path: root/accessible/jsat/Presentation.jsm
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /accessible/jsat/Presentation.jsm
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'accessible/jsat/Presentation.jsm')
1 files changed, 769 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/accessible/jsat/Presentation.jsm b/accessible/jsat/Presentation.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6912d0ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accessible/jsat/Presentation.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+/* global Components, XPCOMUtils, Utils, Logger, BraillePresenter, Presentation,
+ UtteranceGenerator, BrailleGenerator, States, Roles, PivotContext */
+/* exported Presentation */
+'use strict';
+const {utils: Cu, interfaces: Ci} = Components;
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'Logger', // jshint ignore:line
+ 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Utils.jsm');
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'PivotContext', // jshint ignore:line
+ 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Utils.jsm');
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'UtteranceGenerator', // jshint ignore:line
+ 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/OutputGenerator.jsm');
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'BrailleGenerator', // jshint ignore:line
+ 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/OutputGenerator.jsm');
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'Roles', // jshint ignore:line
+ 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Constants.jsm');
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'States', // jshint ignore:line
+ 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Constants.jsm');
+this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['Presentation']; // jshint ignore:line
+ * The interface for all presenter classes. A presenter could be, for example,
+ * a speech output module, or a visual cursor indicator.
+ */
+function Presenter() {}
+Presenter.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * The type of presenter. Used for matching it with the appropriate output method.
+ */
+ type: 'Base',
+ /**
+ * The virtual cursor's position changed.
+ * @param {PivotContext} aContext the context object for the new pivot
+ * position.
+ * @param {int} aReason the reason for the pivot change.
+ * See nsIAccessiblePivot.
+ * @param {bool} aIsFromUserInput the pivot change was invoked by the user
+ */
+ pivotChanged: function pivotChanged(aContext, aReason, aIsFromUserInput) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * An object's action has been invoked.
+ * @param {nsIAccessible} aObject the object that has been invoked.
+ * @param {string} aActionName the name of the action.
+ */
+ actionInvoked: function actionInvoked(aObject, aActionName) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * Text has changed, either by the user or by the system. TODO.
+ */
+ textChanged: function textChanged(aAccessible, aIsInserted, aStartOffset, // jshint ignore:line
+ aLength, aText, aModifiedText) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * Text selection has changed. TODO.
+ */
+ textSelectionChanged: function textSelectionChanged(
+ aText, aStart, aEnd, aOldStart, aOldEnd, aIsFromUserInput) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * Selection has changed. TODO.
+ * @param {nsIAccessible} aObject the object that has been selected.
+ */
+ selectionChanged: function selectionChanged(aObject) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * Name has changed.
+ * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible the object whose value has changed.
+ */
+ nameChanged: function nameChanged(aAccessible) {}, // jshint ignore: line
+ /**
+ * Value has changed.
+ * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible the object whose value has changed.
+ */
+ valueChanged: function valueChanged(aAccessible) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * The tab, or the tab's document state has changed.
+ * @param {nsIAccessible} aDocObj the tab document accessible that has had its
+ * state changed, or null if the tab has no associated document yet.
+ * @param {string} aPageState the state name for the tab, valid states are:
+ * 'newtab', 'loading', 'newdoc', 'loaded', 'stopped', and 'reload'.
+ */
+ tabStateChanged: function tabStateChanged(aDocObj, aPageState) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * The current tab has changed.
+ * @param {PivotContext} aDocContext context object for tab's
+ * document.
+ * @param {PivotContext} aVCContext context object for tab's current
+ * virtual cursor position.
+ */
+ tabSelected: function tabSelected(aDocContext, aVCContext) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * The viewport has changed, either a scroll, pan, zoom, or
+ * landscape/portrait toggle.
+ * @param {Window} aWindow window of viewport that changed.
+ * @param {PivotContext} aCurrentContext context of last pivot change.
+ */
+ viewportChanged: function viewportChanged(aWindow, aCurrentContext) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * We have entered or left text editing mode.
+ */
+ editingModeChanged: function editingModeChanged(aIsEditing) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * Announce something. Typically an app state change.
+ */
+ announce: function announce(aAnnouncement) {}, // jshint ignore:line
+ /**
+ * User tried to move cursor forward or backward with no success.
+ * @param {string} aMoveMethod move method that was used (eg. 'moveNext').
+ */
+ noMove: function noMove(aMoveMethod) {},
+ /**
+ * Announce a live region.
+ * @param {PivotContext} aContext context object for an accessible.
+ * @param {boolean} aIsPolite A politeness level for a live region.
+ * @param {boolean} aIsHide An indicator of hide/remove event.
+ * @param {string} aModifiedText Optional modified text.
+ */
+ liveRegion: function liveRegionShown(aContext, aIsPolite, aIsHide, // jshint ignore:line
+ aModifiedText) {} // jshint ignore:line
+ * Visual presenter. Draws a box around the virtual cursor's position.
+ */
+function VisualPresenter() {}
+VisualPresenter.prototype = Object.create(Presenter.prototype);
+VisualPresenter.prototype.type = 'Visual';
+ * The padding in pixels between the object and the highlight border.
+ */
+VisualPresenter.prototype.BORDER_PADDING = 2;
+VisualPresenter.prototype.viewportChanged =
+ function VisualPresenter_viewportChanged(aWindow, aCurrentContext) {
+ if (!aCurrentContext) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let currentAcc = aCurrentContext.accessibleForBounds;
+ let start = aCurrentContext.startOffset;
+ let end = aCurrentContext.endOffset;
+ if (Utils.isAliveAndVisible(currentAcc)) {
+ let bounds = (start === -1 && end === -1) ? Utils.getBounds(currentAcc) :
+ Utils.getTextBounds(currentAcc, start, end);
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'viewport-change',
+ bounds: bounds,
+ padding: this.BORDER_PADDING
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+VisualPresenter.prototype.pivotChanged =
+ function VisualPresenter_pivotChanged(aContext) {
+ if (!aContext.accessible) {
+ // XXX: Don't hide because another vc may be using the highlight.
+ return null;
+ }
+ try {
+ aContext.accessibleForBounds.scrollTo(
+ Ci.nsIAccessibleScrollType.SCROLL_TYPE_ANYWHERE);
+ let bounds = (aContext.startOffset === -1 && aContext.endOffset === -1) ?
+ aContext.bounds : Utils.getTextBounds(aContext.accessibleForBounds,
+ aContext.startOffset,
+ aContext.endOffset);
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'vc-change',
+ bounds: bounds,
+ padding: this.BORDER_PADDING
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (e) {
+ Logger.logException(e, 'Failed to get bounds');
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+VisualPresenter.prototype.tabSelected =
+ function VisualPresenter_tabSelected(aDocContext, aVCContext) {
+ return this.pivotChanged(aVCContext, Ci.nsIAccessiblePivot.REASON_NONE);
+ };
+VisualPresenter.prototype.tabStateChanged =
+ function VisualPresenter_tabStateChanged(aDocObj, aPageState) {
+ if (aPageState == 'newdoc') {
+ return {type: this.type, details: {eventType: 'tabstate-change'}};
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ * Android presenter. Fires Android a11y events.
+ */
+function AndroidPresenter() {}
+AndroidPresenter.prototype = Object.create(Presenter.prototype);
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.type = 'Android';
+// Android AccessibilityEvent type constants.
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_CLICKED = 0x01;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_LONG_CLICKED = 0x02;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_SELECTED = 0x04;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_FOCUSED = 0x08;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED = 0x10;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED = 0x20;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_HOVER_ENTER = 0x80;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_HOVER_EXIT = 0x100;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_SCROLLED = 0x1000;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED = 0x2000;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_ANNOUNCEMENT = 0x4000;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.ANDROID_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED = 0x8000;
+ 0x20000;
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.pivotChanged =
+ function AndroidPresenter_pivotChanged(aContext, aReason) {
+ if (!aContext.accessible) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let androidEvents = [];
+ let isExploreByTouch = (aReason == Ci.nsIAccessiblePivot.REASON_POINT &&
+ Utils.AndroidSdkVersion >= 14);
+ let focusEventType = (Utils.AndroidSdkVersion >= 16) ?
+ if (isExploreByTouch) {
+ // This isn't really used by TalkBack so this is a half-hearted attempt
+ // for now.
+ androidEvents.push({eventType: this.ANDROID_VIEW_HOVER_EXIT, text: []});
+ }
+ let brailleOutput = {};
+ if (Utils.AndroidSdkVersion >= 16) {
+ if (!this._braillePresenter) {
+ this._braillePresenter = new BraillePresenter();
+ }
+ brailleOutput = this._braillePresenter.pivotChanged(aContext, aReason).
+ details;
+ }
+ if (aReason === Ci.nsIAccessiblePivot.REASON_TEXT) {
+ if (Utils.AndroidSdkVersion >= 16) {
+ let adjustedText = aContext.textAndAdjustedOffsets;
+ androidEvents.push({
+ text: [adjustedText.text],
+ fromIndex: adjustedText.startOffset,
+ toIndex: adjustedText.endOffset
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ let state = Utils.getState(aContext.accessible);
+ androidEvents.push({eventType: (isExploreByTouch) ?
+ this.ANDROID_VIEW_HOVER_ENTER : focusEventType,
+ text: Utils.localize(UtteranceGenerator.genForContext(
+ aContext)),
+ bounds: aContext.bounds,
+ clickable: aContext.accessible.actionCount > 0,
+ checkable: state.contains(States.CHECKABLE),
+ checked: state.contains(States.CHECKED),
+ brailleOutput: brailleOutput});
+ }
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: androidEvents
+ };
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.actionInvoked =
+ function AndroidPresenter_actionInvoked(aObject, aActionName) {
+ let state = Utils.getState(aObject);
+ // Checkable objects use TalkBack's text derived from the event state,
+ // so we don't populate the text here.
+ let text = '';
+ if (!state.contains(States.CHECKABLE)) {
+ text = Utils.localize(UtteranceGenerator.genForAction(aObject,
+ aActionName));
+ }
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: [{
+ eventType: this.ANDROID_VIEW_CLICKED,
+ text: text,
+ checked: state.contains(States.CHECKED)
+ }]
+ };
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.tabSelected =
+ function AndroidPresenter_tabSelected(aDocContext, aVCContext) {
+ // Send a pivot change message with the full context utterance for this doc.
+ return this.pivotChanged(aVCContext, Ci.nsIAccessiblePivot.REASON_NONE);
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.tabStateChanged =
+ function AndroidPresenter_tabStateChanged(aDocObj, aPageState) {
+ return this.announce(
+ UtteranceGenerator.genForTabStateChange(aDocObj, aPageState));
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.textChanged = function AndroidPresenter_textChanged(
+ aAccessible, aIsInserted, aStart, aLength, aText, aModifiedText) {
+ let eventDetails = {
+ text: [aText],
+ fromIndex: aStart,
+ removedCount: 0,
+ addedCount: 0
+ };
+ if (aIsInserted) {
+ eventDetails.addedCount = aLength;
+ eventDetails.beforeText =
+ aText.substring(0, aStart) + aText.substring(aStart + aLength);
+ } else {
+ eventDetails.removedCount = aLength;
+ eventDetails.beforeText =
+ aText.substring(0, aStart) + aModifiedText + aText.substring(aStart);
+ }
+ return {type: this.type, details: [eventDetails]};
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.textSelectionChanged =
+ function AndroidPresenter_textSelectionChanged(aText, aStart, aEnd, aOldStart,
+ aOldEnd, aIsFromUserInput) {
+ let androidEvents = [];
+ if (Utils.AndroidSdkVersion >= 14 && !aIsFromUserInput) {
+ if (!this._braillePresenter) {
+ this._braillePresenter = new BraillePresenter();
+ }
+ let brailleOutput = this._braillePresenter.textSelectionChanged(
+ aText, aStart, aEnd, aOldStart, aOldEnd, aIsFromUserInput).details;
+ androidEvents.push({
+ text: [aText],
+ fromIndex: aStart,
+ toIndex: aEnd,
+ itemCount: aText.length,
+ brailleOutput: brailleOutput
+ });
+ }
+ if (Utils.AndroidSdkVersion >= 16 && aIsFromUserInput) {
+ let [from, to] = aOldStart < aStart ?
+ [aOldStart, aStart] : [aStart, aOldStart];
+ androidEvents.push({
+ text: [aText],
+ fromIndex: from,
+ toIndex: to
+ });
+ }
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: androidEvents
+ };
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.viewportChanged =
+ function AndroidPresenter_viewportChanged(aWindow, aCurrentContext) {
+ if (Utils.AndroidSdkVersion < 14) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let events = [{
+ eventType: this.ANDROID_VIEW_SCROLLED,
+ text: [],
+ scrollX: aWindow.scrollX,
+ scrollY: aWindow.scrollY,
+ maxScrollX: aWindow.scrollMaxX,
+ maxScrollY: aWindow.scrollMaxY
+ }];
+ if (Utils.AndroidSdkVersion >= 16 && aCurrentContext) {
+ let currentAcc = aCurrentContext.accessibleForBounds;
+ if (Utils.isAliveAndVisible(currentAcc)) {
+ events.push({
+ bounds: Utils.getBounds(currentAcc)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: events
+ };
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.editingModeChanged =
+ function AndroidPresenter_editingModeChanged(aIsEditing) {
+ return this.announce(UtteranceGenerator.genForEditingMode(aIsEditing));
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.announce =
+ function AndroidPresenter_announce(aAnnouncement) {
+ let localizedAnnouncement = Utils.localize(aAnnouncement).join(' ');
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: [{
+ eventType: (Utils.AndroidSdkVersion >= 16) ?
+ text: [localizedAnnouncement],
+ addedCount: localizedAnnouncement.length,
+ removedCount: 0,
+ fromIndex: 0
+ }]
+ };
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.liveRegion =
+ function AndroidPresenter_liveRegion(aContext, aIsPolite,
+ aIsHide, aModifiedText) {
+ return this.announce(
+ UtteranceGenerator.genForLiveRegion(aContext, aIsHide, aModifiedText));
+ };
+AndroidPresenter.prototype.noMove =
+ function AndroidPresenter_noMove(aMoveMethod) {
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: [
+ exitView: aMoveMethod,
+ text: ['']
+ }]
+ };
+ };
+ * A B2G presenter for Gaia.
+ */
+function B2GPresenter() {}
+B2GPresenter.prototype = Object.create(Presenter.prototype);
+B2GPresenter.prototype.type = 'B2G';
+B2GPresenter.prototype.keyboardEchoSetting =
+ new PrefCache('accessibility.accessfu.keyboard_echo');
+B2GPresenter.prototype.NO_ECHO = 0;
+B2GPresenter.prototype.CHARACTER_ECHO = 1;
+B2GPresenter.prototype.WORD_ECHO = 2;
+B2GPresenter.prototype.CHARACTER_AND_WORD_ECHO = 3;
+ * A pattern used for haptic feedback.
+ * @type {Array}
+ */
+B2GPresenter.prototype.PIVOT_CHANGE_HAPTIC_PATTERN = [40];
+ * Pivot move reasons.
+ * @type {Array}
+ */
+B2GPresenter.prototype.pivotChangedReasons = ['none', 'next', 'prev', 'first',
+ 'last', 'text', 'point'];
+B2GPresenter.prototype.pivotChanged =
+ function B2GPresenter_pivotChanged(aContext, aReason, aIsUserInput) {
+ if (!aContext.accessible) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'vc-change',
+ data: UtteranceGenerator.genForContext(aContext),
+ options: {
+ isKey: Utils.isActivatableOnFingerUp(aContext.accessible),
+ reason: this.pivotChangedReasons[aReason],
+ isUserInput: aIsUserInput,
+ hints: aContext.interactionHints
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+B2GPresenter.prototype.nameChanged =
+ function B2GPresenter_nameChanged(aAccessible, aIsPolite = true) {
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'name-change',
+ data:,
+ options: {enqueue: aIsPolite}
+ }
+ };
+ };
+B2GPresenter.prototype.valueChanged =
+ function B2GPresenter_valueChanged(aAccessible, aIsPolite = true) {
+ // the editable value changes are handled in the text changed presenter
+ if (Utils.getState(aAccessible).contains(States.EDITABLE)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'value-change',
+ data: aAccessible.value,
+ options: {enqueue: aIsPolite}
+ }
+ };
+ };
+B2GPresenter.prototype.textChanged = function B2GPresenter_textChanged(
+ aAccessible, aIsInserted, aStart, aLength, aText, aModifiedText) {
+ let echoSetting = this.keyboardEchoSetting.value;
+ let text = '';
+ if (echoSetting == this.CHARACTER_ECHO ||
+ echoSetting == this.CHARACTER_AND_WORD_ECHO) {
+ text = aModifiedText;
+ }
+ // add word if word boundary is added
+ if ((echoSetting == this.WORD_ECHO ||
+ echoSetting == this.CHARACTER_AND_WORD_ECHO) &&
+ aIsInserted && aLength === 1) {
+ let accText = aAccessible.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAccessibleText);
+ let startBefore = {}, endBefore = {};
+ let startAfter = {}, endAfter = {};
+ accText.getTextBeforeOffset(aStart,
+ Ci.nsIAccessibleText.BOUNDARY_WORD_END, startBefore, endBefore);
+ let maybeWord = accText.getTextBeforeOffset(aStart + 1,
+ Ci.nsIAccessibleText.BOUNDARY_WORD_END, startAfter, endAfter);
+ if (endBefore.value !== endAfter.value) {
+ text += maybeWord;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'text-change',
+ data: text
+ }
+ };
+ };
+B2GPresenter.prototype.actionInvoked =
+ function B2GPresenter_actionInvoked(aObject, aActionName) {
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'action',
+ data: UtteranceGenerator.genForAction(aObject, aActionName)
+ }
+ };
+ };
+B2GPresenter.prototype.liveRegion = function B2GPresenter_liveRegion(aContext,
+ aIsPolite, aIsHide, aModifiedText) {
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'liveregion-change',
+ data: UtteranceGenerator.genForLiveRegion(aContext, aIsHide,
+ aModifiedText),
+ options: {enqueue: aIsPolite}
+ }
+ };
+ };
+B2GPresenter.prototype.announce =
+ function B2GPresenter_announce(aAnnouncement) {
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'announcement',
+ data: aAnnouncement
+ }
+ };
+ };
+B2GPresenter.prototype.noMove =
+ function B2GPresenter_noMove(aMoveMethod) {
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ eventType: 'no-move',
+ data: aMoveMethod
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ * A braille presenter
+ */
+function BraillePresenter() {}
+BraillePresenter.prototype = Object.create(Presenter.prototype);
+BraillePresenter.prototype.type = 'Braille';
+BraillePresenter.prototype.pivotChanged =
+ function BraillePresenter_pivotChanged(aContext) {
+ if (!aContext.accessible) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ output: Utils.localize(BrailleGenerator.genForContext(aContext)).join(
+ ' '),
+ selectionStart: 0,
+ selectionEnd: 0
+ }
+ };
+ };
+BraillePresenter.prototype.textSelectionChanged =
+ function BraillePresenter_textSelectionChanged(aText, aStart, aEnd) {
+ return {
+ type: this.type,
+ details: {
+ selectionStart: aStart,
+ selectionEnd: aEnd
+ }
+ };
+ };
+this.Presentation = { // jshint ignore:line
+ get presenters() {
+ delete this.presenters;
+ let presenterMap = {
+ 'mobile/android': [VisualPresenter, AndroidPresenter],
+ 'b2g': [VisualPresenter, B2GPresenter],
+ 'browser': [VisualPresenter, B2GPresenter, AndroidPresenter]
+ };
+ this.presenters = presenterMap[Utils.MozBuildApp].map(P => new P());
+ return this.presenters;
+ },
+ get displayedAccessibles() {
+ delete this.displayedAccessibles;
+ this.displayedAccessibles = new WeakMap();
+ return this.displayedAccessibles;
+ },
+ pivotChanged: function Presentation_pivotChanged(
+ aPosition, aOldPosition, aReason, aStartOffset, aEndOffset, aIsUserInput) {
+ let context = new PivotContext(
+ aPosition, aOldPosition, aStartOffset, aEndOffset);
+ if (context.accessible) {
+ this.displayedAccessibles.set(context.accessible.document.window, context);
+ }
+ return => p.pivotChanged(context, aReason, aIsUserInput));
+ },
+ actionInvoked: function Presentation_actionInvoked(aObject, aActionName) {
+ return => p.actionInvoked(aObject, aActionName));
+ },
+ textChanged: function Presentation_textChanged(aAccessible, aIsInserted,
+ aStartOffset, aLength, aText,
+ aModifiedText) {
+ return => p.textChanged(aAccessible, aIsInserted,
+ aStartOffset, aLength,
+ aText, aModifiedText));
+ },
+ textSelectionChanged: function textSelectionChanged(aText, aStart, aEnd,
+ aOldStart, aOldEnd,
+ aIsFromUserInput) {
+ return => p.textSelectionChanged(aText, aStart, aEnd,
+ aOldStart, aOldEnd,
+ aIsFromUserInput));
+ },
+ nameChanged: function nameChanged(aAccessible) {
+ return => p.nameChanged(aAccessible));
+ },
+ valueChanged: function valueChanged(aAccessible) {
+ return => p.valueChanged(aAccessible));
+ },
+ tabStateChanged: function Presentation_tabStateChanged(aDocObj, aPageState) {
+ return => p.tabStateChanged(aDocObj, aPageState));
+ },
+ viewportChanged: function Presentation_viewportChanged(aWindow) {
+ let context = this.displayedAccessibles.get(aWindow);
+ return => p.viewportChanged(aWindow, context));
+ },
+ editingModeChanged: function Presentation_editingModeChanged(aIsEditing) {
+ return => p.editingModeChanged(aIsEditing));
+ },
+ announce: function Presentation_announce(aAnnouncement) {
+ // XXX: Typically each presenter uses the UtteranceGenerator,
+ // but there really isn't a point here.
+ return => p.announce(UtteranceGenerator.genForAnnouncement(aAnnouncement)));
+ },
+ noMove: function Presentation_noMove(aMoveMethod) {
+ return => p.noMove(aMoveMethod));
+ },
+ liveRegion: function Presentation_liveRegion(aAccessible, aIsPolite, aIsHide,
+ aModifiedText) {
+ let context;
+ if (!aModifiedText) {
+ context = new PivotContext(aAccessible, null, -1, -1, true,
+ aIsHide ? true : false);
+ }
+ return => p.liveRegion(context, aIsPolite, aIsHide,
+ aModifiedText));
+ }