#include "LogModel.h" LogModel::LogModel(QObject *parent):QAbstractListModel(parent) { m_content.resize(m_maxLines); } int LogModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) return 0; return m_numLines; } QVariant LogModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_numLines) return QVariant(); auto row = index.row(); auto realRow = (row + m_firstLine) % m_maxLines; if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { return m_content[realRow].line; } if(role == LevelRole) { return m_content[realRow].level; } return QVariant(); } void LogModel::append(MessageLevel::Enum level, QString line) { if(m_suspended) { return; } int lineNum = (m_firstLine + m_numLines) % m_maxLines; // overflow if(m_numLines == m_maxLines) { if(m_stopOnOverflow) { // nothing more to do, the buffer is full return; } beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); m_firstLine = (m_firstLine + 1) % m_maxLines; m_numLines --; endRemoveRows(); } else if (m_numLines == m_maxLines - 1 && m_stopOnOverflow) { level = MessageLevel::Fatal; line = m_overflowMessage; } beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_numLines, m_numLines); m_numLines ++; m_content[lineNum].level = level; m_content[lineNum].line = line; endInsertRows(); } void LogModel::suspend(bool suspend) { m_suspended = suspend; } void LogModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); m_firstLine = 0; m_numLines = 0; endResetModel(); } QString LogModel::toPlainText() { QString out; out.reserve(m_numLines * 80); for(int i = 0; i < m_numLines; i++) { QString & line = m_content[(m_firstLine + i) % m_maxLines].line; out.append(line + '\n'); } out.squeeze(); return out; } void LogModel::setMaxLines(int maxLines) { // no-op if(maxLines == m_maxLines) { return; } // if it all still fits in the buffer, just resize it if(m_firstLine + m_numLines < m_maxLines) { m_maxLines = maxLines; m_content.resize(maxLines); return; } // otherwise, we need to reorganize the data because it crosses the wrap boundary QVector newContent; newContent.resize(maxLines); if(m_numLines <= maxLines) { // if it all fits in the new buffer, just copy it over for(int i = 0; i < m_numLines; i++) { newContent[i] = m_content[(m_firstLine + i) % m_maxLines]; } m_content.swap(newContent); } else { // if it doesn't fit, part of the data needs to be thrown away (the oldest log messages) int lead = m_numLines - maxLines; beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, lead - 1); for(int i = 0; i < maxLines; i++) { newContent[i] = m_content[(m_firstLine + lead + i) % m_maxLines]; } m_numLines = m_maxLines; m_content.swap(newContent); endRemoveRows(); } m_firstLine = 0; m_maxLines = maxLines; } void LogModel::setStopOnOverflow(bool stop) { m_stopOnOverflow = stop; } void LogModel::setOverflowMessage(const QString& overflowMessage) { m_overflowMessage = overflowMessage; }