#pragma once #include "NetAction.h" #include "HttpMetaCache.h" #include #include typedef std::shared_ptr ForgeXzDownloadPtr; class ForgeXzDownload : public NetAction { Q_OBJECT public: MetaEntryPtr m_entry; /// is the saving file already open? bool m_opened_for_saving; /// if saving to file, use the one specified in this string QString m_target_path; /// this is the output file, if any QTemporaryFile m_pack200_xz_file; public: explicit ForgeXzDownload(QUrl url, MetaEntryPtr entry); static ForgeXzDownloadPtr make(QUrl url, MetaEntryPtr entry) { return ForgeXzDownloadPtr(new ForgeXzDownload(url, entry)); } protected slots: virtual void downloadProgress(qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal); virtual void downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error); virtual void downloadFinished(); virtual void downloadReadyRead(); public slots: virtual void start(); private: void decompressAndInstall(); };