path: root/accessible/tests/mochitest/name/test_general.xul
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /accessible/tests/mochitest/name/test_general.xul
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'accessible/tests/mochitest/name/test_general.xul')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/accessible/tests/mochitest/name/test_general.xul b/accessible/tests/mochitest/name/test_general.xul
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c144e6f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accessible/tests/mochitest/name/test_general.xul
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"
+ type="text/css"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="general.css"
+ type="text/css"?>
+<window xmlns=""
+ title="Accessibility Name Calculating Test.">
+ <script type="application/javascript"
+ src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js" />
+ <script type="application/javascript"
+ src="../common.js"></script>
+ <script type="application/javascript"
+ src="../role.js"></script>
+ <script type="application/javascript"
+ src="../name.js"></script>
+ <script type="application/javascript">
+ <![CDATA[
+ function doTest()
+ {
+ // aria-label
+ // Simple label provided via ARIA
+ testName("btn_simple_aria_label", "I am a button");
+ // aria-label and aria-labelledby, expect aria-labelledby
+ testName("btn_both_aria_labels", "text I am a button, two");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // aria-labelledby
+ // Single relation. The value of 'aria-labelledby' contains the ID of
+ // an element. Gets the name from text node of that element.
+ testName("btn_labelledby_text", "text");
+ // Multiple relations. The value of 'aria-labelledby' contains the IDs
+ // of elements. Gets the name from text nodes of those elements.
+ testName("btn_labelledby_texts", "text1 text2");
+ // Trick cases. Self and recursive referencing.
+ testName("rememberHistoryDays", "Remember 3 days");
+ testName("historyDays", "Remember 3 days");
+ testName("rememberAfter", "days");
+ // Anonymous content (see name.xbl#third)
+ var anonBtn = getAccessible("labelledby_box_anon").lastChild;
+ testName(anonBtn, "It's a cool button");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name from subtree (single relation labelled_by).
+ // Gets the name from text nodes contained by nested elements.
+ testName("btn_labelledby_mixed", "nomore text");
+ // Gets the name from text nodes and selected item of menulist
+ // (other items are ignored).
+ testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_menulist",
+ "nomore text selected item more text");
+ // Gets the name from text nodes contained by nested elements, ignores
+ // hidden elements (bug 443081).
+ testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_hidden_child", "nomore text2");
+ // Gets the name from hidden text nodes contained by nested elements,
+ // (label element is hidden entirely), (bug 443081)
+ testName("btn_labelledby_mixed_hidden", "lala more hidden text");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name for nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement.
+ // Gets the name from @label attribute.
+ testName("btn_nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement", "labeled element");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name for nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement.
+ // Gets the name from @label attribute.
+ testName("li_nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement", "select control item");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name if the XUL element doesn't implement nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement
+ // and has @label attribute.
+ testName("box_not_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement", "box");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name from the label element.
+ // The label and button are placed on 2nd level relative common parent.
+ testName("btn_label_1", "label1");
+ // The label is on 1st, the button is on 5th level relative common parent.
+ testName("btn_label_2", "label2");
+ // The label and button are siblings.
+ testName("btn_label_3", "label3");
+ // Multiple labels for single button: XUL button takes the last one.
+ testName("btn_label_4", "label5");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name from the label element in anonymous content (see bug 362365).
+ // Get the name from anonymous label element for anonymous textbox
+ // (@anonid is used).
+ var ID = "box_label_anon1";
+ var box1Acc = testName(ID, null);
+ if (box1Acc) {
+ var textboxAcc = box1Acc.firstChild;
+ is(, "Label",
+ "Wrong label for anonymous textbox of " + ID);
+ }
+ // Get the name from anonymous label element for anonymous textbox
+ // (@anonid is used). Nested bindings.
+ ID = "box_label_anon2";
+ var box2Acc = testName(ID, null);
+ if (box2Acc) {
+ var textboxAcc = box2Acc.firstChild;
+ is(, "Label",
+ "Wrong label for anonymous textbox of " + ID);
+ var topTextboxAcc = box2Acc.lastChild;
+ is(, "Top textbox",
+ "Wrong label for anonymous textbox of " + ID);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // tooltiptext (if nothing above isn't presented then tooltiptext is used)
+ testName("box_tooltiptext", "tooltiptext label");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name from the @title attribute of <toolbaritem/> (original bug 237249).
+ // Direct child of toolbaritem.
+ var textboxAcc = testName("toolbaritem_textbox", "ooospspss");
+ // Element from anonymous content of direct child of toolbaritem.
+ var entryAcc = textboxAcc.firstChild;
+ testRole(entryAcc, ROLE_ENTRY);
+ is(, "ooospspss",
+ "Wrong name for text entry of autocomplete textbox 'toolbaritem_textbox'.");
+ // Child from subtree of toolbaritem.
+ testName("toolbaritem_hboxbutton", "ooospspss");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name from children
+ // ARIA role button is presented allowing the name calculation from
+ // children.
+ testName("box_children", "14");
+ // ARIA role option is presented allowing the name calculation from
+ // the visible children (bug 443081)
+ testName("lb_opt1_children_hidden", "i am visible");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Name from aria-labelledby: menuitem label+ listitem label
+ testName("li_labelledby", "Show an Alert The moment the event starts");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // groupbox labeling from caption label or its sub tree
+ testName("groupbox", "Some caption");
+ testName("groupbox2", "Some caption");
+ SimpleTest.finish();
+ }
+ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
+ addA11yLoadEvent(doTest);
+ ]]>
+ </script>
+ <hbox flex="1" style="overflow: auto;">
+ <body xmlns="">
+ <a target="_blank"
+ href=""
+ title="mochitest for accessible name calculating">
+ Mozilla Bug 444279
+ </a>
+ <a target="_blank"
+ href=""
+ title="nsXULListitemAccessible::GetName prefers label \
+ attribute over aria-labelledby and doesn't allow recursion">
+ Mozilla Bug 441991
+ </a>
+ <p id="display"></p>
+ <div id="content" style="display: none">
+ </div>
+ <pre id="test">
+ </pre>
+ </body>
+ <vbox flex="1">
+ <!-- aria-label, simple label -->
+ <button id="btn_simple_aria_label" aria-label="I am a button"/>
+ <!-- aria-label plus aria-labelledby -->
+ <button id="btn_both_aria_labels" aria-label="I am a button, two"
+ aria-labelledby="labelledby_text btn_both_aria_labels"/>
+ <!-- aria-labelledby, single relation -->
+ <description id="labelledby_text">text</description>
+ <button id="btn_labelledby_text"
+ aria-labelledby="labelledby_text"/>
+ <!-- aria-labelledby, multiple relations -->
+ <description id="labelledby_text1">text1</description>
+ <description id="labelledby_text2">text2</description>
+ <button id="btn_labelledby_texts"
+ aria-labelledby="labelledby_text1 labelledby_text2"/>
+ <!-- aria-labelledby, multiple relations -->
+ <box class="third" id="labelledby_box_anon" role="group" />
+ <!-- trick aria-labelledby -->
+ <checkbox id="rememberHistoryDays"
+ label="Remember "
+ aria-labelledby="rememberHistoryDays historyDays rememberAfter"/>
+ <textbox id="historyDays" type="number" size="3" value="3"
+ aria-labelledby="rememberHistoryDays historyDays rememberAfter"/>
+ <label id="rememberAfter">days</label>
+ <!-- the name from subtree, mixed content -->
+ <description id="labelledby_mixed">
+ no<description>more text</description>
+ </description>
+ <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed"
+ aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed"/>
+ <!-- the name from subtree, mixed/hidden content -->
+ <description id="labelledby_mixed_hidden_child">no<description>more <description hidden="true">hidden</description>text2</description></description>
+ <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_hidden_child"
+ aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_hidden_child"/>
+ <!-- the name from subtree, mixed/completely hidden content -->
+ <description id="labelledby_mixed_hidden"
+ hidden="true">lala <description>more hidden </description>text</description>
+ <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_hidden"
+ aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_hidden"/>
+ <br/>
+ <!-- the name from subtree, mixed content, ignore items of menulist -->
+ <description id="labelledby_mixed_menulist">
+ no<description>more text</description>
+ <menulist>
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem label="selected item"/>
+ <menuitem label="item"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </menulist>
+ more text
+ </description>
+ <button id="btn_labelledby_mixed_menulist"
+ aria-labelledby="labelledby_mixed_menulist"/>
+ <!-- nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement -->
+ <button id="btn_nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement"
+ label="labeled element"/>
+ <!-- nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement -->
+ <listbox>
+ <listitem id="li_nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement"
+ label="select control item"/>
+ </listbox>
+ <!-- not nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement -->
+ <box id="box_not_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement" role="group" label="box"/>
+ <!-- label element -->
+ <hbox>
+ <box>
+ <label control="btn_label_1">label1</label>
+ </box>
+ <label control="btn_label_2">label2</label>
+ <box>
+ <button id="btn_label_1"/>
+ <box>
+ <box>
+ <box>
+ <button id="btn_label_2"/>
+ </box>
+ </box>
+ </box>
+ </box>
+ <label control="btn_label_3">label3</label>
+ <button id="btn_label_3"/>
+ <label control="btn_label_4">label4</label>
+ <label control="btn_label_4">label5</label>
+ <button id="btn_label_4"/>
+ </hbox>
+ <!-- label element, anonymous content -->
+ <box id="box_label_anon1"
+ class="first"
+ role="group"/>
+ <box id="box_label_anon2"
+ class="second"
+ role="group"/>
+ <!-- tooltiptext -->
+ <box id="box_tooltiptext"
+ role="group"
+ tooltiptext="tooltiptext label"/>
+ <!-- the name from @title of toolbaritem -->
+ <toolbar>
+ <toolbaritem title="ooospspss">
+ <textbox id="toolbaritem_textbox"
+ flex="1"
+ type="autocomplete"
+ enablehistory="true">
+ <hbox role="button" id="toolbaritem_hboxbutton">
+ <description value="button"/>
+ </hbox>
+ </textbox>
+ </toolbaritem>
+ </toolbar>
+ <!-- name from children -->
+ <box id="box_children" role="button">14</box>
+ <!-- name from children, hidden children -->
+ <vbox role="listbox" tabindex="0">
+ <hbox id="lb_opt1_children_hidden" role="option" tabindex="0">
+ <description>i am visible</description>
+ <description style="display:none">i am hidden</description>
+ </hbox>
+ <!-- Name from label or sub tree -->
+ <groupbox id="groupbox">
+ <caption label="Some caption" />
+ <checkbox label="some checkbox label" />
+ </groupbox>
+ <groupbox id="groupbox2">
+ <caption><label>Some caption</label></caption>
+ <checkbox label="some checkbox label" />
+ </groupbox>
+ </vbox>
+ <!-- bug 441991; create name from other menuitem label listitem's own label -->
+ <hbox>
+ <listbox>
+ <listitem id="li_labelledby"
+ label="The moment the event starts"
+ aria-labelledby="menuitem-DISPLAY li_labelledby"/>
+ </listbox>
+ <menulist>
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem id="menuitem-DISPLAY"
+ value="DISPLAY"
+ label="Show an Alert"/>
+ <menuitem id="menuitem-EMAIL"
+ value="EMAIL"
+ label="Send an E-mail"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </menulist>
+ </hbox>
+ </vbox> <!-- close tests area -->
+ </hbox> <!-- close main area -->