path: root/addon-sdk/source/lib/framescript/context-menu.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /addon-sdk/source/lib/framescript/context-menu.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/lib/framescript/context-menu.js')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/lib/framescript/context-menu.js b/addon-sdk/source/lib/framescript/context-menu.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3915b7cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addon-sdk/source/lib/framescript/context-menu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const { query, constant, cache } = require("sdk/lang/functional");
+const { pairs, each, map, object } = require("sdk/util/sequence");
+const { nodeToMessageManager } = require("./util");
+// Decorator function that takes `f` function and returns one that attempts
+// to run `f` with given arguments. In case of exception error is logged
+// and `fallback` is returned instead.
+const Try = (fn, fallback=null) => (...args) => {
+ try {
+ return fn(...args);
+ } catch(error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ return fallback;
+ }
+// Decorator funciton that takes `f` function and returns one that returns
+// JSON cloned result of whatever `f` returns for given arguments.
+const JSONReturn = f => (...args) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(f(...args)));
+const Null = constant(null);
+// Table of readers mapped to field names they're going to be reading.
+const readers = Object.create(null);
+// Read function takes "contextmenu" event target `node` and returns table of
+// read field names mapped to appropriate values. Read uses above defined read
+// table to read data for all registered readers.
+const read = node =>
+ object([id, read]) => [id, read(node, id)], pairs(readers)));
+// Table of built-in readers, each takes a descriptor and returns a reader:
+// descriptor -> node -> JSON
+const parsers = Object.create(null)
+// Function takes a descriptor of the remotely defined reader and parsese it
+// to construct a local reader that's going to read out data from context menu
+// target.
+const parse = descriptor => {
+ const parser = parsers[descriptor.category];
+ if (!parser) {
+ console.error("Unknown reader descriptor was received", descriptor, `"${descriptor.category}"`);
+ return Null
+ }
+ return Try(parser(descriptor));
+// TODO: Test how chrome's mediaType behaves to try and match it's behavior.
+const HTML_NS = "";
+const XUL_NS = "";
+const SVG_NS = "";
+// Firefox always creates a HTMLVideoElement when loading an ogg file
+// directly. If the media is actually audio, be smarter and provide a
+// context menu with audio operations.
+// Source:
+const isVideoLoadingAudio = node =>
+ node.readyState >= node.HAVE_METADATA &&
+ (node.videoWidth == 0 || node.videoHeight == 0)
+const isVideo = node =>
+ node instanceof node.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLVideoElement &&
+ !isVideoLoadingAudio(node);
+const isAudio = node => {
+ const {HTMLVideoElement, HTMLAudioElement} = node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ return node instanceof HTMLAudioElement ? true :
+ node instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? isVideoLoadingAudio(node) :
+ false;
+const isImage = ({namespaceURI, localName}) =>
+ namespaceURI === HTML_NS && localName === "img" ? true :
+ namespaceURI === XUL_NS && localName === "image" ? true :
+ namespaceURI === SVG_NS && localName === "image" ? true :
+ false;
+parsers["reader/MediaType()"] = constant(node =>
+ isImage(node) ? "image" :
+ isAudio(node) ? "audio" :
+ isVideo(node) ? "video" :
+ null);
+const readLink = node =>
+ node.namespaceURI === HTML_NS && node.localName === "a" ? node.href :
+ readLink(node.parentNode);
+parsers["reader/LinkURL()"] = constant(node =>
+ node.matches("a, a *") ? readLink(node) : null);
+// Reader that reads out `true` if "contextmenu" `` matches
+// `descriptor.selector` and `false` if it does not.
+parsers["reader/SelectorMatch()"] = ({selector}) =>
+ node => node.matches(selector);
+// Accessing `selectionStart` and `selectionEnd` properties on non
+// editable input nodes throw exceptions, there for we need this util
+// function to guard us against them.
+const getInputSelection = node => {
+ try {
+ if ("selectionStart" in node && "selectionEnd" in node) {
+ const {selectionStart, selectionEnd} = node;
+ return {selectionStart, selectionEnd}
+ }
+ }
+ catch(_) {}
+ return null;
+// Selection reader does not really cares about descriptor so it is
+// a constant function returning selection reader. Selection reader
+// returns string of the selected text or `null` if there is no selection.
+parsers["reader/Selection()"] = constant(node => {
+ const selection = node.ownerDocument.getSelection();
+ if (!selection.isCollapsed) {
+ return selection.toString();
+ }
+ // If target node is editable (text, input, textarea, etc..) document does
+ // not really handles selections there. There for we fallback to checking
+ // `selectionStart` `selectionEnd` properties and if they are present we
+ // extract selections manually from the `node.value`.
+ else {
+ const selection = getInputSelection(node);
+ const isSelected = selection &&
+ Number.isInteger(selection.selectionStart) &&
+ Number.isInteger(selection.selectionEnd) &&
+ selection.selectionStart !== selection.selectionEnd;
+ return isSelected ? node.value.substring(selection.selectionStart,
+ selection.selectionEnd) :
+ null;
+ }
+// Query reader just reads out properties from the node, so we just use `query`
+// utility function.
+parsers["reader/Query()"] = ({path}) => JSONReturn(query(path));
+// Attribute reader just reads attribute of the event target node.
+parsers["reader/Attribute()"] = ({name}) => node => node.getAttribute(name);
+// Extractor reader defines generates a reader out of serialized function, who's
+// return value is JSON cloned. Note: We do know source will evaluate to function
+// as that's what we serialized on the other end, it's also ok if generated function
+// is going to throw as registered readers are wrapped in try catch to avoid breakting
+// unrelated readers.
+parsers["reader/Extractor()"] = ({source}) =>
+ JSONReturn(new Function("return (" + source + ")")());
+// If the context-menu target node or any of its ancestors is one of these,
+// Firefox uses a tailored context menu, and so the page context doesn't apply.
+// There for `reader/isPage()` will read `false` in that case otherwise it's going
+// to read `true`.
+const nonPageElements = ["a", "applet", "area", "button", "canvas", "object",
+ "embed", "img", "input", "map", "video", "audio", "menu",
+ "option", "select", "textarea", "[contenteditable=true]"];
+const nonPageSelector = nonPageElements.
+ concat( => `${tag} *`)).
+ join(", ");
+// Note: isPageContext implementation could have actually used SelectorMatch reader,
+// but old implementation was also checked for collapsed selection there for to keep
+// the behavior same we end up implementing a new reader.
+parsers["reader/isPage()"] = constant(node =>
+ node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection().isCollapsed &&
+ !node.matches(nonPageSelector));
+// Reads `true` if node is in an iframe otherwise returns true.
+parsers["reader/isFrame()"] = constant(node =>
+ !!node.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement);
+parsers["reader/isEditable()"] = constant(node => {
+ const selection = getInputSelection(node);
+ return selection ? !node.readOnly && !node.disabled : node.isContentEditable;
+// TODO: Add some reader to read out tab id.
+const onReadersUpdate = message => {
+ each(([id, descriptor]) => {
+ if (descriptor) {
+ readers[id] = parse(descriptor);
+ }
+ else {
+ delete readers[id];
+ }
+ }, pairs(;
+exports.onReadersUpdate = onReadersUpdate;
+const onContextMenu = event => {
+ if (!event.defaultPrevented) {
+ const manager = nodeToMessageManager(;
+ manager.sendSyncMessage("sdk/context-menu/read", read(, readers);
+ }
+exports.onContextMenu = onContextMenu;
+const onContentFrame = (frame) => {
+ // Listen for contextmenu events in on this frame.
+ frame.addEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu);
+ // Listen to registered reader changes and update registry.
+ frame.addMessageListener("sdk/context-menu/readers", onReadersUpdate);
+ // Request table of readers (if this is loaded in a new process some table
+ // changes may be missed, this is way to sync up).
+ frame.sendAsyncMessage("sdk/context-menu/readers?");
+exports.onContentFrame = onContentFrame;