserApp.selectTab(tab);
- }
- return null;
-exports.activateTab = activateTab;
-function getTabBrowser(window) {
- // bug 1009938 - may be null in SeaMonkey
- return window.gBrowser || window.getBrowser();
-exports.getTabBrowser = getTabBrowser;
-function getTabContainer(window) {
- return getTabBrowser(window).tabContainer;
-exports.getTabContainer = getTabContainer;
- * Returns the tabs for the `window` if given, or the tabs
- * across all the browser's windows otherwise.
- *
- * @param {nsIWindow} [window]
- * A reference to a window
- *
- * @returns {Array} an array of Tab objects
- */
-function getTabs(window) {
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- return getWindows().
- filter(isBrowser).
- reduce((tabs, window) => tabs.concat(getTabs(window)), []);
- }
- // fennec
- if (window.BrowserApp)
- return window.BrowserApp.tabs;
- // firefox - default
- return Array.filter(getTabContainer(window).children, t => !t.closing);
-exports.getTabs = getTabs;
-function getActiveTab(window) {
- return getSelectedTab(window);
-exports.getActiveTab = getActiveTab;
-function getOwnerWindow(tab) {
- // normal case
- if (tab.ownerDocument)
- return tab.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- // try fennec case
- return getWindowHoldingTab(tab);
-exports.getOwnerWindow = getOwnerWindow;
-// fennec
-function getWindowHoldingTab(rawTab) {
- for (let window of getWindows()) {
- // this function may be called when not using fennec,
- // but BrowserApp is only defined on Fennec
- if (!window.BrowserApp)
- continue;
- for (let tab of window.BrowserApp.tabs) {
- if (tab === rawTab)
- return window;
- }
- }
- return null;
-function openTab(window, url, options) {
- options = options || {};
- // fennec?
- if (window.BrowserApp) {
- return window.BrowserApp.addTab(url, {
- selected: options.inBackground ? false : true,
- pinned: options.isPinned || false,
- isPrivate: options.isPrivate || false,
- parentId:
- });
- }
- // firefox
- let newTab = window.gBrowser.addTab(url);
- if (!options.inBackground) {
- activateTab(newTab);
- }
- return newTab;
-exports.openTab = openTab;
-function isTabOpen(tab) {
- // try normal case then fennec case
- return !!((tab.linkedBrowser) || getWindowHoldingTab(tab));
-exports.isTabOpen = isTabOpen;
-function closeTab(tab) {
- let gBrowser = getTabBrowserForTab(tab);
- // normal case?
- if (gBrowser) {
- // Bug 699450: the tab may already have been detached
- if (!tab.parentNode)
- return;
- return gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- }
- let window = getWindowHoldingTab(tab);
- // fennec?
- if (window && window.BrowserApp) {
- // Bug 699450: the tab may already have been detached
- if (!tab.browser)
- return;
- return window.BrowserApp.closeTab(tab);
- }
- return null;
-exports.closeTab = closeTab;
-function getURI(tab) {
- if (tab.browser) // fennec
- return tab.browser.currentURI.spec;
- return tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec;
-exports.getURI = getURI;
-function getTabBrowserForTab(tab) {
- let outerWin = getOwnerWindow(tab);
- if (outerWin)
- return getOwnerWindow(tab).gBrowser;
- return null;
-exports.getTabBrowserForTab = getTabBrowserForTab;
-function getBrowserForTab(tab) {
- if (tab.browser) // fennec
- return tab.browser;
- return tab.linkedBrowser;
-exports.getBrowserForTab = getBrowserForTab;
-function getTabId(tab) {
- if (tab.browser) // fennec
- return
- return String.split(tab.linkedPanel, 'panel').pop();
-exports.getTabId = getTabId;
-function getTabForId(id) {
- return getTabs().find(tab => getTabId(tab) === id) || null;
-exports.getTabForId = getTabForId;
-function getTabTitle(tab) {
- return getBrowserForTab(tab).contentTitle || tab.label || "";
-exports.getTabTitle = getTabTitle;
-function setTabTitle(tab, title) {
- title = String(title);
- if (tab.browser) {
- // Fennec
- tab.browser.contentDocument.title = title;
- }
- else {
- let browser = getBrowserForTab(tab);
- // Note that we aren't actually setting the document title in e10s, just
- // the title the browser thinks the content has
- if (browser.isRemoteBrowser)
- browser._contentTitle = title;
- else
- browser.contentDocument.title = title;
- }
- tab.label = String(title);
-exports.setTabTitle = setTabTitle;
-function getTabContentDocument(tab) {
- return getBrowserForTab(tab).contentDocument;
-exports.getTabContentDocument = getTabContentDocument;
-function getTabContentWindow(tab) {
- return getBrowserForTab(tab).contentWindow;
-exports.getTabContentWindow = getTabContentWindow;
- * Returns all tabs' content windows across all the browsers' windows
- */
-function getAllTabContentWindows() {
- return getTabs().map(getTabContentWindow);
-exports.getAllTabContentWindows = getAllTabContentWindows;
-// gets the tab containing the provided window
-function getTabForContentWindow(window) {
- return getTabs().find(tab => getTabContentWindow(tab) === || null;
-exports.getTabForContentWindow = getTabForContentWindow;
-// only sdk/selection.js is relying on shims
-function getTabForContentWindowNoShim(window) {
- function getTabContentWindowNoShim(tab) {
- let browser = getBrowserForTab(tab);
- return ShimWaiver.getProperty(browser, "contentWindow");
- }
- return getTabs().find(tab => getTabContentWindowNoShim(tab) === || null;
-exports.getTabForContentWindowNoShim = getTabForContentWindowNoShim;
-function getTabURL(tab) {
- return String(getBrowserForTab(tab).currentURI.spec);
-exports.getTabURL = getTabURL;
-function setTabURL(tab, url) {
- let browser = getBrowserForTab(tab);
- browser.loadURI(String(url));
-// "TabOpen" event is fired when it's still "about:blank" is loaded in the
-// changing `location` property of the `contentDocument` has no effect since
-// seems to be either ignored or overridden by internal listener, there for
-// location change is enqueued for the next turn of event loop.
-exports.setTabURL = defer(setTabURL);
-function getTabContentType(tab) {
- return getBrowserForTab(tab).contentDocument.contentType;
-exports.getTabContentType = getTabContentType;
-function getSelectedTab(window) {
- if (window.BrowserApp) // fennec?
- return window.BrowserApp.selectedTab;
- if (window.gBrowser)
- return window.gBrowser.selectedTab;
- return null;
-exports.getSelectedTab = getSelectedTab;
-function getTabForBrowser(browser) {
- for (let window of getWindows()) {
- // this function may be called when not using fennec
- if (!window.BrowserApp)
- continue;
- for (let tab of window.BrowserApp.tabs) {
- if (tab.browser === browser)
- return tab;
- }
- }
- let tabbrowser = browser.getTabBrowser && browser.getTabBrowser()
- return !!tabbrowser && tabbrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
-exports.getTabForBrowser = getTabForBrowser;
-function pin(tab) {
- let gBrowser = getTabBrowserForTab(tab);
- // TODO: Implement Fennec support
- if (gBrowser) gBrowser.pinTab(tab);
-} = pin;
-function unpin(tab) {
- let gBrowser = getTabBrowserForTab(tab);
- // TODO: Implement Fennec support
- if (gBrowser) gBrowser.unpinTab(tab);
-exports.unpin = unpin;
-function isPinned(tab) {
- return !!tab.pinned;
-exports.isPinned = isPinned;
-function reload(tab) {
- getBrowserForTab(tab).reload();
-exports.reload = reload
-function getIndex(tab) {
- let gBrowser = getTabBrowserForTab(tab);
- // Firefox
- if (gBrowser) {
- return tab._tPos;
- }
- // Fennec
- else {
- let window = getWindowHoldingTab(tab)
- let tabs = window.BrowserApp.tabs;
- for (let i = tabs.length; i >= 0; i--)
- if (tabs[i] === tab) return i;
- }
-exports.getIndex = getIndex;
-function move(tab, index) {
- let gBrowser = getTabBrowserForTab(tab);
- // Firefox
- if (gBrowser) gBrowser.moveTabTo(tab, index);
- // TODO: Implement fennec support
-exports.move = move;