MultiMCPage 0 0 487 557 0 0 Settings :/icons/toolbar/settings:/icons/toolbar/settings 0 0 0 0 QTabWidget::Rounded 0 Features Update Settings Check for updates when MultiMC starts? Up&date Channel: updateChannelComboBox false No channel selected. true FTB &Launcher: ftbLauncherBox false Files: ftbBox true ... false Qt::TabFocus ... Track FTB instances Folders I&nstances: instDirTextBox ... &Mods: modsDirTextBox ... LW&JGL: lwjglDirTextBox ... &Icons: iconsDirTextBox ... Qt::Vertical 0 0 User Interface MultiMC notifications Reset hidden notifications true true Instance view sorting mode By &last launched sortingModeGroup By &name sortingModeGroup Language (needs restart): Icon Theme 0 0 Qt::StrongFocus Default Simple (Dark Icons) Simple (Light Icons) Simple (Blue Icons) Simple (Colored Icons) OSX iOS Qt::Vertical 0 0 Console Console Settings Show console while the game is running? Automatically close console when the game quits? History limit Stop logging when log overflows 0 0 lines 10000 1000000 10000 100000 0 0 Console font 0 0 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff false Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse 0 0 5 16 11 tabWidget autoUpdateCheckBox updateChannelComboBox trackFtbBox ftbLauncherBox ftbLauncherBrowseBtn ftbBox ftbBrowseBtn instDirTextBox instDirBrowseBtn modsDirTextBox modsDirBrowseBtn lwjglDirTextBox lwjglDirBrowseBtn iconsDirTextBox iconsDirBrowseBtn resetNotificationsBtn sortLastLaunchedBtn sortByNameBtn languageBox themeComboBox showConsoleCheck autoCloseConsoleCheck lineLimitSpinBox checkStopLogging consoleFont fontSizeBox fontPreview